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The Brussels Post, 1951-4-11, Page 1
n THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, April 11th, 1951 $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. S. f"..., ,BUST PUBLISHING HOUSE Melville Church 3ervlce The service in Alelvidlo Church Sunday morning was taken by Mr. R.iteltie a student of Knox College and his text was Ilabakkuk, chapter 1 and Chap. 2 verse 4, the just shall live by faith, waist upon God and He will deliver us from evil nations. A. most timely sermon as was spoken by a Prophet of old, which aPpll.es to the People of to -day, An anthem was also sang 1)y the choir. MELVILLE CHURCH TO INDUCT IRISH MINISTER Arrangements are completed by the Huron -Maitland Presbytery to induct the Rev. William H. T. Fulton, of Milford County, Donegal, Ireland. as minister of Melville Presbyterian Creabh conducted two musical eon Church, Brussels on Friday, April 27th. tests. Lunch was served by the The Rev. R. G, McM•idlan, of Hostess, assisted by Mrs. McCreath, Goderich, will preside and conduct and Mrs, Tames McFarlane. the induction. The Rev. Alex Simp- th MELVILLS YOUNG MORRIS TWP, COUNCIL WOMEN'S GUILD 1de u•'s Township Council Meeting, 'rite illarrlt meeting of the llel.1 AinIll 2. 11111. villa Child was held at the home of ' The Council met in the '1`ownstiip MIS, Orwell Elliott, After the call I Ilacil on the above date with all the to worship by the president, Mrs, O. members present. Elliott, hymn 212 was sung, f The miunt-e of the last meeting Aiath- i ew 20, was react responsively, fol- , were read and adopted on nation of lowed by an Easter message sub- , Sam Alcock and Chas. Collates, mated by Mrs. Wm. Martin and , Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded rend by Mrs. Elliott. Mrs, James by Sinn Alcock that the spray op- reatom be paid 90 cents hour and McFarlane offered prayer and Hymn , hie helnel• 110 cents per hour and 220 was sung. A very timely and �, interesting topic, "The Glorious that a charge of Li cents per head Cross" was then given by Mrs. Ted be made for smrayhig'rattie, - Car•ried. AicCreaih, An Pastor poem was :Work! by Balite Parrott, seconded t ft rend by Mrs. ,Toe ,Ylsl do and after 1tv Chas. Coulees that the' foliow*ing singing another Faster Hymn 112, i resolution in regard to an addition the devotional .period was closed by , Clinton Collegiate be passed repeating the Mizpah benediction. Resolution _ That the Council After the business period, Mrs. Mc - of the Township of Morris is in favour of the erection of an addition to the Clinton Coileeiate Institute et an estimated root of *2110,000, and we hereby instruct the Clinton D''s- G•iet Collegiate 'Institute Board to United Church W. M. S. nrocepd with plans and speelfirations pm' said addit'on provilin, that the Mrs. Larne Nichol presided for the other Munielnalitles with more rate- rlevotinn period of the April meet- ) havers '_belonging to the Clinton ing of the afternoon Auxiliary of the High School Area are in favour of 'United Church W. M. S., which was I this addition ae we hove a very small held in the Sunday school room 02 (number of ratepayers affected - the ohurch, She was assisted by Mrs. I Carried. son of Teeswater, will narrate e steps. the Rev. William Mitchell, of Kincardine, will deliver the sermon, the RPV. Alex Nimmn, of Wlrlgham, will deliver the charge of the min- ister and the Rev. G. S. Baulch, of Kinloss will address the eongre- gation• Mr. and Mrs, Fulton and their three children will arrive in Canada on April 10th. "SECRET OF A HAPPY MARRIAGE', A stimulating article in this Sun- day's (April 151 issue of The Ameri- can Weekly, erclusively with the Detroit Sunday Times, tells how to make a happy partenership of mar- riage. You'll also find other in- triguing artcles, including a stirr- ing true mystery, "Inside Story of the Watch Dial Tragedy." Get Sun- day's Detroit Times, Brussels I. O. O. F. Presents the The Kansas Farmer Concert and Dance In Brussels Town Hall on Thursday, April 12th Featured will be the Noll sisters of Walkerton with guitar, banjo and accordion. By popular demand the piano violin team of Eddie and BM will be here again also Clark John. stop. Concert Starts at 8.30 p. m. Sharp Dancing after Concert. All for 50c litfftWWESOPTOMWmti Melville Church Rev. A. J. Simpson, Teeswater, 1 Moderator. 