HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-4-25, Page 5kt
ty'. -,.111'11 ,1111# ii i
of Main Street
Where livestock and rolling stock meet
there's sure to be a Western town, Beef and wheat
and railways—and The Commerce on the corner.
That's the story of lots of Canadian towns.
But the real story is about thepcople who
built the town. You and your Commerce manager ...
He and the men and women who work with him
know their job: to give you Commerce service—the
kind of banking service that's the keystone,
of community progress,
Remember, whatever your banking needs,
the men and women at your Commerce branch
are good people to know. ! .
The Canadian Bank of Commerce
"The Commerce"
Joni Elutes
-....1aal•r'„0-:•._..0001.0e<aa0.1018..z<r,•=,-��,;.yy.0.0 tFcrroramu 100001200Opi1‘iumiY®n 00P0090000061010- 10O
R N Q' Roo S.
The (l lubrook Women's Institute
met in the. Community Centre with
Brussels and Ethel lnalitules as
guests, Motesworth institute was
unable to attend because of the COO -
dations of the roads, With Mrs Jas.
Bremner, our pry-sirleut in the chair
the meet.tug opened by singin;:,
"The Opening Ode," followed by the
Institute Creed and the Lord's Pray-
raye1. in tlnisen. Airs. Lloyd Michel
welcomed our guests. Community
singing in-eharge of the Ethel In-
sttute led by Mrs. L. Lake and with
Mrs, Stan Speiran at the piano was
very 1118011 enjoyed.
Mrs, Teen. Shurrie of the Majestic
Institute gave a demonstration on
icing; cake. Showing us how to
make the icing and demonstrated
icing one layer ot a cake and also
Pbrn. R. R. 0.
Germ E. Homuth R. 0
Mrs. H. V nla Homuth R. 0
Registered Optonletriats
Mons, 118 l•ierrinirm. gni
WING!-?Afldi sfraloHiM SHOP
Famous For
Aria tic, MernorlaIs
at very reasonable prices.
Always a large stock in choicest
sranit i hose from
e; smetery t ng a specialty
a In e. machinery
Moine 2.51,1 -- VVlnahnrve list1
It 1 (belay cane in the form of a
Mrs. \:-ao „McIntosh iutradeeed our
sir speaker Mrs. Arthur Hamilton.
Airs. I-l-atitilteu gave a very inter-
esting and also educational talk
of her trip to Copenhagen, Denmark
Ie the rnnvewtlon of the IT. C. W. \\r.,.
!' !hair tours to parts of Eng-
uh.1. N-: ollui (. Sweden, Norway,
i , murk. Holland, Ireland and of
'heir rough voyage home. She show-
ed many interesting and colored
eiefures of her trip.
?(rq, Sculley Campbell on behalf
cf the W. 1, th.auked Mrs. Hamilton
:111 presented her with the cake
'eat was iced by Airs. Sherrie. •
The meeting clone by singing,
"'His Kinlz." Lunch was served in
'ea haeenieut and a social time was
einy(-al by all. Hostesses were ;
Mrs. Glen Hnether. Ma's. F, Nichol
-nr1 M'e T. Knight.
fe; you want to get rid of Your old
paperer- The Brussels Boy Scouts
will be glad to have all you can bring
lo. Bring them in Saturday, Apdil
Lith or Sat.. May 5th and leave them
et the home of Adrian McTaggart.
i- e : �n
'ills play -.dale of Murrey," present-
ed by bhe Belgrave Young People
111 !1.r presented in the near fut-
ure, under the auspices .of Knox
United Church Sunday School in
Beigrilve. Watch for definite date.
BELGRAVE and,da.c
Mrs. Stanley Cool- was elected
Flat or sombgioss. Helps create the most beautiful
Interior effects. Produces a soft, mellow finish. Easy
to apply. Has exceptional hiding qualities. Your choice
of twelve modern colors.
Johnson's Paint & Electric Store
Brussels, Ont.
is enish at of the Belgrave Wlf111 .55'8
Institute, succeeding Mrs, Stewart
Procter, who had been president fur
MVP years. airs, Walter Scutt and
Mr.. Edgar \\lghtmau were sleeted
vice-presidents, and Mrs. Kenneth
Wheeler was returned 88 s el'',Irry
tr8aenrPl', with firs, ,T. C. Procter
as iter assistant. Mrs, Stewart
Procter was named district direct-
or; the branch directors are Mrs,
John Andersson. Mrs. J. M. Conites.
sad Mrs. Jesse Wheeler: pianist,
Mrs. J. M, Coultas; assistant, Mrs.
George Michie; auditoria, Mrs, W.
.0 hfeet•ee. Miss Edith Prosier;
program convener, Mrs. Fred Cook;
press reporter. Mrs. R. S. M.acTCen-
zie: eta.nrling rnmmetee conveners.
—a'•rieelture 1)11,1 C.gnad'
+rias, Mrs, J. Cl. Procter, Mrs. Leslie
Dolt: citizenship anrt, education.
Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs, M. Taylor;
11Pa1111 and home economics,, Mrs,
Albert Cnult88. Mrs. Harold Proc.
ter: cemnlnnity activities. Mrs,
TT -1 \?'lienler lrl'e. A, Scott.
les. George Mollie gave a re.
'view of Nellie M1C^lnlnee's honk
"The Stream Runs Fast" and Mrs.
T" pter preeented the
rnoi fn. Cn11r811erc' reports were giv-
P11 by Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. Al-
eest ("nnites, and Mrs. ,T. M.
Cnnites, Miss Edith Procter gave
1118 auditors' report.
Ten dollars was donated to the
cancer fined, and $25 to the Wing.
ham. Hospital Auxiliary. Mrs. 3'. M.
Cnnites•, Mrs. W, J, Moores, and
Mrs. George Michie aware .named
a rernmrittee to investigate the
011001)558 of a piano for the re-
creation more at the Arens, Mrs.
Wade and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler were
conveners of the meeting. and Mrs,
Free Coals was hostess, assisted
by Mrs. L, Doit and Mrs. Robert
Procter, Plans were made for the
feed denlnnettiation. "Let's Cook
Tt Riarht," to he held in the cam -
1l' ll(y club roams on Apr!l 26 and
27. 2
Do you want to get rid of your old
naoers7 The BrUssels Boy Scouts
will be glad to have all you can bring
in. Bring them in Saturday, Apdil
2:4th or Sat„ May Sth and leave them
et the home of Adrian McTaggart,
I e e o 0 0 5•_ • .,,.�,0000008 ..• o•• e e e e e• e 0 e e e e n
,t pings a monthly income to your A monthly income to 700 in flea
dependents if you die before reaching event of your total disability through aide
retirement. mess or accident.
This monthly income is A monthly income to you for
doubled if you meet with death by
accident, life at retirement.
Ask for our pamphlet "Four -Fold Protootion Provides". It will interest you.
x.09 on f r ti Life
11 1 en Or r 1 0 1 Ausociafioitt 1 e 1 o n r o
n,+01;;,1+dbate. iii% ,.Litt_tu,atCita
- C iI. :del{iu ry presided at
the first munth(y m11tiig of the
Triple group of the Indies' Aid of
Knox Presbyterian Church. Fourteen
1! 011ilf 1..a paid the Inc^mbershlp fees.
Mrs. Burns Modfalt read a passage
iof scrirtau'e from Proverbs which
, dealt w't:h the work of women, Mrs,
IMc -Kinney led in prayer, -
Mrs. Archie Messer offered her
• home for the May meetdng, 811(ee
articles, matte by members during
the first quarter of tine year, will
be sold. Money --,making projects
wsre discussed and a committee ap-
pnirted to 001801 a play, for Presen-
latton at 11 later (late, Sunshine
boxes proved so successful last year
that it was decided to use 1118111
During the afternoon the women
(milted. The meeting was held at
the home of Mrs, Burns Moffatt.
The \\'omen'. Tnst!tltte sponsored
n enrhire nerty in rhe community halt
last Tuesday night with 12
tables minvin % Moe. Alex Corrigan
and Mrs. Gordon Mandell were the
women 111 charee. Stanley Moffatt,
Miss Merl McNaughton, M s. Hugh
Mundell and Mrs, Harry 'Elliott
Well, NIP winners of novelty prizes.
