HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-7-4, Page 5THE BRUSSEL., POST Wednesday. July 4111, 1051 " It takes a lot of cooling to keep a Polar Bear happy. This largest member of the bear family is smaller than a porcupine at birth, but often weighs more than three-quarters of a ton when full grown. To this tremendous bulk, add the fact that the bear is covered with a thick, water -proof coat, which is designed to protect him in the Arctic ... its a big job keeping him cool in our zoos. Learn about nature's creatures. Visit the nearest zoo and see them. A whole new world of interest will be opened to you when you understand nature. NATURE UNSPOILED - YOURS TO PROTECT - YOURS TO ENJOY THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO WHAT SHOULD SHE DO7 Read, in this Sunday's (July 8) issue of The Amer:can Weekly, ex- clusively with the Detroit Sunday Times, "Quandary of a Hungry Heart", the story of a girl born out of wedlock, and of her search for the mother she never knew. Now, with the search almost over, she is afraid to stir up the past. REAL ESTATE — W, C. Oke, Seaforth, TO, 'Thompson. Brussels. — Property on edge of town containing sik acres of land with good house and barn for quick ea)e. 101) acre farm on highway. Several dwellings in town. Also have dwellings listed in Wingliam, BELGRAVE Mr. an;l -Airs. Gobble Wheeler and George of London, visited over the holiday with relatives here. M2. end Mrs. Herb wheeler spent r,etcend in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Johnson of '• t'::'. h'r. r the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, George Johnson. I nit+ 11 r, ma Mfrs, George Birkby and f:mniil; Ilnty!aeh, with their family, Mr. and Mrs. Heab Kirkby; Frank Marshall, 'Timmins, with Mrs, J, Marshall; Alvin Fergu- son and Lorne Weiss, Niagara Falls with friends here; William Bolton, Rochester, N. Y., with his brothers, .r.i aarrl Marl. here. MODE IN EQ £, IP !t E _ T IS VII J L FACT LL SCALE r M- PRO U CTs r N Canada's agriculture is highly productive. and one of the greatest assets that a nation can have, particularly in these troubled times, is a highly productive agriculture. Our national economy, our industrial production, the health of our people and our security, benefit greatly from, the ability of our agriculture to produce great quantities of essential foods. That Canada's agriculture produces more food than ever before with comparatively less manpower is due to the practical application of scientific developments and the effective use of modern power farming equipment. Through continuous engineering developments, Massey -Harris has helped make available today tractors, combines and power machines to keep our farms operating at peak efficiency. From your local Massey -Harris dealer get full particulars of the latest in time»saving, labour-saving equipment. �t, MAS Y4 =1 "•al t:.IS I ii'! IVIPANYI LI ITE D 0 guilders of High Banality Fartn Implements for over One Hundred Years r ® Asa CRANr,3RO'(SK i,alge congregations sverc Present 1or the Anniversary Bury/nes at i;uux )'rir.sbeter.i.an Church 011 Sun - Rev. Alex Bono, Minister of ;tr..lilili w'„ Church. 1Vii liaui, was the guest speaker. Al the morning e 1 used :'Phe Lord's Prayer" .1.. the th.-Uu of lr.iy sermon. In 1,Iie the i ven'nu h11i snl,jer•! iv*' Slid the 1+harivee:' Special Music was contributed by 11.. choir assisted by members of tie- Ethel choir and Mrs. Harold Sunllldon of 1Vaoton 1110 sang Iwo solos. Services will be held as usual next Sunday with Sunday School meeting at 10 o'clock, Mis= lionise McCallum and ilA•. Dick K)t))ngswnrbh, St, 'Photons v',sl!e5 with Mrs. Clara Onstead and Mr. Lytle Gordon, On Sunday Mrs. Lytle Gordan was able to come home from fit. Thomas, much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs, Oscar TTnehn, Cnn- nst.oCa, were holiday visitors with Miss TGmylene Stalee and other friends. Mr. and Mrs, Clem Hunter and children Howard and Linda, St. Phmicnas spent the week -end with •Mr. Harvey Planter. Mr. and Mrs. Rove Speiran and Keith Saeinaw, visited at the home of Mrs. .Tohn Pride and etcher mem- bers of their family. ^'• and Mrs. Stanley Plewi;s, Gravenlinrst. wore holiday visitors file home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tr1•i^'hi. aftending rho anniversary •• • rluu•0h whore Mrs. Plewis. }h" forme,- Prn)1 Alderson. youngest •^i'.t" of the 1.M0 ATT. and Mrs. 