HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-5-23, Page 111 THE BRUSSELS POST 14 1 TR EPLE mriry INSURANCE A new policy providing accidental death and dismemberment benefit) to protect your loved ones. Your beneficiaries will receive: ions° Face Value of the Policy if you die from a natural cause. Double the Face Value of the policy if you die by accident. Triple the Face Value of the policy if you die by accident while riding as a pas,. senger in certain public conveyances or while in a burning public building. You yourself gee liberal dismemberment benefttsproviding cash for loss of parte of your body. Ask for our pamphlet "lligh Public Acoeptanoo" giving particulars of these benefits. It will Interest you. 8elbrre u, yCoimssu/ea•pa a t a o o r r; c e a r+ ei;lietife^k li..u,`; i wine -bite f It ^.y4t,t J. C. LONG Representative Brussels SOMETHING THAT EVERYONE CAN DO This is a vey active, interesting kind of world. Most of us have so many things to do, and a great many more thing's 4hat we are plan- ning to do when we have the time and opportunity, Our very activity keeps us so busy llrat we tend to overlook the fast that there are a great many people who are strut out from the normal type of ]die by being shut in. Tn remind urs of these folk, and to urge us to ds aotnebeing for them, the first Sunday of June is set aside annually as St1•ut-fn's Day. Who ere the Shutins? 'There is little need to ask, for every com- munity has them: folk who are shut in through age, disability and various types of illness. Not only are ah ey snn fine: t the ly,s sr. hospitals cm other insultntlona. but many cannot even leave their beds. ••11 ee, eoiii s1,.e.d to lead a t' striatal 1i.fe, and r:onle td them renally arlueft- . tlir1 only tube kms• news of Bemis and the &needle. et!nn of visitor's enable them to remain normal in theta' thinking and Matinee to life. On the ether hand there ere sante who hale won sneh a spiritual victory over the ailing basins that hurry are 11 source of Incpir'n,tion to all who visit there. The mother of one of Pritain's atntesme,ii spent nearly half a ern_ tory sat bed, nmol to her bedside came the elite of the land to he inspired by her erverage. oplinnistn and ttn- eel f lsltness. P1•ue to inner Sulu).ay. Jung. erd. 1,;, dee in which you shote at !•,.o .qct in — a crwilecin and 1 elk u 11sri veteran — that you care. ;lid be through flowers, a gift 1 it letter: or a personal visit in :rte:, y,r; tear,, behind some little or yin's ;.honght.frilness. But 11 don't forget them until ' ices: Day rnmes again next 1, remind you once more, In HIS name who said, "I was moi ye visited pie," let us neer.."et 1m:Asing Jane 3rd a calve, rtefetgetable clay fni the Shut-in -el for ourselves, "'1T10N FARMERS — br-. pleased to pick up dead d fnrm animals and pay -ei'a)itng prices. For DTI. -vice telephone collect — " -';r 68-r-12 Listowel 660-r-2, Elmira 664 -ming (Elmira) Ltd. DISTINGIIISHED FLYING CROSS For. "an act or acts of valour, courage, or devotion to duty performed whilst flying in active operations against the enemy„ .. . During the Second World War, the Distinguished Flying Cross was awarded to 4,028 members of the Royal Canadian Air Force. ... exceptional fearlessness in the face of the enemy" .. . "outstanding courage and determination" . 4,028 citations --each one a tribute to service in the defence of freedom., by leen of the R.C.A.F. Today, in Canada's rapidly expan- ding Air Force, more young men are needed to train as Air Crew Officers—Navigation Officers, Radio Officers and Pilots. To be eligible, you must be be- tween 18 and 24—be a Canadian citizen or other British subject-- be physically fit—and have Junior Matriculation or better. Consult the Career Counsellor at your nearest R.C.A.F. Recruiting Unit oreMAit. THIS COUPON ce Pions mail mo, without detention, full particulars re. gargling appoint- ment requirements and oponiegs now available in tho TRAINING COMMAND, TRENTON, ONTARIO NAME (PLEASE PRINT) STREET ADDRESS .,,"n .,,.. CITY PROVINCE