10 a, m. Sunday end cool Class 11 a. m, Morning Worship No Evening Service. The U sited Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship 11 o'clock "The ,SaOrattnent of The Lord's Supper." Church School - 12 o'clock Divine Worship - 7 o'clock "The Master's Dwelling" "This do in Renennbra Me,,, 1'. • ter- - ._.•-...•. A'TeArthur, who led in prayer and Mrs, R. Cousins who read the Scrip• hire. As a eoitrlusion to the study of Japan a short review was held with Mrs. -W. Rose, as the leader asking questions. . Answers ware riven by Mrs. A. Armstrong, Mrs. J. Aryans. Mrs. W. F. Todd and Miss C. McCracken. A short discuision followed and the ladies were invited to give their opinion on each quest - inn. Plans were dismissed for the expense tea, to he held later' in the month at the home of Mrs, Mc- Arthur. Miss F. Buchanan and ;tfisa C. McCracken were appointed delegates to the Preshyteriei to he held in Exter in Anrll. Church of England Pariah of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr Rector. Tatir Sunday After neater April 15th, 1951 et. John's Churoh, firueets-- 11 a, m. Morning Prayer Sunday School. 7.30 p, m, Thursday Confirmation, Class. St. Davide Church, Henfryn- 2.80 p. m. livening Prayer 111. seeree's Churoh, Walton 7,80 p• m, Beetling Prayer PEOPLE WE KNOW * * * Airs. Ja,s, S. Armstrong is attend- ing the Synodical meeting of Wo- men's Missionary Society in Sarnia this week, * * * Congratulations, are extended. to Mr. and Mrs.' W. L. Beaker who cel- ebrated their golden wedding anni- versa.rY on Tuesday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. Armstrong, 'Dorothy anal Mr. Jas, Fulton spent Sunday in Toronto. POSTPONED The Morning Star Rebekah Lodge baking sale and tea has been post- poned until a later date, owing to no heat. in the Brussels Public Lib- rary. REGENT THEATRE d RE Seaforth, Ont. NOW Fri: Sat. April 13-14 "INDIAN SCOUTS" with George Montgomery Ellen Drew Philip Reed A thrilling page torn from a glorious Era in America's History as courage- ous Pioneers move ever Westward carving out a New Frontier. * • * Mon. Tues. Wed. April In Technicolor "TEA FOR TWO with Doris Day Gordon Eve Arden Great Stars - Grand Songs - Gay Laughter - Glorious Technicolor - An Ali-Happines Musical of Yester- year. • * * Next Thurs. Fri, Sat. AprIl 19.20.21 In Technicolor "THE NEVADAN" with Randolph Scott Dorothy Malan -Forrest Tucker • The thrllting West surges to Ili with the fearless and lawless match ed In murderous fury - itis blazln Epic of stolen gold and flamin guns. PLAYING - Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded by Sam Alcnek that the roads bills es presented by the Road Superin- tendent be paid; - Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded by Wnt. Peacoelt that the mepeting eclinurn to meet again on May 7th. nt 1 P. 111. - Carried. The following accounts were Paid: Mnnicinai W4r1r1. snnplies $ ,111 F. S. Robinson. relief arrow'. 24.90 Don Homes, milk for relief 2070 0. B. 'Elliott. relief account 13.811 Hervey C. Johnston, Reeve. Gen. C. 