HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-7-11, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST t0 V®U,TUU#' St Tiff 441, For a plow with plenty of brute strength . , . high lift for easy turning and transporting... plus the extra clear- ance necessary for deep plowing in trashy conditions, You'll find a John Deere Tress -France Plow unsurpassed. Its many features snake it a real leader in two-, three-, and four -bottom plow value, Sae us for full details .. , soon. o I Y• re ate to eteSeer ,AWA WEN TRUSS-fi tAMFPION' W. J. PERRIE Phone 58 Brussels, Ont. megoesseeemazemberie.smareacemeemieramsomemmeeeeer- itableDairyC re Essential i l IVO ws Dae be "ease . valabo,dma' M+ paleerfaa .ate dao volt 6aceoeym dapkooti of oo■w »r9 afffonn tag +sego osaaaaw,sa^" Y pat etarah maw msrs,eld onion. Iiia to owe reeamo for tits magi o! foods to maks a >Doo- badmast masa ser daklr conn. Tom met got mak widow* food. 'abs masa e • egos toad - atm snore wilt yea will aoo.enel tbo /sod avert ba [rem balsofaoa mid contain the wxsosea, wmoaeeta of rfcatater and a aa wolf ria E+ealobs met Bee^• loolarkai To nuke mom m oony' theta only area bawl cove 1313,1 tent ortre Dar/ Wad raida3Nook v b away albonfeipoktable, ceaealoe egmsdava ainanalabo of ea tee wear - Oki aaiaaaaE, a la leo Kant tateranniciel food pm on ;ay. 4, For Sole i'Y, Ethel Produce Phone 22.-r-10 ®AIRY MEAS 19 eee,mraaaw 1 bonsotamoonnnmansraessaroamzesneraa JR. LADIES SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Clifford at Teeswater July Hanover at Clifford July B Brussels at Clifford July 9 Hanover at Teeswater July 2 Teeswater at Brussels July 18 Don't t ke that crossing /WAa/dei! NOTICE TO CREDITORS All pectous havil.g claims against the estate of the late JOHN ARCM - BALD STEWART of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 26th day of April, 1051. are notified to seud to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of Jody, 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the fourteenth day of July, 1961, the assets of the Testator will be di•stribubed having regard only to cl.aints of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated this Twentieth day of June, A. D, 1961. ORAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barrister and c. BRtTS'SELS ONTARIO Solicitors for the Executors, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of the late WILLIAM JOHN JACKLIN of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron. who died on or about the 24th day of May, 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of Judy, 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the fourteenth day of July, 1951, the assets of the Testator will he distributed baying regard only to rlaime of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated this Twentieth day of June, A. D. 1951. CRAWFORD & HETFIERINGTON Barrister and c. B:RTTSS5LS ONTARIO Solicitors for she Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of the late ALEXANDER YTTILL of the Village of Brus- sels, in