HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-10-24, Page 4KEEP Wednesday, October 31st OPEN for the Seaforth Lions Club Hallowe'en Frolic S.eaforth Community Centre Prize draw Games of Chance Entertainment • • Dance The Wingham District High School Board Offer the following classes in night school (provided the required number enrol) 1. BASIC ENGLISH FOR NEW CANADIANS (no fee required) 2. SHOP, WOODWORKING, PLASTIC and METALWORK 3. SEWING 0. PUBLIC SPEAKING 5. COMMERCIAL WORK (TYPING and BOOKEEPING) HOBBYCRAFTS, LEATHERCRAFT and SHELLGRAFT FEE - $5.00 ENROLMENT AND PAYMENT OF FEE Wednesday evening at 7.30, November 7th, 195i. Classes will begin at 8.00 the same evening. Applicants are requested to notify W. 5. Hall, Principal, or to telephone the Wingham District High School (Wingham 128), if at all possible. The number in each class is limited, and appiicat- between 9.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. previous to the date of enrolment ions will be accepted in the order in which those interested apply: Complete DISPERSAL SALE At Farm of Alex Sparks 4th Concession, Goderich Township 3 miles north of Bayfield, 8 miles west of Clinton, 10 miles south of Gederjch, on TUESDAY, 'OCTOBER 30th At 1 P. M. Sharp Cattle 55 head including: Hereford cow, d, yrs. old, due sale day; Purebred Dunham heifer, due Jan.; Purebred Hereford crow, with heifer calf at foot; 3 Holstein heifers, to freshen: S cows due to freshen or milking. Horses One bay mare; one good black snare. Number of other items. Young Cattle Ten 2 yr. old heifers. ohoice quality; 4 two year old. sheers; 8 calves, :around 500 Its.: 10 yearling heifers: 3 yearling steers; seven Oat heifers and steers 1 purebred Hereford 'Bull 114 years old; above- cattle are mostly Hereford and Durihalne, all are of good qua;Mty and in gond non - 11iE f3iRC1a.5FL 5 Pi�ST ..r..r..e.rr' •sr ver..r..•r NOTICE TO CREDITORS There is No Substitute for Service All persons leaving claims agait10t the estate of MARIAN MANNERS late 00 the Village of Brussels in 'be. Cawley of Bluron, Widow, who died one or about the Seventeen'tih day of April, A. D. 1950, are notified to send to the nndereigned on or about the seventh any of November, 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately thereafter the assets of the estate, will he dis- tribn;ted amongst the parties en- titied thereto halving regard ouly for claims which the Executor Ghali than have. notice. Dated this 17th day of Oetoher, 1951, CCRAWFORD & H1:TT-TERTNGTON AarrilIter & 0. 3r0011eie Ontario. Solicitors for the Exenmtor dition. 1351 Mercury Pick-up Truck, 4000 miles, Remember Date Oct. 30. Everything Must be Sold. Come Early. TERMS CASH Evan Sparks, Prop. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE - Sprayed Northern Spy Apples. Allan Searle Phone 18r4 Brussels FOR SALE - Gas Engine. Apply at K. Forbes. Phone 40x Brussels. 1 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS LIST Voters' Lists, Township of Morris County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' List Act. and that I have posted up in my orfice on the 22nd day of Oc- FOR SALE - Soft maple and lam tops. Most wood for the money. James Stevenson Phone 60r4 FOR SALE 4 Dunham Steers. about 750 lbs•, etch, Torrance Dundas, Walton. Phone Brussels 90r5. HOUSE FOR SALE - Rouse and lot ou Mechanic Street. Brussels, Apply to F, 3, Martin R,R, 2 Blyth Phone 17113, FOR SALE - Registered Aberdeen Angus Bull. 1 year old, Graeme McDonald Phone 43r11 FOR SALE-- Singer ALE-Singer Sewing Machine. 