HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-7-25, Page 11 RUSSELS PST d`. ,r<t•`� $2,00 per year - $2.50 U. S. A. Wednesday, July 25th, 1951 ?UST PUBLISHING HOUSE _�..___..�..,�.......^_.. .-_-_----_._-__..._.... ___._-.--•--^"�' NAVY LEAGUE TAG DAY TO 8E HELD IN BRUSSELS Once( again the Navy League of ('Clada appeals to all citizens to give generously to the Navy League Tag Day to be held in Brussels, on Sat. nrd!ly. July 20th, 1951, under and, plops of the Ladles' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion. Canaria. is playing an P.m -thorns - tug part in world affairs. The navy League programme is becoming larger and more valuable to the country as a whole. The training of Sea Cadets is haling a tolling affect in the devel- opment of character and glad citizenship among boys during their formative years. For over th'rty year., ;he Nevy Leaegnc has reeog• nisei that it ran teach more Mrs. Frederick T. Bryans A. graduate of the University or Toronto in 1909. Barbara Winniifred McKelvey, wife of, Dr. Frederick T. Bryans passed away on Sunday, July 15th. at the Toronto General Hospital. Mrs. Aryans was born In Brussels, Ont„ and had lived in Toronto, since 1912. She was the daughter of the late Dr, and Mrs. Alexander McKelvey of Brussels, and sister of the late Dr. Alexander D. McKelvey of Toronto. A member of ninny Street TTntted Clinch, Mrs. 'Aryans was keenly intterestetl in the Women's Missionary Society, and the Wnmen's Auxiliary. She was active In the University Women's Clnh and the Women's Canadian Club of Tnrnntn. She is survived by her husband. a (laughter, Mrs. George A. rants (Catherine), Tr. rand R. Bevans lir Tnrnntn. and Dr, Alec, M. Devens of Kingston. ' tThe funeral service was held Tues- day, 3n11y 17111, from hhe Chapel of A. W. Miles, condnrted by Rev, Kenneth I. Creator, Dr. J. Phillips Jones, Toronto and• Colonel G. 0. FMB, Vancouver. interment was made in'Mornt Pleasant Cemetery, R?F(F'jvT 'd' Ft' A Seaforth. Ont. NOW PLAYING — Thurs. Fri. Sat. July 26-27-28 "OPERATION PACIFIC" with John Wayne Patricia Neal Ward Bond Roaring up from the floor of the sea to a high mark of thrills and excite- ment. ,.The story of Pig Boats and the men who manned them during the early days cf World War 11, The submarine Skipper, who could shoot a Torpedo through the eye of a needle and take on anything a float. ONE FULL WEEK JULY 30 — AUG. 4 "MA & PA KETTLE BACK ON THE FARM" with Mariorie Main and Percy Kilbrlde It's a lot of good. wholesome fun for eveyone In the family. There -s URANIUM on the old Homestead— and a new Baby in the house. If you want a Iauch every minute. Be sura -to see this latest Picture of the Kettles. It's the best of them all, MaiiitAVOlitMatiefl Melville Church Minister; Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School sad Bible Class 11 a. m, Morning Worship No Evening Service United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship — 11 o'clock. Services. dring July will be conducted by Mr. Harry Hopper. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rov. J. H. Karr -- Rector. 10,t1' Sunday Atter Trinlity July 29th, 1061 St. John's Church, Brussels - 11 a.m. Morning Prayer Sunday School St, Davld's Church. Henfryn 2.80 p.M. Evening Prayer Sunday School St, George's Church, Walton 7,30 p.m, Evening Prayer CC;MBINE SUNDAY SCHOOLS WOMAN 1S FIRST HOLD PICNIC AT SEAFORTH TO MAKE LANDING .