HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-8-22, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST YOST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, August 22nd, 1951 $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. S. .0.21111 — WHY PAY MORE — 1 Doz. Mason Pt. Jars - • ''" • • • • 99c 1-12 oz. Tin Spiced Beef 43c 1 lb. Shortening 29c 1 ib. Astor Coffee—Freshly Ground 94c We Have Arriving Tue. Thur. Sat. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Golden Jubilee Peaches Are Here Now. GREWAR'S - GROCETERIA Buy The Best For Less Open All Day Wednesday NOTICE — The Ethel Mil] will be closed Aug. 27th to Sept. 3rd. Customers please stock up early and avoid last minute rush, REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING — Thurs. Fri. Sat. Aug, 23-24-25 "THE NOOSE HANGS HIGH" with Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Come and laugh with the two fun- niest men in pictures. Your favoriit- es Bud and Lou' Mon. Tues. Wed. Aug. 27-28-29 "LET'S LIVE A LITTLE" with Hedy Lamarr and Robert Cunmings You will appreciate seeing these tpo- raskfng stars in this Picture. Next Thurs. Fri, Sat. Aug. 30-31— Sept. tat "TO PLEASE A LADY" with Clarke Gable Barbara Stanwyck Adotpe Menfou It's Kill or be Killed for the top contender In the Midget Racing Fleld. As he throttles his way to the Top as King of the roaring Road. COMING — "THE DUCHESS OF IDAHO" wkh Esther Williams and Van Johnson 4 Church of England Melville Church Minister, Rev. W. 14. T. Puttee 10 a. m. leader _!shim an/ flM. 171asa 11 a. in. Morning Worship Rev. J. K. West, St Thomas. United Church Or CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lens Divine Worship — 11 o'clock. Sermon Subject; "Gimlet Williston and Ours" "Rejoice the Lord is King; Your' Lord and 'King adore." tea - Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr — Fleeter. St. John's Church, Brussels - 11 a. m. Morning Prayer Sunday School 8t. David'a Church. Henfryn 210 p, m. Evening Prayer Sunday School St. George's Church, Walton 7.30 p, nL Evening Prayer No services On Aug. 20th NOTICE — Due to the large number of pupils attending S. S. No. 7 Grey, only those who will be six or over on or before Dec. 1st, 1951 will be accept- ed. Carl Hemingway, Secretary, Grey Township School Area. DAYS OF 1951 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Friday. August 24,th. Opening Day. Saturday. August 25th, Warriors' Day. Sunday..August 26th. closed. Monday, August 27th, Children's Day. Tuesday, August 28th, Automotive and Electrical Day. Wednesday, August 29th, Food Products and Merchanits Day, Thursday, August 30th, Women's Music and Arts Day. Friday, August 31st, Press and Radio Day. Saturday, Setember 1st. Manln- facturers', Floral and Athletic Day. Sunday, September 2nd, closed. Monday, September 3rd, Labor Day. Tuesday, September 4th, Internat- lonaJ Day and National Health Day, Wednesday, September 5th, Agri- cu,iture and Live Stock Parade Day. Thursday, September Sbh, Trans- portation and Commercial Travellers' Day, Friday, September 7th, Interpro- vincial and Service Clubs' Day. Saturday, September 8ttb, Citizens' and Cadet Um IIVOIVORCOOKMEMA LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE WED. THUR. AUG. 22-23 Fred McMurray, Sylvia Sidney in Henry Fonda in the Re -issue of "TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE" Technicolor itelatiglirOW MOW Fri. Sat. Aug. 24-25 Errol Flynn, Patricia Wymore in "ROCKY MOUNTAIN" Sat. Mat. 2 p.m.—Eve. 7.30 p.m. Non. Tues. Aug. 27-28 Densis Morgan, Doris Day, Jack Carson in "IT'S A GREAT FEELING" Technicolor TUESDAY FOTO-NITS OFFER $190.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. Wed. Thur. Aug. 29.30 John Wayne, Patricia Neal in "OPERATION PACIFIC" PACIFIC" ms�sb/"OER� PEOPLE WE KNOW * * • Mr, and Mrs. Jack Cameron and Family of Elmira, were Sunday vis• Dors with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rannr. Mr, William .l1ci'J'hirter o1 Stat. wart, Sask, Is al present visiting with son Bill MCW drier of Brussels, • * • Mr. and Mrs, D. 