HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-5-2, Page 4• To Beautify Your Home Choose Sturgeons Pure House Paints. Available In gloaming white and 19 olro:five colors. Madu to resist wear and weather. Johnson's Paint & Electric Store Brussels, Ont. Pel,litlPRODUCTS OR, HOME AND 1i11pU5TRY • Mrs, Francis J, Beirnes et rat aord; Edna Bell, Stratford; ud, Donna -\Ic Artet •14Iorris. Burial t'u, , , 1 t ,., fur Mrs. Mar- 11.,,uu i l 'asaue eemetel•Y, garet Ti, trues of Morris, 30, was held It ! {tit , and friends attend- ATansta} .,fl,"n1+„n. April 22rd, at the from Delhi, Shelburne, Waterloo, boron u, her +m—lit law. Jahn B. tic• etr•atfard. Wood+`tock, Listowel, Gorr - Arleen Morrie tewn stip, Mrs. Betimes „ ! _. surrounding had i,eem ;eritluely ill fora week be- district, fore 1.4-r d,:lth7 Her., husband, ',ramie James k, bucca (iled nine eee, mei one eoIt, Gilbert, five trs eete enrviving are two 10 I:eslir'•. -..f Morris Township, Harvey, Ellice township: four dau;=•htern, Mrs- Lottie Caslielt, Strat- ford; Airs. George Townsend, Ho- wie k township; Airs. Robert S. 'Bell. Stratford; and Mrs. John McArter. Morris; 111 Brand children. 14 great- gr:+u,l,•ltildr,•n: one sister, Mrs. Mary Cole, Waterloo; and one brother. Henry Wolfe. Luekrinw, The pall- bearers were six grandsnne. Harold and Freed: Caolick. Stratford: Nor- man Townsend. T.istnwel; Harold Townsend. Shelburne: Kenneth Bell. Stratfnrd: and Gerald '.McArter. Mor- ris. Flower bearers were three erranddanghter0. Evelyn Casliclr. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS I eeealar{ng claim against Ct(ANt3ROOK Mr. Harry dream, Guelph, occupied the pulpit in Knox Presbyterian Cantrell on Sunday morning and ex- pecte to be here each Sunday until soli*tante in June, The choir sang "'rtri Me The Stories of Jesus.” Bir. and Mrs, Oscar Huelln, Con- e -toga. attended the funeral of the lure John A. Stewart in Brussels ate ;;atui'day and visited with friends here over the weekend, Mr. and :tiro. Robert Catnernn and inn-, Sarnia, visited with Mr. and Ars. Allen Cameron. Mise Florence Jaeklin had her tono:'ls removed on Monday in Clin- ton hospital. Airs. Wm. Cameron visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Smalldon, Walton. By 1941 the figures had risen to A meeting of the Ladies' Md oP 1 s1,c00,0n0 acres, and in 1050 the 1i1V)c Church, Cralrbrnnk met at the I netintated total was In the close hnm,o 0f Mrs. Earl Dente, Tuesday, n<lehheurhood of 02.000A00 Ames. evening, April 24th. Acreage devoted to wheat showed Arra. M. J. Engel. the president the most significant gain in actual opened the meeting with Scripture „lora, claims from 4.225.000 in 1900 to reading and prayer. "i.9sn,nnn in 1941. and an estbnated Following the usual reports. fetal of 27,021,000 In 1950, Oats in - several hnsiness stents were die• e,•,I¢Pri from 5,308,000 In 1900 to hi• estate of Neil McNair, late of the Township of Grey. In thee County of Huron. Farmer. deceased, who died ran the 93rd of September, 1950, are required to send part`.culars thereof ih admin atrtt'rix on or before the firs, day of Ilay. 1951. after which date the estate will be lis- • ., 1 herine regard only to the e1 lents of which the administra nee shall then have notice. Dared at Preston. Ontario, this 4th day of April. 1951, AGES MCNAIR, Adminlstratrix, by PEARSON & FLYNN. 