HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-9-12, Page 4a
1--1950 Dodge Custom Sedan,
Radio and Heater. Low mileage
1-1950 Ford Sedan,
1-1949 Oldsmobile Sedan with built
in Radio -- air conditioning
1 - 1949 Ch”vrolet Coach .
1 - 1940 Chevrolet Coach
1 - 1937 Pontiac Sedan
1 - 1946 Ford 3 Ton Trucks, with
Stock Racks, New Motor.
1 - 1948 Chevrolet 1 Ton
Chassis and Cab.
New Chevrolets, Oldsmobile Cars -
-2hevrolet Trucks - Immediate Delivery.
River tors
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile
Texaco gas and oils
Phone 56
russels, Ont.
I Dr. R. A. Reid, Stretford, is u:.
avoidably prevented from being lc
Brussels on Sept, 12 as previous'°
l announced. He will be in Bruise*,
on Wednesday morning, Sept. 18ta,
See advertisement on back page a
this issue.
DR R. A. REID HERE SEPT. 19th Mrs. Samuel Walker '
Profit We D it C s,
s Than Ev
Dos to
row o4 c,sittootf ce clod yea.®iod of :woo tits .o lootooton
aay eeenmm7 aedooe.a2e, a a®Om,•.
Tian tha .ao roma for got awl
ala,• 4a0 to ).mato apogo 6"rehoomoil
mases 4.0 deer less.
Yes ear.egot 044 catboat fad.
'rb. ,M011 a' aro sail as i. mass
=Mersa mill sou An doe hod mot
. r b.dd sad 00m1261• abs
posse er ase arse as vlemrL* and
minassis vadi es imoosine and e--
Te aerin amu ate, beep made
Nowt bawd nems red Fad .bra se 04e
Bank wets Baieckfasds Casey Nod
s d*Om way arbasido, amoristo
ss t rdsamailss she ammee•
fel dmaieasr[ sed ft **met
ae mil 4i vee
Per Seie it
Ethel Produce
Phone 22-r-10
at the turn
of a tap on
Better living today can be had with a DURO PUMPING
SYSTEM ... enjoy all the comforts of a modern home in
the kitchen . bathroom ... laundry. Running water
means precious hours saved and needed hands released for
other household tasks. No matter where you live you can
have the many advantages of run-
ning water on the farm . and
nothing can do more to provide more
modern and healthier living for your
Install the PEST .. m
Install ca DURO.
There is a DUTtO shallow or deep weir
pump for all your farm needs ... house
- barns- stables - truck gardens
and besides it provides you with. FiRE
PROTECTION for allyour buildings.
You can easily re-
model your kitchen,
bathroom and laundry
with RMCO Fixtures
and Fittings ... pro-
tect the health o4
your 4amlly.
For Sale by -
C. & J. Krauter Co.
Cue barn 15 x 24 and lot.
Apply to Doll. Coleman,
10 cords of Dry Hard Wood; body
or limb.
Mrs. Jas. IlecCraeken Metre 70x5
U eenlse plate No. 516915. Finder
please leave at Brussels Poet or
Phcm.e 42x11. George Cardiff.
WANTED - - To buy a need ecru binder, with
or without loader, Apply at the
Brussels Post Phone 31
2 ysa.r old pure bred Shorthorn
Rule color red. -
John Schnook Phone 5Mr26
4 chunks 110 lbs.. 5 chunks 60 lbs.,
One Red Durham Bull 2 years old.
Don. Fraser Phone 17019
Otte of the veneers at Moores
tlla pca•sun of all's.
amus) Walker pissed away in
arab ileum id Hospital on 1'r! -
day, ,1uguse 31. Mrs. Walker the far.
new Mary June Oliver, was bore
011 the third eoltcessiolt of Morris
on June 30, 1057, 00 Feb. 27. 1894.
she - ).tarried the kite Samuel
WW'a'k-r rind lived on the sixth con-
e 'slim of elorris until moving to
Brussels about 30 years age, Here
elle resided until the dearth of iter
Misbrand In 1041. Or tate years site
has resided with her daughter.
Mos, H. 7,. Hnnphl•e y of Serer.
Mrs, Walker w'as an a.etive member
of BmtsSels Methodist and later
Putted C ntroh, where she tatiehd In
the Bewley School for many years
and; was active in the Wemen's
Mies!onary Society, She was also
utltu'h interested in 510 Women's
\V.'tteeday, September '1Lbh, 1961
Brothers under the skin?
closely related than you'd imagine.
