HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-8-29, Page 1THE RUSSELSr^ ,1 I ;:1 iY-�1 �1i T $2.00 per year --$I-Ed U. 5. A 'OST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday' August 29th, 1951 WIIY PAY MORE 1 Pt. Mason Jar of P -Nut Butter • . 40c 3 - 1/ lb. Tins Red Salmon • • . • • $1.00 1 lb. Tea - Our Own Blend • ' • • •' • • • • 89c 1 - 3-4 Tin Spiced Beef Loaf • •...., • • • 43c 2-20 oz. Tins Fancy Quality Tom. Juice .25 CkE,7AR'S - CROCETER!A Mon. Sept. 3rd, Being A Statutory Holiday Our Store Will Be Closed All Day. Open All Day Wednesday REGENT THEATRE NOTICE - iDue to the large number of pupils attending S. S. No. 7 Grey, only those who will he six or over on or before Dec. let, 1951 will be accept- ed. Carl Hemingway, Secretary, Grey Township School Area. Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING - Thurs. Fri. Sat. Aug. 30 -31 - Sept. lat "TO PLEASE A LADY" witty Clarke Gable Barbara Stanwyck Adolpe MenJou It's Kill or be Killed for the top contender In the Midget Racing Field. As he throttles his way to the Top as King of the roaring Road. Mon. Tues. Wed. Sept. 3-1-5 Matinee, Monday 2.30 P. M. "LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE" wth Ruth Roman Richard Todd Rhys Williams He was a man without friends - Bitter and brooding over a great In. Justide- In this dompelling drama of venegeance and suspense. Next Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sept. 6-7-8 •In Technicolor "AL JENIINGS OF OKLAHOMA" wth Dan Duryea Gale Storm Dick Foran The real true-to-life story of the Zest of the great Outlaws as told by Al Jennings Himself. COMING - -"KING SOLOMON'S MINES" wth Stewart Grainger Deborah Kerr semowaiieFivawo Melville Church Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a, m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. in. Morning Worship United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Larne Divine Worship - 11 o'clock. "Partuers with .clod" Ohurch Sohool - 12 o'clock. Come and Worship. Church Of England Perish of Brussel. Rev. J. H. Kerr -- Rentor. St. John's Church, 0russols-- 11 a. m, Morning Prayer Sunday School St David's Church. Henfryn 2.30 p. m. Evening Prager Sundry School St. George's Churoh, Walton 7.30 p. m. Evening Prayer TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs. J. C. Backer entertained at a' trousseau tea on. Saturday afternoon for her clalmgh.ter, Elisabeth, who is to be married on Sept. 1. Tall baskets of vara-eclored gladioli, Swapdragons, and balsams decorated the living -room, where Mrs, Baeker and her daughter received their guests. They were assisted by the bride's aunt, Mrs. Garr, Long of California, and' Mrs. J. Galbraith. Mrs. Wdlllam Spedr opened the door for the guests. Upstairs, brown -eyed Susans add- ed their cheery color in the rooms where Misses .Terse Little an.d Mar- gery Dranston of London and Mrs. Jack Day of Wingha,m displayed the trousseau and linens. Mrs. C. Matheson was in charge of the room where the gifts were arranged. At the lace -covered tea -table. centred with a large bowl of Pink snapdragon and tall pink candles, Mrs, Witham Little and Mrs, Sohn Gibson poured tee; and Mrs. Cam- eron Adams end Mrs, Evans ser- ed ered the guests. Others who assised were Mrs. Margaret 13awksuhew, Mew M. Rohimeon, MTs. (1. Davis, and Mrs, M. Ballantyne, Guests were present tram London. Win:gham, Mitchell, Toronto and Brussels. The Ethel Mill will be closed Aug. 27th to Sept. 3rd. Customers please stock up early and avoid last minute rush, Alt AVM (AV. W65N LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Wed. Thur. Aug. 29.30 John Wayne, Patricia Neal in "OPERATION PACIFIC" JUNIOR GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM PLAYS HERE TUESDAY NIGHT The Brussels junior girls softball team suffered a 7 - 1 defeat in Clif- ford on Tuesday night. The theme axe evenly matched and errors of any players are coatty. These teams are now tied 1 - 1 in two games played in the hest of 4 mut of 7 ser- ies for the cup. The next game will he played here under the lights. at Victoria Park at 2.30, next Tues- day night. it promises to be an 'intereetin.g game, Be there to root for our girls. Fri. Sat. Aug. 31st --Sept. 1st Ronald Reagan: Diana Lynn and "Bonzo" to "BEDTIME FOR BONZO" Sat. Mat. 2 p.m.