HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-8-22, Page 7Apolglies
By Georgia C. hiicholas
"You're late, Neil Hornet!" Taffy
handed Neil herr jacket to hold for
"I know it" Neil said, "and
what's mare 1 forgot to bring back
that book that my mother bor•
rowed front your smother.'• •
"And you're not even sorry?"
Taffy prodded,
Neil opened the door for her,
"l'in only -ten minutes late and
your mother said she was in no
- hurry for the book."
Taffy didn't answer until they
were in the car and on their
way to the Horner residence for
dinner, "Just how late do you have
to be to say you're sorry?"
"What good would it d.: to say
lint sorry;"
Taffy didn't answer. She didn't
want to start a quarrel now, She
didn't now Neil's parents very
well and she did hope they'd like
her, Ten's another and Neil's
mother'belongedto the swine club
and that's hose they became ac-
"When are you going to say
you'll marry me?" Neil asked as
if he didn't know Taffy was peeved.
"I'm not. You haven't auy man-
"1 haven't had any complaints
before. Don't I always open doors
for you and all the other things
a guy is supposed to do?"
"Olt, yes, the manners that can
be seen. But just between us two
sometimes I think you're down-
right rude. You never apologize."
"When are you going to say
you'll neat•ry. me?" •
"See who 1 never apologize,"
IN whispered.
"I Won't say it till you say you,'re
You were late and that you
forgot the book."
This time Neil was the quiet
one. The situation was still- un-
settled when he turned onto a
winding driveway. "Oh, Neil, do
you think they'll like me?" Taffy
"Does it matter?"
Taffy had no chance to answer
that one, A maid opened the door
for theta. She showed Taffy to
a bedroom and while Taffy was
taking off her jacket Mfrs. Horner
"lisle so sorry I wasn't at the
front door," Mrs._ Horner mourn-
ed. "I was all upset this afternoon
because the butcher didn't send the
kind of meat I ordered, Inc afraid
it isn't going to be a very good
Taffy did her hest to assure Mrs.
ilorner that she was quite tom-
fortable without her jacket, It
seemed that;the oil burner was out
of kilter,
"I don't know how 1 look in •
this dress," Mrs, Horner said. "It's
one I made myself and I just fin•
ished it this afternoon."
Taffy laughed her polite little
laugh and they went downstairs.
Mr. Horner was a- mueh : more
comfortable person 'to meet. He
tried to make conversation at the
dinner table and cancel his wife's
deprecation of .everything, After
dinner he said, "Mother, I think
0111' guest might like to see sone
of your paintings."
"Yes,". Neil said, "Mother's giv-
ing Grandma. Moses a run for her
money." •
Mr, Horner led this way into
the living. room, Mrs. Horner said,
"Oh, they really aren't worth look-
ing at,''
"Then let's not ioolc, at them,"
Had Taffy said that? Taffy had,
She realized it on the word 'look'
and that—Was too late, She put
her hand over her mouth and faced
Neil, His mouth was open as if
he'd started to say something,
changed` his mind and forgotten to
shut it, But there was a sparkle hn
his eyes, the same sparkle she
had loved for a long time,
She wasn't quite clear about
who said what during the next
minute, But somehow Mr. Hot -
nee led Mrs. -Horner out of the
roots and pepple. said goodnight.
Slie still stood there looking help-
lessly at Neil
He held out.his.aurins. "See why.
I never apologise?""'Ito whispered.
"Yes, I see, I still think you
carry it to extremes, but if I can
ever he forgiven for what I just
sakird like to matey you eolnte-
"Forgiven? That wes..jtist what
my another needed. Now let's take
this book back to your another and
tell her we're engaged,"
"Build Their Own"
Ov`~r 111 Sweden
tin, time of the year bun
rlred, of families throughout Swed
Pit are taking advantage nn the
summer weather and long lours to
build their owtt homes,
Under a unique "build -it -your-
self" plan sponsored by Swedish lo-
cal authnritiee, wattle in over.
crowded city tenements can look
forward to having a home of their
very 01111, built with their own
hands for a total cost of about
'The wort: Macy do this; summer
counts as 10 per cent of the pur-
ehase price, and the local authority
gives them a loan fur the other
90 per cent,
This "build -it -yourself" plan was
devised to save skilled labour and
cut down the cost of new domes.
1t is limited to workmen earning
not more than $1,750 a year and
has been organized in Stockholm,
(lothenhurg, Uppsala, Halmstad
and other large municipalities,
'faking it for granted that any-
body can build a small house pro-
vided the necessary materials are
there and he or she is shown how
to, the authorities have employed
full-time instructors on the sites.
