The Brussels Post, 1951-9-26, Page 4USED CARS
1-1950 Iya;a'tg Casioara Sedan,
Radio and Heater. Low xnileage
1— 1950 Fors: NedAz',, r; ail overdrive.
1--1949 Oldsmobile Sedan with built
in Radio air conditioning
1 -- 1949 Ch::vrolet Coach
1 — 1940 Chevrolet Coach
1 — 1937 Pontiac Sedan
1 — 1946 Ford 3 Tcn Trucks, with
Stock Racks, New Motor.
1 — 1948 Chevrolet 1 Ton
Chassis and Cab.
New Chevrolets, Oldsmobile Cars —
Chevrolet Trucks -- Immediate Delivery.
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile
Texaco gas and oils
Phone 56 Brussels, Ont.
A variety ooncert will be held in
the Brussels Arena on Frtdaa' night,
Sept. Sept. 28th at 0.15 p. m. After
a, flay at the Bttussels Fall Fair
MORRIS 1'WP. COUNCIL M Agriculture of Ontario to seek `souse 1
w•ay where by adequate insurance i
1,-.),.. 1 1I' 'he 111otectioti 00
the can:tbe owner regarding eve . toetc
1010e0 in the treatment of 1'at.tle for
warble fly.
Moved by Saint Ale, L'k, seconded
by Billie 1' thatI Ohne, Draper
h pati .19.00 ft*r (pecan 00 heifer
ininretl dnrblm epi" line; aner•utIone.
110v, 11 by \\'111. I'eaeoelt. (0 01(1(11
by Bailie Parrott that \\`m. 1lrydgl's
he hired not as Tax C'rlleet er al a
salary of $220,00. plus postage, --
a Moved by Chas. Cotter, eeeeldeci
by T1i11'e Parrett 'th'1t Idte tender of
Whereas the Connc'1 of the Geo. R,ad4`tn•d to ale •1 —el lr:'at1'
9'ow•nehip of :\Torris feel that an Oho open portion of Ihte Little Dl•
open seneon In the Tow�ttahip would for $1.50 per Incl be accepted. —
be very dangerous Mr the reshclents
Iand Grier l'vestnek as the Minters Moved by Bettie Pareelt, secnneled
tree high powdered riftee. by Wm. Peacock that (len. Radford
\nl whereas, the Couuc'1 do not lr nntreed a,rhnt tial 011 after
Pad n10OW
feel thea the deer ere over plentiful I'
in the Township. tmynrhvin. — Corded,
Morris 'lowttslnip Connell Meeting.
et, et. 4, 1951.
The Cooled met in the Tnwnsilip
Hall on tie move dale with 011
members present.
I The miuutes of the last meeting
ur-i penial meeting wtrP read and
adopt 'd on motion of Sam Alcock
and Wie. Peacock.
Moved by Sam Atomic, eecoudcd
by (Mae. Coulees that the following
i resolution he passed, and sent 10
I111tr 11epartntntut of bales and Fish
cries prohibiting the open season
for hunting deer In Morris Toyuship.
1-100 anre Oarm, eolith buildings
priced to sell alt $4000.00.
1-100 acre Harm. good buildings
hydro. possession this tall.
1-200 acre farm, good buildings,
comae and enjoy the concert. Dane -
hydro. silo, priced to sell.
ing atter the conceit art the Crystal• Other larger farms.
Palace Ballroom. Jr. C. Long
Th e fm•e be It resolved by the Mused by 01uas. Coulter seconded
t A'r. -k that the Reeve and
Council of the Township of 1Morris,- ,,
thee there sltnuld oat be an open Road Superintendent apply for sluio-
season for the Mauling of deer in the eidy en the l0' ,4 i':xpencbi.butu up
said Townehdp of Morris. petit the Rist of August, -- Carried.
