HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-9-12, Page 6To taste it is to prefer the
superb qualms and flavour of
"Dear Anne Hirst: 'Why do old
teem stake fools of th;mselves
Two dear friends of mine have been
married for years. The wife males
-a lovely old 9.0nIan—good-6-.1 fly,
mature, and :t tine parson.
"Her husband
14r.' 1 though sweet
land smart in
every oilier res-
pect it iippar
entle becoming
childish, Instead
Of dint erlt g at-
tentions on his,
wife els tie al-
ways has. le
alis her his 'old woman' -.-
"And touch to her eutbairass,
11elu, he ogles, whistles, and
chortles at girls young enough to
be his granddaughters.
"Naturally, they laugh: hut 1
believe he actually imagine; they
return his enthusiasm.
"This fine Christian woman un -
tyle 51 0,4 0,4Who&
liet 'file Palm design for the
most stunning quilt you ('4c'.made!
Ictally prizeworthy when you use
bold contrast, 411 colors. All
straight edges to 'reel' --east'!
This ,s i two-color or a tut -or.
m ss golf 1-' ttern (,1 Sias Work
eba:t-: diagrams.
in coins (-tamps cannot lit ay.
-pt':r]) for this pattern to Box 1,
i'3 Eighteenth Si, New Toronto,
Ont Print plainly PATTERN
NUMBER, your NAME .nil AD-
Send "Twenty -titre Cetus mote (in
cnittsl for - our Laura \Vl4eler
Needlecraft Book. Illustrations 01
pattern: for crochet. --enlln'oidery,
knitting, household accessories.
dolls, toys . . many hobby and
gift ideas. A free pattern i, printed
in the book
drr.bmJs1,,,,14,111,,,,141,,,,14,11.,,h11', problem.
She 1.44; . I,r4, dearly, knowing that
le retitle t.,e,•: her. 11ut she asks
un 144 Hite lou, hoping you Inas
: lI1ise Ler how to get hint tit line
n, protect him from lnakiug a
st,ert'tr!c til himself.
\;' OLD Ft..\\II'"
Ilan) au aging matt, feeling
• the 1101. creeping upon hint,
• ,er!:, mu young girl, in the
empty hope that he can fore•
* stall rl.l:Age. He revels in their
youth, and misinterprets 11,111
'1111141 for encouragement. For,
:Ir a "ii a roan I- '45 young
s he i, eh, here is e herr 1
* t.1f ctlur<e. hr 101114 1101 be
111011' 4410111), as he will learn.
* 'Tice girl; are doused by the
antie> of your friend'. husband.
They soil: :It him—but they also
laugh behind his back. One day
one will laugh in his face and
rail hits Grandpa, or the boy
• with her will tell hint oil. 7'hat
twill be the end.
• Meanwhile. his wife 1011 un ly
hear with him. After all, she
* cannot 1041; hint up.
* If she is v. orrying about what
• their friends think, she will re-
menlber they have seen this hap-
" pen before. 'They respect and
* Imre her. and 11:1N 1111ir unspoken
• sympathy.
*. li nay readers have any „titer
ideas, send thein in.
If you and your husband are not
getting along, tell Anne Hint about
it. She sympathizes with the prob-
lems of every age, and her advice
is helpful. Write her at Bo:: 1, 123
Eighteenth Street, New Toronto.
City 'of London: 1660
They 446,11 4101441 the 41eep pitch
of the hill and crossed Thames
Street where the warehouse: over-
flowed with naval stores ... Carts
rumbled hy, full of timber and coal
for the wharves of Billingsgate and
Queenh!the; cables. and ropes and
wheat and rye for the ships loading
at the Steelyard. Men and women
took the air in doorways under the
-swinging, painted signs. in the bow
windows, on the leads at the house-
tops. Everywhere were lighted
panes, and hawkers up the hillside
crying fish and lavender and wltat-
d'ye-lack . . Great Paul's loomed
oblong, blue -gray and unlit, to the
westward; and to the east• beyond
the almshouses and apple trees,
rose the four onion -shaped turrets
of steel -gray stone and whitewash
that trade London Tower. Tile
Bridge stretched ahead of theta. e
lox' Street of houses built on stone
archways and rubble starlings; the
fantastic. gold -veined cupolas of
Non -such House rising empty near
tie center; its casements flapping,
and its green paint peeling MT, and
its great days over. People were
going to vespers at St. Magnus' by
the Bridge Head, and they could
hear the groan and whir of the
worl4, near by that pumped river
t4 .tet' into the city, tilt could throw
a thin stream over the church
steeple.—From "Rivers Parting,"
by Shirley Barker.