the County of Huron, whc died on or about the 31st day of March, 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned on no before the 14th day of Judy, 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing. immediately after the fourteenth day of July, 1951, the asnets of the Testator will he distributed having regard only to riadme of which the Executors. shall then have notice. Dated this Twentieth day of June, A D. 1951. CRAWVFORD C HETHERTNGTON Barrister and c. BRT'RSET.S ONTARIO Seliritors fnr the F.xeentors, ' 1 i ,, t Mrs. Jne Peareoil was hostess for the W. 51. S. and W. A. of The Unit- ed Church. Thirteen members and two rislltors answered the roll call Minutes of June meeting were read and approved, In the devotional period Hymn 438 was sung. Psalm 12 was read in unison as a prayer. This was followed by prayer by Mrs. J, T. Pearson. Mrs. Quest Dobson, took the study period. inert being "The Church In Trin- lead." A reading was given by Mrs. J. T. Pearson.. The story of David and Goliath. A reading on "Christian Stewardship" was read l'•- the Christian Stewardship Sec- retary." in the business period Mrs. Chester Earl offered to luelp with lunch for Mission Band. It was ennonneed there would be a Bazaar in November. Meeting closed by tuning' Hymn 297 and the benedict- ion. Lunch was served by the honless assisted by Mrs. Ames and Mrs. Percy Stephenson. Thompson Reunion ith annual reunion of the deeendente of the late Jas. tend Mary Thompson who lived en the 4th lino of Murris tenet of Belgrave. wee held et Springleank Park 011 July end. Over fotlty sat down to dinner. After dinner a social time was spent end later In the afternoon a programme or sports was narrled out, With Mr. and Mrs. Mac Thom- pson of Oil Springs looking atter this part of the proeranlnne, After sports eke meeting waaa galled to order and in the absence of the President Mr, Make Robentson of Windsor, the Vice -President, Mm. R. J. Pearson of Ethel, presided. The followiing offtcene, were elected ter 195.2. Honorary President, Mr, FTna•vey Thompson, 014 Springs and Mr, J. T. Pearsson, Ethel; P,restdettt Mr, R, .7. Pearson, E6hel; Secretary Tressna'er. Mdse. Elia Pe -argon, Ethel; Speetc eomnitittee, Mr, and Mrs. ens. Nncflltty. London, and Mr. and 1T1 ,IRs. eltheon. Llctowel. Airs. Wes. Newell of London wee era'nin1. er1 to make reservation of area in Perk at Springhaluk for newt year. CRAN? t.00%: I;ev, :\Ir. Sinclair occupied the mtlpit of Knox Presbyterian Church (.n Sunday nlorneng•. On Sunday, July 15441, Tier. J. E. Kennedy, a former minister. will conduct the ; service, Tire July meeting of the W. M. S. l wes held in the CMnm,ch\ rlt h Mrs t \ -ire 7, Forrest, presiding. Psalm 197 w•ts reed in 'unison and the lead- rr h(i 'n prayer. The President con- II duffed the business, including read - ins 'if tile minutes, wllk4l were 1 approved as read, roll call answered 1 with a sentence prayer aid d.iS- "s;'.n•1 0.,1 .rorppliee 100 the hale. Arrangements were made for the next meeting in September. Arterial being. the holiday nenntet, Mrs. Lynn Evens read the topic on "The 51111 F"eel" anti Mise Forrest gave "First Tn'reeeelons of a missionary ain'iving n T'• lin" and "Jhensi" and "British Gu' -inn." Hymns 371, 540 and 582 were sung during the meeting and the leader pronounced the hence (Motion. 