HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-6-27, Page 7HOW CAN 1?
1y Anne Ashley
Q. flow can I remove mildew
horn white clothes?
A. I'm a tablespoon of chloride
081 1)1(11 (1110 a gallon of wa14'r, 17is•
nolle thoroughly, Put 111(1 garment
in and ,air until the mildew disc p.
pears. leinse thoroughly. A chlor-
ide of lit,1r hlctu•he,, do not use
on celured gnrmruls.
Q. How can I clean leather pic-
tni-e frames, portfolios. and other
10 tabu articles?
A. \pp1y be11'y.in' with a soft
cloth. Should the benzine remove
flu p.di•It, apply t11(: white of an
egg, we11 beaten.
Q. How can I strengthen my
A. A cut lemon rubbed into the
roots of Ile hair and followed by a
wash ht warm, soft water, will
atrrni:'lbeu the hair and help to
prevent it, falling.
Q. How can 1 remove rust stains
from a washable garment?
A. Rinse the garment iu cold
water, sprinkle the stains with
lemon )nice, then cover the stained
area with a thin layer of salt, Let
the garment lid in the sun for two
days hefore washing it again.
' Q. How can I secure more juice
from lemons?
A. heat the lemons thoroughly
before equrczing by dropping them
into hot water for several minutes,
and they will yield almost double
the quantity of juice that they will
if not heated.
Q. How can I keep the lighter
shade in two -tolled sport oxfords
A. Try cleaning this lighter sec-
tion With art gem. This is some-
times much more effective than the
use of a cleaning fluid.
...Q. Ilow can I wash chamois
A. Adding a few drops of olive
oil to the water when washing
chamois gloves will prevent their
becoming hard and stiff. The oil
also helps to preserve the leather.
Q: How can I destroy perspira-
tion on the body??
A. Bathe in a basin of warm
water, to which has been added two
tablespoonfuls of compound spirits
of ammonia. This will leave the skin
clean and fresh.
Q. How can I scale fish more
A. Dip the fish into boiling
water for about a nlinlitc.Tbe scales
will then come off much easier, nor
will they spatter around as much.
'Diamond Dance — Sam Chap-
man ,of the Cleveland Indians
went into this graceful adagio
in an attempt to score a run
.against the Yankees in a recent
game in New York. All of Sam's
d:ontortions were to no avail. He
was fagged outt by the catcher,
'Yogi Berra and the Yanks went
on to win the game I to 0.
Fishing season is almost here, so
I'm going to give you a tip that will
save you some disappointments this
spring and summer if you do much
There are utterly tons of fish
wasted yearly beeause of spoilage.
Otte of the most common problems
of all fishermen is keeping fish after
they catch theni, Here's clow:
. Clean 1)1111 as soon as possible.
Ile sure Mood is removed from
tlloug backbone, Wash and then dry
fish with cloth. Be sure it is thor-
mlghty driec1. And do not allow
water to come in contact with fish
again,, Carry a roll of parchment
paper. Roll each fish individually in
this waterproof :incl airproof ,paper
end tie the ends securely with
string, Roll all small packages of
fish into one large boodle using
'blanket of sgeveral thicknesses of
newspapers. Keep in dry cool place
and do not open bundle until fish
are to be used. By using this
method, fish can be kept upwards
of a week in warm weather and will
'remain fresh and sweet. it is one
of the most valuable tips I ever ran
NEW and
Simple Alarm
Simply eprrate 1 lire, alarm box
adapts easily to any rircnt arraulge-
ment. No glans to break, etc -just
pull handle which is flesh with the
box to avoid danger of accidental
1 k *
Jet Hypo
Those who turn squeamish at the
sight of a hypodermic needle will
,nun he able to relatx. New instill.,
meat c1A1er1 llypospray jet -Injector
has been designed to replace the
needle. An inslrnnleut about the
size of a flashlight, spray passes
through hole said to be 22 times
smaller than the finest hollow
needle, Spray goes- through hole
at a high velocity and strikes fewer
fain nerves than a needle.
