HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-5-9, Page 7Theodore Roosevelt
On the Russi4A;
Selected from a passible 150,000.
s(1mo 12,000 of 'Theodore. Roose-
velt's personal letters are being
published by the Harvard Univer-
sity Press under the editorship of
Prof. Elting E. Morrison of the
Massachusetts Institute of 'feeh-
The following are quoted from
Ilk letters an politics and foreign
"Now, about the Russians, who
Offer a very mulch more serious
problem than the Germans, if not
to our generation, at least to the
generation which will succeed us
, T look upon them as a.people
to whom we call give points, and a
beating, a people' with a great
future, as we have; but a people
with poisons working in it, as other
poisons " . work iu us,
"If Russia chooses to develop
purely, on her own line and to resist
the gnowth of liberalism, then she
may put off the reckoning; but she
cannot ultimately avert it .. , she
will sometime experience a red
terror which will retake the French
Revolution pale."
""It is just as true new as ever
• it was in the old days that every
free people must fare the very diffi-
cult problem of combining liberal
institutions •anti wide 'opportunities
for happiness •anis well-being at
honk, with 'the power to' make head
against foreign .foes. I do not sup-
pose this •prolilem ever will be per-
fectly solved . Liberal 'institn-
'tions mean of necessity 'government
by elected representatives, who
mug 'hove 'a multitude 'of hninedi-
ate'and 'pressing personal interests
both .of their own and of fheir con-
stituents to distract then( from the
•considerations of great and far-
reaching policies—especially for-
eign policies."
This has been said of apparent
cowards ever since the days of
'Queen Elizabeth.
Once, when Beni Jonson was
introduced to a peer, the nobleman
• was so surprised at the playwright's
homely, unintelligent face, that he
•remarked, "What! Are vou Ben
Jonson? Why, you look as if you
eolld not say Bo!' to a goose!"
"Bol" retorted the quick-witted
dramatist, without a second's pause,
and he bowed to the disconefitted
nobleman. • '
Today we usually say 'Boot"
But whatever our version, the worn
is derived front the Latin "boare,"
to cry aloud.
A Cat That Has
23 Stand -Ilan
Not every cat can look forward
to •owning a baseball team. Nor
would ;any ordinary, run-of-the-
mill eat .expect to 'become a Holly-
wood star, with 23 stand-ins.
at Mlle H. Allen ;Smith's batik,
'Rhubarb," that the tale is told of
.an 'eccentric viillionaiae who :be-
•queaths his Bt -o iklpn hail club to
his 'favourite ,cat, watched over by
his favourite press :agent.
Rhubarb is independent. 1 --le
'Inflows how to tithe care of 'Him-
self. That's what, :according to Mr.
Smith, •endeared !him to the enil-
Iionaire in the .first p'lacc.
Jimmy Cagney Type
So the casting department and
producers went looking for a
tough, independent, Prouty CagneY
kind .of ,cat. They found hint, too,
after a nationwide search which
ended in the household of Mrs.
Agnes • Murray.
1310 ,what were endearing young
charms to the baseball tycoon are
only a prolilem to the production
staff. The duality of toughness is a
strain on everybody concerned.
Moody, 18 -pound Orangcy Mur-
ray meets the specifications for
temperament, all right. Itis past
unknown before 1948, when he
wandered hungrily into Mrs. Mur -
ray's garden) may well have been
an unhappy one. To make reason-
able clemalds on such a cat would
be difficult enough. The comedy's
plot, however, makes quite 110 55-
sonable demands, requiring Rhu-
barb to steal golf halls, put n bull-
dog to flight; and jump through a
More 'Cooperative
It must, in all honesty, be re-
ported that there are' several other
cats, of very much the 5x1110 5155
and colouring as Rhubarb, who are
a good deal more cooperative in
this matter of stealing golf balls
and jumping through transoms.
They are the ones who do it, too.
