HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-2-14, Page 3"Red" rvlathernatics 1\ r Ito , f„nnd a el.iui, itt th.r nnuauu;-u armour, \1'e hart dis- .'overed that d+ pu :h i a' ar t di5ciptine a11d i muted etlieieucy they have fallen Hat ou tiuir faces ill the held of mathematic,. nil article in the '4'uvrntler 13th i,,.ur of the Canadian Tribune, writ - en by ,inLn Stewart, makes the stariliug qty,"nein that "the Can- adian dollar today is worth less than 311 cent.," Stewart arrives at this conclusion by pointing out that the Cost of Living lades stands at 170.7, '1'u the C'onvnu•:i=t mind it becomes ob;ions that when you _subtract 1711.7 fn,nt 20u son Bettye SI 29.3 -- the value of the dollar today, hollowing this reasnniug to Its ultimate r'ouclusioil. shcald tate cost of living go to 2110, then, obviously, the dollar would he warth nothing, bringing us to that 1•topian state wherein wr would all be working for the common good without receiving any recompense at all, Perhaps we are wrong about this, Maybe 2lir. Stewart is attempting to fool his readers. If he is, then the hope that the article in question does not fall into the ]rands of any intelligent ten -year-old Who, not be- ing trained hi this particular brand of mathematics, might discover the error anti bring it to the attention of some of the more deeply indoc- trinated Party members. 'We hope that John Stewart has not departed from the Party line in arriving at his weird autl•wotider- ful conclusions, If he has, this esl'osttrn might hall him from the Party. It might even mean that 1Fnele Joe would decide to put the linger on him. Otic guess is, how- ever, that this was a deliberate! Communist gesture to fool some of the people and to add confusion to confusion, It is obvious of course, that in- flation has affected the Canadian dollar, and it is now worth slightly less than 60 cents in terms of the 1939 dollar -- this is still abort twice the value placed upon it by itir, Stewart. There is, however, offs fact which must not be over- looked, A division of Canada's to- tal income in 1939 among all Can- adians, men, women and children, would have given each individual $386. In 1949 a similar division would have given each individual 3948. So that, even with our de - $948. So that, even with our de- flated dollar, the average Canadian has approximately 50% more buy- ing power than before the war. The calamity howlers have little in the way of an argument to bol- ster their case. Canadians are buy- ing more than ewer before and are enjoying a higher standard of liv- ing than ever before. -Front "The News Letter," Chowder Head -This seagoing sole is actually a new Easter bonnet out of the collection of Le Moonier, in Paris. Macle of natural. Bali straw, its real- istic eye Is a diamond earring tt'ith a ruby centre, What Letters Do - We Use Oftenest? Recent research ltas coitfiruicd that the most frequently used letter in the Engiish language is "e," and the most rarely used is "z," This is how the alphabet lines up when placed jtt the order of frequency are use each letter in our everyday speech; etoanirshdlcwtt ntfygpbvka+fjz, The letter "e' as we know it was horn about 500 B.C., when'the etas - sic Greeks decided to reserve the ancient Phoenician and Hebrew version of it it which the arms of the letter pointed to tihe • left In- stead of the right. The Greeks were also the first to use "e" as a vowel, its original vo- wel sound being deseribed by scho- lars as "ey." "Beth" for House The worth "alphabet" a con- tracted form of ltlpltasbeta" Greek Corruptions of "aleph-beth." These are Phoenician 511(1 Hebrew words for h'os't told "house," It is thought that the.Phoetiicians, look the first convcnieet Word in their own tongue that commenced with the sound of "a." This hap- pened to be. "aleph," meaning ox. The Hebrew slid the ssme with Ilia letter 'b." 'Most convenient word heginnleg With this letter seated to be "beth" (house). Ileece the word for our A B C has been handed down through the ('501)1:55 as "aleph- Iteth" or alphabet. TABLE i'ALNS Jam Andrews. It y,i11 eat (Atm i0 restaurants or hotel•, you trust have noticed bow many of the patrons-espetcially the men order fish of some sort, Vel go into the homes of 'those same people, and you'll find that fish is eaten rntnpru'atively rarely. 