One building instructor aid one
gardener arc allocated to every 80
houses under erection, and they
arc responsible for seeing that no
glaring mistakes are made.
Prefabrication and standardiza-
tion are used to a large extent, Al-
though there are several different
exterior designs to choose from,
the fitments—plumbing, heating ap-.
paratus, window frames, walls—arc
standard and interchangeable.
\Valls are made complete with
windows already fitted. Joists, floor
beards and roof trusses are already
cut, ready to nail and screw into
Staircases, cupboards and ward-
robes are provided complete and
have only to be set up in their
appropriate places.
;., Steel for reinforcement arrives in
suitable lengths, bent to shape.
There might be 2,000 separate
items needed for one house and
each `lot" is delivered at the site
and placed under the charge of the
The future owner is told to get
of with it one step at a time, and
until one step is completed materi-
als are not forthcoming for the
Work starts in May with the
excavation of the basements, whdre
a small furnace
s installed ' d f nstalle or cen-
tral heating.
From then on right through the
summer whole families can be sten
building feverishly during every
hour theyare.
can spare.
Neighbors lend a hand with the
erecting of the walls and roof, and
the plumbing and electric wiring
are installed by professionals.
Normally all the structural work
is finished by October, and as soon
as the roof is on the owners move
inn, finishing off the interior while
living there.
The, complete finished job takes
about nine months and each build-
er is allowed $?00 for professional
touching up.
The house then has to pass a
rigorous inspection, and if it does
not conform to the local building
standards it has to he pulled down
and rebuilt.
This is how the local authorities
ensure that the generous kens
made to owner -builders don't turn
out to be bad investments,
Sites are owned by the local au-
thorities and are leased for, sixty
Suggestions for improvements
and easier methods of erection are
invited, with the result that owner -
erectors have often conte forward
with ingenious ideas overlooked by
professional builders.
Two druggists were talking about
one of their associates who had just
"He was a great druggist," said
"He was," admitted the other,
"but don't you think he made his.
chicken salad a little too,•salty?"
The ":r ew .ILL ok "y Threatens
To .Mike A Return Offensive
By Rosette Hargrove
Paris—(NEA)—The fancy tames
under which Parisian fashion dic-
tators are unveiling their FaIr col-
lections is one good indication of
what's in store for style [lac Au•
Dor calls it the "Shapely Look."
Path's line is the "Egret," Bal -
main's the "Enchanted Flute," and
Dosses' "The Bluebird."
]t would seem, therefore, that
smart women this coating Winter
(at least those who eau afford to
keep up with the Model will wear
grandmnnla's rustling petticoats
under skirts which are said to be
BALMAIN: "Enchanted Flute."
staging a "brutal" return to full-
ness in many disguises.
"haughty" collars will cont-
inan1 a regal bearing while bird.
cage veils will stress the mysteri-
ous, alluring, ultra -feminine 1951
The "New Look" threatens a re-
turn offensive. Skirts have crawled
down a few inches lower than in the
Spring. They avill focus and com-
mand all the interest, while bodices
will be denture, simple and form -
fitted, achieving a new pigeon -
breast look by the help of darts
and whalebones,
Sleeves are to be more fancy and
there is a definite return to the
choker collar.
Besides dropping skirts, Chris -
tiara Dior, father of the "new" look,
is said to have also subjected waists
to the sante gentle treatment, He
has used a .great many deep -piled
fabric's as well as those tvitlt plenty
of "body" to them,
T•"atlt l,i inches "magic" petticoats
to underline longer and faller skirts,
Fullness will be introduced with
pleats, panels and other devices.
Fath will also feature a square -curt
armhole w9dcb is said to be very
Pierre • Bateman, on the other
hand, shows full overskirts looped
hack over petticoats of a contrast-
ing shade. His coats will be vol-
uminous both as regards yardage
and fabric. 'rhe inside or lining
is as important with this creator
as the -outside.
Jean" 1)e•ses has cotupletels dis-
carded the straight skirt and pro-
poses to center all the new full-
ness at the hact;, He launches the
wi,Ie-tt inged skirl over starched
petticoats, The Direetaire is the
period which has most influenced
this dein-tier: waistlines are rewired
and collars sometimes creep up to
the cars.
(:cuentlly speaking, shoulders
will still slope and the raglan and
kimono sleeve carry on through
another season.
Calor, show a preference. for
"dynamic" reds, followed, by "wild"
greens, sulphate blues and all the
muted "fur" shades. "Fatal" black,
of course, still remains the most
elegant of all.
It's to the hat designers that
one must tarn for whimsical no -
eons. Su far lines shown have been
influenced by all the retrospective
history of Paris going back to the
31 'Ile Aures. 1 his has caused a
blossoming of itetmins, "coifs," as
turtle as ail sorts of turban; tor-
sades and topknots.
