HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-4-11, Page 5i t HE BRUSSRi _e+ POST TRIPLE INDEMNITY INSURANCE A new policy providing accidental death and dismemberment benefits to protect your loved ones. Your beneficiaries will receive; Face Value of the Policy if you die from a natural cause, Double the Face Value of the policy if you die by accident. Triple the Face Value of the policy if you die by accident while riding as a pas- senger in certain public conveyances or while in a burning public building. You yourself get ifberal dismemberment benefits providing cash for loss of parts of your body. Ask for our porno/der^High Public Accept:noe",firing bertieuters of those benefits. It will interest you. you/nsare O aeA';1 Confederation Life r Association , o s o N, J. C. LONG Representative Brussels TENDERS OiroioriOoiiieiwseaa^ . �. HURON COUNTY OLD BOY'S ASSOCIATION OF TORONTO IThe Annual Ewuhre and Bridge of the Huron County Old Boys' Ass- oelation of Toronto will be held on Friday, April 20th, at Robertsolis's Tlall, 137 Avenue Road, (just south t of Davenport Road) at 8.30 p. m, The , main event of the evening will be. the euchre competition for the Mc- Laren Trophy. There will be lucky 1 prizes and leach will be served. A hearty welcome is extended to all Huronite5 and their friends.. • Sealed Tenders for the construction of an Implement Shed will be received by the undersigned until Twelve Noon, April 18th, Implement Shed 24 feet by 48 feet to be built on two foot wall sup- plied by the owner. One double door on side, each door eight feet wide; one double door on end, each door six feet wide; two windows; six lights 10 x 12; one Ventilator. First Tender — Cement block wall eight feet high with roof and ends 28guage steel, sliding doors. Second Tender — 28 guage steel sides, roof and end, sliding doors, This shed is to be erected at the Huron County Home, Clinton and site and position of doors and windows cdn be obtained from Mr. E. J. Jacob, Manager. A. H. Erskine, Clerk, County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. FREDERICK F. HOMUTiFl Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. O. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R. O. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. The "s;. i re -fire" spinners of the The Canadian Army Active 'Force is on the alert. The highly, trained, expert gunners of the Royal Canadian Artillery stand by their guns ready to defend -Canada's freedom. The fighting men of the Royal Canadian Artillery are expert soldiers. They are trained to work and fight in smoothly co- ordinated teams ... and proud of itI Canada needs more men like these "sure- fire" gunners — men who prize Canadian freedom enough to fight for it. You can take your place beside men like these — as a member of a field gtin's crew—by reporting immediately for training as a soldier of the Canadian Army Active Force. Canada needs'ou noir! Repaly today! TO ENLIST YOU MUST - 1 • Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 30 years of age. 3. Be single. 4. Meet Army test requirements.' 5. Volunteer for service anywhere. REPORT RIGHT AWAY TO: No, 13 Personnel Dopot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte 50,, OTTAWA, Ont. No, 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Pork, Bagel St., KINGSTON, Ont. No. 6 Personnel Depot, Chorley York, Douglas Drivo, TORONTO, Ont, No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolsoloy tot -rocks, Elisabeth St., LONDON, Ont, 02633.0 Listen to "the Voice of the Army" -- Wednesday evenings — Dontluian NOtWO k Wednesday, April 11t1a, 1Y CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE— l'i; 6 wtekw >Id. Apply t„ Phone 86x3, f tProableDairycows Monteath Seed Barley. Apply to i11ac Molntosit Phone 56r FOR SALE — Dave Hastings FOR SALE -u yr. old Clyde Mame, Sam Atomic Phone 36r4, FOR SALE 3 Holstein Heifers, springing, also 2 rain shelters. Roes Cunningham Phone 83r15 FOR SALE— Timothy seed, baled hay and baled straw, Roy Hall Phone 34r5 6 FOR BALE- j More Essential Now Than Ever" About 5 tons of baled hay, Mervyn Pipe Phone 51111 BOOK-KEEPER WANTED — Part time job. Applicants please leave name at The Brussels Post Phone 31 or Box 50, FOR SALE Quantity of excellent cooking • Potatoes, Grown in Erin Township. Apply to Len. Aernstrong, Brussels Phone 56-r-8. FOR SALE— lnive 1 year old cattle, also SOW with litter of nine pigs, two weeks old. Joe Holmes Phone 15r5 F")R SALE -- 20 bum of Good Clinton Oats, fit for seed, also Dutch Set Onions. Geo. Wesenburg Phone 56r9 FOR SALE — One yelling Durham Cow, springing One young Holstein Cowi, springing, Two young Durham Calves, Dan MtKinuon Phone 241.12 FOR SALE — Good used steel, lumber and timber, Apply to J. C. Lamont, Ethel, Ont. Phone Brussels 88r13. WANTED — Man for steady travel among consum- ers in Huron County. Permanent con- nection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustlers considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML -C 152, 131 Montreal, FOR SALE — 1948 Chevrolet Coach — motor thoroughly overhauled recently, good rubber, clean inside. This car is in A. 1 shape, price to eel. J C. Long, Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — 10 ton of baled hay also Brantford oil bath Windmill on 25 ft, tower, complete with pump. pipes and cylind. e1., in No. 1 concletion. Apply to Robert Grasby, Brussels, Phone 33r10 WANTED — Teachers wanted tor Grey Twp. School Area, Salary 82000, nip ac- curdling to experience. Applications received by Secretary or any mem- ber of ,School Board. 7. Carl Hemingway, Sec. Treas. Phone 25r5 Brussels, Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — Listowel, Intersection 23-86 Brick house 33 x 55 built 1948,, Living room, kitchen, 2 bed rooms, bath, garage, attic, double lot. A good lot on which to build for a business. Robert Mc°ourt, Listowel. FOR SALE — 8 room house, 3 -piece bath hot and cold running water, hydro, new I drilled well, barn 30 x 50, double deck hen house 20 x 40, and 6 aures of land, Apply to Stanley Wilson in the Village of Ethel, j Phone Brussels 85r18, FEMALE HELP WANTED We have an excellent opportunity j for a capable woman to earn good stoney, Very pleasant work, Hours to Suit. Car an asset but not essential, If interested write to M. D. Stock, 78 Duchess Ave, Iiitoh- ener, Ont, FARMERS ATTENTION 1 Sit down tonight and figure out what Seeds you need for spring sowing. We have Permanent Pasture It Grass and Hay Seeds. Registered I Oats or Barley, 'Spring Wheat and Peas, Corn, Rape,lMillet, Also Oom- nlercial Seeds, See your Lea -Weber Seeds dealer, Geo, Wesenburg Picone 56r9 NOTICE SPECIALS Youe' °taco Implement Dealer has a Special ,Salts on Tractor Tandem Disc Harrows which amounts to 10% off for Cash on the following, 8 ft. Or 24 plate — 18 in. plates 7 ft. or 28 plate — 18 in, plates Bit. or 32 plate — 18 in, plates Seo our New 105.1 Wagons. And buy a flexible Harrow. We also have Dnrbalelloy or plain points for all Makes of Tractor plows, Harrow ' teeth for your drag` Heldeowe and 1 Plow Bolts, See or phone Gen, Wesenburg Phone 56r9 FOR SALE — Clinton and Beaver Seed Gats, Gordon Knight Phone 4345 FOR SALE — 12 plate outhrow disc. with short tongue. APpiy to Doug. Hemingway Phone 23r4 FOR SALE ,— Nearly new Beatty Electric Wash- ing Metalline, also iron bed. Mrs. Chester Rintoul Phone 77r19. FOR SALE — Young Work horse, also 11 iliac M. H. fertilizer seed drill, In good 0005lttion. Apply to ,Tohn C. McDonald Phone 27r14 FOR SALE -- One round extension table for dining roots and six leather seated chairs. Apply to Mrs. Geo. 11feCutcheon, Brussels, FOR SALE - 1 Purebred Shorthorn Bull, 13 months old. Here is your chance to get a bull with both beef and milk behind him. Priced to sell. Earl Anderson, Sl_i Lot S, Con. 5, Morris Twp , Phone 15r4. FOR SALE — Ttmothy Seed, power cleaned at 37.00 per bushel, Apply to Hartwell G. Speiran, R. R. 3 Brussels, Phone 26r10. FOR SAL. — __ _.. 1 Grade Ayshire Heifer, rising 2 years oid, 1 Purebred Ayrshire IHelfer, rising 2 yrs. old, due to freshen Oct. 14. 1 Purebred Guru. sey Heifer, rising 2 yrs, old, due to freshen July 14tH. Apply to J. C. Long, Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — Bray Chicks, Wide choice pure breeds and crosses, Dayolds, started. April chicks for the late summer- fall ummerfall markets, with Grade -A large- bitting argehitting the top. Hatchery has what you want. Ask us for prices, they're reasonable. Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel. ATTENTION FARMERS — We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and par highest prevailing prices. For im- mediate service telephone collect — Brussels 85-r_12, Listowel 650-r-7, or Elmira 564 Gordon "'lung (Elmira) Ltd. 'FOR SALE — Shoe Store and Repair ,Shoe in good village, Store is Red Brick; Red bniok 6 roomed house adjoining, also 3 room apartment, above store. Stock is 31,500.00. Stock and repair shop and buildings all for quick sale priced at 84,500.00. 100 acre grass and wood farm, lots of water, 5000 new trees set out. Priced to sell at 82200,00, , 200 aore farm, white brick house, large- bank barn, lot of wood. Priced to se:l at 88000.00. .T. C, Long, Reel Estate Broker. Brussels, Ont: 1.-a mtNBROOK Sunday School was held at 10 a, nt,, on Sunday, April 8 and the reg- ular service of worship was con- ducted by a student, Mr, Robert Bis- sett, Goderich, Services wild be held as usual next Sunday, M•r, IHerb Jeschke, Detroit, who has spent several weeks hea'e with his Lather, Ma', Paan Jeschke, re. turned to his home last week, Mies Marie Wagner is visiting with Miss 70ntylene Steins, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Baker are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Tuesday, April 10th, Mr, 0110 Mrs, Fred Martin, Thames - ford, and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Baker, Detroit are here for the golden wed- ding anniversary of their parents, Renfrew Cream Separators and Milkers. !91sc, Pious, Manure Spreaders, !'-.e and Fertilizer Sowers, Spring -tooth Harrows Land Packers, Rubber -tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and crawlers, Plows, Discs, Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers and Hammer MIIi.. We also ave repairs far Oliver Cockshutt Tractors, MORRITT & WRIGHT lmeteanant Dealers for Oliver implements Telephone 4 end 99. 9lvih, Ont Dueto years of culdvedon end growing of crops the soil becomes depleted of many neceemry miuen4, etc., ......111.00Y many geriva do not moutatn adequate anal ve value. Tide to 000 reason for the need of sogplementory feeds to makes pro - pertly baleooed radon for dalny. cows. You can't get rullk wltbout feed. The more a cow will mt the more milk you will get. But the feed must be properly balanced and contain the necessary amounts of vitamins and minerals as well as proteins and or- b° To make more money, keep only well brad cows and 1..1 then to th. limit with Blmdiford's Dairy Med which c i very palatable, contains abudm mom - tint vitamins, ,sineraals .,.df il ia draftee economical feed you m boy. For Sale by, bAIR MEAL as 14. Ethel Produce Phone 22-r-10 McNell's Shell Service Shollubrlcatlon Shell Huusohold and &nett Petroteurn Products Senerel Repair Ltvoetcak Spray Parts and Accessories Phone Brussels, Olgjt, AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE SEWAGE DISPOSAL I am now equipped to pump out your Septic Tank, also do all other kinds of pumping, such as flooded cellars etc. IRVIN COXAN Phone 75x4 Milverton, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS r— C. A. Myers, M. Do, L. M. C. C. tlVlllea:n S; PHYSICIAN and SURGEOI9 Phone 4. _ an Oat DR. R. W. STEPHEINS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 45 — Brussels, Ont. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses fitted. Phone 791 Seaforth Main Street. HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insurance Co. Phone 43x Brussels G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings by appointment. J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, LiSTOWEL, ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting of Gasses Office in Listowel Clinic building Hoon: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday p.m. Open every Tuesday and Satuadny Evening 7:00 to 9:30. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use off Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. SELWYN BAKER Agent for — Hartford Wind Insuranar McKillop Mutual Fire insurance Co. Our Rates Are Reasonable For further particulars — Phone Brussels 43440. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Autosssobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. Phone Office Sit –.. Brunets, O I). A. Rann & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embahner PHONE 36 or 86 .•– -- BRUSSELS, ONT. Dennis Duquette Phone 51-r-18 R. R. 4 Brame& Licenced Auctioneer for Huron County No Sale too Bits — None too Small Havre employed an experienced assistant for the Big Ouse. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUS Eds X'msday and Saturday all day Offid open every der. Phone 20x Successor to E. O. DaMi