HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-6-27, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST
�^ r
Wednesday. June 27th, 1951
Chevrolet Sedan Delivery
1-1950 Ford Sedan, low mileage
1-1950 Dodge Special Deluxe
Coach, 9000 miles ,
1-1950 Pontiac Sedan, low mileage
1-1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan,.
(Radio and Sun'visor)
1-1947 Willys Station Wagon
1-1947 Chev. Coach, with new motor
1-1941 Dodge Sedan.
1-1940 Dodge Coach (low mileage)
1-1939 Willys Sedan
1950 Chev. Y2 ton pick-up with Deluxe Cab
1948 Chev. 117" wheelbase, chassis and cab
1945 2% ton Chev., long wheel base
Riverside Motors
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile
Texaco gas and oils
Phone 56
Brussels, Ont.
Ottawa - More ,than 30 members
•of th.e Huron, .Drop Improvement
Asebdiatton arrived here Friday for
a one -day visit to the capital, the
climax of a bus tour [through Eastern
Onitatio and Quebec.
As lvndheon guests of two West -
‘ern Ontario M. P.'s they heard Ag"
rioultural Minister James C. Gardi-
ner speak briefly on the value of
such ,astsociattons as 'theirs.
Among the visiting farmers were
A. Y. McLean, Liberal M. P. for
Huron -Perth, and Elston Cardiff,
Progressive Conserva,bive M. P. for
Huron North. ALSO attending the
-luncheon were Donald Bloe, Liberal
M. P. for Bruce, and John A. Chari-
ton, Progressive Oonservative M. P.
for Brant -Wentworth.
During ,the clay the Huron visitors
Inspected the experimental farm here
and toured points of interest.
Among the party were :,Russell
Bolton, R. R. 1, Dublin; vibe -press -
dent; R. G. Bennett, Stanton, Huron
agricultural representative and sec-
retary-treasursr of the organis-
ation; Sinton HaItalian, R. R. 1, Bel -
grave; Jenies Simpson, Ksirleton;
.James M. Scott, Seatorth; Wtillla.m
J. Turnbull, R.R. 2, Brussels; Rich-
ard Procter, R.R. 5. Brussels; Wel-
ter Washington, R. R. 2, Auburn;
Melville Bradburn, Belgrave; Rob-
ert G. Yuild, R. R. 5, Brussels; Or-
val E. Taylor, Betgra,ve, Harry
Sturdy, Auburn; Albert Nesbit,
R R. 2, 13101h; Gordon IC•night, R. R.
2, Brussels; R. N. Alexander, Lon-
desboro; Oliver Anderson, R, R. 1,
Londeshoro; James F. Scott, 11.. R.
2, Sea.torth: W. J. Mexander, R. R.
2, Hensall; Cecil Johnston, R. R. 7,
Luck'now; Jack Gregg, R. R. 5, Dun-
ton; Dan Beunmann, •R. R, 3, Wal-
J. D. Beecroft, R.. R. 3; Wing -
ham.; Gordon Papule, R. R. 5, Sea -
forth ;
ea -forth; Sa,m Scott, R. R. 2, Seaforths;
Earl Campbell, Exzeter; Wilfred
Shontreed, Walston: Harioild• Wolper;
R. R. 3, Parkhill; J, R.' 'Henry,
Blyth; Fred 'Doubledee, R. R. 1,
Wroxetler; Harry Mntrey,, 1RR. R.. 1,
Wrozetair ; Walter..i.Weede: • Wing
ham; 'Leslie Fortune, R. R. 1, Wing -
ham; a.nd Noble Holland, Clinton,
RV_ UFS! \ 1.F
The oomnutwity Hall was well.
tilted with relatives and friends on
Fridaay night to honor Gorden. Nichol-
son and hie bride, the farmer Muss
Roma Breckenridge, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Breekeni'ddlge, let
line, Mortis, 'Mrs. W. J. Peacock
read a compiiment,ary address" and
the recently married couple was
presented, with a sum of money.
