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Information and reservations may be
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Th.. .,.is 11 to.,etina of the tulit"Tile
Club Gil Stands on Guard" was
held May 1G, in the B-riwsels
Library. 17 uwutbats answered the
roll mall by reading the Canada Food
Rules. i'; e• were told that we should
have e111 ro,ard ltonke in by May 21
at the lair:tot. Mrs. Speir explained to
its. our pnaters of Myself and My
Home. The next meeting, we were
told to know our Fond Rules. Mrs,
Lanae diarnesecl nutrition', also
vitamins and fonds from whioh we
get sttam!ne were discnesed. Sirs,
Speir gave us note; about planning
meal and menus. T.t:ne% was ser-
ved by Melina Mater and Sheila
Sall:' Von'. in tht 14110-
211 Issue of The Am,ri-
ran Weekly. EXCt T-StVET i with
The Detroit Sunday Thee,. glee s.ribe
the etrrphymtep preperetioue every
bride :honld fello,< e) leek t •rely
on her wadding day. Brides -to -he.
this bond•: guide wail :a,: you time
and nr-t dlees worry. See Rnnday's
Detroit Times
mot rot. their regular ureeting on
'May 9111, with 22 ladles pres-
ent Mrs, C. Martin presided and
'ea the meeting by stueing hymn
chi, e<n:; Followed by a svript-
re reeding from Psalm 113. The
and Treas. report!: were read
l adopted. The guilt that le to
hi. soft:t to the enmity secretary at.
(Ted en. 1s to he in by June. It was
n d by Mrs. 11. Joltrotmt that we
:. tel for tate etudy book. The two
,<,,•;r h., Airs. P. I -Tolman and Airs.
H,relivocnl for the Huron presets-
resby'le, .14 FFxatr'r wave very intere-,i
Inn reports on the days activities
. T11e mo tin:g Glee d with prayer.
The regular tweeting of the W. A.
•in the church on Wed„ May St:h.
\l :. Wilbur Turnbull the President
,•mired the meeting with a hymn
d prayer. The minutes of last
r e•tiuc were read and aprproved.
Thank you eard's were also read.
Tea-eUrer'S report was. given by
Mrs. McMic1i'n1. Plana were made
•1 eenunittees named for the
Carden Party to he held in Jane. The
n eethrw' closed by repeating the
ITtrpah benediction.
Morris Township Council Meeting,
May 7th. 1951.
The Council met in the Township
Hall on the above date with all the
members present.
The minutes of the last meeting
ON, read and adopted on motion of
IClete, rotates and Gana Alcock,
Moved by Wn1. Peacock, seconded 1 t, ith 'Sir. and Mrs, Allen Cameron,
by TTarvey Johnston that By-law No. air. filen Hunter and young son,
Ile 1949 known as the Kelly Drain I T. t:rd. St. Thames were Sunday
1ty-law ho finally passed and adopted, I visitors with Mrs. TTarvey Hunter.
Carried. Watch for further particulars of
Moved by Sam Aicadt., seconded thrtiter Ladiespa' tyiunder
K -e auspices
uspk es
of by Bailie Parrott that the Court
ter Revision on the Kelly Drain he !erten Church,
closed. - Carried.
Moved by Wm. Peacock, seconded
by Sam Alc'ock that the Ineinanee on
the grader be renewed with the
General Accident Insurende Co„ at a
premium of 818(1, - Carried.
lMoved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
by Sam Aleaclr that we take the
Comphrensive Coverage Policy per -
tabling to roads, bridges and all
operations with the General Accident
Tnanrance Co.. at a premium or
5.^,73,0(',, - Carried,
Moved by Sam Slcook seconded
v, This is KEN ELLIS inviting you to
get ready for fire Intercounty
*, Baseball games which ALEX
KELMAN and 1 will be doing
before long on your Intercounty
Baseball Station, CFPL. In the
. meantime join us, Won't you, at
6.45 each weeknight for a com-
plete sports run-down including
the races."
