HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-9-19, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST
Hudnut's Special
Large Egg Creme Shampoo
Regular price $2.00
plus Multi -Purpose Plastic Cape for
Shampoo and Home Permanent
regular 75c Value — Both for $2.00
Limited Time Only Offer.
To Keep the Flies Away
Fly-tox Fly Bomb $1.39
Rexall Fly-kil Spray 35c and 60c bottles
Good Hand Sprayers 45c
Wilson's Fly Pads 10c - Fly Coils 4 for 10c
Save on Nostzema
See their Special
Sze at 98c
Corks for Catsup and
Pickle Bottles.
Pickling Oils
School Supplies and Books are short of
requirements, owing to increased school
attendance. Try us for Needed items,
there is a good chance it may be had here.
P. R. S .
DRIR:INTa Rexall Drug Store
arLEPHONE Mo. 42
1' T•
McNeil's Shell Service
SheliubrIcation Shell Huusehoh± and Snell Petroleum Products
lenerel Repair Liveeltoek Spray arta ono Accessorise
rhone 77-r-6
Brussels, Out.
Phone 24
Brussels, Ont.
Winter Coats, Jackets, etc—Now on display
Ladies Coats in smartest styles by leading
manufacturers $39.95 up.
Zip -in Complete Chamois lined Coats,
Girl's Winter Coats
Girl's Station Coats
Bomber Jackets, etc.
Sub -teen Dresses for the young miss.
A size to fit the girl before teens. Smart
styling and shades.
3 boys Corduroy Jackets to clear 28, 30, 32
Extremely Serviceable $7.95.
St. John's Guild -
A11 persons having claims against The September me:nting of the
a:te of Margaret 13eirnes, Women's Guild of 8t. John's Gnurcn
was held on Tuesday, Sept. 11. at
he home of the president Mrs, G.
Davis. with a good attendance. The 1
meethigg, opened with the. singing
of the hymn "0 God Our Help In
Ages Past," followed by Wanes In
unison. Mr A
Mrs. Morrow Head the
lessnn firom 1st Cor.. lath Olalpt
Minutes of the previous meeting
were reed by the secretary Mrs. Wm,
Filcher. .Tine business period taken
aver by 'the president included plans
for a booth at Bitrsse!ts, Fall Fah
and preliminary arratngements, for
a Fowl Saup.per in October. 'Meeting
closed with prayer by the Preeldent.
Tea was, Provided by the hostess
and Mrs. Wm. MoiMmm•ar, assisted
by Mrs. B. Wlnittard.
late of the Village of Brussels in the
County of Huron, Widow, who died ,t
on or about the twenty-first day of
Apr'i'l, A. D. 1961, are notified to I
send to the undersigned on or before
the sixth day of October, A. D. 1951,
full particulars of their claAms
whiting. Immedialtely after the said
sixth logy of October the assets of
the said testatrix will be distributed
amongst the pasties entitled there-
to, having regards only to claims
of which tike executors sihall then
have notice.
Dated this thirteenth eBay of Sep-
tmber, A. D. 1931.
Bormister, etc.
Wareham, Ontario.
Densmore's Service Station
Seiberling Tires
Oil, Greasing. Accessories and etc.
Sales and Service —
For Cyclos Oil Burners
Heaters also units for your present
range or furnace.
Get away from the dirt and
drudgery ,of coal
Come in and see a range unit in operation.
A. Densmore , Prop.
Phone 99x2 Brussels
WFdnesday, September 19th, 1951
for th.
ruma�, h
Min your grain with
n Purina Cow Chow
Supplement to
,sake a roal 16%
milk -making ration,
To help build dry
cows up for reduced
calving 'troubles
and extra milk
ahead, feed Purina
Bulky -Las and oats
—half and half!
'I�iup us7,
aa -e„
B11LKY1AS a :d d TS
Bre ssels treanu ry
firs. 11., .1, Hoover reached another
mile stone, on Friday, Sept, 14, waren
she cele7ir•ated hes eighty seventh
birthday, at the home of her eon
Norman Hoover. About twenty
guests assembled to present greet -
DIVA and wish ,to her happiness a-
long lite's highway and also, to
enjoy Mrs. Norman Hoover's hos-
pitality. The hoarse was artistically
decorated with autumn flowers. Thb
ho!ctese inaugurated am. rmpromtu
Program, consisting of a sing song
accompanied on the piano by Mrs.
,Pones of Lucknow. While the ladiees
war., singing "A Happy Birthday to
Yon.'1 Mrs. Chas, Davis presented
Mas. Hoover with an electric bed
lamp on behalf of the guests. This
was foll'ow'ed by readings 'Arum Mrs.
Stanley Wheeler ,and Miss Bessie
Moses and solos from Mrs. Chas.