Tire "Ohdtter Chatter" Farm Forum
Presented a card table .and el'eCtrie
lamp. Otfuer gidlbs included an eleb-
tris iron, wool earl flannelette
binnlcets, a bed siireed, ellcate and
pillow eltps. Lnm.oh wRs served fol-
lowed by (Tanning to the music of
'Ili,ffire' orchestra.
Morris Group Meets
Mrs, R, 2• McMurray was the
hostess last week fur the monthly
meotin.g of the Morrls group of
the Ladies' Acid •Socatety of Knox
Pnesbyitonfan Chilirob, wiitlh eight
women present. They epent the aft-
ernoon quitting. The president, Mars
William Elston, .preeSded for a
short devotional period. The meet-
ing opened 'w5th Singing and the
president offered prlayer. Mrs. Ber-
nard Thomas read a scripture pas-
sage. The report of the secretary -
treasurer was presented, followed
by discussion. The hostess served
Personals: Mr, and Mrs. John K.
MecTavis'h and two sons, Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. McKinnon, with Mr.
and Mrs. Spence McKinnon at
Georgetown.; Mrs. Cecil Griffiths,
Brampton, with her stater, Mrs.
Charles Bosman and assisleing in
Lh•e nursing of Henry Bosnian, who
suffered a stroke a flew weeks ago;
Misses Ethel and Florence Beattie,
Seafonth, with Mrs, Ga.rniss and
Miss Olive Sipott; ,Mrs. M. L. Aitken
at the presentation and banquet in
honor of inspector A. E. Nelson at
T },atonal on Friday night; Donald
MacLean had the misfortune to
rums a pitch fork Into his foot on
TapiTCSEI R f ill INCA!.
June 4, 1951
The regular meeting of the Muni -
cleat Council of the Village of
Brussels was held on .the above
.dalte. All members of Council
The minutes of Apra 30 meeting
were read, and adopted on motion
of W. Spelr•. a:nd seconded by A. Me -
The following accounts were order-
ed paid on nation of R. W.
Kennedy, seconded by R. A. Ben-
nett. ,
G. Davidson, fox bounty 82.00
W. S. Scott, hall insurance 10.94
C. T. Davidson, Lia.bilety Fire
Truck 95.00
Oau:nty of Huron, Indigenst
Hose iita'tizatlon 49.00
Dr N. McDonald, cementt 40.00
•R.' E, Johnson, paint, snow plow 9.75
Township of Morriss, rent ed.
T ,siaaels Creamery, -calcium
chloride, nada 24.00
G. Davidson, tractor, grading 12.50
Ed. Henderson, streets and ending
grass 44.22
A. Oakley, labor, *Meet& 04 111111
Hyide Bras., Fire Dept.' 2.40
Brussels Post, Ads, and notices 9,00
Brnesels Creamery, relief 6.80
R, A. Bennett, relief 19.39
W, Bae'ker & Son, relief 7.96
C. E. Radford, gravel and
bulldozer 694.72
imperial Oil Co., road oil 954.92
S. Lowe, relief 22,88
W. TT. Bell, salary 130,00
G, R, C.a.mebell, salary and,
express dluargee 50,78
Poetmasit.er, postage 2.00
B Edgas', cutting park 6.00
(1 N. R•, scalee site rental 2.50
The resignation of the 'Village
assessor was brought to the attent-
ion ,of the Connell, and the Clerk
was 1.nsta'neted to ask for iupplleat-
ions for the position a,p.l.a'tatione to
be in by ,Tune 23rd, IAA•l.
A letter regarding the organIzstt.m'
1.n;: ,ate rn'i;y for the Middle Malt
Land Valley was read to Council
and the following resoltttior. was
Massed, on motion of W, Speir
eerunded by A, MoTaggar•t ;
"That the Reeve be, and he le
hereby authorized to represent the
the Village of Brus'sels"at a meeting
called by the Department of planning
and development; for ;the organize -
Ion of elle ,Middle Maitland Cbu-
serva,tiwn Authority, to be held to
SJetowlel on June 26, 1951."
