HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-8-29, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, August 20th, 1.061 air Tho 2 -plow Model a,a iia ltereett ;'te Tho 1•&Vlow, Iwo. row Model `MT.' The Model "MT" with single front wheel. awe a JOHN DEERE 111/ocniivvER TRACTOR Tho 3.plow Model The single -front - wheel Model "ANP The Model "MT" With adjustable front axlo. The single -front - wheel Model "GN." Tho adarstable.froet- axlo Model "GW." Eighteen great models—a type and power size for every farming need. Powered by famous John Deere two - cylinder engines, they're unequalled in simplicity and strength .. . un- matched for economy, dependabil- ity and long life. See us for the John Deere of your choice. The a diustablo.tront- axle Model "BW." c:< The adjustable -boat axle Model "AW ' The orchard Model "AO; The track -typo Model "MC." The 4.5.ptow Model "R" Diesel. W.J. PERRIE Brussels, Ont. Phone 58 Renfrew Cream Separators' and Milkers. Disc, Pioora, Manure Spreader: Lhnne and Fertilizer Sowers, Spring -tooth Harrows Land Packers, Rubber -tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and crawlers, Plows, Discs, Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Low, Smalley Forage Blowers and Hammer MIL. We also ave repairs for Oliver Cocknhutt Tractase. MORRITT & WRIGHT iu>ltiemai t Dealers for Oliver tneplemente Tolsphene 4 end B&. Myth, feat. ti BLUEVALE Shirley Carnolbell, *levelp, ;of Listowel District High School, has been awarded a s'dhoal scholarship of $250 (tuition up to $125 a year for two years) -given for the high- est 'standing in each Continuation school, high school of .ocllegdate in- stitute in the 14 counties mentioned in the chatter of tihe University of Western Ontario. Shirley is a daugluter of Me. and Mrs, William Oaaitpbeil of Illuevale, the latter being a school Iteaoher in that des. trict. The popular student had al• - ready made ;apwangem,enbs to at- tend Western this term, with the intention of slhecializing in modern languages, Rev, L. C. Jorgensen, Hueetou, Miss., preaolted in the Presfby4eelan Church here on Sunday. Service in the United Church was withdrawn. The Voice of Temperance --- "Bootleg "Bootleg is ouL sepia,,. legal whin - key in the United States"—Titin was the startling news items copied by the London Free Press from the New York Herald Tadbune. It eon - tinned — "more moonshine is being produoed today than duripg the peak of prohibition". Licensed beverage industries had furnished this in, formation, That confirms what ,tlils. paragraph has always maintain ed — liquor outlets do not abolish bootlegging — railer they make more liquor available and they en- large ,the drinking public — with the a•esul't that there is more bootlegg- ing as well as more legal sale, Adrvt. Willis - Campbell At the home of Mr. tout Mrs• 0. it, Campbell, a quite wedding took ]shoes on 'I'uesay, August 21st when thou only daughter Mfrs Annette became the beide of Donald Alex- airier lexairier Willis, sun of Mr, and Mrs. W. 1l. Willie. of , Rev, A, Lane °Motatett at the ceremony. citron in marriage by her father, bine bride wore a white gabardine soil, white hat with navy acness- nttiesc and a corsage of red roses Her only attendant was Miss Donrlda Willis, sister of the groom, wean ing n pink gabardine suit with white accessories, and corsage of pink roses. 'Best man was Mr. T-Tugit Pearson, Cia0Nts were present from Sea- fmd:h, London. and Toronto. The happy couple left on a motor trip through Northern Ontario and on ittreir return will reside in Brussels. Glousher • Jaokiln In Brussels ou August 20th at the United U.h,m'eh Manse, was the scene or a gullet but Pretty wedding when Joyce Laverne Jacklin oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jacklln. Grey, betame the bride nl' ltr, Robert Uloccofier eldest son et Mr. and Mrs, 'Herb. Glonsher of Auburn. '191e bride looked charming in a serviceable length pato bile sheet' crepe and carried a corsage of sweet Peas and pansies. Bridesmaid, Joss Jean Gluuslier slater of the groom, wore a blue i lc crepe dress and carried a banquet of gladiolas and sweet peas. The ;room was attended by :'ed family arrived i n Brussels, :Arnold Jacltl°n, brother of the bride, ! Monday night and will be occupying After the ceremony they return- the manna this week. ed to rho i,n•cte of the bride's parents 'rh. Rey. W, 11. I -I'm -Man has ar- "•',: rn a siunptnons wedding supper ir''d at Craubroolt this week and was served. Tn the evening about will take charge of the service on thirty .near relatives gathered for Sunday nest at Cranbrook. a "sal evening after which the vnen, couple teff by motor for the The August meeting of the Oran• 11 nc'.oultn Islands. On their return The W. I. was held in the Com.