Contrary to most beliefs they are not different
species, but rather color phases of the same
animal. Both colors may occur in the same family,
This series of unusual natural facts is presented by
Carling's in order to promote a keener interest in our
wildlife and its protection. Once you're acquainted
with nature, you'll want to keep It unspoiled.
WArul.00, ONTA!IO
Fele is survived hy'olle daughter, of Housahl.ld Furniture in Walton
'Mrs. TT. T.. (Minnie) Humphrey, of l
on Sat_rday, Sept. 16th
Sarnia, and two lens, David of
Brantford, esti Everett, of Regina.: At 1 P. M. on Main St.
f 1 aatd-
G'a'l. There are also g t
cll11ldren, One son, Thigh fiver.
died in March, 194,5.
T11P funeral hook place tram the
Ma's'er Fnnenal TTnnxe on Mandel'
qP••o. mrd. rnnduoteel by her pep•
reee, Rev. William TewiLt• er Tor
er+'.a. ese'etrd by Rev. Mex Parr of
1 (le- best , ..!-•.k stave new
' '(1 1l P11 Cabinet complete
l side heard.' 1 conch
Number ber of lamps
(Quantity or stove pipes
2 rockers. 1 lantern
seek of lint', 1 heating stove
12 chairs
1 +J.A1 T ON
A highly respected resident of
Walton parsed away on September
2nul in the person of Mr, John
Pryce in his. 951th year. He was a
padre of Waive and 'fame to remade
09 years ago. He had liver) in Me-
V:ear/p for many years before robin
in.g to WaJlton.. He load also lived
near Rrueeels for few year's. IIe ie
survived by his wire, who was Form-
erly '.Miss Annie Taylor. He was
FOR SALE - a member of the Walton )enured
2 Hnt efe�rd Heifers lllith r.atyea 't ld, also a sow dine Galt. k 1 flmlr barrel. 1 beech Newell. The numeral took Plane on
1 P!rilb"arw•s wpre: C!PtiTt:P Walker, I , a,:,t»,.,r nr^_:111. anilnu(' 100 years old
,. _-__ .,__ G.
Acme 2 months r
'n about 2 weeks.
Joe Holmes
11Tgan "(0111
RPnn,.•th Walker. William CarrlifP
Phone 151.6 Pt cords rf hard wood
100 aa'res with good house, barn
drive shed. garage end hen house,
Drilled well. Lot 12, Con. 3 and 4
Grey Twp. Mrs. Telford Sellers,
Phone 39r23.
Five room house with bath, hot
and cold lva'ter, all newly remodell-
ed good locahion.
For particulars Phone 53x,
1 Johnston's Gasoline Washing
Machine Engine; 1 Colem.an's Qttiek-
Tfte gas Lamp; 1 Coleman gas Tron.
Jack Cantley Phone 41r10
eel! be pleased in nick up dead
rrieeeel ti -no ini-.,els and pee
beel).41 . :!r^ wises per im-
mediate set -vine telepd'nne collect
Brussels 85-r-12 Listowel 050 -r -E,
or Elmira 564
Gordon young (Elmira) Ltd
1988 Ford Coupe.
193.4 Terraplane Coach, new tires
and battery.
1p3n Model A Ford Coach.
1036; Buick Sedan •
1987 Ford Coach.
These cars are priced to sell, •
J. C. Neil • Phone 77r6.
1-100 acre Farm, with buildings
priced to sell at $4000.00.
1-100 acre farm. good buildings
nydro. possession this fall.
1-300 a(1.0 farm, good headings,
hydro, silo. priced to sell,
•O'ther larger farms,
J. C. Long
Real Estate Broker - Brus.sels.
Axles and wheels suitable for
trailers and farm waggons.
Transmissions, Driveshafts, Heads
Sealed beam units, Glass, Generators.
and starters etc.
Dozen of good used tires and
tabes in all popular sizes.
Norman McLean, Seaforth, ee.
mile south of tracks, Phone 31.
Reliable man needed Immediately
for nearby Tins) Watkins route to
supply established demand for home
and Perm necessities, A peon -table
fnll•'tiime 14(4 4nea5 of yoke' own. Sales
experience or aapied not necessary.