Bylaw No. 3, 1951, was given the
third reading and passed, on motion
of R. A. Bennett, seconded by R. W,
Kennedy, This By -'Law authorized
• I. 0, 0. F, OFFICERS
At the roto tar meeting of the
14'eetern Star L 0. 0. F. 149 Lodge
on Thursday night the foliowdng
officers were noruinated"for the year
N. 0 Hartley Fischer'
V. G, Ralph Pearson
Rec.-See. Chas, T. Davidson
t Finanela4 Sec, It J. Bowman
'frees. 0. Elliott
I : Wafter C. Kenr and WTn. Thera,
Myth were presented: With a twenty-
five 'year Jewell.
the borrowing of tele a'ecessary,fusatdIN MEMORIAM
to carry on the''Municipa6 business 1(DARNDY-In. loving memory of a
for 1951. .dear husband and father; William
Rusinesai of the sheeting„ being R. Kearney, who passed away on
completed, the meeting adjourned ,Tune 25111r, 1947.
on meteor] of A. Mclrnggart 'sec. `Semetutpes Its bard to understand,
nndad by R. W. Kennedy.
i(';'R A NVIroell' 1
Rev. Mr, Gilley was the minister
in charge of the regular morning
service in Knox Prdsbyterlan Church
on Sunday, June 241th.
There will be no Sunday School
on Sundaty, July let, as the annirer-
slary services are being held at 11
a. m, and 7.30 p. m. with Rev. Alex
Nimmo, Win.gham, guest speaker.
Mrs. Allen Cameron
spent several
days last week visiting members
of her family in London.
Mr. L. H. Gonion and Mur,. Clara
Onistead were In St. Thomas on
Sunday visiting Mrs, Lvlle Gordon
and Mr. and Mrs. Janes MnCn,llnen
and family.
Mrs. Ke,n Reay a.nd little son are
with her parents Mr. and Mnq,. Fred
Mr. Wm. Smalldon is with his
doarg6ater and son-in-law. 91,- end
Mrs. .Tim Keys, Seeforth.
Word was reredved recently of the
death of a former Cranbrook reorient
Mr. Cherie. Rerittess, 'Detroit
BRAY -At Dr. ;Myer's Nursing
Home on Monday. June 18th, to Mr.
Mas. Ken. Bray, a son, Larry Ken-
President Wm. Turnbull
let Vice -Pres. Selwyn Baker
2nd Vice -Pres. Harvey Johnston
3rd Vice -Pres. D. A. Rann
Directors Richard Whitfield
M. C. Oldfield
S. Machan
Jack McDonald
Secretary D. M. MacTavish
'treasurer R. G. McBride
Tail Ttvister. J. S. Armstrong
Lion Tamer L. Michel
Education M. Win.eberg
J. Anderson
Publicity 0 IAttg
R. W. Kennedy
Attendance .... J. S. Armstrong
Bent Jah.neton
H. B. Allen
Harold Thomas
Harold Keys
Health and Welfare .... R. 13. Cousins
I. McDonald
M. O1dfi'eld
Boys and, Girls W. Martin
C. Dunbar
D. M. MacTavish
F. Kirkby
'Constitution and By-Laws,,,A, Wood
Gordon Knight
Safety W. F. Todd
Wilbur Turnbull
Geo. MoCiurtolreon
Citizenship L. D. Tttomipson
R. W. Kennedy
Convention ,,,, D. A. Rana
Sight Conserw.atton •
and Blind W. Leach
H. Thomas
M. OidfIeId
Civic Improvement S. Baker
Wilbur Turnbull
Lions I•nforntation ..,, Jas. Armstrong
Education Lions R. Wbidfield
Bent Johnston
Why Some things have to'be.