Tinyle. Martin Hoover. Lotatse Jones
and little Syhvila. Later pictures
were taken on the lawn then a ce-
licious lunch was served in the
Wring. room which was set nI, with
pintail tables. Mrs. Hoover enjoys
fairly • good heailth. and is keesly
interested in commnun1ty welfare
and world events and was delighted
to s'elcome her friends on her•
birthday. Guests from a &Vance—
Mrs. D. MacCallum, Mrs, H. Mao.
Callum. Mrs. Bert Gray and Sharon.
Blyth; Mrs. Nellie Scott. Mrs. 0.
,zones and Lohnise. Lucknow.
We are in a position to repair and service
all makes of Radios Now.
Prompt and efficient service by a Licensed
Radio Mechanic.
Bring in your radios now to be repaired
to be assured of the best reception for the
' long winter months ahead.
All work guaranteed.
Ken Forbes Ekctic
Brussels, Ont. Phone 40x
Blyth's new Community Arena
Excellent Accomodation
iuesay, Se t. 2. -tip
$1,225 IN CASH
including :
$800 Jackpot (no limit to numbers called)
$100 Special and Two $50 Specials.
15 regular games for $15 each.
Admission: $1 for 15" regular games.
Extra and Special Cards 25c each.
Doors open at 8 p. m. .. Games start at 9 p. m.
Sponsored by Blyth Lions Club.
The September meeting of the
W. M. S. and W, A, -was held at the
home of Mrs. Alex Pearson, Twelve
members answered the roll cell. Mrs.
,7. T, Pearson bad charge of the
worship service. Meeting opened by
Ball to worship from Lent. Re-
sponetnre reading from 19salsn 77
followed by inlayer. The theme
of 'tflte worship "The Church of the
Frontiers." Flatulr of the members
assisted with this pant of the set,
vies. Minutes of the lat. meeting
were relaid' amid . aRnproved. In tate
business period it was moved by
Mrs. J. T. Pearson and seconded
by Ma's. Kling Welt we haste our meet-
ings in 'the attteimoon starting in
October. — Carried. Two members
thanked the society for treads re-
cefved diming illness, Mrs, Percy
Stephenson offeredto help with
lunch floe Mission Band, It Was
decided to send for packet of itt-
6,0Eu: re, "Front Lakes to Northern
Lights." Next meeting to be head
at Mrs. Elwood McTaggamte. Meet-
ing olosed with Hymrn 510 and the
benediction. Lunch Was served by
true .hostess assisted by Mrs, H.
We will be pleased to pick up dead
or crippled farm animals and pay
highest prevailing prices. For itn-
mediate service telephone collect --
1 Brussels 85-r-12 Listowel 650-r-9,
or Elmira 564
Gordon "'ung (Elmira) Ltd.
Plan to attend Brussels Fall Fair
no Sept. 27th and 28th.
with zit -piece
u orr 8 in
CutvotAivici y
Loading manure is a "snap" once you
team up your John Deere Model "M" Tractor
with the husky John Deere No. 30. It's a
smooth -performing loader that gives you new
ease , . . new economy ... new speed of
manure handling.
The No, 30 is a double-oylinder hydraulic
loader; no chains, pulleys or cables are used
in raising or lowering the bucket. The finger -
tip control raises, lowers, or stops the bac.
at any point in the 9 -1/2 -foot loading ran e:•
There's plenty of clearance for shed w. t >
Rugged construction assures years of is.
pendable service.
Plan now to investigate the advantages of
owning this simple, streamlined John Deere
loader. See yrs for complete details.
Jewelles Brussels
Brussels, Ont.
Phone 58
Do Your Fall Shopping Where
Thrifty Prices Go A Long Way
At The Arcade Stogies
Women's and Misses' Winter Coats in the
latest styles 3-4 chamois lined and
interlined $39.95 up
Women's and Misses' New Fall
Dresses in Taffetas,Crepes $9.95 up
Women's and Misses' Crepe Blouses
in short and long sleeves
sizes 12 to 44, $2.98 up
Mises Skirts in Taffetas, Corduroy
and wool $3.95 up
Men's Gabardine Trench Coats with
Zip -in lining -- Special $29.95
Men's and young Men's two and three
piece Suits in Gabardine & Worsted
Single and Double Breasted — $39.95 up
Boys Slacks •in Gabardine. Covert Cloth
and Tweed, sizes 24 to 34 — $4.95 up
Boys Plaid Shirts, sizes 11 to 141A, — $1.98
Flannelette Blankets 70 x 90 first quality
$6.50 Pr.
Footwear and Rubbers for the whole
family at very reasonable prices.
Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Facey
Phone 61 -` Brussels, OM.