Tr yon are between 25 and 55 and
have a car, ni lite to Dept, 0-B-4, Tb.e
J. R. Watkins Company, 350 St.
Rooh Fit., Montreal, Que.
rtglf)FRTt•')4 1T einliiUTFi
Phm. B., it. O.
Registered Optometrists
a'rq H. Viol» Hrnnuth R. 0
Carol E. Honavth R. O.
oiar,i1.. 1115 H*rrihton, Ont.
famous for
Artistic Memorials
at very reasonable prices.
Always a targe stock In Choicest
Granites to Chose from
Cemetery lettering a specialty
All modern machinery,
Phone 2561 --' Wingharn, Ont.
0" .0 .enders s".
Friends attended frees (Init. T11"'-
:+,.., P' 10'1.. Rranlfn(-11 Tnrm+tn,
Si.,•,'4'1. W1.,,r•' Reorl,
I Apnroximan.tely 4 tons of Ivrea coal
2 ladders. 4 1 oak barrel �nnlher of wand en tones
15 ^al all can, Number of sacks
ens'•. I c'1'1r wmhoard. empty- boxes
I On•.'nlity oT 'avpet and linoleum
(1' .r hart, cam, Ili. (lmey, had a
:'anon escape from lasing Itis barn
••ue t tesluing machine by fire
:.'1: (11:11111, Mr. Hart Was using
treeing poli to push the Loads
Leo the barn doting the operation
•hp pole broke. Meowing a load of
heaves to conte down the gangway.
T1 (1001 en the tracrrnr ruled to run
N,^ „'-+,eeree n„d took Nre from the
exhaust pipe. Mr. Hart called the
Rrucsel• fere department, which re-
soendpd nniekly and managed to
-nee «hn bare one marbles,
PLACES 3rd AT C. N. E.
'etc r•r'•s-els Lions Club Boys and
t 'rls Bartel made an excellent show -
n1 fn thetir class at the C. lir. E.
'rh;s band, competing against bands
older Inyears, and experience.
0: en 3rd 111'ize with 2.25 marks ant of
5 possible 300. Both the bends, Lan-
don Puttee, Boyne. 1st with 200, and
Burlington, 2nd with 240. are from
placee with large papula,ti.oms from
which to -dna\v talented members.
Th T.unelon haul has hee.n or-
:r•ludzed since 1943 and the Burliig-
to.n at least 9s long a period. Cur
bane) was organized two years ago
11e )eine and a large majority at its
-members are much younger then
theme at the °thee two bands,
This was the Brussels Teems Band
Nest paa'ticinetinn in competition,
They %teed an audience composed
largely of merles. hand masters from
.111 parts of the etinntry. Aithotrgb
ender a stearin, wh '11 showed in
their performance, they wont• for
themselves the mmsit a,ppreelative
applause accorded any of the banes.
Weil done 1039 and gerls I Cat-
trratele,tion•s Mr. Beobine.on,
The United Chetah Women's
Societies meet et the borne of Mrs.
Spelling Johnston Thursday aftlet•-
nion. The Wm-116We Association,
111al 9test, heard a report ori
the new stlair treads and new rug
for the veastny, The committee was
110 ('t. wire rini1104 line -
1 sues,
A. Whitney funeral hone. Sea,forele
•n Mnitlandhauk cemetery. The tier-
-*re, wee roarllrrt•40l by Rev. Mt'.
Thetins of Duff's United Charrch,
T5 -' nnllbeare.rs were: Percy Tay-
lor. Wilbert Taylor, Tom Pryc'.
.7nhu Prvice, Oliver Ptyce. Wm. Tay-
1 Ung vv jars' '.Mr. and ;Mrs. Ivan Love of Rp
t.....0 :t,. 1 s h^'•necc erns. Seek_ whohave been visttin5
yd., and Mian Bessie Davidson
firer.= eerie. 2 toilet sets complete
and other relatives roe bhe past two
1 PTT1 '*11 1 Y;rhlp, -1 anlial'0 tebl P. wre14E beep VP-111rned home.
t r•-•.,1 nil stove, 2 heti roam snits
1 lel dinner dishes
111MursTTnPrn0tan.5T1$n':mrhlni.r\ta+inthd t9iT1;
1 cert) nil stove, 2 bed (loam elites t' '-r-' Ho!mu i; ,Ttrly nreoseti, has
1 set rilphlP" dIolons. 1 sol bed slprrn55 •I r'nrr-d keine from Toronto after
'Levee cumber of nil nalntarms
1 wh^elhsrroW, Number of emit ears ' Paw days with h's m„^`.h0r. ',ars. President
Mery DrPSSell. 5 •creta.ry
..^.^s«;..tit.. tip rogPrve.