1'pmn. 1•s of the W.1l.S. and Young IVnmen's Auxiliary of Knox Presby ,erleit Church were guests of Ole W. 1T. S. of lenion United Church on Thursday at 3.80 n, m. Mrs. Mills of Pethnl Church iu McKIliop was guest speaker and spoke on "Stewerd'Jlip " 1'••ei»Tl members and a .rr?rrl1evg were •rti'9bn1e11 by the vtsi•tinv societies by Pntnn. At the close e" the •,.rethle lunch was served in the haeement and a soctal time en- eerl-hy all. Mrs. 1Vn1. Hnuetlter, St. Marys, and Tier daughter were -Calling On •:'d friends around here on Friday. Rev. J. E. Taylor and daughters .\ulrey and Faye, S•hakespeame, were calibre 111 and around ih(+ •-beefs lost week. Mr. Tom Snlalldon, 5t. Tllonies, ilei+el lase week with his brother Mr. George Mod) .Smna.11don. Pmy. and Mrs, Sinclair, Mm. and '1Trc. Tom Abram anti Miss Margaret Grant, Bnn5SPI5, were Sunday visit - ore with Mr. and Mrs. John Sch.n,ock, Mrs, Verna Ransom anti Misses ltatule. and Kathleen Goi•ta>n. all of Wellacehurg, visited with their brother Lytle eel Mrs. Gordon. ' 'MIT, and Mrs, A. Kritzer, Listowel, silent a few days last week with their slaughter, Mrs, Lloyd Michel. A rail hes been issued from 01.2 brook and Ethel in fervor of Rey, W, M. Hyndntan 01 the Pres- bytery of Rotele in the Preshyter4en r9Tnrrh in Treland. This cell was was. brought 1eeore the Presbytery, • Wednesday, July 11th, 1901 Amt gKr>E ' - ''�� ,.: . r• zr �Njs! �1'�o�.§t,�,x„'s��nE;tu£i�✓ds,.s.;5`.Iyrn�T�'•�: Pee tate chows e#er poi/cdhoMay' Get new G ODj E tR TIRES NOW! Worn tires can cause delays or acci- dents -spoil your holiday. Let us equip your car with new, dependable, long -mileage Goodyears . . . and enjoy a holiday free from tire trouble. Let us check your tires today. eeeeeeee BL-UEVALE With an attendance of 30, the Mesut u's Association and the Wo• 111,11'4 31iSsionaa•y Soc'ety nP Blum -ale United Church met at the home of Mrs. Prank Stamper on Thursday,daY, The president, Miss lemma John- ston, presided at ,the ll A. meeting Mors. Alex McC'eacktn gave gratify- ing treasurer's report. Mrs, J. Wiok- n'eed reported shipping a box of emit overseas. and plans were inedt• to send 111011100 soon. Rep:this to r bele eiewrs will 1>e undertaken by a rnrnin ltee made up of Mee. W. J. Prat uk, Mrs Joseph Horton, and Mee William Nicholson, T:bere wee enure discuseiou ahoet Supplies in the church kitchen, George Thom - ' son re^. -rived the thanks of the mem- bers for attending to 'he shipping of the 'gales n1 clnehina Per Korea. and undertaking the charges. The president. Mr., Seerlhle ,Tnhnsiton, took. c'baree of the i4'. M. S. meeting. Miss Emma Johnston react the scripture. and MTS. R. Barnard led in prayer. The trees• neer. Mins Thema Johneenn, rereet- '1 •,,,t 5119 had been sen' to head- eeevtere ties veer. The nroeram, Piye11 by Mrs. Sperling Johnston eel Mrs, Alex Corrigan, Mas en- I„tel "meet the People of TrinI- A 1 " ^nrl rleserthee the erne: being finite in Trinidad by mrscie'a--'ee e e celtenie Anemic (be nrrr-'• nn11t w,^,•)te,s is Pty. Herold Severn sur of n for>n01' Mefborle,,>+ wieeeree in rehievale, ••-.