Cook By Color
New line of electric ranges fea-
tures fingertip color control cook-
ing. Units have seven heats, con-
trols ringing in color from dark red
t0 pink; this is designed to show
heat graduations at a glance.
Paper Umbrella
Paper nmlbrclla caul be used for
rain or sun, aS it has plastic vinyl
coating which sheds water. Includ-
ing ribs, whole umbrella is made of
paper except for handle and stick.
For variety in color. pigment is
added to plastic 8081258, which also
helps to improve fastness of the
Purifies Water
An automatic electrically operat-
ed ultra -violet water sterilizer is
said to purify contaminated water,
destroying all bacteria. Stainless
steel tank contains four ultra -violet
ray tubes and baffles which guide
all incoming water dose to the
tubes. Unit needs no atention, has
no chemicals and adds no taste or
odor to the Water: can purify water
at rates of 401) gallon per hour, and
plugs into any standard electrical
Lightning Arrester
Lightning arrester is made for
outdoor and indoor use and tits
easily into TV and FM installations.
Inexpensive plastic and metal unit
is attached without cutting or splic-
ing transmission line, which is plac-
ed in slot in the plastic body. Plastic
cap caused four prongs to pierce the
insulation 11,1(1 Contact tine wires.
* ,k k
Detects Uranium
Pocket-size uranium tester for
examination of radioactive ore is
included in bit including testing
chemicals, blowtorch and tongs.
Tester can tell prospector if ma-
terial is uranium or one of almost 50
other radioactive ores, makers claim.
• * -.
Lessens Humidity
To help take the stickiness out of
the hot summer days is an electric,
non -chemical dehumidifier, which
can remove from two to three gal-
lons of water from the atmosphere
every 24 hours. Item is portable and
will plug into any electrical outlet.
Water collected can be easily dis-
posed of with removable container.
* * *
Window Frosting
A translucent paint for glass can
be applied by brush or spray -gun
and is said to make a weatherproof
frosted coating, and reduce head
and glare. Claimed to fora) a perm-
anent bond on the glass.
:k * *
Neater Storage
Revolving closet utilizes storage
space by modern methods, Door
pivoted in the centre is turned in-
side out to reveal entire wardrobe.
Closet corners are used by adding
shelves, visible and easily readied.
Full length 11tiroor on door opens
to reveal more shelves; 41100 and
hat racks also provided.
To Study The Laps—Robert N. Pehrson, shown aboard the 20,000 -
ton Canadian Pacific liner Empress of France which sailed from
Montreal for Liverpool to spend the next nine months in Lapland
living and travelling with the nomad Laps. With the Laps Mr.
Pehrson will follow the migration of the reindeer, studying the life
and habits of the people. This is the third such expedition for
the young gentleman, who was recently awarded the Vicking
Award of the Wenner-Gren Foundation. for Anthropological
Seems to 11. that the height of
something or other is found in the
latest brain -wave floating around
the field of :port. It is to the ef-
fect that professional athletes—
south of the border at least -should
fora) a labour union, affiliated with
the A.F. of T.. We suppose, when
and if such a thing conies to pass,
the first demand will be time -and -
a -half when's ball game goes over
11111e innings.
't ' *
Probably nothing will come of
it; but it semis ridiculous tSat
anyone connected with sport should
suggest such a thing. Franklin
Lewis, sports Writer for the Cleve-
land Press, sunlnled it up better
than we can hope to when he wrote:
surely have no quarrel with labor
unions. I belong t0 one, However,
labour unions are dedicated to im-
provement of working conditions,
the elimination of wage inequalities
and, in general, to a rise in living
standards for all. The U.S. pro-
fessiotlal athlete has all these. Ile
is the most pampered and spoiled
performer in the amusement field."