Music Hath Charms. — To Look Al -- Holding clown three of the
biggest jobs in. the Berkshire Music Center's orchestra are, left
to right: Rachel Shields and Jane Ann Hicks who play the "bull
fiddles," and Constance Weldon who gets music from the bass
tuba. The double -basses are six feet, seven inches high and the
huge brass horn weighs 40 pounds—in case you get around to
looking at the musical instruments.
Good Pupils—Here are three "catching eyefuls" front whom light-fingered crooks are hearing
the days. Those lovelies, left to right: Dorothee Wolf, Mary Sanios and Mary Jane Vignola, are
real detectives—"Private eyes" whose job is in the public eye. When this picture was token they
had just bean credited with apprehending a shoplifter with a long record, Miss Sanios spotted the
thief with $200 worth of stolen goods in a store and all three girls held onto the culprit until
police arrived. Well, if you've got to be arrested, what better way than being held by three girls
such as thane?
st+o s--
y Glmttdotir.e D Clo.rke
'1'416 1aeiest xray to 4vrit1 (1,1.
ono: is to start at the end of the
week and work backwards. \Villa
ltappeued yesterday i, still fresh
in my mind, whereas events that
happened early in the week seem
like a month away --especially it
the week has been extra busy—
.5 last week certainly was. How
ever, working backwards isn't real-
ly- very satisfactory so, to check up
0n myself, 1 Ittade out a Monday
to Saturday review of the weeka
happenings—and here is what 1
found we had been doing,
Monday the baling machine ntov-
cd iu ... another 51)0 bales read):
for the mow'. 'Tuesday a phone call
from Kate Aitken's Division at the
Coliseum, inviting me to a press
preview on 'Wednesday. 1 hadn't
any idea what it would be like but
.ince l ant always ready for new
experiences 1 accepted --1 P 1 could
gel away. There is always an "1f"
5411111 11 farm woman plans to ,
Wednesday I made a hatch ,4r
beet pickle, also some apple .sauce.
'Then 1 left things ready for 1'art-
uer and tool: the 3 p.m. train t0
I'arktlale. The preview was fun,
To go through even a small part of
the Exhibition ;diced of time was
quite an education. 1 Wondered
how the Big Pair could possibly be
ready t i open in two clays' time.
'1(411:' 4w116 Antler everywhere . . .
rarpcuters finishing stalls for ca•
hibits: electrician, wooing aroua:1
fixing wires, exhibitors wanting 1•i
know why their stalls weren't
really. others more fortunate, un-
packing and arranging their di, -
plays. haunters ringing all over
the place as metal touched metal or
pounded on wooden fixtures. \.oth-
ers fixing their children for models,
ling in the faeltion parade. C1'1e
little tot, about six, was havia;
lipstick put 041. "Now don't Sou
dare. touch your mother after you've
dressed," warned iter mother. "If
you get lipstick on that white fu'
you've had it and so has dlumm-
.\bont 7 o'clock dinner was an.
nmunced in the Tea Court. I hale
no idea 1101': many people 14111
there but every available seat was
taken, The dinner x'05 put on for
all the exhibitors in Mrs. Aitken's
special section, and also as a pie•
view for the press. It was delight-
fully informal. Some of the guests,
noticing the crowd was too great
for the waitresses to cope with, be-
gan helping with the job. One 111,411
would go to the serving •counter,
ask for a tray and bring back what-
ever was required at itis table, If
you wanted more coffee the quick-
est xray to get it was to go after
it, It was as amusing as the Mad
Hatter's Tea -Party in "Alice in
Wonderland" -- except that you
couldn't move over as there was
no place to move to.
Then Mrs. A. appeared on the
scene—smart, efficient and charm-
ing as always, Models in the Fash-
ion Parade carte and went at her
bidding. Little tots, modelling ev•
erything from white fur sets to
play suits. Older girls in sports
suits; sophisticated young ladies in
evening gowns, fur coats or street
clothes. Even mere males were
taking part, modelling every type
of suit from office wear to casuals.
But evert the Fashion Parade was
informal. Electricians were cross-
ing the stage at intervals to snake
connections with their work behind
the scenes. And Horace Lapp was
so busy watching the models that
he occasionally forgot to give with
the tnusicl A trip to the Exhibi-
tion itself is going to be even more
interesting after this entertaining
peep behind the scenes.
About 9:30 I showed up at
Daughter's place to spend the night.
I knew she had gone to Ohio for
part of her holidays and might not
be bac!.—btu I had a latch -key ,i,
it d!du't matter. Sure enough .. .
1141 Daughter. 1 pulled out the day -
lied, found sheet, and blankets,
and trent to bed, Shortly after
Midnight Daughter arrived home.
Wondering why her roost was !it
up when the rest of the house w.15
111 darkness, site opened the door --
and there 1. was,. Of course we had
to tall: for 's couple of hours. ::,;ext
morning. I took the train and came
home to rest up.