'I••„ ^'d =nn. met tunny former and friends, j.".:. S551=1b;T8 ADS. FOR SALE— ;) goslings hatched April 18th, Must sell at once. Mary Grant FOR SALE — ('lare range with deep fire box, Burns either wood or coal, in A-1 condition. Selwyn Baker Prone 43r10 FOR SALE — Bray (;hicks, prompt shipment, pellets, mixed, cockerels. Also start- ed pullets. Ash us for particulars, order soon, Agent Wm, Glen Bray, Ethel. NOTICE I Oaretaker wanted for Brussels United Church. Applications to be in by July lath, 1 Apply to N. Hoover or R. B. Cousins TENDERS WANTED — Tender•s will be rereived by the undersigned until July 12, 1951, for shingling Union United Church with asphalt shingles. Work to becom- pleted by Saturday, July 28th, 1951. MacMclnitosh, R, R, 3 Brussels, FOR SALE •-- 1952 Ford V-8 Coupe. in real good rendition, 1938 Ford Coupe. 1934 Terraplane Coach. new titres and battery. 1930 Model A Ford Coach. These cars are priced to sell, J. C. Neil Phone 77rl. FOR SALE — 1939-213 ton Chevrolet Truck, mood tires and new tight racks, 1941-2 ton 'Chevrolet Truck, travelled 'only 27,000 miles, complete with hoist. Both tracks in guaran- teed condition, Apply to Mel. Jermyn, Illuevale. Phone 53r12 Brussels, _ ATTENTION FARMERS — We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and TAY highest prevailing prices. For im• :redtate service telephone collect — Ilrissels 85-r-12 Listowel 850•r-2, or inlmira 564 • i ,rdnn —')Ung (Sllnrlra) Ltd. FARMERS — Savo money try Na Ohm's Liquid Irprtilizer may be used with dry fere 1inzer, er replace it. Any Arii1 win do. Try a test tem — 750 to $1,00 per acre, Rrrentmended -- Free Samples to reilahle farmers. Free information and folders. Apply to J. C. Lamont, Ethel, + 0F.R3E''IL. E'. HOMitrrf1 {ohm. R.. R 0 Ftocriyteresi Optometrists M.•s. H. Viola Hoiteaeth lt, O. enrol E. flomuth R. 0. none 118 Fiar'riston, Oa* ETHEL A vi-ry pleasant and I•njuyabti evening wa, quill to hlthel Townsnip Hall on Friday, June 22nd. when friends and neighbours gathered 11, honor 31r. and :1304. W111. 1410ie`y. glee 'Pena Armstrong) on their re, Befor. lunch the young; 00113)11. it e!•invited to flip otprform when Cllr• ,,.)Mr lap atl.lip.i' we11,1 react by Melville Lane>nt. i,etn• T,..ea and Ain:- !Don?I•:rrnr•d of your recent ma.rr)ag. 11'0- year friends, anti ne'•shbrm11 I'eP lila, wr ire19d like tn_ p,:ud a anr)a1 r,vetdnr: with yon ,'pd offer nen• beet wishes. Yr,n Tent. blue 11 i•rd ill flits r•on1- nrinity ail your life and most of us have known von since childhood Fon haul, Ind,friends In a late^r, rheic, and have always shown an 1 1et•i�-! in our „octal trather'ngr- and You Bail ve not ,o welt known to newt of us but We hope t.0 hecome I,' 'UPI' aegnalnted with you in the future. We now ask you to arcrpt Elis small gift as a relnemhrance of this I community. We all join in wishing,% yon all the best things in life, and we will always be grad to welcome t yon in this neighbourhood. Sighed on behalf of ycmr friends 1 and neighbours, George Hoy. Walter McFarlane. 01rnn Bray. Tom McFarlane, Melville Lamont. Tenn McFarlane presented the young conpie with a purse of money after which both bride and groom responded in a few well chosen words thanking everyone for their thought- fulness. The remainder of the evening sans spent 'n donning to WIlbee's orchestra. 'Phe second meeting of "Ethel Gardeners." was held on aaturoay afternoon. June 23. at the home of our assistant leader. Mrs. Ted Gill, All eleven members were present. We sang a song for the opening; of our meeting. Roll call was answer- ed nswered by "How my Garden Grows." A discussion followed on any problems relating to our gardens. Our leader Mrs. Pestoll stressed the importance of thinning vegetables, 'and dis- cussed insect pests. and how ao central them. First year cub mem- bers demonstrated how to make a salail. The meeting was cl0eed with a song. anti lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Jean 0111 end Jean Fraser. The.'Voice of Temperance — There