* * k
Mr. Lewis certainly said a large
mouthful there; and if there were
.more sports writers lilte him, and
fewer of the hero-worship kind, we
wouldn't have such sorry spectacles
as fans getting up purses to reim-
b-urse athletes who have been fined
for breaking the rules of the games
Back Home—Ronald Yinger, who was unmasked as a missing
parolee and returned to a Missouri jail after he became famous
as the father of Brooklyn's "Mid -Century Twins," has a happy
family reunion after his release from prison. Yinger holds his
son Donnie while little Pattie sleeps and Mrs. Yinger Looks on
happily. .
from which they ,krive such soft
* k *
Bost everyone agrees that boxing
badly needs a shot in the arm -
in fact there are many who think
that artificial respiration would be
more to the point. For the old
light game, on this side of the At-
lantic, anyway, las for some time
been in a had way, and rapidly get-
ting worse.
* k
If you are inclined to disagree,
just consider this. You can pro-
bably remember when a World's
Championship fight -any division -
was something that was headlined,
written about, and argued over
by countless fans, both before and
after.* *
\Velli then, last year there were
exactly 12 — count them, 12 —World's Championship fights con-
tested. Now, without straining the
little grey cells unduly, try to name
just half of .them. Play fair and
don't peels at the last paragraph
of this before answering. \Ve per-
sonally wouldn't have believed there
were half that many if we hadn't
seen it in a Record 130014.
k * *
However, the heavyweight divi-
sion at least seems to have re-
ceived that badly -needed shot in old
Joe Louis' knockout victory over
Lee Savold. The fight drew two or
three times as many cash customers
as were expected—but part of that
may have been clue to the fact, that
the television was confined to cer-
tain theatres .where people had to
pay to see what went on. No sit-
ting in some tavern and trying to
dodge the barkeeps or waiter's eye
when they give you the glance
which means, "Pretty neartime
to buy another round, buddy"
k *
At all events i\Iadison Square
Garden was jammed, no matter
what the reason. But those who
went out of idle curiosity ended
up wildly enthusiastic ober Louis'
performance, and talking to them-
selves about a miracle possibly
about to be passed—tile miracle of
a beaten World Champ doing 8 suc-
cessful conte -back. Dempsey could
not do it. Nor could anyone else.
Whether or not the Brown Bomber
can pull it off remains to be seen,
sometime in September,. when he's
due to fight Ezzard Charles. It
won't draw a million dollar gate,
in all probability. 13111 11 will conte
closer to doing so than any light
attraction in n long time.
01 course, Lee Savold never was
any 'ball -of -fire. ITe's almost as old
its Louis and has fought nobody of
any note in recent years—that is,
excepting Bruce Woodcock, who
looked like a great fighter till the
opening gong rang then seemed
to be anxiously waiting for the
bedtime call, 'Still, ((0 matter how
had Savold may 11e, Louis knocked
hint out smartly and, in doing so,
looked litre the Louis of Old,
Was that an elnlrty husk the
Destroyer smashed elowll?--writes
Arthur Haley, who was at the ring-
side. Was los good only by come
parisnn? 'Those are no arrurate
answer . Louis handled his rival
with e11,e. He heat him to the
punch. He profited by every in-
fighting exchange. 1111 landed Ihlsil
un the target almost at will. 'Twice
7R 5411Cresei011 in the fifth round
Savold tagged the Bomber with
Ihumleron8 right: and Louis lord;
them without hilt)]. log or retreating.
Gould Joe do against Charles slutt
he did against 5,1801,1'
't 'r 4
'111( 811811698 are that 11( couldn't,
bee,ms. 1:zea d the Gizzard is fasts
moving, not the stationery punching
bag the ancient Savold I. Yet there
was eni n 411 shown by the fading
champion of yesteryear for glim-
mers of hope to remain for him and
the vast army of anis admirers, After
all, the blond Savold supposedly i,
a far better fighter than the Agra-
mlrnte5 and all Um, other stiffs
that ,len' couldn't stiffen.
