HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-9-19, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
1-1950 Dodge Custom Sedan,
Radio and Heater. Low mileage
i,— 1950 Ford Sedan, w"_h overdrive.
1;_-/.949 Oldsmobile Sedan with built
in Radio — air conditioning
1949 Chevrolet Coach
1 — 1940 Chevrolet Coach
1 -- 1937 Pontiac Sedan
— 1946 Ford 3 Ten Trucks, with
Stock Racks, New Motor.
- 1948 Chevrolet 1 Ton
Chassis and Cab.
New Chevroieis, Oldsmobile Cars —
,:;'hevrolei Trucks — Immediate Delivery.
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile
Texaco gas and oils
Phone 56
Brussels, Ont.
Robert Shortreea
The death of Robert Sltontmeed,
a lifts long resident of Morris, oc•
curr.ni suddenly in Scots Mentarial
Hospital, Seafortih, on Tuesday night
Sept. 11. He was apparently in good
health when he vittted a brotllur-an•
low In \ '1ngltant hospital on Mon-
day afternoon but suffered a heart
attack that evening and was taken
to Seafolith lostgttal by ambulance
where death tools Place the following
evening. In his 77th year. he Uved
all his life on the farm where he
was born, lot 19, tom. 9, Morris Twp.
Prominent in unttc:ipal affairs he sir-
ed 1 years as 0 councillor and 3 as
reeve, a member of the school
board and a conutrissioner of the
B. M. and G. telephone system ror
ten years. He was also an elder of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian ("touch,
Blyth. He was the last member of q
large family. Four brothers and friar
'=1.tr0,4 predeceased ham. Hie wife
fnr,lla.,,'': N•' • 11 Searle, reel on Dee.
21st. 1917. H' is surv'ved by a son
, cn1 the ht.mrcft-ad and a
daughter Mrs. i:lgin Johnstno. Wing -
trim. and foss- grandchildren. The
largely attended funeral was held
fr'onl St. • Andrew's Church!. Blyth.
on Sent. 14th with Rev. Joan Honey-
man in Charge assisted by Tlev. A.
7. Simpson. Teecwa.ter, and Rev. D
J. Lane. Clinton. During the .sPn'-
v'to Arnold Scott, Bdert00. e nep-
1,.e•,• sing "Abide With Me". ac-
oomponied by Mrs. Grace Brown, a
nl ce. Pallbearers Were Prank
Bell, Albert Skelton, Win, H. Moe
rift, Roy Toll. John Taylor and
ueorge McArthur. '1'4u' tonny besot•
rul floral triltilie; were carried by
six nephewsy • Gordon, Wilfred,
Thomas and James Short.reed, rf
Walton and Henty and John Scott
of ildentott, Intet•lncut teas In
Brussels cemetery.
Fri' ndsl'ip Circle Notes
:\il. ri (s.ltkft opened
t:.•r 1ru.u: tl t119 b'riAtudvhdp Circle.
Pur Chet• ir.'dtai Fall meeting held
Wednesday. President, \i,r.4, K,
'Pyr.mnan, brought the meeting to
order and the nrenrllers joined In the
derottottal •erv!, es fa"sec •'. by aur10.
tn•r rcerins by 1Trs. Cl. Bridge
prayer by Mrs. A. 133 cT•/_«-ort.
„Tell tui Bic .tory of Jesus" was
sung by Carol Lowrie and Mary Beth
Jewell encored by "Mockingbird pill"
which was very much enjoyed. The
roil or'l was than talon fc.ltowed by
reports. and lirs!ni0,, crscussdmn.
Mrs. A. Lame present eti the topic
t:' m 'J ran Begins Again"". Misses
Lowrie anti Jowril favoured the
group with another duet accompan-
ied by Mrs. T. •Garuiso •on the piano
fotl-a^ole' which the meeting was
odiournr.i1- 1 social hall Dour w =
enjoyed and lunch wt served lir
the committee in charge- Tine next
meeting will he bold or Oct. 3rd.
rmr.1•1F•R1C K l-lontrrm
Phm. E., R. 0.