771• principal reason for this is, of course, tlhnt far too small a per- centage of us know low to prepare and cook fish so that it will be as tempting and palatable as the kind the "professional," dish up, Su 1 thought that at this season it might be a worth -while idea --instead of giving you any speeific recipes -.-to pass along some general hints along this line, ;'.earn to broil fish, fry titent, bake them, steam them and poach them. It's knowledge really worth acquiring, because when you have fish often your food cost:t will take a derided dip. ;as -s :mater tic• FRYING pried fish isn't as popular with the cook as it is with her family. Maybe it's because the fat sputters. You can reduce this if you use a large deep skillet and -slow to me- dium heat ,When fish is done, wipe Pan with paper towel or crumpled newspaper and soak pan in hot water. .Fresh or quick-frozen fillets, steaks or small whole fish may be pan-fried, Good varieties to use are perch, rockfish, catfish, cod, had- dock,but.erlisli, flounder, sole, sun- fish, bream, porgies, trout; mullet and smelts. To Pan -Fry Fish 1, Wipe fish with a damp cloth or paper towel. Thaw frozen fists just before using. 2. Cut fillets or steaks in serving pieces. Leave small fish whole. Dip fish in undiluted evaporated milk. 3. Roll in mixture of equal parts of flour and corn meal, well -sea- soned with salt and pepper. 4. Heat enough fat in skillet to cover bottom and fry fish for 3 to 5 minutes on each side, turning carefully with fork or flat turner. Add snore fat as needed. Do not overcook, 5. Serve very hot on hot plates with tartar sauce,' lemon or parsley butter. chili sauce or catsup, DEEP FRYING Deep frying won't smoke up the whole house if you keep the fat from snsoking. I'or deep frying, do not use butter, margafine or other fats that smoke al low tempera- tures A deep -fat thermometer is a good investment if you deep-fry often, Best fish for deep frying are fresh or quick-frozen fillets such as sole, flounder, cod, haddock, whitefish, ocean perch and whiting. To Deep -Fry Fish 1. Wipe fish with a damp cloth or paper towel. Thaw frozen fish just before using. 2. Cut fillets or steaks in serving pieces. Leave small fish whole. 3. Roll in seasoned flour and dip in mixture of slightly beaten egg and water, allowing 2 tablespoons cold water to each egg. 4. Roll in dry bread crumbs or cracker meal. (For a thicker crust, coat twice with egg and crumbs.) 5. Arrange a few pieces of fish in frying basket just to cover the bottom. Do not overlap pieces: 6. Fry in hot deep fat (370°F. on a frying thermometer) until golden brown Drain and serve very hot. tr * # BAKING A whole baked fish can be as festive on the table as a roast of meat or poultry, Fresh or quick- frozen steaks and fillets are good baked, too -with or without stuff- ing,' Avoid high heat and a burned pan. Don't use a rack, You may like to experiment with the French method of baking the fish in ate envelope, Use brown paper, well - greased, or metal foil and tuck is ends, Some good varieties or fish to bake whole are red snapper, bass, haddock, shad, bluefish, weakfish, cod and salmon, To Stuff and Bake Whole Fish 1, Have whole fish cleaned and dressed but not split. Head and tail may be left on. Wash fish and wipe dry, 2. Stuff fish lightly with well - seasoned bread stuffing, close open- ing with toothpicks or needle and thread, 3. Cut 3 or 4 gashes about 5/4 inch deep in skin and insert thin slices of salt pork or bacon, 4. Place a pinch of thyme or mar- joram, 1 minced onion, 3 table- spoons minced parsley and 2 table- spoons fat in pan. Or add chopped tomatoes. 5, Put fish in pan and bake in mod- erate oven, 3505F., until fish flakes easily with a fork. Allow 15 min- utes per pound; depening on thick- ness of fish, STEAMING 'lou don't have :o own an elab- orate steamer for this method. Use a trivet or rack or even a small colander in a . covered pan. Don't let the water touch the fish. Large chunks of fresh or quick-frozen, nonoily fish are usually steamed but steaks, fillets or whole small fish may also be cooked this way. Common types for steaming are cod, blue fish, bass, scrod, red snap- per, carp and flounder. To Steam Fish 1. Wipe fish with a clamp cloth or paper towel, Thaw frozen fish just before using. 