Y *
Ont.lip-till 011 San'ul(1 as a target
came 111 the fifth when Louis
''111rew" a jab -at hint. Technically
sprat:iug a jab never is thrown,
It is a push or, as its 111111le,inl-
plies, a jab. But old Joe reared
back like a man in a rocking chair
and rolled all the way forward until
his left fist collided rudely with
the already scrambled profile of
his bleeding foe. The reporter never
remembers seeing a jab quite like
* * *
The finishing blows were in the
old Louis tradition. Ile set up Lee
with a right and then exploded
a left hook that had every ounce
of force he could command. Savold
pirouetted gracefully around, bounc-
ing gently off the ropes as he fell
and it was immediately evident that
the referee, Ruhy Goldstein, was
wasting his time 111 smutting over
,k t *
The capacity house was a tribute
to Louis, the only red l draw left in
the beak -busting trade ---at least
when he hasn't television to chop
hit) clown to normal size. Tf the
Jolter were even live years younger
there would be no doubt about what
he alight do to Charles, But there
is no getting away from the fact
that lie is 37 years old. A faster
foe may reveal hint to he 111e babb-
ling old plan he has looked to be
during nlnst of his comeback.
* * *
Now, with a sleep obeisance i1(
the direction of Arthur Daley for
the assist, here are those 12 World
Championship fights contested ;lur-
ing 1950 we spoke of earlier.
k - _* 'k
In January, Willie Pep knocked
out Charley Riley in fi,ve rounds
for the featherweight title, In the
same month Joey Maxim K.O,'d
Freddie Mills in ten—a light heavy-
weight affair. Willie Pep saw action
again in March, decisioning Ray
Famechon in 15 heats. In the fly-
weight division Terry Allen took
the title from Honore Pratesi in a
15 -rounder. That was in April and
the following month Vic Toweel
lifted the bantamweight crown from
the head of Manuel Ortiz, 15
rounds. Jake La Motta gave Tiberio
Mitri a shot at his middleweight
title over the 15 round route, but
Tiberio couldn't make it. That was
on July 12—a grand date for a fight.
The month of August saw Dada
Marino grab the flyweight mantle
from Terry Allen, who hadn't much
chance to get used to wearing if.
Also in August. Sugar Ray Robin-
son. defended. his .welterweight
crown from Charlie Fusari, while
Ezzard Charles knocked out heavy-
weight Freddie Shore in the 14th.
Sandy Saddler took Willie Pep's
featherweight laurels by way of an
8th round K.O. Middleweight Jake
La Motta flattened Lauren Dauthe
ilk in the 15th, and Ezzard Charles
wound up the year by decisioning
Joe Loufs in 15. There you area
a round dozen of 'em, And if you
remembered them all — well, we
just wish we had your memory.,
Time Was Really
Ont Of Joint
1n a booklet issued recently by
the Robert Mitchell Co,, Montreal,
covering the 100 -year history of the
firm, an advertisement is reproduc-
eproduceed showing the first schedule for
the newly opened Grand Trunk
Railway line joining Toronto and
Dated Oct. 18, 1856, the notice
includes the following information
for the benefit of passenger's:
The trains will be run on iVfon-
treal Time, which is: -
80 minutes faster than Brock-
ville Time,
12 minutes faster that Kingston
1414 minutes faster than Belle-
vilie 'Time.
23 minutes faster than Toronto
Fortunately the general adoption
of standard tinge,' a short period
later, put an end to that confusion
but not for ever. We now have the
atm111 , -uncertainty certaint
OVCr d
y aylight
Some municipalities azul provinces
have it, some haven't,. Some change
at one date, Some on another. For
several weeks every spring and fall
it is a wise man indeed halo will
know what the clocks say in the
next community, except those at the
..Classified Advertising..
Ems son roma up and 10111 to/ higher.
Peullry meat for brullern or roosters
hike, In 511.11 and will stay high. Don't
miss out, order chicks now, We ran 01410
promptly all papular horde, non -sexed,
pullets ,'r eeu,-kerclu. Alpo 'rnrla'y ('nulls,
Older 1'111,,0. 1^rce Catalogue.
Twaddle ,'hick }lateherh-A Limited.
Ferguo, Ontario.
(4(1l11,11'1121116,'(--'1101 your 1 211050 ropy 0t
lho 06•1agc "Poultry Menage Manual."