It seems doubtful that the director
will have need of all 23 stand-ins,
(Rhubarb actually aloes most Of
the work) but that is holy malty
are lying in wait,
Cats, as ICipling.Ottce pointed
out, are different. They're harder
to work with than mules, for in- •
stance. This is what Director Ar-
thur Lubin was told when he pro-
posed malting "Rhubarb." He could
ottly shrug and ;Say: "At least This
cat doesn't talk." He was refer-
ring, naturally, to his recent pro-
tege, Francis, the talking mule,
b'/ A Sl%l t'rC
One of these days, and ya0 may
, nark our words, the fair city of
Toronto is going to secede front
•Canada and leave tate rest of the
Dominion flat on its Frances. And
if you imagine we are going far, Inc
out on the limb in making in making
such a dismal prediction, do not
forget that back "in the early days
of Henry Ford we exclusively fore-
cast that these new-fangled auto-
mobiles were only a passing fad.
h ,k 1
Why — you ask — does Toronto
contemplate staking such a drastic
stove? Why do citizenry of what
18 So111etimes enviously referred to
as flogtowu-on-the-limber gather
around in gloomy chumps uttering
tender their breaths language the
like of which, if reproduced here
would cattse a five -alarm fire? Well,
not to keep you in suspense too
long, here is the low-down. For
about the 'stcenth time an All
Star National League Hockey
Team has been selected WITH-
CLUDED. Ah, friends, the in-
dignity of 111.1 1
, Now, personally we have Long
held the opinion that there are two
distinct and utterly dfferent brand,
of big -league hockey—the kind you
see during the regular season when
the lads lire working Inc wages, and
the sort exhibited in the playoffs
when they are skating. themselves
bow-legged for gold .and glory, in
about that'orrice. But the so-called
experts who do the .11I Star select-
ing insist 'on taking the pre -playoff
type of hockey seriously and stake
their dicks' on that basis. Wh'ch., of
.course, is sheer nonsense, end if
you rlon't•ltelieve it just .ask any
loyal Torontonian. On second
thought, ,don't bother 10 ask. Just
hold still long enough .and he, or
she, will tell you so without enquiry,
* '5 *
Nor are such indignities anything
new or novel to the loyal but utterly
fair-minded supporters of those
Maple Leafs. Time after time they
have watched or listened to their
favorites proving themselves — by
the winning of Lord -Stanley's mug
--far and away the greatest team in
this or any other world only to
awake and find that the Alt Star
choosers had done wrong to ,our
Nell, If you don't -believe it let's,
for the heck of it, take's. look at the
* 5
Back in the season of 1931-1932
the Maple Leafs were winners of
The ('up, Yet the All-Star team
was composed of Chuck C;ardiuer
(Chicago); Eddie Shore (Boston);
'Ching Johnson (Rangers)-; Howie
Morettz (Canadiens); Bill Cook
(Rangers); •and IIARVEY JACK-
SON (TOR.ONTO). Just how
The Busher managed to slip do is
still one .of the sweet mysteries of
life. Perhaps because he was so
,outstanding inhie position that even
•press -box snoo'rers -couldn't over-
look liinn.
e m *
1t was :ten lid' ,years before right
and justice (once -mane prevailed and
The \lathe "Leafs hal their •names
inscribed on 'The 'Cap. -The All-
Star roster ;that seasos included
Frankie ittrinnselc (Boston); Earl
Seibert (ICliicego); Tom Anderson
(New - York's Syl Apps (Maple
Leafs); Bryan Hextttl4'(New York)
and Lyn', Patrick (New York, It:
has always been 'oar' private opinion
that the Tarinto.centre was includ-
ed mostly because it Is 'hard to find
any name shorter and ,14sier 011
tired type writing fingers than Syl
Apps, although of course he might
have been chosen fur his outstand-
ing merit.
