HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-4-18, Page 8e ouseClea CONTROL MOTHS Garment Bags 45c and $1.00 Dichloricide • 75c Elkay's Moth Control Liquid Spray Hand Sprayers 45c Moth Balls 1 lb. Pkg. 29c Wood's Moth Killer Blockettes 15c and 25c Lawes€ $1.00 Moth Killer Crystals 01 of Cedar and Gum Camphor Polish • • • Formaldehyde — For Treatment of Seed Grain before planting — 1 lb. bottles 40c 1' Ib. bottles 25c You will like the New Patterns in Sun - worthy Wall Papers, also the colorful Kitchen and Bathroom Papers. See them. 85c 59c 4 Square Floor Wax Elkay's Glass Was Dolly Cream kor Curtains All Purpose Rit • • Tintex Universal Cleaner and Spot Remover 4 Square Furniture Polish 4 Square Silver 50c 60c 1Sc 25c 15c 30e 69c 55c AMLEP F. It ca MET STATIONER DR13GGIST and term; Drug Store ONE No, 42 SRL E t , THE BRUSSFI .S POST Ili Phone 24 Brussels, Ont. PREPARE FOR SUMMER The shelves are brimming with the II, Newest Yardage including — Spins Prints Pique Percales ' Stubs Voiles Nylon Sheers Coloured Bengaline etc. SPRING TOP COATS for the family in the latest styles. New Shipment of Biltmore Hats for men. it IMMUNIZATION CLINIC The first of a series of Immunization Clinics for infants and pre-school children will be held in the Brussels Public Library, starting on Friday, April 20th from 2 to 3.30 p, m. At these clinics children may start Immunization for or have reinforcing doses against Dlptherla, Whooping Cough, Tetanus, and Smali Pox. Huron County Health Unit Clinton, Ontario Can we afford .4 The chances are you CAN, Thousands of Canadians who thought they couldn't afford Sterling Silver are find. Mg that the best in silverware is well within reach of even moderate incomes. Come M and let us show you how economical. it is today. Pamoate shown, left to right, Pine Tree, Encharsaress, Prelude, Northerat t lir eFt wa/ 0.71. Jr E A CH The Store for Beautiful Gifts Jeweller Brussels Ken. ossa E102,tr Brussels, Ont. Phone 40x Ccane in and look at our Electric Appli- ances. All appliances Now in Stock at the Old Price. Buy Now and Save. See our Westinghouse 7 cu. ft. Fridges, Now in Stock, also Westinghouse Ranges, Washers, Toast:rs, Irons and etc. We now have the Servet Refrigerator on the floor. These refrigerators are guaran- teed for 10 years and are silent running, eight models to choose from 6 cu. ft. to 12 cu. ft. All types of wiring done, no job too big or too small. Come in or phone us for Free Estimates. For Pito MILKING NERD ecroi Mix your grain with a Purina Cow Chow Supplement to make a real 165 milk•making ration. PURINA COW CHOP► Dent's Shoe Repair Brussels, Ont. Men's Work Shoes in Leather and Panco Soles • • • • $4.95 — $9.95 Boys Sturdy Shoes in Leather and Panco Soles $4.50 — $6.25 Men's, Boys' and Women's Rubber Boots in stock. Armitage Dry Cleaners do a good job of cleaning and dyeing. Please bring hangers with your garments. To help build dry cowsup calving f�t oublea and extra milk ' ahead, feed Purina Bulky -Las and oats —half and half; BULKY,LAS and OATS W.dnt,sday, April 18tb, 1951. russe st reameiy jI PHONE 22 BRUSSELS I1 GREY TWP, GIVES SUPPORT TO $149,650 FLOOD CONTROL tlI Once again we are well stocked for your spring house cleaning. Do not choose your new shade of paint until you see the Flo -glaze colour album, 1322 shades to choose from. Our paint is always given to you factory fresh. For your spring seed we have Ceresan and Formaldehyde for grain. Arasan for grass seed. Benesan for wire worm control. $149,090 flood control MlPr,wraah'i for the middle Maitland river, flows through this centre 60 Miles north of London, was -approved Tues - j day night, April 10th, by Grey town '. i ship council, I Council must now serve a cop) 1 1 of the e ngineer's report to the 11 1 towns or Listowel and Milverton , and the townships of Eluna and Wallace, Maiyborough, tllorn1ngton, 1 Logan and Elise, •Each council 1 has six weeks to study the report 1 and if no objection is received, the nrojeet will he undertaken, Several have opposed the project; on the grounds the cost would be too high for the benefit derived. Appealing for Snood damage are several farmers in the Hellfryn area 1010 stiffer water damage tlur• Ing floods. Forty ratepayers, including the township council, attended the ses- `Ston, presided over by Reeve John McNabb. Only one councillor was in