2 yrs, old. Drop head Perfect. AP1hly to Mass, L. 5 r5xmam Phone 107x2 FOR SALE - 200 Rhode Island Red Pullets, last started to lay. Apply at the Walter Rose Poultry Farm. Phone 50x Baahssels. FOR SALE - Columbia Rock Pullets, laying. 514 months old. raised from extra profit chicks, - Ml's, Mervyn McCauley. WANTED- Pnaatical nurse for Nursing Home { tribes, 1951, the list of all persons en - tiled to vote in the sand Mmntotl)al- t'v at Mnnioipai elections and that the list remains there for inspection, and T call upon all voters to take Im- mediate proceedligs to have any er- r,1rs or omissions corrected, accord- ele to law, the last clay of appeal be- ing the •5th day of November, 1931. ^,'ol thus 11th ds. of October. 1151, ,lu cl a.T \RTTN. CT,t+1RTC ne see Township of Morris. USED CARS 1-1950 Dodge Custom Sedan, Radio and Heater. Low mileage 1 - 1950 Ford, Two Tone Sedan n 1-1949 Oldsmobile Sedan with built in Radio - air conditioning 1 - 1949 Chevrolet Coach 1 • ' 1949 Chevrolet Coach USED TRUCKS 1946 Ford 3 tors with racks NEW CARS New Chevrolet Standard Coach New Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan New Oldsmobile Deluxe Sedan Rivrsidf , tors Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas and oils Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. VOTE John Wo llanra to Wingham. John MclOay. Phone 103 Wingham LIVESTOCK WAN'rEta - FRlEE THERMOMETER -Plus cash for dead or disabled horses or cows, Phone collect Brussels 72. William Stone Sons. Limited. - FOR SALE- One McClary Escort white enamel Cook Store in good condition and a crib malbtre,ss. like new. Apply to airs. Robt. Leslie, Atwood. FOR SALE - 1 Cool: Stove (Empire) with shelf and reservoir. white enamel trim• meed ane season, also Quebec heater (medium size). Both good as nen•. Apply to R. Wallter. Barber Shop, Brussels, Huron -Bruce November 22nd Working for Y OE1 Sri the ovinciad Legislative Since 1943 PEOPLE ".'!IE KNOW Mr. U. Washington Roe, of laud - yard, ,Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Frain Mr. Norman Samith has returned returned to Burden Sask.. anter visiting with Brussels relatives. ?.:r. and firs. Harold Cardiff and .lir, and :firs. Sum Sweeny reterneu h:.me after a motor trip to the west coast Mr': and Mrs. Jack 'Yuji.' and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Smeir Inave returned home atter a pleasant motor trip to 'he Western Provinces. Rev, C. W. DeDitt, Miss Marguer- ite Cosens, and Miss Mary Lane all of Toronto visited over the week -end at *United Church Parsonage. Mrs M. Brooks, of Brandon, Manilnha is visaing with Mr, and Mrs, Edwin 117artin, the former being cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin fI Mathews of Forest spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs, Edwin Martin, and attended the 75th anniversary of the Brussels. United Church. Among the large number c11,t w town guests Who attended the 75th anniversary services of the United March were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood and Nora Wiednttes, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. John Engel, id,osoo1n- mon. Mich,; Mss, 13eatldee Walker. C. R, and Mrs, Iiingstoni. Mr. and Mira. E. Wasketrt, Miss M, Cosens, Mo. and Mrs, Jas. Reid, Mr, E. 0. Sweebman, Mr. and Mrs. R, A, Pryne, Miss M. Pryne, Mr. anti Mrs- J. R. Bedford ,and John and Mrs, Herb, Clarke, NM, Nellie Trw.in Hunker, Dr. Lois Plum. Miss Theta Linden - Reid. Miss Meyme T11ompeon, all of Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. M. Brooke, Brandon; Mrs, .7. A, Pearn, Win - nip .g; Mr. and Mrs, Nnrmnll Wight - man, Welland; Mr. and Airs. Had, Matthews, Forest; Miss Mae Skelton, Tong Branch; Rev, and Mals, II, .7. Mahoney. Phylis, Margaret and Richard, Glencoe; Misis A,' Switzer, Miss T. Switzer, Wiss Betty Piggott end Bruce Piggott of Peteolle; Mrs, Ted Wilson and .Paul, Miss Margaret Bell, Air, and Mrs. L. C, Jackson., Miss Doris Lowrie and Mr. Gibson Willie, Loncloah; Mrs, Graham. Mildnmay; Mrs, T. Stephens and Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Pryne and Palnl of Tsljngton; Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Owen Sound; Mites P. TCilpatrick, Windsor; Mrs. J, Wells Paris Mrs, W. A. Scott, Mambo; Mrs. R. Hath. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hateb, Hamil- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 7lart, (3adshill; Mise R. Djppel; Gowans - Coir; Me. and Moa. G. Agar, States; Mr. and Mrs, Risy Tlnrst, Stratford: Mr. and Mrs. Shenley Bray, Mr, 11110 Ws, Audile Snaith, Amos Smith, Seefortll; Mr, and Mies J, A. Wilson, Mr, anti Mns, , H. M, Rride. Mrs. Ren Falij.s, Palmerston; Mm. 5110. Mara, Roy. Plalmsterl, Mr, and Mow, Pay rear. M. 1:, Garottes, Clinton; '1,(5's. Bl.elchlnrnnglh, 11orwieln; Mr. M d M W lfo FOR FEN I - Modern 6 room apartment in Brussels complete with both hat and sold water. Heavy wired for electric range, pply Box 31. Brussels HELP WANTED -- A bnsinee.s of your own - this is cagy the Familex way, Over 1.000 dealers all over Canada Establish- ed clintele in your v0ein(hy. Give yourself a chance to succeed. Mk us how by writing to FAMILIOX. 1600 c• 70(100011er, 'Montreal. FOUND - School Books in Geo. Bone's car, Apply at the Brussels Post. HELP WANTED - MALE Here is your chance to obtain 1 shady employment with good earn- ( ins=. Tf yon'rr agressive and have a car or can obtain one, you own mate , big money as a Watkins Deader Established rural route : available in your area. No invest- ment required. Experlenve not nee, eseary -- we train you, Ask us for particulars. Write today to Dept. 0•R-4. The J. R. Watkins Company, 355 St. Rosh St., Montreal, Que, USED CAR PARTS Axles and wheels imitable for traPars and farm waggons. Transmissions, Driveshaths, Reade flanged beam units, Glass, Generators. and starters etc: Tlnzen of good used tires and tui>jea In all nonnlar• slues. Norman McLean. Seaforth, 14 mite en'lfh of traelcv, Phone 9.7. Wadlesdatly, October 544h 1351 SPEEDS LOADING e. a SAVES HARD WORK AND MONEY Loading manure is a "snap" once you team up your John Deere Model "M" Tractor with the husky John Deere No. 30. It's a smooth -performing loader that gives you new ease . . new economy . . , new speed of manure handling. The No. 30 is a double -cylinder hydraulic loader; no chains, pulleys or cables are used in raising or lowering the bucket. The finger- 'M'y,� z ; Oal'cltIffMaltittiri Brussels, Ont. Waterloo; Alr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Henault; 1111'. anti hairs. Wm. Jtn•dine, Gerrie; 511'. and Sirs. C. Pvus,chlen, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs, Tilos, Abraham, Air. and Mrs. Arthlur Fetch, Mrs. Margaret Willits and Mr, anti Mrs. Lyle Brothers, Wrox• ekes; N6rs. Dnnlcalh McCallum, Miss Edith Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and children, Blyth; Mos. Ross Turves+, Mn'. and MTS.' Bert (amiss, Bluevale; Mists, Ethel Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. P71n. Boyd and Gloria, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, Mary and