Moved by Oinms, Coul'tes seconded Movedbyt'Pirrn'tt tblPeacock,
t 1 e0 cond d
by Saar Alcock that the following by
resolution be passed and sent to the vljoein linen Oct. 1st, at 1 p. m. —
Federation of Agriculture to try Carried.
be get adequate Tulsuranre for the
The follow ug accounts were Paid:
pratrct'rll of. the cattle, owner in L'•:chaicT Alcoa. fox bounty $2.00
regard to Warble Fly %praying. —
Howard Rern.nd, fns beauty 2.00
Carlded, Geo. Martin, hydro for hall 0.0'1
Resolution A. Fraser, telephone calls, stamps,
Whereas there 10 legialation in r.ftyeib0cs. etc. 29,88
Ontario whereby the teeatment for
Chas. Draper, 0ruin on
warble fly can be mode compulsory heifer injured 49.00
and as trips act has been put in force ens, Robt. Craig, relief 20.00
In.the Township of Morels for the `e,I ,ort Trigg. ns, Insurance stamps
Posit few years. and postage 42.00
And whereas there toes not ap- , Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve.
pear that there is any' company that Geo. C. Mant(n, Clerk,
will sell insurance foe adectuate
protection for the rattle owner in 10E—
tlte matter of sprayim.g cattle: NOTTrkey Dinner on Monday, Oet.
TherefarP be it resolved that we.
the Conntel of the Township of 10th by the W. A. of Brussels United
Church, Adults $1,00.
Mortis request the Federation of
QShould 1 use a standard or
premium gasoline in my car?
AThat dependson the make of your
present car. All new Dodge en-
gines are designed to operate
with maximum performance and
top efficiency with ordinary gasoline.
How can 1 judge the amount of
choking my car requires to start
under varying weather
Unfortunately, you cannot. But
new Dodge cars are equipped with
an Automatic Electric Choke
which makes starting easier — par-
ticularly hi cold weather, and avoids
wasteful ovorcltoking.
If my foot brake should fail will
my parking brake still operate?
Yes, if you own a Dodge. The
Dodge parking brake is corn.
pletely independent of the foot
brake, operating on a drum of its
own fastened to the propeller shaft.
When the propeller shaft is locked, the
wheels cannot turn. In many cars the
parking brake operates on the two rear
drums of the foot brake.
AIt would seem that some manufoc.
turas have socrificed the practical
for styling. All Dodge fenders are
bolted on and are easily removed
to facilitate replacement or repair,
hi face of the high cost of body
'repairs, why don't all cars have
detachable fenders?
How can I stop my gas lines from
clogging with dirt and water?
With most cars there's no sure
way. You might try draining and
cleaning out your tank from time
to time. In cold weather always
keep your tank well filled as this reduces
the amount of condensation. With a 1951
Dodge, of course, you cannot experience
this annoying trouble. The new Dodge is
equipped with an Oilite fuel filter located
in the gas tank which keeps the entire
fuel system free from dirt and water. It's
self-cleaning, too, from the swishing
action of the gas in the tank.
Why is rear seat riding in some
cars so tiring?
That's because a low, sloped -back
rear seat places you in en enema.
fortable position without support
under and behind the knees.
Dodge cboir•high scats, both front and
rear, give you proper knee and back
support — let you ride long distances in
QHow can 1 best protect my engine
from the dirt and abrasives.
which collect in the oil?
AYou should install an efficient oil
filter, if your car is not so equip.
pod. Not only are all Dodge Coro-
net and Regent models equipped
with a highly efficient Mierenie Oil Filter
as standard equipment, but all Dodge
models give you added protection with a
Flouting Oil Intake. This type of intake
draws only the clean oil from just below
the surface, preventing boot surface foam
and bourn sludge from entering the oil
Should I buy a set of the special
tires or tubes advertised as pro-
tection against blowouts?
Many motorists would not be with•
out them. Dodge owners, however,
have an exceptional safety factor
in "Safety Rim" wheels. Protective
ridges on these wheels hold the standard
tire in place in case of tire failure, reduce
the danger of loss of control and allow
safe, straight stops.
