HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-7-11, Page 5t
BUT... women outnumber men among regis-
tered individual shareholders of Dominion
Textile's common stock, There are 3,110
Women and 2,225 men, and the women own
more shares than the men do.
Over 95 percent of these shareholders live in
Canada. They live in all provinces, with
Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, Manitoba
and Nova Scotia leading, in that order.
None of these shareholders owns as much as
one -per cent of the stock.
Dominion Textile Company Limited
y_�,ysv., nea'a
aullllll"ll,ll,,,,,moll,",",,,m,.unnuuull"n""nu„mumm,nm m„„„m",",.,mnmmeuuunnnnnaa,rt
To Beautify
Your lioniie
Choose Sturgeons Pure Nouse
Paints. Available In gloaming
white and 19 attractive colors.
Made to verist wear and weather.
Johnson's Paint & Electric Store
Brussels, Opt.
Housework is
much Easier
'with a
®ORO Pump
Plenty of clean fresh water
at the turn of a tap ... with a
Every Farm can be
modern NOW!
DURO PUMPS are designed
to meet farm requirements
... in the house ... barn
. . . truck garden . . . cow -
stables and fire protection
as well for all your buildings.
Fixtures and Fittings
Working in an
F,nico kitchen ...
bathroom and
laundry is •
pleasure ... Pro-
tect the health of
your faintly .
add to the cons.
torts of daily
For Sale by
C. & C. Krauter Co.
Brussels, Ont.
Sudbury - Winnipeg 1hrMtwlt
Calgary - Edmonton o Vaneoulter
Hamtiron - Toronto
.:......eeeeteeee `>•'` •...life a ;'` r
Of Hereford, Durham and Holstein
Cattle wIll be held at
Harold Jackson's Farm one mile
East of Seaforth on
At 7 30 P. M.
on !ir".afora Ste^t's trent 700 lbs. to
850 lbs,
:t Durivaat and Hereford Heifers
100 to 800 lbs.
7 lioletelo heifers, ready to breed,
Terms Cash
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Godericlt, Ontario
July gbh, 1053
The Post,
Betteeels, Ontario.
Dear Sir :
in view of the nottsiderable dos-
ruselon that has, occureu lately over
the relative values of the Liquor
I Control Apt and the Canada Tem-
, penance Actin the handling of the
Liquor problem, T would like to sexy a
word to the people of Huron County.
T have been a resident of God-
erieh for a year now, Staving lived
the previous sixteen years in a town
under the Liquor Conitroi Art, and
have been able to observe renditions
in both town as casual visitors would
not be able to do. T can count on the
fingers of one hand the number of
I persons I have seen in Goderich in
a year who were intoxicated, appar-
enahiy. Only a blind mast would be
able to sav that of the town of "W...."
if he were abont the town at all.
I know that there is dilating in
Coderirlt, anti liquor can be gotten
legnliy since the C. T. A. is not a
prohibitory law. Thera are nooL-
legmers. ton, as 1 1rs re told by some
wile pare in a poeitten to know. There
in, however, little open evidence of
liquor sale.
'Phe oppontundbies to obtain liquor
in the town of "W .,.." are so
money that tete wondews how t11d
bootleggers could possibly he in de-
mand, There are four hotels, each
with •a beverage room and a floenish-
ing trade as one, in passing can tell
front the noisy racouaness of both
men and women. There are claib
licences bo the Canadian Legion and
to the Golf Clnb, as well as a
Brewers' wnrhouse and a liquor
store. Anrl yet the bootlegger
flourinlues as I have reason to know
In the same way that 7 know they
are in (t,nderielh, nod also from the
acrwd of.court pnrceedings which
show from time to time teat three
to rl•c�rterl.
