HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-9-19, Page 6This superb tea guarantees
the flavour of every cup
1 �
'to.tut 1st ..
"Dear Anne Hirst: \Vhy do these
;wives complain when their hus-
bands handle the money? 1 handle
ours, and it's a
big nuisance.
My husband
did not want to
be bothered with
it, so I took it
on when we mar-
ried tw o years
ago. I ant too
impatient to cn-
oy it; more than once I've made
bad mistakes that landed us in a
hole. He never scolds, just goes
over the figures and straightens
me out.
"Once I got so discouraged I
asked bim to take over. He did,
ford two months—and forgot to
pay important bills! He does have
a responsible position, and often
works at night, I'm willing enough,
but the job irks me and I've come
to hate it,
"We never quarrel about money.
I give him an allowance, and if he
needs more I hand that out too.
I spend little on myself, because
that makes me feel guilty.
"I'd feel better if he'd do the
whole thing, and I ask him for
what I want. He is so indulgent
that I'm sure I wouldn't mind.
"Is there any easy way to man-
* The word budget scares you,
* I expect. Yet how can you know
* where you are spending too much
* if, you don't make a record of
* it? Your bank, or the dime
* store, has housekeeping budget
* books that will give you a start.
* Get one.
* Beginning today, put down
* every dollar (cash or check) un-
"' der its proper heading—rent,
* food, clothes, incidentals, etc.
* At the end of the month, 'Mid
* up each column. That will show
* you how much you've spent and
* for what.
* Buy a desk calendar; •with a
Yes you CAN wear slacks) Look
how beautifully these are cut to
FLATTER the ntatttre figure. And
that loose sports jacket is a per-
fect slenclerizer too, This set is
easy sewing, send for it now
Pattern 4658 in sines 34, 36, 38,
40, 42, 44, 46, 48. Size 36; jacket
and slacks require .5 yards 35 -inch.
This pattern easy to use, sim-
ple to sew, is tested for fit, Tlas
complete illustrated instructions.
(35c) in coins (staiips cannot be
accepted) for this pattern, Print
plainly SIZE, NAME, AI)DRF.SS,
Send order to Box 1, 123
Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont.
ISSUE 38 — 1961
x. page for every day. As each bill
* conte in, observe when it is due,
* and make a note on the calen-
* dar for the day before, so you
* won't forget to pay it.
* You needn't keep a budget
* forever, you know, but a few
* mouths of careful use will indi-
* care what your average expenses
* are. Then you'll find out where
t` you can ecouomize if you must,
* or buy that knew frock without
* feeling guilty: Also, you will
* feel a grand relief knowing that
* bills are being paid when they are
* due; that establishes one's credit,
* which is a valuable asset.
* Don't forget to set aside some
* sum, however small, for regular
* savings. If you find yourself in
* a hole again, that will be a coin-
* fort.
* Since your husband is so busy,
* and dislikes this task anyhow,
* this is one burden you can spare
* hint. And won't he be proud
* that you have licked the job.
*• Figures can be facinating, once
* tbeyl are mastered, Don't be
* frightened. Approach them as a
* challenge. Take your time, and
s` soon you will know the wonder-
* ful lift of conquering an unw•cl-
* come chore.
* How many hives will envy
* your husband's faith in you!
* * *
Many a husband dislikes hand-
ling figures, but thinks the "little
woman" not capable. Show your
husband what a good manager you
can be! , .. Anne Hirst is here to
advise you practically, too. Ad-
dress her at Box 1, 123 eighteenth
St. New Toronto, Ont,
By Rev. R. B. Warren, B, A., B. D.
Living Together In The World
Isaiah 65: 17-25; Acts 17: 24-28.
Memory Selection: Have we not
all one father? hath not one God
created us? Malachi 2:10.
In to -day's lesson Isaiah des-
cribes the grand new world of
which we all dream. We know
that this world falls far short of
the ideal. But somehow we have an
earnest longing for the ideal and a
conviction that it ought to, and,
indeed, must carte.
Man has made great progress in
the first half of this century. For
example, medical science has raised
life expectancy more than twenty
Years, God says he will do better
than that. "The child shall die a
hundred year old." Moreover, fight-
ing will cease. "The wolf and the
lamb shall feed to-gether — They
shall hurt nor destroy in all my
holy mountain, saith the Lord."
That will be wonderful, But Ifow
shall it come about? Man's efforts
to establish a lasting peace through-
out the world have pitiably failed.
