HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-8-29, Page 4USED CARS 1-- 1950 Ford Sedan, two-tone in colour. with overdrive. 1-1949 Oldsmobile Sedan with built in Radio. 1949 Chevrolet Coach 1937 Pontiac Sedan Many Older Models. USED TRUCKS 1-1948 Chevrolet 1 ton Truck 137 inch wheelbase 1-1945 Chev, Chassis, Cab, 179 inch wheelbase NEW TRUCKS 1—New Sedan Delivery for immediate delivery. rs a; 1 Trucks — Almo led _.te Delivery iv e ot s Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas and oils Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. Pita `'airy Aur:;., Esse: ti,,I New Thai,, 'v r D. BB Ira cm1are Ades _and maaniesel maga dm eiil became: car-. ed. mindset —7- ee %visa. mat initis mindsets rmr,.a Vats b mem terms Sec dm uses/ of �dbank is make a pmm- melees tam alder case. Tae eac'esst wale araoaffi er.L `rem imam a' are set an ten mace alg n s®a vain nee. Res dem am.4 aw.t 4a FroPas a 6. -ABB- n8 m9 aamtaia dad aaeaaary amasam el e$na'.ee selaterale m nal ea, passim mei ess- 1 Ts oats aim aur , la'v�at my Seal case rml .6w Pe ale Elm's effi S4n•,c6.iienre Daley Wig WA la eameaaisin em ewes- edm,mde era b tGca axaea iseenasmdad tm s pas ens bsan Beds 4 Ethel Produce Phone 22-r-10 dwa wa el ed mans e,meeemary S RUNNING at the turn f a tap on farm TE Tl -1E BRUSSELS POST CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE — Bariette Pears Garf MlcDointld Phone 24r6, FOR SALE — Sprayed Harvest Apples. also plums. ma Blake Phone 42rS _--- --._—. FOR SALE — Kitchen Table, also Qmebee Heat- er, Iu goad condition, Mrs. C. T3lusehlen Phone 77r10 FOR SALE — 2 bunches of little pins, ready to wean. apply to Joe Holmes Phone 10r5. SALESMAN WANTED — With car to sell Wetkin's Pro- ducts in the Townships of Morris end Grey. Apply to Box 50, Brussels. Better living today can be had with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM . .. enjoy all the comforts of a modern home in the kitchen . bathroom .. laundry. Running water means precious hours saved and needed hands released for other household tasks. No matter where you live you can have the many advantages of run- ning water on the farm . and nothing can do more to provide more modern and healthier living for your family. ECSiC Install the BEST ... Install a DURO. There is a DURO shallow or deep well pump for all your farm needs ... house -- barns — stables — truck gardens . , . and besides it provides you with FIRE PROTECTION for all your buildings. EMCO FIXTURES and FITTINGS You can easily re- model your kitchen, bathroom and laundry with EMCO Fixtures and Fittings . , . pro- tect the health of your family. See Us TODAY uXSa! For Sale by — C. & J. Krauter Co. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED LONDON • HAMILTON • ST. CATHARINES - TORONTO - SUD9URV WINNIPEG - VANCOUVER WANTED -- Te buy any safe, any Size, Apply to J. W, Locking, Sales and Set vice, Owen Sound, Oat, FOR SALE - 1 Axminster Rug 9 x 10WF. with pad 2 Congoleum Rugs 71 x 9. Phone 40x3, Wedneadtwy, Alutguet 20th, 1901 NOTICE TO CREDITORC ;•,COL FREE PRESS In +the Matter of the Estate of ANNOUNCE WEEK -END Margaret D. Shedden ]late of the PICTURE MAGAZINE Village or Brussels In the countY of A new step fnxard In the hlytarY halon, spinster, deceased. of Canadian publishing will be Notice is hereby given, that all marked Saturday, September 8, creditors and others having dab= when 'Phe Loudon Free Press w111 against. the estate or the said Mar- include as hart or its regular Sat - about D. Shedden who died on or urday editions a sparkling new ;ghoul the 23th day or July at the feature, WEEK -END Picture MagaTown of Wingham, are required on zine. or about the 31st day of August The tna•bus ort of this smart, new 1951. to send to the