HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-7-11, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST ,COST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, July 11th, 1951 $2.00 per year - $2,50 U. S. A. LADIES' LEGION AUXILIARY The members of the Lefties Auxil- iary to the Canadian Legion enjoyed A very pleasant meeting iu their rooms on Thursday evening, The meeting opened in the usual manner followed by an initiation of three new members Mrs. P. Shaw, Mrs, 0, McDowell and Mrs. E. Campbell The President on behalf of the Auxi.lilasy presented Mrs. 3, Rowland with a sewing ease, Wieling her a safe voyage and a bailey holiday, assuring her that slue would be greatly missed and that the good wishes of 'all members went with Over. Mrs Rowland leaves shortly for a visit to her home :in England, althouughtaken hY sumpnise, thank- ed the members for their kindness, ,assuring them she would make good use sof the gift and wound be thinking of them all while absent. A soolnl hour followed, lunchbeing served by the oommfbtee, Mrs, A1d- tonbh, Baker and /*onion& REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING — t Thurs. Fri. Sat. Jut). 12-18-14 In Technicolor "STAGE TO TUSCON" with Rod Cameron Sally Ellen. Wayne Morris Two brave men and a woman brave the mysteries of Apache Pass as stage coach HI Jackera threaten the Link to California's Gold. Mon. Tues. Wold. July 16-17-18 Double Feature "A KISS FOR CORLISS" waft Shirley Temple . and David Niven It's the happiest screen date you've ever had—just the com4dy you have been waiting for. and "FUN ON A WEEK -END" wkh Eddie Bracken and Priscilla Lane Next Thur. Fri. SatJuly 19.20.21 In Cinecolor "BLUE BLOOD" with Bill Williams Jane Nigh Be sure to see this action -packed elm of two has-beens—A man who Is a Race horse Trainer and a horse. The screen play suggested by a Peter B. Kyne story le unusually good, and should be enjoyed by the racing fano. Melville Church Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 18 a. at. Pa 4s i3ehsal lad Nada Class 13 a. m, Montag WorsNtp No Nvenfng Service United Church OF CANADA Mirelater Nev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship — 11 o'clock, Services. Bring July will be conducted by Mr, Harry HopPer. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Karr — Rooter. gbh Seineay After Trinity July 15th, 1951 St. John's Church, Brussels - 11 a. m, Confirmation Service eondttdted by Bishop Hallam, 7.30 p. in. Anniversary Service Special Preachot—The Ramal Dean Rev, E. 0, Lancaster. MORRIS TWP. COUNCIL Morris 'Township Council Meeting, July 2nd, 1954. The Council met in the Township Fall on the above date with all the members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on mouton of Wu1. Peacock and Bailie Parrott. illove'd by Chas. Coupes,, seconded by Bailie Parott that the Tax Roll be accepted Prost the Tax Colleritor— Oenried, ?loved by Bailie Par•ott, seconded by Sam Alcock that the Compensat- ion Policy he taken out with the Gore District Mntdual Inturanoe Co., et an estimated premium of 965.00— Ce ivied. Moved by Chas. Cou.ltes, seconded by Sam Alcock that the Woad bills 1 as presented by the Road Superin- tendent he paid. — Carrlited. Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded by ppm. Peacock that the meeting adjourn to meet again on August 7, alt 1 p. m. — Carried. 'Phe following accounts were Pall: Aereentce-Times, advertising Kelly Dr. $3,06 Town of Winghant, share cost of Fire 'Track 1853.29 .Tenn Barrett, fox bounty 2.00 200.00 8.50 Wm. Bnyicllges, salary Postage Geo. Radford. McCaughey Dentin 1060.00 Sam Alcock, McCaughey Dain 76.60 .Kinn Alcoak. McCaughey Dr. 36.00 Tan. Bernard, McCaughey Ter. 13.50 .Tohn Mo.Arter, McCaughey Dr. 30.00 Sam Appleby, Mc0au,ghey Dr. 25,20 Ohae. Deeper, McCtaughey Dr. 7.20 Addison Eraser, Revising Mat of tax arrears 5.00 Gorkion Jewell, Compensation Insuraaace 29.00 Nelson Higgins, Expenses to Dept. of Public Welfare '20.00 Mrs. R. Craig, Relief 20.00 Harvey C. Tobnston, Reeve. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. The United Church Mr. Harry Hopper conducted the morning worship et Brussels United Church on Sunday. Hes subject teas "Our Responsibild'ty as Christ- ians." Miss Jean Cardiff contri- buted a solo "Bless This Hlou:ae." There was no evening warship. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Margaret Hartley 'wishes to ,thank the Comanety of Ethel and the Melville Women's Guild for beamltiful flower% and all neighbours and Amends for expressions of sym- pathy aln4 .coneineral kinfdness during her recent trouble, for alt of which .she is More grateful than she can express. Airai -v's6O 1•y'sKA LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Wed. Thur. Red Skeltin, Ann Miller m "WATCH THE BIRDIE" July 11-12 Arlene Dahi, 1 Fri. Sat. Joel McCrea, July 13-14 Wando Hendrix in "SADDLE TRAMP" Techincolor Sat. Mat. 2 p.m.—Eve. 7.30 p.m. 3 BIG DAYS 3 BIG DAYS Mon. Tuts. Wed. July 16-17-18 Fred Astaire, Jane Powell in "ROYAL WEDDING" Techincolor TUESDAY FOTO-NITS OFFER $190.00 Monda' Attendance Card Night. 3 BIG DAYS Thnr. Fri. Sat. July 19-20-21. Errol Flynn, Dean Stockwell in "KIM" Techincolor 3 BIG DAYS ANNUAL LEGION SPORTS DAY HUGE SUCCESS A "Davide" baligame and a tine display of fe,eworks, on Thursday night of Last weak, opened the sports program sponsored by the looal branch of the Oanaddan Legion. Friday .afternoon the Btuseels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band led a parade to Victoria Park to open the second day of this annual "Spares Day" of the Legion. At in- tervals throughlout the 'afternoon, aod•in. the early evening, the music of these young masrldlan's, tinder the direction of A. C. Robinson, was enjoyed. Mtne,ature car and aeroplane rides were available for the youngsters. Daring the afternoon a Soa.p Box Derby and bicycles races were stag- ed on the mein street and running races. A water fight at the pteek was tate source of much merriment, in the evening two boli games were Payed. The first Ethel vs. Sun- shine inn 5011re of 20 - -12 in favour of Ethel. A highly beterosting genre between Stratford Police Kad- eltes and Bettesels Lsdies team took niece under the idalite with a result- ing' snore of 4 - 1 for Bnnssels. Tn anotlh.er section of the park Bingo drew the: usual large num- ber of fans end people cried their leek at other gaanee of chance. Miodetin out door dancing was en- joyed at the park mi:ttb old time dacinig at the Town. Hall. Refreshments were. ohtalne:bie at a booth operated by ladies of the Aux- tbtary. Sh rely after mid -night the draw was made tar *he re8rigterabor, washing machine and two bicycles, Lucky Draw Winners Refrigerator, No. 1130, John Bruers R. R. 2 leruseels. Washing Machine, No. 1514, Grab- aan Lamont, Brussels. Bicycle No. 1096, C. W. Cemeidng- hiam, Listowel. Biloyele, No. 268, Lorne T. Roe, Myth. Race Results — ,Soap Box Derby (boys) — Buck Stevenson, Ben Bridge (East Huron Produce), Dale McTaggart, Doug Leach (Gmegg's Hlahedw{aree), David Hastings and Bill Clark (Slab Town. Girls Soap Box Derby — IEitia- beti) Stevenson, Margaret McCutcle eon (Easit Huron. Produce), Dianne McNair, Shipley MKNeil, (Slab Town), Elaine Wood, Catherine Leach (Gnegg's Hardware). Bioyole races (boys 12 yea and under) — Allan Bridge, him. McNeil, Dade Mc'1laggawt, Robin Fulton. Girls 12 yrs. and under — Deanne McNair, Shirley McNeil, Margaret McCtitaheon, Blaine Woods. Boys 14 years and under — 8rntce Edgar, Dong. Leach, Bill Clark, Ben Bitddige. Girlie 14 yrs. and ander — Ph•edidia Sawyer. Audrey Davidson, Margaret McCutcheon. Tricycle race, 5 years and unldler, Wayne Meson, Donald Beay, Evelyn Oluit$1uolm, David Kratuter, B'inycjle race (dquble0 MMaagaret McCutci.eon, Bill Clark; (Shirley McNeil, Handy Bridge; Frieda Saw- yer, Ken Sawyer; Dianne McNair, Frank Thompson. Running races — boys and girls under 5 yea — Tea'ey MoWhinter, Archie Thompson, Darlene Brothers. Brays 10 yrs. and under — Ross Allcock, David Kennedy, John Cousins, Greets 10 yrs. a,nd under — Maxine Meehan, Joan Davidson, Anne Fulton. Boys 14 yrs. and under — Vernon Bowes, Ken Alcock, Allan