It shall come under the direction of
Jesus Christ, the King of Kings
and Lord and Lords. He must
usher in the reign of peace. How
soot will His glorious Kingdom be
realized? We do not know. But
the fact of the rapid fulfullment of
the prophecies concerning the Jews
point -'to thefideep significence of
the days m which we live. During
the first half of this year the Jews
returned to Palestine, the tiny land
promised to Abraham's seed, at the
rate of twenty-one thousand a
month. The weeping wall will soon
have no place in Jerusalem,
The Lord will triumph. The
King of kings will reign in right-
eousness. Let us pray "Thy King-
dom conte".
The captain of the local fire bri-
gade entered the Pig and Whistle
and ordered half a pint of beer.
The landlady looked at his in.as-
tonislmtent, for she had never
known hits to order less than a
Doubting whether she had heard
aright, site asked; "Did you say
half a pint, captain?"
"Sorry — but I haven't time for
it pint," said the fireman, "I'm on
my way to a fire."
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can I renew old jar lids?
.1, Boil the old jar lids in: a solu-
tion of borax and pure soap, using
three tablespoonfuls or borax and
one-third cake of soap to about
two gallon,; of water, Put in just
enough lids et a time to be well
covered by the water. Moil for
thirty minutes, then rinse well with
lot water.
Q. How can I mark linen effici-
A. If the handkerchiefs and other
Pieces of linen that are to be mark-
ed with indelible ink, are first
starched, it will prevent the ink
from spreading and blurring.
Q. How can I quickly relieve the
pain of a wasp's or bee's sting?
A. Rubbing a piece of raw onion
over the affected part often brings
quick relief.
Q. How can I replace casters in
a piece of furniture so they will not
continually fall out?
A, Remove the raster, pour
plastic wood into the opening, and
as it begins to set force the easter
into place, Allow this to bar.'en
thoroughly before placing the
furniture on its feet,
Q. How can I take care of new
_1, Wax the new shoes, similar
to the surface of an automobile, and
this will keep them looking like new
for a long time. Rubbing the shoes
with a cloth dipped in glycerine
preserves and softens them.
Q. How can I freshen a soured
A. Rub a fresh lepton thoroughly
into the sponge and rinse several
times with lukewarm wale:•. The
sponge will be like new.
Q. How can I easily clean soiled
wall paper?
A. Try using starch. Sprinkle
liberally on a damp cloth, and ap-
ply to the paper, using a circular
motion. If there are some particul-
arly bad spots. go over them several
Q. How can I treat perspiring
A. A good treatment is to put
equal, but very small portions of
household ammonia and vinegar
into a foot bath.
Q. How can I rid the house of
A, A mixtxure of half borax and
half sugar will. poison every ant
that finds it. Sprinkle it on the
shelves and around all haunts.
Q. How can I remove candle
grease and wax from table linens?
A.Place a piece of clean blotting
paper over the spot and press
with a hot iron, Keep shifting the
blotter to use a fresh portion until
the spot has disappeared.
A motor -cyclist in Devon came
to a stream flowing across the
road. "Ts it deep?" he asked a
"No, only about two inches," the
chap replied.
The man rode on and the water
came up to his ears.
"I thought you said it wasn't
deep?" he shouted.
"Well," said the yokel, "it only
Comes halfway up cur ducks."
Par1ormers All—Left to right are seen Tallulah Bankhead, Lucienne
Boyer and Margaret Truman, the Presid'ent's daughter who plans
a busy season this Fall on the Concert stage..
1NGERFk. :
ey, evi¢ttidoli.ne D Cie4Lke
Well, maybe I had better let the
rest of the week take care of itself
and devote my attention to last
Friday, That was the clay we went
to the C, -N, E, But first let me
tell y: 1 hoe '.re went. Our first
thought was to leave ti:c car at
house and go by bus—the traffic is
far too heavy for 1115 these csys.
Men I remembered our young
neighbours—no car, but the man a
careful and experienced transport
driver. So wasn't that a perfect set-
up , , . Our car, good driver, roost
for four other passengers and a free
pass to the grounds on my Press
eay invitation?
The day was hot and humid but
quite bearable—no sun and a cool-
ing breeze off the lake. When the
car was packed we all parted com-
pany, going our separate ways to
take in whatever interested us most.
Many folk have long since realized
it is the only way to make the ,best
use of their time at the Big Fair.