\ Joiu4 pien`c for members and.; UAR\SOI•TIi — The first member Ili lids of .the Sunday Schools of the ni the lair sex ever to make a deck I United, Anglican and Presbyterian taint un, by plane, on the Mrcraft (hatches nf llru.ss, Is was held in ' Carrier, H. M. C. S., Magnificent Is 1 the Lions Park at Seaforth, Thurs. " a fr., quoit visitor to Darinouth, being rnbmi. The nonunittee In ' matron or the Royal Canadian Navy I dna' aPtr•t (barge of sports included Luella hospital at li. M. C. Shearwater. \Mitchell, Jessie Little, Jim Arm- Early in May, the. Navy reveals, 1 strung and Rev. J. Herr. Following Subl!i(livant (NS) Elizabeth Mc - the sports, about 3110 persona sat , Faslane, matron of the R. C. N., down to supper. Remembrances were hospital. Shearwater, landed aboard I eit•rn to: holder or hn,ekv plane, . the "Maggie" in an .Avenger air- Editih \Manes; rocky clips, Mrs. C.' craft piloted l'iy Lieut-Ckdr. (P) Don Alcock and Mrs. W. ]larks; oldest Knox, Commander or 310 Squadron, 1 Stahel. 0 ,1 Morarlane wins returned person at picnic, James Fulton; youngest person, Linda Past, seven• j r0 the Naval Air Station at Eastern month oltl dattgllter nl' Mr, and Mrs.. Passage the sante day, by the i T-Tarold East; largest family, those , 10(11P 1110110 of transi'ni•t1.1i011, after r Cl •1 TTernlneWRY , John Alcock, f vvadehdng inlets of the 21st Snnpnrt i - ar and W. Marks. Conveners of the Atr Croup do (leek landing training i than drill asannnship and Naval lmro -- by skillfully blending dlls- lnnugt warn firs. 'Sarnia Timms, Snb•T,iwalh. McFarlane is a sister Airs. J. Kerr, end Airs. J. S. Arm - stone. I ! a I Results of the spurns program CALL IRISH MINSTER were : acgtlatic sports, under 10, TO BLUEVALE, BELMORE ( girls, Sharon lTenlingway, Frances ! The Presbyterian congregations of Myers; boys, Danny Stormes, I Knox Church, Bellmore, and Knox Garry =SOD: over 10, girls, Joyce . Church, Biuevale, were well repre- llillar. 1:nlene Walmsaey; boys, s, a d :1t a meeting reretutlly held in 'Morley Fischer, Rill Martin; land Biur-va.le, with the interim metier- ( events, races, boys and girls under atm' Rev, A. J. Simpson of Tees- , 6. Ra3fm9old Br'0ne0n, Ross Ste. water presiding. Rev. Mr. Fulton, Germain; Tohn Laycock; 6 to 9, minister of 3Malville Church, Brns- boys. 11 s Alcock, Bobby Reith; ! sells spoke of the qualifications or t girls, Maxine MaohlJl, Joan David- ' Rev. E. TT. 'Hunter of Dunahedy, sen: 9 to 12 boys, Allan P,rld:ge, Ireland, who expects 10 sail for Can- I Ross Aloek; girls, Betty Alcnok, , aria this month for service in the Erlone Waimsley; over 12, boys, Presbyteidan Church in Canada, It t B'll Alcock, Kenneth Alcock; girls, was the mm11anlnao11s decision of the Jean Wilson, Joan Machan and 1 meeting to extend a Hail to Mr, Margaret Bronson tiled; young mar- ; Hunter. vied women, Mrs. Eldon Wilson, 1 Airs. Lloyd Alcock; young married { Engagement Announcement men, Tom Barnard, Carl Heating - way; sack na,ce, boys, Franklin The engagement is announced of Tiryans, Wayne Johnston; girls, Amy Annette only daughter of Mr .Toon 0\ tiscln, ,force Miller; three- and Mrs. G. R. Campbell bo Donald lagged race, girls, ,roan Wilson and Joyce Miller, Lois Bone and Sheila Bleck. boys, Ken. Alcock and (-Toward Bernard. David ICennedy and If. Aryans: wheelbarrow race, g'rls, ,Toyce Miller and Margaret Bronson, Don.lyn Hemtngavay and Bill Alcock; shot-put, Bill Alcock. Ken Alcock; throwing softball, girls. Mary Willis, Edna Mae Mc- Tntee; boys, Bill Aloock. Ralph Sawyer; 'walking race, slow, Anne Fulton, Ross Alcock, Ruth Anne Beggs; walking race, fast. Jean McFarlane. Garry Wilson; kicking share, ginls, Ruth Hemingway. Lois Bone; boys, Glen Gritty,. Ross Aicnck; [laud the