HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-2-28, Page 2IINAYSC11001,
B.A.. B.D.,
Mark 9:2-4, 14-17, 25-29
Memory Seleccion: This is my
- beloved Son: hear Him. Mark 9:76.
It was a great privilege. for Peter,
James and Joie, to he with jeatla
in the holy mount when, He was
• transfigured hefore them. There
they beheld MOses the law -giver
and Elijah the great prophet speak-
ing with Jests concerning His
decease. Moses had died in a moun-
' Wu and was 3uried by God, (Duet.
31:0, and FFiab had gone heaven-
ward in a chariot of fire. (2 Kings -
2:11), But _Testis was greater than
either. The three disciples heard
Cod say as He had said at the
baptism of jt -i.. "This is my be-
loved Son." Only as we come to
fully acknowledge that Jesus Christ
is the Sou of t.iod. can we enter
into the Divine forgiveness and joy
that is Provided for ria.
But one cannot always stay In
tile mount of worship. We must
• come down to the plain and meet
the grim realities of life. When the
group came L1OV. n they were pres-
ented with a youth who could not
speak and who acted madly. Jesus
said to the father, ''If thou canst
believe, all things are possible to
him that believeth." What a chal-
lenge to his faith and to ours to-
day! Dare we accept it? The youth
was he:del Later the disciples
asked Jesus, "Why could not we
cast hitu outf" Jesus replied, "This
kind can. come .forth by nothing
but by prayer and fasting." The
implication is clear. The reason that
the church to -day is not casting out
more devils is that there is too
little prayer and fasting. There is
plenty of feasting but little fasting.
And how little earnest prayer!
Statesmen are baffled and frus-
trated. It will be on account of
God's praying people if we are pre-
served from the immediate devas-
tation of a world war. 0, let us
pray! God can overwhelm the evil
machinations of men and the blun-
derings of short-sighted statesmen.
If we pray, we can have faith. God
tan do the apparently impossible if
we will humble ourselves and pray
and turn from our wicked way.
wraps I Buojms1 Cut iron' ONE
leant pattern part! That's the
blonse. Hangs heautifullyl Slender
bet W111i.'-(q01: SC:V....Shill& too.
1.111': skirt. A honey of a two -
pincer for any occasion.
:Pattern 4507: 12. 14, lo. 18. 20.
Size 16 takes 17e. yds.
This pattern, easy to useshiiple
to sett. is tested for ht. Has com-
plete illustrated iustructione
(25e) in coine (stone., cannot be
accepted) for this pattern. i'rint
Send settler to Lox 1, 1.l,i Eigh-
teenth Street, New Toronto, Out.
Send :Fweigy-fitte Cents in coins
for cur Anne Adatns Pattern I3ook I
See the smart accessory clressee,
separates, and classica, the. special
eivsY-scw: styles for all ages, the
gift page. Printed in Boole is a
free Pattern for making eliiirl's
dress from man's shirt.
• •
elderly women vishing to im-
press !tee clergyman with the fact
that she read the Bible frequently
took it up as lte cam in at the
door. As she oper,ed it she CN -
claimed, "Well, bow glad T am!
Tfere ars my spectacles whiel, 1 lost
r• ye:o• ego!"
One Of The World's Largest Exhibits of butterflies, beetles,
moths, bugs and related insects will be on displav on the
exhibit floors of the ColiScum. Toronto, during. the Canadian
National Sportsmen's Show from March 9 to 17. Here, 'lean
Pairman. well known Ontario model, is shown with John .tItty.
part owner of the exhibit, examining one of the many strange
insects which will be on display,
1116E FARM
ef Gutter:10Rn¢ Elettlse
Last week, if you remember, I
was wishing we could have just a
little more snow. We got it all
right . . , but it wasn't "just a
little." Now the lane has filled iu
to much for me to attempt taking
the car out—although I noticed a
picture in the paper the other day
showing a little English car like
ours making its way gaily through
deep snow while bigger cars were
getting stuck. Just for fun I
would like to see what -our car
would do, In fact I would try it
if it were not for giving Partner
the trouble of hauling me out. sup-
posing I got stuck.
Right now I ant working with
one ear cocked for a telephone
call as we are expecting visitors
this week-end—and frankly, I am
little worried. Trying to heat the
house against high winds and zero
temperature is hard enough when
we are -alone but to have. visitors
and not be able to keep thein warm
and comfortable is a headache. Inc
one thing people always feel the
cold more away from home, as
they are naturally less active ti with
no ordinary every -day chores to do.
Well, for goodneee eakes, it istit
.a telephone call 1 ale getting at all.
but our visitors tl.entselees. At
least this very ninety a taa.i it
chugging up the lite—elietlier it
gets through or rot i- a :question.
'Bye Inc now.