+r 4 ,k
Season of 1944-45. Stanley 'Cup
winners—Tosoitto ,Maple Leafs. All
Star Team: Durran Canadiens);
Bouchard Canadians); Hollett (De-
troit); Lech (Canadiens); Richard
(Canadians); Blake (Canadians),
Alt, that's more like' it boys! Start-
ing to hit your real stride!
k 18 d
Season of 1946.1947. Stanley. Cttp
Jet Jockey Rides Side -Saddle — He's not a jockey on a miniature
space ship. He's just an Air Force mechanic making final adjust-
ments on a wing tip tank of a Northrop Scorpion F-89. The 600 -
mph jet is the new standard all-weather interceptor.
Winners—fill in the Warne 3 -ourself,
Ali Star six: l)tirnan (Canadiens);
Reardon (Canadiens): Bnnchard
(Canadiens); .Schmidt .f Boston);
Richard Ilan:Miens); Bentley (Chi-
rago). .Some team, Blase Flying
Frenchman. . Five stars last year,
four this. .Must have been dirty
Work 'at the erossroatls that they
didn't take it all.
x ❑ '5
Season of 1947-48, Stanley Cep
winners the just forgot the name
• but remember Hap Day was the
coach. All Star Teats: Brody (Tor-
onto); • (-)unclrenbttsh :Detroit);
Stewart (Detroit); Tach (Canacli-
tns); Ri,•hard (Canadians); Lindsay
(i Detroit 1. Must have included
Turk Beside 00 synnpatbetic
grounds: itnew was all washed ap
and through as a big-t'nler,
n b 4
Season of 1947-19.19, TORON-
TO 11111LE LEAFS icon you -
know -what, All Star 'Team: Dur-
n:un (C'nnadiens); Quer I:e:Mush
(Detroit); Stewart (Detroit); Abel
Detroit); Richard (Cauadic'ns); Roy
Comte -her (Chicago). Selectors must
have been taking a breather 'last
year, int now starting to come
strongly In the stretch.
Season of 1950-51. Yon can prob-
ably recall yourself the name that
should go in here- All Star heroes:
Sawehuek (Detroit): Kelly (De-
troit); Quackenbush (Boston);
Schmidt (Boston); Howe (De-
troit), 1_ini say'(Detroit). Comment
—roll pine own, they're cheaper
than tenor -made,
* n
Se, there yon have it,' neighbors.
Seven times 'winners of hockey's
most cowled :award :and itist three
—count them, ihrre—name, on the
All Star Roll ,of Honor. Still, un-
less .y.au lige M Toronto, don't rum
yourself fresh out of tea's with your
weeping. For although the; railc•t1
to catch she eye •of the experts .and
'win 'tlteinielves 'undying fame, those
Maple Leafs didn't do so badly for
themselves in a more sordid well.
In fact their Stanley Clip takings„
measured in cold Mash, probably
spelled out a lot more black ink in
the Maple Leafs' hank :recounts
than the All Stars ever iollected—
a whole lot more. And. as Miss
Lorelei Lee once said, "u-1 kiss on
the hand is very romantic but a dia-
monri bracelet lasts forever." Or,
to put it in different phrasing;:
"Which would you rather have-
three cheers or three hateltar"
* * '5
Still, to get back to our first pre-
mise—don't forget 'that We warned
you, Sonne day Toronto is going
to run dry. of .patience,.cut loose
and. go on its -own, .And we'll bet
there area lot who can hardly wait.
Putting Out Best Seller•—The only Scottish firm publishing the Holy
Bible owns the rotary press,. above, which turns out 256 pages of
the world's best seller in one operation. The press, located in
Sslasgow, is an economic aid to the British, for the Bible is and of
Great Britain's export items.
Pre trTptaon
For Heartache
This is, perhaps, a strange time
to write about hatreds anti reeent-
vents. One may think that they are
confined fnr the moment to that
wild land south of the 38th parallel,
Mit honest appraisal finds hatreds
anti. resentments with ns on the
home from, be it in war or peace,
The medical profession admits
this, and says that these forces
attack not only the soul but the
body. A titan with an uncontrolled
temper may wind up in set -gory;
resentments have caused arth,-bis.