The awards for high points were
won 11y Miss Sean Wilton and
F'lemi'n;g ,Tohnston, Lunch was
served by the women. The proceeds
will be used to buy dishes.
Personals; Mrs. W. Myers, Tor-
onto, with her parents. Mr, and
Mrs. J. H. Smith: She was called
home on account of her father's ill-
ness; Mr. S'mith's sister. Mrs. F.
Minoan, Brussels, is at the same
hone; Mr. end Mrs, John M. 7Allow
end baby, Marian, Stratford. 'MO
Mrs. Nellie Liilow; Rev. Doulglee
MacD'onn.id, Tihlsonbnrg, with his
father, Dr, MacDonald and Mrs,
Do you want to get r•id of your old
"anerev Th- Brussels Boy Snouts
W111 be glad to have all volt can brine
in. Brine them in Saturday. Apdll
28th or Sat., May Fth and leave them
at the home of Adrian McTaggart.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Neil McNair, late of the
Township of Grey, in the County of
Homan, Farmer, clecea•sed, who died
on the 23rd of September, 1950, are
required to send particulars thereof
to the addnintstratrix on or before
the first day ot May, 1951, after
which date the estoite will be dis-
tributed having regard only to the
claims of which the administra
tris shall then have notkee.
Doted at Preston, Ontario, this
4111 dey of April, 1951,
AONPvS McNATR, Adn tnistratrix,
by PEARSON lit FLYNN, 172 Ding
Street, Preston, Ontario,
Shoe Stere and Repair .Shop In
*mod village. $1 Ore 15 Red Briok;
(lad brick 6 roomed house adjoining,
also 4 room aper tment. above store.
Stook is $L500.90. Stock and repair
Mori 18)111 buildings all for gulch sale
priced at 94,500.00.
100 acre grass and wend farm,
lots of water, 5000 new trues set out,
('r'ioe1 to sell at $2200,00,
3', C. Long, Reel Estate ilroker,
Brussels, Ont.
Grass time is almost here. Cattle
will begin to move, so keep posted
on the latest market prices. At
n000 on the Farm Page we have
Toronto, Montreal and Buffalo
prices, Then at 6.20 p.m. we give
you the day's closing prices. from
Toronto and also, by special wire,
from Detroit. Hope you find them
helpful, t.2
1850 Austin Sedan, with radio and
heater, in new car condition.
Phone 31 Brussels.
Pota(nea rue seed.
Chas. E Lake. Graham Survey,
Brussels phone 56r6,
I(a.ver Oats. grown front reolcter-
eo tee(1, also Clinton hats.
(0010,1 Kndtrht - Phone• 431.25.
4 real ;and Dilrham 1te'fers, three
I c ty m calf.
it9ss Cardiff Phone 51r4
AleC :try (Sucher- Heate1' and kit -
chum clbinet, also t.raetor and plow.
Far information phone 31 Brussels,
Honsekeeper companion. good home
for a woman not wanting too much
wages. write or come and see.
Truest Dennis, Brussels, Ont,
Look ahead to the late summer-
early fall egg prices. Get, Bray pul-
lets, started, dayolds, at their re-
duced spring prices. Ask us for
teal ticnlars, They've also nixed
Alae s, d,ayold, etarted. Agent Wm.
Glen Bray, Ethel,
3 Hoistein heifers 1 pr; old and I
foul' 2 yrs. old. four Dunham heifers
2 yrs, old; also oil bath windmill
head in good cond1tion.
Phone 55110 J. Blair McIntosh
Sealed tenders will be received
until Thursday, May 10 to buy any
part or all of the 'United Church
shed at Belgrave. For further par-
ticulars contact Geo, Michie, Brus-
sels phone 155513.
1949 Chev. Coach, with low mile-
age. radio, heater, Parestone, body
undercoated. Apply to
Mrs. E. Huetrer, Brussels,
Phone 3x2,
Man for steady travel among consum-
ers in Huron County. Permanent con-
nection with large manufacturer.