Some people ere .anxious to see the
C. T. A. replaced by the Liquor Con-
trol A.et in Ranson, becarse they are
so vastly ooncea'ned about the in-
citements to drink among tire- young
people. Tinder the L. C, A, Liquor
'is about as easy to o•btsin as ice-
ernant. Tn "W ' one is
sreateely ever out of slght of tete
evidences of the traffic,—the pue
chanes, deilivenies, the crowded beer
pa+louas, the comeoars,e of people
in and out of then. Front whom
are the hanks of these c.ustosners
filled if not ultimately from the
young people? To my mind, land I
have been able to obseitve its work-
ing, personally) the most daeo otaus
tying, from this point of view is the
banquet permit. In conie•ctdon wdltlt
onuventiene, town ceie•bratdons, wed-
ding receptions, etc., a room may be
secured and set up as a bar and the
drinks are on the "house" and
sometimes on the town. What 1
have seen of hltis hes given me a
sleep concern for many People both
obi and young. There de inaitemtemlt
here for a non-drinker who would
not be Induced to run the risk of
being seen enlentng a beer parlous'.
Peailtlalls people think ministers
are not In a position 00 know con-
ditions because they patronize
neltheir liquor stores nlor beer p!ar-
louns and de not attend beer panties.
More frequently we know far better
whet is going ,en because we hear
and knew the end of the stony at the
paint where all the glanteur le gone
teem dtfiinlding and there is only
smelliness, wretchedness and despair.
We came In at the etage of the
eleobIo10os • and 'the broken homes.
We are in as good a poslhton to be
acentette ala most perople, do our
etidlgment, ;and room what I have
lttrown and seen I own on;iy stay if we
saint a 'Wether" iboten with Metite-
meants to drink on every hand, join
the tanks of the agitlbors for 'the
Liquor Control. Acct. Tf you prefer a
town of quiet soinniety, keep the
Canada. Te,mpeiiance Aot,
D. W. William,
Minister, Viotorta 9e,
limited Church,
Gederieb, Ontario,
The W. Ai, S. and W. A. of Knox
t;n(i,ed C9bunch, Menlgti0ft, (l1ol d
their regutar monthly meeting at
tine home of Mrs. James Meehan en
\Yedne day even'ng, July 4lli.
The W. 511. S. meeting, in cthetrge
of Mrs. 13. Ferg, opened with the
Hymn "Came let ins sing of a Won-
derful Love," Mrs. Marie Baddlde
read the soelpiure lesson, Mos. C.
Robertson led In prayer. Twenty
members and three visitors answer-
ed the Holl Bail by naming a prophet.
The business of the meeting . Was
conducted by Ore Pres„ Mrs, Ken.
Loddington, It Was deoided to or-
der the new study books.. Also to
bort a special meeting on the after-
noon of July 25, .to whish an invitat-
ion will be extended to the W, M. S.
of Tinton Unite Church and Done-
gal United Church. Mrs, Leonard
Meehan gave the topic, "Trinitlhd
Throught the Dyes of a Vilsitor.
The meethtp closed whit slanging
the vmn, "Jesus Thy, Joy of Levine
The W. A. meeting was in charge
of the Vice.Pepe., Mrs. Joe Smith
anri opened with the Hymn "Jesus
Keep Me Near The Cross." Mrs. K.
Ludki, ngeon read a poem. The sil-
verware conemeltee made final ar-
ratugements to purchase ten dozen
00mhtless .reel knives, forks, dessert
000)11s and teaspoons. A committee
• -mined to get prices on an 111 -
'et" ' sieve Inc the ei-trhen in the
1 basement of the rlmrch.
The meeting closed with the mem-
bees rrlteating in unison, "'litre
lord's Prayer."
A delirious itturlt was served by
tee, 1'''rtese and her rnmmittee.
Iiitc+iten' Table and Feel' Chairs.
Mrs, Geo. McCnteheon Phone 7Sxr2
FOR SALE — -^ 8 acres of good standing hay,
Win, J, Grant Phone 25r6.
Boarder wanted. Apply to
Mrs. L. Jermyn Phone 90
A field of hay standing,
Jas. McFarlane Phone 21r26
3.0 pigs reakiy to wean. Apply to
Wm. G. VenCanup, Belgrave,
Phone Brussels 15r15.