1'hrn c:411,1 Friday. Extra help
to get the bales into the barn.
Two wagons and tractors on the
go and a hurry -up supper for the
helpers. And another new calf tip
in the back pasture. While Partner
was milking I brought home the
mother and off -spring, and all three
of us did a grand job of getting
tangled up in sweet clover and
knee-high chicory, Also had a
small party to go to that night.
And then about midnight a photic
call . Partner's brother arriving
by 3 E1.111. train, That was the be-
ginning. By the next afternoon we
hail live extra for the week -end.
And T1(1S is the morning after!
,JSe:ftal Mosquitoes!
At last. Science has found a use
for mosquitoes' :\t the New York
State Agricultural Experimental
Station mosquito larvae or "wrig-
glers" are used in a bio-assay to
determine the :mount of residual
toxic material on fruits and vege-
tables. Mosquito larvae are extrem-
ely sensitive to the sprays. Less
than one part of the toxic sub-
stance in 10,000,000 parts of vege-
table cast be detected. '1'lte iusccti-
cl.ic used must be 10101411 before
iia presence can he measured,
Toxicants differ in their reaction
patterns, the station explains, and
only if the insecticide has been
identified rhes the mosquito assay
Volt want that tiny -waisted look
--and here is the dress to give it
to youl Bodice -back wraps to front,
a smart feature and an easy -to -fit
detail, Shirred bodice, gracefully
pleated, flared skirt1
Pattern 4816 comes ill sizes 12,
14- 16, 18, 20, Size 16 lakes 4?I
yards 35 -inch fabric.
This pattern easy to use, simple
to sew, is tested for fit, Has com-
plete illustrated instructions,
Send THIl2TY.•F7\7 CENTS
(35c) in coins (stamps cannot be
accepted) for this pattern, Print
plainly SIZE, NA,
SOW order to Box 1, 123 Eigh-
teeutit St., New Toronto, Ont.
By Rev. R. 13, Warren, B. A., B. D.
The Larger Fellowship of
Acts 1 1:27-30; 15:1-2; 22, 23,
28-31; 2 Cor. 9:1-5,
Memory Selection: He that is not
against us is for us. Luke 9:50b.
It is sometimes cynically infer-
red that Canada is becoming "a
welfare state", While opposing
communism we are advancing more
and more into the field of social
service. Very few of those who
benefit directly from it, complain.
Others, alarmed at the rising costs,
declare 'that it tends to destroy
]n the early clays of lsrael's his-
tory, church and state functioned
as one, They were not separated
as they are to -day. \Ve read such
commands as "When thou beatest
thine olive tree, thou shalt not go
over the boughs again: it shall he
for the stranger, for the fatherless,
and for the widow" Deur, 24; 29.
In the period of New Testament
History the church was distinctly
separate from the Roman gavern-
'tient. The church had to care for
itself. .Hence Christians in one
country were intensely concerned
about the welfare o1 their brethren
in other countries. \\'Item famine
struck Judea, the Christians in An-
tioch, Macedonia, and Achaia gave
generously to help. Paul helped to
direct the relief work. One must not
say that he used High pressure
methods 041 the Coritttltians. He did
not compel them to give but by
recounting the generosity of the
poor Macedonians be sought earn-
4sttly to make them willing to give.
The entry of Centiles into tete
Christian fellowship presented some
problems. To what extent must
they take on the customs of the
Jews. The matter was settled at a
conference in Jerusalem. Gentiles
must abstain from meats altered to
idols, and from blood. and from
things strangled, and from for11i-
cation. 'Che conduct of the Chris -
dans is nit governed by many laws
but by divine love which makes
hint want to live after the example
set by Itis Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Frozen Alive For
Millions of Years .
Human beings have survived the
ordeal of being in a frozen coma
for as long as three clays, but that
is the tiniest fraction of time com-
pared with the latest refrigeration
news from the central Pacific.
In ice-cold samples of ocean,
bottom stud scientists have identi-
qed bacteria that have been frozen
alive for millions of years, the
oldest living organisms in the
The discovery was made by a
sea safari under the sponsorship
of the Scripps Institute of Oceano-
graphy that traced a ulountaln
range which runs under water for
1,100 miles and, at places, rises
-14,000 feet,
Echo -sounding apparatus defined
Peaks, valleys and plains. Depth
dredges scooped mud cores from
the ocean floor. The bacteria
sprang from suspended animation
into life, 'and grew with vigour
when placed on a culture medium,
Nor was this the only dramatic
discovery. A mile down, on the
peaks of the sub -Pacific mountains,
are caps of solid manganese, One
deposit alone measures 20 miles
long and 10 miles wide and is
estimated to contain 120,000,000
tons, Science may retrieve this
wealth for future generations,
And the long-lived germs They're
just bacillus coli --often found in
sewage sludge!
ISSUE 37 — 1951
eI i Ott Ul f
Car Waste In Tubes
Vott can wash yottr car front a,
tube now. Packaged in a two -inert
tube is live cubic centigrams of
concentrated 1 1 q u 1 d detergent,
enough to wash y0111' city three
times, company claims. Effective
in soft of hard water, you squeeze
tube contents into pail, fill with
water under presstit'e enol go to
work, P1'oduct is said to give a
self -drying, non -streaking, spotless
wash, nnnittjurions to aoy611-
r * 4:
Self -Watering
Useful for a ful'gelfttl gardener'
is a self -watering flower pot. Made
of Bakelite sty'retxe plastic, pot
holds about a week's supply of wa-
ter in its back pedestal base. Capil-
liary action carries water to plant
roots along a synthetic fibre wick.
Pot marketed in reel, yellow and
*: *
Inside Wrench
Piping can be moved internally
with -I flew pipe wrench, which
tvorIes in tight spots where outside
wrench is useless. Made in five
sizes from (4 in. to I in, inside
diameter, wrench is operated with
!.; in, drive ratchet handle or open-
end wrench. Detachable rubber col-
lar on shaft keeps it from falling
into vertical pipes.
improved Paste
New wallpaper paste features
nonstaining qualities, to insure
success for amateur paper hangers.
Will not stain, stark or discolor
any waterfast paper, company
claims. Made from flora' substi-
tute, rather than conventional wheat
flour, product will not ferment;
can be left standing indefinitely.
* *
Paint Remover
Product manufactured for the
first time in Canada -removes paint
and varnish by hush -off or ser'ape-
ofI method. Said to lift tough coat-
ings in several minutes and to be
* *
Quick Manicure
Gadget helps apply Finger nail
polish in a hurry. Made with
colored baked enamel coatiug, spe-
cial mask openiug has wide range
of sizes to fit massy shapes of
nails. Polish applied through mask
prevents smearing.
Inflatable Umbrella
&lade of Vinylite plastic film.
rain ]tat can quickly he inflated
into an umbrella, or deflated to
fold into pocket size parcel, When
air is blown into unit's valve, hat's
tubular brim expands, plastic said
resistant 10 mold, mildew, oils, etc.,
will not crack or peel.
• s. 4
Insect Bomb
Insecticide marketed in self -dis-
pensing, throw -away container is
a dry aerosol bomb. A combination
of chemical powders forst a fog
1 Tic
expelling insecticides muter pre >7 •
sure. Product het lira over ::Ped
sprayed as a re:,idue :md ,
destroy insect; for st period :If .311
Marble Brick
Nonstaining, face brick 1s ourte
of white, Portland cement 44:tt,'! -
proofed by mechanical grinding
and pure -white. aggregates, blend
ed. Brick has qualities of hemty
of pure white marble, company
claims. Brick is easy' to clean after
builditlg fs coilplete and cines stat.
4 a a
Window Ash Tray
A new place to flick your ashes
while driving is front vent windows.
Company is making clip -on ash
trays of burn -proof Pyre:iolite with
a plated steel clip. Tray snuffs out
cigarettes and is emptied by tip•
ping out window.
And the
Nobody knows the cause of rheunta'•
tism but we do know there's one
thing to ease the pain . . . it's
And when you take INSTAN'1INa
the relief is prolonged because
Isisms INE contains nOt Ole. but
three proven medical ingredients.
These three ingredients work together
to bring you not only fast relief but
more prolonged relief.
Take INSTANTINE for fast headache
relief too . . , or for the pains of
neuritis or neuralgia and the aches and
pains that often
accompany cold.
Get Instantlna today
and always
loop it handy
12 -Tablet Tin 25¢
Economical 48.1ablet Sand r'ir.
�t.orrc. luau1 .
Blanket prices are at record highs' Now's the time to use the money -saving
Fairfield Plan. You just send your old knitted or woven woollens—ell,
wool socks, sweaters, suits underwear, etc. ---to the Fairfield Woollen Mills.
In return, you receive lovely NEW BLANKETS, COMFORTERS or
SATIN -BOUND BEDTHROWS at a fraction of their normal cost. Fair -
fields' improved methods of fashioning new blankets from old woollens
mean greater savings today than ever before 1
Save, too, on these, warm, rugged Convoy'.
Coats, Fairfields make them, complete with
hood, in sizes for men, women and youths , . ,
from your old woollens,
Act howl Send the coupon today for un
details of the Fairfield Plan. DISTANCE
Fairfield 8s Sons Ltd., Winnipeg 103
1Senulldme detaisaboutnewb
uoa4lanketslope giving
Convoy Coats from old woollens.
1 NAME.. '.
I ADDRESS.. .................. ........ ........ 1