HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-5-16, Page 5t HE BRUSSELS POST
W,11:,- dei', May 16th. 1901
14.,r tlr;n, t o smelt , yr,+^ ,ant. brat 1,.e
(&11..m, 'I here are so many dclirioes flavours
to clirn'41 .. , en many v.aye to serve 1t, You
set's enjoy ice crease every night. Ice cream •
nay ureal, yet simplifies your rook-
inv. FI r it's all ready for you, cool and
fresh, at your nee ht, mrli oil store. And
remember, ice meant is good for you.
Let us semi you our fall -colour illustrated
ire cream pamphlet telling about interest-
ing uses of this fine dairy fund. Write to:
409 Huron Street
Toronto, Ontnrlo
Congratulations ! From Arcola
and surrounding community go to
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius 11, Bennett
on the occasion of their Golden
Tuesday, April 1011t, Mr, and
Airs, Bennett were "at home" to melt•
friends, when thirty towns folks call-
ed to wish them well, 'rhe roads
being impassible, out-of-town friends
were unable to attend, however
cards. letters, phone calls and gifts
were numerous, denoting the esteem
of the honoured couple.
Mr, and Mrs, Goldie Clark (nee
Tillie) Bennett), with their two chil-
dren. Patrice and Bobby, came from
1,teota to be present for the occasion.
Gordon, with his wife and infant
son, joined his parents in a family
dinner served at one o'clock. The
baptism of wee Robert Golwin. Clark,
two months old granacn of Mr, and
Mrs. Bennett, was solemnized latter
in the afternoon by Rev, .A, i±1.
1Tovison. The rooms were made
gar with spring blossoms. The table
was centred by a two tiered cake
imbedded in the icing the words
"50 years" in gold.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are true
pioneers, having come to the prairie
before the railway they threw their
buoyant young man and woman-
hood into the development and pro-
gress of the new vast land they were
to rail home forever after.
Keel. as he 's generally known far
and wide. r•eme from Brantford,
Ontnario, with h'9 parents in the
;:aa of 1854. 'rimy detrained at
Moosomin and while the family were
tl, riding to spend the night at the
Harris boarding house and collect
luggage, Keel used a little of
Ids own independence (which stood
him In good stead later on) and ran
in lite deepening duck to the far end
of the .eletion platform. here he took
a drop six or eight feet; shaking
the mud off his.clothes, as best he
(-1111(1, he rejoined the farmily at the
other side of the station, This Was
1010 Introduction 4o the wild and
Moony west where one had to• look
before they lea,per and Mr. Bennett
tenked — atter that. He sennred a
'^h a0 Shepherd boy at Moosomin
and did not follow his father and
rntnily to Moose Mountain until the
fall of 1187, when be homesteaded
two 'til" 9 north of where Arcola now
Margaret Davldmon was the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. David -
0611, Brussels, Ontario, She came
to the Moose Mountain settlement
111 the autumn o4 1890 where she
;Wiled her uncle and aunt, Tom and
Mrs. Johnston, At freeze up 1000
she returned to her parental home
and after 11111011 quilt making and
sewing fn the spring of 1001, (no
one ever decided whether it was the
fault of the Moose Mountain water
or young Bennett) she came beck tO
Areola, for the C. P, R, had spiked
its steel wrest as far as that, and
was married soon after,
TO was a warm sunny day that
10th, 1011, and the prairie
creeks were full flood. The wed•
ding was in Wnt, G, Anderson's
home and the young Presbyterian
mdt0l0t:'r offielated, After a su0np-
luous wedding breakfast the happy
bride and groom bid good-bye to
i i �lr
glivisisi and throve in a buggy
the; r tarns where they built, in the
y -'ars that followed, one of the
finest homes on the prairie plains.
Takeo from The Moose Mountain
gt•er-Standrard, Aoola, Sask.
Mns, Walter Rose of Brussels is a
sister of Mrs. Cornelius 11. Bennett
of Arcola, Sask.
-1 seven hour fight for lire failed
Thursday night when John Rogers,
23. of Galt, son or Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Rogers, died in Clinton General Hos-
pital following electrocution 'titwre.
day afternoon in an accident •a.1 the
]lase time on the eighth concession of
Morris Township,
Rogers, a hydro linesman, was
working on rebuilding a hydro lines
at the time of the accident, just
northeast of 111ytlr, about 1.15 in the
a fternoon,
Dr, Walder Oakes, or Clinton was
railed to the scene and had the man
removed to hospital here by am -
M1101100. Artif'aa.l respiration and
n1. gen were used oil afternoon with.
not sttcc91ss. Rogers was prono-nrrt.
dead at 8,25 Thursday night.
Dr. F. G. Thompson, "Huron County.
coroner, said there would he no 1n-
'flit Li'etary Stra'l'-ty of tirade IX
ref Brussels School plan to lave an
open meeting in 'Town Ball on
blrlduY evening, June lei. A varied
programme 11 beim; offered. Further
1 .Heel eene•Ut laths'.