'Tartan. Clerk. HONORED ON 26th BRUSSELS COUNCIL BRUSSELS LIONS ENTERTAIN LADIES WEDDING ANNIVERSARY April and, .951 Lc Thr regular meeting of the Mon- The Brussels L1nns eatiertainl•at friends night, April nds and neighbours a- bout 40 Monday Ffrieours iciiral C'oancil of the Pillage of their ladir+i„ Monday nigh(' of this gathered af. the haat(': of M•r, and Brussels was held on the above date. Mr All members o , e community Centre at Crunbrook. It thti Clarence Martin toeo celebrate was the occasion of the minuet Lions their 25th wedding a was stag eat. The minutes of the last meeting "Ladies Night" and about sf'venty A mock wedding was staged byLions the young men which to the amuse- were read and adopted on nation of 113 y the dinner, served d Present Tet•r+t;rtruP meet of everyone was very much : R. A. Bennett, seconded by It. W. of Clanbrook women, and to Pm enjoyed , after which Harvey John- , Kennedy. ston read this following address:- The following accounts were order- gramme which followed. Dear Margaret and Clarence - 1 11''1 paid on motion of W. Speir, see- All regular' business of the club oncled by A. McTaggart, was dispensed with. A hearty sing It is twenty-five years ago since : song was participated in and the Elliott Garage, Fire Dept, $ 4.36 yoin carne among as as a newly mar. Post Pub. house, weigh T.tons and their guests were enter- ried couple and as more or less scales tickets 27,50 tailed by the Paul Brotkers of strangers. During that Period eb have lead the opportunity to watch 1TcNab, repairs to anawPinw 0.50 Kirkton who presented nets orf sing• n andto ndge you and we have IT. A. Workman, snowplowing 7.00 het; and jokes which were thoroughly you j 5 enjny,d by the audience, Two motion found that the balances have swung �_gunicipal World, subseriPtiona not the. side of disfavour, but rather and etc. to the side of favour. Brussels Creamery, relief W. E. Willis, relief We have found that you have ' R A. Bennett, relief riehtttlly deserved the term "good 4 Lowe, 1-lp relief nei^hhmus•' for we have found that W. Backer i son. relief tTet whether at time of work or M Baek°Miehl, fuel May, or slrkness, or health, in haPilin*s- or in sorrow yon have atond Pearly to throw in a helping band when ever it was needed. Therefore we feel it both a Pleasure anti duty to gather with you to to night to PxPress with these small gifts nor appreriattmt of servicts rendered and our best. wishes on the occasion of your silver wedding anniversary. Tt is our wish that you may enjoy many, many, mare days of happily married life and that all those days may be filled with happiness, pros- perity and health. An electric clock and a bed lamp was presented by Ed. Iiryanis and Art McCall to the pride and groom o1 25 years. The groom replied with a very suitable address thanking even'yone for their remembrances. Progressive euchre was then play- ed. First prize for the ladies being won by Iva Fraser and for the men by Joe McOaughty. Lunch was served which brought to a close a very enjoyable evening. f Council were Imes. at a dinner served In the. The April meeting of W. M. S. and W. A. of 'Union United Church was held Thursday afternoon last, at the home of Mrs. Russel Dilworth, with 20 ladies present. Mrs. jos, Bremner, President, was in charge of Devotional, with Hymn 253, Pray- er, and Scripturce Mark 10, 17-22, Matt. 6, 24 by Mrs. Ralph Machan. Mrs. Jack Cox was appointed dele- gate to Presbyterial at Hensall, and the president urged all who conid ton, ttend. Mrs. L. Lake read a story of the Trek of the Mennonites from S. Manitoba to South Amlerica, tell, ing of haedships and privation endured and of their retuen. to Canada+., Land of Plenty. Hymn 358 was sung 'followed by a closing prayer. W. A. Meeting w'as In charge of Pres., Mrs. Mac McIntosh, businees items were discussed and taken care of. Hymns were sung and Mizpa'h benediction, Lunch was served by the hostess and social halt hour en. toyed. Next meeting will he held on May 3rd at the home of Mra. Harold Keys. ingfilitiMMOWOWO 16.17-18 MacRae e e 3 g • COMING - "SIERRA" In Technicolor .r w....; LIS-rOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE oa 1 Wed. Thu. Fri. April 1.1213 in Jane Powell, Richard Montalban "TWO WEEKS WITH LOVE" Technicolor G. 