172 King Street, Preston, Ontario. • 10 • DAIRY PRODUCTS MAKE Your FOOD DOLLARS GO FARTHER 150 Every housewife these days is fighting the "battle of the home budget". She is quite aware that food costs have soared, and was not surprised • when the Cost of Living Index at March 1st, last showed food at 244.4 compared with 100 for the base period of 1935-39. The Dairy Farmers of Canada, faced with rising costs like everyone else, are pleased to draw attention to the fact that Dairy Products in the same index stood at 200.1 while other foods in the index were 247.5. The price of Dairy Products is not at all out of line with other items in the Cost of Living Index, nor with wages in industry. While milk, butter and cheese stand at 200.1, clothing stands at 196.6 and home furnishings at 199.3. Wages based on hourly rates of pay in Canada stood at 226.8 as of Dec. 1, 1950, according to Department of Labour Statistics. By using more of Nature's Fine Foods—Dairy Foods—the housewife can serve wholesome, nutritious meals and make her food dollar go farther. DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 HURON STREET TORONTO, ONT. r, ,-•r Y , v '' 901iliehod by the itoutiniuu Bureau n,m1e arts -pendings. aD temtt"*lth with of etatietics, her daughter, at Listowel. As In the ilial, 0011000 enumerators "Iturui Life Sunday," was °1)""'will visit each individual farmer to I d In day at the morning service. Rev, census scho ule, The Bureau will it, A. Brook apotce on the text mak,. 11.1 90001010o for cartons to 01i• "A sower went forth to sow." lain advance copies of the schedule' peva William Smith, Toronto, 0 This wet enable farmers to fill in as reereoeatetive '0f the Ontario Term mach of the information as possible pnranee Federation, had charge of before the enumerator calle, thus 1 the morning service in Knox Pres- eaving the tinge of both farmers and hyterian Church. He based his mss. Page 011 the verse, "With the heart loan hnlieveth into righteousness." He defined the wend "unto" as treandng the result or consequence and gate statistics rshowtng the In. crraserl numbers of arrests, motor incident, ruined lives. broken homes and crime to general due to ethe shot,• Church 00 Stin- eeiet in the 00)119 etlon of the numerators. hue mainly to the opening to set• fitment and later development of the prairie lands there has been n sharp Increase In the acreage devot- ed to field crops in Canada in the plat en years. acenrd.{ng to census The Census of 1901 placed the area data and annual acreage estimatesthe liquor traffic Iile i4101P was under field crops at 19,800,000 acres. "the curse of strong drink." tlr,aad of and it was (lee'ded to bane t 01111. 1) Party in 3011.0. flle date to be Yet later, Tarn intPl'ecting readings were , ortelbeted by ogre, Allen Cameron , 5teia4. e. 'tiro. Allan Cameron invited the t 1'l -o to her home for the next meet- ing 1t the close of the business sect - :nn , .,ctal 9001' was enthyed and leeee was served by the hostess and her assistants. 10 275, non in 1941 and 11.575,000 to 10;0. Barley rose from 972,000 to 912.000 in 1941 and 0,525,000 mares 1•, 1050, and rye from 177.000 to 0e0.500 1t1 1941 and 1,130,000 to 1950. mss flvrooed acreage advanced from ee nun yl 100n to an estimated 1950 at of 547.000. FeTTx1F>r The fifth meeting of the Club Girl Stand on Guard was at the home of Mrs. Earl Lowes on April 23rd, The 1, ar1Pr Mrs. Earl 11011-00 and her assistant sirs. Mac Mentosh open- ed the meeting by s'neing "Our Safe- 1 'y 0.41ly Song." The Lord's Prayer fnllnwed. The secretary. Elaine h-rneehen read the minutes of the fourth meeting. The roll call was aneWPred by the second Canada Rule and how far we bad gone welt our books. June Cathers gave en acrnunt of the experiment of bread. Mrs. McIntosh gave a dis- eneeion and read about the Huron County Health Lent, Mrs. Bowes gave a reading on fuel foods. A demonstration was given as she bandaged Tune Callers eye, Bever- ley Evans showed how to bandage Helen Knight's foot. 'Elaine Kerne- ghat) ilandnged Beverley Evan's's head for a sore eye. Grace Lamont and Joanne Swift showed what books they hod selected to read. There were 20 girls present, The next Meeting 4o be held at the home of Mrs. Alar M'Tntosh. The meeting eiosed eseth singling "O Canada." Teinch wan served by the hostess assiete'd by Anne Pes:tel'l, Patsy Reel -swell end Teen Rock. THE 195f CENSUS AND CROPS GROWN IN CANADA Tn the 1991.Census of Agriculture, which will be taken in Jnne, the en- umerators will gather statts,tJcal data from farmers throughout Canada Which will be need in measuring the changes that have occurred in Canad- ian agriculture since the loot ,a11- Canarll'ai ceases in 1941. 