HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-6-13, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST RUNI!!IING WATER at the turn of iyt t tt: p Better living today can be had with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM , .. enjoy all the comforts of a modern home in the kitchen ... bathroom .. laundry, Running water means precious hours saved and needed hands released for other household tasks. No matter where you live you can have the many advantages of run- ning water on the farm . and nothing can do More to provide more mo tern and healthier living for your family. EC51C Install the BEST.. . Install a DURO. There is a DURO shallow or deep well pump for all your farm needs , , , house — barns — stables — truck gardens ... and besides it provides you with FIRE PROTECTION for all your buildings. EMCO FIXTURES and FITTINGS You can easily re- model your kitchen, bathroom and laundry with EMCO Fixtures and Fittings , , pro- tect the health of your solnil1'. See Us TODAY nrmat, Wk" For Sale by — C. & J. Krauter Co. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED LONDON - HAMILTON - ST. CATHARINES - TORONTO - SUDBURY WINNIPEG - VANCOUVER x ^..�•�.�n to ,x• , x..� d .ra y '"#m"?'.,.<;�.: ..S V'4'Y •sv r . ..-e WILLIAM H. CURRIS s'sed; an auction sale was the xd and Cordon Ludington and high light. The meeting decided to dedicated by Audrey Baillie. A (The Hamilton SPeeLator) have no. garden party this year• duet was sung by Karen and Wilma .\ partner in one of Hamiltons The president, 1tus. Eldred lichol. Meehan. Seerotary Mona Machan long-established optometry business Presided 1.11P monthlynor sting of read the minutes and the roll call es. WithamH, Currie died Sunday. the W.M.S. in the Sunday School n'as anslverod by a eomntamdment, at St. Joseph's Hespi!tal, He Wed room of Knox Presbyterian Church. 1305111050 was eortdtteted by Mrs, TT. at51 Barclay Street. The roll call Was answered by t'e• Ludington who eonunended the peating one of the Beatitudes and children on the good workdone in Mfrs, P. S. Mael;wau read current the miselo11 band. It was decided erects from the Glad Tidings. The the guilt ,the mission band bas offering was liedica#t1d in Prayer worked will be quilted and sold. by Mrs. Elsie Lamont. The press- The meeting closed by singing a incur was assistedin the intrnduc. hymn and prayer by Audrey Bernie. tion to the topic with readings by Mrs. Ms -Murray and Mrs. Harvey Cly A.Nl l 00K Ilnbertsrnt. Mrs. Lloyd Felker had Mr. Harry Green, Guelph, cot)_ "harm of the torte. to 15 -re we are: ducted the regular morning service to where we ought to b^ in India." in Knox Presbyterian Church on dealing especially with the Shansi and MUfields. Mrs. R9ylnOnl El- Sunday. Juno 10. The choir con- 'Intt entitled the work in these tribnited a number, Miss Mina 13a1ce1' singing the solo part. Rev. Mr. Quigley will occupy the pulpit an ' Sunday, June 17, as a candidate for the ,vacancy: On Monday even- ing, June 15, at 3,10, a joint con- gregatinnal meeting of Cranbrook 'and Ethel will be. held in the Pres- byterian March, Ethel, for the purpose of decidit, on 9- call to a Minister, Iv The June meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the home of the press- delft. Mrs. John Schnock, Mrs. Allen Cameron was the leader and Mrs, Cleft Omstead gave the topic. Mrs. 7N1n Schnock read .the wrriptltre reading, and also presided for the hnsiness. The roll can was answer- ed by