-Eve..7.30 p.m. FALL FAIR PRIZE LIST NOW READY tn•.reased prize money ! Addition- al :uttrariione ! Read all about it in the 1911 prize list now In the hands of the secretary. Gen, Wesonberg, ready for diata'ihution, The Fall Fair hoard and directors have leen striving for menthe to make this yw..u''s Fall Fair bigger and bitter than over. . Get a ropy of the new prize 'telt et once and arrange to exhibit in as ninny rlhece; as passible. This is yen' fair ant only by your pna'ttripafion and en -operation can it be the ailrrr' a it should be. ELSTON SPEIRAN PAYS TOP PRICE FOR HEIFER Sixty-flOun' purebred Holsteins brought $31,340 at the disposal sale or the herd maintained for the Past 25 years by the H. C. Down - bent Nersen•y Co, Ltd., Strathroy, The sale was held at the farm, The general average of $552 for ani- mals of all ages was considered PEOPLE WE KNOW * * * Mee. Ben Witiitard returned home after holidaying in St. Calllerines and Brampton. * ' s Mrs. D, H. Livingston of Toronto, spent a week with Airs. Stanley Wheeler and other fiends, * * * Mr. and Mrs, Herb Manning are spending this week at Point Clark guests of Mrs. Walter Rose. * * * Mrs. John Walker and Miss Mary of Ottawa were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Tnos. Walker on Tuesday. * * * :lir. and Mrs. W. F. Serest of Wall- arebierg. spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. -W. S. Scott. n * c Mr. and Mrs. J. IT. Howard and son Bryan of Forest, have spent the past twn weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bryan. * * * Misses Jean and Helen Sr'ott of Toronto have been holidaying with their si(aer MTs. Harney McCtuteheon Mb eon.. Morris. * * * Mr. and Mrs. David Tc*cLeod and Jack and Donald returned Sunday after holidaying art Pickford, And - yard and Sault Ste, Maxie, Mich, * * * Recent vieltors et the home of ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bryans were Mr. W. L. McKelvey of Montreal, secs sirs. M. Melnnier of Toronto land Me. ani Maw, Glen Eckmier of Los Angeles, Cal,. and Miss Greta Eck- I nater of Toronto. * * o Mrs. W. S. 5nrtt. spent a few days satisfactory, particularly since $1. with friends at Concord and Toronto. 100 was the top price paid and Recent nisttnrs with Miss N. only two head exceeded $1,000. Tardive have been Mr. and Mrs. F• , Cattier were sold to buyers from On -Teasdale, Concord, Mr. and Mrs. A. tan'o, Michigan, Ohio and Peinnsyl- $1.300 Xing and Mr. and Mrs. R. King sed yenta. The highest price of $1,300 Leslie of HnrnhR Ont. was bid by Lakefield Farms. Clark- ston, Mich., for the seven-year-old cow Riven Rag Apple Snasan. Lake - field Farms also Purchased a fetus, year old at $200. Heifer calves sold up to $775 wlictch amotmt was paid by Elston A. Speiran, Brussels, Ont. Adolphus Dick, Northwood bought a bred heifer at $750 and a heifer calf at $500. MID -NIGHT SHOW SEPT. 2nd at 12.05 after Sunday Mid -Night Mon. Tues. Sept. 3-4 David Wayne, ' Tom Ewell in "UP FRONT" TUESDAY FOTO-NITS OFFER $190.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. FALL MUSIC TERM Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Thompson will reopen their music classes in Piano playing, Singing and Theory, on Tuesday, Sept, 4th. Pupils may (cine at their usual time, Mrs. Thompson will start a. Kind- ergarten music class for children of pre-scbeod age. Wed. Thur. • Sept. 5-6 The COMMAND Performance i Picture of the year. -- starring - Irene Dunne, Alec Guinness and Andrew Ray. WOICAIMMICAVOW CARD OF THANKS'. I wish to take then opportunity to express my sincere thanks to those who sent flowers, cards and other remembrances during my stay in Victoria Hospital. Each and every one was deeply appreciated. Mrs. 0. S. Elliott. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportun• ity to :sincerely thank my friends and relatives who so kindly remembs ei'ed me with cards, flowers, treats and other gifts during any stay in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. H. Stretton. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the contract of cleaning and repairing the open portion (approximately 175 ends) of the tittle Drain in Morris Township will be received by the undersigned up until 2 p, m„ Sept, 4th, 1951. Lowest or any tender nsaarily accepted. Geo, C. Martin, Clerk. r, .-rte;s . /0110;atamtcan c2:4711r•nas'.m� not nes Rev. and Mrs. Rosas D. Crosby and son Paul were recent visitors et the home of T. J. Steno/lane Rev Mr. Crosby prior to his call to the pastorate of S4, Marys Church, in June last. was for several yeast; peetor of the United Church. Dunn (isle, and upon his departure for 5t, Marys, the Dunnville congregat- ion kindly presented himself, , anti family with a fins Ford car. Mrs. Crosby's mother will he kindly ,rememhered by many as Jessie Me Neil a pupil in ehitdhood years re 5, 5. No. 3 of Grey Townsliip. toe RECEIVED CIGARETTES FROM BRUSSELS LEGION Kyunggi. Province Korea. July 2Sth, 1951. 