'flawless amci baby daughter of Fergus are visiting at the hone of her father Mr. and Mrs, T, 1., McDonald, * • * Mr. and Mrs. Garf, Long of Cali. Fonda ar'rtyed Tuesday to visit at the home of her sister Mils,. 0. Beek., er and Mr. Baelcer and other retativ es and friends. * * * Mr, Ernest Conir'ehesne gat guile a surirp.se recently. He was fishing Mgt out of town and hooked a warn- er, brawn trout, weighing 4 lbs. 10 pea. and measuring 24 inches. Try and beat that ine boys. * * P Mr. and Mrs. Romeo tloureneane .and daughter Nellie of Glen Sutton, Quebec, Mr. .and lirs. Wni. Burn- ham and daughter Linda also of Glen Sutton were visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Ernest eeerchesne. • • Mr. McCurdy Lowry was a week- end visitor with relatives and friends.. Tris wife and two wens 3011 and Don returned home with him, after spending s week with her mother Mrs. W. Speiran. * * * Misses Eva and Carrie McCracken accompanied by Mi and Mrs, Allen McCall of Walton- were Sunday visitors at Tara and Owen Sound. Ma'. and Mrs.. Jack Iiervey and daughter Judy of Toronto were re• cent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott. * • * Mr. Jack Leckie of Toronto form- erly of Brussels called on a few friends here one day this week. Mrs, Chester Rintaul and daught- er Wanda went to ,Galt. this week, Where Mrs. Rinitonl htas secured a Position. Her elder diangirter Helen Intends to enter the hospital In Gait in 'Septennber for traening. Good wishes from friends here go with them. • • • Rev. M. F. Oldham and Mme. Old- ham of Camden East, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Thompson. Mr. Oldham conducted services, in St. John's Church, anes the other churches of the parish,on Sunday Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Spence of Tor- onito, have taken up residence in their BritSseis home, formerly the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. Champion, Where 17r. Spence will open his dental office about. Seri, 1st, Howard Stewart Howard Stewaait. 60, died suddenly of a heart a5tack Tuesday of last week at the General Hospital, Tor- onto, where he vvlaa to undergo an operaltlon. Widely known as a buiiider and' oonbractor, be was born- ' in Wnevale, a. son, of the late 'lihomas and Isabella Thynne Stewartt, and is snirwived by a brother and four sisters: Wi1Jds.m H. Stewart, Grand Valley; Mrs, W, G. (Margaret) Johnston, B1auelvale, with whom he lived; Mrs. Milton (Noreen) Wat- son, Gorr! e; Mrs. Tames (Annie) Watson, Gladston, Man„ and Mrs, Thynne ('Mary), Wray, Woodrow, Sask. 'Two brothers. and a sister pre- deeeasexl flim, — John Stewlast of Sr'skatchewan, Whitney Stewart of Wiheesam, and Mrs. James (Peart) Clerk of Morris towship. Funeral se.' vire wag held at the Walker funeral home. Wingltam at 2,60 o'clock Friday afternoon an,d hnriail +n 'vininrham cemetery. 'blue r 1 Reld • Brothers Perth Avenue trnilod Church, l .'orunt0, was the scene of a pretty evening wedding when Thelma Mary ]:cotter: daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, :VI. H. Brothers became the bride of William ,Tames Heid, son of Mr. and Mrs. 13. Reid, 110 Edwin Avenue, Toronto. As the bridal party entered the vestry of the church Mrs, D. Watson aunt of the groom sang "1 Love You Truly", Mrs. Lyle Brothers played the wedding music and Rev, H, L. Jay offtelated al. the double 'ring ceremony. Given in marriage by her great TTnale lir. A. M. Troll, Listowel, the bride was lovely in a gown of french lace over satin, fashioned with a bouffant skirt. fTer finger tip veil Was caught by a Juliet rap nt french Ince and she carried a colonial hen- yuet of Shasta Daisies anhl cream roses. Mins .Town Ste Mlirie of Bris- sels was maid of honour in apple nra'9ny over taffeta with niarehins mittens and Ts earl -dregs of flowers. The brides maids Miss Donna Pearce Toronto rind Miss Coale Brothers of Nordis Bergen, New jersey, we'rF gowned alike in ,yellow organdy nrutching mittens and blending col• oni.al bouquets. Little Darlene Brothers