HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-5-23, Page 1T v SEL P ST t'°OST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, May 23rd 1951 $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. S. A. lemounemmommaramoreassemaisommageonemoomaseamsEm Why ay More Gilchrists Iced Layer Cakes Asst. Flavours 25 25c c Gilchrists Jelly Fruit Cake 1 Pkg. Free -O -Seed Seeded Raisins • • 29c 1 Large Rinso with a Cake Sunlight Soap, All For 44c For The Early Shopper All Day Fri., May 25 and Saturday Morning Only lb. Tin Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon 42c 3-20 oz. Tins Choice Quality Tom. Juice 29c - RLk GREWAR'S GARDEN PARTY Finder auspices of the W. A. of the Brussels United Church will be held on THURSDAY, JUNE 28th Admission 75c and 40c NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Commencing May 29th, delivery will be only on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning. All orders to be in by 9.30 a. m. W. L. BAEKER & SON Phone 6 Brussels, Ont. East Huron Agricultural Society DANCE In Crystal Palace Ballroom Brussels on Wednesday, June 6th MI* by Desjardine's Orchestra, Zurich Dancing 9 p. m. to I a. m. Spot and Lucky Door Prize—Refreshments Admission - $1.00 per couple Everybody Welcome. BRUSSELS LEGION MEMBERS ATTEND DISTRICT "C" CONVENTION Legionnaires of the Drussele Branch _1' of the Canadian Legion: I.. workman, K. Coleman, I), Flest- ipgs, E. Young asci R. Shaw attend- ed the District "C' Canadian Legion annual convention held at Stratford, on Sunday. NOTICE — I. Wm. J. 11oy, Grey Twp., will not be responsible for any debts, incurred by my wife, Margaret, Hoy, alter this date, 'Tay 15, 1953. William ,Tohn Hoy. BOX PLANTS AND VEGETABLES — Will atiive at Orewar's Groceteria this week. Get yours early while the selection is good. We will have everything in. Plants and Vegetables, if you have a Special one you want Order It Now not later. Grewar's. ANNOUNCEMENT — I expect to be going West about the 4th of lune.. The shop will be closed during the first two weeks, bit atter that an experienced operator will he at the shop until T return. Lois Dodds. Melville W: M. 5. Melville Church Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society was represented at the 37th Annual Meeting of Maitland Presbyterial held in Teeswater May 15th, by Mrs. W. Smith. Mrs. J. Work, Mrs. G. McDowell, Mrs. H. Cardiff. Mars. 0, Hemingway, Miss K. Menzies, Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. J. C. Baeker, Mrs. W. Fulton. Airs. W. Little, Mrs. G. Evans, Mrs. H. Speir, Mrs. J. Ycd11, Airs. C. Davis, Mrs. J. Armstrong, Mrs. W..Speir: Miss G. Stewart. Mrs. Janet McFadzean ELKHORN, Man. — Mrs. Janet McFadzean, 3G, died on Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elva Raymer Killarney. Born et Walton, Ont. Mrs. McFadzean and her husband lived there until 1905 when they settled at Lauder, later moving to Fleming, Sask. The couple later moved to Elkhorn where they lived until Mr. Mo- Fadzean•s death in 1932. Surviving ere two daughters. Mrs. Ramer and Mrs. Madalene McLelland, HYDRO TRUCKS TAKE OVER THE TOWN Approximately 10 hydro trucks ar- arrived in town to commence the three-day change -over of power from 25 to GO cycle Power. It is quite a sight to see the trucks land in all we suppose, with designated orders nn just what to do. It must take some planning and work for a crew of strange men to come in to a town and delve into the pantries and cellars of various dwellings and industrial pants to do their work. The work will continue to Wed. ',Melville Church Service lin Sunday Mr. `.'