- will rea'de in 'Myth. inanity Centre on Tuesday, August 21. with the president, Mrs. Brent- ' nee, in the chair. Fife - Pearson • The meeting opened with the • singing of the ode and repeating A pretty lawn wedding was sol• the institute creed. The minutes of emnized at the home of Mr. atilt Mrs, the previous meeting were read 1), A. Ractn, Brussels, on Saturday, and a alhort business period fellow - August 25th at 3.30 p. m., when ed. At this time it was decided to Maa;garet Ella Pearson, daughter of purchase s quilt and sell tickets 4A•. and Mrs. Jas. T. Pearson, Ethel, nn It and also to have a refiesh- beoatne tb.e bride of Kenneth -Everett tient booth at Mussels Pair, Two - Fife. son of Mrs. Janet Fife and the delegates. Mrs, Glen TTnether and late Victor Fife, Tironto, Mrs. Lloyd Michel, were appointed Given in marriage by her father' ,in attend the area convention in the bride wore a lovely ankle -length , Guelph on September 11 and 12 gown of copper tan chantilly lace The roll ca.il was responded to by over taffeta with ntsli,clting head- "The meeting, T moat enjoyed our - dress and n corsagte of gre=.n carnal- ing tite year". The motto was then ions, She carried a white Bible. ;fitly given by Mrs. O. Mettler, "it is Mrs. George Joyatt, of Luokuow, as easy to draw bank a stone thrown woe her sister's matron of honour with force from the hand as to re - an wore an ankle -length gown of Call a spoken word A demooetra- yellow nylon with lace trims and tion was given by Milases Jean corsage of bronze MIMMS. States and Ano Pesten on flower Miss Jane Rawl, of Brussels, was arrangement. This • was presented junior brlclesntaid,• and Miss Jane in snob a way as to giive every lady Joynt, of Lneknow, niece of bride, present a new idea in home decor - was flower girl. Both wore floor- sting with flowers. length gowns of rosewood faille and The guest speaker tot' the even- nnrried baskets of yellow mums. ing was MilaN Margaret Brophy, 911 the attendants wore matching , well known women's editor of 0 K halo heal -dresses of lace. 1 N X radio station, Wingham. Miss Mr, Joe Gavin, of Toronto was I Tirouuhy .introduced her assistant, t;rcotnsmam, • j friss Mary Louise Mach and then Thr trended party pneoceeded tdowni gree a most interesbing talk on an aisle formed by pink streamers I home entertaining. Miss Brophy and evergreens, to a Hower -be- I touched on all entertaining from by th . brides'a aunt, Mrs, Roy Cunningham, of Dthei, and Miss lig=u, ile Cunningham sang, "The t crrd':s Prayer' before the ceremony, Receiving ,the guests was the ht"IQ,!'a mother dressed in e, gown af ladylove marquisette with Meek at -commies and corsage of yellow mums, The groom's mother also received, wearing dark green wool cktit with black accessories and corsage or yellow Butterfly roses. Following the rcreption at Ethel Hall, Ills couple left for a motor trip to Toronto and Ottawa, The bride's travelling outfit was a winter white wool salt, French feather hat. paddy green accessories and rot -saes of A:merician Beauty roses. On thein return tine eocple will reside it TURIN. CRAN ROOK. Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Barnes and children St. Thomas, spent Sunday with Mrs: Clara Omstead and Mr, and Mrs. L, H. Gordon. Mr. and Mts. Otto Obstrom, Donna and Sally, Detroit, have been holi- daying with lir, and Mrs. Allen Cameron. Mrs. lal. classier and daughter B.ebty, and lir. Hubert. Jesohke, Detroit, are spending n few days with Mr. Paul Jeschke, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn and fancily were Sunday visitors at Wa- saga Beach. Miss Alice J. Forrest was ix Tor. t:ltto, Monday and took in the C.N.E. itev. Hy -adman and Mrs. Hyndman decked arrtlt, banked with baskets of pink and white gladioli, where the