HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-5-16, Page 1THE OUST PUBLISHING HOUSE RUSSELS P ST $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. S. A. Wednesday, May 16th, 1951 Y ore 1 lb. Ivory Gloss Starch with Free Satina 4 Cakes Many Flowers Soaps with Free Face Cloth 43c ,3 — )' lb. Tins Red Salmon $1.00 Pkg. Breakfast Bacon . ' • • • 36c 1—'15 oz, Tin Stokleys Honey Pod Peas 21c SAT. MORNING ONLY 3-15 oz. Tins Lynn Valley Cream Corn 29c lb. Chateau Cream Cheese 29c 18c GREWAR'S - GROCETERIA GARDEN PARTY Under auspices of the W. A. of the Brussels United Church will be held on THURSDAY, JUNE 28th Admission 75c and 40c NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Commencing May 29th, delivery will be only on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning. All orders to be in by 9.30 a. m. W. L. BAEKER & SON , Phone 6 Brussels, Ont. Wingham District High School OPEN NIGHT MAY 18 Friday Ev�ni.ng 7.30 - 10.00 Display of Students' Work in Shopwork Home Economics Agriculture Commercial Art Academic Subjects Everyone 'Interested Is Welcome PlitalWaticalicAVAEO Melville Church Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Smoky oeheot sad Bible Crus 11 a. m. Morniirg WonWp 7 p. m. Evening Worship United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lana Divine Worship — 11 o'clock "A Viatica of God" Church School — 12 o'clock Divine Worship — 7 o'clock "Dreams Paine True," "Let us with a glorious mind 'Praise the Lord; for His is Kind." Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr — Rector. Whitsunday May 13th, 1951 Bt. John's Church, BruMeI$- 11 a,m. Morning Prayer Sunday Bohol 7.30 p. m, Thursday Confirnr9,tion. Class. Bt. David's Church, Henfrytar- 2,30 p.m. Evening PraTis' Bt. George's Church, Walton -- 7,30.p.w, Evening Prayer tea'!°'' COAL Expected the latter part of this week a Car of "lite OM Company's Lehigh Premium" Stove Coal. Still a few Tons Available. M. C. OLDFIELD PHONE 67 REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. 1 LOCAL LIONS ADDRESSED I HYDRO FREQUENCY BY DISTRICT GOVERNOR STANDARDIZATION District Governor Lion J. Fl, Kin- raid, of <;tsderleh, was guest speaker at the reguilar supper meeting of the local Lions Club on Monday ve1ing. In his opening remarles he complimented the Brussels Lions on their Boys and Girls Band and said that tore remarkable success of the this project was being discussed by other clubs, The speaker said that Lions Clubs are regnently outl- ined because, they are not doing much, This is of course because c the fact that the public is not aware of what Lions are doing. For per- sonal reasons much of their work ie dome quietly and without public acknowledgement with many of their own members not knowing about it. Mr. Kincaid spoke at length on the Fe1ilowehip of Lion4aaa. It has now spread to 31 countries. He said that in his opinion the iron curtain of communism could he brok- en by Zionism. Mir. Kincaid cnmp11_ ' mented Tail Twister Lion Jas, S. Armstrong, saying he was an asset to any Lions club. Lion president, G. Hazlewood, pre- sided while the guest speaker was introduced by Lion R. J. Bowmen. Tion R. B. Catrsins t 'banked Mr. Kincaid on behalf of the ciub mem- pers and presented hint with a pair of hook ends. Lion W. L. 5 04r led the opening sing -song. Lion secretary D. M. Mac- s T.svJah called the roll and read the minutes. Ruistness dealt with in- t chided .a report by Lion Bowman of the Rand committee that arrange- ments have been for the Band con- cert to be held on May 30th and the Rand Tattoo en .Tuiy 25th. Presi- dent Tion HazTewood appointed the following committee to arrange for the Lions Frolic to he held later: - R. W. Whitfield. R. J. Bowman. R. G. McPrtde, D. A, Rann. S. Rawer. .T. S. Armstrong and A. Wood. Lion Ti. Ashton was winner of the guessing contest as to the number of square miles in 'Korea, Lion R. R. Cousin. presented the slate, of officers as proposed by the nominating committee for the year 1971-52. President Wm. Turnbull 1st Vice.Pres. Selwyn Baker 2nd Vice -Pres, .... Harvey Johnston 3rd Vice -Pres. D, A, Rams Directors Richard Whitfield M. Okmt'ield, S. Machan, J. McDonaldSecretary D. M. MacTavish Treasurer R. G. McBride Tail Twister Jas. S. Armstrong Tion Tamer L. Michel Committee ..,, Roy Cousins. Selylwn Baker, R. J. Bowman. A. afoul. The supper was served by a grotto of ladles from Melville Presbyterian Church, NOW PLAYING — Thurs. Fri. Sat. May 17.18.79 "STARS IN MY CROWN" with Joel McCrea Ellen Drew Jean Stockwell A small town with a great bit. heart —A heartwarming story of Real People — Joel McCrea's greatest performance In a flim of laughter tears. Mon. Tues. Wed. May 21.22-23 "THE HASTY HEART" with Ronald Regan and Patricia Neal This Is a story of a stubborn Scots- man In a Burmese hospital camp at the close of World War 11 who spurns all efforts of friendship from the men around him when he learns he is going to die. Next Thurs. Fri, gat. May 242E-20 In Technicolor "TRE KID FROM TEXAS" with Audle Murphy and Gale Storm The true and savage stord of Billy, The Kid, Billy, Is befriended by a rancher a nd given a range.rlding lob, He Is the most hunted outlaw In western history. Be sure to see It, LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Wed. Thur. May 16-17 Adult Entertainment Sterling Hayden, Louis Calhern in "THE ASPHALT JUNGLE" Fri. Sat. May 18-19 Randolph Scott, Ruth Roman in "COLT .45" Technicolor Sat. Mat. 2,00 --- Eve. 7.30 p.m. Mon. Tues. Nay 21-22 Adult Entertainment Betty Grable, Cesar Romero, Rudy Valee in "BEAUTIFUL BLOND FROM BASHFUL BEND" Technicolor TUESDAY FOTO-NITE OFFER $100.00 Monday Attendanre Card Night. Wed. Thurs. May 23-24 Jane Wyman, Van Johson in "THREE GUYS NAMED MIKE" SPECIAL NOTE there will be a MATINEE Thursday. May 24th at 2,30 p. tn. M ' ,tea' Monday, May 21st, the naw well- kuown red trucks of the Frequency :-'t:utai tatiza1Lt Division of the if. 1F., P. (i., will be scurrying about ,1' Ir bnsiueas of changing power to 30 cycle in Brussels. R was learned yesterday that the benefits of the new pulse beat in Hydro far outweigh any inconven- lance eauscd daring conv;,rsion M steady light especially in rlaures- cent fixtures, smaller, more econ- omical, more versatile motors and the fact tial a common cycle of 60 cycle, Tlych•o will eventually he used throughout the Province. The area orrice in the Cardno Hall, Seaforth, le the nerve centre for con. version in all of this district etrech- iang from Stratford, Brussels, Cod- erloh to Grand Rend, Exeter and St. Mary's. This is referred to as area. "D." 'Phe people of Brussels are among the some 800;000 con. suntans currently being changed to 60 cycle—and it lis understood the whole town will he converted in three "outs." For a. few days at the time of the changeover the electric clocks in Brussels will operate a little fast. This is a result of speed- ing up operations in the area Which necessitates using huge converters, Until final .adjustments are mads, those consuimems converted on some "cuts" in Brussels will find electric timing devices running a little fast (approximately 21, minutes each hour.- This will he so for only a .maple of daps; after standardizat- ion and wild mean only that child- ren may he early for school, etc., for those few clays. All people in Brussels are remind- ed that a mobile clock and fan (repot will he in Town May 21, 22, 27, and are informed that all Portable clocks and fans if not brought in on those dates will have to be taken to the Seaforth office, Housewives' are ad- vised to have their friglclaires de- frosted the night before and fond removed. Fieldmen of the Hydro Public Re- lations Department Snvlte any re, retests for showing of standardizat- ion Films and talks on the subject to he directed to them in the Cnrdnn Hall, Seaforth. i HURON FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION At a meeting of the Huron, Foot - hall Association h, -c1 on Monday, May 7th, the following list of officers were elected ; President Ken. Betties Vice Pres, Reg. Dennis saeretary Harry Bolger Registration Committee .... F, O'Con- nor, R. Marks, Jack Lowe Conevenor Hugh Pearson Protest Committee ,Les. Dolmage W. Henderson, Geo, Dunbar, Jack Bryant, Frank O'Connor, G. Ingles, A. Nicholson, J. Calder. 1O. Richards was elected vice- president of the Juvenile section. Further particulars will be pub- lished at a later date. NOTICE — The Morning Star Rebekah Lodge Balcdng Sale and Tea will be nerd on Saturdray, May 20th, Keep this date open. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS — All advertisements disrpley or classified must he In the Posh by Saturday of this week and news items not later than Monday. The reason being is that our shop is 'changing over from 20 to 60 cycles the first of the week. Engagement Announcement The engagement is announced of Winnlfred May, daughter of Mrs, Thomas Willis Mitchell and the late Mr. Mitchell of Brussels, to Forrest Grant W!hdttrarrd son of Mr, and Mrs. Ren. Whtittard at Brussels. The marri- age to take place early in June, CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbour's and friends for the kind words of sympathy and the lovely flowers in our sad bereavement, also to Dr. C. _Myers. Which will never be for- gotten. Mrs. Robert Nichol and Family. A Play "Grandpa's Twin Sisters" from Broadhagen At Crane ~r(. i;: fc,,rnFnunity Centre on FRIDAY, MAY 18th at 8.30 P. M. Under auspices of Cral'sbrooh W. I. Adults 35c School Children 20c Everybody Welcome How About A Date With Us Friday Evening, May 25th— We'll meet You at the Town Hall at 8.30 P. M. TO SEE — TECHNICOLOR SHOTS OF FLORIDA. TO HEAR — TOP-NOTCH MUSICAL TALENT (Prize Wits. ners at Goderich Musical Festival) AND A SALUTE FROM YOUR UNITED CHURCH ORCHESTRA. TO ENJOY — "GIRLS MUST TALK( a comedy skit and A FAVOURITE RECITATION Adults 35c Children 20e (The Friendship Circle) Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band Concert In Brussels Town Hall on Wednesday, May 30th, at 8.30 P, M. Novelty Numbers, Solo by Graeme McDonald Admission : Children 25c Adults 50c The Novelty numbers are worth the Price of Admission. Mi FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Atwood at Holstein May 21 Winthrop at Brussels May 21 Winthrop at St. Colaimban May 26 Ethel ,at Atwood May 25 Atwood at Brussels May 28 Walton. ad. Ethel May 30 Egniomclyiile. at Winthrop May 30 St. ,Columbam at Holstein May 31 Brussels at Walton lone 1 TgnnondvilOe at Holstein ,, Tune 1 Egmandroille at St. Columban, Tune 4 TToletein at Brttlssels, Tune 4 Atwood at Ethel: nine 6 Walton at Winthrop Tune 6 Brussels .at Egmonktvfile ..,Tune 8 Atwood at Walton lune 8 Ethel at Winthrop Thtne 8 resnnndnnille at Attwood Tune 11 St. Cctlnmban nt 71rt1919e19 ..,Tune 11 Winthmop at Holstein Tune- 11 Watton nt Bemondbille .... Tune 12 Winthrop at Tithel June 11 Holstein at Atwood,Trine 14 St, Columban at Walton Tune 15 Ethel at IOgmondyille Tune 16 Brussels at Holstein Tune 15 Walton at Atwood Tune 18 Earnont*ills at Brussels , June 18 Brussels at 'Ethel . Tnn,e 20 Atwood at lOgmondviile Tone 21 Holstein. nt Walton Tone 22 Winthrop 'at Milstein Tune 28 Walton at Brussels Tone 25 Winthrop nt Atwood Time 26 Tlthel at At. Colnmihnn Tnne 26 Holstein at FIthel nine 27 Brussels at 'St. folumbnm ,,,Tnne 29 Ehhei nt Hoisteln Jame 29 Winthr0P at Welton ....,.,,.,., Time 29 St. (lolnmhan at EOthei Tuiy 2 Atwood' at Winthro-p ,Tnty 2 Ttigni,nndvtll nt Win,tmrop Tniv 4 St, Coiumban at Atwood Tuiy 6 Holstein nt Winthrop Tniv 0 Brussels at Atwood .Tutu 9 St. Columba/1 at TOgtnnntlrille. Tniv 9 Walton at St. (!nlnmhan ,,.. Tally 11 Tithe"! at Waiton July 11 Holstein at St. Cotnnihnn Ttity 12 TOthel at Rrttesels .Tuiy 10 Holstein, et TOtrtnnnrdvile Tniv 10 St. Colnmbnn nt Winhhrnn Tui.' 10 Walton at Holstein TSI Cv 16 Brussels at WtntTnnn July to AIwond nt et (cebtmhnn jut, 1n FMntmtdtfille at Walton Tilly Qn FOOTBALL DANCE In Walton Community Hall on WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Admission 50c Sponsored by Walton Football Club. ,alat!rxmonnmoso..a7reogivmsaraudeensmares. TO ALL RESIDENTS OF BRUSSELS and DISTRICT WHO OWN 25 -CYCLE CLOAKS OR FANS! Unlike most of your 25 -cycle electrical appliances, portable electric clocks and fans cannot be changed over to 60 -cycle on your premises. Some older models cannot be changed over at all! For this reason your Hydro has opened a special CLOCK and FAN DEPOT (see below) where you may take advantage of one of the TWO SPECIAL PLANS outlined here. EXCHANGE PLAN Under this plan, for a very small 'exchange price' you may exchange your present 25 -cycle clock or fan for a brand new 60 -cycle model. All you have to do is turn in your old clock or fan at the Depot, make a selection from the wide variety of 60 -cycle models on display, and pay the very small 'exchange price' in cash. All items brought in for exchange must be in working condition, CHANGE -OVER PLAN If your present 25 -cycle clock or fan CAN be changed over to 60 cycles. and if you wish to have this done instead of exchanging it for a new 60 -cycle model, the work of converting it will be done FREE OF CHARGE. This change -over service will take about two weeks and you will be notified when the item is ready. IMPORTANT This Clock and Fan Depot will be open for a LIMITED TIME ONLY! It will be closed as soon as the change -over work in your district is completed. To avoid being inconvenienced PLEASE COOPERATE BY BRINGING IN YOUR CLOCK OR FAN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Thank you. MOBILE CLOCK AND FAN DEPOT WILLBE IN BRUSSELS MAY 21st TO 23rd ONLY THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FREQUENCY STANDARDIZATION DIVISION '