HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-7-18, Page 4awn.asaaere.,. >,y Prevent Blowout Accidents with GOODf EAR LIFEGUARD SAFETY TUBES TNIAIRNWOEN TIREDELOOWS Da OUTER AIN CNAMIER L(fEEMARR CNMEE SEMEN As the illustration shows, . a tire with a LifeGuard Safety Tube retains 11.. ,sir in the inner air chamber even when e immediatelyre , cartdoes not lurch or sway but remains tinder control. 052 1.0011 F0A INISNION s10l-AF OUAIIN alias" i.I:k� ' • 4 Alt ELLIOTT MOTOR SALES PHONE: 82 DODGE-DESOTO-SALES & SERVICE ,mmr..na*.x�rw OWMW 11 ProfitableDairyCows °More Essential Now Than Ever II D.. . , of a,hf..dM rod Pew of errsn deo foo tom we amain oilogosio loan, Ws l o moosumo kr d•• rood of %solo to oohs a pop - ebb .wwesd sem..he :alar mom Yam footep4 same whhrat /Uri TY m powwio`Mp.s.mIm�di+a ab foul moat food 000telo Oho memory soros* of .lino oat saloneslo m wolf at peat. and one Windrows. To .ao saw eiwany, hoop .a+r wadi Stam revs rad !wr doom so els Mink Mod voila le r.3agaidebillNenblo,� abordsof w.oOdmm d alf m.a a.a- .ia.Uma,.5...k rad h domain i !boa rats ane bait , For Sean fig Ethel Produce DAIRY MEQ' Phone 22-r-10 -.Musa s 1 • DAIRY PRODUCTS MAKE Your FOOD DOLLARS GO FARTHER BASE PE IOD AVERAGE PRICES • 1935-1939 Every housewife these days is fighting the "battle of the home budget". She is quite aware that food costs have soared, and was not surprised when the Cost of Living Index at March 1st. last showed food at 244.4 compared with 100 for the base period of 1935-39. The Dairy Farmers of Canada, faced with rising costs like everyone else, are pleased to draw attention to the fact that Dairy Products in the same index stood at 200,1 while other foods in the index were 247.5. The price of Dairy Products is not at all out of line with other items in the Cost of Living Index, nor with wages in industry. While milk, butter and cheese stand at 200.1, clothing stands at 196.6 and home, furnishings at L99;3. Wages based on hourly rates of pay in Canada stood at 226.5 as of Dec. 1, 1950, according to Department of Labour Statistics. By using more of Nature's Fine Foods -Dairy Foods -the housewife can serve wholesome, nutritious meals and make her food dollar go farther. DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 11105004 STREET TORONTO, ONT. a ' ' • CR.AN'' ROOK Rave Theme 9) Kenneety of Rod- ' •luny °coupled the pulpit in Knox 'Presbyterian Church on Sanity Morning. A number was contrebtuted b^,• the' ohm. Mrs. Fred lllalrttll, Ithamesville, si>~ent the past week wide her parents. Ma•.' and Mrs, Peter Baker. Miss Mina Baker and mice Brenda Mar- the artin; accompanied Mre. Martin Oar a week's holiday. Mise Maxine Smslidnn spend two weeks with her sister, Mrs, Ken Bray in Ether, \t,•, and Mrs. Murray Huetlter and ",•n+l+'d t14 4fac•Dnnald re- e el Pert Elgin on Sunday, Francis William Galbraith Frank Galbi'sdtlt passed quietly away In Winghant General Hosp1121 on Monday morning, July lith atter short illness. 141x, Galbraith was born in Howick '':mishap near Goole on Jtily Ott, 1x51. Ile spent his early days in Howick township and Western Can- ada coming to 'nest concession o2 (trey township nineteen years ago. He is survived by one sister Mrs. Fostee, M•atieto, Manitoba, also one half sister 'lrs, Tom Taylor of Preston. Ont., one brother Harry and one half brother John presdeceased him. - 'roster.