is a lot of loose talk about the inadequacy of the Canada Tem- perance Act. in spite of the fact that life goes on very quietly in Canada Temperance Act territory, Not near- ly enough thought is being given to the alternative to the Canada Tem- perance Act. The Ontario Liquor Control Art is the alternative.. Tt op- ens up onttlete—liquor stores, bever- age rooms. cocktail lounges, With outlets there is more liquor and more thinking and more law -breaking and more bottlog3ing. If some of the rid:.L':rnntled. Ionse'tallt)ng people of 1 Huron wenlcl live for e while in any town under the Limier Control Ant •nn1 see haw much worse conditions ere tiiero than in Huron then they would surely sten suggesting that we lump from the frying pan into the fire. — Advt. Bl. UFIT, H..E The morning service at the United Church was enndurted 1)7 Rev. R. A. Tiroolt and Communion was abeetved. TTis text "T love my Ma.ster, T will not go nut free" was from T)xodns 21-5. TOno. Harald TTamilt.n sang "The Brnlcem Thread of Life," At IToox Presbyterian Church. Robed Bissett of Gnderich had (Marta of the service. T -Te pointed out Ib.a4 the greatest crisis in C.ltrist's life was in Gethsemane, where he revealed his strongest chain et m'. Mrs. RTalter Snnil])e. a former res. Mena of 1st lIn' of 1Torris, who has n pelient in rho Win;glhadn hnsp'tnl per a fete weeias. returned to her hone near Seafonth, Miss Edith Garndss, Clinton, with her mother. Mrs. John GarnIse. '0.Tr end Mrs. Pert Wailare. Pefrndt. with IVT)Frlward ilan'nard. I Mr :Incl 1Tro A. Ti Smith Eleanor Icetattill and 1••itnjlle ATnffmtt, client the weekend. at Wessel( Brach. '5m' marl Mr., rino A"oi' CtrntfM4. are holidaying, with '535', and Mrs, Wallace Agar, NEW TRUCKS Chevrolet Sedan D=elivery USED CARS 1-1950 Ford Sedan, low mileage• 1-1950 Dodge Sp,cial Deluxe Coach, 9000 miles 1-1950 Pontiac Sedan, low mileage 1-1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan (Radio and Sunvisor) 1-1947 Willys Station Wagon 1---1947 Ch:'v, Coach, with new motor 1-1939 Will3rs Sedan Other Lower Priced Cars. USED TRUCKS 1950 Chev. = ton pick-up with Deluxe Cab 1948 Chev. 117" wheelbase, chassis and cab 1945 2' ton Chev., long wheel base rso t rs Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas and oils Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. BUSINESS CAR i S C. A. Myers, M. D., L, M. C, C. PHYSICIAN and SURCIEO! W3Wm St, Phone 4. Br(attsels, 'Ont, DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Tobe`45 — Brueeels. Ont. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eves Examined. Glasses fitted. Phone 791 Seaforth — Main Street HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.rn. to 9 p.ra. Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General'Insurance Co. Phone 43x Brussels O. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick 51., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Wingharl 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings b; appointment. J. A. M c lrsgi'.han, R. 0. Optometrist, LISTOWEL, ONT. Specializing in Eye Examinition and the Fitting of Gl 21 Office in Listowel Clinic Buildic,5; Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 pan. daily; Closed Wedreeet0sey palm Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:003 to :3G. Other evenings by appointment Phone 834. r•r Nlt,h;'. ia.; P3 ;, le ,Fz Tin mYir y zrr+e t o' I T f t unerai G. Walker Licensed 1^iaceral Dirort:,r 1.+: •rs. SELWYIN BAKER Agent for — Hartford Wind InniXraXigta MaKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Our Rates Are Reasonable For farther particulars — Phone Brussels 43-tr-164 T). A. Rama & Co. FUNERAL AND AMMLANCYTERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and �lbtahner PHONE 36 or BS -- —BRUM Swap your Old, Worn Tires NOW FOR NEW LONG -MILEAGE GOO iq YEAR TARE$ Why risk the danger of driving on worn tires any !Anger? We'll give you the biggest trade-in allowance for your old tires when you trade them in for big -value, long -mile - .age Goodyears. Come in today for the best tire deal in town. Also avaliabin In 1216 Tread 0.72 1.000 FOR THIS HIGH SIM'OF QUALITY EI.1!ITT MOTOR SALES PHONE: 82 DODGE—DESOTO—STALES 8t SERVICE