giving an escnse for not help- ing with missions and God's answet ' from scripture. A sentence prayer will he used in the .Tnly meeting for roll call response, Current events were read by Mrs. M. T+;nsel, Mrs. Allen McTaggart and Miss A. For rost. Hymns 581 and 502 were used and the meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs, Duncan McTaggart visited with her 00515 in Thorold and Tor- endn recently. Week -end visitors with Mr. and 'Wm Allen Cameron were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Al Martin. ell of Detroit. and Mr. Morgan Cameron and Miss Evans, London. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jim lihrtin and children and a pilot, all of Detroit, were in a plane which circled quite low over the village tori dropped a -letter in the garden of Mr, Allen Cameron, Jim Martin is .. grand 0011 of Mr. Allen Cameron. Keep in mind the garden party at Knox Presbyterian Church on Tues- day evening, June 18th. Born 111 Brussels, 0utareo 53 years ago, he served in the Canadian Army. Medical Corps in the First Great W41 l' and t1'a0 a member of the de- tachment that went to Siberia after the Armistice: Mr, Carrie came to Hamilton 30 Years ago and went into partnership with Ws uncle, Franklin Brynns in the first of Bryans-Currie, nptomet rists. Ile 1), longed to the Hamilton Soviet,: of tlptnmetrisds. Ito was faithful member of Mar - Nall Street Presbyterian Ch110011, where 11e served on the hoard of man -mem. nt, rind liter as elder, ML•'. Currie also belonged to Manton Lodge of Perfection: the Scottish nog c"ub: ninth Murray Lodge No. 05O. A. F. and A. M.: and Chednlce f1 --If Chili. Resides his wife, the former 'Edna .Tacks -n. h^ leaves a 0011, Warren Robert Currie, at home: and a broth- er, Russell. in Brussels. ,Service was held in the chapel at teat ford and Wray's. Tuesday aft, rneon. June 9011 at 3.10 o'clock. Interment !n Woodland Cemetery, FOR SAI 7 - Shoe Sore and Repair Shop in good village. Store: is Red Brick; Red brick 0 rooneed. house adjoining, also 3 room Apartment above store. Stock is $1,500.00. Stock and repair shop and buildings all for quick sale priced at $4,500.00. 100 acre 1,,ss and wood farm. lots Of 1191.1 5210 new trees APL OUt. Priced to se41 it $2200,00. J. C. Long. ire Estate Broker. Brussels, Ont. "I WANT A MOTHER" BL UEVALE The W.A. and the W,M.S. of Blue. - rate rutted Church held their ,Tune 55(1.1111' at the home of Mrs, Earl ITatnilton of Wingham with an at - :cadence of 12. Miss mamma John- conducted the Women's Auxili- ary meeting. Mrs. Henry wheeler r, -art the scriplut'e. Reports were given by Mrs, George Thomson, 5, cret0ry, and Mrs. Alex McCrackin, treasurer, Plans for the congregat- ion garden party received further clisens'ion• Repairs at the parsonage came under review. Donations were received for a parcel for overseas. Mrs. Earl Hamilton was presented with a gift and an address by Mrs. W. T. Peacnrk and 1Irs. M. L. Ait- k'n. showing appr'eiation Pur for. ••• -•• r.rviess given to the Blnevale re;.. rt Church by herself, her lms- 1,•ln4 toed family. Mrs. Hamilton r, e"ed briefly. Mrs. Sperling ,Telmstnu tnnlc charge of the W.M.S. meeting. Assisting were Mrs. James of ind'a, where the field Is large and the laborers are few. Miss Helen Mt -Donald calatiP' nn be wore among Christian gilds. T eslie offered a Prayer for India, Mors. W. Cl, Mundell spoke of Ilse British (lniana field where Miss 1,1"a Ander'-;.11 is c•.,,,1•,.,,... eda- rational and evar;:4to'le wnrlc nrtn, fl'tnnelgnaph pictures w'it11 great success in teaching Bible stories. Mrs. Darns Moffatt led in nos"r•r for ler eonthrned success. 