HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-10-17, Page 4PHE BRUSSELS POST USED CARS • 1-1950 Dodge Custom Sedan, Radio .and Heater. Low mileage 1— 1950 Ford Sedan, overdrive. 1-1949 Oldsmobile Sedan with built in Radio — air conditioning 1 --1949 Chevrolet Coach 1 — 1940 Chevrolet Coach 1 — 1937 Pontiac Sedan USED TRUCKS 1 — 1946 Ford 3 Ton Trucks, with Stock Racks, New Motor. 1 — 1948 Chevrolet 1 Ton Chassis and Cab. New Chevrolets, Oldsmobile Cars — ;thevrolet Trucks — Immediate Delivery. Riverde Motors Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas and oils Brussels, Ont. Phone 56 B1TS1 T'.ss CARDS C. A. Myers, M.D.,L. M. PHYSICIAN end SURQEOR Witham St Yncxtr_ i lir s^aet_: Lr:: DR.. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Taisabitene 45 Brtaesela, Chit. JOHN E. LONGS T AFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses fitted. Phone 791 Seaforth — Main Street. HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insurance Co. Phone 43x Brussels C. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAMI At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Winghanz 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings by ,Appointment. J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, LISTOWEL, ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting of Glantz Office in Listowel Clinic Building Howl: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday pass. Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to f1CO. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. Walker Funeral Home 'Jay or Night Celia Phone 65 No extra charge tar tale of Funeral faG. Walker Licensed Funeral Director :fir Enabalnaes SELWYN BAKER Agent for — Hartford Wind Insurance McKillop Mutual Fire insurance Co. Our Rates Are Reasonable 14'er further particulars — Phone Brussels 43 -a' -15t rt. A. Rann & Co. ORAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer V. P NE 36 or 85 OH — BRUSSIIA. ONT. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Imsmm nee Accident and Simms Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co, Pone Office 96 Bowels, Ont. Dennis Duquette Phone 51-8.113 R. R. 4 Breigteko Licenced Auctioneer kr Huron County No Sale too Big — None too Small Have employed an experienced assistant for the f3;g . !R- S Vietherington, K. C. WING:HAM and BiRU35ELS AT BRUSSELS ' "'atowliay nand Saturday an day -- Mot open emery v dtltosse 20x -- Successor to E. D. RUN Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) a ",T SFACTIOI4 CUA1RANTEED-- PRICES REASOWAIRLii par I rnwarements Phone 31 "'fl,t Brussels Port" wail diem For iwIoraistiota etc., write or nhnnre Lear. R,torrlpua4 1411 he hefted after bnmemmlttelyr e/1 entre to R. R. 3 'soars:, • CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING of VOTERS LIST Voters' Lists, 1951, Village of Brussels County of Hurbn NOTIO10 is hereby given that I have complied width Section 5 of the Voters' I isr Art. and that 1 have posted up my office. on the 138th day of (le- ', -t,.,•. 1051. the list el all persons en- t'•+e1-'tn rata In the' said Mentetpal- ' •- Mrinicipal elections and that N• • lla.,t'entains there ml• 1n.spt•ouoi,, ,•t?'1' x'1'1 'cant 411 voters to take Im- mediate proeeedligs to bave any ee ;,.. rm,ds:ane.g cnrreeted, accord, In taw. hie last 'lav of animal he- nawt day or Oetnher, 1951. -1 .1,a, 1"a1 flat, of Oatnher, 1411. �• n C 1 \tT'rat, T,T, NEM: no ,a,- 1rrl�ga re Be,*stets. It:, a regular morning service in T'nite 1 Cl arch on Sunday, I' were baptized. They aa•e: I t :e Cz. 7lyn Fraser. Karen Dian 1' utt.. and Constance May Stone. Special mttsid was render - el by th- c•hoir under the direction or Mrs. Harvey Brown. ENTERTAINMENT TOWNSHIP HALL, ETHEL ON OCT. 30th, 1951 AT 8.00 P. M. ETHEL MINOR HOCKEY CLUB ADMISSION ADULTS 40c CHILDREN 25c CLASvai .