Why do my windshield wipers
slow down and sometimes stop.
working when 1 accelerate my;
engine—often when 1 need them -
That's a little technical but here's
the answer in simplest terns. Your
wiper is a vacuum type, operated
from the vacuum in the intake
manifold. This vacuum is highest when,
the engine is idling—lowest when the
engine is under full load, such as when
you call for fast acceleration, so your
vacuum wipers Blow down. With the new
Dodge cars you do not experience this
trouble as they are equipped with con-
atant•speed electric windshield wipers.
Is there any real difference in
the various types of air
yes, there ere vest differences. For
example, all Dodge cars use a
heavy -duly oil -hath air•elenner. In
"dust storm" tests, this type
cleaner proved much more efficient than
ordinary mesh•type filters even et the
start. And, after 2,000 miles of driving it
proved to be still 98% efficient, or
nearly double that of other typos of
These are some of the reasons for DODGE DEPENDABILITY, COMFORT AND ECONOMY
why efie edge to 5 meaure - curd W d/teue e
and we say ?,�xiue a D �e D `�" on ve.444
Elliott Motors Ltd.
Brussels, Ont.
\4retl0c.,dtl.y. S1^ptennber 20t$t, 1.9'51
Loading manure is a "snap" once you
team up your John Deere Model "M" Tractor
with the husky John Deere No. 30, It's a
smooth -performing loader that gives you speed new
ease ... new economy . . .
new of
manure handling. -
The No. 30 is a double -cylinder hydraulic
loader; no chains, pulleys or cables are used
in raising or lowering the bucket. The finger-
tip control raises, lowers, or stops the bucket
at any point in the 9.1/2 -foot loading range.
There's plenty of clearance for shed work.
Rugged construction assures years of de-
pendable service.
Plan now to investigate the advantages of
owning this simple, streamlined John Deers
loader. See us for complete details.
Brussels, Ont.
JACKLIN — lit loving memory of
Irby wife Elaine, Who passed away
twlo years. ago .Sept. 24th, 1949.
What world I give her 1)5(11(1 to clasp,
Her patient face 00 see.
To hear her .voice to see her ample,
As to the drays that aired t0 be.
Tint some sweet day we'll meet again,
And clasp each others hand once
In Heaven that happy life.
Ever remembered by Iter husband
Lawrence Jackli,n and family.
JACKLIN — In loving memory of
baby Glen, who passed away
two years ago Sept. 24011, 1949.
God has taken hone mar Darling,
Placed our lad among his flowers.
Taken back the one he least us,
To a better home than 0)1(5.
Good night here and good morning
❑p there.
Ever remembered by father, sister
and 1)0001 ars.
JACKLIN — 11t loving memory of
Elaine Jaclalitn and be.lyy Glen who
0e,s:s'ecl away two yetans ago Sept.
24th, 1949,
I•Iow years hake poised since that
sad duty,
When ones. we loved was called
God book thein home it was His will,
Width in 0010 hearts they thveth sth1.1.
Ever remember by Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Je,aklin.
Phone 58
Davidson, Ernst. Stevens, Edward PEOPLE WE KNOW
i). atian, Joseph Hnekvvell Bey :ass Audrey Cousins of Wbod
Beunett mud H1auelel Sellers, ThoseWedgelge spent the week -cud with her
acting as flower bearers here :
parents Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Cousdus.
Stewart Humupharie.s, Lloyd Porter,
JACKLIN — In toying memory of
Elaine Jackiin and baby Glen Who
Passed aavay t0'O years ago Sept.
2011. 1949.
At night bile silent 0100'6 look d001
011 a grave net Oen' from here,
Where sleeps the ones we wo'nit
rerge ,
4s Areeeie steeps their watch np
nlrere (led let t11en1 know
That W tlnwn 11rn•0 will ret tercet.
Per we st8.11 love and miss their :yet.