"'Worry, fear and anger are the
greatest disease censers," says the
eminent doctor, Charles T. Bing-
ham, Alcoholics Anonymous has
"cured" maty of the disease- of al-
coholism, but not until all hatreds
and resentments have been obliter-
Thoreau -was well aware of how
maty persona, even in his small
part of the world, were leading
lives of "quiet desperation" and
he (wrote Ot therm with pity. Today
physieials and psychologists are
striving to straighten out these
lives. Sometimes they succeed,
sometimes they da not, but they
recognize the problem and do as
best they may with the tools at
Why these lives of "quiet despera-
T. E. Murphy, newspaper editor
and magazine writer, asks in The
Rotarian: "May it not be because
they. have wandered ft'out some
great foundation of faith, which
should be to us as rivers of water
in a dry place, an the shadow of
a great rock in a weary land?"
He bases this thought on the
fact that of 70 persons he ques-
tioned, most of then( churchgoers,
not one could quote a line front the
Sermon on the Mount, "the Mag-
na Carta of the Christian faith,"
And be suggests that "the remedy
for the desperate life, the pres-
cription for heartache ... tic ready
at hand, simple and stere, 1n one
great, neglected utterance—(be Ser-
mon's tmstt'paseetl i;oldeit Rule for
human relations:
"Therefore all things whatsoever
ye would that men should do to'
you, do ye even so to Blots"—
Grand Rapids (Mich.) Herald.
Asphalt Shingles '
If you have any doubts about
laying new asphalt shingles over
old wooden ones you can forget
about them, according to promi-
nent roofing experts.
Almost any type of asphalt
shingles can be laid over both wood
and asphalt shingles if properly
applied, they say. 'Cutis means,
of course, that old shingles must
be free of rot anti they should
be fairly solid.
Sheathing •to be covered must
also be free of rot. Wcatherbeaten
shingles should be repaired or re-
placed before covering.
Unequalled( for
SO t S , outO4s
opt :nq
BATTERIES, entitle, electric =tore,
Moves, radios, rofrtgeratara, fast fecez•
see, mllit cooter, and feed grinders, Power
Halve, drills, and lathes, els. Denten)
Wanted. Write' Warco Grease end 01)
Limited, Toronto.
PnING etoaning limo Is hero, T'Ime to.
,Wako extra 5001110 selling automatic wax
ttnnneen, mann, brooms. ele. For descrip-
tive (older, write Box 20, Norwich, Ont,
MARRY 011101s
108 wouldn't think of boring two year
old bone if you eauld buY Pullets at lite
same price. why? Bcenunc the punct, win
odor your old hone by four to live
dozen mot per year. The same thing
aeons, Minn you buy day Old pullet ehieIts.
But' pullet. ,lacks with genuine mars.
Breeding heel, of them. They will lay
three to ave dozen more eggs a year than
pullet click. with Mlle or no breeding
Intel, of them. write for ft111 deta110 about
'rue Notch I1.0.P. Sired Chfe1O. Also
'turkey Coons, Hider Pullets, 'Free 1'.ata-
Top Notch t'bicMelee,
imelob, Ontario.
S PRINGHI11, S Blood 'abated Chlehe 00110-
ty. All popular breeds 111,00: Pullet's
122.00, Fleury cockerels $0.00 end un,
Medium 81,50. Leghorn 31.00. Speciale on
-hmrted 0hielt0 all season, Send for mai-
swam. 5peinnhill Poultry Farm. Preston,
Onto Ho
BUY the hot. 1c extra (war '0' i tt le
nailing If you get breeding that gives
nn ,,:n•u three to live dozen extra 01000 Per
pullet. end tin tot exactly what will 0,1-
who" you pur,•hn,e Tweddle It 0.P.