'St's. Felker. delegate to the an. "nal PT•ecdlvtel'al held recently at tr,eotl"(ter, gave a splendid renor't.. Mrs. Ntehol rernrterl on the work of r:,hn roc, secretary, and Miss Ent - In Europe are thousandsof Telrnston. treasurer. The roll orphans seeking homes. looking ,,,,11 was answered by a Bible verse hopefully to childless patent in the r'•ntaining the lrord hope, Knitted 'Culled States for fulfillment of their dreams. 'Volild yon Eke to brighten 411 i e .ant for a girl in 911 T'+dian school were brought. The some nnfortnnate child's life? To ; lsfie of hale of used clothing scut learn how, read. "1 Want a Mather" I in this Strndav's (June 171 tesna of ' to 'Koren was reported at $275 The 71'41 ip service was Worship and The American Weekly. exshisively 011. with The Detroit Sunday Thies. I '1Mrs. Robert McLennan read -y. E 'Irr Moro Esse: ;yea! N wTh Ev Due to yeas of cultivation and growing of trope the soil becotate depleted of many accessary minerals, etc., coneequently many grains do not contain adequate nutritive value. This is one reason for the need of ao�nIIpplementary feeds to take a pro- perly balanced radon for deity cove. You can't gat milk without feed. fl. more a caw will eat the more milk you wiH-got. But the fend menu be properly. balanced and contain the necessary emanate of 'Ranine end minerals es well ma proteins and ar- bohydratea. Ta make morn money, keep only wall bred cows and Icedthetato the limit with Ebtehford'a Dairy Meal which is very palatable, soutane abundant quanthlee of all the esema- elai vitomias, minerals rad it the moat 0000ennical feed you as For ,Sale b Ethel Phone 22-r- l U the seriptnre. A plivette entitled, a Work Camp in Italy, was intro• dueed by Mrs. Edward .Johnston. Others taking hart were Miss Ent - ms .Tnimst.on, Mrs. Ed. Barnard, Viers. Milton Fraser and Mr's. M L. Aitlrldn. Refreshments and s snelal Time were enjoyed. The pct-sident. :firs, towns Moffatt presided for the' second quarterly mending of the Ladies' Aid and after sing'ng, "Worlt for the Night is Coming." offered prayer. Mrs. Harry Elliott gave the secretary's rhpnrt and Mrs. Arnold Lillow presented the finanei.al siatsnnent, Mrs. Bern - ,rd Thomas in reporting for the 1Tormis grniln stated that 10 mem- bers held two meetin^_•s and raised sn 7.=10. Mrs, Wm. E15tnn and Mrs. Rn.- ceders were the hostesses. Mrs. 11". G. Mundell outlined the activities of the Trin'fr e;r0un. with 10 menn- t•,nrs +we meetings and Mrs. Burns memo and tis. Archie MPsaei', 1+,,.•,inuens. .A troll of 541.30 has been tits 4111silinl'y snner4artPa Thr 111.1 . ing closed with singing a prayer hymn. Personals: Miss 1d c..a Baxter of C'ooven Cross Fivemiletown, Ty- roue. yroue. Ireland, arrived in Canada in May and is visiting her cousins, Misses Mary and Ttubena Duff and Mom. L. 114. Aitken. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nichol and daughter, Miss Dorothy Nichol, of the teaching staff at McGill University. Mont- real, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs, Eldred Nichil, Large congregations were present ±'„r the anniversary services at Knox Presbyterian Church 011 Sunday. Rev. Glenn Campbell, minister of First Presbyterian Church, Sea - forth, was the guest speaker, At the morning service he used "W1'411 0114 Prayer'., as the theme lots sermon. To the evening his snhject was "The King Who Was Concerned with Himself.” Special "h'osie was contributed by the choir +,rder the direction of Mas, 0, B. 1Toffeit, E. W. West and Tinea 1T—Sween. T,nc'know. assisted the ,'.