'Davidson. eidewnllcs The United Church In the United Church, during morning worship 011 Sunday, April Sth, Mr, Beset Hemingway. and Mr. James Turnbull were ordained to the Eldership of the Church, in an im- pressive ceremony conduoted.by the Minister. The sermon drew attention to the historic nature of the elder- ship, which was sthown by Scripture reference to he one of the earliest offices of the Christian Church, "Awakening Chorus", by isomer and Gabriel, was sung as an anthem, Maple Leaf, after which Mrs. Lane explained what the club was and its objective. Stressed was the Point Its Great to be a Canadian, Twenty- two members joined the alb, Members are Isobel Spell., Helen Riutoui, Lena. Miller, Joyce Miller, Ruth Hemingway, Isobel Smith, Helen Wilson, Jean Smith, Agnes Lane, Elizabeth Myers, Sheila; Port- er, Elva Imison, Sheila Alderson, Audrey Da.elids,on, Margamet Mc- Outr.heon, Winnifted Raymond, Marie Elliott, Lavarre McNair, Joan V*ilson, Thelma Maier, Beene Warn - slay and Mary Agnes Higgins. Offs• cers for the club were eleoted. They were as follows i President let Vice -Pres. SeceTreas, Pianist Press Reporter - Mary Agnes Higgins 1 The naming of our club was decided to be ohoeen at the next meeting to be Meld in the'Rru•ssele Town Hall, Our record books end poster was discussed. We decided to have red' covers. Manuals were distributed ane lusts of books and authors. Rueetions in the manuals were answered. We closed *stir meet- ing by singing, "0 Canada," Candies were served. SAT. ONLY APRIL 14th Double Feature Red Ryder in "ROLL THLNDER ROLL" plus "BOY FROM INDIANA" Sat. Mat. 2.00 - Eve. 7.30 p.m. 23.110 p`ctureS were 41...Wa by Roes 6.40 Knight. - One, "A Trip To Florida", • 19.47 , bad been taken by Glen Mother the 32.20 , other was of the recent Stratford 23.51. Skating Carnival. 21.20 Thromghont the evening the af- 50,00 fair was enlivened by the activities ^, 5,00 - of genial Linn Tail Twister James S. A. H. Oakley, labor 61.10 Armstrong. D. N. McDonald, lumber, cement and etc. 53.45 C. T. Davidson. fidelity bonds 30,00 G. R. Campbell, ealaty and registration 66.00 ft was moved by R. A. Bennett, sernnded by R. W. Kennedy that 1950 taxes on business assesment he written off as follows : W. Procter $1,33, Coleman and Thompson $10.00. - Carried. It was moved by A. McTaggart, seconded by W Speir that the Tax Roll for 1950 be accepted, and all unpaid Taxes be returned to the County Treasurer for collection. - Carried. It was moved by A. McTaggart. seconded by W Speir that Village of Brussels observe Daylight Saving Time Froin April 29 to September 30 of the c,urt'ent year. - Carried. Following a reading of a resolut- ion as passed by the Godet'ich Town Council, regarding the abolition of County Rate for Business Assess- ment. It was moved by R. W. Ken- nedy, seconded by R. A. Bennett, that the Brussels Connell endorse this resolution, and the Clerk be instructed to notify the proper authorities of our decision. - Ca.rried. Meeting was adjourned by motion of W. Speir, seconded by R. W, Kennedy, - Carried. "THE CLUB GIRL STANDS ON GUARD" The first meeting of the unit was held at the Library on April 7th, The meeting was opened by singing the The evening subject was, "Spirit- ual Broadcasting" in which it was declared that every person radiated an influence to those around, either for good or i11. ' The choir sang, "T know a Fountain," by B. D. Ack- ley. Holy Communion next Sunday morning. - Melville W. M. S. The W. At, S. of Melville Church oonlbhted their regular meeting -with the moue' expense tea. cut the home of Mrs. Jas. S. Armstrong on. Friday, April Gbh, when an enjoyable time was spent, The President, Miss Grace Stewart assisted by Mrs. David McLeod tools charge of the devotional part of the