HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-7-18, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST $2,00 per year - $2,50 U. STA. ?OST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, July 18th, 1951 MRS. ROY C. WILBEE DIES SUDDENLY A ayecenitllY married Guelph girl, Marjorie Donald's. Maine Wallace, dried .suddenly at Fairllght, Saskat- chewan. She Is .the daughter of Ma's. Ethel Legate Wallace, 127B Dublin Street, Guelph and the arbiter of Lobs it J. Wallace. Miss; Wallace formerly attended G. 0. V. I. and. graduated in nursing from the Elitchener Waltlerpoo Hospital. She was enupioyed for some time is the Homewood San- itarium here before her marriage bo Rot Clifton W4lbee, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Russell O. W4lbee of Brussels, in Knox Preslrsltetitan Ohara, on December 27th, 1950. AL that time Mr. Wiibee was a student at the Ontario Veterinary College. Mon' his graduation' in *ay, the young couple travelled west where Mr. Wilbee began 'practice. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING - 'rtur. Fri. Set. July 19-.0.21 "BLUE BLOOD" with Bill Williams Jane Nigh Arthur Shields The screen play, suggested by a Peter B. Kyne story is action packed as a man and horse come back wllth fighting hearts. Mon. Tues. Wed. July 23-24-25 "THE SKIPPER SURPRISED HIS WIFE" with Robert Walker Joan Leslie. Edward Arnold It's delightfully gay, deliriously com- ical and very definitely an tenter- tainment treat. This comedy of Domestic life. Next Thurs, Frt. Sat. July 26-27-28 "OPERATION PACIFIC" with John Mayne Patricia Neal Roaring up from the floor of the Sea -Here's the story of a submarine skipper who could shoot a torepo through the eye of a needle and take on anything afloat. COMING - "MA & PA KETTLE BACK ON THE FARM" Melville Church Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School est Bible Claes 11 a• in, Morning Worship No Evening Service United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship - 11 o'clock, Services daring July Will be conducted by Mr. Harry Hopper. Church of England Melville W. M. S. The Women's .l'lerssdonary Society of Melville Church held a regular July meeting in the school roam of tote church on Friday a0tednoon, Miss Grace Stewat+t, the president was asslilsted in the service of devotion by Mrrs. D. McLeod, who read the scriptatre lesson, and Mrs. C. Math - son who led' inn prayer. Reports of Sick calls were made by a number of members. Mrs, George Evans had the topic, the story of India from the the study "Our share of the world's mllasions." She describ- ed India as a lapid of farbulous wealth but the visitor's first im• pression is that a withered land of proventy is reaching out to meet. him, a land where too many people are In, too little space, and where confusion is paramount. ELtteraey, the limited life of Womanhood', end absence M sanitary regniatlions are noticeable. 'Miss Bessie Moses told trim ' so- ciety of recedvinlg. aotne'*ledgmeata of appreciation. for gifts of Christ- mas cA.rds and Pictures wbfcb, she hod sent to several missionaries. She, read a letter fmm Rev. and Mrs, 1. S. Rumble et Japan, where they are serving on the mission field. A hymn and a prayer Mbughtt the meeting to a close. No meet- ing of the society will he held der - 'ng Airgrtef. LEAVES FOR WALES Mn. Jshs Rowland leaves Thurs- day mooning for her tntp to Cardiff, Wales, where she wilt be visiting her four •sislters, two of whom she has never seen. She is sailing from New York on the ship "SS Mew .A:matendatn on the 20th of this month. The Post and its readers hope Mrs. Rowland will have a wond- erful trip and we will be looking tor her back in September to give Ile' an arennnt of her visit over there. NOTICE The crop improvement association are holding a twilight meeting at the farm of Wm. Turnbull'on the 16 con. of Grey township on Monday, Toby 23rd. When plots of new and old varieties of Darts and barely will he inspected, also the results of various tests of weed sprarys will be made. Everbodry invited to attend. BORN ROWi.AND - To Mr. and Mrs. Row- land of Wingham at the Wingham General Hospital, on July 