- .:,L; FOR SALE — .Seven pigs, 9 weeks old. John. Pipe Phone 51r10 FOR SALE — Sof; Maple and Elm Wood, Leslie Earl Phone 11.111 FOR SALE — 100 Sussex x Red, 7 month old valets. laying. Ruby Bone Phone 81r18 FOR SALE — Set of Model A wheels and tires. t„ e,erl cneditinn. Prank Mitchell Phone 25r26 - FuR SALE — One girl's navy fur trimmed coat, size 14. One boy's plaid Jacket leather trimmed, site 14. Apply at the Post. FOR RENT — Modern 0 room apartment in Brussels complete wish both hot and told water. Heavy wired for electric 10(117e, :\apply Ilox 31 Brussels LIVESTOCK WAN'rEn, — Dead Horses, Cows and Hogs re- moved promptly. Cash at farm. Phone Brussels 72. William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont, HELP WANTED — FEMALE Avon CTh nistmae Gifts are beautiful. We need a eopahle woman to ser- vice Avon Customers in Brussels. Write Mrs. M. Stock, (MgrJ 78 Duchess Ave.. Kitchener. HELP WANTED — Aazuazing profits can he made in a door to door Nosiness, No risks. no indebtedness. 250 guaranteed household necessities at a wonderful discount, Why welt? Find and for yourself by writing r:\MTLEX, 1000 b Deloranier, Montreal, HELP WANTED — Tf T can Lind aat honest young mer• vied man with a car in the Brussels Aran, T wild set him up in a coed paying sales position for him- self without investment. Reply giv- ing (ail details to Box 0, Harrieton, HELP WANTED — MALE Here is your chance to obtain 01 eady employment with good earn- inge. 1f you're agressive and have a car or can obtain one, you can make pig money .-'as a Watkins Deader. Established. rural route available in your area, No invest- ment required. Experience not nen 0441109 — NTP 'train you, Ask pts for particulars. Write today to Dept. MB -4, The T. R. Watkins Company, 110 St. Rneh St., Montreal. Que. USED CAR PARTS Axle:, and wheels suitable for trailers and farm waggons. .Transmissions, Driveshafts, Heads Sealed beam units, Glass, Generators. and starters etc, Dozen of good used tires and tubes In all popular sizes. Norman McLean, Seaforth, Yi mile south of tracks, Phone 3J, FOR SALE 1-190 acre farm, with buildings priced to sell at 94000.00. 1-100 acre farm, good buildings hydro. possession this fall. 1.--200 acre farm, good buildings, hydro, silo, prided to sell. Other larger farms. J C. Long NORTH SECTIONAL CONVENTION OF W.M.S. OF UNITED CHURCH "ltaklu3o Canada Clitristtul" was the theani, of the annual convention of the North Seetdon of Heron Pres' byterial of the United Church held in Union ('plural, Gray Township, on Frillay. October 12111, Mrs. W. T. Greer, Wtngbanl, ably presided over both the morning and aftel'1130011 sessions. The worship sel'ltices which were Insect on the general theme, were led by Mrs: Alex Pearson and. Mrs. T. Ames of Ethel, In the morning and by Mrs. i:d. Wightman and MTs. Geo. 34110110 of Ttelgrave, In the afternoon. Mrs. J. Bremner welcomed tate dele- rmtes and visitors while Mrs. A. GI P.11 0f Winabam rettliecl. Mrs, 3lilian ato0re of Whitechurch, was otiose.' 11 ht appointed to the 1'. eshg'.t,'rial Finance O'ommittee and Mos. Earl Anderson of Belgrave, to '11e nominating committee, Eleven of twrtve afternoon anxiiiaa'dei pre- ::, reports allowing excellent and consecrated work hetn:g done. We bare two new affiliated eocie- tirg, one at Mayne and one at New- bridge.whicll were assisted by 5, miner. These were welcome. The three Evening Auxiliaries gave ry fide reports. Of these the Wing. t•:•,al .Tn++da* livening Auxiliary is a 11'18 organization, Many of these serl- tr‘i. gtenlps are givtg leadership to the younger