Trice to administer the Sacra-
ment of the Lord's Supper, Sunday
School will he held at usual at 10
Mrs, Wm. Cameron and Mrs.
r,--r....Y - t yr..
m.111 -wise
o 'ire for t �
u J THE 0�O�11t'raP7t�KE
eV, aneedaty. May 16th, 1951
Goodyear awith l value
famous anon -skid
diamond tread -a tire better built for
ge. See us for
arathontrouble-free it runs aand Runs and
et: -Try. ,. ,T ,�r rY a
e-.. Ni, .�,
.. "rro.-aarnssrtnara�r
.,..-.assn._:ea�.:.1e,==^^:�r..14, = .ate-- _.. _
Robert Nichol Melville Church `,3ervlce
There passed away on May 6th, There was a good atteudanee of
Calvin Cameron visited over the tit elo•ris township, Robert Nichol, both young peoplo and adults at cue
week -ted witI' friends in Galt end in his 91st year, morning service in Melville Pres-
antford. Mr. Nichol was a life hong resident byterlan Ohneeth. Mr. Fulton ad -
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Ritchie end . of the 6rt11 line of Morris, the son of dressed the young people pointing
rs. Ales Nichol. out that it they were to prepare
d Parton and late Air. and AI
AT Gutchean daughter of the wood they must glue heed to the
1T1'< and Ila's, Rlchar aa` n the a e
children' London, spent the week -end D 20th 1882 he married Mary themselves to take their place in the
Jane o
late Mr. and Mus, Frank McCatcheon type of character they were building.
Sr., also of the 011.11110 4 Morris
Mr. Nichol worked all his life on twice - their relationships in the
the farm and saw many changes in home, the companions they chose
the way of farm operation% in his and their attitude to God.
attire years of ferning was done The -Evening Service was attended
with hoses and Mr. Nichol was a by Odd Fellows and Rebelcahs. Mr,
a+rest admirer of Hood horses and Ful•ton's test was from Matt 2i-40,
raised mane, fine animals on lids "In as much as. ye have done it nnto
farm. 1 one of the least of these my hreth•
r., this family there were two ern, ye have done It unto Me." We
"'7eiesti': `Norren's Institute
Pas. Majestic \\'omen's Ins•tttaete
t in tate l:ihradry on Thursday.
with the preeicletlt, Mrs. R. W.
Stephens in the chair, The Cran-
braek Institute were in attendance
al this meeting. Airs John Speir read
the minutes or the April meeting
and the treasurer's report dli.nwed a
substantial balance. Mrs. R. W
Stephetls stated that seven children
bad attended the Well -Baby Centre,
Comespordence eras then read. The
date for the District Annual is June
work for social justice, the feeding
of the hungry, the alleviation of
Main and the heading of sickness ars
n kind of addition to or subsitute for
the Gospel, They should be first
c•f the inevitable expression of the
love of the Christian for the people
for whom Christ died.
o. Three things were of great tumor-
- Mrs, R. G. Elckmier,
r'rrxanty librarian, left by plane
i,.•: 1 -neon Airport Thursday, to
att*eel the funeral of her father,
Alvin Barr, 69, former resident of
(trey Township, who dined in Valk
1*." r fleneral Hospital after a
abort iltnlsa. Surviving besides Ws
"•rp hila slaughter, and one
slit, Mrs. Alex Dunbar. of Ethel.
sons and two daughters. Lorne of are finite wrong 1f
the home farm and Frank on the
adjoining Pam. Myrtle) Mrs. A.
Matgee, Brussels; and (Bertha)
Mrs Tat; Rhodes. 13russels. There
are 11 grand children and 6 great
grand chil.lda'en, Air, Nichol lues a
member of the Presbyterian Church
and s liberal in politics end for many
Years cafe active in the Agriculture
ova y I
I by Bailie Parrott that we purchase T Ppetrty.
1500 feet of .snow fence and 90 steel 6 and ea to be held in Blnevale, at Mos, Nichol is still living and last
Posts from the Lundy Fence ,Co, - which tinge Mays. Pere Connelly and Dec. SOth, they celehnated their
Carried. Mrs. Bert. Tohneton will be the 68th wedding anniversary, when
Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded delegates, Mrs, Wm. Events gave they received congrntnta,tinnr from
by Sam Alcock that the road hills as
I presented by the Road .Superinten-
dent he Paid. - Carried.
Moved by Chas. Cnnites, seconded
Iby Wm. Pencnrk the -t Ry -lay No. 5,
1951 raining waeas of Rond Soper -
intendant and Graderman to MeV)
per hour, other labour to 75c per
Amur and traetcr and man to $2.00
nor hoer, he passed sshjeet to the
nnnrovel of the Diartriat Alreticipal
T•'.rrrin•etn•. - Carried.
Moved by Bailie Parrott, seennded
h•- ('alae. Cnnites that the meeting
a.rlinnrn to meet again nn May 15. et
9 a, in, - Carried.
The following accounts were paid:
Frank Aleoc . Pnx bounty $ 7,50
A. TT. Erskine, fee Inc Mtlnlaipal
:\s.=oris tion 10.00
Dept. of TTeaith, Insulin 3,80
Richard Alenek, fox bounty 2,00
Rosa Tucvey, Tnrvey Drain 10.00
,Tim Tnrvey, Tnrvey Drain 10.00
Frank Shaw, Tnrvey Drain 10,00
Ralph Shaw. Turvey Drain 4.50
W, S. Gibson„ Liability
Insurrtnce 887,00
0. 11. Elliott. relief account 16,08
floret -el Nicholson. spraying 210.40
(len. Hetherington, spraying 825,45
' carr Co-np.. disinfectant
and dw•rist powder 251.50
r'c:,reon and Edwards, auditing 200.00
TTrwea Dairy. milk for relief 14,00
t: S. ttnt'incon. relief aeconnt 44.97
Un:icd Church W. M.S.
Tee -a(ternimn Auxiliary of the
t'une'd Church W. M. S. was held in
t'!tar.h nn Tuesday, May 8111.
Mrs, S. Davison presided and con-
iuctc=d the worship period,
Following the business session,
interesting reports of the Presby-
terial held in Exeter were given by
Atiss F. llnchauan and Miss C Mc-
1',11•' topic, "How we are working
•• peeve through food -aid" was tak-
en by Mrs. A. Brown, assisted by
1",y -11,t. Miss 11. Robinson, Miss
''rC'•arlcr•n and Mrs,R. Cousins,
TT. etti 314 was .ung, and the meet -
see elnami with prayer by Mra, S.
Davi Rom
:r, rite thio;tlu'ics- meet
i•h .t let infu1 accident while
n,- eiertniuc, when she fell oft
d anal, ruptmlne a blond vessel in
and auftertn a severe steak -
i+„„ •1 tnnu_bint< tearth r.atl,ra•I.lTef'ollnm, wand for
rt ,' ",n'I- -,stool. treated -ling 8,04
4e, ir: Seacfnrlh on ' tir'trl,akh Mauling wood 4.00
'b; --der evening. i !tatninr Si' Sons, real for
'I" „ ev AT, S. of Walton Church relief 54,10
1, Pra is' part salary 100.00
TTrvrvev G..Tnhneton. Deere
(lpr, ft. Merlin, Clerk.
Thorn's nothing 11501t for paining Indoor and outdoor
furnituro, Simply flows on and Inv.,. golf Imparts a
boeollful finish. Elahlsen appoailna rotors and black
and whit*.
Johnson's Paint & Electric Store
Brussels, Ont.
air, 'Finery Green nnrttpted the pill -
nit in T<nrnc Presbyterian Church
on Mother's Day, The choir sant.
"ATnthrr's Prayers Trove Followed
On Friday night. May 10 et 0.50.
I a prepara,inry service for the Ct'an.
hrnnk end Ethel nnngregatient will
br, held in the Ethel Presbyterian
Chnrrh. Rear. Mr. tsiie of Clinton,
m.ed.r-:rater 4o' Cranhrnolr end Tilthel.
will conium tithe service and will
VIP nreeent Sunday at the meriting
the report of the Conference at the King and Queen.
tl trint and her topic grave us some The funeral was Adel from his
splendid Infarma'tion on the "Tweeds- late residence on Tuesday, May Stlt.
choir Book" and the preparation of The pallbearers war d aramimins,
•+rticle' for it. At the ,Tune meet- Gordon, TtIenneth, storm!. tris Ross
ing Mrs. Evans will complete her Nicltal. and a grandson in -haw El -
report. newel McCullough and n nephew
.11ft•ed Nichol.
Mr, Weber of Gea.fo'th then gave 1 Friends attending the funeral were
a talk on "C -Day" or the change from Trrmetn, `Berwick, Pa.. and
r 1after which a 00-
nvrt• to 60 r.
minute film was shown. Evet'ynne
present ithonld understand how easy
it will he. He specially empha-
sized for each home to have a re
enensihle Penson to be pi-ement the
rlrav of the change acer hn 00 -cycle.
Thie wee followed by stinging God
Save the Ting. Lunch was served
by the following hostesses. Mra. Jas.
Armstrong, Mrs. C. Ruscittin, Mina
16610 Cardiff, Mrs. Fare' Connelly,
Airs, Jas. Rryans, Airs. Anevs Brown
and Mrs. Ray Cousins.
Mr's. ,Tames Bremner, president of
the Crnnbrreek Tnstitnte thanked the
ladies for the afternoon they bad
enjoyed rind the privilege of btwine
seen the film,
Th" 1.1r,ited Church
Sunday, May 13, was observed
a Mother'e Day in the United
Church. Dearing morning worship .
the aaerenent of hanttwtn was din -
1 -nsetl with to Brenda Jeanne in-
fani n„liter s.f "•Tr. and ITt'.. Rus
Roll Rona, fiordon Lawrence, infant
pmt of Mr. and Mrs, Lnwrenee Mach.
en and 'Trey Teeep t, {nr..nt
Air, and Aire. Donelnr: Smith.
A quartette. "Tie wipe; ""he Tears
Fran Every Eye" by T-1. Leland was
nn^ ,-e Karen Rnerblen, Sean Cale
dirt. Laurie Cnatsina rind Gm•flnn
Tent.. The tnth ent, "Tin 'coign of
My Saviour of T.ovp" by A. H.
Arklev. was rendered by the choir
with Franoew Dennis sinelntt the
The sermon. '.!Tin Crown and
gnaw of A.lntl5et•hon.rl," was hasps
nn the 'erlpture Proverbs 10-1, "A
wise Ron m•nitatlt a glad father: Ant
feelivh son it tie benvinnae of his
m other."
rn the nv'e1a' Air sablret •twats
Temoln of God" Assad nn the
+r•rt. "Knew 't' n:atMot ye are
t.r tannate of (Intl incl 4ussSi 'Fibs
c,+irlf dwtllleth in 1,01.
T i.adowel,
The beautiful flowers showed the
respect of his many friends and
conveyed their sympathy to the
bereaved family,
Elmer D, Bell, K. C„ Exeter form -r
reel', n lawyer here, was re-elected
president of the Western Ontario
Conservative Aesoeiatinn at its
annual meeting lin London ie.st Wed-
unwiay. More that 500 men and
women delegates attended the
meet,nc•. and were welcomed by ,
11d, John Roberts, London, acting
int' Aiaym' Allan X. Rosh. Mr. Bell
i'• a formes' president of the Moon -
Perth riablat Preeressdve-Conservet•
ire Aesieiation. He became preet-
rinnt of the Western Ontario Party
o'e'antza'tinn in 1950, when he sue-
�• •• 1�a linbso•t Wilson. 'Agin deny.
"Onru Night" at the Wingham
District High Snitnnl is this Friday
evening, May 18th. 'Phi school
will beprepared for v'slto`s from
7,00 until 10 p. m. and the teaches'
and penii.e have arranged displays •
of chop project, sewing and ltnitt-
1ns, tope work, .ort, cnmmaririn1
end nnfehnnka ant tearltitur aide i„
other subjects.
Everyone iR invited to carne iv
the ,school nn Friday evening to spa
the wilt which has linen done. and
to meet the 'Board members, print
e11,1. staff and etndente.
1940 (They. Coerh. with low m111.
sirs. rndto, baster, Preetone, body
+rntlarrnntat. Annie 10
Mrs, E, Thtether, Brf8sels.
Phone 0x'2,
tura t
Save Time -Save Labour -Use
• High Speed • Convenience
• Operating Economy
;r. McCulloch Earth Drill.
Full 5 hp weighs only
75 lbs.
This high-power, high-speed tool
is like no post -hole digger you
ever saw before. Has a special
5 hp McCulloch gasoline engine. Digs
fast, handles easily even in hard clay.
Available with 6-, 9- and 12 -inch
• Two for one, The McCulloch
Earth Drill converts into a
standard McCulloch 5-49 Chain
Saw in less than a minute, just
by attaching a saw assembly.
For little more than the price of one, you can have TWO of
the finest, most useful farm tools on the market.
t ;f';•,!,.:m XI 4 .,:.7
® 3-25 THE AMAZING 3 -hp
25 Ib.!
One -Man McCulloch 3-25 Chain
Saw with 18" Blade. This saw is
powered with the Special McCulloch 3 -hp
engine and saws at full power in any
position. Controls are grouped for easy, one hand opera-
tion. Equipped with automatic clutch automatic -rewind
starter and push-button chain oiler, ,ect chain tension
is provided automatically,
t'. ;t• tsisi ., _... !. ,mei_-e,:« s ,F viii 'iilitI .�.
Completely portable, has ct capacity of
15,000 gallons per hour with a suction lift
of 28 feet, It's powered with a special
McCulloch 5 -hp engine with all anti -
friction bearings and high fuel economy. Fast self -priming,
if has non -clogging cast-iron impeller and replaceable
wear plate. Engine has all McCulloch simplicity of opera-
tion and automatic features. Fuel tank Is built in and there
is a three-way valve for an auxiliary tank.
prices, and operating details write
220 West 1st Avenue
Vancouver, B.C.
L Ui1 Y
224 George St, N.
Peterboro, Ont,