+oir and sang' two cheats and solos. P r ..Bays' Mr. and Mrs. Joan 11:11. Pea forth, bTr. and Mls. (1115. ford Bell and two daaigthers, St, 1Tci'ys, Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Rnlnh and son Barry. M.ileba9l, with Mfrs. Ed'tb Curtis and Mrs. K;'•ton: Mrs. Mishnw, son Barry. ,"'1 rlaugirt,r. Mrs, R. Harriev, Ter. onto, with hit'. and Mrs. Roy Tur- •ev: Miss Shirley Aloso. 'Toronto, with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Warmer Nene: Mrs. Nelson Cardiff. Brussels with her sister, Mrs. Mac• Fn•an and Mrs, Lament. "A:1T.T,4''lr?:a t•s;,44•1 The I1I':n•t and Hand Mission Build of Monerieff 'United Church 1,1,1,1 11 regular meeting in the base- ment of the Atwell on Sunday. Pres - dent Audrey Tlatilie conducted the sleeting which opened with a hymn and all ropeated the members' pur- pose. The Scripture reading was given by Alvin Ludington and prayer was offtcrecl by Allen McNaught, Ross Patterson thea gave a reading entitled, The Thr+.e Wells, The offering was received by .Tim Rich- raREY! '1'h,. Woolen's Missionary Society and Women's Association of the 1-ninn United Church held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. James llretllner, an Thursday, June 7th. Tire W. M. S, meeting opened with hyttnls 37 and 22, Roll call was 511- sn'pred n''ikh the name of their favourite flower. ' Scriptures were read IV 3Trs, Robert Bremner, Mrs. t'll n Rathwcll and Mrs, Berman ' Net el, MTrs, Jack Cox gave a :'line on "The Elye Camp. It was 1 eiried to invite the Cranbrook lnxitiaries to the July meeting, The W. A. meeting was in charge •'f the Pres'dont, M•ers, Mac McIntosh, reether plans were dismissed for • '• garden pasty which is to be on Thursday, Jane 14th. The IP :1. decided to buy 40 new hymn- -lis for tate eliorch. Meeting closed with iii benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess. a.goftrsl!aFQ bir, Edward Bell of Vancouver, 11, C,. an old time' resident of the ?bird line of Morris has been visit• iia_ in the district fu0 the pawt three I. NEW TRUCKS Chet). 34 ton pick up Chevrolet Sedan Delivery USED CARS 1.1950 Ford Coach, 6000 miles 1-1950 Ford Sedan, low mileage 1-1950 Chev. Coach, 6000 miles 1-1950 Dodge Special Deluxe Coach, 9000 miles 1-1950 Pontiac Sedan, low mileage 1-1949 Pontiac Deluxe Coach 1-1947 Willys Station Wagon 1-1947 Chay. Coach, with new motor 1-1946 Monarch Sedan, radio, sun visor 1-1941 Dodge Sedan USED TRUCKS 1950 Chev. ' = ton pick-up with Deluxe Cab 1946 Chev. Y, ton pick-up. 1945 2'' thn Chev,, long wheel base versa Phone 56 erraticam iot rs Brussels, Ont. weeks, where Ile has many cousins and a sister and brother. He is re- lurn'n'g to the coast this week, we understand that Mrs. Wil. Sellers a cousin is mortaring to Vancouver with him, for an extended visit, ILII where she has a brother and num- erous friends. A joint School Area and Feder- allou of Agriculture Picnic will be held at Rodman. 