ones and are buying the '1" 5j' Rn"1(4 and World Friends for them. Reports from the six OGIT groups, front tem of our eleven M1selon Bands and from eight Baby Bands, showed that we have seam exrellomt leaders and many very enithnslattc and held working young people and 1 children who are assisting in the work of their churohes In many prac- tical ways. PollowMe, these the hymn "Land 1. the Lanais" which was written by a Clnadfan, Albert Durrant Watson. was sung, Mrs. (1. W. Tiffin, Presbyterial C.G.T.T. Secredahy. stressed the 11,1 pertnnce of bringing Missionary eduata.hion to the teenage girls. 'Where it seems impossible to have a C.G.T.T much can h, 61110 through the S"" - <lay St'1'nl. theolah etrcnlatine 1Tt'•- i sinners books, through filets and throreth enrtant with visiting nits. gone :Hes, The special significance of Baby Bands was potnited out by Mrs Alex 11cerackin of Blnevale, Prespyterial Baby Band Secreary. She also dis- t'•lyerl a pester ahowfng the Special Objects. A. 1i'.M;S, Forman was con- ,luct1(1 by MIs. W, J. Moores. first lee -president of London Conference Branch. She said that we need a iarger percentage of our ehurch wo- rth as W.M.S, members. Out of the enetning discussion as to how this cnnl5 ae accomplished come sugges- tions such as. personal immolations. irlternsting and carefully planned meetings, good press reports and vis- itatnns, 1Trs. Clair Barlow, Mrs, 1:s-erett Robinson and .lira, .T. Sutter rP- cntvetl the offering which was rlerlin1. t.r1 im the morning. by Mrs. R. A. rvk of Bluevale and In the after - 1":: by Mrs. M, Armstrong of Rrnt. sets. Mrs J. T-l'it.lobreeht, Seaforth, Intro - ['need lots Ito a wealth of literature and pointed out that in order to be eligible for the free bookshelf the members of an auxiliary must read naverage of fire hoops and 00 auxi- liary may receive it more than two 1.0 1,11 atl{nlccesaion. Man'on Shfell and Ruth McDonald of the ,,.LTnaon 13lt"eiont. Band sang two delightful duets, OurC Christian Citizenship Secre- tary, Mrs, R, Lawson, Seaforth, eni- phss:ized our res1insihililty in con- nection with gambling, pointing out Low entangled we have become in binges end draws. She also pointed out how necessary it le t4 change the minds of the public if we're to eon, quer the liquor menace, "The objective for glias to Building Advance ie 901,009," stated Mrs. Earl lips. Christian Stewardship. Secre' tarp, She said this alnount is necess- ary t.n do ha(lly-needed work not COat^ erect by Dar allnea,tioe. A skit written 111' MVP. Robert 0113165, L0nd011, and introdltring our 114w shxly h001t was pig r:n ht' SIra. W. J, Moores. Mrs, G. Reeeroft and Mrs. L, Wight.m,an of Rriirlr C4llnrclh, rating the :afternoon two out* standing music selections were en. joyrd. These were rendered by mom hors of the Wincha.m l+'venin Ansi. lames, Tito first, "Hear tan,d of Herne', a double trio was altng by Mrs,, K. Kerr, Mrs, W. Mct•nol. Mfrs. Wednesllray, October 17th, 10511 ...SAVES HARD WORK AND MONEY Loading manure is a "snap" once you team up your John Deere Model "M" Tractor with the husky John Deere No. 30. It's a smooth -performing loader that gives you new ease ... new economy . . , new speed of manure handling. The No. 30 is a double -cylinder hydraulic loader; no chains, pulleys or cables are used in raising or lowering the bucket, The finger- tip control raises, lowers, or stops the bucket at any point in the 9 -1/2 -foot loading range. There's plenty of clearance for shed work. Rugged construction assures years of de- pendable service. , Plan now to investigate the advantages of owning this simple, streamlined John Deere loader. See us for complete details. W. J. P4E Brussels, Ont. • A. Irwin. SIt's. N. Keating, Mrs, W. (1. '1 