The foregoing Ara, 0 ritten Fri.
day night. What follows is one of
those dreadful tragedies that some-
times strikes wit:, mitten...table
Partner's lirother Cede hell his
wife Jessie arrived ea, our doorstep,
carefree and happy. epparentis in
the best of health and prepared to
ely a quiet family week -end. We
sat aroand talking until raga ly
ttc eh o'clock and thett went to
bed. Sometime during the itielit
Colin called out to me • --"Conie
Gwen!. eintie and look at Jessie -
there's something- wcult , , . she
can't speak to me",
There W11, il,l(11
wrong. toot Jessie 1 !Mile 1111•
C0115eiOns, 'de sent for the doc-
tor—and he bad lo will up our
long laic at 12 below zero. Lie -
fortunately, he said there was notb.
ing he could do twit she re gained
consciousness and that we had
better make preparations for get,
ling her to hospital lir4 thing in
the morning.
l'reparatieme included geoing
snowpiongle to Open the •linlel col
ambulance to take her to hospital;
long distance calls to Iler
ier,atttl to ntaitttait 5, et -instant
staidat her bedside.
By ten next morning Je.ssie was
in hospital bed and receiving the
best of care. Colin camc back to
dinner as he felt be rtes only in
the way and could be no help at
all. Shortly after (linnet. be was
recalled to the hospital , . , his wife
was sinking fast. flurry . how
we wanted to hueryl But the car
wouldn't start -12 below had been
too much for it. There are all
kinds of taxis in tout, but not one
could we get. Colin started out
walking. 1 followed Italf.au-hour
later.. At the hospital we sat %y
fessie's bed --watching and waiting
nondering if it would be too late
when the girls arrived. The. bus
was • dem in at 3 o'clock -sit was
minutes late—hist when t,i2
minute counted. (Inc daughter
was in time but not the other le. -0.
Betty- arrived by plane from North
Bay. Joy and 1 drove to Melton to
fetch her. But there We ran 1110
difficulties again. Knowiug nt
could not be there in time we had
telephoned ahead to have her
paged and advised to wait until we
came. She did not get the call :tad
had gone on to Toronto. By 111e1,11s
af a lot of telephone calls between
the airport aid Toronto we finally -
located her and she came bar:. to
Melton. So non we all three are
here; our daughter carne with One
Of the girls from 'Coronto and Bob
arrived from efatheson during Its:
nigh t.
The funeral Is on Wedileschq.
so 1 need hardly say how busy we
Capri to be front now until them
What struck us as all sO cry
forcibly at the time is the amazing
kindness of our friends and neigh -
bears. Jessie was ouly known to 0
few of them yet there arc offers
of help in the way of accomodc don
and extra baking coming from -0
many • quarter,. Sometimes we
are inclined 'to think that in this
day :and •age people everyte here
seem 'to be grieving apart hut ill
a crisis we find there is still plenty
ni 1.;:xltineos—just as much kilith
ness and help as there alnays was.
Aril we are yely deeply touched
and appreciative. It is something
we shall always remember. To
Cohn and his family it meant
it lot. --to know that Jessie's last
resting place will lie among kind
and friendly people.
Man Who Went Back
Stm-tanned. .33--yearseld David
Ferguson was wounded clueing die
grim struggle around Caen in44
So when lie and his attractive yourg
wife went to Britain from 4:anode
to visit his native Seotland recently,
he rode on the back saddle cif their
tandem as they pedalled to Dun-
fermline front London.
Datid had met Patricia in
Toronto after the, war and they
had graduated together from To-
ronto University. always planning
tr, tisit Britain. xin their travel,
Patricia tool; pietures of am-id:1
castles, famous buildings :mil the
lovely scenery. With her help.
David svill shoe. thr In to his college
students this year.
As they rodv. David often tall,ett
to her about ..,:ormaittly. 'Pc fore
sic re.urn to Canada, itt lake you
to the spot where 1 V.:1N \rounded,"
lie promised. So they crossed the
Channel and the tandem headed for
Caen, now at 'wave in Om
1 tavitI wiio served in tia North
Nos a Scotia II ighlandens durilw
the ear, id t tense with exci•ement
as they drew twarer and Ale:leer
to the- bettlelield be knew so ;tell.
Suddenly, as they reached the ci1.
lege of Amide. David cried, 'Stop!"
to the cite lie has net et Seel,.
They hall reached the sprr: where,
ii. 044, shraptiel from an tiNplcoling
tierman shell fool rubbed lilm of hie
sigh t !
Fiery,liching Skiii
Gets Quick Relief
f fere 15 1 Ila, iii11108 pen. 1 I
.1111iHrTtla oil that will bring von :looney
retior from the 111111)K and (11,Orr,8
Xteldne 'Tors and reel.
ml marls troubles.