EDUCATION... , , •... ,,,,,,,,,,,, R.C.A•F. (BY GRADE AND PROVING*) AGE Car 42 Ws • 7 CLfit,,.:.".F.IE'D AC:. FOR SALE—, 36 pig , 11 wales oitl, also Poeatikee for Acted rI o1' Mable 055. Graham Work Phone 21r16 FOR SALE— 1912 Plymouth 14,110, and in good condiitlon, ITarold 'eager I011,11e 50r14 FOR SALE— Quantity of mixed gt•ata. Mark I lantiltott Phone .46r26 FOR SALE — �^ Yerlcslitrc sows due In May and June. Alan seed Bttskwheat, James Knight Phone 48n26. good tires. FOR SALE — Holstein heifer, slue to ereshen Civet week in June. .Taq. A. Bryan% Phone 12r19, FOR SALE— Three burner, Coleman gasoline Stove priced reasonable, Phone 14x FOR SALE — McC'nrmiclr Deering Hay Loader, Three Ren S,hell-ens, also quantity of sired potatoes, Wm. Blake Phone 42r5. FOR SALE One clank reel Shot+Lhorn Boll ser- wiceabte age, M-nyfiower's Baton No, 324 900. awl A 1(rrsnn Phone 1514, ane RALE — Peeltrike built no 1929 Buick with C\1C Trrele rear end. All In good working. order. earl TT"nlingn'ty Phone 25,'6. LOST — 5','ul1 Meek collie doe, very short, h"h .nett am,swens to the name of "T aa'lls" notify ,Tim 'Williamson, W 11 ••n. Phone 37r15, CAR FOR SALE — 1"'17 Ford Yr -5. low m'ilage T'nrrnil+" al the T'irueeels Post. ane eeee — One Jersey cow, f, year old, doe to freshen. Wm. E. Somers, Blyth, Ont. Phone Brussels 45r7, FOR SALE — Barn — 56' x 56' with granary, lined with matnhcd hardwood lumber, Priced rensonahle, Apply 'to Geo. L. Blake Phone 56r12. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for installing an oil burner in the hot water boiler at the Brus- sels. Morris and Crew Telephone Office, Tenders to he in by ,Tnne 23rd. Lowest or any tender not n.eressa.rily accepted. Apply to W. 5, Renee Sec. FOR SALE — Want summer reins? dray is hatclnug chicks through July -August. For immediate delivery they have medium .and light chicks, mixed, heavy pullets; dayold, started. Get particulars, order soon. Agent Wm, 1 Glen Bray, Ethel, FOR SALE — 0118 dinning room :mit Walnut consletting of 6 chairs, 1 extension table and buffet. One kitchen cabinet, The above articles are in first class condition and have to be seen to be appreciated. Apply over Post Office, Brussels. TENDERS WANTED — To Paint the Ctyslale Palace at the Fair Grounds exterior only, Main wall whips with a trim of green or blue, Please separate tenders for labor and about 29 gallons of tviii'te paint w'Iith first cont to be primer, priced separately, Have tender's in tine hand of the Secretary, Geo. Wesen biu'g, by June Rh., 1951, TENDERS WANTED — Grey Twp, School Area calls for tenders for following painting : S. 5. No, 6 CIassroorn entrance and exterior, S. S. Na 7 Classroom entrance and -exterior, 5, 5. No. 8 C!lasareom entriewe and exterior. S, 5. No, 10 Entrance ,and exterior, Please state coat of interior and exterior sepaeritely. Tenders will be received by trustees or secretary 1111 until Jane 111111. 1951, .T. 0r1 Hemingway. Sec•Treas, FARMERS Savo 14011ey try Nn. Churl Liquid Pertildzer may he used with dry fer- .tIlizer, .or replace it. Any drill will do. Try a test field — 76c to $1,00 per acre. Reeentmended — Free Samples to reliable farmers. Free information and folders. Apply to J. 11. t,am•on t. 111th e1. • I.8Lrtt Kirkby, float u'.u1,1 son of Mr. and Mew Itabrn't Kirkby, was in jnrr5l elle1 hit by a it 1r', e rt it• twits while cwnsln e tin• marl it, front or hi, home i+'+irl:rr'_ Ttr- buv Wan tushed to 9rott J1enu,rin1 Bit Vital a.; Rruforth by les fethar. Rh- ert Kirkby. An Xeety Armed a In', l,a lee, 'Tile Let 1 syt",rrrsl Trois 1 c11, Provinclal orfir: r Hat. mer Snell of Seafclrtit inveetirriinr) the aer'ident. Petra 1'nit' •1 eh nrrlt (1.u•den t',rty will be heel to Thur., .Tune 21. 