Only reliable hustlers considered.
Write Rawleigh'a Dept. ML -Ci 152, 131
-Teachers wanted for Grey Twp.
School Arca, Salary $2000, sap ac-
cording to experience, Applications
received by Secretary or any mem-
ber of .Sohooi Board,
Oarl Hemingway, Sec, Treas.
Phone 25r5 Brussels, Brussels, Ont,
We will be pleased to pick up dead
or crippled farm animals and pay
Pro itableDairtyr foi�;,i�
More Essentkxl Now Than Ever
years of eultivatioa and growing et crape tbo coil Menne,
of main. accessary 41005810, etc., conecquenity ninny (r8au do
lei colonist adequate nu(rlavn value,
Thin In POO reason for 1110 trued of
surplemuatary foods CO r41h0 0 pro.
pony balanced radon foe dairy cows.
Theomoret0 row tee cosh Ow m00o
tgflk yeti *8111 pot. But rho. fend *85551
he property balaueod and eaamin the
nes easing nauseate of vitamins and
mhrerels as well es pr:Moine and ser
bob ydnes).
To (Hake mora tnonoy, hoop only
well bred eowo and /cod them to the
Omit with Blac%ford's Doisy Meal
which f5 very;_ palatable, 80nmAfae
abundant qua:wawa of en sirs •asgri^
tial vitamin,, aalaorale and la tlw, swag
aeonomical Pond you can buy.
Aar Sale by
F r uduace
I 'l'hr•yc^ pa -sed a -way- on Monday,
Apr;1 0th. Et.hel's oldest resident,
Mary .Tawe Bateman in her 92nd
Sllc was a daughter of the late
John Jnnes and Susan Dark and
was one of a family of seven chil-
dren. She was horn on Lot 9, C'on,
10, Grey Township on May 22. 1850.
In December 1890, elle was mar-
ried to the late George Bateman,
'5180 0(1 Carey Toe -pellet and resided
in Cranhrook and Ethel vicinity
all ho,. life.
She w a member of the Wesley-
an Methodist. Methodist and TTni.
Irl elttlr'elie'.
Alt.hnuelt of the lateyears: 1(8 bad
not rmjnyPd the hest of health and
was more or Ina eonfinr-d 10 home
:110 molt a 10ren inierest in all
rmnlnnity affair:.
R1,:• •_ :,orewed l,y two dnngh
Cess ,1Oilier and Minnie of Ethel.
rind one sou. Cecil, farming at
1'the1, 801811 erandchildren, and ane
rdeat grlandrlauehters Joan Cnghlin
of Lis' ,vel. Two snits. Edwin and
William, and two daughters. Bea-
trice and Pearl predeceased her as
rifd her ltnehanrl tv110 died at Ethel
in 1931.
Funeral service took place from
her former home in Ethel nn Thurs-
e^.v. et 2.30 it, in., and WO e• conducted
be her pastor, Rev. Andrew Lane.
Pollh-;arers were : Quest Dohson,
Percy Stephenson, Jnseph Pearson,
Charles Hansnld; Cameron Coch-
rane and Frank Sleightholm, Inter-
ment was made in the family p16t
in Brussels cemetery,
The annual meeting of the Ethel
Women's Institute was held at the
home of Mrs. G. Kreuter. with 22
members and 2 visitors present. The
roll roll was answered with a
current event of in4ereet to Ciamed-
ians. Mrs. Bowes gave a short re-
view of the work so far in the
junior project. A sheeting was plan-
ned for t.h•e girls and their mothers
and the Institute to -he held in tee
middle of May. Sunshine sleters
will be revealed at this time. A
vote of appre0ia.tinn was given to
the leaders of the various junior
Projects. The reports of the various
committees were read, Mrs. A.
Speiran gave an excellent paper 011
Christian Citizenship. The following
list of ofIticers' were elected for the
coming year and Mrs. L. Lake con -
(Noted the installation. according
to the Hand Boer(,
Hon, Pres. .... Mrs. A. B. Lounshury
Pres, 5508 S. Speiran
let. Vice Pres. Mrs, E. Bowes
2n(1 Vine Pres, Mrs, 11. tlodden
Sec,-Treas, Mrs. A. Pearson
Asst. See..Treas. Mrs, le, Richards
Pianist Mrs, S. Speiran
.Asst, Pianist Mrs, C. Cochrane
Mist, Director .... Mrs, A. T,nnnshnr v
Br:uttlt Directors Mrs. W.