opposition. Deputy Reeve Jim Smith cf Elmo, suggrsted the report, he withheld and a river authority formed. Mr, Smith felt this wouuild be less costly to the ratepayers. Mac Pratt, of Listowel, speaking as a ratepayer, also supported Mr. Smith's suggestion. Figures show-' ed in the ease of a river authority the government would pay 75 per cent of the Bost and the initial survey, while in the present scheme the government would share only one third of the total cost. Ethel Area'Plans The expansion program to al- leviate flood control called for the widening. of the stream for one male west of Ethel, with a 50,foot bottom and the removal of 350,000 yards of earth. The total cost of the project is made up of a $015 benefit assessment to be paid by those along the river who want tibe scheme and $149.095 outlet assess- ment to abuot 1,500 farm properties whose drainage water use the river as a final outlet, Figures show Grey township with 90 properties, Elmo, 970; Wallace, 190; Mary - borough, 40; Ellice, 90; Mornington, 150; Logan, 30. Those who opposed the adoption of the report claimed that pre- vious schemes of straightening. deepening and enlarging this pari of the river, were properly done. A proposal submitted at this first meeting was that Grey township council call in representatives from all the affected municipalities, the engineer and the nien claiming 1 dhstress and endeavor to adjust the 1 distress claim by payment of cash I damage in iiru of the deepening of the river. Order your Coal Now for summer de- livery at OIdf dd 's liar wne Phone 68 Brussels, Ont. W. C. OKE Seaforth, Phone 668-6 Real Estate and Insurance Fire, Life, Automobile and Accident 100 aore farm near town, owner going to city. 1 Brink House with bath. Terms, 1 Fame House. 1 Brick House on Turnberry St., In first class condition, 2 Farms in Huron County. 2 Large Hotels with 75,000,00 turnover. 1 Shoe Business with large turnover with two apartments. 2 Servlee Stations. 3 General Stores. 1 Apartment building in Goderich and many others. We are also open for more listings. For information see Mr. E. Thompson, Phone 93x2 Brussels TxIft tui -WI ui- , 14 �r1,.►r�4Jy�dt�.tiwna�,►vnV►yi � ..1` Accurate -planting JohnDeere-VanBrunt Grain Drills promote better stands and big- ger yields—increase your profits. Adjustable -gate, fluted force-feeds, low • wheel design, and other advanced features assure better field performance. See us Soon for details. JOHN DEERE-V"AN Bi ra i n 'D ri if Phone 58 W. J. PERRIE Brussels, Ont. Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTIED -- PRICES RP SONA 3 Far Engagements Phone 31 "Ile Brussels Poet" sed they Far it orsnal:NM etc., write ar phone Lew. ltioarktraet be looked after immediately Or write to R. ft. 3 Walton. The Voice Of Ten saerance — A year ago the Wingha.m Arena Committee was malting plans for the installation of artificial ice, One of Ole men remarked "Our biggest! headache is going to be limier," then he drew a. picture of drinking 1 in the bleachers and bottles thrown 1 on the ire, Now the first season on artificial ice is nearly over, TO is very 1 gnatifYtn;g to learn that there has I been g very minimum of trouble 1 hreaarse of liquor. This proves that ole young people do not need a 1 bottle of liquor• for an evening's en -1 joynnent. Tt also proves that lurk!! reports of drinking in hlu1,Tlic are largely loose talk. — Advt. I GODERICH RE.UPsI4OLSTERINO - Chesterfields. olaatra, eta„ very' chotce coverings, 1niot a Wm, Deli, f§nderich 5914 or Ca11 at Storet. Fn - Step Out With The Best Get Your Spring Outlit Here Women's All Wool Shortie Coats, sizes 10 to 20, Special $18.95 up Women's Gabardine Suits in navy, grey and rose $29.95 up Women's Full Length Spring Coats Latest Styles, Just Arrived $29.95 up Full Fashion first quality Nylons in the ala Latest Spring Shades $1.29 up New Spring Dresses in the latest Spring Shades $11.95 up. Women's New Spring and Summer Wash Dresses $4.95 Boys Suits with 2 pair of Long Pants in Tweeds and Gabardines $19.95 Men and Young Men's Spring Suits in Gabardines, Worsted and Covert Cloth $29.95 up. New Easter Footwear for the whole family At the Lowest Prices. THE &ROAM STORE a�. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Phone 61 — Itimates given, 25 Years experlenee..•' See us, Pitons ua, Write aa. Brussel;;;, , Oehl.