16th - the gift of a daughter, a sister for Oh end. AN'. MOW V5"e0ME17 LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE AGRICULTURAL REP. FOR HURON GETS NEW POSITION Toronto - T. R. liiildard and R. G. Bennett (valve been appointed associate directors of the Ontario Agricultural Representative Service ,ellfeottve Aug. 1, the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculttural said' today. Mr. Hilliard is an• assistant dir- ector of the service and Mr. Ben- nett is agricultural representative In Huron Ccamty. Agriontu,ra„ representatives ap- pointed : Huron County, G . W Monitgomery, District and Ndplssdng, F. G. J. Miiette; Lincoln County, Grant Mitchell; Districts of Mus- koka and Parry Sound, W. D. Tip- per. New 'Representative The new representative for Huron Mr. Montgomery, Is a native of North Gower, Carleton Count!. He hes served' for threes years se agricultural representative for the district of Ndpplaatng with' offices iru North Bay, Previously he bed been representative in. Lomeli/on and 'Hastings counties. Mr, Montgomery graduated from the Ontario Agr4- cultural College art Guelph in. 1946. FORMERLY OF BRUSSELS Word has been received of the dearth at Toronto of Mrs. Freder- tek T. Bryans. She was the former Barbara McKelvey, daughter of the late Dr. a.nld' Mrs. Alexander Mc- Kelvey of Brussels. Funeral ser vice was held at the Miles funeral chapel, 90 5t. Cliair west, Toronto, on ; TuesklaY at 3.00: p. M. BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB. CARNIVAL OCT. 17th Wednesday, Oct. 17th is the date set for the• Brussels Lions Club Car- nival. So kindly keep this date in mind and watch for further an- nou neem eats, Thur. Fri. Sat. July 19-20-21 1 Errol Flynn, Dean Stockwell in "KIM" Techincolor Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. -Eve. 7.30 p.m. Perish of trussels Rev. J. 14. Kerr - Reeler. 9,th Sunday After Trinity July '22nd. 1951 St. John's Church, Brussel.-- 11: russelr11' ami. Morning Prayer Sunday School St. David's Church. Hentryn 2.30 p.m, Events% Fleeter Steldlae Sehool St. George's Church, Walton 7.30' p.m. Evening Prayer Mon. Tues. July 23-24 Double Feature Deborah Kerr, Robert Walker, Mark Stevens, Peter Lawford in 'PLEASE BELIEVE ME" Plus Adult Entertainment Mars tall Thompson, Virgin i Field in "DIAL 119" Note-lst Performance at 7.30 TUESDAY FOTO-NITE OFFER $190.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. PEOPLE WE KNOW * * * ANNIVERSARY SERVICES I HELD AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH I St. John's Church anniversary set, vlces celebrating 'tote ninety-first anniversary of the founding of St. John's congregation, and the second of the re -opening of the restore(' building, which had been destroyed by fire on February, 25th, 1947, were held on Sunday last. b The Moroi' was filled almost to its capacity for the morning writes, when the Ride of Cosa6tmlathon was administered by the Right Reverend Dr. Hallam, assistant Bishop of the Diocese. A class of seweniteem, can- didates was presented by the Reotor after a series of weekly classes extending over a peeled of three- monitha The Bishop Preached a very help- ful and twirling ssesution, not only to those who bad lust been confirm- ed but to all who have been confirm, ed in the part. ;Let us -never for- get" said the Bishop ..'that it is a solemn and serious moment when we take our Baptilemat promises upon ' ourselves. Nothing. bull -the Geese of God will enable youto fulfil them". - At the evening service Rural Dean E. 0. Teancaeter dedicated recent gifts to the ceurch of a massive stone Fonit, given by ,this Anglican Church at Newton, . and a pair of braes vases givens by Miss Beatrice Taylor of London 'and her sister of New York in memory of their Par- ents. arents. former members; of St. Jo'hn's congregation, wiben Mr. Taylor prao• tdced law here. Both these services were helpful and enconragdng. The speakers on both occasions expressed their good wishes for the future prosperity of St. John's Church. • GREY TWP. COUNCIL LIONS BAND TATTOO TO BE HELD HERE JULY 25th. Those who thoroughly apprcklate band music, and the general public, alike