HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-8-1, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
\V1'dnl' 113. .\a a-.1 1.:1, 1951
r .Ivv.,,r I v .. ....
RAM t k.(,I 1i ,; '; 1'{,71 ��ad
\tf - i1 '116
All in one, with oven baking from either
With visulite oven door
lgerat s,
Of M1 Makes. With This Week's drop in Prices Now
In Effect. Ranging from
$197a0o 'CO 50a01"
Liberal Allowances On All Trade-ins
General Merchant, Cranbrook Phone 52r10 Brussels
r fit'+!`+r? I Y vert • Dair
Isue so reed o4 uteri...ami W weing sA amino e6o sea bow....'
�ayicesd of mrarW esraoa,n'"Y mks, mt., moi ...T....ma. it
DI* r 3aE�s rrvmv.+ odes.
TicA1 to so oam-sa Eon ti.e cued of
�GC.e& to end= s•o-
ba mei= der err ems -
Ten caret' 7`d =Elk widen. Seed.
Ties seem w wit cut she axe*
('otic you wit /Ise rued masse
11 paa5�7 a-7•,r"d osd - to V=
=cam. en visual= etc
asibura sa wed co pm -••r42.2 atul oae-
'So auto am.ms s +cy hew easy
A mes
sea Ctiie sant les oboes an e6.
waists is 'v LS [Way
est el ei9 eke acsaus-
tiful j,;kd tis deo MAO
yea wan teepo
Ethel Produce
Phone 22-r-110
* li
Mrs. Robt. Ferguson is holidaying
at St. Catharines and Hamilton.
* * *
Mr, and Mrs. Roy McKay of Buf-
falo, N. '5., were visiting friends in
* * *
Mrs. G. McDowell who has been
visiting in Toronto for the past few
weeks has arrived home.
* * *
Mr's. 10. Bredin, Peter and Jane of
Toronto spenit the week -end with
Mrs. J. Galbraith.
* * *
Miss Helen Machan of St. Marys,
spent the week -end with her grand-
mother Mrs. Margaret Heath,
11 * sr
Mrs, H. B. McArter, St. Cathar-
ines has been visiting her sisters
Misses Fulton and Mrs, R. Ferguson.
(1 40
Fresh running water at the
turn of the tap . .. with a
DURO PUMP ... get rid of
Kitchen drudgery.
Protect the health of your
family ... add to the comforts
of daily living ... modernize
your home with a DURO,
Saves labor and time watering
stock with a DURO PUMP
.. greater PROFITS.
Buy the BEST a .
Buy a DURO
See the film "Water on Tap"
when shown in your locality.
Phone or visit us today for
DURO Pumps and EMCO
Plumbing Fixtures. Write for
illustrated folder.
For Sale by
C. & C. Krauter Co,
Brussels, Ont.
it l ! leitikalv..ss' . f.11, x .
* * *
Mr, and Mrs, Bowman Gadhraith
of Toronto were spending a few days
with the formers mother Mrs. John
* * *
Fe, Charles Thomas, son of11r.
and Mrs. H. Thomas is in West-
minster Hospital, London suffering
with a broken arm. The acciden't'oe-
curred during assault tra'ning.
* * *
We are sorry to report that Mr.
-till pet son-. tl 1111 i . 01(01 a,galll t
the estate of I!t.\NCI( WILLIAM.
t1ALBIRAITli late of the townshlP
of (Trey in the County a. IIuron,
1%1 1'111.- r, W110 dt5d 140 or about the
a:nth day of July, 1951, are
oeatifi,d to semi to the undersigned
1,n or .thout the the fourth day of
August 1 1111 1, full particulars of their
claims in writing. II mediately after
the asset F. of the estate will he
distr huted having regard only to
via 1104 of which the Executors shall
(11' 11 have notice.
Dated this 14th day of July,
A. D. 1151
Barrister and e,
Solicitors for the Executors.
Gen, E. Pollard who was able to
come home from Stratford Hospital
on Sunday had to return lasteven-
ing for more treatment.
* *
Miss Mary Rowland of the staff
of the Bank of Canada. Ottawa,
called on friends here. It is 35 years
since she left here. Her father J. F.
Rowland was manager of the Stand-
! and Bank here in 1906 to 1916.
CRA..NIR .> '?• •1
A1., and Airs. Art McCall and Me.
a..e1 lit.. 1411511(1 Mcl'all and little
51111 'pent 1111• week -end wirth Mr. 1 1
lir., Ira Wardell, Vineland, Miss 1
K•01,1 a Wardell 1'01:tweed with them. ,
1 reida Wardell, Stella Davies t
'ern, Isabel McCall, Walton
1' Mary Maines. \Viuglranl are
,pending a week at the lake.
ruoaral of Mrs. Daniel Steisa
Tile funeral took Place on FridaY,
.lily ::Olh. from her late res(Lowe in
Walton, of Mrs. Daniel Stets. 7'be
=u vh'e was conducted by Rev. J. 11,
Herr of B1•tlssels Anglican Church
1 tnternlcn>t was made in Cran-
brook cemetery. The pallbearers
'e Itatssell 'Merles. Joseph Hack.
well. Ted Dnttgen, John Shannon.