program. Mrs, C. Matheson presented the topic part 2, Our Share in the World Miss - ton which dealt with Canada and Pointed out clearly, that unless we as Canadians, oarry the missiionarY torch banded down bo as, from our forefathers, we can hope to know nothing other than Colnmuatsm and was', Let sus think more about miss- ion in our church work and less a- bout wordier pleasure, The offering veaS taken and this pant of the meet- ing brought to a close by singing the Doxoitogty. Baring the social hour that followed, Mrs, 74, Cardiff favored the meeting with a piano Solo and, Mrs, G. Elliott s va©ai solo accompanied by Mme, G. iitvans, Lunch was served by the committee, in charge, firs. M. Baliauntyno, Mrs, W. Smith and Mrs. N. H. Cardiff, , his poultry Boase Monday night, Mi s. W. ,S'peir novel a: vote 001 Provincial Constable Snell of Sea thanks to the hostess Mms Armstrong forth and .Setter of Wdnghem are end ail those who had assisted lei investigsttng. marring the afternoon a suceese. Mon. Tues. April 16-17 Jean Stockwell in "HAPPY YEARS" Technicolor TUESDAY FOTO-NITE OFFER $200.00 Monday Attendanre Card Night. 3 BIG DAYS COMING Wednesday, Thursday, Friday April 18-19-20 Esther , Williams, Howard Keel in "PAGAN LOVE SONG" Technicolor V AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cardiff will be at home to their friends 00 Tues- day evening, April 17th from 7 to in o'clock nn the occaern nP `heir 25th wedrl'ng anniversary. MANY ENTRIES iN HURON FESTIVAL (loder,olt -•- A 'total 'ti' inn +•ttta,ifaa 10 87 different clasp; ,vitt 1trovi4#- k,an and iutlt lit.:' -utr,.tt,iors *t� the Herm county nein, Festiva thitlt t,1i 0 b,r, ret April 16ttj1.• (hit. is 1111 fine 1 a::14 of 77 over la>9t year's total. For the first tinter. 1b('re are en- tries in every class of the plan* solo, section I. Pupils of 24 Hurn% County piano teachers will ootn- rele in th,-P, t,.ihaes ,111 1VIOnd0 , April 16th. w'tlt Boris Berlin agu- dicating. A fetors of the ('11011 school corn - petitions will he the 10 rhytlta'r bands perfounilr0 un Thnalsdr., afternoon. P110 winters in this nelf las will a1petr at lite rinsing eon.- , e. rt un Ft, da} t sting. Two stale rhintta(s at',' entered for rnnlretitimt ITurenia Choir, of He ueall, and the R.C.A.F., Cline tort. airs. 10. II. Jeesop is festival presi- dent The festival Is sponsored by' h • (loderieb lltxstc Club. NOTICE Mr t '1 (Scotty) Forbes will be, 1,ran•h 21S Brussels Legion On. Friday. April 20tH. Any veteratt€ wanting information please notl2l L. Workman or R. Shaw, IMMUNIZATION CLINIC The first of a series of Immunization Clinics ter infants and' pre-school children will be held in the Brussels Public Library, starting on Friday, April 20th from 2 to .3.30 p. m, At these clinics children may start immunization for or have reinforcing doses against Diptheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus, and. Small Pox. Huron County Health Unit Clinton, Ontario Isobel Speitr Lena Miller Matte Elliott Joan Wilson WALTON Born --'At Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth to Mm. and Aire. Ronald Ben- nett, Walton, on A,Pnil 4011, a son, W411i'am Shoidtoe, who lives lost north of tate village, on One highway, bad about 75 c1ttoleens stolen from Walton United Church - presents on Tuesday, April 17th at 8 p. m. Harold Victor Pym, Organist William Conron, Baritone Mrs. Ross Hamilton, Lyric Soprano Admission 50c Under auspices of Walton United Church Choir. Can we afford e4;• The chances ore you CAN. Thousandt< of Canadians who thought they couldn't afford Sterling Silver are fin' Mg that the best in silverware is well within reach of even moderate incomes, , Come In and let us show you ha economical• It b today. Patterns shows, left to right, P*e* Tree, Prelude, Northea8 ateritateettat r;' W. G. LEACH The Store for Peaortifur Gifts Jeweller Brussels r 5 ;.fin.