HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-4-4, Page 4mak.. ti) As? Jlntte M1 What a scrumptious cake ... high, moist and delicious. You can tell it's imide with butter, for only butter has that creamery -fresh ilavour. It's rich lo natural vitamins, high in food energy. So if you wuuld be fatuous for fluffy cakes and feathery pastry, use golden butter in all your baking. SERVICE BUREAU TORONTO, ONTARIO -rw.�-�_'_•Y _..�+,^o- diltYlflfl. tes.meisan ct......s.i. +x•-,..- .-wwea icam.-.:,a0�,"'a,5i�,. STARTED EARLY i Charlemagne (A. D. 80S) and the Census -taking dates from the dawn I Domesday Book of William tete of civilization. Moses numbered the I Conqueror (A. D. 1086) are celebrat- the a medieval censuses. Later, children of Israel in the fifteenth , 1 Conatus clisapreared from Europe, 'Ile Voice Of Temperance — John's Guild When a big producer sends a gene ,arous supply of his product to the ;troops in Korea it would seem that see should be grateful for such a pat- :sfntic gesture, When temperance _r�,eop1e discover that the shipment ;consists of 3,440 cases of ale—then they cannot be happy about R. They know that drinking among the troops da one of the most disastrous side - issues of war. They can only protest .a. ainst uncalled for shipments of in- toxicating beverages to our boys tverseas. — Advt. ,"FREDERICK F. HOML/11 Phm. B. R. 0. Carol E. Honauth R. 0. Mrs. H. Vola Homath R. 0. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 All persons having eltLns against E tete slate Of Chester W. Iiintoal, lata or the Township Morris in the (*aunty of Huron, Farmer, who died ren or shout the 14th clay of Feb - ',lora, A. D. 1951, are notified.. to rel. to the undersigned on or be, fere the 1St11 day of April, A, D., 1951, full .particniars of their eladms in n•r•tblg, inranediately after the sold 14)h any of April the assets of the said testator will be distributed a- mongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the execntria shall then have notice. Dated this 26th day of Marclt, A. D, 1961, C RAWFORD & HE?PHERIMGTON ltritnghat, Ontario. Solicitors. for the executrix. • iI century. B. C. (Exodus XXX, 12-155; Numbers 1, 2-4 and 47-49; III, 14-16, IV, 34-49.) But statistical investi- gations were made many centuries earlier, in Babylonia (about 3800 T. C.), in China. (3.000 B. C.) in Egypt (9,200 B. C.) A census taken by King David in 1017 B. C., achieved evil notoriety in history from the Divine wrath which it provoked (II Samuel XXIV, 1-25 I Chromirles XXI, 1-27 and was cited for many It may not be generally known that Ms credit of taking the first Census at modern times belongs to Canada The year 1666, the census was that o. the Colony of New France. There Itad been earlier records of settle - matt at Port Royal (1605), and Clue - bee (160S), but the Census of 1666 was a systematic "nominal" enum- eration of the people, (1, e., a re- cord of each individual by name), NOTICE TO CREDITORS WALTON Mrs. (l, hlcliay, ,the form er Matilda Newatead, died suddenly 1e't'llay at the• home of her daughter, Alt's, Frank Iiirkby, Walton, Born near Orangeville in 1879, A daughter of Mr. and airs. 1'S'illiam Newton, s.be was married to the late C. Mc- Kay and lived most of her itfe in and around Walton. Che had been 11I only a short then', Tier death, after an motive 110e, carte siuldenly, Sun- t -:'Ing are: two sons, William Mc- Kay, Dundas; Lundy McKay, Aub- urn; three daughters, Mrs. Adolphe (May) Mauelder, Brunner; Mrs, Frank (.Teeny) Kirkby,"Melton,. and Mns. William (Marion) Moss, Auburn, The funeral service took place Monday, April 2, et the Thome of her daughter, Mrs, 'Frank Kirk• by, a'Palton, at 2 p, in. Rev, R. G, FTealewood of Waltop United Church officiated and interment in- Harvey cemetery, Logan township. Alt persons having claims against the estate of Annie Snaith late of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron; Widow, who died on or about the twenty -.third day of Marsch, 1951, are notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 1Sth day of April, 1051, bull particulars of their claims in writing. Imtmtediately atter the lith day of April, 1951, the ass- ets of the Testatrix will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitle ed thereto having regard only to claims of witch the executors shall then have notice. - Brussels, Ontario, Dated this 26th dart' of March, ^. D. 1951. CRAWFORD & IIDIT,HERi•NGTON Brussels, Ontario, i Executors. ' or e E c Solicitors for tl generations in opposition to the I fallen for a fixed date showing the spirit of scientific inquiry, The age, sex, place of residence, oe- eensus was one of the institutions cupatlon and conjugal condition of founded by the great law giver Sol -I each person. The results are to be on of Anthens In the slothcentury aeon in document i a ct eat of 154 pages n P. C. The Romans, too, were asst-' the Arehieves of Paris, of which duns census takers, both under the a transcript is in