Bridge. Girls 14 yrs, and under — Erlene Welmesly, Fr•etdla Sawyer, Joyce Miller, Boys 14 years and over -- Bili Alcock, Vernon Bowes, .Ken Alcock. Girls 14 yrs. and over — Buddy Bronson, Frieda Sawyer, Joyce Miller. Girls 14 yrs, end under — Buddy Boys and girls 8 legged race — Marilyn and Carmen Bowes, Eirlone Wohnesly and David Kennedy, Mar- garelt end'. Melvin McCtitcheon. Wader 'fighte — Harvey Gibson and Gordon Workman; David Haat. Inge and Coivin Davidson, HURON FOOTBALL STANDING Team I]thel ",'Walton Brussels Holstein Wi.nthnep St. Columban Atwood 1'. W. L. 10 5 2 9 4 2 10 4 5 9 2 2 9 3 3 8 2 3 9 1 4 T. 3 3 1 5 3 3 4 Pbs. 13 11 9 9 7 6 Latest Scores little 5 St. Columban 0 Atwood 0 July 6 Holstein 0 Winthrop 0 July 2 Brussels 0 Atwood 0 ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC EXAMS Here following local students were successful in mnedc examinetllone recently held at Listowel. Glade I — Audrey Wheeler (Hon.) Grade IV — Rosemary Adams (Hone), Grade IX — Isobel Dennis (Hon.) All of these are pupils .of Mrs. Ratssell Wilbee. also Grade II Theory 1 Frances Dennis (Tat class Hon.) BRUSSELS COUNCIL JNIy 3, 1951 The regular meeting of the Mnn- Ictpal Council of the Village of Brussels was held an the above date. All members of Council were present. The minutes of the left meeting were read and adopted an motion of R. A. Bennett, seconded by R. W. Kennedy. '11he Hallowing accounts were presented land ordered paid on mot- ion of A. MoTaggart, seconded by W. Speir. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Cc. 100 ft. 21/e inch hose 9247.50 Post Pub. House, ads and notteee G. A. Bridge, tractor rent S. W. Lowe Grocery. relief W. Baeiker & Son, relief R. A. Bennett Grocery, relief A. Higgins, truolcing A. Oakley, labor, streets and Hali 0. Spetr, labor, cutting weeds Brussels Crenrnery, relief 8releseLs Piedra, street Tights and I8ajl 110.30 G. R. Caanlpbell, June salary 50.00 Applications for the position of Assessor for the Village of Brudsels tor 1961. were deal with. Asnpldcaition of W. McNair was accepted on .redolmtlon of R. A. Bennett, second- ed by A. McBaiggart. ByaLaw No. 4, 1951 was read a third time and passed on motion of R. A. Bennett, seconded by R, W, Kennedy. This By -Law sett the Tax rates for 1951 as follows : For County Rates 9 mills For Public School ,,. 11 anliis For Wingbam. High School Dis7trict 4.5 milts For Village rate 19.5 mills For Waterworks 8 mills For Hydro rents 4 millet Motel rates • 58 malls The business of the meeting belme concluded the Council ialdjlomnned on motion of R. A. Beotnett, seconded by A. 0lcTa,gart. 2.00 5100 28.91 1'0.39 40.59 4.00 34.45 71.50 5.04 IN MEMORIAM MEMORIAM SHOL.r40010--1n loving memory o1 Adam Shold4ce who ,passed away one yeas ago July 11Th, 1950. Lovingly remembered. by his wife and family. NOTICE The Council of the Township of Grey will receive tenders for the work to be done on the North Gordon Drain until Satuurday, July 7th at 3 p. m. Plans and Spe:cittcatiosis may be seen at the efface of James A. Howes Engineer, Listowel or at 'the Clerk's Office, Ethel. The work may be done by contract or by the hoar. Security will be required. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 3, H. Fear, Clerk, 'blue wear Is one of the Best Quality Available. Regular Shipments Now Being Re- ceived. Order yours direct off the oar. M. C. OLDFIELD PHONE 68 BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTION REPORT GRADE II Bray, Barbara Bronson, Raymond Bryant, Carol Chisholm, Patsy Currie, Barry Davidson, Wayne Higgins, Bobby Jerymn, Elmer Lowry, Sandra Mlaartin, Gwendolyn Martin, Surras McWhirter, Terry GRADE 1IT llnay, Charles Bray, Donald Rryans, Patsy Davidson, Brent Davidson, Jack Rxei, Ada Fulton, Ann Garniss, Murray Kirby, Pani Logan, Jimmy MrPaggiaet, K.athleen Stiles, Allen Todd, Roger Waxman, Teddy Wesenhurg, Joe Wilsem Garry Wineberg, Rochelle GRADE IV Adams, Grand Bridge, Harold Chisholm, Evelyn Coleman), Karen Ooasdn s, Johm Davidson, Joan Exel, Bee Imeson. Dwain .lolhnson, Wayne McBride, Sack MsCntcheon. Melvin McNel, James