nen'emnny was perrormed by the Rev. Andrew Lane, of Brussels' ratted Church. The wedding Innedc' was played the smallest afternoon tea to the most formal 'sinner party, and gave the W. T. a most enjoyable eventing. Following the national anthem lunch was served in the basement by the hostesses. ALICE IN WONDERLAND IN COLOR Buys and Girls ! Walt Disney's "Alice in Wonderland" curries your way starting itt this Sunday's 1Septernuhe.1 2c este of Puck. The 'mine Weekly, exclusively with IMI coir Sunday Times, Clip wild cave fantastic funny foiles as "The Mad Ratter". and other lovable c{haraotens for a wonderful "Alice in Wondeglanl" scrapbook, Get Sun day's Detroit Times, I WINGHAM MEMQRIAL SHOO famous for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. Always a large stock in Choicest Granites to Chose from Cemetery lettering a speclalty All modern machinery. R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256 — Wingham, Ont. BUS!NFSS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L, M. C, C. PHYSICIAN and SURC.EOA Wiliam Se Phone 4. armada, Out. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON `'ettesisofae 45 Bruasls, Oat. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses fitted. Phone 791 Seaforth — Main Street. HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9.12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p,m. Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insurance Co. Phone 43x Brussels G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings by ,appointment. J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, LISTOWEL, ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting of Giassea Office in Listowel Clinic Building ho=rs: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday isms. Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to 9:38.. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 63 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Hanle. Pe G. Walken Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. SELWYN BAKER Agent for — Hartford Wind Insurseace McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co, Our Rates Are Reasonable For farther particulars — Phene Brussels 43 -r -I6. T). A. Rann &. Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or Sb — BBRU E %. ONT Chas. 1 . Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and S%ckaess Agent for Great West Life insurance Co. Peo;Ae Office 96 -- Brussels, Ont. Dernis Duquette Picone 51-r-16 R. R. 4 I Licenced Auctioneer for Huron County No Sale too Big — None too Small Have employed an experienced assistant for the Big Owe. R. , i ietheringtton, K. C. WifeGHAM mad B.RUSSEUI AT BRUSSELS e sday and Saturday all day — Offict opera every shpt' t'lcrane 20x —Successor to E. D. Lewis Rowland (Licensed For kla on County) !.A'rISFACTION GU — PRICES REASL MAMA Lem Engagements Phone 31 "'The Brussels Poet" and the Far ie&armatioa ate., write or phone Lew, Row' yelll be looked after hn Or recite to IL lit, 3 Wsi*e a. Vll Alli@ ���7�0 o ilesd lfQf(�lU n11 By Roe Farms Service Dept. SOn • v "\�y\�•\�\ �� ���es �:�� IIT'S,ISN'T IT? HER FIRST EGG. 1 FELT JUST THE SAMEWITH M, FIRST, I DEAR, I WAS PROUD OF MY BEAUTIFUL HE WALKED OFF WITH IT. �_�` GTS p SO `'s . DON' WORRY,' YOU'RE SO YOUNG, PLEIRVTY MORE, BUST WAIT AND SEE, EATUP"BIDDY -THIS `� EGG MASH REALLY -'— 'SHELLS OUT"EGGS. y rDs�EG6 PRODUCT/ON(OH —TOP pR�jp/�,� 4REyougs � -a. ��� ;� 1 e e �1�6cG� ��� �� MASH EGG MASH �- GOSH,ROEVITALAY IS AYSIMWONDERFBEGOMIINGS TTHE FLOCK.HE BEST W ABOUT 0 c'o aTMtrO�, r~ e' 1 i�j►�1 \\ill 4p'i!Ai��1 ?-'`;y_uaty9- W _ IC. � ---...',..°' / r ROE VITALAY� EGG MASH HAS A NEW LEASE. ONGIVEN RLFE.S E HAS FOYS RE TTEN ALL MANY, SHE HER FIRST EGGROE % � ✓ ` � �"�./ ' ,r i ` °-r- a, ' r '"I t `.1.e. t n si: , -u r't t -` 'l _ ",,.c���� �' . --- — Gjt \'`�---" •.- i DONT FEEL LIKE LOST E66! W E LL LLJUSTTASTESOME, v l ��-y tc ' ���'1 I ✓ / $ "�"" �' ,\ t t: 1s A,ja�iiit MUST TELL HER i ( ) ■..w\ "i �}a oh,tp,�iilsll i-libTHE ��7�ttilej� / I'�icn►.. 'fir/" 1, :±'IW��'� e\►~` {.-- FACTS OF LIFE. t L` / .� ' " ��f� ^al°° a a �N MAS L E7'" FORM vt• 11 East Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHNO T LAM N ETHEL F. HARRISON MONCRIEFI `�— --=— `Iv r y rte." --6 -".) --- _ '�^T_ �-- -�'