'LIONS BAND PRESENTED CONCERT IN LISTOWEL on Sunday c0(oiug the Brussels Lions Boys and Girls 13aud gave a band concert ha 1h' lis;t.,ivel Park, before a large audience. They ap- Peered tilerrvr, as guests of the Lis- owei Rotary Club and were en- thusiastically received. BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS Why go all the way to Toronto Exhibition and pay 50c to see tate flower show. lichen you can see more flowers and colours than you can name at Jas. Anderson at Brus- sels and he will not charge you a nickel, Melville Church Service Rt v. .Tames West of St. Thomas, was guest speaker in Melville Pres- byterian Church on Sunday morn- the his text was Gen. 5.3-11. Jos- eph's kindness to h`s breethren in time of their afi'licitinn. We chmild ' show kindness one to another also • comfort and Joy as our Saviour rmnmended us to he of gond cheer. A diet was sang by Barbara and Heather Alden and also a solo by Gerald Gibson, BRUSSELS BAND GOES TO C. N. E. The Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band goes to the C. N. E. to onnlpete in the juvenile band !, tempet,ation there an Thnraday of i th°s week. They will travel by bus leaving here in the early hours in I order to play at 10 o'clock in the morning. The competition number, the overture "Bette Sabrem: will be played under the direction of bandmaster A. C. Robinson. We ; wish them every success in their effort and a happy time at the C. N. E. They have worked bard ! and deserve it. The United Church At Divine Worship in the United Church on Sunday morning, August 26th, the sermon theme was, "Chrisits Mission and Ours". based on tike text, "As My Father hath sent Me even so send I you.'' Every Christian's vocation it to be a re - redeemer under Christ, the minister said. Mr. George Pearson of 17t'hel Dear Comrades, We received your most welcome parcels of Cigarettes yesterday which are appreciated very much. We haven't. been able to get Canadian cigarettes, since May when we left ?limn. The old reliable N. A. A. F, I's are here but. they only have a small supply of. English 1 eigarettes left by the time they get 1* lis. We officially became part of the Commonwealth Division to -day, UP to the present we have been with the Pence Recoils. Turk's a.nd Amer- icans n11 the Central front. The country itself is in a terrible condition and the people are in a grave state of poverty. All they rely On are the rice Crops and gardens of vegetables which have been badly burnt or trampled. inhere are very few level Plaids becaal5* the country is a series of nionntaine and hills snaking it hard to build good roads, the few rna.da usable are rcueih and (te ty on dry dalys and sea of mud on wet time The mud is having it's day at present became of the rainy eessnn which we are teid la Tuly and Menet, We Just Omit 'thew time en we'll sten eft fur now. Thanking you emelt for the smokes. Regsrdis to all. Ted Mttellell and Mac Lliol•1. Is ono of the Beat Quallty..Avslisbte. Regular Shipments Now Being Ree ceived. Order yours direct one • the oar. M. C. OLDFIELD PHONE 68 DANCE In Crystal Palace Ballroom Brussels Q11 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd Music by Grand River Ramblers 6 -piece Orchestra - Dancing 9.30 to 1.30 Admission 50c Lunch Booth Come out and have a lively tirne. NOTICE Allowance up to $150. for your old refrigerator on a new Kelvinator Refriger- ator. • • Expert wiring at reasonable prices. DEAN DAVISON Phone 62x iBrussels Brussels only licensed electrician. MID -SUMMER SALE August 23rd to September 1st PEARSON'S SHOE STORE and MEN'S WEAR 40 pair men's dress oxfords, black and brown reg• $7.50 and $8.50 40 pair ladies dress shoes, all colours and styles reg. $6.95 to $10.50 Sale $4.95 50 pair ladies summer shoes, reg. $3.95 to $5.50 r Sale price $2.95 40 pair Iadies sandals and oxfords, reg. $4.50 to $5.95 Sale price $2.98 Sale $4.95 30 pair ladies older style shoes, Sale price .98c 40 misses dress shoes, reg. $4.50 Sale price $2.79 30 pair children's shoes Sale price $1.98 20% OFF THE FOLLOWING: All men's clothing which includes men's Socks Stetson hats and caps Forsyth and Arrow sport and dress shirts Ties and pyjamas Brussels, Ont. Phone 11 sang, "Open the Gates ofc, the Temple." The Athletic dray Tracer Meet of .the Canadian National Tlthdhitien on Rahirclay, Seel. t. will falrthea' tiSI to Canndeer rising nrominente in track Haid (Uhl ciente when Canada's top ethietee will compete agatnst mann of tato world's beet, HURON BRUCE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE NOMINATING CONVENTION 5�44Guest Speaker m Honorable Leslie ; . Fest PREMIER OF ONTARIO WILL SPEAK ON ONTARIO'S PROGRESS WINGHAM TOWN HALL th at 8.30 o'clock To CHOOSE a CANDIDATE for RIDING of HURON -BRUCE Other Speakers will be T. L. Pryde, M.P.P., L. E. Cardiff M.P. Howie Meeker M.P., J. Fred Edwards M.P.P., Z. Janes M.P.P. and others Everybody Welcome Special Invitation To The Ladies Reception to meet the Premier following the meeting. :- Come and meet Mm 1 • Solos by Mrs. Ross Hamilton Accompanist - H. Victor Pym -- YOU ARE INVITED - President -- Robt. J. Bowman, Sec.-Treas. --- J. H. Crawford K. C. Brussels, Ont. Wingham, Ont. GOD SAVE THE KING