2. Place on a greased small rack in a large saucepan. (Steaks or fillets may be sprinkled with salt and pepper. Seasoning does not penetrate larger chunks with skin.) Large chunks of fish may be tied in a piece of cheese -cloth for easy handling. 3. Add just enough boiling water to come up to top of rack. Cover tightly, 4. Bring to boil, reduce heat and steam about 10 minutes to the pound, depending on thickness of piece. Fish is done when it flakes easily from bone with a fork. Do not overcools. 5. Remove skin and serve fish hot with melted butter or cheese sauce, curry sauce, or creole sauce, (: 0 5 BROILING The most popular fish in a res- taurant is broiled, It's not hard to broil fish at ]tome if you don't try to hurry the cooking. Baste the fish to keep it moist. If you've al- ways hated washing the broiler pall, line it with one of the new metal foils. Many varieties of fresh or quid: -frozen fish are suitable for broiling. Some of tient are- split whole utackedel, whitefish, sea and brook trout; fillets such as sole, flounder and whiting; steaks of salmon, tuna, cod, haddock, hali- but and swordfish, To Broil Fish 1. Wash split whole fish quickly in cold water. Wipe fillets or steaks with a damp cloth or paper towel, Thaw frozen fish just before using. 2. Place out, greased -broiler rack -and brush with melted fat, Sprinkle with salt and pepper, 3. Broil split fish or fillets on one side only, placing fish about 3 inches from unit and avoiding too high heat. (Steaks maybe #turned once.) 4, Broil about 8 to 12 minutes, or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Brush again with fat during broil- ing, 5. Serve very hot on hot plates. Good plain or with lemon butter, parsley butter or other sauce. t. r POACHING This method is the chef's favor- ite, for poached fish is the basis of many exciting' variations. It's a quick and easy way to cook fish for CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 55. Top of a Monti - 1. Competent tab Dealt • 5, Pro105" DOWN S, Minute open., 1. Footles% Ing animal 115.I3uoket S. Large bundle 11, writing impie• Men) g,y1�, Pod of war 1'd, Oil (oomb, form) IL Southern constellation 14. Body of wore on reprinter( Page 18. Contempttbla 11. Compass point 32. Woolly 16. Tipping to one side 20. Decided 10. Pain n,t genies of chanes 1,teat awaysta.lialo 11, Cooped o s i, Coop e d up (car.) 36. Put tato type n gain XI Coves 30 Anal", 40 (nh a5iruntta- n 650 40 Abnormal rtttnl breathing sound 45 Action at law J0 'f:01, Car 7A. 1151 5''•;te- r,,cvitiln 11 til e 'art, 72 t1 d e 1100',' t'00%t t.,nlptt nn21eti 1, Iralsehoodt 4, ;Runs twaY „.secretly n,1800m s, Wi a of Zeus 7,stble poRr 1, Government grant 5, crude metat la. Meg 19. Adleettvet ) unix 26. Peru5Tab entertain 00,, Turf at. Pogt:entoa places 35, Old Wreath land measure ST. Blissful 10. Whole number 20, Leering -cam -- se. Cathedral church o8 Itemo ZS. 'Liquors 53. Distant (pea.) 25. Prepare for 1 ublfeattaa 50, overcomes vltir tender and fen' 27. Sera te4 linen 41. Solid food 45, Roman am- nesty 40. i'i•rst mur- derer 44. (bolls 45.St al 46. PItllppina mountain 47. Constella.tiore $ 9 i0 11 f '2 3 k 5 a 7 13 t6 14- 17 19• 't'�ti'``•i 'LF 23 24 25 �o 17 28 'e2 33 36 7 4 46 41 50 53 54 Answ t ibsewhe e On This Page Y-•• salads. casserole dishes, fish cakes or for creamed fish or chowder. Thick fresh or quick-frozen fish steaks or large chunks of fish are ideal for poaching, although fillets may also be used. Compton varie- ties are halibut, cod, carp, haddock, red snapper, salmon, pickerel, trout, pike and soul, 1. Pour about 2 cups water into large skillet. Thaw frozen fish just before using. 2. Add 1% teaspoons salt, 1 slice lemon or 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 slice onion separated into rings, few sprigs of parsley or celery leaves, % teaspoon pepper -corns and - bay leaf, Boil 5 minutes, reduce heat. 3. Add fish, cover and simmer gently about 10 minutes, or just until fish flakes easily with a fork. If fish is very thick, turn once dur- ing cooking. Do not overcook. 