.Bolt In His wisdom God has planned
Beyond our .powers to see.
God gave us strength to fight it.
And courage t.o bear the blow.
Balt what w,as meant bo hose him,
No one will ever know.
Sadly missed by iris wife and
daughter Beatrice.
Hay on share, any person wishing
same see John G. Speir, Phone 1616.
S pugs, 6 weeks old.
Emerson Mitchell Phone 24r9.
1951 Ford Leluxe Sedan, dark
blue, brand ne'w With license.
Phone 36,5 Seafsmbh, during day.
A lady's rain coat, size 16, good
as new.
Phone 54r10
Good Electric Range 2 burner with
oven and a 3 burner coal oil stave.
David S'hiels Rhone 56115
Large extension table With leaves
also Quebec heater with oven.
Clifford Marie Phone 5118 and !headdress, and carried a nose -
FOR SALE - gay bouquet of roses and Stepth-
Seed Buckwheat. anitms. Mrs. Bennett was In yel-
Stan, Alexander, Ethel. Phone 85x13 low marquisette with veil and
headdress, and also carried a nose -
The regular meeting of the W, M,
S. was held in the ohureh basemerut
on Wedneslday, June 13th, with 21
ladies present, Mrs. Martin pre-
sided and the meeting opened by
slinging hymn: 87. Mrs, Marshall
read the scripture readings through-
out the worship Bernice. Hymns
375 and 366 were sung and prayer
was offered by :Mrs, Martin. The
secretary's and treasurer's: reports
were read and adopted, A • Jifte
Membership Is to be presented to" •
Mrs: A. McCall. lite bale , rsvhtcl, •
was ,dapped in June to ' »ts-ope
weighed • ll25 lbs. and valved . at j
8200.00. The cast of .paying for bale •
ansi cards sent by Mrs. Broiadtoo,t,. t •
The McKillop Group :under. thea..
leadership of. Mrs. Marshali, had I
change of the inversive • "A .,.Wor c.
Canny in Europe." She was assist-
ed by members of the group. H.yinn
874 was sung and the meeting closed
with the benediction: •
Walters - Bennett - '
Baskets of peonies and roses
decorated the pulpit of Duff's Unit-
ed Church, Walton, for the double
ring wedding ceremony wihddh Unit-
ed In marriage Shirley Eileen, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Bennett, Walton, and Bruce .7. E.
Walters, son of Mr. and Mrs, 211-
liott F. Walters, of McICillop, on
Wednesday afternoon tact at 2.30
o'clock. Rev. R. G. Hazlewood per-
formed • the ceremony en the Pres-
ence of about sixty guests. Mrs.
Ross Hamilton sang, "The Lord's
Prayer," before the bride entered
the church, and "Becamue" at the
singing of the register, accompan-
ied by Mrs. H. Brown. Pretty in a
floor -length gown of white nylon
marquisette, the bride entered the
church on the arm of her father,
preceded by her attendants, Miss
Erma Walters, ester of the groom
and Mrs. Ronald R. Bennett. The
bride's dress dead a square neck-
i'ine, shout •sleeves, and she wore
long mittens and a sweetheart
headdress with a lingertlp veil, and
carried American Beauty roses.
Mies Walter Chose blue nylon mar-
quisette Rloorlength with short veil
About 20 acres mixed hay, in field
or cut and baled as you prefer,
Sam Alcoslc, Phone Brussels 36r4
10 Chunks of pigs.
Joe Holmes
Phone 15r5
One No. 2 Cockshutt drop head
hay loader in new condition.
Leslie Lake Phone 50115
- 6 room house, with ail modern
conveniences, goad barn, orchard
and double lot, also excellent cement
Buschlen Phone 77x10
Bray his',pullets. Leghorns, and
Leghorn crosses, dayold, started,
prompt shipment. Heavy to order,
reasonably- quick. Septemsber-Oct-
tober .broilers should be ordered
now. Ask agent Wm. Glen Bray,
C.cnr.nt,unity Betterment .,., I, Mdohel
• L, D. Thompson
United 'Nations L. E. Canddlf
J. H. Fear
Program Committe ,,,, Ken Ashton
L. Moire/
Roy Cousins
W. Speirs
Membership „ Harvey Johnston
D. A. Rann
S. Meehan
A, Pearson
Greeter Committee S. Baker
A. Wood
Bulletin Editor R, G, McBride
Sports Committee D. A. Rann
P. Holmen
Finance Committee ,,,. R, G, McBride
W. Spate
F, W. Todd
Band Committee ...,... R, J. Bowman
R, R (2nsstins
H. ,7nhnstan
Ken Ashton
International 10 et. dump rake.
Douglas Hemingway Phone 28x4,
W. C. Oke, Seaforth, E. Thompson,
Brussels. - Pnoperty on edge of
town contalining 'stk acree of land
wltth good bouse.and barn tor quick
sale. I00 acre farm on highway.
Several dwelsling • in towm: -'Also
have dweliings hated to Wtngheln.
We will be pleased to pick tip dead
or crippled farm animals and -pay-
highest prevailing prices. For 1m•
mediate service telephone collect -
Brussels 85-r_12, Listowel 1150•r -I,
or Elmira 584
Gordon "anng (Elmira) Ltd.
Save money try Na Ohuns Liquid
Fertilizer may be meed with dry fer-
tilizer, or replace it. Any drill
will do, Try a test field -
75c to 81.00 per acre.
'Recommended - Free Samples to
reliable farmers. Free information
and folders. Apply tel
J. C. Lamont, Ethel,
Pim. B.. R. O.
Registered Optoenetrhits
Mrs. H. Viola Homn9it R. 0
crrn1 F., i1 r •.•t A r•
Phone 118 Httrriston, Pint. by Mrs. John MrG111, Mrs. Ta, Nlch-
gay bouquet of rases and Steph-
aihdtus. The best man was Wm.
Henderson .and the ushers were
Ronald R. Bennett .and John Hen-
derson. The groom's gift to the
bride was a cameo necklace and
earrings; to the bridesanalde, com-
pacts to the waitresses, mrans and
saucers and ear rings, and to the
organist. cream and sugar set and
ivory broach.
The reception was held in ane
basemenit of the church when Mrs.
T-lerb 'ilrayss, Mrs. Stewart Hum
parries. Mrs. Tom Henderson and
Miss 'Haben Johnson served. Mrs.
Peter McDonald, Mrs. H. Sellers,
and Mrs. Bent Johnston served in
the kitchen, Mrs. Bennett received
in a large tan dress with white
hat and accersories• to match.
Her flowers were yellow roses,
Wins. Waiters wore a mauve sheer
tresis with mauve hat and her
flowers were yellow roses. Follow-
ing the reception the happy couple
left on a. trip to Niagara Falls, the
bride t'navelling in a navy blue shit
sinsUar to .that of the groom, With
pink accessories. On their 'return
they will live in SeaSontlt. '
The • Belgrave Women's Institute
had n uenubens of the Wihitechurch W.
1. branch as guests for the regular'
meeting. in the t3omaulusuity Centre,
oonvened by Mrs, J. C. Procter and
Mrs, L. Bolt. Mrs. Albert Coultas
told the story at the blue willow
pattern !on china; Mas. Garner
Nicholson !raid a poem; and Mars.
.7. C. Procter gave a paper, pre-
pamed by Mrs. Melba rd ?rooter, 011
ire new ,development .and use of
chemn rg y,
The W'httitechnreb women eontrt-
hu•ted to numbers to the program.
Mrs. Fanniier played e medley of
old-tla,uhtoned airs with variations:
and Mrs. T., Grain reritrd two 11111311.
bent. Mb e roll Ball. answered by
naming, "your favour+its hobby." re-
vealed that most or the women con-
sidered :themselves too busy at their
everyday work to have anv other
"ihohhv." Mrs, Grain expressed the
a.pprcriatimi of the visitors. A show-
er of cants and sastcers for the C'•om-
mmnity rent a• saw 19 chhnten..
Retrewhntents wort, �ino Srrved by the
hostess, Mrs. ,T, (.. Procter, assisted
to YearTQutghest
Plowing Requirele'te
1 -
r � t •
For a plow with
plenty of brute
strength - .. high
lift for easy turning
and transporting...
the extra clear.
once necessary for
deep plowing it
trashy condessoasr
you'll final aobs
Dare Thea-Frrrr4
Its many I.Stutm`
teaks it a rwl teo.f
in two-, throe-; sod
four -bottoms plow
value. See us for
NI details ...goon.
Phone 58 BrusseIs, Ont.
olson, Mrs. L. Bolt, Mss. H. Wheel-
er, Mrs. S.Procter, Mrs. Rae Craw-
rawford, Mrs. S. Cook, and Mrs, Ab.
Mrs. Roes Anderson and Mise
Amy Smith were Joint hostesses at
tare tatter's ,home for a shower In
honor of Miss Elaine Walsh and Miss
Patsy Anderson, whose weddings, are
to take place June 30. About 22
guests were present and took part
in contests and games. Mas, Ross
Anderson addressed the brides-to-be.
and Miss Smith presented each with
a bride's book Which caused mu*
m errin7 ant. A miscellaneous el'towur
of gifts was presented by Ivy Camp-
bell, Irene Smith, Donna Anderson,
and Marlene MacKenzie. Retreads -
merits were served by the hosteeeee.
1938 Ford Coupe
19.24 Terraplane 'Coach
1933 Ford V-8 Coach
MoNell's Garage Phone 77e$
C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C.
Mime So Phase 4. Brow* Ont.
Graduate University of Toronto
Telephone 45 - Brunets, Oat.
JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist
Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted,
Phone 791 Seafor.•.r - Main Street.
HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a -m. to 9 p.m
Harvey W. Stephenson
Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co.
Canada Health and Accident Co.
Casualty General Insurance Co.
Phone 43x Brussels
G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist.
Patrick St,, WINGHAM
At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday.
Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Kincardine 21.
Evenings by ,appointment
J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist,
Specializing in Eye Examination and hire Fitting of Glasses
Office in Listowel Clinic B Mum
Hours: 9:00 a -m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday p.na
Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to 11t3S.
Other evenings by appointment Phone 534.
Walker Funeral Home
Day or Night Calla Phone 45
No entre charge for Use of Emend Hams.
R. G. Walker Licensed Fara) Director & lEinbahner.
Asan for Hartford Who& braraMe
Halle i F . haarwMa Co.
Orr lichee Atte Resaimille
Par frebir p reledr. - Plass Illwonair 4114-10.
. t ►s., T., Davidsost
!hr Olds. tit Wee Ile itirasitt� Oat..
T). A. Rana 8c Co.
U. sed Famrel Director sod inbab vat
PHONE 30 or eS - -- 1110)31111 E. ONT.
Dennis Duquette
Phone 51-r.1$ R. R. 4 Ihoradt
Licenced Auctioneer for Huron Comty
No Sale too Big - None too &nail
Have employed an experienced assistant for the Big Ones.
R. C t-Iethelrin.91;f7n, K. C.
Tuesday and 9tttnrdev all clay - M19d open every sky.
Phone 20x ^-- Sneceaeor 1 a E. b. bell
Lewis Rowland
(Licensed For baron Co+mtvl
Par Eopngemente Phone 31 "T8te Brussels Peet" anvil dilly
Par iaWarnaden est., write or Atoll Lew. Rowland
win be looked after irnnredi:.te1;
Or write to R. R. 3 Waltehe.