•-•••.^ten !Mae t'rril•lters ee.arl- , an' T',neer Mrs. William Hpmn.ers. eeee_.,.,ltte •l'me S. Lniirltran, BNom•P- a-i,1 ere Jerk McCrackin, 7.41. owes, veth Mr, and ell's. Alex Mr - 0,•^ el:en • Mose Mao T1avi.deon, 'Arenx- eiev. with her brother. W. 9 11^•-0ann1 Rirhlyd flarnte,e anti '-^-:*--.• n'^• -^„tri with friends er- 10 lee Was bora ,in Rlnm•a1e over 78 years nen: Ml's, Elsie T.ntnont aecrnnitinnde(1 Mies Moon. T nm,enl nP Bi'n,e.o^d,e to visit Tara, Alex TermiM'It et R11a•. 1',tql+nn: A fl Fox. Tin enc, Manne has returned home after vieiline hie cist.er. Mrs. Alex ATcCsr'1in n" i ndher velet Ives, The servece at the tlndte(1 Church Ilene ou Sunday morning was con- ducted by Rev, R, A. Brook, who spoke on the building of Solomon's Temp8e, Rev, A, ee Simpson of Teeswater had charge 'of She eervlce at Knox Presbytenien Meech. He was appointed interim moderator for Bluevale and Delmore et a recent meeting of Huron-Madtland Presbytery, and the read the notice frons the clerk of Preebytery de- uteriug the pulpit yeomen. Members I 'h • Relmore sl'ssion were present • meet the interim reoiiera•tor. P rcnnals: Miss Mabel (Nitrites lel s returned to her hone here aCer spending the winter in Toren - to: she was accoillpan'ed by 11e1' l•r.'her, Charles Cantles of Bel- e•-at'n: Mr. and Mrs. MoD'•,•miri and their niece, Miss Beseie Reavie, 1 e;:•ltnow, with Mrs. AT. L, Aithken; ITr. and Mrs. Ken Howard. Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs, Cooper Nethery •••••4 etre, Mal'geret Nicholson, Bel - ;see, with Mrs. Mary Robertson; T ,,•• 17111, son oP Mi•. and Mrs. ft•. rt. n11 not T^-+ Ta.,,3.ine1, Ta., Tana 10"rdnln T1„'•lull urn at Kintn•il etienrtin^_• tee Preeliyl'rri'il cerep: Mr. and Mrs. Claren1'e Newmitn; Helen and 0"n 'is, Haereson, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling; Mr, and ,lire. Orvte std bnhy, W4ne'ham, with \1r and Airs, Gordon Hall. 1151 FAIRS and EXHIBITIONS '•.r,,,t, dept. 21, 22 edvinstun Oct. 9, 10 Oct. 11-73 Aug. 29,80 Aug, 27.29 Sept, 25, 26 Oct. 4, 5 -keel ey ,\rnprtot' ..,,,.,..,,,:, Arthur Atwood Angora June 9 Ayton Sept. 21, 22 Ilayi:fid Sept. 26, 27 ileat•erton .- Sept. 13-15 Netlel idle Aug. 13-16 Binhrook Sept, 14, le Myth Sept, 18, 19 linhraygenti Sept. 28, 29 1'1 1111pt1011 Oct. 4-6 Brussels Sept. 27, 28 Burford Sept. 25, 26 e- +lin Sept. 28, 29 . el1'11 Lakehead - ("1. William -Pt. Arthur ,.., Aug. 6-11 Chesley Sept, 7, 5 Clifford , Sept, 19, 20 rotlingwood Sept. 27-29 Dorchester Oet, 3 Drayton Sept, 12-34 Dresden Aug, 28-30 Dramin Sept. 26, 27 Tennclerch Sept, 4-6 Dundalk Sept. 13, 14 Dungannon . Sept, 27 Elmira Aug. 611»Sp et. 3 Embro Sept. 17 Exeter Sept. 19, 20 Ftrgus Sept. 14, 15 or Sept. 21, 22 Sept. 17, 18 Sept. 20-22 Sept. 14, 15 Oct. 5, 6 Oct. 5, 6 Sept. 12, 13 Sept, 26, 27 Sept. 1, 7 Sept, 4, 5 Sept. 13, 14 Oct. 1-6 Sept. 27, 28 1.