was flower girl wearing floor length gown in yellow organdy shnila.r to t:1ie other atteneanits flower headdress and eaa'ried a olefin's basket of cream roses and nrinatnre orrhids, Rae Reid was his brothers hest man. Robert Reid and Lyle Brothers nsliered. .During the sdn:gning of the register Mrs. D. Weston. sang, 'T Love Yon," Following the ceremony a recept• int was held at the Prince* Arthur i Horse. Receiving were Mrs. V. Brothers, grandmother of the bride. wtaa'ing Mack lace costume with pink )) accessories. Mrs. M. Fischer grand= mother of the of the groom in Tuts gnoise lane with black accessories , and Mrs. 13. Reid mother of the groom in navy sheer, All three wore •eorsagee, of pink and while earmat- 1 tons. For their wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride chose a suit of navy gitbardine with white ace.essontes and a corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. W. 7. Reid will take tip residence at 9 Venn Oreg. cent, Toronto. Is one of the Sest"Quality Available. Regular Shipments Now Being Re- ceived. Order yours direct off the oar. M. C. OLDFIELD PHONE 6$ COURT OF REVISION Court of Revision on the 1959 Assessment Roll for Mwrris Town- ship will be held in tore Township Heel on September 15, at 2 p, m, All appeals niustt pe in the hands of She Clerk by Sept, Sth. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the contract of cleaning and repairing the open portion (approximately 175 rods) of the 'Attie Drain in Moruis Township wJit be received by the• undersigned up until 2 p. 4th, 1951. . Lowest or any tender not essarily accepted.. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. Sept, I nee - CARD OF THANKS ' The. family of the late Chas. Lowrie wish to empress their Shanks to all neighbours and friends, those Who sent flowers and loaned cars, pall -hearer's and all who helped in thein' recent bereavement. BORN YOUNG — in Stratford General Hospital, on Monday, Auugnst 204)h, to Mr, and Mrs. Pearson Young, (nee )dna Davison), a daughter. BORN BERNARD — At Dr. Myer's Nursing TTonee on Tuesday, August 14th. to NTr, and Mrs, Thomas Bernard. Morniis Twp„ a daughter. Shirley Margaret. Wdtb the rest of south-westera Ontario, the Canadian National Ex- hibition is changing from 25 to NI cycle. By the tune the 1951 ONE opepis on August 24, the eastern half of Exhibition Park Will bo eob- verted. BRUSSELS BAND TO GIVE SUNDAY CONCERT IN LISTOWEL .1 large and appr'r-i' alive audience pr:•tent at Victoria Park on Sunday evening to enjoy the band convent elven by the Bross:.)s Lions Chub Boys and Girls Band., Hymns, tseeb, s and waltzes were among the number- played on 0 pleasing program presented under the dtreet- inn of bandmaster A. fl, Robinson, "Dean Sahneur", Overture, the test piece for junior bands at the this year, was one of the numbers ]a St is gratifying to sae so many at - P yed. �tend these Sunday nicht cmrcerts. I 1' shows appreeia11nn for the effort, of the young musicians and the ' Lions 1-'1111) who sponsor this file group. The hand belongs, not to the Brussels Lions Club, but the rem num 'ty pride in their aehieve- 1 nienria, and our condoned patronage 1 1= essantdal to their proaaves and I snrsessdttl development, The bend will present' a concert in Listowel on this Sunday evening at 4 o'clock. Mr. Charles Lowrie Funeral services were conducten on Tuesday afternoon Our Mr, Charles Lowrie, beloved husband et the former Nellie Pearl Roe, Brus- sels who died at his ]come early Sunday afternoon. The body rested at D. A, Nanm's funeral parlor and services were held there by Rev. Andrew Lane of Brussels United Church at 2,00 o'clock. The pall- bearers were: Reid. Jameison, John Armstrong, John and bVm, Taylor. Clark Matheson and Wm. Roe. The large number of floral tributes at- tested to the high esteem in which Mr. Lowrie was held by a wide circle of friends. Relatives and friends attended ,he fnn'eral from Waterloo, London. Clinton. Toronto, Lorulesboro and the surrounding the districts. Interment followed in Brussels