The Brussels Post, 1951-5-2, Page 1THE BRUSSELS P ST ?OST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, May 2nd, 1.951 $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. SnA. HOW JERRY LESTER GOT 1-15 oz. Tin Stokley's Honey Pod Peas 19c 1-5 lb. Bag Robin Hood Oats 48c Johnson's Auto Wax with Sponge • • $1.14 1-28 oz. Canned 1'.•riaaato s, ,hhcice • ' 21c 3 Jelly Powders Your Choice • ' ' ' 25c SAT, MORNING ONLY: TIME SPECIAL MAY 5th Shortening . 31c lb. lied Bird N? tch • • , , .. 25r, NO PHONE ORDERS ON czAT. MORN_ TIME SPECIAL GREWAR'SP,A9 The SFrre W> 04 The Stock kj Baking Sale, Ca a and, Afternoon Tea frf Rressefs Prblic Library on Satur'dciy, May 5th from 3 " 5 o'clock}}. •kJ nd r ��:: C•7 ,.^+, Ti7+vv.4 R•.iC .r"f f- FrsPivLship Ciro t United Church Melville Church Service A large copgregation w:. r;, ' • Sunday morning in Melville Church to hear Rev. W. H. T. Fulton nn his first Sunday after being inducted. His text was Ex. 2 - 14, God speaking to Moses. T am that T am, bath sent me onto yon. Thr power of God and there is work for ns all through eternal life if We (pen our hearts tn Him. An anthem was sung by the choir. ♦ Tn the evening Mr. Fitton spoke from T Car. 15-20. Christ risen from the dead and the great importance of thisvalued message to •have faith in God, sin is defeated. A duet was snug "Come Holy Spirit" by Mrs, G Gibson and Miss• Mary .Lou MCFar• lane and a well rendered anthem by the choir. iserneramitimosenarlintileioftworinimilisielpeelnera COAL CAR D. L. &Y. BLUE NUT COAL EXPECTED SHORTLY Order Yours Now at the New Lower Spring Price M. C. OLDFIELD PHONE 67 Nle�ville C'° urch Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School :JO Bible Clem 11 a. m, Morning Worship 7 p. m. Evening Worship The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship — 11 o'clock "rSprinigtimme". Church School 12 o'clock Divine Worship — 7 o'clock "Ordinary Things." Let ,us rejoice and give thanks to God for all His goodness and love. mos•' - Church of of England Parish of Brussels Nsv. J. H. Kerr — Rector. Sunday Atter The Ascension 114%7 0th, 1951 Illt. John's Church, Brussels— 11 a. m. Holy Communion Sunday School 7.80 p. m. Thursday Confirmation Class. St. David's Church, Hen rye— 2,80 P. m.. Holy Communion St. Saorne's ChUroh, Walton -- 7.80 p. m. Holy G'ommnnilaa United Church W. A. The W. 4. of the United Church 01 t at the hone of Mrs. D. A. Rann on Mrinday evening, April 23rd, with I our president, Mrs. R. Cousins in the chair and Mrs. D. A. Rain at the Mann. Our opening hymn was 556 yellowed by prayer given by Mrs, W. nen. The scripture lesson Psalm 121 was read by Mrs. A. 11. Cousins. Sane Rann then favoured with a Plano cnle, The secretary's report was given ^nr, "Thank You" nerds read, also 'n=311088 nommunicattons. The treasurer's report was then -Id and approved. Mrs, A. Lane then gave the, "Good 'neer" report. The convener of the Mystery Tea `"nye her report and it was decided hold Musical Teas later in the season. The next meeting meeting will he ''1 Charge of the "C's" The meeting closed by singing hvlttn 562 followed by the Mlspah benediction. A social hour was heid, a. prop- r•rann consisting (0readlings and con- ' .4s followed by lunch, A vote of .thanks was given Mrs. Tann for the use of her home amu ,n the committee in charge. BRUSSELS AND B'LYTH AREAS 'r0 GET 60 -CYCLE POWER Hydro will bring 00•cyele power to 1,498 r•ns'toiners In a section of Mit- chell R. O. A., the town of Blyth, a putt of Clinton R. 0, A„ and the town of Brussels, in a series of 18 nutov'rs starting May 2 and ending alert, May 28. Commission Chairman Robert H, Saunders announced that some 378 customers of all classes in the Mit- chell section will t•enelve GO -cycle power between May 2 and May 8, In Rlyth, there will be two cnt- nver-, May 9, anrd 111, fen' some 250 n•t^.mut., 1n Clinton R. D. A., four entover, between May 14 and 17, env ring ar>nte Snn rnstnmes; end in Rrnssels, three entnvers, May e1 ,,, i13, ;Meeting sive 360 cus- tomers,. Tt is r t maid