Net only dos tbit 1110allttg . ani 11
ell promote rapid and healthy haling tri
open Soret and W01.1110, OM boils /Ma
Istis ulcera itt 11t, quitle rent:err./
in akin nfroelloro . ills Rubble 01 Otto,,
;b btopprd; Int erent/Ous dry Up
and scale our in g very role dell, 'rite
eb.mo /5 trliO 51 11:1-bre81fe1t,satt famine
,.t.d other akin eruptions
rril can Obtain 11f4illio'n Elieneld 011
,rtsVOT d111511 at. gold,
Issu is — 1951
l'here are a ...p.irej many t kiegs
that might he said ;vitriol Feintiare.
but the more pertinent
be Set forth in very hue print.For
February has some extremely.bad
habit,. Its reputation is not of tie
beeu. despite its famous birthdors •
and it, ntiditionth festit of love.
stiats out with 1:rontl nog 1'58,
and it curl, the ere of 'March,
and 01001411 it has a tnininunn of
days between it Usually attatial.tcs
to pack thot.e days with itti assort-
ment of Weather that is, to say Bit
least, trying to a body that has
just endured jamtary.. February
SOIllything less than nature', pam-
pered darling.
There are places in this bend
sphere where I:dilatory is the be-
ginning of spring, places where
mockiugbirds sing and swamp
mulles turn livid with Winn. But
de in this latitude. There are also
place-, beyond the equator to the
south, tt here February is tilidsmils,
icier. with heat that blisters aid
drought that hunt,. .flut rot here.
February in these parts is the exe-
etnicher of the mischief which Jan-
uary lacked 0'1' temper to com-
plete. sty traditien and statistic..
Februaryis the month of Mum -
liberally tui..ted with ice. And its
'winds are /tic blasts of January
',evokin10 of the ‘ebille,y of March.
February is the problem child of
the year.
Now and then, of course, Febru-
ary beams, lice. ciao could the le-
geod of Ciround Ile.; Day have
arisen alt persiste,r. February even
brings blottersometimes. Such
flowers as smardrops. A71(1 tite
eager souls can see spring in a
snotydrop. Such persons still hale
a bit to learn about February, shout
spring, and about snowdrops. For
hist:int e. that evowdrops aud
hiaktt have inure than a nodding
11111 Felirtiarj passes. as do all
things good and load. February
yields to March, in clue time. And
130 matter what else you cart say
about March, it turns hno April.
Stated that way, it's rather simple.
It's February. and 'WC can already
think about April. by tryi”g hard.
• - -
tie-c(1:ri'llisi.11c:Ictei • nehctt:Inlettit'illeicsIti"Oalcterji
refurbish or slipcover old ones nith
this nonderful pattern'.
Fa,4:.ittatitig to do-sesayee money
100! l'at tern 023; alep-by-step -in-
structions 10 lamp-ahades.
itt voles (stampe cannot be ac-
cepted: for this pattern to flog 1,
123 .1(ighteentli Street, New To-
routo, Ontario.. Print plainly PAT-
Send 1:welity iive Cents 2110re
(in coins) for ottr Laura Wheeler
Nceillec•raft .1look. Illustrations of
patterns for crochet, embroidery,
linit tine, household nCeeSsories,
doll,. toys . . many hobby and
gift ideas. it pattern is printed
itt the hook.
"Dear Antic Hirst: 1 ant so alone
in my trouble! hey mother died Inc
years ago and lieu heels keeping
lett-.v for Dadas well as holding
n11 interesting icili. Now he is
thinking of mar-
rying again, I
"Lis ing
httt has not heel'
easy. lle it very
ithttoct'tilit it n d
though 1 try to
keep things run-
ning itt M o itt
did, twilling do plea -ea hint. '(hip
attitude. and 'My 1111111.) ltotte (Intle$,
keep me nervously upset, He still
thinks Pre a child; if a boy appears,
he yliecomages him. (onsequently,
1 have little social life except Inc
girl friends•• -and you know that
ien't enough!
"I've net this it omen; she's
WidOe. •witli married children, She
has gone nut her 011y to he nice
to me. and if Dad weren't marrying
her 1 expect I'd enjoy knowing her.
But won't she try to curtail my
life even inore7 :CPC heard of see -
031(1 liiiV es who were so arbitrary,
and even jealous of their stepdaugh-
"I was close to !dom, and still
miss her terribl)-. Hen' Call Dad
tidalof bringing in someone else
to take her place--ond so soon? I
guess I'm just --
ALL 'MIXED 1.11"
FA f.,1( DOWN
limit you are older, you can-
not comprehend your father's
lonelitiess since your Mother
lie has been lost without her,
floundering in a morass of con-
fusion as only a devoted husband
can. This has contributed to
his criticisms of your efforts to
keep things going as usual at
home; in asserting his ahthority,
Pc line found au outlet for his
grief and turmoil. As to -his
dislike of boy friends, that re-
%reale his fear that you might
marry and leave him.