Early morning is a comfortable
time for seeing exhibits, especially
in the Women's Division, A lot of
handiwork does not receive the at-
tention it deserves as each one of
us has only one pair of eyes—and
feet—and both give out all too
soon. But remember those exhibits
think of the hours and hours
of work by literally hundreds of.
busy fingers that made those exhi-
bits possible, Pottery, quilts, sew-
ing, shelleraft, weaving , .. impos-
sible to list them all. Even a
straight exhibit, like the reproduc-
tion of a portion of Princess Eliza-
beth's furniture and table appoint-
ments means a lot of work—just
to give us a glimpse of gracious and
royal living.
There w••ts one exhibit which both
delighted and disappointed me—the
Crown Jewel:. In replica, of course.
,epeet vou &car is7
Raised lieg81t and tender with new fast DRY Yeast!
There's a new twist 1n doughnuts —
a new thrill in all your baking!
Say goodbye to perishable yeast —
Tlcischmann's Fast Rising Dry
Yeast peeps full strength until
you use it—fast acting
when you use it. Get a
dozen packages —•
it keeps in your
fa Scald I/z c. milk, 1h c, granu-
lated sugar, 11/2 tsps. salt and
a,4 c, shortening; cool to lukewarm.
Meanwhile, measure into a large
bowl 1/2 c. lukewarm water, 1 tsp.
granulated sugar; stir until sugar
is dissolved, Sprinkle with 1 en-
velope lfhcischmann's Fast Rising
Dry Yeast, Let stand 10 minutes,
THEN stir well,
Add cooled milk mixture and
stir in 2 well -beaten eggs.and I tsp.
vanilla. Stir in 2 c, once -sifted
bread flour: beat until smooth.
Work in 25/4 c, (about) once -sifted
bread flour. Knead on lightly
floured board until smooth and
clastic, Place in greased bowl and
grease top of dough, Cover and gqt
in a warm place, free from draught.
Let rise until doubled in bulk.
Punch clown dough and roll out
into a rectangle, 34" thick; loos ,
dCutgintoostr8sin 7"ollon'tand 1, /s"
wide, Fold strips in half, twlet,
then pinch ends together. Arrange,
well apart, on lightly -floured
cookie sheets; grease tops. Cover
and let rise until doubled in bulk,
Carefully lift, a few at a time, into
shortening that has been heated
to 355' — hot enough to brown a
cube of dayold bread in 60 seconds,
When under -sides are browned,
turn and cook second sides, Care-
fully lift from fat and drain on
absorbent paper, Coat with a mix -
tine of fruit sugar and cinnamon
or brush hot doughnuts with the
following syrup; Heat, stirring
until the sugar dissolves,1 c, granu-
lated sugar, 1V4 c. butter or snar-
garinc and 1/4 c, water'; simmer 5
mins., then stir in 1 tsps vanilla;
keep itpt over boflin water
s"yrnp becomes foo sugary, Stir 10
a little' boiling water and heat
to boiling point Yield ---3 dozen
Role; tr
Dough may be cut with enQ�pptltodax doughnut Otter; fry the
doughnuts and the ")toles".
\'ears ago 1 saw the original Crown
Jewels in the Tower of London but
visitors there gel little chance to
examine them closely—so little
room anti so many people to view
this historc and fascinating collec-
tion. Now, at the Exhibition, I
shall have my opportunity, I
thought. What natter if the Jewels
are only copies—that at least give
people a chance to know what the
real ones look like.
I expected to find the Jewels in a
prominent place and given all kinds
of publicity, But where were they?
In an out -of -the way corner of the
Women's Building! How many
111551 go through the women's sec-
tion—except out of courtesy to
their wives? Partner wanted to
see the Jewels but he would pro-
bably have missed them had I not
told hint where they were. And
they are certainly worth seeing. But
I wonder . . , how many know of
the history, intrigue, romance and
adventure connected with the
Crown Jewels? I would have liked
to see this exhibit in the British
section with an official in charge
banding out printed leaflets, giving
a brief history of the Crown Jewels.
It would have been highly educa-
tional and given the Canadian
public a better understanding of the
importance of each Crown and
sceptre. For instance, the abortive
attempt of Colonel Blood to steal
the Crown Jewels during the reign
of Charles II is more thrilling than
any modern detective novel.