3(r awl Mrs. G. Guest, while the second "Open Our Eyes" was ren- dered by Mrs. C, 'B':tytli e,: Mn ar 4V; B: McCool ,and Mrs. Ca.' Gpeat, W. Currie accompanied both select- ions, The. Treasurer, Mrs. T. A.. Sutter, Clinton reported that 99,765 has been ",sed so_ far this year by the Presby- tov'sl. Mrs. TT. 13. Kirkby, Walton. T'red6011t of bile Presbyterial, brought several matters to Our at- tr•1t:ton She stressed the need for relief for Korea. She also reminded us that 41he atop .is to have a W.M.S. Auriiiary or affili,alted Society in every preaching glare. This is ac- complished in all but one point in Our North Sentioti. Having attend- ed the School for lenders at Alma College. St, Thomas. Mrs. TCtrkby gave the meeting an outline, of its programlme. The guest speaker was 'Miss Mary Martin, Missionary -on -furlough from Tibor. Central India. She gave us a cnmpllreh•elusive outline of our miss- ion work there and pointed out what groat c0au'lihudion this is making to the life of Tnd.la. She said that eighty percent of the brained nurses in Tn- et•+ s,,•e Cln•iahio,n, trained in Mission rn-ar.titels. Our missions have also done a great deal for the edneation h1n a1•r. The" church in Tn01ia. Is grow- th.. bet 0 will need help from the Wee. for 111 111, nears yet. The great- est heart-s,he is the lack of Pers0nel on the field. Sha challenged tis to do wits* we ran for India. Mans. Millan Moore expressed the appreciation of the meeting to all who had contributed In making the day a soleness, inolutting the ladies 1511.0 had served the houmltittnl dinner. A letter is to he s:enit to 14ftls, Robt. Nay, formerly vice'pselsddent of :this section and president of the Pres- byterial, who is now a palttient in Vic- toria iatoria Hospitai. Thongthotlt the day Mrs, L. Lake anted as accompanist on their new M,inshali electric organ. Reference was invade to the illness of the King alter which the National Anthem was sling. This. very helpful meeting was closed with prayer led by Mrs. T1. B, Kirkby. The 1052 Con- vention is to he held at Belgrave. r r.romcg F. }OOMUf1 J Phm. B.. R. O. A �:.•- rt f'1.0,,,,IsS41tr tilt-, i -t• V;nln Plemnth R. 0. Carel F,. IN,, ^" 'c "Plume riot - WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP famous for - Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. Always a large stock In Choleest Granites to Chose from Cemetery lettering a specialty Ail modern machinery, R, A. SPO'rTf)N eltntle ?56 -W Winghaov, Ont. IT'S PURE WHITE Gives a mirror -smooth finish with only one coot. Pee. toctty white. Will not check, turn yellow or discolor. Ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, famine and st» Me". Johnson's Paint & Electric Dtore Brussels, Ont. McNeil's Shell Service Shellubricatior Shell Huusehel5 and Shall Petroleuni Products Oenerel Repair Livestock Spray Porta ana A ocossorl, t'hone 77-r-6 Brussels; Orotit, AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE NOTICE We are in a position to repair and service all makes of Radios Now. Prompt and efficient service by a Licensed Radio Mechanic. Bring in your radios now to be repaired to be assured of the best reception for the long winter months ahead. All work guaranteed. Ken Forbe's Electric Brussels, Ont. Phone 40x ProfitablaDalr'y Cows More Essential Now Than Ever 'tYst p'ss seer404D1eesaewe swaieeeisd eral 4".11.464 ee*iy e,eeelseq �'ewkmet ••slake •stwllfM pass. :Ns Yew east fat sae alai et � M� sol mit b es air as` Yen ers'!M sit whims hd. ,.e«ui ass WI `at w ass. iurjay hYree "e.ie w ..w sisimies ris se sad M I I Oil ISIAiletatiVidi re ,�Mli I«esiWl sie ji= tris tw Pew Buie is Ethel Produce Phone 22-r-10 DAIRY MM Aeiw:ws 'r,