undersigned full particulars of their claims in writing roiog'navare ,and color tabloid sup - 1 nmediete:ly after the 31st day of element, brings to reader's of the Augast, 1951, ttheer assets et the es- London paper n wealth og week - •ate will he distributed amongst the end reading entee'tainment, features parties entitled thereto having re- on all topics, special articles end garde only for claims of which the Pictures and pwell stories -of Executors shall then have notice. the Canaddian ass well as world-wide Dated at Brussels this 15th day of stere' Advance infernal ion concerning the new supplement Indicates that its repontor1al staff i5 second to none with such top names as Date Aitken, Helen Gougeon, Jock Car- roll Andy O'Brien, Greg Clark and a host of otheve handling the writ ing assignments. A staff of skilled cameramen, such as Louis Jaques who recent,' Mrs. ,Tames Pearson. Ethel. enter- trained his lenses MT Princess Eldz- tadned at a trousseau tea for her beth and the Doke of Edinburgh danghaer Margaret, a recent bride and their charming children, will no lVcdinesday afternoon and even- ( capt'u're news altd feature plotures Me last week. Gladioli, sweet peas, , throughout Canada and the rest of ore asters decorated the home, Mrs. I the world. Pearson and her claugh4er received I Short stories and other fiction h,. oliPsts. who were admitted by { pieces, plus cartoons, illustrated in Miss .Tan' Komi. in the afternoon coley. will spark the new supple - Mrs. R. Johnston and Mrs. George ment. And for the best in appear- trousseau. displayed the gifts and tc, and roadability and color and appear—trousseau. their place heirs;, taken j 1 ,togravure repradootion, the new fi' h+, Pvcnine by Bias lescuP t,>•n1e , tbloid will be printed in Can - 11114 Mrs. Alex Pearson. • .'a's largest and most modern in the ten room during tbe after- color printing plant. neon. Mrs. ,T,seph Pearson poured Tu addition to the. inclusion of Ire, a»d Mi.,' Estelle Cunningham wgl`K-ENT) Picture M.agasine with sod Mrs. Clifford Dunbar served , •?1 re altar Saturday editions, The the guests. Thtr'ne the evening Mrs Free Press has announced the ex- it. A. Rano and Mrs. Elsie Cunning evel ilg of its full-color comic sec - ham poured tea and Miss Doris tion to 16 pages to make the moat remningha.m and Mrs, 11nn11d coutple4P paclaage of week -end Swift served, Guests were present I reacting eniertailnnent itnagineable. FOR SALE — 4a Barred Rock Mixed Chickens, 2 month% old. These are real good chickens Come and see them or Plume 39r23. Mrs. T. Sellers FOR SALE — Tew Princess Pat. Cook Stove, used one winter with logit oven and TPAervnir. Also one Annex Stove nsed a few months. Kenneth Reggs, Brussels, HONEY FOR SALE — Clover honey in your own con - tamer 18c lb. We can supply you with all the containers you need. Lloyd Wheeler Phone 21r8. HOUSE FOR SALE — 1n the Village of Brussels. Mod- ern conveniences. garage and Darden. 101' information apply to POT R. Cousins, Phone 22. August, 1951. CRAWFORD & TiF.THDRINGTON Barristers Brussels, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors, ETHE'. from Brussels. Ethel, London, and Listowel. The Rev. W. M. Hyndman has ar- FOR SALE — Wed" at Oranubrook this week and 6 room house. modern convenien- Ii will take charge of the service on ccs. t ; acre of land with small barn 1 Sunday next at Ethel. f,rr x 15'. young orchard of apples, pars, plums and cherry trees all .:.....",- ..=: hearing Located in town of Brus- cels, Turnberry, St. Lots 245 and 246. Apply to C. Buschlen, Phone T7r3. FOR SALE — 1938 Ford Coupe. 1534 Terrapiane Coach, new tires and battery. 1930 Model A Ford Coach. 