Ts -ms Cash
Mrs. Annie Pryce. Prop. -
1 see Rowland, Auctioneer.
served by the hostess and her assist,
:Yi. and MA's, Mirk FiMlllo spent
the week -end with flienttls i.n Brant -
Mee Stewart of Owen Sound,
spend a few days last week with
\Vililoni rTarrison.
flies temerity Dander has return-
ed to her school here after spend-
1115 her holidays at her home at
Arthur Etherington of Preston,
r'sited nn Monday at Alex Mann's,.
!Mss Marlon Mann of Atwood,
eprmi the week -end ah her home
i•.'1' ?ET
' at the home of Mr, and
etre. \eileir Rock and family of
Pelee nvrl the Labour Day week-
end lvr1.0 MPS Ed. Jacobs and John
01 Detroit. sister of the lather, Mr,
awl Mrs. Fred T-Tenndck and Robert
ltitrhpll I1,nd Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred
Rink. alert of Mitchell.
The .E' t'''•r Red Cross meeting and
rlecllnn or officers was held in
Ethel Pnhldc School on Friday. Sept.
The Following were elected for
attire :
✓ * *
Jlrs. Winnifred Wright of Toro1'-
11.09 been, visiting friends and relat
1Vea ut town.
• • a
.Mr. and firs. (toy M. S5rage of
Tel onto spent the week -end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin )Martin.
✓ 4 f
Mr. and :Irl. Wm. Speirs with Mr.
and Ma's. Jack Yutll ere on a motor
trill to the West.
* * r
.11r. and Mrs, Geo. levans spent
the past week -end in the Muskoka
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. A, R. Cousins are
with relatives at New Bed -
rove Mass.. near Boston.
e' ;M
Mr. and 1704. Edwin elerttin and
Miss Ow'endodyne spent last week to
eereenlho ntsihdtug °metre and at-
trnrlcin.g the Exhibition.
* * •
Mr, and Mrs. Cliff. Busohleu and
Mists 'iKaren moved to Mitchell on
Labor Day, They will be greatly
missed in this comntii1ullty.
* • a
Misses Eva and Carrie McCrack-
en accompanied theirfriend Miss
Mtih'gamet Clark or Port Elgin on a
motor trip two Pienoe Edward Telhnd,
* *
Miss Sade McNab or Manitoba is
V4sitdnlg suer .haters Mrs. Jaines
Anderson and Miss Margaret. Mc -
warmer thanked not only for buying N.ich at the home.of Dr, Jae, and
the fnrn'siling brut a140 for laying Mrs. Anderson.
Mem. The flower c.ommi.ttee. wee
Also thanker} far the scent Floret
dreal'atinns, Plans were made for
'1e beerier to be held October 10.
Mn's. Sperling 'Johnston presided
for the '9\r°men's Missionary So
ri1v meeting, Mrs, Edward Bar -
need and ems. Edward Johnat:on
bed a barge of the t0})te; Mrs, en-
semh Omits assisted with a read -
+11g, Mrs, Alexander McGraekei
recti an address 5,511 presented Mrs.
W. .7. Johnston. with a lire member.
shit) eentiilica(tp, a girt from MTS.
,7arlinsten's a(11111 Mrs. Aminie
'17hvmno WWII, tit Wendrnw, gash•+
imrl foiememlrr of R1mnVa.i.e. .
Peensem elet Mrs. Peter MaeTewe 1
w!Rl1 leer mumble, Mr, McT,9nghtin
and Mrs. 9nhra:41, Palmeneton.
* * ,.