PE ri;,,,;; ;;x, O
* * *
Mr. and 1310. M. smith and young
son Michael of London wer0 week.
end visitors with her mother Mrs.
W. Speiran.
* * M
M1•, 'arid MTs, Fred Mee of Strat-
ford were Sunday visitors with
relatives and friends.
* * *
Mr. am Mrs, Fred Thuehl of Lis.
towel were visitors In town last
* * *
Mar. and Mrs, D, MmLeod were Sun-
day visitors in Now Hamburg.
* * *
Mr. and Airs. Archie Ballantyne of
London, enPut Mother's Day at the
home of the fotmer's mother Mrs.
J. Ballantyne.
* * *
Ili'. and ?tars. Sark Ra•ekeir of
01...• Ind Mdse Pliraheth Ranker
of London were Mother's Day visitors
with their parents Mr, and Mrs. J. C.
* * *
Mr. M. Wineherta's mother of
Toronto is visiting here.
* * *
Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
Herb Manning w0r0 Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford 5110111 noir and baby Margar-
et and Mr. and 3 s. i, t„ ramp,. and
baby Derwin, all of Hull,et.
* * *
Mre. Ernest Plum left last week
for St. ,John, Newfoundland, From
Toronto elle would make the trip
by plane. TTer Tittle grand daughter's
11111090 15 causing grave 001150n at
* * *
T.ittln Margaret McDowell of
Chatham is visiting her uncle and
aunt Mr. and Mrs. Rost. Gemmel.
* * . a
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ryan of Detroit
were Mother's Day visitors with his
Parents Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sr.
* * *
Miss Maury Lane has completed
her year at the College of 13(i•ucab]on
and is visiting at the home of her
p'acenit Rev. A. and Mrs, Lane.
* * *
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Coleman have
returned 1101110 after visiting their
son William .and Mrs. Coleman at
,•id'a-Wa. Tltey flew past of the trip.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowler and
Tienneth and Andrea of London
spent 1910 ins week -end at the home
nr Mr, and Mrs. D. Ho.atings and
tem ily.
* * *
It' A. and Mrs. Spence of Tor.
sem were eneet0 of Ml'. and Mrs. D.
A. Renzi. •
Before turning the valve which started Alberta oil flowing into
tankage at Sarnia refinery, Premier Leslie M. Frost boarded
the Imperial Leduc, largest lake tanker in the world, and con-
gratulated her master, Capt. T. K, R. Itnight of Sarnia, on his
hew conimand, The ship was built to carry Alberta oil from the
terminal of the Interprovincial Pipe Line across the Great Lakes
to Ontario and picked up her first cargo al soon ae navigation
opened on the upper lakes. The arrival of Alberta oil in Ontario,
the Premier said, snakes Canada 1T1010 self-snfleient and narks
the beginning of a new phase in the progress of our country.
Oil from the Sarnia area once moved west into the prairies but
now Alberta oil moves east to serve the homes and industries
of Ontario, Prelnier Leslie M. Frost of Ontario said at a cere-
mony marking the first delivery of Alberta crude oil via pipe
line and tanker to Sarnia, Stating the event was a milestone In
Canadian economic history, the Premier said it meant t1 bigger
market for the west and would melte Canada more self-auflicicnt
in oil supplies. here, as refinery employ, Win, Taylor watches,
Premier brost turns a valve to start the first oil flow from the
Imperial Leduc, world's largest lake tanker, into shore tankage.
We will be pleased to pick up dead
' or Crippled farm animals and pas
highest prevailing prices. For im-
mmediate service telephone collect —
Prnssele 00-r-12, Listowel 650-r-2,
or Elmira 564
Gordon young (Elmira) Ltd.
Shoe Store and Repair Shop in
good village, Store is Red Brick;
Red brick 6 roomed house adjoining,
also 3 room apartment above store.
Stock Is $1,500,00, Stock and repair
shop and buildings all for quick sale
priced at $4,500.00.
100 acre grass and wood farm,
lots of water, 5000 new trees set ont
Priced to sell at $2200,00,
3. C. Long. Real Testate Broker,
Brussels, Ont,
1:: Picts, 7 weeps old.
%'t'tn. Hollinger
Phone 34re.
A number of pigs ready to wean.
Itiohaa'd Carter Phone
23 pigs, 9 weeks o110.
Joe IIo•lmes Phone 15r5,
Rubber lip for crutch. Anyone find -
Ing same please leave with 1V. II,
1933 Ford Ceaoh In excellent con-
dition, also nese RalsPberry shoots,
Lloyd Workman Phone 15x
14 pipe. 7 weeks old.
Pete Litowski, R. R. 2 Brussels.
Phone 42r7.
20 chunks about 40 lbs.; 8 spaniel
pups also 3 H.P. gas engine, Fair -
bank Morse.
Mar Fraser Phone 17r19
Brooder House, steel, 12 x $0 and
oil stove, also International Manure
Frank Mitchell Phone 25r26
Room for 4, Car leaving Brussels
about May 23th for Winnipeg, Moose- .