'The data ,•t11 lion he used to establish' a new base or "bench mark" .for the annual estimates of Meld ane forage crops sT T TT r Mr. Smith is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Willinm Smith. pinncer residers of this (''strict, and re- nniverl his early educat1on nt the nnbl'ic• sehonl here. Personals: Mr. and Mrs, Roy Mooney, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. A. Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Street and daughter; Linda, Tistowel with the Misses Mary and Rnbrn'a Duff; • Mr. and Airs. Spence TTe07101•on, Georgetown, with Mr, , and 1354s. Tose,ph Marshall and two , daughters Listowel, with Mr, and Mrs. Mary 'McKinney and her two daughters, Miss Eileen Mcieinney Plea•. N.. anti Elizabeth. attended a treuseatl tea on Wednesday night at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph 'Dunbar at Delgrave in honor of ).'iso Lorna Dunbar,• Reg. N., whose marriage is to take place on Satur- day. Mrs. D. C. MaeNaughton and son Tohn spent a Clay in Guelph where )Trs- ArcNanughton attended the executive meeting of the Guelph 1000 11'nmer's Institute, They were accompanied by Mrs. Harold Ham- ilton. am- ilt on. Harold Hamilton has tendered his resignation as teacher in the nubile sehool here, and C. D. Brown Bee been engaged to fill the vacancy. Miss Helen Walker has resigned as teacher at Kirton's school, and circ, Mary McKinney has beenen- `',,,•"041 n- '" moi as her successor, Hugh 3inn- 11e11 has been appointed to the Tern- 1'eeev Township School Area to fill tee „510107 paused by the ree,ene- tien nor Farl Hamilton owing to his mnvtng one of the area, On Sunday a memorial window was dedicated in Wychwood Presbyter tan 'Ohnech, Toronto, to the bate Rev, Gordon Rantoul, former minis- ter and padre of the R.O,A.F„ who died April 17, 1041. wntle on a route march et Manning Pool. Mrs. Rine tout unveiled .the window to her husband and Rev, D. Onawlford Smith, 145.01„ B.A., 13,D., of Guelph, dedicated it , 'The minister, Rev, A, A. Lowther, eonduoted the service. Mrs. 'Rantoul 4:0 a daughter of the late Rev. Dr. and AMrs. Pemrie of WI/141 mt. and Mrs. Rlntoul was o member of Knox Preehyteteen Church here, and active in young nr♦rlflo's work before etter'91ing Terox ('/ellen, Toronto, Blverale women who 'attended e social evening With the Reheka,hs et Totetowel included Mfrs, Alen Coq-rlsnn. Mre. A, 7), Smith. Mrs. Treer,, >.ttirtt. Mrs. emote T0hns- tee and Mrs. Fleming Tobnet0n. °�"• ' T.. Aitken lime reternerl UNEMPLOYMENTINSURA�N%CE BOOKS MUST L BERENE RENEWED EMPLOYERS! 1'll tlor send all unemployment ul•urayt, l,00k„ for 11)111)-51 and previous years itutrt: I/t•t-iv to the National I;niploy eat Oil is ce with lvhii'It you (1111. 01.1114,.rant renewal 1 hal l' 10100.0lly betel luade, The) 1104(01 he exchanged fir 111'11 11001c.4. 1 r •,, •.Wits;! in' your 1950.51 insurance books, woke non ,,f the -daze (1) which ousel.m fere (affixed, so 0' Ice ui0id duplication ill /11 1' uric (101,1. llc,lr ' '1 of looks is inapurtaril to you, to your c•lupl,lti 1'1- and to tlx: (,0111111ise1011, Please Acz J'ronl pt l.1'. TO THE INSURED WORKERt—fury you an insurance Look in your po eeeion? If so, please for ror send renewal t the nearest If National Employment you :.end your bou1.. mete c your resee1,teldress so that your now Look may be sent to you i ] ? YJNEMPLOY HENT INSURANCE z. COMMISSION C. A. L. MUP,CHISON. CommIsdoner J. G. SISSON R. J. TALLON Chtof Commissioner Commissioner sirs. George Thornton; Mr. and , � — Mrs, -Kenneth Wheeler, Belgrave, with Mr, and Mrs. Harty Elliott, NOTICE'F �R THE $�i TF$1{.