Geraldine, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Bsyans• Air. and Mrs, Alan McCall, Walton; J. C. and Mrs, Procter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson, Mr. and Mra. Harold Procter. Margaret Procter. M•1•. and Mrs. Earl Anderson. Mr. and Mrs, L, FTnpner, Belgmal'e: Mrs. C. Omatead. Miss Alice J. Forrest and Mr, anti Mrs, L, H. (Towson. Crsehrnok. Chester Carman Baker The death of Chester Carman Bakers occurred, M.onlday, Oct. 15th. 1951, at Listtowel Memorial Hospital Coiilcaving an illness of three veers djnra,tion, He was the second youngest est son of the late John IC Baker and Selina Snell, Born in 1891, 11e lived his entire life alt the late residence. lot 30. concession 9, Grey Township The deceased is survived by his wife, Mary Hunter; two children, Miss Pearl Balser of Brussels, anti Carman at home. also two gran.t children., two brothers. Garflteld and Selwyn of Grey Township and one sister refiners (Awns, 301111 Speiranl of Locli1X11't, N.Y. He was predeceased by two brothers 'Within• and Percy and one ester Irene. Mr, Baker was a member of ITnton United Churn( nisei ref the C.0 F. No. 261 Lodge. Ethel. and the 7,0.0.1e, No. 149, Brnteeels, under whose direction tike funeral wins heard. The service was cnnslucted by Rev. H. Snell of Exeter. Resisted by his friend Rev, .7 H. TCerr of Rrrtaaels. Interment was in Etme Centre Cemletealy ' Brother members of the Lodes acted ore flower lean'APT• . The nn,lihearens wel'P: Mertes Snell. Tax- et x• eters •Victor S1oal1, T.:ondon Bdii P leer. (frnnrl 15.004: Shvillev 11Ta.rilunn. T iatow el: Perov Ward and Se1:w�vn Balser, The loamy (Omni t.rifimrl.as feet -tried the nesse In 1,414rih hr wee bold by , frlenda 004 neinll+leNtra. tip control raises, lowers, or stops the bucket at any point in the 9 -1/2 -foot loading range. There's plenty of clearance for shed work. Rugged construction assures years of de. pendable service. Plan now to investigate the advantages of owning this simple, streamlined John Deer& loader, See us for complete details. pE8 a• ,S Phone 58 IFEXCION NAM Et' ' GLOSS SEMI -GLOSS • FLAT Ideal for ueo in practically all Intortor dacotalinp. Notod for tholr Iona -lasting and suporlor (Inlsi'. A compleb range of colon and whits. Johnson's Paint & Electric Store Brussels, Ont. ray Shelf. t e,.,g�.m>c i b'4 P.�J >. �F Ca'a+ Sheltubrication Stell Household and Snell Petroleum Prodmata Par1;s gnu Aecarao�'at General Repair LP,estock Spray rilone 77-r-6 Brussels, Out. AUSTIN SALES ANI) S RVt5_-6i NOTICE We are in a position to repair and service all makes of Radios Now. Prompt and efficient service by a Licensed Radio Mechanic. Bring in your radios now to be repaired to be assured of the best reception for the long winter months ahead. All work guaranteed. ra.e.s. Ke t orbs Electric Brussels, Ont. Phone 40x WINOHAM MEMORIAL SHOP famous for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. Always a large stock In Choicest Granites to Chose from Cemetery lettering a specialty Alt modern machinery. 91 TCretzer, r. an ma, a, r R. A. 5PO'TTON 1xt n.d. T.Imtewal; Alvin Cra.wtny'd, Phone 256 - Winthatni Otit. ProfitableDairyCoiys More Essential Now Than Ever Das as faces art mnpkactew sed tam at ampssM� �evil� byases d ed grew 11010010W1mlYrwls.4. m Os, Mee wrsiltlsa vas*. 71M M nes renew Ise d..ea rd a1 Ms.ri.npea tc pierii.a !ee sidu7 ass» VMS i.4't Mala :ter. 1"4• 6-0 ,res ~ �11i�ie .yl 0.4 1,0000-o Mit asida iters +r al two r 1161101101 add eas- 10 Plaida,dolnadas w4srrrY rr yes rr MM r Per ask le Ethel Produce Phone 22-r•10