Registered Ontometrinta
Mrs. H. Vittn Homuth R. 0
.Illustrated — Styleline
-4-Door De Luxe Sedan
tit it IS
UThas4I!hr hare tiv
This year's Chevrolet is a marvel of value,
every way — and it's all yours at lowest
If you want a car with Body -by -Fisher
strength, protection and up-to-the-minute
styling — Chevrolet has it. If you want
power you can live with through many,
moons to come — Chevrolet's valve -in -
head performance gives you that, too. If
you want roominess and comfort and
handling ease that make every trip a
breeze, there's no simpler way to find
them than to take the wheel of a Chev-
Above all, if you're looking for ad-
vanced features that perfectly combine
pleasure with performance, just look at
NEW — improved Centre -Point Steer -
Take your Discovery Drive
ing (and Centre -Point Design), making
steering even easier at low speeds and
while parking.
NEW — more powerful Jumbo -Drum
Brakes (with Dubl-Life rivetless brake
linings) for extra -safe, extra -smooth,
extra -long-lasting performance. They're
the biggest brakes in Chevrolet history!
NEW — Safety Sight Instrument Panel,
— safer, more convenient, more efficient
and more beautiful than ever before,
Yes, Chevrolet for '51 is a car that defies
comparison from every viewpoint — in'
eluding price. So, if you've been toying
with the notion of settling for a lesser car
— come in and see how easily you can buy
this thrifty marvel.
Riverside MUors
With ultra -smooth Power-
Glide,t Chevrolet is first in
the lowest -price field to bring
you the proudest feature of
luxury cars — a fully -proved,
fully -automatic transmission.
There's •no clutch pedal! You
can drive all day without ever
shifting a gear! And with all
this driving ease, you get the
extra -abundant power of
Chevrolet's new 105 h,p. en-
gine, exclusive to PowerGlide
Chevrolets. It's so simple to
drive, it's a thrill. tb drive!
1Poumralide plus 10 14,2,, Engine 01,4
Mona! at exJrn cosi on 'Maze modal,-.
russets; Ont.
•Pttimber lath, 1.961
ReAto,a4'1 Cite
� 1
4/1/f'U/ .. .
From short order cooks to the head chefs
of famous hotels, men who demand the best of
kitchen utensils appreciate aluminum.
They know this food -friendly metal protects- flavour
and quality so well .. , and meals are prepared
more easily in quick -and -even -heating
aluminum. So ... home -makers ... take a tip from
the experts. Brighten your kitchen with
gleaming aluminum. It will lighten your work,
too, because aluminum is so easy to clean.
When you see aluminum used
as a food container or wrapper,
you can be sure the purity of
the product is well -protected.
Look for butter in aluminum toil
and pies baked in toil plates.
And remember that more and
more maple syrup these days
is made from sap collected in
clean, hygienic aluminum pails.
PEOPLE WE ' 1 O vrvr
Mn'. Jars. Fulton arn:ved
from the West.
R 4 4
ly eelehradetl their tilst an•n1:vcrsary
1 of their marriage on Monday. The
readers of the Post extend oongratu•
to them for mossy more years
home of happy married life.
'.ter. and Mrs. Robert !Wort: of Tom- !
Otho are risking relatives in town. 1
>tt TP, • Ii;re:raIt Comanunit y Hall
Hiss Fit renee Mo1:9.u.g9t011. spent r:'as filled to capacity on Friday
it:e week -end with tuvends in Sea- night with relatives and blends from
forth, tote Ilit; ssels dish''et and llo1919
3.wnahi.p to honor Maitland 17dgar
Mrs. C, f \'!c•tt:A township and his pride,
n'tenrls in
x 'e K
McDowell visited with
London over the week-
* r
01r. Jack McDowell le wending
a few holiderys with hi(a ntotter
Mrs, G. McDowell,
Macs TTelenN Itiutcul lett last, week
to targe a tuurrests training course
in the Galt Hospital.
w w s
Dr. Donald 11cRae and Mrs. Mc
1)10 cif Toronto were weelc-end vis-
itors with his Mather Ws, T. T.