M(Tegga rt and Gen. Dnlndas.
Flow^shearers were leer four sons-
in-law and two nephews. Mervin and
Melvin Benet-mann. Mrs, Steiss was
I 1 1101' sixty-sixth )•ear and died on
V'dnesday morning, July 14th, hay -
Ie.,; passed tiway in her sleep. She
1'•.1 been in her nsnal health, Born
'.n Nie1illep, daughter or the late
Mr. and Mrs. August Beuerroann,
she was 111010'1Pd 1110111 40 yeasts ago
to Daniel Steiss and they farmed in
1?mKillop nihil moving to Walton
about twenty years ago. TTer bust
band oredeeeneed her in 1933. Sur -
1i')^ are three sons and fear clang -
1 - (c1 -, ..,,,,/.p, Loddon: Lorne and
?,'11'11 of '1 .gland: firs. Casey Hud-
11T,IRO finder ell1 Mrs. Jahn
17, tlerlr., (Bernal, Welland; Mrs. Or-
ville P"ler (N•'rmal St. Csthertnrs:
«ol airs. Eldon Trolley (Marion)
11'.ltnn. Also two brothers, George
Rev. John Pollock, \Vingham, oc-
cupied the ptt'lpit In Mum Presby-
leri.o, (church on Sunday morning.
ilev. W. A. Williams, Valletta, a
former minister, will conduct the
0.1.5(ce the next two holidays, Aug.
i and Aug. 12.
911'. Sani McClu'arrie, a former
Crnohroelcite, now of Pilot Maud,
Iran., was renewing acquaintance
in the village on ,Sunday and attend-
ed the morning service of worship. it
is fifty-three years s`.nce Mr. Mc-
Quarrie left here,
'Alas Sandra Evans. Kitchener,
and Katherine McTaggart, Brussels
',1•' holidaying at the. home of Mr.
11'1 Mrs. Murray ITnether.
'r' •'• Pat Noble, 11101(111 and Miss
Mary Agnes Higgins. Brussels aro.
holidaying a few days at the home
of 'thelia' grandmother. Mrs. James
'('an Dunn is in Listowel with his
grandparents Mr, and Mrs, Stanley
to, 1isilell the 011sse•s Mary
L.1)j.V JL 1 !tart,} 11111'1' :.v''. Mrs. 91, L.
Q. (%t1111,1,,11 (511 Oil' 11115tase
lasI \Vedues.day afternoon for a r
n1. 111114of the, \lurris ;;roup of the
l.adiiea' !lid of Knox l'rosilyterlan
touch. W1 11 .151.11 »1('111111+1.11 and
co 11.--..t. 1 p.•e.out. Tile prem.
dont. ,firs. S'4ri11'lut Elston. pre-
,1,b•id and read a passage of scrip'
1,11,Mrs. Roy Terrey Offered
prayer. The women spent the after -
peon u11111ing ter th1 hostess. Re-
frestlnlents 1101'(' served,
Floyd :1101'!511 11(1014 son of Mr.
and Mrs. flares Mntfal1, has com-
phte,l his course in stat'ou work
and telegraphy at the C. N, R, sta-
tion here under the direction 05
the agent, Eddie Arnold. FTe has
written his examination at Toron-
to, and has been assigned' to the
s'Nion :it Stoney creek,
!mails Blake Duff. Welland, is
visiting 11', '-asters, Misses Dnff and
Mrs. M. T.. .Aitken, Mr. Duff has
just been released from the hospit-
al. where he spent over a weelc fol-
lowing a motor accident. Mrs. Duff
still 10 1lnspltnl.
111 s. Daisy I-Tooper, lTowmanville,
nil 11 r three children are spend,
1 month with hrr mother. Mrs,
W-illianl Nicholson. Mrs, A. D.
Smith is a patient at Victoria Hos-
p'lat, T,nndon, where she has bad
operation on her foot.
Pc • - •titles Mrs. Charles [)amiss,
Seaforth, accompanied by her son
111:,0 and Mrs. G;n•niss of London,
with Mrs. -R. F. Garntss and Miss
Oily: Scott: Mrs. Nellie 1,lllow and
4110 Bernard, and Malcolm Black
Anent Thursday afternoon with Jack
\illicenl Spence and Mrs. McMullen
r 1,otgetown with Alt, ,.and Mrs.