Peer remembered by Tack and
-,:+i•.ea Wl1. 1P,' 011 ft faanily,
Wesley Hackweil, Lindsay Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cousins re- Tear's, Lawrence Marks, turned last week from a delightful
Many beautiful floral tribultes were motor trip through Quebec and into
Interment was made in the New England S108100. They were
Bressels cemetery. Friends Vnd eecnmalan'led by their daughter
relatives were present from Tor- and tea• husband of Woodbridge.
onto, Haoli011on. Stnat.fard, Eu111;. 01i . 0. Doll and son Carl of
Brussels, Blyth and .Sea.forth, Mr. Hamilton were visht(ng trends In.
Ennis died at his reseden ce On l WWII.
Wednesday after an illness of about Mr, W, G. Leutch roturtted home
three years. He was born in Cram after a ss weeks visit to England.
'brook on Jan. 12th, 18811, son at y1). and Mrs. Norman Forbes of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ennis, R•htuiPeg and their sen William of
Per le .years he had rived Bras• 11111011)11(1 were Sunday visitors with
eels, but for the past 25 years had y,latires and friends In taws.
farmed in Walton. Mr. Emits was Mr. and Mrs. C.(11 and Dr. Lois
former Sarah Ethel Wilson of
married on July 11, 1908. to the
Plum of Toronto were week -end
Stratford. Stervl'.'v"hlg besides his I visitors with their mother,
widow are Itw'o stone. Douglas, Mrs. Cheater Rintou.l and daught-
V;'altnn. and Wiilt,aml Cosby. Lore I err Helen and Wanda of Galt were
0.1m: three daughters.. Mrs. Mary Stinduay visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Dr000tl, Toronto: Mos, Kens. Ritrhlte , Pd. Pollard,
(Mehl Sea.fortlll: Mos. Ross Curt- r Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coleman lett
'ninghann (Anna), 10Ohel: one I lust week to matte their home In
brntller William Rupert, Idaho: Elmira. Mr, Coleman has accepted
one sister. Mitis. 101titia1letb Smith. ;a position there with the Swift
Toronto; and seven grandchildren. Canadion Cburpancy.
1'IAL i ON
Perstontals : Robert Young has
returned atter vlletlGing his son Ivan
V 01111g. in Pant 1-llun•on, Mad Mr. 1
and Mrs, Bert Dennison, Preston,
with Mr, mod Mars, W. C. Bennett;
Ma'. Ismd Mrs. Jahn Shannon 1m
Termite); Mr, and Mre. Wilifaan
Grainger In Toronto. ' -
Fred Ennis
The '2Itnerel of Fred Ennis was
holrl frmnn his late t oCulence Prlday
afternoon. Rev, ,T. Thomas of Duff's
united Church, Welton, concluded
ark taf'wtee, aswlosted- by Rev. A.
W. prone of London, Rose Cunning,
Mint, sorreir 4aw :nf the departed
meal, rendered a. Nato "Beyen8 the
Smtaei.,t" Pallbearers wrtre Edward
We are in a position to repair and service
all makes of Radios Now.
Prompt and efficient service by a Licensed
Radio Mechanic.
Bring in your radios now to be repaired
to be assured of the best reception for the
long winter !months ahead.
All work guaranteed.
Ken yyorbe,i Electric
Brussels, Ont. Phone 40x
ProfitableDa ryCoWs
More Essential Now Than Ever
Dot w trio of a..las.iw e • oesvi. of mope the ymill re.
ettristoe 5(A :two 1006,081001006,08100tibIIONOMPIMIdr
�'-�r. Ir•^ �.
111111 11 IOW MOM Ise
theM ,1i• J e1
seMtoIse{ ee lois a to'
Irak 1ii�wi sir it am, cows•
lam ose*'tlst eft whboot hod.
'Qio,towe w len set the moo
milk yes WI ate, put IM MI wet
game* belerepi mod wormik
dropiso Ned
lushassio asswill spimaisawl mi.
To sit, ease mom osy ask
ssoll WWI sews red is -a
Mot Dskill Nag
"Mb Is tokisibr.,
ssewssMsl rat sea f
For Ilia is
Ethel Produce
Phone 22-r-10