HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-5-9, Page 5i 4610Q -- YOU CAN GET $10,000 LOW RATE INSURANCE PROTECTION $10,000 for your family tt poen !le lean k natural clause; ett— $20,000 it you die by =icicle* aT-- ;30,00011 you die by accident wigsus a yaselara ha pubic conveyance (aeroplane ewomvptedk e1' doe to to the is a public building. Liberal oaah pvment for loam ofpar/Se of your bo0 and total 0fieabilltr. Ask Lor printed card "$10,000 Low Rate PrOteCticm" whine explains thin policy. It will interest you. • • TOTAL •DISA$HUTY ACCipENTAL DEATH DISAII,E,MBERMENT Confederation i *a A s o y s t e r Association, t 0 a o N • �Y.A 0 J. C. LONG Representative Brussels FREDERICK F. HOMU"I'll Phm. B. R. O. Carol E. klomuth R. O. Mrs. 14. Viola Homuth R. O. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Oat 1 CAR FOR SALE — 193,i Plymouth 4 door sedan, 4 good tires, Priced to sell. Bob Johnson, Brussels. Phone 51 or 34r4. FOR SALE — ;':19 model Cream Separator, in good condition, suitable for one or two cows. Phone 09 Brussels. 11Cane;tay, May 0th, 1901 BELGRAVE The W. M. S. mat on May 2nd with 10 present. The Pres„ Mrs, Earl E. Anderson, was in charge, and opened the meeting with the use of Hymn 41 and inlayer. The Sec, and Treas., gave their reports. The Treas., read a letter of than;ts from Dr, V. T. Mooney for money Sent t0 help send parcel overseas. Final 'arraiagelne-nte were made for the C. C. 1. T. Affiliation service on May 17th. Mei, .1. -Wheeler and Mrs, G, Marlin give reports of the Presby. feria] in Exeter, 1 Cnrin!lti'tns XIII was read in neiwn. The 4heme was "How we ran work for Peace, through helping to feed the hungry." The pro- er•tm was in three parts: "Food versus Famine: Bread versus Bullets end Apathy in Aid; .end was pre- srntrd by Mrs. W. Scott, Mns. A. Coultes and Mrs. J. M. Coultas. All tonic part in the Litany of Dedicat- ion. T-Tymn 345 concluded 4lhe meet• ing. At Home and Abroad sr in the t lines of freedom::. with the Men of a hundred trades, masters of a thousand problems — serving Canada and Canada's Army in countless ways — the Royal Canadian Engineers are key men in Canada's most important business today ....defence. Working against time to build up our defences, one of Canada's most urgent needs is more men for the Active Force. This fast growing Army of ours needs men with the skills to give our modern Army the power to make things happen fast. In the Canadian Army many of these skills belong to the Royal Canadian Engineers. They include everything from the Building and Shop Trades, through Surveying • and Map Making, to operating all types of equipment. It takes time — a lot of time— to train "Engineers". join Now! Learn the skills of the men who mist be everywhere in the Canadian Army. We must be ready to .defend ori' homes, our friends—the way we want to live. Join the Royal Canadian Engineers. �a.�o>aa`1rs `e; Lam: �:as TO ENLIST YOU MUST: 1. Se a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 40 years of age▪ . 3, Be single. 4. Meet Army test requirements. B. Volunteer for service anywhere. REPORT RIGHT AWAY TO: No. 13 Wallis House, Rideau 8. Charlotte Sts., OTTAWA, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Begot St„ KINGSTON, Ont. No. 6 Personnel Depot, Cheney Park, Douglas Drive, TORONTO, Ons. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Woisoloy Borracks, Blieobelh St., LONDON, Ons. A3735.0 Join the CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE Now! 1 Listen to "The Voice of the Army" — Wednesday evenings — Dominion Network CLASSIFIED ADS. profltableDairycows More Essential Now Than Ever Due. to years of cultivation and growing of nope the soil become 521'7 depleted of many necesmry mineral., oar coneoquently many peel. do not contain adequate nutrftsvo value. Thula one remota for the need of FOR SAL E - 2l Seers mostly Herefords ]tyle Gordon Phone FOR SALE — Ajax Oats and Mixed Grain for seed Ross Duncan Phone 121'5 FOR SALE.-- Good clean Timothy Seed. John Clark Phone 33r11 FOR SALE — 4 Pigs R weeks old John Pipe Phone 51r10 J FOR SALE — 11 g1'sewed Shorthorn Helfer, dark red, due to freshen soon. Kelt11(41i Melrnrlanc Phone 29r11 • LOST — Key, with chain and little green dog attached. Finder please Phone Ken. Beggs 88r2. FOR SALE — it Hies, 9 weeks old, One register - re 9'annwor�th Tog, year and a half nlr1. Graham Campbell Phone 53r4 FOR SALE — El you sell eggs you can't afford to oeeelonk the present bargain prices in Bray pullets, dayold or started. With egg prices on the up -and -up, you'll need these. Ask tis for spring special prices. Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel. TENDERS WANTED — Sealed tenders will be received until Thursday, May 10 to buy any part or all of the 'United Church shed at Belgrave. For further par- ticulars contact Geo. Michie, Brus- sels phone 15r13. CAR FOR SALE — 1949 Chev. Coach, with low mile- age, radio, heater, Prestone, body undercoated. Apply to Mrs. E. Huether, Brussels. Phone 8x2. WANTED — Man for steady travel among consum- ers 1n Huron County. Permanent con- nection with large mantafacturer. Only reliable hustlers considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML -C 152, 131 Montreal. • WANTED — Teachers wanted for Grey Twp. School Area, Salary $2000. up ac- cording to experience. Applications received by Secretary or any mem- ber of School Board. J. Carl Hemingway, Sec. Treas. Phone 25r5 Brussels, Brussels, Ont. FARMERS — ISave money try Na Chains Liquid Fertilizer may be used with dry fer- ,bilizer, •or replace it. Any drill will do. Try a test field — 75c to $1.00 per acre. nt ReTomnended — Free Samples to ,reliable farmers. Free information and folders. Apply to Ji C. Lamont, Ethel. ATTENTION FARMERS — We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay higbest'prevatling prices. For im- mediate service telephone collect — Brussels 05-r..12, Listowel 660-r-2, or Elmira 684 • Gordon "lung (IDimira) Ltd. FOR SALE — Shoe Stere and Repair Shop to good village, Store is Red- Brick; Red brook 6 roomed twnse adjoining, also 3 room apartment, above store. Stock is $1,500.00. •Stock and repair shop and buildings all for quick sale priced at $4,500.00. 100 acre 'grass and wood farm, lots of water, 5000 new trees set out. Priced to :sell at $2200.00, .1. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP famous for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. ' Always a large stock in choices; grant t hose Rom .San etery !t ng a specialt;, Mill a. s- machinery .. "$sone 256 - Winghs tn, t3'al ..: ..tan Dili y MEA u n0 lementury feed, to make • pro. D e6ry a1 anced ration for dairy cows. You cont cel milk without feed. The more a cow will eat the mots milk you will gat. But the feed must be properly balanced and contain the noce,. ,7 nominate of vitamins and minerals as well ee proteins and ter. bobydrates. To make more money, keep only well bred cow, and feed theta to time limit with 818tehfnrd't Dairy Meal which is very palatable, contalae abundant quantidee of all the sum - dal vitetniru, minerals and le the mom economical feed you can buy. For Sole by Ethel Produce Phone 22 -r -1O cNe lis Shell Service thrllabrieation Shell Household and Snell Petroleum Proemers General Repair 1"h"Roii e Lsvecstock (spray Parts ana Acceeserf.Y Brussels, Ont. AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1 am now equipped to pump out your Septic Tank, also do all other kinds of pumping, such as flooded cellars etc. IRVIN COXAN Phone 75r4 Milverton, Ont. umuimmorimmememmen BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. Do, L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEOP William St, Phone 4. Brussels, Oat. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telumrone 45 Brussels. Ont. JOHN E.•LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses, fitted. Phone 791 Seaforth — Main Street. HOURS: 9 - 6. Wed. 9-12.30. Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Stm Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insurance Co. Phone 43x Brussels G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings by appointment. J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, LISTOWEL, ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting off Glasses Office in Listowel Clinic Building Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. dat'ly; Closed Wednesday pas. Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to 9,36. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 66 No extra charge tor Use of Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. SELWYN BAKER Agent far — Hartford Wind Insurance Menlo') Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Our Rates Are Reasonable Far farther particulars — Phone Brussels 43-s-18& Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KiNDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and &knees Agent for Great West Life Insurance C. Pram Office 96 — Bruseeis, OM. n. A. Rann & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE: SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embehnu PHONE SS or 86 '— —BRUSSILS. ONT. ..sot;tt. • Dennis Duquette Plume 51-r-18 R. R. 4 Brume Licenced Auctioneer for Huron County No Sale too Blsi — None too Small Have employed an experienced assistant for the Rig Oess, R. S, Hetherington. K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day -- Offiet open every dam Pisone 20: --• Successor to E. D. Ball