HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-9-19, Page 5N i'OST 5turatter s tougher! Lon ; r Wearing! at's the improved 11),fr AR +erre By actual test, the improved Goodyear DeLuxe delivers up to 34% more mile- age! And you get extra protection against blowouts plus sure-footed trac- tion as well, Let us check your tires today! LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH SIGN"OF QUALITY G•11 0/r 4.- 4111,AIKIIIIIIIIKIIIP' e 3dP Y' ; "+1 S'• i fi'r . `. ' i '%r, ' `.t ' a '=lit t + . '"a . i t. µi, Ft yt ,e9 rj ` r ,'; Y ; ^• ` , , ,.'," iq 41 Ir..t: rK :. .,,r:arr •a 'b' ,r, !I,• ,'k i? ?iii'' '. ; t. c PHONE: 82 • DODGE—DESOTO—SALES & SERVICE The United Church "They 11131 Walt npol1 the brow :it's• 1 r,'u('w their st.r(-(4 1.44 they shalt n^':line up with Wings us eagles; they she 11 tun a(Id 11111 ho air tory th :y sd:'.i14 walk and not taint." isainii 40;31; taut, 19 le Howl ba: --is asf clic s",mon in t o ITndted Church nu RundlUY, Sept, 10. The lnI i.ge of the prophet to faint hearted,. 1Srac'! Is V(ry pertinent for our our dray. the inr'tt'•r said. 04141 strength is in God, and ilio way of tapping that cower is by waiting upon hitt to prayer and trust and service. The anthem, "Hark: The Glad Creation" by IC, Yale and .7. L Hall was rendered by lh r• choir. r" WALTON nl' t!t W. A. ('hard, me' In the r 1 Ca at 1 2. 'I3 ' Prr',idenn. Wi111nr Turnbull nbull opened the m•,• ting by i irling ti poem and !waver The, minutes of Aug. nivel. 44111 w (fe read and s,,, , ••r 1 1`1111 I( 0Sl1rer. repute` $2,17.1'2 ru 1(and, 'Phe fowl shipper which wa, to have been on Oct. 14th, has been eltang ed to Oct. 19th, Plano were made nni commilbtees named for the tow] supper, and a good program is being arranged, ®evax aeoA " eememsxm a,t a. &? The New EXTRA FEAT' t.E Included In [..este-& i (,C2 i4 y 0-teee o-st f eCU'1 p> Everyone's Enjoying Every Page of `STI `,' csW ^1e„SI Included in All Saturday Editions of c• W+stae.r br'ta.11o;, 7 to,w.e st 1luu+n nb' AN 9 Men - - - Women - - - Boys - - - Girls - - - All are finding a new thrill in reading the excitingly fresh WEEKEND Picture Magazine, a new and regular Saturday feature included with all editions of The London Free Press. Here's rotogravure and color printing at its best - - - sharp, clear and perfect in every detail - - - compare it, that's the proof. The enlarged full-color conilc section, with such new favorites as "Captain and the Kids," "Fun Detective," "Hopalong Cassidy" and "Grin and Bear It," plus your old friends, is winning more and more Free Press readers, too. Why not join them for the best in features - - - the first In news? Be Sure of Your Copy - - - ORDER DAILY DELIVERY Contact Your See Your Carrier Boy Local Newsdealer Call or Write The London Free Press i-;ervlce was held as 'usual 1n linos .„•run 1ilrurnh with tlu 1911, isiLtlt 1tev. W. M. Hyndman in the pililii. 1Tr. Paul .I, irltl1e has (ono to D(1Itrott, where he Intends spending me lino, 13P11 hi, :1111 3,11,1 I,tn1944,•r there. 141r. and Mrs. I. 41 (iordou and Mr,.. Clara Omstsad 3 1ited in Walleceburg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray T114")hr,r .'1,'l Mr. and Mrs. Meanie. Can,r,ren :p'•n Sunday with lir. and Mrs. Jim CH 111, 14110 t, Sarnia, ' rTT' r ADS. L OST — 14'ud, Cap off Dodge oar. 1iteward) b'indet apply at the finu(seeis Post. f• LE— oil .y,: 1 ale, 11.11,(1 1 months, -41,1. 1'. 1s,t•, _ Ilion,. aux FOR SALE — 321 Red x Rook Pullets, 5? months -11 1a Graham IV-ork Phone 21x14 FOR SALE — .. •_:,n• glove P"a.t ,.otv, toed, 1 1 ytrams. Phone ,58rle Brussels. FOR SALE — :4 sal'folk rant lambs, eligible for registration, Geo. Michie Phone 15x13 N'OTICE— Eavr.'troughing reontrements prom- ptly attended to. For estimates Jack Nethery Phone 1 6r Myth or Jini Scott, Phone 23x23 Myth. FOR SALE — 2 Hereford Mutters witch caiyes abort 2 months old, also a sow due in about a week. .To Holmes Phone 15r5 FOR SALE — 100 acres with good house, barn, drive shed, garage and hen house. Drilled well. Lot 