HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-4-18, Page 4I'd like to ask you to do yourselves a favour — a favour which may save your lives! The Ontario Cancer Society needs $500,000 and their drive is on now. Fight Cancer! Give NOW, to your local campaign which you will hear about on CFPL and your local radio stations. Re- member, it's for you. .1-1 980—CFPL's ROY JEWELL. �3 7+ fl-iE, BRUSSELS POST C AN BRO.O K. fl E'..D.P r .: �-'� E KNO-';: O;: 1 11x1,:. 11.:,1••i!1. :t 031jtt ted. -ttt et levees colt' m IS s elerelt eIt :4011e4} -tt :1. III, 11 01101' 11.1 * * * alis. Orae' at,.wart Is vtsit.int a fl..'_y,"ar tit. Catharines. : e , ittpiol * * 9 ilia. Millie Grawar ep, tiding u la. ai , brcetn 1t w day in Owen Sound. M * to -D,t l4h1, .t all tat• el • a 1 :1 1 va Harry Club eon who 1. ;u , The Arid" u,'.t'n:: of the 1a'oulen's le,v, beimin Florida for the 11'1 five [ t 0+sday. bete )tI •1,11m. Soel,ty w1 15,41 ,4t tlo o.ontit, atoned hour, n t . home of 1Mtra. Fred Stnaleton wjth an attend n e of len. The pts idem, Mr. awl lbs. Earl R'hiteiri of St. Mrs. Seines -le M,seed the net tine (alh:udu0 were 1•i :tors will Mr with the i,,11 te, w,er:hap. 1 }(}11111 :,041 Mrs. Ren Whittat'd, tt t. sen„ followed try t Preset' by Mr. and 11':. (1010 Ilaelcer return - t he Lader lie's. 'a eleven and Evans d .11,1110 un 'rtu.dny from a three SL :. r:1 vin On read pee s,1g"a tumult 1•t.'at 10 Florida. I et. series u•e from Sr. Mettler W. T11.0* au'ontes w .re rent 1,Vth,:' t '11) Me:: harts J01111.0011 won the wh 111,4,call d U1 r"11 W11.101-1 was first prize in lief' piano (lase, in ets•tai evening was held recently in the school at S. S. No. 4 to hon. imr. Mr. and Stirs. Hugh Hem of i;adstrill. Mis. Ted McCreath read a suitable address and the newly- weds were presented with a shower ;)f beautiful and useful 'gifts. Mimic. for dancing was• supplied by the Wilbee o'rltestra, and by Edward Thompson, e Q 90009090000 ME TAKE CHANGES 1P 0 0 dB 0 0 0 0 e► 0 0 Effective Sunday April 29th, 1951 of4.worod will on .to,als sayinas l,,einnlnr with 1 ant 111 t.tge- which there were 11 entries. with a .mre were nudefor tit May meet. 1ti_1h mark of Ss 51 tete Ooderich ma to be Reid at the home ni Mrs. Musical Festival. The W0111 ..•t-<1" * * it. H. 11 rilnit:tl cj. was (boson for the to (•411, The n1l'e••ina was received lye the tress rarer. and the til•tnks of several. ret •,ivjrt cards, was enuveyed by <oute of the menders. Ma's. Alex stet_, nreee,ttt--tl the tonic and tete .e.etire ,eose(1 with the Singing of • .. , t see prayer by the president. : eeelt er served and a ane gal time , 45,5•,3. • 11 r. teed MI's, Wesley McEac•h ern, \er. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Me- eh.tat :,rad daughter Jauie, H amil- >�1 55:•r, 'Je.re to help celebrate the alt wteeline, annrirersa17 of Mr. :tea Mt:. Peter Ratter. '415•. David Brown. Mlonkten. a fernier resident, also was •a11son.g the guest- and vise !eel fee a few days with friends ]fere. 11r. and Sirs. Glen Hunter. St. Themes. were Sunday v1sitors with lir, Harvey Hunter. Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Noble. Guelph. were week -end visitors at tete home of Mrs.. .Tas. Noble. :lir. and Mrs. ,Toht •reagel, Ros- ro111n,1, 'Mich., visited over Sunday :at the Roane of Mr, and Mrs, Mac Engel. Sirs. H. Oorsalitz, Ethel. spent a few deye last week with her sister, Mrs. Lynn Evans. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1i1 p`rettis Maine Olathe a;;alusi the estate of Chester W. ttinttnh late of tiie Township ;Morris in the ti•,.unt,v of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 14th dtry of Fele Cleary, A. D., 1951, are notified to 1 a tut to the nnderatgited on or be- fore the 18th dsy of April, A, De 1951. Tull .particulars of their claims in wr'tints. Immediately ratter the said 11 h tiny of April the assets of the said testator will he distributed a- mongst the parties entitled thereto, Meting. regard only to Claims of wltirh the executrix shall then have native, Dated this 20th day of March, air. and Sirs. Pearson Young and i Miss Susan of Stratford are visiting 3 this week with her Parents Mr. and Mrs, Sant Davison. * * * Mrs. Alfred Ranker is spending a week at home. intending to return to London for more treatments. Site is a(•rntnpanied by Mrs, Arnett. * * >.1 Mrs. Marlon Longley of Toronto, who took the services et Wiughlun and Brucefield Churches last Sun- day spent a few' clays with her aunt Mrs. R. ,T, Hoover. * * * Miss Karen Bttsetltlin won .epe(41 mention flout the adjudicator F. Hal- ton at the Goderieli Musical Festival. for her exceptionally fine work as ac- companist for many of the Mettle mentalists. * * * Sir. and :firs. John Engel of Michi- gan, 3Tr. and Mrs. S. E. Rozell of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tinox and Jimmie and Donna of New Hamburg; 111r. Will Rozell of God erioh, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Manning * * * Miss Mildred McNichol of Strat- 'nrrl Who came to Brussels, Tuesday to attend the golden wedding anni- versary of her aunt and uncle h•Ir, and Mrs. Wm. Raelcer spent the rest of the week here visiting relatives and friends. . * +k * Four Generations — Mrs. Thomas Ryan her daughter Mrs, Stanley Ramsden (Bernadette) her dattgltter Mrs. Sanies Lynskey (Helen) and her dan•ghter Wendy Bernadette Lynskey. Bernadette and family motored front Toronto to visit her Parente last week -end, • FEMALE HELP WANTED — We hare an excellent opportunity for a capable woman to earn good money. Very pleasant work. Hours te Shit Car an asset but not essential. if interested write to M. R. Stock, 78 Duchess Ave, Kiteh• -ner, Ont, Don't take that crossing S/i'tnd/olded A. D. 1951. CRAWFORT) & HECl'HERINGTON Win iwhn ,m Ontario. Solicitors for the executrix, i ETHEL Tie f o:rl1 111,', thee of our C'iuh Girl Stands 00 Guard met at the Ito 1. , f ]Ir.,. 5.4 .41,111 o , i 41.14 ! .y ev niui,. Ott 3445 to the bsol r 1354 ultr leader and v been et 5115 .mem her= held the nit Ila: ,t Canna T10. assistant leader Mr" Mel Moab was 'n (115135e of 1114. 1114'01 iug at her home for uiu ',motet , r,. For l'call call we 3450v a 10,4'5 IAstlkh Ilnio and n truffle rule whiche we have learnt. The 5t t I last'} read the minutes of the third tip -Ming. Airs. SL's McIntosh *ave an account on In1•u1 elle enemies and flee". alias Lena Noble rtar.stored num, gave a dninottsh'atin4) on how to put 5.11,=^t: 'on beds and ether blankets as in r e 9 � r ntd •, lune t rt t rs 1 the 17 iL 1 as patient whale Lona shrevca 'hew ter hath and ele:nl tr 511 ,f entree,' 7 -Tow to take blankets away 11'005 Waaler 1105th patient without di:- tnrbin;g them, Lens [lemon