Sired 1'hiekn. The lits[ east may be n
cent mom per cldeh, but the extra profits
per pullet will amount to $1,60 to 02.611
per bird more, over ordinary corps. Alen
Poeiiey Potults. Older Pullets. Free Caln-
't'weddte ('hurl, hatcheries Limited,
Cergua, Ontario.
1)1'101 S-IY: ANti ('LF,ANINI1
n.AVI, s,, ,1„ytltll,n need° dyeing to clean -
Ina' write to un fm lnfnrmntim we
are ularl to enowO your question. De-
earemenl R Porker's Dye Wnrlie Limited,
721 ',none Sr Toronto
Re ((01.01F.S Italian Bees. 10 frame
!Antonioni). with full equipment with
new extrartnt tgnka. Bargain, for quick
sole (tarry KIM 83 Patririn Avenue,
Oshawa, Ontario. Phone 0254,1
FJND Hidden Trennurea, Electrical Metal
Detectors for (told or Silver — Geiger
mullet•, for uranium—Infnrmntion Pree.
'relevielnn l,nioratories, ons 171. Kingston
O nta rla
Pli""rOORAPHtt. ,arch. etc., preterved by
b,dng sealed in clear plastic. For further
!Mot -mat Inc and free sample. write E. P.
Novelly. Box 616, Winnipeg.
NEW nlllea and Shotguns: Winchesters,
30.00. 30.30, 32 SPee1a1, 12 gauge Pumps,
doubles, 22 Hornctn, 22 rifles. several
make°. D, R. McCrady, Lyn. Onlnrin,
CYCLONE Drilling Afnchine, complete, on
Duch with Nola: new cables. Wesley
Peckham, R. 1, Sntilhvllle, Ontario.
0010 can give immediate delivery on Per.
gu0on 'I'rnetnrs and most equipment,
Write for Mires. Bruce Motors. Welker -
ton. onnrin
WILL buy fnrn1,-1.1111 or without build -
legs, on paved road, within 50 mites
of Toronto. Bos 70, 123 Eighteenth Street.
New Toronto. Ontario.
WISH In buy large block of lake frontage
within 100 miles 0f Toronto. Box 71, -
123 Eighteenth Street, New 'Toronto, Ont.
11i27ISTERED 1 Beaver Oats, 31.75 Boo,
Sow the heat. Gordon Lealto, Acton,
Phone Rockwood It R 12.
POTATO GROWERS Attention — Trexler
Potato Cutters and Repairs at .1, Nicol
Wilson, Box 410, Alliston, Ont,
1'AC 1C A 0 E Been, queens, bee 0upplle,.
"Everything to supply the bee -keeper,"
Cook's Supplies, Aurora, Ontario.
NO. 11 Highway, cabins, refreshment
booth, house, garden, 2; acres. J. E.
Small, Severn Drudge, Ont,
0105071I0110., Senleh collie pun,:, 3 months
old, sable tend while, eh: onion bloodlines;
rensonnble. henry LnhU, Huntsville P.O„
E(21;1121L'N'r for tt small Apiary for sale.
W. 0. Davey, Almmtte P.O.. Ont.
Ii0001t\1ICIC.D1010 t1S(I corn binder with
loader, good 01,5.0. Apply +Ulster Mc-
Intosh, 15.11, 1, St. Marys, Ont.
2 itEtt1STIORED beagle hounds, 2 males.
Aptly 1. 11, Adams, Dox 101, lilchmnnd
01111, Ont.
TIRO Graham Plow sna00 the stilt. doubles
eubaoll moisture, Mennen higher yields.
lror Information write or visit Rodney
100ynea, t'xm•itlge. Ontario.
ENSILAGE AT I1110 1t1r5'C—
For gleetrr tunnng0, better feeding 01,01115
onsill,g0, you etlu't bent Pride Hybrids.
Tried rind PrOVelt in your community, so
plant at tenm some of your acreage with
one of those new outstanding Hybrids. '
Pride D e0 for Late Silage,
Prldn 11455. fur Early Silage,
('lath 012,01, !Monde $10,00,
Delivered your etatlen.