`-m, Fulton began , a shot series of addresses on the Sacrament oP the Lord's Supper. He spoke on the significance of the word "Sacrament" and pointed out the advantages of the use of symbols in presenting truth. At the evening service Mr. Fulton look as his text the first command- ment. Tie said the commandments were not out of date. Their ob- servance was essential to the pre_ servation of social and community life, This first commandment, given to Tareal, at the beginning of her existence as a nation was as hinding nestlay of this week, on nations and individuals today as it was then. HONORED BY THE. ASSOCIATION OF CANADIAN ADVERTISERS TORONTO, ONT„ — Special re- cognition of his services was ac- corded a former weekly newspaper publisher, Athol McQuarrie, General 1 Manager of the Association of Can- 1 adian Advertisers, at the 36th Anneal Dinner of the Association. Tn appreciation of ten years loyal service 50 the Association, Mr. MrQuarrie was the recipient from ACA Directors of a handsome But - ova Academy Award 21 -jewel wrist watch. PAYS LAST VISIT District Deputy Mabel Nickerson, of Clinton, paid the Iasi visit of nor official terns to Morning Star Re- ,elcah Lodge, when members of her -tome Lodge, Huronic Lodge, ac- companied her. She conducted an installation Serriee for JesAde Little as noble grand end Gh:ristena Ma Dowell as vice -grand for a term ending In October. A gift was pre- sented to Mrs. Nickerson by Past - Grand Mas. ,Tas. S. Armstrong. The 70 guests played bingo. Mrs. Wm. "As everyone knows." President Trenholn stated when making the pros entah9nny, "we members who King played two pisno instrumentals and ATi's. G. McDowell entertained with a reading. take on part -Mime. jobs on the ACA's DISTRICT MEETING I. O. O. F. behalf are a passing procession HELD IN WINGHAM whose responsibilities are temporary The annual meeting of District No. and transient Atho1's.are perman• 0 1. O. (1.) b, was held last Wed- ent, miredenting. heavy. Tf ever a nesday in Maitland Lodge room. DPl- single individual not only personi- j egates were present from Wroxeter, lied but was the heart and honesBlyrh, Brussels, Teeswa#ssr and 'end sinew of an nrp ntzatinn such Winghatn. as Ibis, he is• that individual. The officers elected for incom- "He. in a 1,ei9 real sense, single- r ing term are, D.D.G.M.. Harold hancledly. has made it what it has Jacklin of Brussels: Dist. Warden, been a.nd is the sturdiest guarantee I Carman Thompson. Teeswater; Dist, and guarantor of its future. When I sec—Treas., W. H. Haney, Wing - the Amen^lean Trade Executives -4s- ham, soelutton gave the ACA its last P. G. Walter Williamson. Brussels, year's Award as 1950's best trade presented :the retiring D.D.G.M., E. S. association of its size on the con- Lewis, with a P.D.D.G.M„ jewel finent with :particular applause for and complimented him on his work the expansion of our programme during his term of his office. during the pest decade, it was un- mdnstakably a tribute to Athol's personal achievements since he , took over In. 1941. "This Is the first public opportun- ity thehave to add to that award a personal remembrance for him. And I am pleased that the last directive to me as Presdd,ent from the ACA_ Directors was to present to him this enduring symbol of appreciation. Tt's a 21 -jewel Bulova Academy ,Vancouver, 13 grandclh:idren, a i Award watch that he will find as TENDERS WANTED — i Tenders for the continua of Clean- ing and repairing the I4eily Drain in Morris Township according to engineers report will be received by the undersigned up until Mon- day, June 4bh at 2 p. m. Ago Melville Church Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Snuey School and Bible Class 11 a. in, Morning Worship 7 p. m, Eventing Worship United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship — 11 o'clock Church School — 13 o'clock Divine Worship — 7 o'clock "Let us with a glorious mind Peadae the Lord; for His le Kind." This is an open drain. Plans, profile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. A certified cheque for 10% of the contract price, must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not nee- cessadrly ae'eertted. Geo. Martin, Olenk. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Karr -- Rooter. Whitsunday May 18th, 1951 et. John's Church, eruaeie-- 11 a.m. Morning Prayer Sunday School 7,80 p. m. Thursday Confirmation Claes. Bt. David's Church, Honfryn— 2,80 p.m. Evening move It. •ooroe's Church; Walton (7.80 p.w.,,Eveniing Prather C2:,:�!• OI )Torta' t PEOPLE WE KNOW • • • sister. Mns. F. C1emm of Shoshone. on s lis hiwrist he hes been faithful PLANS ARE COMPLETED FOR BELGRAVE FESTIVAL Plans are completed for the Bel - grave Musical Festival Session which will be held in the Forreste's Hall, Tuesday morning and after- noon of this week. The grand con - concert will he held in Blyth Mem- orial on Wednesday evening. Gar- field L, Bender. Kitchener will be the adjudcator, C. R. Coulter is chairman of the festival committee, and Mrs. Laurence Vsnnan is sec - Idaho. TWO sons, Harvey and to AICA" rotary, Clarence predeceased her. Manama service was held in Elkhorn Uni- ted Church, Tuesday with S. Hes- Hp, Killarney, officiating, assisted by Rev. J. L Fargey of Elkhorn. Burial teats do the local cemetery. i' TT. Morrison. Killarney, wars to Ichange, — Winnipeg, Free Press. LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Mms, Wm, Turnbull, 8th of Grey, who has been in Clinton hospital bas 1 returned home feeling mttolt im- proved in health. * * • Mr, and Mrs, McCurdy Lowry with sons Jon and Don were week -end guests of her mobher 111115, W. Speinan. * * • Miss Dianne Scrtmger,ar won first class hon,ons, in the year old soloists class at the Tillsonlburg Public School Mmistc Festival. Dianne Ha Ole grand daughter of Mr. and Mr's, Win Rawson of Town. • * * Mr, Wand Bncluafean and Jimmie Wendell of Detroit were weex-end visitors in hewn, Miss Pilo, Buchan. an tietnrnefd to Detroit with them]. • A * Mrs. Harry Bamtllff and d:aaugltter Mrs, A, Crosier of Clinton left Tues. day of this week for a visit to the W est ineiudtng Regina where her e ster Mrs, Allis Tleveridl a liven, they expect 4;0 spend the roomer visiting friends, Wed. Thurs. May 23=24 Jane Wyman, Van Johson in "THREE GUYS NAMED MIKE" SPECIAL NOTE there will be a MATINEE Thursday, May 24th at 2.30 p. m. William Bendix, iUna Merkel in "KILL THE UMPIRE" Sat. Mat. 2:00 — Eve. 7.30 pan. Mr, Me,,Quarnie referred to In the above despatch is a lormer Brussels resident. As a young man he was a printer's apprentice in the office of The PAIL Bake Sale, Candy and Tea Under auspices of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge will be held on. • SATURDAY, MAY 26th in the Brussels Library at 2.30 p. m. A Play "Grandpa's Twin Sisters" from Wroxeter In Ethel Township Hall on Tuesday, May 29th at 8.30 p. m. Under auspices of United Church W. M. Sy Adults 40c School Children 25c Everybody Welcome H w About A Date With Us Friday vening, May 25th -- We'll meet You at the Town Hall at 8.30 P. M. TO SEE — TECHNICOLOR SHOTS OF FLORIDA. TO HEAR — TOP-NOTCH MUSICAL TALENT (Prize Win- ners at Goderich Musical Festival) A SALUTE FROM CHURCH ORCHESTRA. TO TALK( comedy skit ass A RECITATION Children 20c Circle) AND YOUR UNITED — "GIRLS ENJOY Adults 35e MUST FAVOURITE a (The Friendship Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band Concert In Brussels Town Hall on Wednesday, May 30th, at 8.30 P, M. Novelty Numbers, Solo by Graeme McDonald Admission : Children 25c Adults 50c The Novelty numbers are worth the Price of Admission. THE ROBERT TAYLOR - BARBARA STANWYCK STORY Far nearly 12 years Robert Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck were so happily married that their recent divorce startled even favorite i Detroit Sunday friends. What, shattered their bliMt Read Adele Rogers St. Johns Dar hind -the -scene story of emu romantic conflict in this Sundeets (May 27) issue of The Amer` `§,0 Weekly, EXCLUSIVELY with Th* Times. United Church W. A. The monthly meeting of the W.A. of the United Church met on Tates- t dry evening, May 15th at the home of Miss Addle Cardiff. The press - The Voice Of Temperance dent Mns. Roy Onusinls was in the i chair. The opentn,g hymn, "Blest Now it Is out. 