* The body resteu at the Edgar r••l+eral home Corrie• where service wa.s held at 2.30 9. m. on Wednes- day. July llth. Rev, Mr. Watt of Corrie TTnited Chursb conducted the ,ervire. Pallbearer, were George Hislop. Fleming Grainger. William King, Russel Bradshaw, Allan McKercher and Albert McDonald. A nephew Harvey Foster, Man•Ito, • *•rn'toha, attended the funeral. NOTICE TO CREDITORS BL.UEVALE ,itobel't Bisset, GoderiCly occupied the pulpit 10 the Knox ieresbeteeten Church on Sunday nloritdng, I• Ie spoke on the text, Luke 24.50, "He led thein out as tar as Bethany," the village where Jesus spent a night do prayer, He pointed outtlett- 5005 10 be learned from outstand. lig ,happenings e+ Bethany. i'ersenrale: Mre, and Mrs. Edward ; Joltstme. accompanied their son,.; Sperling, Mrs. Johnston and lainily to spend Sunday wtbh Mr. aced, Mra, Harold Feceris, at Mount F4rrestl Jaek Adair, Kinea•rdtue, with his Invents. Mr. and Mrs, Wan, AElaiir; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ccultes, with Miss Mabel Coultes; Mrs. J. J. Sellers, in Detroit with her sister, Miss T.1iliam Garniss, who recently suffered a stroke of paralysis, y members and visitors attend- -1 th • July meeting of the Women's Institute at the home of Mrs. Rafe mond Elliott Tire president, Mrs, Ales Corrigan, presided, Lt was ;leveed to buj' mare dishes for the Community Hall. Mrs, Roy Tnr+vay was named convener of the buy- ing committee. Mrs, W. H. Mc- Kinney gave a paper on the motto, "Put your grunts in a box, sit on the lid, and smile," Mets. Charles Hoffman was pianist for the open- ing and °losing numbers, 'Games and a picnlic lnno'h were enjoyed on the lawn. The weather and sur- roo.nd:ings were ideal for the happy occasion, Miss Florence bowler and Mrs. 1 Duncan Aikenhead, Seafortis, were guests at the W. meeting and called on friends here, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Field, Wingltam, via ited at the home of the Misses Duff, and along with Mrs. M. L, Aitken, Miss Ruby Duff and Miss 1 Flora Stewart of Toronto. ' spent lite evening with Mr. and Mrs. Donalcl Street at Listowel, Miss Norma Moffatt. accompanied by two friends from Teeswater, is spending this week at Port Elgin, Alt prtsons haviug claims against tee ee. ace of IFItANCIS WILLIAM (IALBRAITH late of the township of Grey in the County a,. Huron, t. rev r, who died on or about the ninth day of July, 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned n about the the fourth day of A cabal 1351, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the assets of the estate will be distr•buted having regard only to 5121015 of which the Executors shall then have notice, Dated this 1Stlt day of July. A. D. 1051. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barrister and c. `irTeSSELs ONTARIO Solicitors for the Executors. GOOD FOR ALL KINDS OF BAKING SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT BUTCHER SHOP Phone 6 Brussels ETHEL (Intended for last week) Holiday visitors at the home of .lir. and Mrs. C. Pelunder and fam- ily were _firs. Ilalnilton and Alan, Stratlu•oy, R. Jackson. Stratford; Mr. told Mrs, F. Cole and Ca.ro.l Stratford; 'Miss Jerry Hewiitr and C. Culler, Welland; 12r. and Mrs, M. Hamilton, Louis and Wayne of Ethel. Those from Ethel wllo took in the lake breezes Sundtty were Mayne, Ella and Charles Hansuld, Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller, MT. and Mrs. 0, Ecknrier, Tsebei. Ross and Ronald, also Mr, and Mrs. D. Beet, anon, Donegal. Visitors over the July let week- end eolith MT. and Mrs, Bert Godden ins luded Yvonne and M•ers'hs God - den, Mr, and Mrs. Monk Sheffield and son Brian, Mo. and Mrs. Alt Sutton, ail of Brampton; also Mr. and Mrs, Bin Reaves and daughter Arlene .and Caroline, of George- town. Mr, .and Mrs. Douglas Anthony, Toronto,• are vacationing with the latter's mother, Mrs. J. de Doelder. Miss Margaret Gnahanl .and Vic CjilUinis. Ivonontbo, spent tote Week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bent Godden. Mr, and Mas. Mervin 006(0en, Boleby, Jerry, Donald, Florence and Oarale vislubed. with Mr and Mos. Bert Godden on Monday. Arthur Csithbent of Toronto, amid. Tim Anlblrony are spen.dllit the simmer months with Mra. J. de Doelder. Mr. and Mrs. W C. iltevenson and Mr. and. Mrs. S. Speiran at. rte?eeere•Serellet tee•..-..• JOHNDEERE sets the pace.. again! This time with a. greet new ..standard -tread , trac- tor -the 2 -3 -plow John Deere • Model "AR." Modern from the word "go," it of-, fers you new power, new speeds to handle your drawbar, belt - and power -driven equipment at maxi- mum capacity ... new comfort and ease -of - handling features to reduce fatigue, save muscle work . . and proved John . Deere two -cylinder performance that cuts operat- ing and maintenance costs to rock -bottom. There's your choice of cyclonic -fuel - intake engine in gasoline or all -fuel type . there's hydraulic Powr-Trol for effort- less control of drawn implements. Such extra values as self-starter and lights, Powr- Trol, power shaft, and belt pulley are in- cluded as regular equipment. See us for complete information about the new John Deere Model "AR" Tractor. JOHN DEERE Two-Cy/macer TRACTORS --Firsy`in el?aae W Design and Proved Performance W. J. PERRL , Brussels, Out. Phone 58 tended the Adams - Wostyn wed- 1951 FAI ding at Haymarket on July 2nd. Mr, and Mrs. R. Speiran, Sagb new, and Mr. and Mrs. E. .Speiran, Detroit, visited last week with Stan and Mrs. Speiran. Mr, and tips. H, Keys, Mr. and Mrs. J. Noble, Mr. and Mrs. E, Speiran, Mrs. W. McNair, Mr. and Wire. S. Speiran visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce, Toronto, aver the week -end. BE•I.•�s :. ` . 'lee i'r tc•l Church, Belgreee, wt, t11e scene of an enjoyable afternoon, It. e Wednesday. when the Women's Missionary Society Mail as theer guests the Baby Baled accompa- nied by their mothers, and the Mis- sion Band. The program ryas in charge of elle Mission Band, with the following taking pant: Ruth Procter, Eleanor Walsh: Marilyn Moores, Lois Cook. Bernice Adams, Margaret Wightmaly, Elaine Bolt and Lois Goth Mrs. Moores gave a hell: to the children .on some of the missionaries she met at a re- eirnt conference, The, following children wane pro- moted From the Baby Band to the Mission Band: Routh i4Liohde, Mar- jorie Black. Marilyn Campbell, Ann Wnghltman, Marie Coultes, Mac Pletch, and Balmy Logan, Atter tihe pregrain games were endoyed by alt, and refreshments were swerved. Shower Is Held A shower was Held in honor of MT. and Mrs, John Bosnian (nee Mhn•tel Cook) In tine Forester's Hall, Beigna,ne, Wednesday evenling. Dur- ing the evening Rasis Anderson. gave. an address, and Rots Robin- son presented the newyweds with e purse of momey, '01.5fin's orchestra supplied •the music for dancing. The young couple will live in Wawa nosh township: Acton Aivinsson Ancaster Apsley Angrier Arthur .lttroud Aurora Ayton Sept. 21, 22 Bee -Meld ti.-tn Orton 1': lleville iliebreelt R8 and EXHIBITIONS Listowel Sept. 24, 26 London (Western Fair) Sept. 10-15 sept. L1, 22 Lucknaw Oct. 9, 10 i Markham Oct. 11-13 hleaford Aug. 29,30 f41fLdntay Aug. 27-29 Mitchell Gept, 25, 26 Got, 4-6 Oct. 5, 6 'Sept, 17, 118 Sept. 25, 26 Sept, 25, 26 Mount. Forest sept. 15-17 Muneey Sept. 24 Neusta•dt Sept. 14, 16 \err Hainburg Sept. 14, 16 Sept. 26, 27 Hormion Sept, 6, 7 r.3ept. 13-15 urangevllle Sept. 18, 19 Aug, 13.16 (Lelia Sept. 6, 7 Aug, 16-18 Hca 10. 0. Ex.l Aug, 20-25 Oot. 4, 5 June 9 Pno,e : ;•^sun Brussels Burford '',1-0,11 ,^ d? •0 Lakehead - Pt. William -Pt. Arthur ,... Aug, 6-11 fthesley • Sept. 7, y Clifford Sept. 19, 20 1aollingwood Sept, 27-29 Dorchester Oct, 3 Drayton Sept, 02-z4 Dresden Aug. 28-30 Dnnanbo Sept, 26, 27 Dunehat•rch Sept. 4-6 Dundalk Sept. 13, 14 I)ueger-eon. Sept. 27 t.:hui,r,t Aug. 31 -Set, 3 ' .nrhro Sept. 17 Exeter .,.. Sept. 19, 20 I•': r;gus Sept, 14, 15 or Sept, 21, 22 t orest Sept. 17, 18 11511 Sept, 20-22 tteor•aetown Set 14 15 Gorrie 'Trand Valley 'Hanover T-Taet•ieton ITuntsville Tnge,raoll Kincardine Kingston Mitten Leamington Lindsay Lions Heat sept. 14, lb Sept. 15, 19 Sept. 28, 29 Oct. 4-8 Sept. 27, 28 Sept, 25, 20 Sept. 28, 20 p . , Oct. 5, 6 Oct. 5, 0 Sept, 12, 13 Sept. 26, 27 Sept. R, 7 Sept. 4, 5 Sept. 13, 14. pot, 1-6 Sept. 27, 28 Sept. 24-29 Sept. 18.22 Sept. 11, 11' Vol rich ,:,•,wa 1d*inter Fair Oot. 22.26 cl Sept. 27-29 eiey Sept. 10, 11 P:timerctou Oct, 1, 2 Parkhill Sept. 21. Pe' erhorough Aug. 20-26 I or: Elgin Sept. 19, 20 ltarrnationnl Plowing Match - Oxford County, Woodstock Oct. 9-12 Rename/Sept. 1144 Ttidgehoavn M 2120 Walley Sept.'g. 20-21 Rodney Sept. 20, 21 aonth Sept. 20, 21 ShSreBllbntne Sept. 25, 26 Simcoe (Norfolk County) Oct. 2-8 St. Marys Oct. 2, 3 19'ratford Sept. 1719 Staabhroy Sept. 27-29 'rata sept. 26,21 Sept,7,B Oot, 2, 3 Sept. 19-21 Tavistock Teeswater Tiilaonbnrg Tiverton Oet. 1, 2 Toronto (O.N. .) Ass. 34•BRpt 3 Toronto now Winter Fair Nov. 1841 Walkerton (Christmas Fair) Oct. 80, Nov, 1. We.l.lacetown Sept. 27, 118 Welitand Sept. 11-16 Wdeurton Sept. 19, 14 Viroodlbridge Oct. 6, d Woodatook Aug. 20-416 Sept. 24, 25 1.001 By Roe Farms Service Dept. - ro LIKE TO TAKE A CHANCE ON THESE BIRDS BERT, TO MAKE EXTRA MONEY BY HOLDING ON TOTHEM .BUT 1 CAN'T AFFORD To FEED ,i TIRED LAYERS DONT CROSS YOUR BRIDGES &EFOREYOU COME TOTHEM , BILL. THERE jS AWAYTOBUILD ,'•� ` EGG PRODUCTION. HERlrS DOC ROE- LETS ASK HIM... � HELLO, DOC. YOUIRE JUST it' TIME.Q) I3ILL,HERE,IS WORRIED. HE DOESN'T KNOW WHETHER TO SELL OR HOLD TO HIS LAYING WITH FIRST. GIVE YOUR LAYING FLOCKTHE ON& OVER, CULL CAREFULLY FOR POOR BIRDS, SECOND. GIVE THE RESTOF YOUR FLOCK A ROE th :lf Pellets �YWIAr-F.A'`Y,OD/6EST ARE THEY PRETTY GOOD, DOC .) / I l . GOOD THEY ARE JUST THE THING TO 611E YOUR (LOCK AN ADDED SPORTING CHANCE BY FEEDING THEM ROE VITA -LAY PELLETS, THEY'LL PUT WEIGHT ON YOUR BIRDS --AND KEEP THEM LAYING THROUGH THE LATE SEASON RICH IN VITAMINS, + i MINERALS AND4` :"' \ e ° � PROTEINS I ^S4tu it ImeenCKEST., ` E RIDE ON FLOCK. E66 PRICES HOLDING UP, HE. WANTS TO KEEP THEM LAYING ROE VITA -LAY PELLETS ARE SPURT- JUST RIGHT TO MAKE YOU AN EXTRA DOLLAR YOUR ANSWER ,! ;,v, ` %i'' %wR /JIB�' ��� / FM-. ws♦ "1�1 +�''� ': ' f� WAY PIJ WE/eSN!' OW> RQ/RRri �.,....,.\ ° I , `/ , (lf 11� r ..,,, .. 1 t Ii1�1 i�/ „,,,iy 1 �\ 1.15,U..:.. t �® �' r �i�� �"•�® v .. \v (( '� s �; �• 'r�".+y�,�a��� .I•,II , .,/fe-..�I / ` ' 4r L:E; - I" l 1 f 1 / ��.: /.�:. � ;; i;',W Y ' tam.► �, ` , to 'l p. .. e. !•` j1 1. It II a Yom' .�;Y\ i� •'� �i�- ` �\ Jr I �r"�.+.+'i: -. MORE E66$ IN ... a e . ,at noun u.c;, +,1%1,��Qrr,.,, d_®,�:,, FillL/� ow'mii . 450/7---'. S ! YOURBASKET �: .°..�� MO EPRONT,/r OVi/It rd/R.atfr veva i) .�r °'l,• >\ 4,14."1- It i, ", L/ i illi' �>' / Jy : - 41 . .. 4.+ alt 7 .- �' • ` ." ..,e: - wl -.`-s'T nt1a P -LE R d / it !�y (pp,' � tin t fiC - °fes ' �_�® Flee, ill�1 II,. I =°- TIC . , �' (t I t"f� I� t, 1. � � �c,�17`!r � �r� '' IIII . �> h.,.. -''.1, �eN`,. . st Huro BRUSSELS Produce JaHN LA MUNT ETHEL F. F HARRISON MC+NCRIEFFF � ... moi• �,R.t / �'% `� -o ars`, ~�� % / lit" ®�. /., Ala I � s"��.