ChM he OnhtNo.
SPECIAL above cre0d 11001010 000 • 16
6t4.95; 060, 070-10 810.8s. lifted Tires
000-10 30.051 $0,90 and 111.60, 030.10
$8,95 end 012.60. 590. 050, 070, 700,
715-11 $3.60 mud 012,50. Tested Tubes
01.10, Dealers wonted 25% deposit re-
quired With yntu' order nr remit in hill
end save 0.0,1), ehm•ges.
mime. Tire,
142 Catherine Street. South,
llamiltol, Ontario.
.: cAll1•A'b'�'S:�.�IN:.
ISSUE 19 - 1951
11801,)' WANTED
COUPLE --- Cardenar•hnndymao with wife
to work an Hou0ukreper to Iovoly sum-
mer home. Llvo In, Dbneddy T'arm, Pine
Grove, One Telephone Woodbridge 100.
61NOL10 man, Yearly posltlun, dairy and
mixed farming, htghent wage,. State
experienee, R. Wlntorsteln, Stood -tittle. Ont.
CAPABLE neroon for general 'housework
in email Modern home, one And. Live
In. Apply 51 Whitmore Avenue, Toronto,
or telephone Mellen] 7741.
,; hllinlC'A I,
SATISFY YOURSELF Every Sufferer of
Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should fry
Dixon's Remedy.
335 Elgin Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
C01058 CORN SALVE— for sure relief.
Your Druggist nulls ('KESS.
RHEUMATISM relieved to stay relieved.
Two Formulas, for self-nddroared en-
velope end $2.00. Satisfaction Guaranteed,
or your ',money refunded. DELOS IL
DUPRrnt, 116 North Alston Avenue. Dur-
ham, N. Carolina.
Qo)T cigarette. the 0500' way. Ose
Tobacco llllminntor, o aclentine treat-
ment' quickly and permanently eliminates
the craving for tobacco, rids the syetem of
nicotine Kinn Drug Pharmaceutical Chem -
tete. VegrevIlle, Alto Write P.O. Box 073.
London, Ont.
6(0001011005 from Rheumatle or arthritic
Paine. If you cannot set relief, write:
Box- 123, Winnipeg. Manitoba.
BAN1814 Ib. torment 01 dry eczema memo
1210 weeping, shin troubles Post'. Erzemn
Salve will not rlf0nppoint you.
ftchtng, scaling. burning eczema. acne,
ringworm PinoleS and athlete'', font, win
respond rendlln to the athletes°, odorless
ointment. regardless nt how vn,bbnrn or
hopeless they neem
PRICE 91,511 I'Itlt 1511
Sent •Poet Free on Receipt of Price
889 Queen St. E., Corner nt Logan. Toronto
toter CANADA'S LEADING 01.51001.
Creat Opportunity Learn
Pleasant dignified prnfesslon, good wages
Thousand° of soccer/Mil Marvel graduate.
America's Greatest System
tiloetrnted Catalogue Free
Write or Call
368 Moor Se W., 7010000
44 King St , Hamilton
72 Rideau St. Chown
WE always have big and little buelnessee
for sale at all Mmes. For particulars.
write ten
137 Frederick Street - Kitchener, Ontario.
WANT lovely skin, glistening eyes, Iron
nerves? Send for amazing Kerfo Tablets,
• $1. 03, 06. Imperial industries. P.O. Dos
00I. Winnipeg.
AN 01001011 to every Inventor—List at in.
ventlons and full Information sent tree.
Phe Ramsay en,. Registered Patent Atter.
neve 271 13000 Street. Ottawa.
FETt1I0itsTONHA1GH & Cmnpan9, Pa,
tent SOltnitnre, Established 1890, 860
Boy Street. Tornnln Rankle, ef Informs.
Orin nn request
ANY size 6 or 8 ex5Onure rolls or any
10 prints finished on Deluxe Velox glossy
Paper 30c. Cnnndn Photo, P.O, Box S.