One Geabaan, two-bua'ner hot plate
white enamel, with ahttome top, litre
new. apply to
J. Work Phone 33
Want started pullets? Bray has them
prompt Shipment. Also dayold pul-
lets. mixed. cockerels. 'Get prices,
nmeler soon. Agent Wm. Glen Bray,
1932 Ford V-3 Coupe, in real good
1938 Ford Coupe.
1934 Terraplaue Coach, new tia'es
and battery.
1930 Model A Ford Coach.
These cars are priced to sell,
J. 0. Neil Phone 77r6.
FOR SALE —_.-..._.. ---
1935-214. ton Oleanolei Truck,
good tires and new tiglht racks.
1941-2 ton Chevrolet Truck,
travelled only 27,000 miles, complete
with heist. Both trucks in guaran-
teed condition.
Apply to Mel. Jermyn, Bluevale.
Phone 63012 Balussel&
We will be pleased to pick up dead
or crippled farm animals and pal
highest prevailing prices. For im-
mediate service telephone collect —
Brussels 55-r.12, Listowel 65O -r4,
or Elmira 564
Gordon -'rung (101mira) Ltd.
Shoe Store and Repair Shop. In
good village, Store Is lied Brick;
Red brick 6 roomed house aditoinias,
also 3 room apartment, teboee store.
Stock is 61,500.00. Stock and repair
shop and buildings all tor quirk sale
priced at $4,500,00.
100 acre grass and wood farm,
lots of water, 5000 new trees set out.
Iced to sell at $2200,00,
L 0. Long, Real !estate Broker.
Brussels, Ont.
Phm. B.. R. Q.
Registered Optometrists
Mrs, H. Viols Homsrth R. 0.
Carol E. Homuth R. O.
Phone 118 Harridan, OM.
Stewart - Forsyth
Salurduy, June 30th. In Dunn
M,anuriul Prewby'tro'iun ('•ltnroh, Long
Brana•h, Rev. F. G. Veepy, solemnized
the marriage of Edith Isabel Forsyth,
Brussels and Alesaitaler Stuart, Long
Brandt. The bride wore a gown
of pale blue lace over taffeta 'with
sweetheart ner•kline. and a corsage
of .pink rose buds, with white
anoonsoriee. Her only attendant wtas
Miss Mae Skelton who wore dmeky
Wok with et corsage of yellow eaM-
s1ion and many accessories. Tice
bride's Mother wore navy sheer with
o corsage of pink carnations. The
gnoorn. was attended by Samuel
Ratherlkmd, 'Tonontto, Atter the
earemomy the bridal panty bed din-
ner at The Lynm Arms, leaving the
name reversing for Bnussels•. For
travelling the brittle chose grey with
navy accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moses enter-
tained Mr, anti Mrs. Stuart and
Wends to a wedding dinner. The
eletee-noom being t•as,tefulllY decor -
neer} In plate tuned wlhite and ilbe table
centered with pink sanding and a
beteeerelle der eted wadding -rake,
The groom's gift to the bride was
1 set of travelling. oases. Mr. and
Mrs. Stimuli will reside in Long
Ra inch.
* '* ' r
Mr. Frank McGelrick of Listowel
called on friends here on Monday -
• a< *.
Mr, and Mrs, Lawton, of Philadel-
phia, Pa., and Miss Laura Thomson
of Atwood were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. John Seethe
0 *
Mr, and Mrs. David Hastings and
fan -lily, Mr. R. C. Fox and blaster
Kenneth Bowler spent the week -end
in London, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
a p *
Airs. C. Workman. Leamington,
has horn a reeellt vdmltor with relat-
ives and friends here.
* *
Mrs. H. Stnllivan returned home
from Clinton hloslplta.l, where she
has been a patient.
* * *
111x. Joe Shaw is a patient in the
Clinton hospital.
* * *
5111'. and Mrs. T'Ough Kennedy and
family of Montreal and 'Ares, N.
Hamilton of Atwood were vietors
last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Kennedy and other friends here.
* * *
Mrs. G. A. Deadman, WoUtville.
10. S„ Mrs. W. S. Watson, Vancouver,
B. C„ and Mrs. N. .V. Freeman,
Battersea, Ont., are visitors with
their many friends in town.