that approximately 1 Inn washing m.arhinres, San refrig• erntnrs, end 608 ra.din phonographs will be altered for the new frequency in these areas. This is an ndrlttion to =nue inn eleetrir clerics, and fans whir% will either h., rhonged over or exchange) 000 new models - ] i (tn the mnh•nine of cutover day Mr. Saunders said, the 25-cvrle I prwrr would be rut off and Hydro techn1r'ars world rail at homes and ether ore rises to ensure that all BOHN FNC,LETt To Mr. ,and.Mrs. Losnie 'Engler in N. & W. Hospital, Kit- .,rhener, April 22nd, -'a baby girl, (Patricia Bonnie). I2.EGEN1T THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. * * * c40W PLAYING — Fri, Sat. May 45 "RUGGED O'RIORDANS" with Michael Pate Wendy Glbt Actually filmed In Australia's Jungle Wilderness. A picture full of, thrill. ing adventure and romance. * * * Mon. TUea. Wed. May 7-8-9 "NANCY GOES TO RIO" with Ann Sothern Barry Sullivan Jane Powell It's fiesta time In Rio — Ali aboard for a glamorous treat In the land of Tropic Nights• — and Sun-Klased Senoritas. rreonen'v sensitive enuinment had 1•^en disconnected. Tt is anticipated that newer will he restored et 60 eveirs within annroximately 20 min - 114 05. Tha United Church Worship in the United Church ,horning and evening Sunday, April 211th, was in charge of Mr. Hsrry Harmer in the absence of the min- ister, who conducted anniversary services in 'Forest, where Mr. and Mrs. Lane had labored from 1981 to 1038, The return of Spring and the re- newal of the earth will be the theme next Sunday, May 6 — an occasion fon rejoicing. On Sunday, May 13, Mothers Day, the sacrament of baptism will he dispensed at morning worship, *- * * Next Thurs. Frt. Sat. May 10-11-12 "CHAIN LIGHTNING" With Humphrey Gogart Eleanor Parker Raymond Massey The thrilling saga of America's first line of defense — Jet-propelled weapons of the air — setting a new thrill caping, * COMING -- In Technloolor "CURTAIN CALL AT CACTUS CREEK" * with Sti,1��+r•�a�tcs� Fv Donald O'Connor Gale Storni UNITED CHURCH HURON PRESBYTERY MEETING The Presbytery, of Huron of The United Church of Canada met in Main St. Church, Exter on Friday, April2,7th. • The Presbyterial of the Women's -Missionary Society !net. in James St. Church, Exeter, an the same day. Delegates to the Presbyterial from Brussels were Misses Carrie Mc- Cracken and Florence Buchanan, Mr, W. C. Ellacott and Rev, Andrew Lane attended Presbytery. Mr. Lane was elected chairman of Huron Presbytery for the Conference Year 1951-52 beginning in. July. MINISTER INDUCTED AT MELVILLE CHURCH Indue11019. set•vlce was held in the 1101vi11e Presbyterian Church on Friday night, when the now pastor, lite itev. William J. T. Fulton, was' Inducted. A native of Milford County, Don- earal Inland. Mr. and Mrs. Fulton were given a reception by a large , r''owrl. Thn servier was presided over by th,, underarm : of Hnron-Maitland, '. the. Rev. R. G. MacMillan, G(derich "•h^• Rev. Alex J, Woolson, Teeswater, rt,rrated the sten. while the Rev., Alex Ninnnn, 1,Vingltam, addresser) the. charge to the minister. The - Tier. G. IT. Rauch nl4reesrrl the cnngreen iion. I The Rey, William Mitrhrll, Kin- rard,r.u, mon. Premedical ched rho induction ser - Mr. and Mrs. Tilton arrived here Thursday from Ireland with their I thr-e eltildren. Robin. 13. Austin, it. and Anne 9. The mans. will he tnkrn over as soon as tbrir hottse bndd hrinngings arrive, 'hurt program was given and rni-ds of welcome by Rev, A. Lane • ml Rev. 3. TT. Kerr, Lunch was ser- ••^l by the. Ladies' :Aid. MaIttRile V LISTO'WEL CAPITOL THEATRE WED. THUR. FRI. SAT. MAY 2-3-4-5 "KING SOLOMON'S MINES" Technicolor One of the Most Stupendous Achievements in Motion Picture History. Filmed entirely in Africa. Sat. Mat. 2,00 — Eve. 7.30 p.m. UNITED CHURCIi MINISTER TO LEAVE WALTON - Rev+.00rri0n It ITaziewocd, mini-' ster of the Walton TTn'ted Church, hn- ar,•epfed a rail to Mount Forest, TTe is to assume duties in his new charge on July ls•t. This popular young cleric is wide 1 ly known throughout this community i and