't 1, Yonitx Ppople s Anniversary Serrkp was hell on Sunday. May 27th. Thr Otter cnnelse et) of tnem- 1,n,', of tite Voting People's Truiom, tinea eraeleti, were Miss Gol•r11ng of SIra,'l'nrd. (vocal) and Maga Mc. Kilo,. else or Stratford (violinist). Rey,. It G. Haview"nrl ernvinoted the service. Spemial ntmhars with the 'e • 11 and violin were enjoyed by Lr eengrrYatinn daring the offering rel hofore and after the service. ree. ,.tiful hnngneta of spring flow- er' Monied the auditorium or purrs T'nitr l church on Sunday for the Mother's Day Service when the following children were presented for bantisnt : Robert 'Edward son of Mr, and- Mrs Wnt. Winos. Neil Steven= snn of Mr. Ansi Mrs. Kenneth McDonald, Sandra Gail daughter of Mr. ana Mrs, Gerald Watenn. T nda Di•n ne daughter of Mr. and Mrs. rt.,Ipli Trnriq. Lorry Douglas snn of :lTr, and Mrs, Kenneth Ilitrhln O'n'ly Wi11)am snn of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bennett, John David son of .lir. and Mrs, David Muir and Sheila .lean danghtcr of Mr. end Mrs. William Fined. RPV. R. (1. ili117 )wood rlelivererl a Mothers Day sermon and Mee. Herb Travis sang an approprt- a,te solo accompanied by Mrs. Fl. Brown, On Sunday evening• -s eta -vice of snrreel m,tcle eons hsbrl 'n Duff'q T'n±asci rhnrrh under the direction or 8rv, q. C. Robinson et T-nnrinn. This wig the second time that Mr. ri'nhrneen had fnvored 111" Walton cru mnn'ifv by nromenting a ernrert ,eft if 'o"n r "wetly erinyed by nil chew" wile ince email mitele. Tender the rih'eetion of the mwnnis;t. Mrs TTn,•v.e.- Brown. the choir sane an anthem. a solo was 511115 by Mrs TT. Travis arrl deet wns enno 11v'j 'trto.ges CnfrIP a nil Fat's Van irleit i'icit+.ne artiste from Lender wpm? Mr. J. Wnllnee, vinlindst who played two nnnnhers whish were greatly "nm'eriated and blaster R. Comber, twelve Years of a^•o wise rlrliehted every:me with his marimba aslant - !"n}. Several numbers were play- ''1 ter 1Ti'' Dena Watt nn the celeste and Mrs. P,rrwn nn the Prean, two ,tf ties" were nnntlsrs that they i h*1 player"! 1t the nrevions eoneert, lwbich wen, "onee!aliv res111estpd a• ^,',1r'. The 5. 5. Orchestra directed ht^ Mem ,Tnh:naten played two se1. retinn o. "Ui Th resell 11)o Night" ' 1,1 "Teereot.ten Teaterdayo," Three rm•nnrt snlee weer nleved fir ,Tree erhnstnn. Lane Hazlewood and Trips 95nrint'ie Watt, Tn bring the nrecrramme fin a rh1CP the organist nlaved two well-.lrnown snnee. "When e'en femme to the Tend of a Perfect Tiny" nand "M'av' tele Gond T,rn'd Bi•Pc, —el Keen roll." Thr Annnel Mrkilier and Daughter Banquet of the C,R.T.T. 'Was held i11 the ehan'eh when twenty-four ninth. nry and dtinrhte.rs were nerved. The tables were nicely deenrnted with spring 'flowers, fancy place cards and candles. After the ureal the renewing t note were given: To the Clench by 111100 Martin — re, sponse Mrs. Patterson. To the Moth• ere lay Leona Johnston — response Mas. W. Trarkwell and to tecee T by Margaret MrArhhmr — response by Helen ,Tnhnaton, A sing -song wee .enjoyed which wns followed by a duet by nine Hnrlrwell and Doris ,Tnhmston., 0,,11(1 s piano solo by Dolls ,Tnlmeton, June Hackwell introdno. ed the apnndc"r of the evening Willi, wa.q Mrs. ling .T. Mekeree of Belgrnve, Site gave a very interesting and inspiring talk basing her remarks on ,she "Peepers," Marilyn Bniger thanked the epralcer. The :Vernet. t. inn Service w,as then condnded. by Mrs. TTazIewood and the members of the C. (l. T. 1'. Mrs, Clarence Marlin, teres'd'mt of Ili" IV8T.C. re itre'stnted tires Brainy end term+„d the gift of money from the girls which will bo sent to the Presbyter las Treasurer. 'Phe evening was bronirht to a rickey by el tglne Taps. NOTICE — Chain Sew and custom work et reasonable price. Apply at the Brncc-els Post. , i ; i 1 :g al 62.1 We have dropped the words "Remodelling Sale” because our yew store front and the addition to the back of ow• store won't be completed until the middle of August. All work done so far has hcen restrict„d to the area behind the store. Now the carpenters are catching up with us, we MUST go' on Hearing merdhandiee to get out of their way. May we say that our stock consists of new, clean. quality merchandise only, for we cater to o discriminating public who want the finest money can buy, The prices quoted below on coats, suits and shorties are In many