'Gee nave oftentj Be The Tie That. Binds" was sang. gowondered why the present men toal The ,Scripture lesson 23rd Psalm its liquoriqit :added an ,amendment it to was repeated in unison led by Mrs. Cts abllicense act making it Ce in -I A B Cousins followed by prayer Actapp counteies. i. Geemia, likTee uncalled offered by Mrs. A. Brown. Hymn Act counties. It seemed Idke ttnoaaisd 6'02 was then sung.. for and unfair discrimination. Now The schen sung.. report was read Premier Frost inadvertently con- I and amprovet ams! a "Thank You", Eased that it was feared that other : and was Velafis° read. renal counties would follow the ex I Mils, Lane gave the report for the Good Cheer committee. The treasurer's report was then reach and alpproc ni, WAS withdrawn. That is surely a The huislaress. was taken tin, led bhoroarghly imigttlttouis use of power, I by Mrs. R. Cousins, and it was de —Advt, sided to have a garden, party to be held June 2851. The charge to be 75c for adults and Vic -liar obbb3ren. The program committee consists of Mrs. J. Rryans, Mals. D. A. Rano, and Mr, Lane. The ,Tune meeting will be in charge of flue '1D s,® The meeting ciased with Hymn 504 followed by the Mlzpnh benediction. A social hour was then enjoyed. A reading by Miss Jesse Strachan and a bird mutant. condmgted by Moa, S, Wheeier. A Delicious bunch Wale Ili served b "'—'— the coiomitee in ,charge. A vote of thanks was given the hostess. and 'blue� the evening a success. ��the committee who helped to make Richardo Montalban, Sally Forrest in "MYSTERY STREET" Technicolor TUESDAY FOTO-NITS OFFER $100.00 Monday Attendanre Card Night. Wed. Thur. May 30-31 Clifton Webb, Joan Pennett Robert Cummings, Edmund Gwenn in "FOR�HeEAAVVE�N''SS SAKE" ample of Huron, Perth and Peal and so a handicarp was placed on these 3 Canada Temp:enanoe Aot. counties, the protection tion of the liquor license act CRANBROOK Mrs. Wm. Cameron is at present confined to her home. Moe..1. D. Hlnchley, Sento-nth, is visiting with her nice, Mrs. Mao Engel. The Ladies' Aid of Knox Pres. Ciuurcit are holding a garden party on June 19. Watch for further an- nouncement, Is one of the Best Quality Available. Regular Shlpntenta NOW Being Re- ceived. Order yours direct off the car. M. C. OLDiFIELD PHONE 67 "Self -Service with a Miff/ PUMPING SYSTEM Clean, fresh running water in your stables • . . when you want it • . will save hours of TIME and LABOUR • . increases milk pro duction and PROFITS.. Prosperous farmers are installing DURO PUMPING SYSTEMS • DURO Pumps are designed to provide ' running water for the house ... barns . . stables ... chicken houses and truck gar- dens, and besides S DURO PUMPING SYSTEM gives you that added feature of FIRE PROTECTION for your buildings, the advantages are many. IN MEMORIAM 7,1rotY'AR Tn loving melnory of my father, William Ziegler, who Passed away ten years ago, Mop Silt. 1941. Ever remembered by his son, 71111. Modernize your home with EMCO Fixtures and Fittings for kitchen . bathroom ... laun- dry . . add comfort and value to your home. Drop in and see us today! EC51A For Sale by — C. & J. Krauter Co. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMiTED LONDON - HAMILTON • ST. CATHARINES • TORONTO . SUDBURY WINNIPEG VANCOUVER ,,,5 x c ,,y,T5xlg,sy, C.b?"455, m..Y: