HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-4-18, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, April 18th, 1951
$2,00 per year - $2.50 U. S. A,
The senmld meeting or Ibis Unit
met on Saturday, April 14, in the
Iirnssel,s Town Hall with President
Isobel Spelt- in the chair, The meet
Ing commenced by singing, "The
More We Get Together." after which
the minutes of the last meeting
were read by secretary Marin EI•
Nott. The roll call was answered by
20 present members and one new
member. Maureen Sullivan giving
one safety role of the home, The
club was named the Canadian Culture
Cuomo. Record honks and COWIN§
were ddst'aeaed. The roll call for the
next meeting, to he held h the hall
was one safety rule and what T will
do abn•nh it. Mrs, G. Elldnit gave
ns a lecture nn First Aid, and nnr
etrst aid kits which proved very
miress.rut. Posture in sitting_, work-
ing and standing was demnnetrated
to ns by Slileia Porter, RMB Hem-
ingway and Lena Miller. Home as-
signtnents were given t0 tis 1)y
the president, TAllnrh was served by
Joan Wilson and lrlene Wamslep,
Mrs. James Dargle
There passed away suddenly on
April 3rd at her home in St. George,
Isabella Hislop wife of .lames Daigle.
She was born on the 151.1 concess-
ion of Grey Townsh.ip. The third
daughter of the late ,Tames and
Janet Matheson Hislop,
Surviving besides her husband are
one sister Miss Mabel Hislop of
Ayr, and two brothers James and
Tllom•ac TTislnp, Arcola, Sask.
Funeral service was condneted on
Friday. April nth at 2.30 p. m. From
the Bannister and Graves Ftmeral
Houle. Interment in Farrington
Cemetery, 'Brantford.,
Miss Margaret Lawson
There passed away in Clinton on
Sunday, Apni1 Sth, Miss Margaret
Lawson in her 79t1i year. She wasthe
eldest daughter of the late John ,
Lawson and Lillian McFarlane, con-
cession 3 Morris township, where
she .spent most of her life. She is
survived by one slater Mrs, Williams
Kernery of Mitchell.
The funeral service was held from
Walton United Churcn on April 10th,
being conducted by the Rev, G.
Hazelwood. The pallbearers were
Joseph Bewley, Ediward Bryans,
Arthur McCall, Clarence, Martin,
Harold Bolger and James McDonald
who were all former neighbours of
the late Miss Lawson.
trowowiAt..-"gy ow mos.
Melville C lurch
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Clore
11 a. m, Morning Worship
John McNabb, M.A., D.D,
No Evening Service.
Induction Service, Fndau; Apr.
27, at 8 pan. for Mr, Fulton.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Andrew Lane
Divine Worship — 11 o'clock
"The Middle Years"
Ohurcli School 12 o'clock
Divine Worship — 7 o'clock
"The Lord's Remembrances"
A hearty welcome to all.
Church of England
Pariah of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr — Rector.
Fool:tit Surrtley After Hasten
ARnri1 22nd, 1051.
Bt. John's Church, Birussels--
11 a. m. NLorning Prayer
Sunday Sdb.00l.
7.80 p. in. Thursday
Confirntaadon Class.
St. DiVid's Church, Henfry i -
2.90 p. m, Droning Prayer
et. Saerpe's Church, Walton -,
7.30 p. m. Evening Prayer
'Che Kansas Partner, Ilrussels sing-
hlg-vialoihrst, who bas delighted ands•
capes from coast to (neat across Can -
oda and In the 11, S. A.. Presented a
program in the Town Hall here on
Friday night to a crowded house,
Mr, Th;ynm'e, rendered his singing,
violin playing and ,jokes and read -
logs In his sial casual, rnsdir 01500-
er that is so popular with his
all di enc ee.
Feattn'ed artists on the program
were the versatile Noll sisters of
Walkerton whose guitar. banjo and
freeot'dinn pievIng delighted their
listeners, Other entertainers who
Were welcomed back to BI'nSaPIk
stflge were the piano violin team of
EdtFe Albright and Billy Denninger
and Clark Johnston.
The ennee•t was 101000 muter the
auspices of the loran 1, 0, D. F, the
In 000000 going to the C, P. and T,
A hen outdid herself, and set a
record, we believe, when she pro-
duced an egg weighing 6 oz. and
measuring 7 I x 9''. This is ap-
proximately 3 times the average size
and weigJl1 of an ordinary grade A
1.11100. Tl11a lea moth egg was
brought into the office of the Post by
Charles Lake, Brussels, The as-
piring hen that had this egg nn1,t
have heard of the urgent need for a
speeded production,
Ex -service men and women and
dependents, the Canadian Legion
Service But'saa Officer Mr A 11
Forbes, London, Ont., will be visit -
'ng Branch No, 218, Brussels on
Friday, April 20tH, from 2 to 4 p. m,
Any one wishing information, ad
vice or assistance, regarding War
Disability Pensions. Treatment, Al-
lowaniees, elle., is requested to con-
tact MP Service Officer, L. Workplan,
or Ralph Shaw.
Requires teachers for the following
positions :
Commencing Sept, 1st, 1951
1 Teacher for Grade 3 and 4.
2 Teacher for Grade 5 and 6.
Applicant to stale erPerieaoe it
any, qualification, .religion and sal•
say expected.
Application to he in the bands of
the secretary by April 30th,
R. J, Bowman, Sec.-Treas.
Box 16 Brussels P. 0,
S p forih, Ont.
* * *
Thurs. Fri. Sat. April 19.20-21
In Technicolor
Randolph Scott Dorothy Malone
Forrest Tucker
The thrilling West surges to life
with the fearless and lawless match-
ed in murderous fury — it's blazing
Epic of stolen gold and flaming
* * O
Mon. Tues. April 23.24
In Technicolor
Audie Murphy Wanda Hendrix'
Buri Ives s.
Blazing in It's action -- Thrilling in
every scene— There was freedom at
one end of the trail — a noose at the
other — and nothing but danger in
between. '
* * rC
Wed. Thurs. Aprit 25-26
Lon MoCelltster Peggy Garner
The quickest killer of the forest
leaps across the screen in a streak
of savage fury,
Next Frt. Sat, April 27.28
- With
Enrol Flynn and Patrice Wymore
Errol Flynn leads a band of despew
ate men as he stars in a Dramatic
\Moment in American History.
John 711111tyre, who was born in
Brussels and lived here 1(,8 a child,
wish 1110 parents Bert and Mrs, Mc-
Intyre, hull 1110 time hockey when he
performed as wing11181] for the Bos-
ton Bruins in the opening round of
Stanley (`up play-offs. Tory Greg
of Whlgham predicts that McIntyre
is due t(1 make the Major League
next year, The, Listowel Banner
hauls hint as Lisdowel's John Mc-
Intyre. we won't quarrel with that
for his home has been TAstowel
st41ce ire left Brussels but he is a
native Brussels boy.
11r, and Mrs. William L. Booker
betti "open house" Tuesday, AMR 10,
on their golden wedding day. 'Mrs,
TlaOhe was formerly Miss Annie
The happy enuple were married
in Sha -hone, Idaho, [T, S. A., on April
10, 1901, at the home of Governor
;rad Mrs, P. 11. Cinnfleng ny the rte.
J. ;Anderson n[ the Methodist
Church. After their wedding' trip
to Spokane, Washington, they Tvetl
In 1(1111 1'. Ferry, Idaho, and i,hen
in Spokane. They cater to Brussels'
In 1904 where Mr. Baelcnr went into
partnership with his brothers in
the retail butcher business,
They have one 8011, George, of
Brussels. and one daughter, Pearl.
of Torontn.
Majestic Women's Institute
The April meeting of the Majestic
Women's Ini-tltOle WA& held in the
library on Thursday with a good
attendant*. The roll call was an -
1" (Ted by "Something 1 would like
to 110e 111 the next year's progrtwn,"
which brought forth some interest-
ing ideas and 813011 id help out a great
deal in our next year's programa.
An Interesting feature of the meet-
ing wag guessing who our past year's
SIln,nirine. $lc1'1' 11nd been which
caused :1 great deal of fol. Gifts
were exchanged 111 all directions
making it a real Strata Clause fe.ati.
correspondence was read by the
secretary, MIS. John Spelt•. The
treasure'r's report showed a b0Iuiloe
of 380,73, 3frs. Baicehlin reported
babies had attended the Weil
Baby Centre last time.
Reports from etanding camrnittopo
Were them siren : _ Agldeultur0 and
Canadian industries, Mrs. Bert John-
etnn Citio nsll'p and Education.
Ste- T'2 s. McFarlane; Commnnlih•
Activities and Public Relations, Mrs,
13dwin Martin: 7Tist°rival Research
and Current Events, :Mrs. At•chi,
Engel: Horne Economies and Health.
.11ro, Eldon Wilson.
:1 filet on C-dery wag discussed and f ,ltt,'hntiug 1':uo life to plenty city of
it ryas deeld'e1 to have it for our sleep and barer n•rok. Mr. anti Mrs.
next meeting at which time we hope ; Peter Baker ogle prated thlia 10111
to have the Pranbronit Institute with v:,!T1'ng anniversary. hath over go.
us, 1
th-y r:: r• given a re•cep2ipn h1 their
A eommitt, e of "firs. A. Bran'n, home by the immediate family and
Mrs. W. Kerr, Mrs. D. Hemingway friends. `
awl lir; 131(1811 W.laon are to make
Born in SIc•iilllnp Township Mrs. ,
arras e:ment.s for a euchre psrty le Maker. who last week celebrated
be held 800)), ( h;1' 30tit hnithday en3oys comparat-
Mrs. Douglas Hemingway then ively grind hP.alth. daughter of tbP
Mr. and Sirs. Baekrf received
the'r frimda Intl relatives from 3 tool: the chair and Mea, W. Mlle- 1att Mr. and Mrs. Rout MeuareY.
tn- 5 o'clock in the afternoon and rend fire following slate n4 offieer., I pioneer residents of McKillop, she
for 19:51.52.
from 8 to 10 o'clock in the evening. r0ralls severe winters when the
'lI1'(.s of spring. flnw^(rs brightened
Hon. eras. .. Mrs, Dong. Nanrin hereel, only vette of tflr01 Ira, tlnnuFh
their attractive home. In the tea-
room was a basket of 50 bronze roses l
1st Vice -Pres. ,,., Mrs. Wm. Miller The Bakers were married at the
2n0 Vico-Pros. Mrs, W. urnholl Presbyterian Manse. Brussels, by
Sec.-Treas. Mrs. John Spelr the R•'', Mr, Ross, and settled down
Asst. Sec. -Tress. .... Mrs, F. GnnmPly to farming on the 9th of Grey.•
Pianist Mrs. (4eo. Evans A life long resident of the Cram
Asst. Pianist Mrs, Wnitar Ke,^• 111'001C distrlct, Mr, Baker, des -
Dist. Director ,.,, Mrs. D. Hemingway pite his age of 86, enjoys chatting
Branch Directors ,..,,... Mrs. C. Davis, 51101111 the past. Inflation was un -
Mrs. Maier anti Mrs, Busethiin heard of in those days, he recalls,
Auditors Mrs. R. Davidson and with eggs at eight cents a dozen,
Mrs. C. Long butter ten to thirteen cents and hogs
Agri. and Canadian Industries, Mrs.
W. Turnbull, Mrs. Bert Johnston
Community Activities and Public Re.
lationslhdp .,., Mrs. Wm. Perrte, Mrs.
Wm. Evens
Dame Economics and Health
Mrs. K. Shua•rie, Mrs. Jas, Drown
Citizenship and Education Mrs.
A. Turnbull, Mrs, Jas, 'McFarlane
Historical Research and Current
Events, Mrs, A. Engel and Mrs.
C. Lake.
Resolutions Convenor....Mrs, H, Spoir
Sunshine Convenor Miss B. Hoover
and Mrs. C. Lone
Tt w00 docidad to raise the sans"v
of our worthy Sen,—Treas. Mrs. Sohn
Sprit, from 310.00 to 3223.30.
(lifts showing a nark of apprecl•
at'on were given to Mrs. Carl Deal-
ing. leader of the Gorden Club rn)
to Sirs. Eldon Wilson, and Mrs. r.
Davis, leaders for the Class " 1,W"l
in the Wardrobe," The recipients
present thanked the girls for their
Tmncli was served by the hostess -
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday es, Mrs. Maier, Mrs, S. Wheeler and
April 18-19-20 E. 'Wilson. Mrs, W. Turnbull' and
Esther Williams, Howard Keel l+ errs. ST. Wineher3, and the meeting
in 11018 brought to a clown.
About 40 subscribers attended the
a nn1011 Mishnrss meeting of the
Brussels, Morris, anri (trey Tele-
)hou 18yul: tn, Wednesday after•
noon of last week, D. M. MnoTavtkh,
presided as chairman and R. J.
Bowman was secretary.
Last year's three commissioners,
I), M. Mat'Tavlxll, George Michie,
and Alex Pearson. were returned for
another year.
C'onside•ainle disenss'o11 tools pure
regarding new rates to suharrihers,
and finally flu a 111P1I1111lel1t 8e43)5(5
rates for rural and party Boos al
392 was toted on, tenth P5 In favor
and nine opposed. .Abort 10 pre -'ons
fuih d to vote. This proposal trill
be refers' d to the Municipal Board
and if approved '1I1 become eff«•et-
A suggestion was made by Georg
Mollie that :1n alten,nt be m 'de to
hi1i111 a women fuml to br- mid to
'ntnrnv0 the Syvtent bo hl-.tailation
of a common batter ?=t?m. The
cost of this improvement wonld 1,n
abort 324.000,
37' ill=:i*4-0437("
with gold ribbon streamers, A three -
Her wedding rake centred the
linen -covered tea table,
Tn the afternoon Mrs, A. Wintle
of Brussels and Miss A. M. Mc -
Ewan of Clifford poured tea and 111
the eventing Mrs. A. Bruns and
Mrs. C. W. Ferguson, both of Tor-
onto, Mrs. T. Davidson and Mrs.
A. McNtrhol assisted in serving the
Mr, 'Seeker, has two sisters. Mrs.
W. (Dolly) Fairle0s and Mrs. N.
(Pearl) Forbes, both of Winntpe;x
and three brothe•s. Earl. of Cava-
lier, N. D„ Garf of Fort Francis and
Cleve of Brussels.
Mrs, Raeker's family comnrisea
a si•ste, T7'rs, D, Glassier, Rra,swele.
and a brother John McNichol. of
Mr. and Mrs. Rocher are 0118ovinr_
1,01`1, gond healah. 3,1 anaekinc' of
1(1104v wedding day. 50 vesra sen they
said the weather was Warmer, the
Mae.( in blossom, nwl Ponwe,s hlnnm.
ins evervhe'e in Trlahn,
'��� V'tas,1�'��• �1•��) �t'.�� ''moi 1
Jon Hall, June Vincent
Sat. Mat, 2,00 -- Eve. 7.30 p.m.
Mon. Tues, Apr'iI 23-24
Yvonne De, Carlo, Philip
Friend in
OFFER $200.00
Monday Attendanre Card Night.
Wed, Thur. April 25.26
June Allyson, Diel( Powell
Richardo Mont/Oben in •
Lire dollars a hundred.
Mr. Baker is the son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Adapt Baker, of Grey
township. Present for their anniver-
sary were their two daughters and
son, Mrs. Fred Martin (EIizabeth),
Tha,mesvible; Mists Mina Baker, who
resides at home and Earl, of De-
troit, Mich,
Probably no other library is as un-
ique and compact in the district as
the Cranhrook one. Judging by the
selection of hooks it meets the
needs of the reading Public both
young and old.
Horsed in the egg grading sta-
t'on, the 6 x 12 foot library under
the supervislion of Librarian hikes
Alice T. Forrest, opens two after-
noons a week Ttieadav and 801111 -
day, For the 8011e 13 people of the
hamlet, the library means march and
a gond honk is a diversion in the
dav'a activities.
Serving a radios of three miles.
tin "I0,0805 nook" is 0 rainier even
in the "woe tnta" who aro able to
find n range of iuvendle brinks.
"Inn' In its third year, the 11hra1•v
n•ts first inaugurated in the Pres_ 1
h' -tartan manse by the Rev. 1. D.
1fn.eTver. a rel after one tear was
60 CYLE CHANGE AT SEAFORTii ( moved to the nresent niece.
TO -COMMENCE APRIL 23rd with 111nre than1011 honks nr Ina l
own, the Hulot Colnt's Tending 1
HIGH PRAISE AT GODERICH ,1 , 1 C',t1'nslrip atnmuc,a lncf, sY
Mem}, 18 '1' 111' 11111, . i.; 1..1011' Ethel April 7, 1911 Minutes t?r lost
1' .- and Girls Band, who competed meeting were n007(tad as rend.
!11 tho brass and reed, classes as the Moved by Percy Ward. seconded'
Huron County Musical Festival, uron nr. William ib. 1ii.lu p thar the re -
e -1'h tr.,i a f'.tit«111 iyr•s :wI,heir darn or the rulle0Kota roll for 1050
Instructor, bandma'-Ier A. Ci, Robin,- b« accepted and the collieti>,.tr bet
P1001. flroul ndjndi,ator. Frank W. relieved of fn0(11er rewprmelbillly. —
Doltnn on Tuesday afternoon )l and C:arrt«nd.
yelling of this week. \Tor+ d try K01(1: all Me.Fnrlaxte
0:111011. Wer. 'le Pdn sec touted by Ge00ar0 MacDonald
((Honor PeholarAlp of 325. donated that we Instruct the clerk to Tray
by the rol10y of Huron. Miss Doris G. Graham 11' hl +3.:10,1 '111 the Math,
Johnston, the Blue Water hand 35. land and P,uylr Train. -- Carried.
for alto solo. 4i«res Audrey and Moved by Kenna th MerarI:ane,
Jnnr• Harkty«•il (12 5(1 donated by srrouded by PI coy Wa 111 that we
P1 rtrstr«tie+s t'nrn'.tnre I'nr the, rnrnr f > 1vP a grant ,lf 3100.nn far the
duet.flnotlli its .lit the p1091 :a! Rr'SsrTS.
r „pie !ante from Brussel- Linn u Carried
Vaud here awarded marks a, f1,llnws: Moved by K ',:n„Ib McFarlan4.
.1111 11urn :;1111. 10 and lounge. Mar- r I!l6' d fir T-nuot]t \TrFarlelrla*
lint nyT,aw No 1'. 11 (a, appoint
hu i,' -.-:+r and Ronald .7aclel]li 78. 1
A110 Horn Solo. 14 and snider. Dual,' 1 to erre 01' "10111.. tmvn•shtr
John: -1,m Kirkby 7h.
getsn?. he 10.1 unci. -- Carried.
Trl'mhonr 8'to, 1A :1n1 ruler. 1Tor,:-,I lay
110 i' li'I)ll-lilt '1'. crPy hCr\' 2"1(111•1taiulnd:rd-
13:''n Iln ^into 33,
T 1)1h,,ni,1111 `;urns 1`3 a110 under. 01'(''('11 . 8' ll,trt 1,,- 7)111 n: • !1'.e. Elliott Elliott 84. ravened.
('1 oleo( 01,11,. 16 anti under, rhe Ale>P.nilr (1 a11jonr114(1 u,ntii
* bort T; a edy 33, l,ri1 loth.
Corn,•1 Solo, 10 end under, loan
▪ Yvonne Pollard 79.
1 R,•.,.):.. ct 2`."1.1 r, Graham
Cr re.t Sol, 12 .,ort tinder Lane
Tto rl tnr,d 04, Audrey TTar9weil 17 1,1. x ; 1 utsstals
t, Si,rt i' n TTe,n'nt way 73, flnodidgItts, 104)0, 37 r1tq.
r.,•net colo 14 and under. June Wilbur '0,101111211. 1,11anee salary,
H'' kw,l1 83, Doris .7011110.ml Al, ezehange anri Pnat n Q54.00: Rru
TCelth Tn1•ubnll A0. +1= Post, 312 n0 Listowel Banner;
(7744• The 9:Tnnui P Wwir1. .11; of
\)A,1,)S•trerhnra 13 and nitd0r, 312
D•rv'r1 K"nnadv, 101.
m0mheatlir Pr.e In 1 0 (11tnn5
cornet dm -t 10 •+n,l under. June °Marin Mayors and Reeves, 31001)
n,t Sndray Rockwell A5. 1 warble fly powder, 71112.78,- Conn-
('nnlnetltnrc front this rli,triot in tc of TTnrnn hospitalization. $54.00;
n th0" elgc.as to niatn recair;-,r tlr:- D. A. Rtnn :,it=1: $1Icrtur.
f„pn,rina marks: :1T. Carrllff, srtlat•I- ,100-00.
ening 0011 0 and ander. 7Inrie� I CnrlTo ll m05(1113 ,lend April 10'111:
TT,,,,er 34. Moved by Kenneth McFarlane
Diann solo 11 and nudge•, Marionsecnnd00 by George MacDonald
that ti's Cannell provisionally
Tne•nirP•va.v Q.,..-lvdrer Horltwrll `1 ,
Morro., Hnnran• 30. ; adoptthe engineer's report on the
Piano solo (nn=111, Karen R',srhliv ' Middle Maitland. River and Bovle
As Drain improvement and instruct_
r"ao ,onto 11 5111 1md0r, Dori, the clerk to prepare a by-law {err
Johnston 37. Elaine Bell 70, Stuart I same. — Carried.
Moved by William E. Bliahnr .
Smith Sn li'nnda Rantoul 78, 1 seconded by Percy Ward that conk
Girls vocal solo 9 and under• t cit accept Wilson McC!artney's
'Doris Johnston 80,
tender for crushing and hauling.
gravel, using a 5-3 screen at S
cents per cu. yard. Gravel to be
I spread any place in township. sel-
at1 isfactory to road superintendent, --t CarrletL
i Moved by George MneDonald,
t seconded by Kenneth McFarlane.
that the clerk prepare by-laws for
North Gordon and Bolton Drains. —
The meeting was adjonecd ntl•
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and airs, Harold Thomas,
Brussels, announce the engagement
of their eldest daughter, Ruth Marie
to Mr. Roy Arthur Durst, youngest
son of Dare. Durst and the late
Irvin Durst. ,Stratford. The wed-
ding will take place in Bru'ss'els
Drifted Church on Saturday, May 5th.
Senfo•th will be supplied with 130•' ivory also contributes homes
cycle power in series of six "cut- ,tarry to its shelves (01011)0001 of n
00ers" entrap gals April 23.
Di making Bldg a110001111reltte11.
Robert TT. Sound era. chairman of
'the Ontario TTydro Commission.
said that a3d)roxinintely 780 (mato•
niers of all glasses served by the
Seaforth Pubiic' ITt.ility Commis-
sion would be affected. The last
"ci1T'.-over" In the area. will faze
place on May 1, r
At 9,30 a. m, of April 23 when the
25 -cycle rawer serving 123 ellen,
1Omerw in the area revering moat of
the southern portion of the town
940 electric (reeler and over one
smith of Mnllket S4,,, Is 01111 141', 'hydroi tmndl'od fnne whinTt will he 01the•
techn;l1lana will Ball at the homesI standardized o' exchanged for new
amt p,'cni4 as (onarerned fn en;4n) 0
that ail frequency sensitive nlnp11' I Models,Aftecr the last eathas been nv,d0
a11re8 are diseomme0ted. Lt is -am i to Senfnl'th. the standardization
Urinated that services , at 6n cycles,
will be restored within a. period or progrem wilt m01”0 foto the 1'1""'
apPrvlxfma,tbiy ilO minutes,OMRwlrrrolnlidng the town,
Ltt is estimated that more then
flog -inn. 20 non-flctinn and An inv
011110• T.ibrarifln fnt' the nasi ten
yet -,5 Miss Fnrrnrl ca••s the este. i
urn nh.Pnn. 10 rents n month m• fl 1
dollar a year.
The United Church
On Sunray morning, -April 15th.
The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper
was dispensed to a large congregat-
ongregatton of worshippers. Previous to the
saOra,mental service twenty two new
members were received into the fel-
lowship of the church. Seven on
Profession of faith and fifteen b7
transfer of membership from other
organizations of the church.
The sermon was based on the
words of Jesus, "ve have net chosen
ole hot 1 have chosen you." The
anthem. "This T Did For Thee" b7
Lorenz, was sung by the choir,
The evening theme, "The Master's
Dwelling," was based on the Scrip-
ture, "Master where dwellest thou?'
"Come and See" The anthem was.
"His Love Explains Tt A11," by
1 111 May5. or at the call of the reeve.
Edyth M. Car68'1'7
Assistant C1eer,
Melville Church Service
The pulpit of Melville Church wa1.c
occupied by Mr. C. Donavou a stud -
est from Knox College on Sunday
morning, His text was Luke 7, verse
28. Christ testimony of John the Bap-
tist, a preacher who wishes to do
the will of God, Mr, Donavan also
belongs to Knox College glee club.
A well rendered anthem was sung
by the choir,
T take this opportunity to thank
ani my friends for all the gifts
flowers and cards I received while T
was in the hospital. Tour kindness
will ever he remembered.
Sophia Sellers
500 washing maein0s, nearly 400
refoige•mtors and over 200 radio
phnnkx;raplo belonging to nearly
660 domestic customers will be
standardized to the 110W Olmqu,Pncy.
This is an Addition( to app,roxim,ately
We, the undersigned have agreed to
Close our plaices of business in Walton on
Wednesday afternoons commencing May
2nd, 1951,
M. 5. Travis
Ron. .0 ennett
W. C. enzfett
Humphries Co.
11 Ennis
Wes. flackwel'l