cemetery. Mr. Lowrie was the son of the late William and .Tim Lowrie. Hnilett township, He is snr- vSved by his wife, two sisters Miss Mende. Lowrie; Mrs, Peter Taylor troth of Londesboro; two brothers Jim and Randolph Lowrie, Landes - hero; one son Everett Chas. Lowrie, London; three daughters; Mrs, Alex McMichael (Wilma) Clinton; Mrs. Edwin Brenneman (Nora) of Water- loo and Shirley Lowtties London. There are also 3 grand children. HONORED BY FRIENDS Miss Margaret Pearson, of Ethel. formerly of London, whose marriage to Kenneth Fife Is to take piece on Saturday. lues been honored at shiowere and panjties, Miss Jessie Mete. Brussels, entertained at a miscellaneous shower with Mrs, D. A. Rana assisting. Mrs. P. F, Chantlel., London, was hostess ct a cup and saucer shower and Mrs. Peter Light was co -hostess when Listowel business girls entertained at the (bit 'and Country Club at a surprise dinner panty a,nd presented Miss Pearson with gifts. , The United Church "Chraliau Love" was the theme of t.ile sermon in tlir- 1'111,t,s(1. Church en Sunday. Aiigu:st. 19th. Christian D:ve. the :111nisier pointed out, is not a matter of emotion and senti- ment but a concern for the welfare awl well being of our fellow Wren. This rnn'ern is the distinctive , r'hitrarteristie of truly Christian people. .liras. Norman Hoover and Miss Addis Cardiff sang the duet, "Open My 7:yae, That 1 May See," by Morris and Scott. Melville Church 8erviea ]t. v. 11'. 11. flaire, London, took by servic, in Melville 'Church on rr,�01 s morning nice ante his inset wait Es. . I1 -ettse.Itie Lord Spolxe Tad l'ac, and ,Tos'hna was :rise a follower went not out- of tllsn dah.•rnarl,, the great neoesalty aZ in -i es ul' being with ehnroisea re - Main With any forefathers of old .and a1,0 with God. Mr. K3'paeme 31eDenald sang a very pleasing Bela, East Huron Agricultural Society DANCE In Crystal Palace Ballroom Brussels niter Wednesday, August 29th. Music by Ken. Wilbee's Orchestra Dancing 9 p. m. to I a. m. Spot and Lucky Door Prize—Refreshments Admission 50c per person Everyone Welcome 5) MID -SUMMER SALE August 23rd to September 1st PEARSON'S SHOE STORE and MEN'S WEAR. 40 pair men's dress oxfords, black and brown reg. $7.50 and $8.50 Sale $4.98. 40 pair Iadies dress shoes, all colours and styles reg. $6.95 to $10.50 Sale $4.96: 50 pair ladies summer shoes, reg. $3.95 to $5.50 Sale price $2.96' 40 pair ladies sandals and oxfords, reg. $4.50 to $5.95 Sale price $2.95 30 pair ladies older style shoes, Sale price 40 misses dress shoes, reg. $4.50 Sale price 30 pair children's shoes Sale price 20% OFF THE FOLLOWING All men's clothing which includes men's Socks Stetson hats and caps ' Forsyth and Arrow sport and dress shirts Ties and pyjamas Brussels, Ont. .98= $2.79Y $1.98: Phone 11 *NW Mrs. Margaret Footer in Kincardine. Ont„ on Friday. July 27th. a former resident o1 this locality passed to her Eternal Home in the person of Margaret McNaugh- ton. daughter of ,the late Ronald McNaughton and his wife Margaret 11 Tenmysion. and widow of the late Parker Poster of Kincardine, Mr's, Foster was born 1n Grey township in 1165. but spent most of i her lite in Brussels. She was a member of the formes Methodist Church and was a valued teacher of a Young Men'a Bible 'Klass in the 4tinday School of that chturoh, in 1010 she was invited in marri- age to Parker Poster of Kincardine, Mr, Foster passed away several years Ago. The funeral service for Mtn, Fasten WAS held. at the LAnklater Enteral Verne, Ttineardine on Mon, day. Tilly 00th. with "Rey. Harold Lawson of the Melted (`lturcir offici- ating, with final resting Direr, in Ttinrardine Cemetery. BIGGER and E .,ITER SEAFORTH BINGO $1,500 CASH GIVEN AWAY AT COMMUNITY CENTRE Starting 9.00 p. an. hursday, Aug. 30th 15 REGULARGAMES FOR $1.00 $20.00 Per Game — Extra Cards 25c 2 SPECIAL GAMES FOR $100.00 EACH 25c per Game i$1,000 Gime No Limit to Numbers Called — It Must Go I BINGO CARDS 25c — BUY ALL YOU WANT Sponsored by Seaforth Community Centre and Canadian Legion ' SEATING. ACCOMMODATION FOR 4, t>1