HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-7-4, Page 4-41 learance 66.t �.aSini S5.1 C4N usual during alterations" �Y, •°J' hirt9 Reg. $1.98 Sale .98c All f. a"%s9L Shorties formerly $29.95 Sale $1 ,.95 Plaid. Skirts 12•2O, reg. $6.95 - $7.95 Sale $4.95 Blouses 's $5.95 and up, short and long sleeves 1/2 price All Long Coats Women's and Misses' or Juniors Third C� not previously advertised One Millinery — 1/2 price Cotton Wash Frocks sizes 12 to 44, from $2.98 to $4.98 All Better Dresses Drastically Reduced for this Sale. a s �, e Where )your dollar buys mi” -z., l....•t.Uu =��,nfl�:-��,' .,Cading tvt?-r ,. �,-.,,!�_;.,.;•, THE BRUSSF' POST NOTICE TO CREDITORS All p t ett- havlt,ri claims against the +'setts at the lite JOHN ARCHI- P,\LD ST$li'AR'1' of the Township of Grey in the County of litiron, who died on or about the 26tlt .lay of April, 11151, are notified to send to the undersigned a nr before the 14th day of July. 1931. Poll particulars of their claims writ•-,. Immediately after the icnrtecnth day of July, 1951, the • is of the Te.-tator will be , t: i •• htte,-(1. hating regard only to ?this of which the Executors shall 'hyo have notice. Dated this Twentieth day of June. M. D. 1951. CR:IWFORD-& HETHERTNGTON Barrister and c. BP1'osELS ONTARIO Snitchers for the Rxecutnrs. k'IYouriou host - ir• tj��;� �.4.• o �aquhraIn0ui11 .:Qu L T.I ARM.t' For a plow with plenty of brute strength ... high lift for easy turning and transporting .. • plus the extra clear- ance necessary for deep plowing in trashy conditions, you'll find a John Deere Truss -Frame Plow unsurpassed. lis many features make it a real leader in two-, three-, and four -bottom plow value. See us for full details ... soon. Phone 5' J, Brussels, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS A11 p,n:- !tavh:c, cllaints against r <ratr of the late WILLIAM JOHN JACKT:IN of the Village of in the County of Huron v:i11 died or nr about the 24th day of May. 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned b -.fore the 14th day of July. 1971, foil particulars of their claims 1„ wittioc. Immediately after the r„ t rnfll dny of Tilly. 1951, the " the Teatatnr will he 1,, d haying re^'ard only to 'e r which the Exer»tors shall 11'--- nntiee, 1' •? 'his Twentieth d'+v of June. 11 1151 ('1' wrrtPf & HF,THERTNfiTON Tiarrister and c. "?RT-•SELg ONTARIO c..^citors for the Eserntore. rile PAM Esseng .I ST:,) 6a pm* c1 csilge vel AIRY pl.eMp tM.•. r..•L iryC k• Than Ever areerke DL spm tris tail burns..a ffoiso hie cse octave%. gooey smto�s. to ass =foe ous reoud s8 Mtcdta 511 4. i' rv+. 'lima wee qat ,,.'4octet food. T1s aim a .coo psi& you will ass. Sat sin fowl out g,roptehy Codon. 4 Fad motes tbo a, wary of as,a u of *mina sa4 odncreta co watt En rota. and on, Eohydaexes To casla mac* cnocaay, km}, eat* well Laval sho s a ,°a thffo.' a Mier owe et4 feed o1 wUZI is very polacablo, contd.. a6ae of guardal.a of en rias olaa..- Oaf alcorac l pouf you onWO, La do owe Fear &ado by Ethel Produce Phone 22 -r -1O NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the ,state of the late ALEXANDER YUI L of the Village of Brus- sels, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 31st day of Marcia, 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of July, 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing, immediately atter the fourteenth day of July, 1951. the assets of the Testator will be distr:butted hating regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice, Dated this Twentieth day of June. A. D. 1951. CRAWFORD & HTL'1•HERTNGTON Barrister and c. T1RPSSELS ONTARIO Snl1eilors for the Exerntnrs. JR. LADIES SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Clifford at Teeswater July L' Hanover at Clifford July 6 Brussels at Clifford July b Hanover at Teeswater July 9 Teeswater at Brussels ..,, .., July au LADIES SENIOR SOFTBALL Brussels at Goderich July 3 Brussels at Clinton July Clinton vs. Brussels July 11 Brussels vs. Kincardine July I. Glamis at Brussels July lc -OR SALE - Shre Siore and Repair Shop l.^. :Sii,re is fled Bricks mow od house adjoining, r•,nnt ,t'artment above store. Wi.N. Stock and repalT n.• and buildings all for quick sale priced at $4,500.00. 100 acre grass and wood farm, -: , ,00 new U•eo� set, out. •„ sell at $2200.00. I. C. Long, Real Estate Ile t. Brussels, Ont. f1 n.1@ @egg' r ' C� 50 YOUR BIRDS ARE HOME. ON THE RANGE, JACK• HOW ARE.THEY MAKING OUT? i °ong@ NOT 50 BAD, 006.6UT THERE'S A LOT MORE TO THIS RANGE 13USINE55 THAN MEET5THE EYE. YOU BET THERE 15, JACK. ?ROPER HANDLING OF BIRDS ON THE RANGE MEAN5 PROFIT OR 1.055 IN THE LAYING PEN. FLAMM .ni • 1.1;t,us6e 9.` r ar,.,,�tit±�. • . 1,2• Lorne 7l, )3onchnrd, A.R,C,A• it lk '31 S Wednesday. July 4th, 1961 Keystone of ,Main Street Where oil derricks dot the prairie a town's sure to he building not far away. The shacks of the drillers and roughnecks give place to the homes of folks "come to stay." The bank opens .. In Canada's oil fields, it's probably a branch of The Commerce, staffed by men and women giving the kind of banking service that is the keystone of community progress -Commerce service. Get to know your Commerce manager and the men and women who work with him. They're good people. The Canadian Bank of Commerce "The Commerce" • _,.xxusW._•.,.....ne,.•t���.cb.�-�r..7.c..:ars>=nti�xuoc•..+�,ns Hastings of 19 ,-)1 FAIRS and EXHiBITIUNS Sept,)„ngo ille I,'b ai- •� ! i;.:, .' pi .H1 }. 1'dt 4� �'� I 2 t 1.1 Lr ,t6, v .t. e.. .r «.+ c ... .. t .y,.r wtro- lwllctay yt�rut;s a tL• . ....,. ;epi. sl. 2° ttrlllia ^ L . :n•al 11: J. tC. Fi: rht r alvinstLin Oct. 9, 10 .1aca,: ter • Oct. 1143 lti.,- Mary Lamont and Mrs. Elsie Aug. :9 i0 'u are vh>itlug I his week at the 1; ;..•i 109-50A5 • Sept. 18, 19 Sept. 6, 7 Aug. 16-18 Aug. 20-26 Oct, 22-26 Sept. 2749 Sept. 10, 11 Cot. 1, 2 11,10).111 Sept. 91 Aug. 20-25 Sept. 19, 20 I Plowing Match -- ty. Woodstock Ort, 0-12 I• »t:.,.,.; Sept, 1.1-14 1 Aug. 21-93 „1 a Sept. 20-21 Sept. 20, 91Sept, 20, 91 t Sept. 25, 26 ,• ;Norfolk County) Oct, 2-6 tat MarysOct. 2, 3 -,1Sept. 17-19 �,,•,�ht•n.• Sept. 27-29 crept, 25, 27 r•,; Sept. 7, 8 ;Iter Oct. 2, 8 Sept. 19-21 Tiverton Oct. 1, 2 Toronto (C,N.E.) Aug• 24 -Sept, 9 r Toronto Royal Vin* t Fair .............................. Nov. 16-21 lV iltt • =nn (Christmas 11 Rrrt, 9 Fair) ...... Ort. 30. Nov. 1. Rcpt. 17 r'nr n Sept. 27, 28 1 • •i P,• Rent. 19, o_n l „ _; , . Sept. 1116 s ,t. 1•l. Rept. 27. 2"_ Sept. 13, 14' 11,.,•.1 Sept. 17. 19 11„18er Oct. 5, 6 {!.silt Sept. 20-21! ,7' "t'1 t�trlt Aug. 23.25 t'", •,,t 1. 1t Sept. 14, 15 • r°••-'r•lt Sept, 24, 25 * * x Dr, and We. txru.e of '1'ur.•1:.. \letting with friends here, 7lr, and firs, H. Dent spent the tue.ir sun and 9.nt••Itter-in•law atTiverton. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rutledge visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack R.utiedge and family at St. Cmrdtarhres, * * e” 'Tr. ai•d Mrs. John Schultz of •i,*- ••1.•letre- are visiting friends a- • -•••'1 town. * line! Mt , A. Kerr former rest- ,T 114. of T rns•ris, their � m Ina Mrs 1 „,,t; ti sodo• nd rld'•lrert visit ed on Si•ot'lrty at the home of Mr. and -airs Wm.. Frans. 4t * * Mr. and Mrs. 11'. F. 'Codd att:.ntl- e l the WP.tsrlon Band Festival on Sntnrday, * * * 31r. Charles Thomas son of Mr r Tra. 'Harold -linintt y=. ho joint• recrat;ly. ItIt Monday for r •,•,•111+.1. '1 • :,.t; Crow the Brussels Loon., . '..,, T',•. a•tt! rd (I s B!t id arrnau- ''.t t1•: 4,,,r-den.111 Girls Banal to +4P 1V•ttorlon T'er,�l ','4'v•,l nn R'Tt• nt•d1ay. * * \T * 1T,•. rnrl '- P. Dr''. nr.t, S''ford .ttnad 'r,c vioti 'l' 11.1., •., nvl 7,,, TT. Th..51.,1, ITr. ', ^r1 \Tie. 1". Bn •rh11n at•trndr l the Waterloo Rand Festival on Sat- urdaT. •t,......i,* 11,,111,•u• t'lk'ho 11n» been „•t+ir',t in Tnrnn:to (1Rot,tal 1tnepltal CO" rm•r wsPlr. hoe t•rtltrnrrl d,n br" 11 n01'. 4, 4, '4 , • .....t 1Trs. 1. TT. Kerr of Pat os• I lit. i1h:In. ware 114$4.114$4.1114:Withwet air, •11,1 1G•, Tin. c Tnrt-ry of 1To1•rt •r•. .. , . n•,.r weok. err. Kerr is n nr 1.1P t:a T . TT. Kerr. former owner or the Rmttss.eis Post. "Ti', Ttr ,r wnrlctui In the Post as an annrrat,t rte, This is his fin,*visit to 1h*x r "illtitttlity in forty years, , MttL 2729 nine of Alex and Mrs, Lamont, Bur- 1 h ,. Sept. 25. 26 Oct. 4, 5 Aurora June 9 ITts. Isabel Shoemaker. Kitchener,\ gnu Sept. 21, 22 a visitor with hes' cousin Mrs. I tyf:eid Sept, 26, 27 act Scutt, is ttept. 13.1,F Beaverton ......, h l:ellevtlie Ang. 11.111 Mr, and Mrs, Jack McDowell, Mrs. /11031.00k/11031.00k Sept. 14. le Garside and ,air. David Fountain ilty'ti Sept. 13, 19 were holiday visitors ,+ith11,•s. G. a, ... - Sept, 28, 29 McDowell. net, 4-6 Ro-, 97- 28 .,.,.-•T .. _ R.ro• 25- 26 Can+ pQ 211 T.,1' head Yt'i'amP1. AArthur... Aug 6-11 Sept, 7, • , 1-..