Miss Margaret Robinson. left on
T1lionday in ming Tet a week's motor
trip with friends from Mltcte'll and
S eaLtortth,
m m *
Mn•rs, Arthur Smith of l3dmooton,
Alta., is opendhig a few weeks in
town the guest of her sll:lter Mos,
R. S, Hamilton,
r * 10 '
Mrs. John Rowltatd arrived Monne
tacit lrrldaty atter an enjoyable trip
t:, Wales and England visiting
many redstiwes and friends, ,
the rcunner Mary Bowman, daughter
of ;WI% and Mrs. Sacks Bowman of
lh'uss,els. A complimentary address
was, read by Tannate Elston and Mrs.
J. Ireland. James Casemtnre pre
rmteri the newlyweds with a girt
�•Y stoney. Mr, 10df;ar replied in a
Most gracious manner. Following
lunch, music NRS supplied by Wil-
lie's orchrtratla for dancing, Mfr.
Edglar i.s teaching in the public
school at Milton, Mrs. Edgar 10(114
j":'n her husband as soon as living
enauttments can be ceaua'ed,
Cambpell Brown of Gonn'ie began
leaching in Bl•uevale school last Mon-
day with 3(3 pupils eunolled' and
more expected shortly. The hotel -Por
or"the school huilddng was. made
n•tere clteerfal9 imine' vacation, All
the dark wood -Work in the lllflwsry.
and class room was covered with
white or cont -w bite paintt: the hall
^r,d basement were done in light
green and white.
M,ro. The,. McDonald arrived home
en Sunday atter spending a couple
of weeks in Brampton helpltmg„ntitn00
her faltdter who haus been very 141, hot
notch mirrored now,
Ma, and Mrs. Ptardon Young and
awn daughters Susan and Kathy .et
Strattfortl were S1111(19y viwlltot s with
M,rs. Young's parents Mr, amid Mrs.
Scan Davison.
•s s
Mm. and Mrs. Bill Dnnsford, Carol
Ann .and Ronnie akin ii,ttte Miss
Linda Davidson of Lotoloat wore
week end ,guests et Mrs, Duus&an^d's
,mtothed' Mas• Alfred Barker.
'4 0
Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons quiet -
JACKLI\ — to loving memory o2
Mrs. Lawrence Jackliu (Elaine)
1.1111 ::,ut (41011 0111 passed away
two years ager Sept, 24410
'I'Ie -y have gone across the river
• ,P ,- •-res of evergreen,
And we long; to see their faces,
Ilut tate river flows between,
Some dote our eyes shall see
The faces we hived so well,
S 011,9 day we'll clasp their loving
And never say farewell.
'ih,r,as ily rem0m9aerel by Violet
:lttd Lawrence Machan and eanit1y.
• .. c •:v Cream
Separators andMilkers.
Disc, Pious, Manure
Lime and Fertilizer Sowers,
Spring -tooth Harrows
Land. Packers,
Rubber -tired Wagons.
Oliver Tractors,
':oth wheel tractors and crawlers,
Plows, Discs, Spreaders,
flowers, Hay Loaders,
-tnrzlley Forage Bklwecre wad
Hammer Mill..
ab'e also ave repairs (tor'
Oliver Cock -shalt Tractors,
".t r'>31ti'1'T tri WRIGH''r
tss&teteleut Oealere for
Oitv,r implements
1 aiephaate •t And 93, 9Slyth One
ro to Ie aiif yCows
More Essential Now Than Ever 1
Ds. Is t••b ed c®idr.f.e eel reedy el mem lee ..u�Mnose
depW w..
el ewer +..s �iie�rw r.r` Ww. eerMiw wit..
'lei Y .we MOM Me the seed el
prewhaboatim hada te ..im a pa.
Oft iaianae1 mho lie bales B.wa.
TM imaN'ass alille.iot 11.44.
Ai* a• ami
* a� a.i �e maw
.. pas
y MWaM�r a a M
tratnety —s ad rli.du aAb
win r *Mrs ad irk
!a who woe imp awry'.
wan led MINI awl Iiia ti.
i wli wq rD bAMod
'Oiluaaw0111 r
datil Y iMiae M
Per &kr ix
Ethel Piroduee
Phone 22-r-10