Jaw and Regina. Help pay trans.
portatlnn• Contact Tack Thynne,
1147 Chrysler Windsor Sedan, in
perfect meachanical oondition, good
tires radio and beater and many
extras. $1375.00 cash. Please con -
lee) Mr. Weissburst at the Paris
Ladies' Shoppe, in Listowel,
Pullets, day old and started, from
Bray Hatchery, immediate shipment,
also same light and medium chicks.
Ask us for prices. We're also taking
orders for June mixed chicks. Agent
Wm, Glen Bray, Ethel.
50 acre farm for pasture or for
crop Lot 34, Con, 0 Twp. of Gres, For
particulars ,apply to , Johnston
Armstrong, Michipicoten Haarbour,
Ont, ._.--__ .— _
Save money try Na Otters Liquid
Fertilizer may be used with dry fer-
tilizer, or replace it. Any drill
will do. Try a test field —
75e to $1,00 per acre.
Recommended — Free Samples to
reliable farmers, Free information
and folders, Apply to
J. 0, Lamont, Ethel.
As Corn Borer inspector for the
North part of Huron County, I urg-
ently request all growers of corn
which includes garden plots as well
as field corn,. to have alt refuse of
corn either burned or burled before
the 20th of May. Penalties are pro•
vided for the non-compliance in the
• Plant Disease Act
Thos, Dougherty,
P. 0, 927 0oderleh, Ont.
oVINGRAllij Wito.1tr011IAl SNAP
famous for
Artistic Mem',rirl'r
at very reasonahlr. .,r;,0^
Always a larn•F stock In rho' -em
I+ran£t F loose from
.enletorr rt" osr o, RPr+rFhlr+.
$1011 uv: a machinery
Moony 2S6 -- 'Vpitus'srn• CT•.r
fit Wei) iryCows
re Essential Now Than Ever
Doe to years of cultivation mad growing of crops the soil becomes
depleted of many accessary uInrrald, etc„ eoueegoeur(y tunny psalm, do
not contain adequate aurrItrve value.
'rhlo io cue sermon for the need of
surlpplementary (sleds to make apro-
merly balanced radon for dairy cows.
You reset get inklk without feed.
The Moro u cow will eat the mon
rank you will get. But the feed mut
be properly balanced and contain the
s utoeaary amounts of vitamins end
minerals as well ee psouriar and air.
To make more money, keep only
well bred cows and Iced them to the
1holt with Blotch/ord'r Deily Meal
which is very- palatable. confabs*
abundant quantities all the *macaw
tial VitemIneminerals end is thipeet
economical Iced you mo buy.
For Sale by,
Ethel Produce
Phone 22-r-10
14tly eAL
al, ASO
cNell She,l acid vi
Shollubrlcatlon Sheil Household and Snell Petroleum Products
General Repalr Llveatock Spray
lr'ihone 77-r--6
Pxets any Accessories
Brussels, Ont.
1 am now equipped to pump out your
Septic Tank, also do all other hinds of
pumping, such as flooded cellars etc.
Phone 75r4 Milverton, Ont.
C. A. Myers, M. D. L. M. C. C.
Wltlimmn St Phone & Bre/nets, Ont_
Graduate University of Toronto
Telephone 45 — Bru,eele. pat.
JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist
Eyes Examined. Glasses fitted.
Phone 791 Seaforth — Main Street.
HOURS: 9 - 6. Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Harvey W. Stephenson
Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co.
Canada Health and Accident Co.
Casualty General Insurance Co.
Phone 43x Brussels
G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist.
Patrick St., WINGHAM
At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday.
Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Kincardine 21.
Evenings by .tppointment.
J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist,
Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting of Glasses
Office in Listowel Clinic Building
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday p.n.
Open every Tuesday and Saturday- Evening 7:00 to :NI
Other evenings by appointment Phone 534.
Waiket<' Funeral Home
Day or Night Calls Phone 65
No extra charge for Use of Fumlerml Home,
E. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director &'Ecrslsalmer.
Agent for -- Hartford Wind Insurance
McKillop Mutual Fire insurance Co.
Our Rates Are Reasonable
For further particulars — Phone Brussels 43-r•le.
Chas. T. Davidson
Automobile and Fire Insure neo
Accident coati! Sickness
Agent for Great West .Life Insurance Cn.
Phone Office 9.80 m'- Brasseln, Hit.
fl. A. RaoCo.
Licensed. Funeral Director auxin Embalmer
PHONE 36 or 63
_._.._..— ----...-'--• ;.ata:,.:;:r
Dennis Duquette
Phone 51-r-18 R. R. 4 lislarmtdls
Licenced Auctioneer for Huron County
No Sale too Big •— None too Small
Have employed an experienced assistant for the Big Ones.
R. S. Hetherington. K. C.
TMmsday and Saturday till day — Offict open every day.
Phone 20x
!nemesia. to E. D. )!lull