- v' -ors wit's neo. Maun.nt„- \t,• :pial Mrs. Herb Mantrdnts wry-. err. Herb Cunningham of Pal- .. ,..,,•• .,” Itis-' Dorothy Cunning- '• ••• ^f Toronto, p Y 'c O'hert Kennndy son of Mr, And r.. t'. Tie'tnarly. was aw�arrlrd sti,'rt' n't"l'1 In his clarinet rises at 'he •Wvterlr•, :t mle."l Fre"9,-•11 .•, T 'bee+ with 60 marks, • r,t9 ranee• in it -loss of 15 cn a•etantt. Miss Karen Br goblin •••• hie acemmnaniat. 115, FLIES TO • STEWARTS Centre of attraction at the Stewart reunion in Molt• worth Sunday was Peter M. Stewart, 95, who flew 2,000 miles to .attend. I ,T.,,q.tn„ •t wet 11 native. he lives In Canu'ose, alta, He was 95 oil Sat- urday. •. l,v 91::01- from I:rintemtof to Toronto, .met cote Parra the lrtp WW1 the nn:• nt' oracle 72 years ago when he trent ':�i,r up a "claim" There was no trans -Canada railway then. Hr totmite!yed by rail, host and on •t • r'Chicago and Rt. Paul to "•1 1' ,ar Neenawa. l-itr he retnrne'1 111 Ctiffnrd r ;ill lin gwood * h e-dlester T1- ,v1 s' il'asden irrambn T1',trr•a'llrr•1 Dundalk Dnmga.nnon Elmira , Sept. 19, 20 Sept. 27.29 Oct. 3 Sept, -z4 Aug. 29.30 Sept. 26. 27 Sept. 4.6 Sept. 10, 14 Sept. 27 Ex.)) er Fair rJ;;, nest 411 ,.; Sitio ri,,n•to net 5. 0 Cl'a»rl Vibe.- net. 6. 6 FT^no•rr ..... , stent. 17. 12 Cont. 26, 27 .. Sept, 6. 7 Rent, 4. 0 Sent. 19, 14 net, 1-6 ''ert 77. 29 Solt. 24-29 cent. 19.2" . _ Sent. 11 12 ;h ,inti mowed Janet •a••n. B'lr1c in Neepawa their h,.'ra soon WAR known' as illi: n •nhnog TTome” beiranse of their hnomi:haltty to eaatsrnet's settling in thr wt'st, Mi,s, Stewart died in 1942. Sept. 24, 25 • -1-, 11" .'irn Fair) Sent. 10-1.5 T.rrknnv Sent. 25. 20 Ma rkil Ian Ort. 4-r, "•TP Prowl lY.:1•7111,. Ort. 9, 6 Rent. 17, 16 Sept. 25. 2(1 ..nn,, 15.17 Sept. 26 M'mn' Fnt•rct . •- '.Tunny .... Nen sbndt Sept. 14. 15 New Hamburg Sent 14, 19 pry 47.0 A.'t7F,"' tr T:,•„o•r•nrn Vannan was host- - ,embers of the school F 1+ P • r 1 ,Intl the Musiral Festival ^1” and the'r w1TPS and ' • n m•r-nuptial party in r lnas Edwin Walsh, R.M.T. of music, for schools -,r w •,1111 East Wawannsh town - shin.. ohne marriage was to take 11 -en Saturday. A pieaaant silent with oarda and -"nes eombleted by. Mrs, T.. Wight- •.• was nraccntpd nr r•reatol randelnhra and Ti CmtltPe. ehwdrmam r„pfi1al Board, read an ad - ,e4 rt .T, 'a?elaforray prest- lrnt or the crhnnl Board, made the rti.p ern1„+tern The hostess served N.,' n'rrto assisted by the corn- 1041.1.r - YE5, JACK. A GOOD RANGE 15 MIGHTY IMPORTANT-` A 0002 GROWING MASH 15 JUST A5 IMPORTANT. 50 DON'T FORGET TO U5E ROE VITA -GROW. I'M ONE. UPON YOU THERE, DOC. 1 ALWAYS USE.1/174-6ROW. By Roe Farms Service Dept Two Ways loBigger Egg Profits A GOOD RANGE RANGE' Y010P1/1.14 '440 OLD h'EN5 SEPAR.47ELY 2• oPhiv ave TERS•,4744Y/✓G//7 P N-,o/CK/N6 a WATC- Pok, coecw/oS/ cot•It'LETEI9,. GROWING iMA5H East Huron Produce ' BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON M0NCRIEl:S