4th line of Morris, et) Saturday. June 23rd. at 2.30 p, m. There will be races, games, refresh- ment booth and fun for all. Tiring a Mimic Mitch, 'Everyone is welcome NICHOLSON - BRECKENRIDGE A pretty wedding was solemnized at irhe United Church parsonage, Bluevale, on Saturday, June 2041, at 2 o'clock, when Rev. R, A. Brook, united in marriage Roma Leona, second daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Lee Breckenridge, 1st line of Morris, to Mr. Gordon Nicholson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nicholson, 6511 line of Morris. The bride wore a street -length dress of Sky blue crepe with white trimming and a corsage of Dawn roses and 1111es of the valley, Mies Wilda Breckenridge was her sis- ter's bridesmaid, dressed in a midland blue linen street -length dress. with white accessories ,and a white corsage, NIr, Bert Elliott, brother -an -law of the bridegroom, was best man. Following the ceremony, a recept- ion for about 50 guests was held at the home of the bride's parents, Annalee Farm. Guests were received hY the bride's mother, wearing a dress of nairy blue with apricot, assisted by the bridegroom's mother weaning gray with a coral -colored corsage. For a trip to Niagara Fairs, the bride wore a skipper blue gabardine snit, with white nrr(ssorire and a wine shortie coat. On their 10(11011 they will reside nn the aft line of Morris. Guests were present from Calor 11,14 4-, 1'.'vtt 11. 11rnesrl s. win glare ,•nrl Wroxeter, FREDERICK. P. HOMUTH Phm. B., IL O. Carol E. Honsuth R. O. Mrs. H. Viola Hornnutth R. 0. Registered Optometrist" Phone 118 Harriston, Ont Ids Its Take the John Deere Model "M" through its paces and you'll agree— it's tops in its power class. Touch-o-matic hydraulic con- trol, the wide selection ofQuik-Tatch working equipment, unsurpassed operator comfort, wide adaptability with speeds from 1-5/8 to 11 M.P.H., and unexcelled ease of servicing are just a few of its outstanding features. See us for full details, J. PERkIE .?hone 58 Brussels, Ont. Cs@@ d es Wads By Roe Farms Service Dept. WHAT ON EARTH IS ALLTHE TUGGING AND HAULING FOR,� ../A FRANK . �y j� j/ ' ;,:, r •"=' THESE PELLETS SAVE YOU TIME,WORK, MONEY WELL, YOU DONT NEED 10 GRIND OR MIX YOUR GRAIN. ALL DO FOR FAST,STURDYGROWTH IS FEED YOUR GRAIN WHOLE AND BALANCE IT WITH ROE RANGE CONCENTRATE PELLETS, PELLETSOBIRDS 2 BAR WEEKS GRAOLD EDD I PART Y ism' INCREASING GRAIN UNTIL I PARTMONEY,'a ARO USED FOR BARDS GRAIN 44r, 1 MONTHS OLD. BUT REMEMBER i .o WHEN I SAY 2 PARTS I MEAN ;`'^` ?• r, T NOT MEA --� BY WEIGH SURE 11:. t 1 „. ��g CONCENT RANGE :t:`i� PELLETS aVE TIME, � 1"''J� la,m4, �1�± C LABOR, X1115 bg: GANG � uipmE �T con .P R IS AND "'AST E . ' ' .\ /IClG �®C� Q1VC°rENrarea Pala Fl� • N HERE, I'LL GIVE YOU A NEW WRINKLE,SEE THESE.THEY'RE ROE RANGE CONCENTRATE AND EQUIPMENT. FOR INSTANCE, WITH ROE. a RANGE PELLETS YOU DONT NEED HOPPERS YOU JUST THROW THE FEED ON TWE 1 ii .rte4' AW TOO BIG A CHORE. EVERY TIME IW AUNT S Cl, GRAIN GROUND MIXED IN AV GETTING y/..;.. WELL. �' , I'VE GOT TO PAY FOR IT AS WELL,. r PELLETS. GROUND. N WHAT GOOD WILL THEY DO, DOC? t4 SAY, THAT'S T BAD, / DOC. WHAT ELSE p ;, ,w CAN THEY D0 d rt /� '' tv r=te of YON t> ` r e yr '-4.-4i.",., r , hC ! coAt ;,1 ' t .i�d —�-- r — / r � e ----''M sli • 0 .•x air .W_ t ,� �h he . lt«th 1:" tiYr ', > t t °,' _ ,.� U , 1r' ' ' : M i. f'l A 191s ^ ^ � t , Via„ aevl : , ...:•, iC� `�� Im Gn01414,7576~71/. � _ 1 �-� °�, vl % , �, \�tt,,,n'tl 0; , y A "w"il a - NO • i t �� bhp yet 0li'�' , , ,, t r' ' ls��1 / v •_ ' * 1ryV'' i a ,e,gfr '( -'0ti p � V i t� ��'. I'''''' %.1,4 �'A �%' ?t I �/. p„s, "F' veto East Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON MfINCRIEFF ~� .„,..1'...N .4,V ` -._._- *IV° `"'' '1 1 �.���•