et nn how• to bandage an arm. lea, eye. finger and foot. The mSetjng 0104ed lay •singint "0 Canada." L1'ntrh was Set'ved by lila hostess aeaOite11 by Helen Knight ar+.l Elaine Kern^g1121,- NOTICE TO CREDITORS :111 persons having claims against the estate of Annie Smith late of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron. Widow, who died on or about the twenty-third day of March, 1951, are notified to send to .the under- signed on or before the 18th day of April, 1951, 1,5413 particulars of their (-Mime in waiting. Immediately after the 18th day of April, 1951, the Res- ets of the Testatrix will be dis- tribute(' amongst the parties entitl- ed thereto having regard only to claims of witch the executors shall then have notice. Tirnssels. Ontario, Dated this 20th (lay of 'larch. A D. 1951. ('RAWFORD & HEE,THERiNGTON Brussels. Ontario. Snlioito's for the Executors. AYRSHIRE CONSIGNMENT SALE We the breeders of Stml.coe County end distniet are holding an Ayrshire Consignment Sale at the Fair Grounds. in Barrie on April 25th at 1 P. M. Included in this sale.are 17 milkers or springing cows, 14 bred or open heifers. 2 Tr, heifer 'calves and 4 bulls, • All cattle are fully accredited, blood tested or vacinated. Any one 1vlisltdng catalogues write Gordon Strath, Secretary FFmlvale, Ont, R, 0, Biggs, Prop. W. S. O'Neal, Anotloueer, Den:Geld, Out, ;'\1t 30ttM iVffMORIAL SHOD' fernous for A,rti�tic Memorials nnah!e rri.7" ,'•e•� a 1:.r.r14 stock in choicest :..,_ y., r•hOI5 frets, 14fecilalr" ' lift ,-,n.?r,•n r„grhh!Ary H. A. SPoTi' itat • ;'hone 256 -- W tnghotn, n NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM HUMPH RTES late of the Village of Walton in the County of Huron, Merchant, who died on or about the Twenty- seventh day of February, 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned on or about the Eleventh day of April. 1951 full particulars of their claims do writing. Immediately after the eleventh day of April, 1951, the assets of the Testator will be distri- buted amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated this 24th day of March, A. D. 1951. CRAWFORD & HETHD+RINGTON Barrister and etc. Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors, The A,Pril meeting of the 1V. JT, S. and W..1. of the Unified Church was held at the home of Mrs. Oen. Pear• sort with 10 members. and 1 visitor present. The 41•oehip s er1-ice was onndnteted by Mrs It .McTaggart, Hymn 2453 leas used and the scrip• tune les;'on teas taken from Mark 10 17-22. Prayer was offered by Mrs. J. T. Pearson. Minutes of last meeting were adopted as react. The president tool( (-barge of the business 34eriod. it was desjdiel to have it announced on Sunday that clothing for the bale could be left in the ebureh. A box will be lett in the Fast entrance to receive it. I Mrs, J. T. Pearson and Mrs. Ames were appointed delegates to attend the Presbyterial to be held in Exeter nn April 27115. Mrs, Pearson has received a letter acknowledging receipt of $5.00 for bale. The Easter Thank -offering was then taken. Mrs, Antes had charge of tate study period, Mrs, Andrew Bremner inrllted the society to her home for the May meeting. Meeting was closed by singing Hymn 358. Lunch was served by Mrs. Joe Pearson. Mrs, E, McTaggart and the 1aoeteae, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS A11 persons haying eladms against the estate of Neil McNair, late of the Township of Grey, in. the County of Huron., Farmer, deceased, who died on the 23rd of September, 1960, are required to send paa,tbotulaes blrereof to the adanini(stretnix on or before the first day of May, 1951, after which date the estate Will be dis- tributed having regard only to the claims of which the adminLsrtma }rix shall then have notice, Dated at Preston, Ontario, this 4•th day of Apriil, 1961. AGNES MGNAIR, Administratrix, he PEARSON & FLYNN, 172 King street, Preston. Ontario, FOR SAL. — 1 Grade Aysdtire Heifer, rising 2 years old, 1 Purebred AYt'sbire Heifer, rising 2 yrs. old, date to freshen Oct, 14. 1, Purebred Gum. say I-Ieifer, rising 2 yrs. old, due t0 freshen July 14th, Apply to J. C, Long, Brussels, Ont. WALTON Wednesday, April 18th, 1951. main Why do contoor plow? Pt/ k By plowing around n hill rather tIt• than up and down, small dams y instead of pulleys are created by •the furrows. These hold the topsoil back during rains and spring thaws. Crop increases of 20% to 3011; have been recycled the first year after contour plowing. It takes almo tin1h of0 years for nature to proclued one topsoil. Nature Unspoiled YOURS TO PROTECT 44-- YOURS TO ENJOY THE CARL WATEp ER LOO, aria LIMITED 2-26 McNiltop 't'ow'nship. one front James Hogg and the other from James Brewster. Mrs. Roy Bennett, who has been a patient, 10 Clinton hospital for some weeks. is reported improving slowly and is expected home seen. Oto Friday everting, April 13Mt, the organization needing of the spring homemaking club project took place at bite home of Mrs. P. Holman. The name of this club is "-i'lle Club Girl Stands On Guard." The election of officers was as follows : President Leona Johnston Sec.-Treas. Flora Turnbull Press 'Reports, Brussels Helen Johnston, Setufont1t, 14Tattgaret. Mc Arthur, Everyone was to think of a .ante for aur club and we would select it at the next meeting, Leena Johnston is to bring the treat. The next meeting will he held at the hone of oar leader Mrs, W. J. T3un1pbrles on Thursday evening, April 19911, We are to bring the notes of our meeting to be held as the roll can, The pamphlets, books and objectives of 011e 01111) were discussed. Km Holman treated ns to cook- ies, amt cake and the meeting was adiourned, Kelley Dalton, boundary east, has lit -night two 100 -acre rams on cora, 8, BL UEVALE lit rentals : Mrs, Elsie Lamont, attended the annual synodical utet t- ing in Sarnia, of the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. S111' was a delegate from the local WW'.U,S. auxiliary. '511r. and Mrs. Albert Garrey, Sarnia, and George Thom- son, Toronto, 'with their parents, Mr. and IM's, George T. Thomson; 1 James Brishin, 13e4leville, with Dr, and Mals. MacDonald. 1lrs. Brlshin and son. David, returned home with him after a week's visit; Mrs. John Hall has reamed home after s3ensiSI1 the . winter with her daughter, Mrs. James Masters and family of Alsia Craig; Miss Marion Felker has completed hoc cannier - vial course at the Wingham High School and has accepted a position at the Bluevale creamery; Norman Oahm, Dublin, with lir, and Mrs Prod Elliott.. FREDERICK F. HOM TH Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. 0. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R. 1) Registered Optometrist, ''hone 118 Harristort f?-' AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements will he held on the South Half of Lot 5, Coal. 2, Morris Twp., North of Stone School SATURDAY, APRIL 21st Commencing at 1 P, M., as follows: Cattle 2 Hereford rows, 4 years old, due in 11sy. 1 Black c^mv, 4 years old, dote date of sale 1 Hereford Heifer. 2 years old, fresh 1 Clow, 8 years old. due last of Juno 1 Cow, 2 years old, not in calf 8 Steers. rising 2 years old 1 Heifer, rising 2 years old 1 Heifer Calf, l ydar old 5 Heifer Calves, 1 year old in June 1 Steer Calf, 1 year aid in June 2 Selene Oalves. 2 Weeks. old. Implements 1 Wood's milker (like new) I 1 C'l'ue V. A. Tractor 1 M. H. '2 -furrow tractor plow 1 Case rubber -tired wagon 2 serttnn spring tooth 'harrows 3 141Cenrnliek-Deering hay loader 1 McCormick side rake 1 ShccConmdck,Deening binder, 6 bt. 1 MCCotmlick-Deming fertilizer dell, (11 disc). 45 section drag harrows 1 hay rank (sliding) 1 M. TT. manure spreader 1 Snring-tenth cultivator 1 Fr„st R' Wond mower, 5 ft. 1 set Renfrew se11,es, 2090 lbs. 1 Pennine mill set 140111115 harness 1 tet simile harness 1 Reach range, coal or wood 1 Jonesway oil burner brooder stove 511 implements in the hest of Sha.Pe. Stamp Household Furniture and outer articles ton numerous to mention. — Terms Cash — Everything must be sold as the farm Is rented, Walter Jeffrey. Proprietor Harold Jackson. Auctioneer Renfrew Cream Separators and Milkers. Disc, Plows, Manure Spreaders. Lime and Fertilizer Soweto, Spring -tooth Harrows Land Packers, Rubber -tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and crawlers, Plows, Discs, Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers an(: Hammer Mill.. We a1150 ave repairs for Oliver Coclrshutt Teodoro. MORRITT & WRIGH1' tntp4aIoeet Dealers Tor SHPdar Implements Telephone 4 and 98. Myth, Ont. —....,._.,4.44-----4444""0 A GUIDE FOR FUTURE PARENTS How ntralt will it cost to have a baby? Flow Gan you cut down down on your expentses7 These and other pro- blems are answered in an attthortt- adive article, "So You're Going t0 Have a Baby", an intriguing feature b1 thbs Sunnlay's (A,pafll 22) issue 0113 Lie Amet'ioan Weekly, great maiga- allIs IGYOLUSIVISLY with Detrolt Sun clay Tjmt5s, rfed Nedilly 13y Roe Farms Service Dept WW6 THIS LiTTER 15 NEVER SATISFIED, DOC' THEY ALWAYS SEEM TO BE HUNGRY. IT'S NATURAL, JIM. THE SOWS MILK FALLS OFF AFTER THREE. WEEKS, YOU KNOW) P15 STARTER BUT 1 FED THE SOW A 600D RATION MONTHS BEFORE FARROWING TIME THAT WAS 5OOD, JIM YOU FED THE PI65 I N6 DE THE SOW, NOW YOU'VE 60T TO HELP FEED THEM OUTSIDE THE SOW. SHE HA5 DONE MOST OF HER JOB. WHAT DO YOU MEAN - MOST OF HER JOB, DOC? l7WON DO YOU REALIZE JUST WHAT A STRAIN A LITTER OF T1116 SIZE PUT5 ON A SOW. 's - A SOWS MILK FLOW FALLS OFF JUST WHEN HER LITTER NEEDS INCREASED FOOD, 50 YOU'VE 6OT TO SUPPLY THE EXTRA FOOD J fp 'OfaE-1-RA-6-61 �G�`r IIIR't�0� r� /1 �•4 FEE�ai �� �� mr �� .�,��:►�r�i�ri�,Cil ~� iettstgatirjeAppairitar 1/1111/0601141110411184701111168 21 L, ��*�aS-�, °"rFARRo>vN6 10� r OH, 011, OH -NOW I SEE. - rHE IMPORTANCE OP FEEDING ROE WONDERWEAN PROM THE 3a` WEEK Olt. / For fast- rugged growth and easySelf=Weaning, 61art. your pigs a¢ler �ek rd w ° ROE - 100 ��tssl pi6 yrA /N /1445/1 OR PELLET FORM East Huron Produce BRUSSELSJOHN LAMONT MON ETHELCRIEFF • F. HARRISON