Porter Pamela Rutledge, Drina Stephenson, Elizabeth Stephenson, Fred Warwick, Some Wesenbserg, Larry GRADE V Bridge, Allan Exel, Evetdtima Hastings, David lrneson, Linda Lowry, Wm. Myers, Irene Riddick, Catherine Stiles, Barbara •Stephenson, Bill Wood, Blayne GRAIDB VI Beggs. Jack Beggs, Ruttb Arm Bridge, Ben Campbell, Jim Davthson, Arnold Davison, Murray taliacott, Helen Jeiwell;Mary Beth Kennedy. David Kditchenc Harvey Lame, Ronald Leach, Catherine Lowry, Carrot Miller, Sandra McQuarele, Wm. Myers, Francis Sltiies, Ted Todd. Linde. Wilson, Fr'.ank GRADE VII Edgar, Jim Fulton Bobbin Higgins, Jack Logan, Douglas McOaehdheon. Margaret MoCwttcheon, Robt, McNair,- Dianne MaNeel, Shirley McT'actart, Dale SgtEmil) en.eon, Ken, Tluornitom, Margaret Wlaxman, Ailarlene Wilson. Helen GRADE vm 1Rilige. Glehn Clark, Wm. Davideon, Audrey Keel, Henry Fulton, Austin Tmeeen, Roland Lane, Agnes McTaggart, Neil Martin, Wm. Myers, Elizabeth Bann, Jane Smith, Ether Sullivan, Dorothy Thornton, Roht, Wa1n1a1ev, Rriena Wilson. Joan LADIES SENIOR SOFTBALL Clinton as. Brussels July Thelesels vs. Kincardine ,....Tnly Glamis at Brussels - July ST. JOHN'S CHURCH 91st ANNIVERSARY A. Confirmation Service will be conducle'd in St. John' Chureh on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock by The Right Rev, W. T. Hallam, M.A., D.D., Bishop Hallam is one of the outstanding sdholars of the Canad- ian Church. ,The special preacher at the An- niversary service in the evening at 7.30 p, in., will be the Rural Dean of Huron, The Rev. E. 0, Lancaster. A welcome is extended to all. TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will be rereived by the undersigned until July 12, 1951, for shingling Union United Church with asphalt shingles. Work to be com- pleted by Saturday, July 28th, 1951. MacMeTntosh, R. R. 3 Brussels. THROWN FROM CAR Joseph dthapnuuu, le. It, 2, Bluev5le, received :u Moe( n ('011at•bune and Possible broken Trip when the ear he was driving left the town line odt Mimeo and Wallace two miles WO* of Palnleralon, Friday evening, The car stopped in a farmer's field after breaking through a fence. Chapman was thrown trona the car .and received his injuries when he struck the muted. Pro' imolai Cometa.hle Omtendyke, o!' ddstowel investigated, NOTICE -- Caretaker wanted for Bruesela- United Church. Applications oto be In. b1• .fitly 13th. Apply to N. Hoover or R. B. Cousin • Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls BAND TATTOO AT VICTORIA PARK, BRUSSELS ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th At 8.15 p. m. — Parade at 7.45 p. m. FEATURING — 21 Anti -Tank Regimental Band, Wingham Georgetown All Girls Pipe Band Mitchell Citizens Band 27 C.O.D. Drum and Trumpet Band, London London All Girls Band, London Royal Canadian Army Service Corp Band, London Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band Cars Free — Admission : Children 25c, Adults 50c DANCE at Crystal Palace Ballroom at 10 o'clock Blu-Tone 9 piece Orchestra Modern and Old Time Dancing Refreshment Booth Admission to Dance 50 cts. Everybody Cordially Invited. The International Limited has maintained dependable daily service between Montreal, Toronto* and Chicago for more than 50 years, providing fast service over Canadian National's Smooth, double -track roadbed with automatic block signals all the way. Complete comfort is yours In modern coaches, sleepers, new duplex roomette aid luxurious bedroom -buffet -lounge cars ... wonderful meals in bright up-to-the-minute ,dining cars .. . It's the reliable, all-weather way to travel between Montreal, Cornwall, Brockville, Kingston, Belleville, Port Hope, Oshawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Brantford, Imidan, Sa'rni,a, Windsor, 1).'irttit find Glucan. *Pool service Montreal -Toronto only. Por reservations and information regarding yoa,' business and pleasure travel needs, see, write or phone your local CANADIAN NATIONAL ' Passenger Agent: NMI CANADIAN NATIONAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TIN PROVINCES seenrearomenevesentaseffeneseelea MOO