1912 Buick Sedan- , 1937 Ford Coach. These cars are priced to sell. J. C. Neil Phone 77r6. ATTENTION 1•ARMERS — We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pe7 highest prevailing prices. For un - mediate service telephone comet — Brussels 85-r-12, Listowel 650-r4, or Elmira 664 Gordon ""9nng (Elmira) Ltd. USED CAR PARTS Axles and wheels suitable for trailers and farm waggons. Transeniselons, Drtveshafts, Heade Sealed beam units, Glass, Generators, and starters etc, Dozen of good used tires and tithes in all popular sizes, Normran McLean, Seaford;, 1 mile south of tracks, Phone 33, HELP WANTED — MALE — Act now if you want to establish yourself in n profitable business with a real future. If you are a reliable man, between 25 and 55 years of age," have or ran obtain a ear, yon can malts large earnings and safeguard your future. You don't nec'S capital or previous ex- perience in this pleasant work sell- ing farm and honeehold necessities. Write The J. R. Watkins, Cc., Dept, 0-R-4, 350 St. Rosh St., Montreal, FOR SALE — Shoe Store and Repair Shop in good village, Store le lied Brick; Red brick 6 roomed house adjoining, also 3 room apartment. above store, Stock is 81,800.00. Stook and repair shop and buildings all for quick sale priced at $4,600,00, 100 acre grase and wood farm. lots of water, 5000 new trees set out, keed to sell at $2200.00. t O. Long, Real Estate Broker. Bruseelri, Ont. FREDERICK F. IrlOMUTh Phan. B., R. O. Rexistered Optomeirlele Mre. H. Viola Homtaath R. O. Carol E. Homutjla it. O. Phone 11B Harrktosa, Orem. f'. .• . .-..yev+.•.w,ay. d LEA -WEBER LTD. SEED WHEAT Cornell No. 595 — Registered No. 1 Cornell No. 595 — Commercial No. 1 Dawbul — • Commercial No. 1 All wheat treated with "Panogen". Also a complete line of Grass Seed and Grass Seed Mixtures for Fall Seeding. For further information Contact Geo. Wesenburg. Brussels Phone 56r9. Lea -Weber on the Tag means "Qualiity" in the.$ag. i WALTON Personals ; Stewart Bryan,s, Stratford, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bryan; My, and Mrs. Steuart Humphries and family with Mr. and Mrs. G. S, L, Cummings. Sarnia; Mn'. and ivlrcs, James Cam- eron, Sarnia, with friends here; Mrs. George Watt, boundary west, is a liatient in Searorth hospital; lir. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter have returned torte anter a week with their daughter in London; Mrs. Ken Rae and Eleanor, Llys. J. S. Buchanan, and Mrs. Emily Naylor, Stratford, with friends here; Mr, and Mrs. C. Way. Mt•, and Mrs. Don Croy. and Joseph Hackwell with Rev. Gordon and Mrs, Gordon Hazle- wood. Mount Forrest, Ottawa -- ThanksgivIng Day will be proclaimed shortly for October 8th, it was learned. An order -in- council authorizing tbe proclamation j has been passed by Cabinet, $at oodser Safer Softer %de GtlHily®."Ett,F1 c Also available in n t tend . GOR FOR THIS"HION SIGN Of QUALITY Car -makers use and the public buys, more Goodyear Super - Cushions than any other low- pressure tire. 0.51 ELLIOT MtTOR SALES PHONE: 82 DODGE—DESOTO—SALES & SERVICE teasmasemearnsamelemalemosserearamexammessma The Exciting NEW EXTRA for Subscribers to i, Western Ontario's Foremost Newspaper WEEKEND . - PICTURE MAGAZINE • A rotogravure and color tabloid magazine for the best week -end reading entertainment - - - • An eye filling treat - - - the finest product of its kind on the North American Ctonti- nent --- • ® Pictures, feature articles, fie - tion and cartoons for every me'fYtber of the family - - - • Included with news of the day from your community as well as the four corners of the globe. PIs the Eniarge6 FvD Color Comic Section of 16 Pages - EVERY SATURDAY BEGINNING ATUY, SEPTEMBER 8 Be Sure of Your Copy . . Order - Daily Delivery Contact - -- Your Carrier Boy 4 See - -- Your News Dealer Write - - - The London Free Press