shoe, 8911 Alcock and Ruth Hemingway. Dorothy Sullivan and Hervey Kitchen: candy on a string. Dorothy Sulli- van .and M. Bronson, Maureen Sul- livan and N. Kitchen. Library Notes The Library will be closed from .Tuty 24 to Aug. 7119, while the librarian is 011 vacation. LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Wed. Thur. Fri. July 25-26-27 Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett, Elizabeth Taylor in FATHER'S LITTLE DIVIDEND • SATURDAY ONLY JULY 28 GENE AUTRY and "Champion" IR "SONS OF NEW MEXICO" Sat. Mat. 2 p.m.—Eve. 7.30 p.m. i cipline tesnotsibility and training 11 ran `-lutild men". The number of [miner 500 Cadets who hold Positions of trust in tire' Cnunotnity and the high percentage of netive force sailors and officers atnn started their naval careers In the Sea Cadets, testify to the value. of Navy League services, Likewise, Navy League services to sailors will increase substantially 111 new ships are oomnuissioned for active service in the defence of Canada. Crews which have been on active duty in Koreans waters have all been supplied with comforts and the traditional ditty hags. Camp fnrtable clubs and recreational centres are maintained by the Navy League in our great ports for Merchant' Seamen whose voyagek make our export trade possible. Naval veterans in hospitals are visited regula1'ly by members of Navy League's Ladies' Auxiliaries. Everyone should feel it a privilege to have a share in financing such Alexander son of Mr. and Mrs. W. I a programme of service. E. Willis. The marriage to take 1 place the latter part of August. I CARD OF THANKS The fail dry of the late Mrs. Daniel Suedes wi5111 bo thank those who were I so kind and helpful also for the beautiful tokens of syuupathy In Roy C. Wd1bee, the former Marjorie 1 their bereavement Wallace in Knox ,Presbyterian Mrs. Roy C. Wllbee Many friends and neighbours gat- hered to to pay final tribute to Mrs. Church, Guelph on Saturdray, . July 14t. Her sudden death came as as greet shock to the community as the young oouple had Just been settled in their new home. in Fair - light, Sask. Rev. D. Crawford Smlilbh eandurted .the services, assisted by Rev. L, Carlson o1 Hamilton. Tn his sermon Mr. Smith mentioned the work of service Mrs. Wllbee had undertaken I in her career as a nurse. The heianrtiftul flowers which were CARD OF THANKS Roy Wllbee and family wish to express their heartfelt thanks to :their Many kind neighbours and 1 friend's for their wonderful express - 1 :ions of sympathy and many beauti- ful flowers at the time of their bereavement. sent expressed ,the sympathy of a ' host of sorrowing friends and the crowned church sm0lce a silent tri- bute of the high esteem in which she • washed. Mon., Tues. July 30-31 Diana Lynn, Charles Coburn, Charlotte Greenwood, Barbara Lawrence in "PEGGY" Technicolor TUESDAY FOTO-NITE OFFER $190.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. CONGRATULATIONS The Duals of Mrs. R. C. Wllbee Who tried piano examinations of the 1 Toronto Conservatory of Music were servatory of Music where as follows: as follows. — Tea•bel Dennis, Grade TX, Honors. Mose Mary Adams, Grade TV, Hon - 078. A clrey Wheeler, Grade T, Honors. Wed. ,Thurs. August 1.2 Doris , Day, Gordon MacRae, Eve Arden, Billy de Wolfe in "TEA FOR TWO" 'E Technicolor Visiting Brussels Mn; John F, Vernile, Principal of Wells Academy, Kitchener will lie do Brussels on Wednesday August 1.st, - to interview young people planning on attending Business College this fall. Mr. Vernlile'invdtes you to fill In the blanl9c with this