the Public Arcrht- Republic and the Empire; Julius ves of Ottawa, Altogether this Cen- Caesar reformed the among sus recorded 3,215 persons. When - other things, of it 's recalled that in Europe the first modern census dated only from 'the eighteenth century (those of France Census The Breviary Accurate -planting John Deere -Van Brunt Grain Drills promote better stands and big- ger yields --increase your profits. Adjustable -gate, fluted force-feeds, low - wheel design, and other advanced features assure better field performance. See us soon for details. Phone 58 W. J. PERRIE Brussels, Ont, and England from the first year of the nineteenth), whilst In the ignited States no census of the country as a whole was taken before 1790, the achievement of the primitive St, Lawrence Colony in instituting what is today one of the principal in. fitments of4 Government .in every civilized community may call for more than passing appreciation. Art Confederation the British North America Act specifically mentioned "The Census and Statis- tics" as falling within the jurisdiction of the Federal Government (Section 91). The first Dominion Census Act was passed in 1870, and the first Census was taken thererundea' in 1871. S mdlrar cpmrprehensive censuses have followed every tenth year•,. namely, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911, 1521, 1931, and 1941, The Census to be taken as of June 1, 19.51. is therefore the ninth com- prehens•fve decennial census to be taken since Confederation, The ad- nminlstration of the census was orlg• inaily vested in the Minister of Agri- culture; in 1912, however, In a re - ora nein tion and Oentraltzatlon of the statistical work of the Government It was transferred to the Minister of Trade and Commerce, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM HUMPH. RTES late of the Village of Walton 111 the County of Huron, Merchant, who died on or about the Twenty- seventh day of February, 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned on or about the Eleventh day of April, 1951 full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the eleventh day of April, 1951, the .assets of the Testator will be distri- buted amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. The Woolen's Missionary Society and Mission Band of the United Church held their Easter thank - offering service last Monday even- ing, Mrs, Clarence Martin presided. Mrs, Herbert Kirkby gave the topic and Mrs, Arthur McCall offered prayer, Duets were sung by Mrs, Harold .Sellers and. Mrs, H. 'Travis. Misses Cory and Pieta Van Vliet. The Sunday School orchestra pay- ed several hymns, Mrs, Nelson Reid ami Don Achelles received the STARTING OUR • 2Oth 2:0th..1 in n is ass THIS MONTH with a store full of down-to-earth bargains in Suits $25.00 up Coats $35.00 Shorties $25.00 up Raincoats $25.00 up Dresses Accessories Millinery at great ANNIVERSARY SAVINGS Shop at the Paris Laliel Shoppe Listowsls leading ladies' wear store. Where yow- dollar buys more. offering. Slides on Japan were shown by Mr, Haztewiood,. with description given by Mrs. James Smith and Mrs, Percy Holman. Personals: Rev. 11, G. Hazlewood, was in London; Master Beet Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark in Clinton hospital for a tonsillectomy; Gordon Murray, in Toronto, spent a few days with his brother Kenneth Murray; Reeve Harvey Johnston , was in Toronto last week attending the 0. E. A. convention as the re- , presentative of the Mucron County Council. He also attended the Rural Municipalities meeting in Toronto last month in the same capacity. Darted this 24th day of March, A. D. 1951. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON 1 Barrister and etc. Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of MARY ANNE SS4ILLIE Ike of the Village of Walton in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the First day of Feb- ruary, 1951 are notified to send to the undersigned on or about the fourth day of April, 1951, full par- Venters of their claim in writing, Immediately after the fourth day of April, 1951 the assets of the Testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having re- gard only to claims of which the Exeoutors• shall then have notice. Dated this Twentieth day of March, A. D, 1951. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barrister and etc. Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors, FOR SALE— Feeders Pigs from 50 to 100 lbs. each at all times. For further par- ticulars ,apply bo Thomas Kirkby R. R. 4 Phone Seafosth. 