Write for details now. Itodda. Box 1i0,
f.r,ng Brumli, Ontario.
t'A011 au when the catRING IN lel
0002). This i0 thaY em' to buy chteko and
'ruder, Ye,dls. You can't mics 00 making
money. ' Prompt delivery on all popular
fadepuma,.11Poulta. Also
('r, Catulaew.
'rip n,4,•h ;heir 4ntoa.
_.... _ , h,l,ph, Omarls.
Ill,Fl]NSS 01,1'OR'1' hi2PrIES
of any kind in which you are Interested
either us buyer ar dealer -- howled or
rarma -'- wr1t0 to Ph1111, Young. Realtor.
(7 • Frederlek Streot, Kitchener. Ontario.
'._...021615(1 -A51) 01:EANING----
HAvE you anything (2508, dyeing or 110„10'
mg? Write to us tdr Inlnnnatlnn. We
are clod to answer your question.. De.
earlmetlt B, Parker'. Dye Werke Limited,
717 Yonne St, T„Couto.
184 A(1116 tractor farm, 95 00005 gran.
26 acrea hate Galan., pasture. some
50014, good brick hoose and bulidinge
with hydro, water In barn. Pelee 51)0n0
with crap. W. R. Shay, Varney. R.R. 1,
Ont. -
:0-$1111 FARM, good buildings, hydro
throughultt. on pavement, 12 miles from
lladeri,11, Immediate puaeeasion. M. Ren -
out, R,it. 3, Auburn, Ont. Pelee $5,O0n,
400 .ACRES. 60 cultivated. balance him.
Ger, clay fount lake ewe. good bulld-
lega. Hydro. rondo ploughed, telephone.
Huntsville 12 miles. Price 50000.00, Half
MI41. Ce,irl, Hodge, Huntsville, Route 1,
automatic wire tie, melt -un- A11 in new
condition. Box number 16, 123.18(6 St.,
Now Toronto. Ont.
GIANT WHITE PEIi1N day-old Duck-
lings. Available weekly year around.
Ux-Spring Farms Limited. Cxbridgr, Ont.
Buy direct from manufacturer while aun-
Ply taiga.. Cash or terms. Every cabinet
guarantoed. Write tar free catalogue.
Modern Devices Mfg. Co.. 1220 St. Ur-
ban; St,. Dlontreal 18.
GARAGE, on Beaverton - 1'enelan Palls
Road, lnehmlng stock, equipment and
dwelling, good tourist trade, Selling be-
cause of i11 -health. Apply William hew
Innis. (llenarm, Ont.
ER, gear, live power ta11e-all. Roaoon-
abie. Will exchange for livestock. E. M.
Liebty, R.R, 2, Waterloo, Ont
1:ITCHEN rick', white porcelain on steal,
arid resistant enamel, 25 x 60 double
bowl, double drain board complete with
crumb cup strainer and faucet, cabinet
extra, 857,50; 25 x 54 single bowl double
drain board with crumb cup atralner,
cabinet extra, 854,550 23 x 43 single bowl
single drain board, right or left hand
with crumb cup atralner and faucet, wood
cabinet, 1106.50; 25 x 42, 'aloe as above.
with Arborlto top and 16 x 20 sink and
rim. wood cabinet, 599.50. Write for ape -
dal prices oncomplete bathroom meta.
All Items may be purchased separately.
Inquiry invited from trade. P.O. Box 6'71,
London, Onturlo,
FOR Salo 1041 Sixteen Paloenger School
Bus. custom -molt. Apply Anderson Taxi,
Pembroke, Ont.
MASSEY-HARRIS 25 Tractor on steel;
Case NCM wire -tie pick-up baler; Sawyer
Massey 32 x 30 Thresher with clover mill,
all In good condition; 3 Firestone 13 x 04
Tractor Tires suitable for road use. H.
E. Deacon. Unionville, Ont.
ELECTRIC rower plant — Brand new -
Fairbonka Morse 5,000 watts, gasoline
powered, Bargain, $1,000.00 -cost 81,075.