his departure from this lis- triet will he regretted by many out- side his own congregation. As well as ministering to the people of the , T'niterl Churches of Walton, Union and Monerieff. he is very interested I In community activities, He is the present president of the Brussels` Lions Ciub and has token a keen interest in the Lions Girls and Boys Band of which his son, Lane, is a member. He is Senior Warden of St. John's Masonic Lodge, Brus- sels, Rev, 'G. R. Hazlewood, Mrs. Ilozle• wood and chilclpen will leave many warm friends behind ,their when they go, Mon. Tues. May 7-8 Sally Forrest, Keefe Brasselle in "THE YOUNG LOVERS" TUESDAY FOTO-NITE OFFER $200.00 Monday Attendanre Card Night. 4 BIG DAYS • WED. THUR. Fred Astaire, Vera Ellen, 4 BIG DAYS FRI. • MAY 9-1041 Red Skelton, Arlene Lahl in "THREE LITTLE WORDS" Technicolor VOWAVAVOIVMM Nicholson - Marshall Teeswater — 11,, Knot Presby - erten Church, Mabel Graham, daugh- ter of Walter Marshall, Bhhevale, and the late Mrs, Marshall, became the Imide of George William Nichol- son, Bluevale, son of Mr, and Mrs. John D. Nicholson. The Rev. Alec J. Simpson officiated. The bride chose a suit of navy gabardine with navy and white accessories and wore a corsage of red roses. Miss Evelyn Anger was brides- maid, in navy blue, and Wendell Stamper was best man. The couple will live on the groom's farm in Grey Township, Huether - Jewell A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at. the United Church parsonage on Saturday, April 28th, Rev. Andrew Lane, officiating, OXFORD TO 58 SITE LEGION MEMBERS ATTENTION —' OF PLOWING MATCH Plans were madee fur Into rna4 Joliet Plowing Match at a mooting in Woodstock monday night, The match will he held to Oxford'Coun- ty, Oct. 9 to 12, with headquarters at the farm of John Hargraves, at Besahville, HURON COUNTY OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION A' pleasant erming was enjoyed by many Hirontes and their frfena:, at the animal Myhre and Bridge of thi, Huron county 01d Boys' Assoc- intion of Toronto, which twas held Friday. April 20th, at Robertson's Hall. The MrT.aren *Ruche- Trophy. whdrh was up for competition for the tifth eonsecntive year, was won by Miss Jean Turner (R aforth) and Mr. Ray Carter (Clinton). Other prize winners were --- Mrs. A. (1. Smith: Mr. Reg. Williams, Mrs. W. A. Camphill. Mrs. W. M'Cntcheon, ?*.r. Gurdon 1`awler, Mss Jean Turn- er, 1.11•s. A. O. Smith, 'firs. Ray carter. Mr. Rr11 Leiper end Mr, )1" )T,Cutrhron. David McLennan David McT.smnan, a life long resident of Grey Township, died Thursday 0000(0g. AprlI 96 in Mem nrial hospital, Listoycl, In his 60th year after a lengthy illness. The clecensrd, whose parents, the late John McLennan and Rebecca Earls, were natives of Treland, was born at Lot 26. Con, 1, Grey Town- ship, July 29th, 1891. He was mar• rigid to Reta Gerlrnde.Walker of R. R. 4 Wingham on Aug. 8th, 1928 at the Wtngham parsonage. He was a member of Molesworth 'United Church. He is survived Tn,y his widow, two daughters. )ids. -°E; C, Thompson (Doris) 2nd col. of Grey Twp.; 1Tms. Wilfred Warwick (plclg'•the) 3rd line 01 Morris Twp.; and one gnu Keith. age 12, at home and three grand- children. two boys and one girl. Sisters and brothers, Mrs, W. G. MoRride, (Margaret) deceased April 2901, 1947; Wm. John 1st Con, Grey Twp.; Mrs. S. Jas, Wright (Hannah) Ethel,: Andrew E., 1st Con. Grey Twp.; Mrs. Stanley Dunbar (Sera). Ethel; Robert .7., Bluevale; Jane teaching at Holstein and Mrs. Ren Hollenbeck (Sofia) Stratford. The funeral service which was largely a ttended. was conducted front his late residence, R. R. 2 Biu•evale. 