4. Serve hot immediately with drawn butter sauce, shrimp or lob- ster, sauce, wine sauce or other preferred sauce, using the fish stock, 5. Or cool in broth, chill and serve with mayonnaise, Thousand Island dressing or lemon juice. Too Much Striving For Sensation 44'e haven't 00 t:t'd this out in final form, but the teat, of Carolyn Purcell convinces us that the press associations. the ilCwspapers, and the radio used to straighten thew- aelves out in handling news of in: s curable diseases. Carolyn Purcell, you will remem- ber, is the 4 -year-old Georgia girl whose parents refused to permit removal of Iter eyes despite tate verdict of "specialists" that they were cancerous and if not removed would inevitably 511155 her death, That is the story which was told to the nation by the newspapers and radio news broadcasts in dra- matic detail, Now it torus out that Mayo Clinic eye specialists have detertnincd that Carolynfs eyes are not cancerous, but only inflamed and that this inflahunatlt t should yield to treatment. For a long time, we have been dubious about hon far the news- papers should go in reporting such rases as C:arolyu 'Purcell's. Even when the diagnosis is correct, we have felt that sensational news stories created an unnecessary amount of anxiety and distress, and tended to magnify rare tragedies out of all proportion to their actual news values. But, as Illustrated ht this in- stance, the newspapers labour under handicaps which should make them wary. They have no competence to determine who are qualified "spe- cialists" with an interring expert- ness in diagnosis and prognosis. Who, for example, were the "spe- cialists" who examined Carolyn Purcell and ivh0, in effect, led the newspapers and radio to hold her parents up to popular judgment for their refusal to have a life-saving, but sight -destroying surgical opera- tion performed upon her? .. The effect of this publicity will be to make all parents suspicious when they are advised that their children must have radical surgical operatiolis biorgantowa Post. -4NEW, ,mpRav(P blew hybrid cucumbers, hybrid oolong, et* early maluting hybrid corn, hybrid and Jeedletir watermelons, and new early maturing tomaletfp llludated and [loathed with valuable growin* information in our 1951 eatalogue, 1951 Catalogue -VALUE 50 cent* FREE on request 17/rne for it today. S,TOKIS SEEDS LIMITED C -A TLL A i5 l 0 0 8. ONTARIO WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE - Without Calomel -And You'd Jump Outrai Bed in the Moulins Ravin' to Go The liver should pour out about 2 pinta o4 bile juin into your digestive traot every dayt if this biio is not rcflowing froely your food toady tat Thengas may bloats ust deny bi the g eotIve ts u your stomach. Yoe got conotpsted. You foal cour, ennk and the world looks punk. It takes those mild, gentle Carter's Little Ins Liver to makehyou2plats feeell "up and Row/ ' Pet a package today. Effective to matuu� bile flow freely. Ask for Carte?* Little JAM Pills, 356 at any drugstore. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking 0.00B .G1©© BUNG. MONO ©UB ME MUM U©0_ L1kiI ommumnam GUM UUUUUG BMW OUfiJ[7NUti UDM MOOD OW 9 UNEI19©© h!UUk L UMUUUU UUU ©ODUNGIooLIc BBB DUU [AIM NUUM Mtn EOM men UM �frlClla 410 qte Cottaffian c_Ta a u owed tivutek toJ , A Tribute from Calvert to Canadians of Czechoslovakian Descent CANADIANS ARE A people of many racial origins who have interwoven -themselves into a pattern of democracy. Much of Canada's strength and vitality stems from the cultural heritages that each facial group has contributed. In 1619, Calvert was Secretary of. State to King James L That year James' daughter Elizabeth became Queen of :Bohemia -- as Czechoslovakia was then known. Her son Prince Rupert, after whole Western Canada was first named Ru»era's Land, was the first Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company. Thus our ties with Czechoslovakia reach back over 300 years. `file original Czech and Slovak settlers came to the Canadian 'West in the 1880's. Since then many more thousands have chosen Canada as their home, Their folksongs and needlework have contributed to Canada's culture, while their industry, honesty and thrift have made threat honoured members of the great Canadian Family. ,CalvertDISTILLERS (Canada) Limited AMIHERSTsURG • ONTARIO Calvert, head of she famous Calvert family, founded one of Canada's first colonies In Newfoundland in 1622. The Calvert ideals of freedom and tolerance helped set the pattern of the democracy we now enjoy,