Aero Marine Industries, Oakville, Ont,
COLLIE pups, registered, and grown stook,
from leading blood lines: reasonably
Priced. Maple Gate ffennels, lnenelln, Ont.
PROFITABLE home furnishings and gilt -
ware More; good location In Western
Ontario town. dice clean stock in modern
store. This is a good business, well esta-
blished. Foe particulars 08517 to:
REGISTERED Dlaek Labrador Retrievers,
three months. Mnloe and female: rea-
sonably priced. Write Howard Fortier.
Prescott, Ontario,
BEAUTIFUL Scotch -Collie nopmes, 80(0 -
em sable and tri -colors, W1t1, perfect
whit: markings, Show class type. Excel-
lent blood lines from registered -stock.
Bred from Thousand Island Princess
Patricia” (202076). Wallace Stinson, R.
2, Hastinge, Ontario.
FURNITURE, and Electrical Anellancee
with record bar. Town 14,000, 85 miles
north of Toronto, 5120,000.40 volume loot
year. Eighteen Thousand Cnah. 'Handles
all stock and lease. Only serious opera-
tion forces sale. Would accept well local -
ed property or few acres on paved high-
way ns part payment. Box 77, 123 Elgh-
teenth St., New Toronto,
PROJETORS 15 DIM several used at bar-
gain prices, also tape recorder $135.00.
9 x 12 heeded screen 0150,00, Stromberg
Carlson portable amplifier with 05caker0
$100,00. 1 Northern Eteetric Inter corn.
set 044.50. Bontor Sound Equipments,
Oritlia, Ont.
GAS station, hardware, new bungalow.
Triple molding 64 x 04 ft., 2 0ervlee
[melts, equipment and stock. Worth
517.000. Hydro, town water, 0chaols, ate.
Sickness. Must sell Immediately. Substan-
tial down payment. Balance easy terms.
Make offer. See D. H, Flack, 15.52, 3,
Newmarket, Ont, Phone 152 -, Bradford.
CODIPLET.E kits with full insn'uctlons
for making TEN heanfitul, useful and
exciting novelties, Postage Pahl 05.60.
Illustrated Inetru0tion sheet iree4an re.
Wiest Houghton's Sholieratt, 454 King-
0ton Rd., Toronto, Ont. •
INTERNATIONAL w.D. 6 diesel, late.
model, Ellis Franklin, Burford, Ont,
Phone 4180. _
Nall Flx relieves pain Instantly and re.
moves Ingrown nail In n few applications
$1. Wart Pig guaranteed remedy, 500.
Corn Fix, removes corns end eall0usc0 in
10 minutes, 60e. Sent postpaid by A.
Thompson, 7 Orchard Cre000nt, Toronto
railway stations, where they don't
change at all.
Maybe the old way of local time
„leas confusing, but hardly more so
• than under the present system in
which everyone seems to want to
do things ill their own time anyway.
Incidentally, the trains that left
Montreal daily at 7:30 a.m. in 1856
did not reach Toronto midi 9:30
pan. The present pool train cats
exactly 7 hours and 45 minutes off
that ancient schedule.—From The
Financial Post.
Quick) Stop (tebintrof Insect bites; hest mutt,
eczema, hives, pimples scales, scabies, athlete o
foot and ethereatternaily canted skin troubles.
Use quirk.scting,soothing antiseptic D. D. D.
PRESCRIPTION. Grcaoelesa, stainless. het)stone or sour money 'bark,. Your druggist
steam D. 0, O„ PRESCRIPTION.
)11.1,1(A1 _
('KESS CALLOUS h 1Af,1Ir now got re-
lief. 1,,,,, Don:gist Nelle CRESS. -
GOOD RESULTS - Every sufferer from
Rheumatic pains or Neuritis should fry ,
Dixon's Remedy,
335 Elgin Ottawa
/1.26 Express Prepaid
SUFE1d11L•'lt5 trona Rheumatic or Arthr)tlo
- (0100: If you cannot get relief. write:
Box 123. Winnlnee. Maoltobn,
BANI114 OA, torment 01 dry eczema ranben
and w0e5155 akin troublon. Pnet'o 16exema
Salve wmt not dlsappolnt you.
Itobtne, Beating. burnlns ammo, gene,
rmgworm. phnplos ((011 a1hleta'e (0et, 1011)
(00(10011 readily to tbo stainless, odnrteor
0101(0anL regardless of how stubborn or
bopeleee they sewn
PRICE 51.00 PER 8A.it
Sent Post Pro on Receipt of Price
080 Queen St. E.. Corner of Logan, Taranto
WANT lovely skin, glistening eyes, Iron
nerves: Sens] tar swaging Redo tablet.
- $8.00 - $6.00. Imperial Indu0trtee,
P.O. Box 901. W 1an1Peg, Man.
NEW wonder flower -grow without cart.
Hundreds of giant blooms, Bathing
colour. Send tor free cakelo500 with
beautiful art photos of day1)0100. Plorldel
Gardens. Port Stanley, Ontario.
Great Opportunity Leer.
51,aeant dignifed profession. .good waves
Th0uaande of oucee0sful 6larvel graduates
Amerlcn's Oreatest System
rllm:tented Catalogue Frao
Write or Call
888 Blear St. W.. Tornoto
14 141Ag St., Hamilton
12 Rideau St.. Ottawa
OPPORTUNITIES for Men and Women .-
MAIL Order Business Can Be Your Fu-
ture. "How to Build lour Own Mull
Order Matinees" shows You sten by step.
New Edition 260, Hall's Service, 321 W.
Franklin, Jackson, Michigan.
Al; OFFER to every Inventor-Ltet of ins
venttane and full information sent free.
The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attor-
neys. 275 Bank Street, Ottawa.
tent Solicitors, Eatabliehed 1890, 860
80.1, Street. Toronto. Runlet of Informs.
tion on rectum.
QUIP CIGARETTES - The easy way.
Use Tobacco Eliminator, a oclentlflo
treatment, quickly eliminates the craving
tor tobacco. rids the system of nicotine.
Icing Drug Pharmaceutical Chemists.
Vegrevne, Alta, Write P. 0. Box 072,
Loudon. Ont.
LONELY? Depressed? Feel that you need a
belped many peonlo tinct happiners. Per-
haps they can help you. No obligation,
For Details. write or phone Friendship
Unlimited. 401 Tense Street, Toronto -
WA, 1274.
pale 1n School Area No. 1, Yarmouth.
Elgin County, duties to commence Sept.
4. 1931, 5alary schedule Minimum 52000.
Maximum 53500. ,Degrees Recognized.
Sherman Smith, Sec.-Treoo., R.R. No. 6.
St. Thome. Ont.
MAL,1.HIDE ,- Protestant teacher for
School Section No. 0, Dralahide, Elgin
County. Erich, with inside toilet's, hydro,
piano. etc. Enrolment thirty-six. Eight
grades, eatery 02,206 per annum. Appli-
cations *eeeived until July 21at,
Wm. Irwin, See. -Treys„ Alymer, Ont„
S.S. No, 6, R.R, 2, blslah)4e, Ont.
THERE'S' money for you in part-time
selling. Amazing 008000tee make' our
'hear Nylons and quality Men'' Hosiery
easy to 'ell. Alen' Lingerie and Men's
Wear. Start Immediately. Free Sales Kit,
Duro-Test 1572, Hamilton. _
Without Calomel -And You'll Jump Out of
Bed in the Morning Ravin' to Go
The liver should pour out about 2 pints of
biloluieo into your digestive, tract every day.
If due bile in not Goering freely, your food may
not digest. It may just decay m the digestive
tract. Then gas bloats up your stomach. You
get constipated. You fool sour, Runk and the
world looks punk.
It takes those mild, gentle Carter's Little
Liver Pills to got these 2 pinta of bile flow.
log freely to make you feel "up, and up.'
Got a package todayy. Effective in malun5
bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little twee
Pills, 35d et goy drugstore.
ISSUE 26 — 1951