842r31. BTH F:T The second meeting of our "Club Carl Stances on Guard" met at the horse of MTs, Mac McIntosh. The two leaders Mrs. Earl Bowes and Mrs. MacMclntoslt were in charge of the tweeting. The president Marilyn Bowes was in the chair with twenty members present. The seoretary Elaine Kernaghan read the min,u'tes of the first meeting and called the roll call, by how far we've gone with our record books, The press report- er was unable to be present so we nominated an 'assistant Jean Steles. We chose for our club name Ethel Satiety Seilies. Many of the girls demonstrated. Anne Pestetl show- ed .us how to see if your posture was right.. Anne Sterffler, Maxine Smaiidon, Joanne Swift end Donna Alexander how to sit, stand and walls properly. Holy to Put a sling on .tete arm was shown by Jean Weiss. June Cathers and s•eeondiy by Isabelle Engel and Maxine Small - don. There was a discussion what to do for out artert'ies, veins and other seidoue acei'd'ents. Some of the girls, made words tip to tunes of different 'songs •by making It to have something to do with "First Aid." we closed our meeting by singing, "0 Canada." For our third meet- ing our work is on record books and to do our home assignment, The third meating will be at the borne of Mrs Earl Bowes. After the meeting ltmoh was served by Isabelle Engel, Donna Alexander and Marilyn Bowes. BL UEVALE The postponed Family nig(ut span sored by the Bluevaie branch of the Women's Institue was held in the Conmirunfty Tlali, Fleming Johns ton was chairman for the program which opened with community singing with Mrs, Alex Corrigan as accompanist. She accompanied Mrs. Harold Hamilton for an Irish solo. Jean. Hail, Eleanor Smith, Etoille i ilfoffatt and Joyce Hoffman sane, choruses accompanied by Mrs Charles I-Iofman, Mrs, Stewart McNaughton, Wroxeter, gave a monologue telling of a woman learning to drive a car, Cecil Merlt- ley, Wingtham, showed colored films of Florida, California, Texas, New Mexico. and Eugenia Falls, Ont. Eugenia Fall scenery pleased tete audience more than that of the' snptltern U. S. Mr, Markley says Ontario roadside scenery is more Ie11IIitul than that observes] from relied States highways, The entertainment was free 11: the community and Mrs. Stanley Darling. president of the W. 1. thanked all who had contributed Meat' talents to stake it a success, Coffee, sandrwiehes, and tarts were served. The services at Knox Presbyterian Church was conducted by Rev, Doug• las MacDonald of Tilsonburg, He ba.sed his message on portions of the 27th and nth verses of the 19th Chapter of Mathew. The W. •M..S. tltanlcoffering meet- itng was announced for next Sun- day evening when Rey. U. E. Cron hielm of Wroxeter will be the guest speaker. Rev, 5, A, Brook con- ducted the sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the morning service in the United, Oluurch. He spoke on the importance of small things and used the text Luke 24-35, He was known t0 them in breaking of bread'' The choir. sang, I heard the voice of Jesus say. Personals: Mr, and Mrs, Miu'ray Wilson, Listowel, with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Mann; Mr. and Mrs. John Bosnian and two sons, Dutton, with Alt•, ]losman's father, Henry Bos- man in Morris; Mrs. Joe Marshall• and two daughters, Tdstowel, with '•^r parents, Ma•, and airs. George ton; Mervyn Mamm, Listowel, .1 :lis parents, Mr, and MTs. Roy Rev. R. D. MacDonald, Mrs. r ,cnonald and three children, '7';'1 'ttburg, with Mrs, C. H, Mao- :1'- X11 at the manse; Mr. and Mrs. U. Gurney, Wingham, with Mr. 'fin, R. 111, McKinney. ". --meals : A, D. Smith spent ..,9ay in London, a.ceompanied ', daughter, Eleanor, and hes • 1. Etoille Moffat; Alex Cor see1'etary-t.reoeurer of tha Terry township school area -' Harold Hamilton, principal of "1e public school here, ata me* i1•R or the Ontario Educational As- 'wr1atIon in Toronto: Donald Beat - Toronto. with his aunt, Mrs. : " Moffatt: Margaret Henderson, " rton, with Mr.e. C. H. MacDon- 1' rt the manse; ars, Howard I:,ret Toronto, with her daughter, *'•^ 1:. Sellers, "n"' LONG WILL YOU LIVE? .ant experiments Indicate a ^'ass's age may effect the life span 'tildren she may have. Also, -sits manner of living affects longe- st,— ' See a list of favorable and a»vorahle factors, told in an '.•tiele in this Sunday's (April 8) lane of the American Weekly, EX - " X" rcnr3LY with' The Detroit '"v Times, GOOD FOR ALL KINDS OF BAKING :;OLD IN BRUSSELS AT W. L. Baeker & Son BUTCHER SHOP Phone 6 Brussels THIS LITTER 15 NEVER SATISFIED, DOC • THEY ALWAYS SEEM TO BE HUNGRY. le, afaass- 1T'5 NATURAL, J1M•'THE SOW'S MILK FALLS OFF AFTER THREE WEEKS, YOU KNOW BUT 1 FED THE 50W A !�r 6000 RATION' MONTH5 BEFORE FARROWING TIME THAT WAS GOOD, JIM,. YOU FED THE P165 1INSIDE THE SOW, NOW YOU'VE GOT TO H FLP FEED THEM OUTSIDE THE SOW. 51 -IE HAS DONNE MOST OF HER ;,,JOB, WHAT 00 YOU MEAN -- MOST OF HER J.oB, DOC?_ %'� WONDER DO YOU REALIZE ivJUST WHAT A STRAIN A LITTER OF THIS SIZE PUTS, ON A SOW —"" By Roe Farms Service Dept ' WW6 A SOW'S MILK FLOW FALLS OFF JUST WHEN HER LITTER NEEDS INCREASED FOOD, 50 YOU'VE GOT TO SUPPLY THE EXTRA F0001 For fast rugged. growl h and easy self Weaning, 771;pt your after 1 3 ((r rs� OH, OH, 0H -NOW I SEE. THE IMPORTANCE OF FEEDING 100E WONDERWEAN FROM THE 3sL WEEK ON./ • /N 444$11 OR Pe '4 LET FORM East Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT • ETHEL F. HARRISON MONCRIBFF