Sherbrooke. Quebec.
Vetere, your ROOKS and 0,5511 from
FIRE and THIEVES. We have o else
and type of Safe. or Cabinet, for any
purpose. Plait Its lir write for mires.
ate.. (o Dept. W.
tea Crept St, E,, Toronto
Ealnbttabed 1800
NU79SOIRY woo;
03t0ER now for Sitting dolivery—Nntare'IY
toms or )'Poco (1000 Multiflora), 9 10
13 1001100, 25 Planta Int $2.09 4r 97.05
nor toot Chlteae Elm, 16 to 24 melted,
WAY Plante, 26 for $3.08; ar01', Bar.
berry 310dgmtf, 12 Inch Mee, 26 for 04.001
Hardy .Privet Bodging P1a11t0, 12 to 18
inches, 26 for 83.86. Dwarf Apple 'frees,
(Mecinlo011 Or HPY or Cortland); Dl»ta'I
Pear Trees (Bartlett or S'tftnp'a r'avn9r.
3L0for 47.101z 1 nmon,e Outdoor t')u'y:ntnior
mums Ae0orte0 Colours, 3 for 81,00 or
$0.60 per 500,11. I''ree Cotoured Gnome
Guide with Every Order. Bt'oohdltlo —
Kingsw,u' Nurseries, ROwmanVIllO,
-Kamm -Premier"; Valentino "1 0a1 -
tax": Senator -Dunlop," $12.00 Dinneen
12,00 hundred. Cleaned. Trimmed, Innate°
Fre., True to name. Money order, please.
Rose Carroll. Norwich. Ontario
STRAWBERRY Plants. 1Cdtioge's, Premier,
Well rooted, 010eaee free. 100 — 91.601
1000 -- $10.00. Asparagus R0Ots, Mary
Washington and Vinrinnd 36, 1 year -100-
82.0011000—$12,00. Coati With Order. algin
Loentne k Son. Norwich. Ontario.
CARRANOANA 30 limbos $4.60: 20 niched
$3.60: 16 lneh0s 03.60 per 100, Cramer
Nurseries, White Vox, Snak,
SETS, singles. packets. Went note n11ed
new thouen. Albums and banana.. Ottawa
Stamp Shop, 102 Queen Street, Ottawa.
1457E your soil tested for fertilizer and
lime reoalrements. Soil Service Labora-
1ory tv1I1 analyze your 5011 and 5100 you
a statement of the 'Mint nutrlertn n0511 -
able with recommen0ationo for correcting
all dodctrneles 00 acid condlttan0. Plan
Your manure and fertilizer program with
the 010 of soil testi, Far further infor-
mation write or mail this moon to Soll
Servtee Laboratory, 100 Adelaide St. West
BROCK Township i'ubllc S'hool Area
Board requires Proletaant teachers for
rural wheals, Reply In writing. etating
gUellncntlons and 0010,7 expected. Ex-
perienced teacher° give name or former
inspector to D. H. Christie. Box 80.
Sunderland, Ont,
1/'A NT El
BEAR CUBS WANTED: State Price and
full particulars first letter to Otto Noe,
Mrddleaboro, Aentucky.
PULLETS. all ages and breeds. Apply Boz
12, 121 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto.
Farmers Attention — Consult
your nearest Harness Shon
about Staco Harness Supplies.
We sell our goods only through
your local Staco Leather Goods
dealer. The goods are right,
and so are our prices. We
manufacture in our factories —
Harness Horse Collars, Sweat-
weatPads, Horse Blanket s, and
Leather Travelling Goods. Insist
on Staco Brand Trade Marked
Goods and you get satisfaction.
Made only by
42 Wellington St. E., Toronto
Here's Speedy Relief For
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Your feet may bo so swollen and 111.
(lamed that you think you can't go an-
other stop. Yourshoes may feel as if they
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Two or three applications of Moone'e
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No matter how discouraged you have
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A five -pound package makes a, gallon of paint ready
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