Senility visitors ett. the home of
Mr, end Mrs. Edwin. Marlin were Mr,
P4rev Tyre/ne.tlm Mie and Mrs, Ttealh-
en McTnn,ie, and Mia, ,Tames Ts„1o'
Sed rinnrvhltrn' Helen. all of lieetee,
Mr, and Mrs, Rohent Narhll, San'
d!ra, Bitty mid Tommy of Long
lema:nch were week -end Visidinra with
Mrs. Non'us'e mother Mme G. Mc'
• • *
Mr. end Mrs. Harry Richmond and
children Donna and Rodney of
Brtlttsii CoiuttelAa spent a ten days
with Mr. and Mins. 1IItarnols Duncan 1
on returning trom a trip touring the
continent, -
Doris Tea,telnan
Jean Rock
Donald Pesten
dY&®NC,121EFF Need:atop Manager G•c1'clon Fowler
Nnmina'ted for duty on the conn
Thp Women's11lissia7Sry nursery inetee are -
'11'1 women's Association of Mon- S1„"s'w'ing snow - verve Bowes
elleef -United Church held their ' nett C•nrrton Fowler.
regular monthly meeting at tete ii-eeging Pnunlain 911(1 sink - mar_
home of Mrs. H. Snralldan of Walton
lien B.nnPc and nnnnh .4lenander,
on. Tluues+daY Retell -loon, Sept. 0, with
Deem.. windoly sills and Piano -
20 members and 5 visitors present.
("amen Bowes and ,Taanne Swift,
The W. 141, S. meeting was in charge WW't"s.}tin:; lthp black hoards and
of Mrs. Alex Mann, the theme of chalk ledge - Peggy Coltman and
the meeting being "The Church or Murray Machan, -
(he F-cmtiens." The ves.ponsive (•.tllhtdtug time lawn) -- Lleyd (took,
readies or Posen 72 wa's 1511 by Mrs. Bob Alexander and Mlnnay Meehan
IL Ludclingtom, Mrs. R. Ferre led in It -Wring u�0 the Library •--• Ronald
prayor. The roll call was peewee erererf and )mane Coltman.
ed by a Biblo 1Pn•50 os'lith "Lave in it. (.,*,','ring )trade paper basket -
1Ti's, Alec Manu x'5:4.1 a 149(50' (norm '.11,hn •U•e'xendet'.
bfics Cnn,ce Banibja lulls is a 111 5020u• C'leanfu'g hrnahes - :Jean Bray.
wry in Saneth Africa, t041eu of her
et IAF decided to hold a meeting
trip adio
to Africa and also requesting "'Aimee nftennoen once a month. The
p45701'. Church) caullenders will be
artie ht ntPntin•g will be held tin Sent
or sale 'hth,e memh5rs• 1414th.commlitt•ee wee named to nrake pians hP meeting and the
P orethf
e Antuann 'tiro •ffrniintg ,Ai. -
7 m'il's Tn.„lyes was repeated.
,•lee, MI's. :roe Smile then favonr-
a ,rtth n Fein, "Beyond The Sun -
^r'•, Mrs. 0, T•Tamtison iutrodn.eed
h^ H'lnte Mis5i an Ponies, "From
Teees to Northern Teelste" and
"Heine Mpeeseonfs Digest," said
a1a'VP a retiree en "Front Na•theen
T blies", Mrs., Viral. Smith gave a
,'ce-er not "TT•mre Missions niee.4+t."
The niepthne til sed-va!h11 the TTvmn,
"From Ocean Tinto Ocean" end may.
.,r h•• Mrs, H, Tnaldhue•rnm.
The W, A, meetings Maas in charge
nP tee Vice -President, Mrs. Joe
Smllh earl opened with the Hymn,
"Well Yom' Anchor 11015," The
ranlnneettep to 'Marge of pu1Chasing
an eteetric stove for the church
kitchen rOpma'ted the timeline of
nee. i` 05100 dendded to )told -a fowl
anppee In the dorso the first weer'
In Ont. The meeting closed with the
Ne50511 Bem.odiohlnn, Tench was
"nfrew Cream
separators and Milkers.
Disc, Plows, Manure
Spreaders. •
Lime and Fertilizer Sowers,
Sprang -tooth Harrows
(,and Packers,
Rubber -tired Wagons.
Oliver Tractors,
both wheel tractors and trawlers,
Plows. Discs; Spreaders,
Mowers, Hay Loaders,
Smalley Forage Blowers and
rlamlmer MEL.
We also ave repairs iur
Oliver Cocksbutt Tractors.
. r. ^t Deniers for
l mplemants
'N(eor one 4 and 9L glhlh, .
Ideal for use In practically all Intarlor decorating.
Noted for their lon-laaling andsuperior }inlsh.
A complete range of colon and white.
Johnson's Paint & Electric Store
Brussels, Ont.