-nmingt ria Sept. 24-29 L nclsay Sept. 18-22 Lions trend Sept. 11, 12 Listowel Sept, 24, 26 London (Western Fair) Sept. 10-15 Lndnlow sept. 25, 26 Markham Ont, 4-6 Mee ford Oct, 5, 6 9'almav Sept. 17, 18 M1,trhP11 Sept. 25, 26 Morrie Fares' sept 15-17 lluncev Sept. 58 Nenatadt Sept. 14, 15 Nee,- H1011111 tro Sept. 14, 15 Norwich Sept. 6, 7 nnee,:lile Sept. 18, 19 Orillia Sept. 8, 7 nehnw•': - Aug. 16-18 fleet,- IC. fe, lex,l Aug, 20.26 O et. 22-26 Sept. 27-29 Sept. 10, 11 Oot, 1, 2 Sept. 21 Peterborough Aug. 20-25 Fort Elgin ................. ... Sept. 19, 20 1''i'natinnel Plowing Match - (1xfard County, Woodstock Oct, 9-12 I•'orest Galt Georgetown (Iorrie Grand Valley 1'lanove:' 10arriet01 1Tunt'.il'e ..,.. Inger::11 leinrnt•i1.in;- Klugi11ee Kirkton ow, n Setut•l t''i=!ey I''almeven: n Parkhill Renfrew R idget.own Henley Rodney Srn.fontb Shelburne Sept. 11-14 Aug. 2128 Sept. 20-25 Sept. 20, 21 Sept, 20, 21 Sept. 25, 26 Simeoe (Norfolk County) Oct, 2-6 SI. Marys Se rat ford S,trnti ere: Tarn Tarte tnett Tepeweter Tillsnnburg Tiverton Oct.. 2, 3 Sept, 17-19 Sept. 27-29 crept. 26, 27 Sept. 7, 8 Oot. 2, s Sept. 19-21 Oct. 1, 2 ,•0 ..,:, tc.N.r.i Aug. 24-9ept. B 1000010 Royal Winter Nair Nov. 18-21 \VllikPrton (Christmas Fah') Oct. 30, Nov, 1, Wellncetown Weifnnd Wdla,rton Woodbridge Woodstock ,.. Zurich Sept. 27, 28 Sept, 11-15 Sept. 13, 14 Oat. 5, 6 Aug, 23.25 Sept, 24, 25 CMG 'fie Extra Con By Roe Farms Service Dept. +t\, LADIES, FROM NOW ON I WANT SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT. I WANT MORE WORK ANDLG MORE EGGS. r LADIES, LADIES. MAYBE YOUR! DOING YOUR BEST. BUT I EXPECT BETTER RESULTS NOW THAT THE: BOSS IS ROE VITA -LAY. PELLETS. :.. ''�j � p THESE ROE PELLETS r ARE TERRIFIC �- , GIRLS, PM PRODUCTION A WHOLE EXTRA CARR OF E068.. AM I CROWING! wil PROUD,OFYOU.WHAt LIN N6 ! ..., l' A �. ,1 �../ 1 JOE, CASH IN ON'1ODAYS H1611 Qom, PRICES NOW ! KEEPN7l/RB/RGISST�(i'WI� KEEP V THEM ANOKEfPA�?!/15CLIMQ�iIb' WITH ROE %/ M fa EGG PELLETS j -s °J k A 4;i-44 ::�\t n r rt���i `\ �� AVji v �� L66 PELLETS r■.•a. r j . ■ ■ �\ I PEEL BETTER to- L ALREADY ®1 `� �� R� V/TA•LAY FLAI:7(FHArarm VAR 6/�Eyp// ' t�"�/ E66SON/ Y '� AO / F BL'TTERE/6,GQ� �/ t- �O • EG6� `I) HOLD yARER ANl1FE�rtp RFLOCQ I' p ROE + pa ��' nom CASH/N s 'i' r u r SNE[Lge AU6 �6 LOW i/N Ef56 ,Qr LA/vEAO • _, ---- . -�,� `= „ NOW,LETSSHOW aw�� " THAT COCKY , ,�' ♦ . y ROOSTER O4, `a 4' tutlr;,, s `� c (� ' �t�nh �, ► i _ � ---a-,,7J . 'IIV� " 1 : •.'. '` •HARRISON= , L I'M SURE r. er, OA DOING s�> ,�•.s- MY BEST i�® i*► A` WHO DOES HETHiNK I WAS HE IS? NEVER 50 ��� INSULTED (.-� •.... _� -q► �� 1 l��1 -� a .� • x ;*---....,,s...„� y r 'E�.. � w.�.. 1/ �f . r �� I��i�i e, It�01141, ► I " =�'-®- 4•�1.�,I a►:,o,ljl, ►Ii..:W - .err r 1 ii I •� s� ' u- -.°, ` . .�_.. ' _• fast Huron PI odt�cP BRUSSELS 10HN LAMONT ETHEL F. MCNCRIEFF`- de _