But on with the shote. For the
another highlight of the clay was
the Press luncheon where one can
always he sure of meeting old
friends and acquaintances and of
heisg introduced to others whom
nue had known only by repute
through the medium of radio and
reading. Many of theta are also
known to those who read this col-
umn , , , Edna Jaques, Ethel Chap -
titan, „Cherry," Jane Weston, Mrs.
G. A. Dills, Lillian I+osier, Lillian
C. (;ray, Margaret Aitken, Mona
Gould, Mrs. Catherine Marsden,
Joy Trainer, and, of course, the in-
comparable Kate Aitken& and the
irrepressible Horace Lapp. There is
always plenty of fun and laughter
at this luncheon, and the setting
it ideal for a hot day—on a bal-
cony overlooking the lake, During
the afternoon many of us return-
ed for a leisurely cup of tea, with
still greater opportunity for meeting
and chatting with' friends both old
and new,
About 5 p,m. our little party
met at the appointed place and
started. for home. Somewhere scar
Port Credit, on the Queen Eliza-
beth we ran into a traffic jam. The
cause was nine eastbound cars in a
string, radiators and rear ends jam-
med together. Tow trucks and traf-
fic officers were having a sweet time,
The police certainly have their
Problems on our super four -lane
highways—highways that were built
primarily for speed and safety!
Csiant Gooseberries
Lancashire was the champion
county for giant gooseberries when
they were in fashion among fac-
tory workers and miners. At some
of the gooseberry shows the exhi-
bits were "as big as pumpkins."
There was an art in growing these
giants, and the shower's greatest
difficulty was to feed the berries to
the last stages of plumpness with-
out bursting the skin.
Size and weight of the fruit in-
creased if, 1011051 the berries were
breathing—at sunrise and sunset—
the tops of each were dipped into
a teaspoonful of 111 ilk. "They sup-
ped it up `like as if it was humans
wi' ale!'" It was sheer waste feed-
ing then on beer, for the berries
burst their sides with taking too
After sucls fuss and preparation
it was little wonder that the open-
ing hour of the gooseberry show
was "as tense and as weird as a
,How empty learning, hoe vain
is art, but as it mends the life and
guides the heart.
—Young •
Goodness, Me. --Oswald Q. Goth•
licked, who has recently been car.
eying on a thriving mail - order
business with young men who
wished to avoid being drafted into
the army, was apprehended and
placed muter arrest by Federal
nutltoritics here today. In return
for one dollar sent to Gothicism!,
he had been mailing to purchasers
of his service a postcard imprinted
"Join the Navy."
Some people study all their life,
and at their death they have learned
t'verythiug except to think,
And the
For fast relief from headache get
INSTANTINE. For real relief get
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Yes, more people every day are
finding that INSTANTINE is one thing
to ease pain fast. For headache, for
rheumatic pain, aches and pains of
colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain
you_can depend on INsrANr1NE to
bring you quick comfort.
INSTANTINE is made like a pres-
cription of three proven medical
ingredients. A single
tablet usuallybrings
fast relief.
Ott Inslentine today
and always
Imp it handy
12 -Tablet Tin 25�
Economical 45.Tabtes Bolo ?St
4 IP p k
Ames hope yea eater this estt ilia?p
,leasee as 'and Canada Coro Starch
1, Simply print your name and address on tiny plain sheet of paper-
. Moil this, together with a label (or reasonable facsimile) from
a package of Benson's Corn Starch or Canada Corn
Starch to:
3. Be eertain that your entry has sufficient postage.
This exciting contest closes October 31, 1931: At this time 104 etttries
will be drawn, of random, from the mail received at the contest address.
These 104 people will be notifed by mail and asked to submit a letter
giving three reasons why they prefer using Canada Corn Starch or
Benson's Corn Starch.
Then, based on the merit of these treppes, the 104 prizes will be
awarded as follows:
ST '500" N° pr z : 8551 JL
Rop uze: l 50op T prize: DO"
and 100 PRIZES o1 $10,00 each
1f no. label or carton Is enclosed, rho
la! Prize will be $50.00 and suhaa•
anent prizes $5.00, The contest Is
open to all Canadians except ems•
ployeea and their families of Tho
Canada Starch Company and its
advertising agency, Judges' decision
will be final. All entries become the
property of The Canada Starch Com.
Prize winners will be notified by
mail 90 days alter the close of Ow
contest. A complete list of ' grit*
whinef8 will be nvailgbi3 upon fg..
quosi at the dose of ilio coniosis
Montreal Toronto