�Q� Mr, and Mrs. 'Lorne Morlock aceorre panned by Mrs. Morinek's mother errs. Faltner, Credition, with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hoffman; ' Mr, endears. Rae Sreure and two sons, R'oehwnnd, with Mr. and Mrs. Har- cld Hamilton. CLUB GIRL STANDS ON GUARD The fourth meeting of the unit The Cloth Girl Stands on Guard was held nn Saturday. April 26 in the f.ihrni'y. Meeting opened by singing "Hen*e on the Range" after which . the eerl'etary read the minutes of the previous meeting. Twenty four mem- bers answered the roll call by stating oro traffic law which they had read bt the'r Motorist's Manual, Previous notes were checked and the leaders looked +1t nor record hooks. Our ex- periments which were performed the weep before were discussed. Mrs Sn it teeeet tis the ways of fighting germs, Mrs. G. Elliott showed as scow 30 moire hantla.ges for our kit and how to treat plant poisoning end nose bleed, also abort frectures. ells. Mono Cairlw'11 "i re chum traffic laws from our Motorists' Manual, Water testing bottles were rtamtributed. Meeting ceased with eiT'riga "One Ro'e The T110o'" Lunch woe served by Sheila Porter and 'M1M",•,• Aenes Hiegtns. Renfrew Cream °'.`-,drat ors and Milkers, t -ti., Flout, Manure Snreaders• f ;..,,. .....7 r.• -r -I13 pr sowers, G•,."r„r-tooth Harrows Land Packers, Rubber -tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, ! +ti „•t ^��q.--i-fors and crawlers. Plows, Discs, Spreaders. Mower•_, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers an Hammer Mf L. We also are repairs io Oliver Cockshutt Tractooa MORRITT & VVRIGHT •• t Dealers for • • - 015lnenta 10:1.00005'4 ane yrs. alvcn. It is to your benefit to or :e1' your coal now and receive full advantage of the lower summer price now effective. We will have Stove and Chestnut Anthra- cite, and Monarch Lump Alberta Coal ar- riving monthly throughout the entire sum- mer. A car of the famed Old Ccmpanys' Lehigh Stove Coal will arrive in May. We would appreciate receiving your valued orders. BRUSSELS COM . YARD Phone 86x2, •n c''Te � ' ke t'h,k 6"�sshiq res By Roe Farms Service Dept Li Liu,... .-....'_- —_ -.--- \ 50 YOUR BI RO5 ARE NOT 50 BAP, Dob BUT ON THE RANGE, THERE'S A LOT MORE you BET THERE 15, JACK. PROPER HANDLING OF GOT ANY TIPG YES, JACK. A GOOD RANGE 15 MIGHTY IMPORTANT— I'M ONE LIP ON WISE. MAN, JACK./ YOU THERE, HERE AREA FEW TIPS, Two Ways to Bigger Egg Profits A GOOD RANGE HOME ? A GOOD GROWING MASH POC• 1 ALWAYS JACK. HOW ARETHEY OUT? TO THIS RANGE. BU51NE55 THAN BIRDS ON THE RANGE TODAY, MEANS PROFIT OR L055 15 JUST AS IMPORTANT. ' USE i//TA-6ROW s`;�� f�t. MAKING MEETSTHE EYE. IN THE LAYING PEN . 50 DON'T FORGET TO UGE`� ROE V/TA GROW El''0.M5 M . !``til ���r _ 5m �jOl ry /�iat .:' `ad ' i+:ra�.. fT . til vera �a •a t)(.';'.7 a• ,� 1 pd✓ �R �. 1�71b7 \� �/ �l tt .4'4 ,... A11 , r • RANGE y t oNrAl,.- i , �`'` o P ° '' „•' , �' 1}Y ► t:,a: + t �`µf •' v„ F 2' h:>y5 oAR°T L/ A4O o SEP PUL 04 �yP`�N5i5E/T4 11i� v. COMPLETE „ NWIN f GROWING TE+ �' i KA IiSIIc't1 4 , via F Fl " rr'isle, '1ti:lei$, a ^ 1u01r, � pSAT �f1Y�/Gf/7 APo r�R'S uoirr 'ma's 1�C�H, �c�i or%l L V.'k;'l' L;_ .: / 7.09.44."M �"� +t /IL.�., .,r._./ s' iii a � . . _ .s --- /„ I� � a y �j p rLi1 1 k \ G fir s ` J•' �_�i pREf/Eiy / P/Ck/ o, N- ^ H'`°iPCDGc//�/os/s FA ,j, of ..t�,, __-_--_ ---- * �, -� •. ' t t East Huron Produce, 'y 11 tf t �G rd/�� , �pI='• y' )))14, :� '€ r �, 1 1„, t / T ' kt \r'� "'t, t' r y',0.` /j1.s t �' ;'p •e �n s t, •. �#t 1'T, r{xrj, t �/ J i� .• .,nph3:. 61f13v 4 ;i1 11 i�,i �t / ia 4 A,� t x�•G l [ l i / '^ "" 1 ------------------...--f.' �P, t { , -4,-. a „fire / •i, %� i ', tt� Ira 1 pp tt W,., pre ,. a I. .< . h 1: ; ` '„ .,, 1� , ORUSSEI.S JOHN HAMOIJT E EL F. HARRISON MONCRIEFF tv.' 1 "'i l,�sd,"��h�4. , .., � I , * "`� ,;,,s� ��� ... rMYtiAn�l' , w ..,.