The lairectoire influence can he
traced in hats, too, while the hair-
dressers it"e showing hairdo's with
chignons and twists placed at a
new high poiut at the back of the
Veils arc a "must" on all but
the most inflrntal type of winter
"bonnet," and even modern woman
cannot deny that it does much to
acid a touch of pduancy to a gal.
PARIS IN THE FALL: An artist in the Paris newspaper "Figaro"
sees lines like these in the Paris Fall collections—Fath's "Egret"
(left) and Dior's "Shapely Look" (right).
Poultrymen out in Southern Cali-
fornia have been using dried cow
or steer manure for poultry -house
litter, and are loud in their praise
of it. They have found it espec-
ially satisfactory for floor brooders
dein broiler or laying houses where_
a built-up 'litter is needed, More
than that, they find it economical
too, according to an article in The
Country Gentleman, the cost being
less than, our -tenth of what they
had formerly been paying for peat
A 1, A,
They also believe that this dried
manure contains a certain amount
of valuable animal protein factor.
A: d: 5,
One raiichter who broods several
latindred broilers per week reported•
Pre had been able to discontinue de -
beaking since using -manure litter.
Another producer claimed that be
hadn't had a single case of coccid-
iosis since turning to this kind ,of
Actual handling of the dried cow
manure varies, Some prefer to run
it through a grinder, while others
use it just as it comes from the
dairy or feed yard. In one opera-
tion Where' the pens in the broiler
OW 0
BooIND MOUdo Nur
houses are 10 by Io feet, the litter
is put down 3 to 4 inches deep—
with the brooder placed in one end
of tine area. Some 300 broilers are
raised here front day-old chicks to
eight weeks. After each bunch of
broilers is marketed, the litter is
piled in the centre of the pen and
thoroughly nixed with 50 pounds
of hydrated lime.
* 5
It is then allowed to stay in the
pile to dry and heat for from two '
to four weeks. Litter treated like
this has been used as many as
seven times. Some producers pre-
fer to continue a built-up litter with
no treatment, adding more manure
front time to time. Others begin
each bunch of birds with a fresh
supply of litter.
Now a few words about a man
who didn't let present-day high
building costs keep him front going
into the poultry business. He's a
West Coast man and he built a
sturdy, compact laying house,
Mostly front materials cut in the
farm woodlot, for just over $2 a
bird. 1'Itis included hiring labor
for most of the building, plus all
the inside equipment
5 is ri
He has a 32- by 52 -foot, two..
story house for 900 layers, 1,erearly
all lumber wes cut on shares at a
nearby custom mill. Peeled poles
were used for rafters, joists and
Anne studs.
The bottom story has dirt -floor
laying pens, while the top deck has
'concrete laid on shiplap with stucco
betting for reinforcement. He likes
dirt best because litter stays drier
and is easier to handle.
* 9, 5
One end of the building has feed
rooms on each floor. Long gets
supplies into the top roost with a
ramp built
as a truck
t upg
bed on one end and the level of
the second story on the other. It is
sufficiently large and sturdy to ac-
commodate a big cart of feed, or
for a regular hand truck for easy
v: r
Goss ventilation comes from
windows covering most of the
south side, and from a 6 -inch open-
ing on the north wall between the
plate and top of the joists. This
space is covered with 1 -inch poultry
netting. A 6 -inch overhang of gal-
vanized metal extends down from
the roof outside to keep out rain
and wind. This stakes a well -ven-
tilated house in all kinds of *Tether
and one that isn't drafty.
The building has large sliding
doors opening front one end 011
both floors. The upstairs is cleaned
by pushing litter into a chute and
clown to a truck below. Litter on
the lower floor is handled with a
power manure loader.
Nest rooms are adjacent to the
feed supply to reduce chore time.
Long can gather eggs front both
floors in 15 minutes and doesn't
have to do much walking. The
nests are built in groups, 12 'feet
long by 8 inches wide and three
decks high to accommodate 500
birds. They are staircase style with
a 6 -inch perch in front and divided
into partitions about 4 feet long.
The entry way is covered with gyp-
sum to keep the bird's feet clean.
5 a *
Boards used for the front side of
the nests lift off so' that each sec-
tion can be cleaned once a year just
by pushing the litter onto the floor.
The Scotsman leaned against the
public bar holding Itis stomach and
moaning piteously. "Sick?" asked
a sympathetic stranger.
"\ierra, verra sick," said the
Scotsman, "I'm afraid I've got
"What's 'yoors?" inquired the
The Setosman brightened imme-
diately. "Make it a Scotch and
soda," he said.