* * *
Miss Jean Waters, Toronto, gave a
shower in honour of Edith Forsyth.
The bilk, to be received many love-
ly gtfte of Oorn-Flower Crystal.
* * *
Mrs. Johns Foster of Mona Vale,
Australia is spending some time at
the home of hes brother Mr, Case
Jack•]dn 011(T Mrs. Jacicltn end other
relatives. A family reunion was
held at the same home on Sunday.
* * *
Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne and Miss
Millie Grewar are holidaying in
* * *
Mr. Kim,g of Brampton is visiting
his daughter Mrs. Thos. McDonald.
* * *
Mr. Ward 100. Buchanan of Detroit,
is spending part of his vacation with
his Sister Mdse Flo. Buchanan.
* *—*
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Brewer anent
d111•e week -end with fulenlds alt Peter-
eterborough and Lake Chemong. --.
• • 0
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stephens of
Peterborclangh called on Mends here
on Saturdaiy.
• • •
Mles Bessie Moses was 0 ghost of
Miss Tessie 1111bott. Stiatfoed Nide
past week,
* •0 *
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Moses,' Mar -
and Joan, Mite. Forsyth and Aimee
MoQutarrie spent Sunday at Grand
* to
Mr, aitld Mrs, Clnas. Bowyer and
family of Windsor spent Thursday
and Friday with their r(xnadn Abner
MoQnnn'ttde and Mrs. Forsyth.
Wednesday, .Duly 114'At, 1.961
Chevrolet Sedan Delivery
1-1950 Ford Sedan, low mileage
1-1950 Dodge Special Deluxe
Coach, 9000 miles
1-1950 Pontiac Sedan, low mileage
1-1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan
(Radio and Sunvisor)
1-1947 Willys Station Wagon
1-1947 Chev. Coach, with new motor
1-1939 Willys Sedan
Other Lower Priced Cars.
1950 Chev. % ton pick-up with Deluxe Cab
1948 Chev. 117" wheelbase, chassis and cab
1945 2% ton Chev,, long wheel base
Riversicle Motrsic
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile
Texaco gas and oils
Phone 56 Brussels, Ont.
C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C.
William St Foe to 4. Brevameiu, 017st
Graduate University of Toronto
To'aithone 45 , — Brussels. Ocst.
JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist
Eves Examined. Glasses fitted.
Phone 791 Seaforth — Main Street.
HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30. Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Harvey W. Stephenson
Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co.
Canada Health and Accident Co.
Casualty General Instm-ance Co.
Phone 43x Brussels
G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist.
Patrick St., WINGHAM
At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday.
Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Kincardine 21.
Evenings by ,appointment
J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist,
Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting of (dosses
Office in Listowel Clinic Buildang
Hose's: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wedsie day
Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to 9:31.
Other evenings by appointment Phone 534.
Walker Funeral Horne
Day kr Night Calls Phone 63
No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home,
EL G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director az Enabait ,r.
Agent for — Hartford Wind Insurance
McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Our Rates Are Reasonable
For farther particulars — Phone Brotaelt 43-r-10.
). A. Rann & Co.
Licensed Funeral Drecior and Embalmer
PHONE 36 or ASS --��— immix ONT.
Chas. T. Davidson
Automobile and Firm inae'areoe
Accident and Siebeeme
Afloat forCreel West Ure i eeew.ace
96Please OffIce Ca.
Bretralk Ont.
Dennis Duquette
Phoebe 51'er-14 R. R 4 ®rum&
Uienced Auctioneer for Huron Cragdr
. No Sale too Bits — None too Small
there employed an experienced wesietant for the tela Onsite.
R. �. Hetherington. K. C.
Tvesday and Saturday ail day --r Offlct open every dap.
Phone 20: -- Successor to E D. pion _..._
t,ewvs Rowland
(Licensed 1For fim-on County)
0' i)nR'uwrements Phone 31 `"'tile Breasola host" and herr
Par information etc... write or shone Lauth: RatnnslandP
tiri0 be looked after Immeellately
Or arrIte to R. R. 3 V6'ahmes.