12, Oen, S and 4 Grey Twp. Mrs. Telford Sellers, Phone 39r9$. _ . HONEY FOR SALE — Light amber honed' in your own cont.ltner 16c per lb. - Also white hnno.v im stork, in all size containers. Wallace Ross S:eaforth, Ono. USED CAR PARTS axles and wheels suitable for trailers and farm waggons. Transmissions, Driveshafts, Heads sra1Pd beam units; Glass, Generators. rl starters eta, Dozen of' good used tires and tubes in all popular sires, Norman McLean, Seaforth, 3t utile south of tracks, Phone 33, 'IEI.P WANTED — MALE Reliable muni needed immediately for nearby Rural Watldns route to supply established demand for home and farm necessities. A profitable full-time business of your own, Sales experience or capital not necessary. If you are between 25 and 55 and Nave a car, write to Dept., 0-134, The .1. R. Watkins Company, 350 St. 11oah Sit.. Montreal, Que. FOR SALE — SO R:adn Shelters. Tyapewniter 2 orrice desks ' 3 ort"re (Ibadis "Squall safe M.wleam beaking system 1lnhher tired wagon -'014 gal. barrel with pump 1031 model A, New tires FPPd'!ng troughs 40 gal, wteel ham,' Modern AQtmpoc1nolier 4m'1v in, person at the 'Maker Rose Poultry farm Wednepda-•, Sogldem be'l' 19th, 1951 MArla ASK YOU R LOCAL DEALER Plat or sari -slots. Helps create the most beautlhil Interior effects. Produces a soft, mellow finish. Easy to apply. Has exceptional wino qualities. Your chole of twelve modern colors.. Johnson's Paint & Electric Store Brussels, Ont. Meivii1e Ladies' Aid The dare tor th( annual tali bnz,sr of 4114-Ivillr 1'r' si,ytet7xu ('liurott s' .. ior. 11 1.1 4(4 rla. ' i' 1'11,1- ,t thio hume '1 .Ui I1. 3. S Al (.'rt I,r trt- in oh It' 111 1114• Iuee,t nG. of the ,t. +i.;rte un ulie (duct h Man,. A saxophone duel. Was 171(5y wd by M1ases 13a,bai+a Aileat and. .1 •w ell; and Mrs. Walter J.Cerr 7414 s"veral piano selections. 11, .kilen was assisted by Mrs. 13eirnett, amid serving re- ',ili,ae31t6, From the "BLUE BOOK" of Famous Trains You'll appreciate and under- stand the beauty of Canada better when you see it from Canadian National's famous Continental Limited. Every day between Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver this famous train speeds across the continent. On it you'll travel in style in colorful, up-to-the-minute equipment — inviting bedrooms, standard and tourist sleeping cars, lounge cars and the latest air-conditioned coaches. Take the "Continental" scenic route across Canada.., daily service East and West between Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Minaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver, For reservations and information regarding your business and pleasure travel needs, see, write or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agent. A ADL NATIONAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES ll f@ CEs@ O` 'h@ L Ogr i \ WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH MY BIRDS, DOC - THEY'RE ALL THIN" AND STARVED LOOKING. J HARRY, YOU GUESSED RIGHT, FIRST TIME. THEY ARE STARVED, BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW WHERETO FIND THE F _ED AND WATER./ WHAT DO YOU MEAN, DOC ? LOOK,THERE'S VITA -LAY IN THE HOPPERS -THERE'S WATER IN THE AUTOMATIC FOUNTAIN ®. 9— a al . 1111 PO_0 r \ THAT MAY BE, HARRY, BUT THESE BIRDS ARE LOST IN THIS PEN. ON THE RANGE THEIR FEED AND WATER WERE ON THE GROUND, AND WITH NEWLY HOUSED PULLETS YOU HAVE TO MATCH "`THE RANGE HABITS, WHAT SHOULD I DO THEN, DOC, J PUT EXTRA WATER PANS ON1 THE FLOOR, HARRY, AND LOW FEED HOPPERS AROUND PEN AND SCATTER OYSTER SHELL AND GRIT ON THE MASH TOO. UNTIL THEY ARE ACCUSTOMED TO THEIR PEN. WHEN PULLETS ARE PUT INTO LAYING PENS, N RE TO By Roe Farms Service Dept, HARRY, A:to A ERP4Ivs MEMBER ON FLOODC'irlillit:A, LOWER 'DEO'R,f fijE"L00RLE EC toR Fy'ye a sS!lPPCYC/ '' Yo 4Ll'!IDEiCTS CJR BLOCKCissr ' .xEEb,paE rra c BENCvtirS'OPGR A,ON E. - ((III to G"-- ,. 1`r, 21. C' VL -1,5 YOUd B/RD FOR PRGNMESIMISW EGG MASH IN MASH OR PR'LLE..T FORM East Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON M0NCRiEFF