announcement, and mail it to WELLS ACADEMY 44 Queen Et. S., Kitchener,* for full information. He will get in touch With yon personally. ( Wells Academy (FALL TERM SEPT. 4 Day and Evening Classes 44 Queen St. S. Phone 2-8191 Kitchener, Ont. Wells Academy, 44 Queen St. S., Kitchener, Omit. Yes, I am Interested: Name Andress Phone FORDWICH MAN TO TEACH IN FRANCE Harvey Bili'die, younger son of 1&r. Cannan Bride, anIl recent graduate in modern languages• and literature of University College, Toronto, will leave for France in ,September, where he will teach Engiislh in high school there. Attending the graduation ex- ercises in. Toronto were.: Mr. sand Mrs, Mac M'OTnitosll of B1issels, Miss Margaret. Spence and Miss Mardon Doig, 'Fordwicli. ' 9 WAYS TO AVOID HEAT FEVER Doctors recently ddscoVered heat fever in children 'May result from indoor heart its well es from the sum. Learn the sytnptoma and treatment of heat fever, Real "Heat Fever" In The American 'Weekly, famous .magazine with this Sstn ,ny's (July 29) issute of The Detroit Sunday Timet, • i'.1USIC EXAMINATIONS On Monday, June 25th( all examtn• 1 ateion Centre, for the Western Ont- aria Conservatory of 7lusdc, Lon- don, was held at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Louis D. Thompson, Brus- sels, Mr. G.., H. Ziegler, Principal el tic 'Kitchener School of Music, was the examiner. Following wore the results ; — Pionofor•te Grade 7 — First class honors, Doris Johnston 16, tirade 6 — First class honors, Margaret Perrin '13, Grade 11 — Pass, Lavarre McNair, 64. Crede 4'— First Mass honors, Mar- ion Hemingway 13; Jane Tiann 60; Honors. ,Tuan Wilson 74, ' Grade 3 — First elass honors, .lanes, Lane 16. Dianne McNair 82. . (bade 1 ---- First class hnnnrs, Lane Hazlewood 91; Marilyn Jelin - slim 61; Tonna Smith R6, Singing Crede 4 — rli'et class honors, Msrarar„t Porde 16; Donclas Leath 10, Credo 3 — First eines hn110rs, Graeme McTinnald 15; Ruth Steven- son 13. •I Theory Crane 1 — First Mass honors Dares Johnston, RR, LIBERAL RALLY FOR WINGHAM First party in the field with a nnr:rinr(tlug cnuvontion in the pro• tin,•ial political arena is Hnrnn- tlrne • L 1x•ral Association, which ba' ,•.,til -d a meeting (or Monday, Judy :11139 at 1.30 p. m. Walter Thomson. provtnelal lead- er. will mato his first appearance in this district as he. addresses the cunventlon. Anagest,:0 :1, possible candidates ' are Hugh Hi11. of Gorlerleh, who nnsuce-,ssrnlly contested the seat , er-slnst the present member, John W. liana, Progressive Conserve- t.1•e In 1941, and W. B. And'a•son, of Lncknow. YOUNG MAN WANTED -- Young Young Clan to learn station work, splendid opportunity for quick ad- vancement. For further particulars apply to W. C. Kerr, Agent Canad- ian National Railway, Brussels. t.rtub,LLS RESPONDS TO GREY TOWNSHIP FIRE 1 w ,lopartmen Irespond- lir- alarm on Fri: The r,,'; mF frou1 the farm of \Vi!l' d I'3 li r na-iter. a burning ,1 d:w:=-red the barn. Tiu, ,Olt, before any (1:'1 t,e'n•red. The United Church The- inntnion the BruS- ,,,is [-ite d (lure', ',vas taken by Mr. Harry dirpp r. His text was taken from \1; 1 3(•111 chapter 8, 3. (,silt , man rob God?' ]lot 1sve us [1,131,1._ n ..n. -e t.0 far- ther His Kingdom nn earth. Too often the, interests rf the wo,rld drew us away from the responsibilities of the Chervil. A duet "Beyond the Silnsrt” by Virgil and Blannlle Brook was beautifully render, -4l by Joan and Srmee Thomas. DAVIS FAMILY REUNION The Second Annual Reunion of the , Davis family was held on Saturday, July 21 at the family homstead, R. R. 