have a treat in store for them when thte Brussels Lions Boys and Girls Band Tattoo to be held in Victoria Park. Brussels on Wednes- day. July 25th. Those who attend will not only endoy a. musical treat but will be supporting a wortth while project. The fact that this (dons Bandl of yotnlg musteians will give this com- munity fine miuxic for year come le only one; and at thtat a rather selfish, reason, why they should recetve the whole hearted support of everyone. Have you ever thougtna what this band means to the boys and girls tbemselrves? It means an opportume dty to be'com'e proficient on a musi- cal fnetrument; an accomplish- ment from which mini persofli satisfaction and a sense of achieve- ment can be obtained. A good many of these youngsters would not. have title opportunely it it were not given to them by the 2101319 0101,. some, because their parents could not afford instruments and the cost of instruction and many because instrautitors are not within easy realdb The cnitiolsm has been voiced that it is' -foolishness to spend so much money In training a young band just to bane totem grow up and go away and leave us without a band in a very few years. In the first place. funds should be forth- coming to constantly train juniors that they may be capable of replae- ing those who leave. Again, this is a selfish point of view. What these boys and girls acquire in musical training they take with them wherever they may go. Their musical ability may open doors of interest that will provide them with Mdnaates of Council meeting July useful and Interesting activities that 7111, 1951. would otherwise he closed to them The Engineers report on the But- and thus give them companionship tery Drain was adopted and Clerk that will keep therm out of undesirable instructed to have the necessary associations. The toy or girl that By -Laws printed and served. Is interested in music. and busy with The tender of Ross Hanna on the II the activities it, can provide will Mrs. M. Laycock and children, Gordon Drain. at 975.00 was accept- seldom get themselves eon serious Waterdown are holidaying with Mr. elf. difficulties. d}tficnities. and Mrs. Inc. S. Armstrong. All approved accounts were order- Many favourable comments have * * * ed paid and Council adjourned to i been made over the recordings that Miss Mamie Thompeonk Toronto, meet again on August 4th. C. K. N, X. made of the band for is visiting reladi.ves here. Fox Bounty X25.50 + advertising the band tattoo. * * * - Scale Inspection 11.00 I Support the Brussels Lions Clubl ,Mr, V. Sinclair, Hamilton, is a I Bal, 1950 Telephone Acct. 1881,00 Attend the Band Tattoo, under the visitor in Brussels. * * * Mr, J. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod and Donald aceomhanded by Robert McLeod of Stratford spent Satrn'day in the 'Hmhro disdriot vis- F - spray Ring, relatives. r Relief * * * ri BeaconsHerald Adv. Miss MacLeod of Lucknow is visit- Cler'1'ees•, North Gordon ing with Miss Bessie Moses this ; Dra : week. , Bte y bas'; North Gordon Drain * fi . Wm Barrer, work et Visitors at the home of Mr. and cemetery ' ' 11.40 Mrs. R. A. Bennett over the week- Reeve Delivering Reports, 'Plans end were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maitland Rimer 35,00 Osborne and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dan. Savage, Close Drain 33.60 Bennett. of Roehestter, N. Y. Road Accounts 1052.84 Cement for Drain ' 114.00 J. H. Fear, Clerk. Grey Twp. School Area 3500.00 ! direction' of A. Cl. Robinson, details Ethel Garbage 12.00) of Which ran he found elsewhere in Pullets I{tlled 28.00 I this tone L. D. Frain, Valuator Goldwin Thompson, Damage 12.00 re - 50.00 75.00 9,00 25.00 10.00 * * 5 Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Gibson of Hamilton were recent visltors with Mrs, Robert Roover and Miss Beth Hoover and Mr. Wen, Moses. • * • Mr. and Mrs, Notmuan Hoover ' motored to Toronto where MT. Hoover, will etttend the Masonic' Lodge Convention being held there, I * * * Mrs. Tames Ireland Left, on Monday for a trip to the Test Coast. * * * Mr. 11. B. Cousins Is aftenkbing the Masonic Coma'emttion being held 1n Toronto. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pollock. Lotti and (toss of Turner's, and Mr, and Mrs. M. Avis, Mrs. J. Cairns and Miss Bessie MoNam;ghton alt of lJnder- wood were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, 0, Dent, 3 BIG DAYS 3 BIG DAYS Wed. Thur. Fri. July 25-26-27 Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett, Elizabeth Taylor in FATHED'S UTILE DIVIDEND EAVOIPMWOICVMAK A scale model of 'the St, Lawrence Seenvery --- so much in the news of Tate - will be on, display at the 1951 Canadian National Exhibition from August 24 to September 8, The model of this project, which will he on tis- ploy in. the Government Building, wilt give Cam'adian5 and visitors to Die C. N. N. sr, insight into Ile *vat - nest el the protect. IN MEMORIAM WHIPTARD - In loving memory of 'nor„ Ross F. Whitten', Killed in Action at Italy, 7 years ago, July 21st, 1944. From our happy home end cimele God has taken one we loved, He ie borne away from sin and eorroW To a nobler rest above. No one knows how much we miss him, None brut aobing hearts can tell; Lost on earth, bort found to Heaven. Terms doe% all thing* welt. -Always remembered by mom, dad, brothers and stater& abbe r There are some of the band mem- ber;; who have not yet been provid- ed with uniforms, more instruments and new mush is rerinired. Give our boys and girls the chance they want. They, under the leadership of band- master A. C. 'Robinson. will give you a hand to be proud of : Re at Victoria Park, Wednesday, Tnly 25. Is one of the Beet Quality AvaltabIS. Regular Shipments Now eelnp Re- cetved. Order yews direct eft the sur. M. C. OLDFIELD PHONE 68 The Union W. A. is sponsoring an Ice Cream Social, ball game and concert at James Bremners', 12th line of Grey, on Tuesday evening, July 24th. Ball game at 7.30 p.m. Admission to game and concert 25c - Pie and ice cream 15c, drinks 10c. Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls BAND TATTOO AT VICTORIA PARK, BRUSSELS ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th At 8.15 p. m. - Parade at 7.45 p. m. FEATURING - 21 Anti -Tank Regimental Band, Wingham Georgetown All Girls Pipe hand Mitchell Citizens Band 27 C.O.D. Drumand Trumpet Band, London London AM Girls Band, London Royal Canadian Army Service Corp Band, London Brussels Lioi s Club Bays and Girls Baud Cara Free -- Admission : Chien 25c, Adult. 50e DANCE at Crystal Palace Ballroom at 10 o'clock Blu-Tone 9piece Orchestra Modern and Old Tune. Dancing Refreshment Booth Admission to Dance 50 cts. Everybody Cordially Invited. 1 MIR PLAY BINGO AT SEAFORTH TUESDAY, JULY 24 - 9 P. M. Community Centre - Seating for 2000 $900.00 in Cash Prizes Admission $1.00 for 15 games for $20 each 2 Specials for $50.00, Card 25c 45 numbers called for $500. Jackpot Prize Come And Get The Cash. Auspices Community Centre Canadian Legion HURON FOOTBALL STANDING Team P. W. L. T. Pbs, Ethel 10 5 2 3 13 Walton 9 4 2 8 11 Winthrop 10 4 3 3 11 Brussels 10 4 5 1 9 Holstein 10 2 3 5 9 St. Colntmban 9 3 3 3 9 Atwood 10 1 5 4 6 Latest Scores Tuly 19 - Atwood 0 Winthrop 3 July 13 - Holeteim 0 St. Columban 3 APPENDICITIS OPERATION MAY BE REDUCED in 100 appendix operations it was found that only 38% of the patients had been Muttering appendicitis, the rest having, been victims of other disorders. Lenrn'how a. new treat- ment may colt down unnecessary operations to "Appendicitis in Children" in The Ametioan Weekly, famous magardne with this Sunday's (July 22) Issue of The Detroit Sun day Times. Riverside otors CHEVROLET & OLDSMOBILE' Sales and Service the Only Authorized CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE Sales and Service in Brussels Order your New Chevrolet Oldsmobile to -day, where you can get it serviced with a direct General Motors Guarantee from Riverside Motors in Brussels. Geo. McCutcheon, Prop. The Camedlian. Nationel Exhibition is setting tote stage for new attend- ance records this year, Aug. 24 to Sept. 8. Last year gam sn ahlthme high total of 2,728,000 attendance, with 283,000 visitors In a single day at the world's largest annual most- dolt. *.•. VQU CAN STOP FASTER THAN THE BIG FELLOW I