\irKituiun; Floyd ,Moffatt, Stoney
t i r 1';, with 111s 11110(1)14, Mfr. and
Barna Moll:tit Mrs. J. \Vick -
t1 td and \ 1) Smith with 9Trs.
.A 11, ::with, who Is a patient in
\'int ria li 111111 d, London.
and John Ti Pne.rmail of Mc
aril ton grandchildren.
e.+sonars.: George Pollard, of the
1Tt15111W0y nnptdl of Walton. is in
ar,.alfm•d (toner"( TT '.lotfst, and ha
nn5.rmone a serious operation. M
aril Mrs. M, Robinson. Toronto
T.illow. 51110 IS n patient in Strat-
11011 hospital; George Greenaway
t• .eomnan.IPd 111r. and Mrs. W. .1
4411'1'4 5011 and sot Wildon to Strat-
s I r441'11 011 Tlnu'sday,
Mr P an•11s'
Mr. and Mrs. fierrarn
Dorf, Welland. Mrs. Ross Douglas.
witTt1Tr, and Mrs. L. Porter.
1"(nrwlck - Breckenridge
,\ pretty summer wedding was
I tnnirl el by Hey. A. Nilnuio at the
1 4,14y1 141.111 1/111 11,P, \\'ingliain, On
Strturday afternoon at two o'clock,
when iTeien Mael'altne, daughter of
11r. and Mrs. James Breckenridge,
became the bride of Mr.
Allan Warwirle. son of Mrs,
SS',.s-•dr':, Gray Township and the
late George Warwick.
The bride was attractively attired
inn dress of ice blue embroidered
with Im,trh/ng liol of flow-
n 51 and net and white accessories.
TTnr flowers were pink roses and
11t!fe s'enhanntis.
Bridesmaid watt Miss Eileen Mc-
Kinney, of Blnsvale, w•110 wore bite
'Irgama with 111»5 and white access-
ories.. TTer flowers were pink roses
'led etireflnwer1,
Mr. Glenn Sellers, of Blm vale,
acted ns groomsman.
kilter the ceremony a reception
for the immediate reiatiives was
held tit the 11nmt or the bride's
Per Ili 51 wcdrlinrr tl•in (44 \m -th-
ey, fintarlo the bride seteeted
'.r 10„n 5' -''"°SI m•imt taffeta
' 1 „Vvl- and white accessories,
rat•' ..•.^ Mrs., Warwick will reside
^'rnnnl's farm in (trey Town -
',AI F —
^•'ond hand rubber rand wagon
511'51 a«an}nr plow and norots roe all
lnatrns of plows,
vo'^s,nhnrs Phn,,. 591-9
in the
and verse ti;; s
�i 133. 1
Enf F
(q/&v o, ' r
Modern inventions have not taken away 'from the Infantry its 11tl-
important part in victory. Again and again, in the battles of 19394.9
and in Korea, Infantry has proved itself — "Queen! of Battles".
The job of the infantryman has become tougher, more complex.
He must be able to handle more weapons and to Ineet a greater
variety of situations in defence and attack.
Enrolment Standards:
To enlist you must:
1. Volunteer to serve anywhere.
2. Be 17 to 40 (Tradesmen to 45).
3. Meet Army requirements.
4. Married men will be accepted.
Terms of Engagement:.
You will be enrolled in the Canadian Army
Active Force for a period of three years.
All mien are eligible for Overseas Service. If
the military situation permits, married men
after ono ) oar', servic•c Overseas and single
men after two years' service Overseas may
be returned to Canada at which time they
may request discharge even if they have not
completed full three years' service.
Conditions of Service:
Current rates of pay and allowances. Serve
for 3 years or make it a career.
Veterans' Benefits:
Reinstatement in civil employment. Unem-
ployment insurance and other appropriate
benefits under Veterans' Charter as ex-
tended by Parliament.
Other Ranks—Retention of itreserli lie -
serve Force rank or the rank held in Second
World War, subject to provhl;:• -'16ca-
dons in service within a 90 -clay
Officers'—Short. Service Commissions will
be granted to officers who do not wish to
enroll in the Active Force on a career basis.
Further information should be obtained
from your own unit or the nearest Army
Personnel Depot.
Apply fo the nearest Recruiting Depot:
No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau and Charlotte Sls„ Ottawa, Ont.
No, 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Begot St., Kingston, Ont.
Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St, W., Toronto, Ont.
No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, tlizabeth Street, London, Ont.
Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont.
Army Recruiting Centro, James Street Armoury, 200 James SA North, Hamilton, Ont,
Army Recruiting Centro, Port Arthur Atmourios, Port Arthur, Ont, 441.05.0
a vi