1st con. of Grey Twp.. on Sunday. April 29th at 2.80 p. m, by Rev. A. IsT,innn o, 't)Iringliam, assisted by the Rev. Hugh Pritchard of At- wood, Interment took place in Molesworth cemetery. Pall bearers were: Howard Sav- age, John 'Fraser, Morley 'gravis, Ben Hayden, Robert McDonald and Sandy Johnston, Flower bearers; were Gien Fraser, John Johnston, Geo. McKay, Law- rence Willis, Selah Breckenridge and Fred Hayden. Relatives attending the funeral tram a, distance were:' Graham Mc- Bride, Caledonia, Mr, anrd Mrs. G. Rickwood, Miss W. Holienbec1c, R,Nn, Mr, and .Mrs. Frank McCutcheon and Gloria; Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mc- Cntoh,eom and Freddie, all of Lon- don; Tt, MCCCuteheon, Woodstock; Mr, and Mrs, N. Walker and G1o11a, St.aa,tfotxl; Mr. and Mrs. R. Danby and Mrs. J. S. Murray and Miss N. Doughty, Taranto; Mr, and Mrs, L. McMichael and Mr. and Mrs, A. Mc- Michael,' and Gayle and J,oyce of Rochester, N. T. Tncinded in friends attending were Mrs. Stcawant Schaef- er, London and Mr. C. Hap'dem of Andmibon, laws, at one o'clock when Miss Ruth Isalbel Jewett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jewell, Brussels, be- came the bride of. Mr. Ronald Leon- ard Iluether, son, of Mrs. and bh•e late Mr. John Huether of R. R. 3 Walton, The bride was becomingly attired in a. navy blue, dress maker suit with a white gabardine top coat and navy blue accessories with corsage of Talisman Roses. They were attend- eil by Mm. anti Mrs, Gart, Henderson of Brussels, After the ceremony thee' lett on a short honeymoon to Strat- 'fiord, London, Parris and other Paints south and are now et home to ihetr friends, CARD 4)F TT -YANKS The Idotennan family wish to thank ell who have shown so ninth kinkiness to ,them' 'in their recent bereavement. They specially wish tn thank oil who sent cards, gifts and who visited the late Mr. ])ave Mo. Lotman diming his illness both in the hospital and tn his home; all who sent Bowens, loaned cars, Tette helped in. to many different ways at the time of his fllaerai, This is all deeply alipreclated and will never be forgotten. Th, > Spring wetting of Zone C I of the Canadian Legion ii,d:.4 1.. will be held m flu = Legio11 Hall, Iles ch, •:r. 77, do slay. May 212rl a1 .s p n, Sport officers DE. tsherl to meet at 7.30 p. 111 '1'l e: 2011•”tri, is! , 1 nu, ! [ten -fir at'n W 11 h•• kl •, t,;d Fit 1I11- 1110, 11119. Thi: is an 1111pnr1a.n0 4 4,51- ing 1 ,t. you •-i Fuld nrlt nh 5, All 01' n,];r rf 11115-14. Na. 219 :. rr• ul •rd to b r-nt. R.. . ..Shaw, Sr ,4•,,,t icy. As.- ..:,,:... . ,.s,...• ,471,, -- INTO TELEVISION a t ela .. rri vent Ile parlayed 1r,• un :1 TV network into o n,l :.,nn., nut success didn't iy. !.earn how Lester -m ,1c irl I)n9utal the talk of •' 1,.. ,-11.11. Mt article about Lester i 1 ,nae of many features in this Sura t , May 61 150110 of The Americas kir. EXCLUSIVELY with Ow r n ;,nnday Times, DOG TAGS .4,11 owners of dogs a Ireq eSfOd tc Clerk G. R. Coarapbri1. All -rF7etr By order of the CHef of Police, W. H. Bell. CARD OF THANKS T take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all those who were so kind in reanembening me with 'heir visits and 'treaft's during my recent illness, Wm, MCNeAr, Jr, , NOTICE E'd.t do o, shalt be aPowP. 90 ;'un cot large . l!s the xl Ic r e of Rrusi els thait g the -Gorden season. Anv dog so found . ,i;':' at rici nes ".',3 he killed and the owner or harborer prosecuted. r y p P , rwrle'• Ir,,Y A' 4[4 p , i'A F?1' !"s PC P.r.. 2 ,.. W. H. Bell. .,sem CARD OF THANKS Mr. and. Mrs. McNeil and family wish to express .their thanks and appreciation to ,their neighbours, and friends. who were so kind and under standing in their rerent bereave- ment, Also those messages of syr. pathy and floral tributes will long be remembered. • 7injust V' in to the ba,!k,Aru't" SHE'LL sip ON be back —her cheque cashed; her deposit made, her bank book written up.. Mrs. Johnson's is one of the 3,200,000 new bank accounts opened during the past ten years. Like most people nowadays, she relies on her bank to safeguard her money; she expects her bank book to show how she stands; she finds bank cheques, rl convenient to pay larger bills. The chartered banks appreciate --- and depend on — the confidence of depositors like Mrs. Johnson. For the money which Canadians keep in 8,000,000 bank accounts provides the basis for bank lending. Safeguarding these funds is the banker's first concern. One of A series by your bank