If he marries this widow, 1
think he will be a changed man.
Her companionship and tender-
ness will assuage his loneli-
ness, and for the first time since
lte lost your mother. lie will re-
I wish. you would not dread
her coming. As 3 Our father's
iivshe will take over the man-
agement of the house, and free
you of all those burdens. You
will give over the reins grate -
{filly, ask her what duties she
wants you to accept, liut leave
the real responsibilities to her.
She will expect that, and enjoy
...baviug a home of her own again
to superintend.
Flaying raised a family, she
will, 1 expect, sympathize with
your longing for boy friends
and eneourage themand then
your father will too. :Most step-
mothers want to make their new
husband a n d family happier
than they have been. Clive her
the benefit of your doubt, and
look forward to ale 11tarriapre.
(iv ahead hard in this inter-
esting job you hate, Make new
friends, and enjoy them. You
have been deprived too long of
Here is a grand new coualt
swim made cimecially for
COLDS. It tastes ea good
they ask for more I First
dose bangs rant, Sate relief.
JACK and JILL is made by
CONTAINS the authors of Buckley's
VITAMIN 'V mixture nod is na good for
their coughs and cold% as Bucidey's
'Mixture is for your own. Price SO,
bt,tes\ eel Ctseos
1:ske bier
Mix and elft, into bowl, 1;i; e. once•ained pantry
flour (orilf e.. once -sifted hard-whoat lima), 13 tsps.
Magic Baking Powder, N: tsp. WIC. DM in finely
3 lbs, chilled shortening and: mix in 1 c. yellow
cernineal, 54 e shredded cheese and
Abs. chopped parsley. Make a well in
pour in 35 c, milk and mix '• nstirtrarsco
lightly with a fork. Knead for 10
seconds on a lighlly-flottrocl board
and roll oub TO 14". thick recianglo;
cut into 12 :fingers and arrange,
slightly apart, on greased baking
sheet. Bake in hot oven, 425'; about.
15 Jilin& Servo bet with 'butler or
margarine. Yield 1 deed) lingers,
* the diversions you need so muell,
• believe your chanee to get it
* is right armlet! the corner,
Cheer up! Most stepmothers
* are wonderful people. Yours
• will probably be, too.
If you face the problem of hae.
ing et stepmother, give her a warm
welcome. Most of them are wonder-
ful people, anxious only to make
their new life a happy one for
everyone concerned. Ask Anne
Hirst about anything that is wor-
rying you. Address her at Box I,
123 Eighteenth St,, New Toronto,
If you have a tale to tell,
Boil it down!
Write it out and write it well,
Being careful how you spell;
Send the kernel, keep the shell;
Boil it down!
Then, when all the job done,
Boil it down!
If you want to share ottr fun,
Know just how a paper's run,
Day by day from sue to sun,
Boil it down!
Wheu there's not a word to spare
Boil it down!
Heave a sigh and lift a prayer,
Stamp your foot and tear your hair,
Then begin again with care-- •.
Boil it down!
When, all done, you send it in,
We'll boil it down.
-Where you end there we begin;
This is our besetting sin;
With a scowl or with a grin,
We'll boil it down,
ACM Ile PAhlit
There's one thing for the headache
. . . the muscular Etches and pains
that oftep accompany a cold .
fast relief from pain and the relief
is prolonged!
So get INSTANTINIC and get quick
cornfort. INSTANTINE is compounded
like a prescription of three proven
medical ingredients. You can depend,
on its fast action in getting relief front
every day- aches and pains, headache.;
rheumatic pain, for neuritic or
neuralgic pain.
Get InstentIne today
told &woes
keep It handy
2-Tahlot Tin 24
Economical 4B -Tablet Bottle 690
%, ihkk eforzh4,
Jane Ashley's Crown Brand Recipes FREE
Write Jane Ashley, The Canada Starch Company Limited,
15.0, Box 129, Montreal, P. Q.
GIRLS!.WOMEN1 Do you suffer distress from,
And also want to build up rod blood?
Do female functional periodic
disturbances make you staffer
pain, :feel so nervous, weak,
cranky, restleas—at such
times? Then do try Lydia E.
Pinklican's TA131,,I171S to relieve
such symptoms!
Talton regularly thruout
month—Lydia E. Piukham's
Tablets help build up resistance
against such annoying distress.
1' inkham's
Tablets are also
one of the great-
est blood -iron
tonics you can
buy to help build up red blood
to give more strength and
ant stomachic tonic, tool Just
see if you, too, don't remarkably
benefit. Any drugstore.
Lyda E. Pinkham's ?t115