cases BELOW our own cost. Therefore this sale in not a profitable enterprise, but forced on by circumstances, We invite our many tt stomers and friends from far and near to come in and compare. You may take our word for it, you Just can't do any better wherever quality merchandise Is offered, Our motto: "No compromise with quality.” Of course all sales are CASH And FINAL. Alterations extra at cost. FINAL CLEARANCE OF LONG COATS AND SHORTIES One group of Misses' and Women's fine all wool imported Gabardines, Tr•Icotines and Barrymore Twills, FULL LENGTH COATS, fitted and boxy models, all sizes in the assortment, all seasonable colours, sold this Season at from $55, to 65 Dollars. June Final Clearance price . • ..• .. $39.95 27 ONLY SHORTIE COATS Barrymore Twills, all -wool whipcord. Kashas etc. Misses and some half sizes, navy, red, grey, natural, beige SOLD THIS SEASON at $39.95. June Final Clearance price .. ONE GROUP OF SUITS AND SHORTIES SOLD THIS SEASON at $25, and $29.95, June Final Clearance price $19.95 RAYON GABARDINE SUITS sizes 12 to 20, 161/2 to 241e, all Spring and Summer shades, fully satin line, June Final Clearance price .. •••• .. • • $29.95 ALL-WOOU GABARDINE SUITS sold this season at from $55 to $59.95, mostly misses' sizes, some half sizes Included, June Final Clearance price • , • .. $39.95 THE VERY FINEST SUITS made by "Posluns" "Du -Val" "t_okash" and many other nation- ally advertised brands, Imported English and American materials, Plc'n Pic' Barathea, Forsters Charmaine, worsted Flannels etc. SOLD THIS SEASON at from 959.95 to $75.00. Cleating without reservation at , .. &49.955 $25.00 SQUIRREL CHOKERS finest Russian squirrels. brown or grey, in sets of 4 only, SOLD THIS SEASON at $45 to $49.95. June Final Clearance price BATHING SUITS Famous "Catalina" movie star brand one and two plecers, all shades and sizes reg, $9,95 June Sale price reg. $7.95 June Sale Price reg. $5.95 June Sale price • • .. $39.95 HANDBAG CLEARANCE about 35 bags. all styles for young and old Jug a ("learance prigs frarrl , , • MILLINERY CLEARANCE about 5 doz. felts and straws, Misses and Matrons, mauve, powder, r•ed, navy, natural, pink and white reg. from $4.95 to $12.95 June Final Clearance price , $7.95 $5.95 $4.95 .P, 98 n $2.98 WASHABLE COTTONS and BETTER SUMMER DRESSES tubable Shan Rays and Faille Rays in all sizes $3.95 and $4.95 pastel Featherheads. printed silks, nylons, Bembergs and sheers, Chambrays, all sizes, hundreds to choose from $8.95 up We speb!alize in completely outfitting the bride and her attend- ants at well --known moderate prices. We carry a large assortment of lace trimmed better half size dresses for mother and grandmother In dark and pastel shades. From $14.95 to $29.95 Shop at the Where y zr dc' cur• buys more. Listow•niq leading ladies' wear store. LOOK YOUR BEST THIS SUMMER 1 Joint the multitudes of women who ew,-ay year let The Ameriean Weekly guide them i10 summer beawtll, com- fort and vitality. See this Sunday's (,lane 8) issue of The American' Weekly, EXOLIJSIVDLY with De- troit Sunday Times, for helpful charts, based in features that e,p., roared in the magazine, containing hot weather beauty tips and other counsel. More Essential Now Than Ever bac fo v, aid of n,ltivation nod growing of scope the soil become. depleted of mono accessary ndncrals, ole., consequently many gimes do not contalu odequata nuhihve value, This el one mama for tho need of sugpplomentery feeds to make a per. porly balanced radon for doe' cows. You can't gat milk without feed. Tho mora a Cow will eat the more milk you will get. But the iced mint bo properly balanced and contain the necessnry amount* al vitamins and minerals as well as proteins end car- bobydreten. To teaks .oro money, keep only wall bred cows and feed them to the limit with Btrrtchford's Dairy Meel which le very palntablu, conWne abuadent quantities of all the Wean• tIn1 vitasuMil, minerals and le ebe matt economical feed you oat bay. For Sale • Ethel Produce Phone 22or-10 AIRY eittl- .1,s,saae 7An