Kramer, Mrs. W. Hamilton and
Mrs, de Doelder.
Auditors .... Mrs. G. Kreuter, Mrs. H,
i Harley
Plower Com..... Miss E. Pearson and
Mrs. W. Hamilton
Conveners of Standing Comtttees,.;.
j Citizenship and Education Mrs.
P. Stelrliens8n
Community Activities and Public
i Relations Mrs, B. Godden
I TRstoriral Research and Current
' Events Mrs. A. Pearson
Hunte Economics and Health .... Mrs.
E. McTaggart
Agric'ultnre and Canadian Industry
Mrs. J. Pearson
11r -solution
Mrs. , r.. J. Menzies
I The Institutes are holding a euchre
88.1 erok.nnle party in the Township
Teell, Thtu•sday night, for the hock-
ey tr,:,m. Everybody invited, 'Wsl-
i 1.r-• institute are presenting a play
"Lena Rivers" in the Ethel Town•
sltip Hall, Monday night. April 30th
F^yrryene please eome.
The \\'ingha.m fire brigade receiv-
e(1 a call from thefarm ot 011ie Cam-
pbell, 1st line of Morris, early Mon-
eay. A zits engine in the milk house
was reported to have back -fired
causing minor damage. With strong
wind blowing at the time fear was
hole it might spread into the barn.
Chimney Fire .,,.
A chiumey fire at the home of
Thomas Ellis. four miles north and
west of Bras•sels on the 4th concess-
ion of Morris, burned a large hole in
the roof. hut was put out before
rousing any limns damage, The
necnpant0 of the house had not
noticed the blaze, but Charles Nichol-
son. Morris Township, 10410 was
ddiving along the road noticed the
burning roof. He notified Mr, Ellis
and helped him put out 1180 fire. The
Meuse -,'le fire bridgede responded.
Skinny men, women
gain 5,10,15 Ibs.
Get New Pep, Vint, Vigor(
What • tballi Bony
limbs ell out; ugly bel-
lows fill up; neon no
longer semITny; 1104,
1 oe bnit-etnr#d, 8101117
'dean -pole" look, Tben-
0580 0f rlrle, women, man,
who toyer no wd rota be-
fore. 5500 now proud of
ebapVe1y honllhy-1000103
bodfos, '�b,y thank rho epe-
binl vigor-hundIeg, I819
building tonic, 0000x.
tome, stimulants, lnde0rn-
tore, iron vitamin B,, 051-
stum, ee,Ieb blood, beproto
appetite 0011 lm�oo
food 81,00 you moraore aroma
and ire bobme0t; put amh
0a bar, bo0,0.
Get Lovely Curyos
Don't tear gutting T00 tot.
Stop 8105 7ouba gained the
6,10, 16 or 101111. you need
for normal weight. COs
little, New "get sogsste
glen only 000, Try tomos
Oetroe 2bulo Tablets for DAT
Toryday. end added
McNeil's Shell
Shellubrlcat!on Steil Household and
General Repair Livestock Spray
rhone 77-7-6
Shell Petroleum Produces
Parts. and Accossorkes,
highest prevailing prices, Far tm• AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE
mediate service telephone collect —
Brussels 86-r-12, Listowel 650-r-3,
or Elmira 564
Gordon "'hung (Elmira) Ltd.
Brussels, ''f"'1)
Repeat. man for Morris Schools.
Applications will be received Until
May 1st for the position of general
maintenance elan for the schools of
Morrie Township Scheel Area., No
appltoatkln necessarily accepted, Ap-
plicants will state rate of pay p01'
ham' and mileage.
Retell Shaw, Blnevale, Ont,
1 am now equipped to pump out your
Septic Tank, also do all other kinds of
pumping, such as flooded cellars etc.
Phone 75r4 Milverton, Ont.