4, Brussels, Ont. The descendants , of James and Mary Anne Davis present totalled 62. Due to the in. clement weather dinner was served in the large enclosed veranda, bnt clearing later in the afternoon permitted the sports committee to run off a series of races for the children, weight guessing contest and a nail driving contest for the older members. A softball game ' between the girls and boys ended in a tie when the boys run into 511 epidemic of overthrows and errors after taking a commanding lead in. the first innings. When another shower put an end to outside snorts the gathering was ententained with some feats of magic. Four members of the original Davis family present were' Mrs, E, F, Smith (Annie) Barrie; Mrs. Alfred Halm. (Nettie) Rochester, N. Y.; George Davis, Brussels; 1drs. John Dodd (Elizabeth) Aurora., Ont. Other 1 families were present from Windsor, 1 Melton, Waterloo. Aurora, Barrie anti Rochester, N. Y. Tentatn'tve Plans were made to hold the reunion in Waterloo. Park, Waterloo, Ont., .11113' 20911, 1952. inteaserownessmansgagootisesesesmarswetcs 'bine war BRUSSELS CIVIC HOLIDAY To fall in line with other municipalities in the province the people ask that MONDAY, AUGUST 6th BE BRUSSELS CIVIC HOLIDAY And I hereby proclaim the same a Public Holiday and ask that all persons observe it as such. R. B. Cousins, Reeve. A Reception and Dance fof Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walter's (nee Shirley Bennett) In Walton Community Hall on , Monday Evening, July 30th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra (Ladies please bring lunch) SPRAY PAINTING Barns, Fences, Shingles and All Exterior Woodwork. Johnson Electric and Paint Phone 51 Brussels, Ont. Your C. 1. L. Paint Dealer GARDEN CLUB The second meeting of the "Brus- sels Sprouts" was held at the home of our leader Miss Isabel Speirs, with ten members present including two new members. The meeting opened 'rvitkl the singing of The More We Get To -gather. 'rhe secretary's report was then read. The roll ca19 was answered by tell members. Miss ,Smedr announced that Miss Scott would Judge the gard.enla. Notes were taken on the control of unseats. Our home assign- ment - was to work on our garden and our record books. The meeting Closed with Margaret Perrie and Jean Smith making a salad. The third meetings 0f the "Rims - seta S'prou•ts" vias held on TOY 11111, ' In the iddttrery with tem menthol's present. The meeting opened with 1 the singing 0f the More '6610 Get Tn-getller. The secred,a.rv's renort t. was reads followed by the roll rail. 1 1RPs,s Tie11s then 1111red to us about nor record books and Achievement Div which will be held at the Sea. forth Collegiate on :'n,.ns,( 913)1 The meeting closed witlu 'truss 1Ke11e looking at nal1' record hooks, la one of the Best Quality Avallabls,. Regular Shlprtrents Now Being Re:. calved. Order yours direct off the oar., M. C. OLDFIELD PHONE 68 The Canadian National Exhibition is setting the stage for new attend- ance records this year, Aug. 24 to Sept. 8. Last year saw an all-time high total of 2,728,000 attendance, with 233,000 visitors In a single day at the world's largest annual exposi- tion. HURON - BRUCE LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Nomination Convention AND ANNUAL MEETING Town Hall, WINGHAM MONDAY, JULY 30th at 8:30 P. M. SPEAKER Walter Ths gin, Me Leader of The Ontario Liberal Party. and `'' 4 .: leas tri P .rll(a lit BUSINESS : NOMINATION — Candidates for our Riding. GENERAL BUSINESS. ELECTION' OF OFFICERS. Huron - Bruce Liberal . Association. GOD SAV E THE KING.