Gordon `;IOtllt.
Achievement of a uninterrupted
succession of bloom in your bordere
is not always merely the result of
careful planning and placement of
material, but is frequently also the
result of judicious discarding and
replacement of bloomed -out plants.
Ruthless pulling up of leggy and
sparsely flowering plants also adds
greatly to the neatness and charm
of the entire garden.
r * d.
The drifts of cherished biennial
species of dianthus that may still
show intermittent bloom, and digi-
talis with a few pendent bells at
the top of the stalk, or the sprawl-
ing pansies with an occasional
mammoth flower are a few ex-
amples.- The border will take on
new life if the pinks are removed,
the digitalis uprooted and the pan-
sies cut In ck severely for fall
blooming. Most biennials are best
discarded after maturity, including
Canterbury bells and hollyhocks.
4 5 H
Such annuals as have bloomed
themselves out and have gone pre-
maturely to seed should also be
removed from the garden. This
group includes larkspur, annual
poppies and cornflowers. And the
golden coreopsis after its early sum -
neer blootn might just as well be
discarded, for lrter flowers are in-
tl M t
Where gaps are left -in the border
by the removal of tall plants, large
annuals, such as cleome and giant
cosmos, and tall formal dahlias (not.
disbudded) will provide both color
and foliage. In our own garden we
set bulbs of the summer hyacinth
(galtonia) in closely spaced groups
among the digitalis. This assures
display for summer after the digi-
talis has been removed,
4' 4 Y:
Nicotiana, a delightful white -
flowering annual,. should be spaced
to allow complete development.
Then it will cover an area three
feet in circumference and display
myriads of fragrant blossoms on
stems of the same height. Tall mari-
golds of the African type and.the
new Skyscraper snapdragons also
will fill vacant spaces in the u back-
gro rad of the border.
Many annuals of medium height
can be used to add color interest
in barrens
spots. Cornflowers,nf
lowers cal-
lio sis white or yellow summer
chrysanthemums. cantelia - flowered
balsam with red coral lilac or white
Itlossoms, annual phlox especially
the new Tetra Red with branching
plants eighteen inches high are
all good space -fillers. All of them
are easily grown. Even now most
of them will conte up quickly from
seed and provide bloom for late
sustiner, -
a >< *
Lotter - growing annuals for
retention will not commend itself
or the yellowed foliage of bulbs in-
clude petunia's dwarf forms of an-
nual phlox and nasturtiums. The
new dwarf Heavenly Blue morning
glory and the sky-blue southern
Southern Belle—The new first
lady of beauty in North Caroll••
new is 19 -year-old Lee Long Og•
burn, above, who took thew
state's beauty title from 37
other lovlies. Miss Ogburn will
represent -the Tar Hee) State in
the Miss America pageant at
Atlantic City.
star (oxypetalutn) are .also good
in the foreground. J
c: k
Among perenaiais valuable far
low screen planting are the cushion
chrysanthemums, which flower late
in August. The dwarf hardy asters
are equally useful. Anthemis aizoon
is attractve with its silvery mat of
foliage and white starry flowers.
R is #
Such supplemental material not
only will perform the function of
filling in spaces left bare by up•
rooted plants, but will add its own
charm to the beauty of the late
summer and autumn border.
No Scratches
When our furniture was to be
moved by a van to the coast, hun-
dreds of miles distant, and put in
storage on arrival, it seemed wise
to give some of the pieces spe-
cial attention writes a correspon
dent. Having a few antique pieces
I used some old cotton stockings
to protect their legs.
Cutting the feet off the stock-
ings, 1 pulled the. stocking .legs
up over the legs of the tables, fails
tening them at the top and the
bottom. I used the stocking
.fc el
in the saute way, drawing them
over the legs of carved chairs, thus
giving these protection from rub.
bin orscratching.
Old chintz and
other materials were used to cover
needlepoint chairs and tacked on
haeles,,,seats, and arms, protecting
them front soil or dust.
The playboy'-ltad a closet shave
than he bargained for in a local
barber shop.' His manicaurc girl
was very beautiful, and he suggest.
ed dinner and a show that evening.
"I don't think I ought to," she des
=reed, "1'm married."
"Ask your husband," suggested
the ployboy. "I'm sure he wouldn't
"Ask him yourself," said the 'gill,
"he's shaving you."
" Scream, You Scream , .. For lee Cream"—Twin girls, a pair of -
s ippery hands, and two ornery ice cream cones set the stage for
a double tragedy at Rockaway Beach. Quicker than you can
say pistachio, Margaret and Duanne Edge dropped their cones,.
Both ice cream and the heats of bystanders melted as the tots
sat—and bawled,