The Brussels Post, 1951-2-14, Page 2Advice Front G.B.S. That Wasn't Taken 11 I had taken Berner.; s;table^ advice to Me in 1')19 1 Ihold. 1,.,{.t,e have written his. Life—dew ,lay.• one else's. My first siglit of hitt was et a dress rehearsal ',f Androcles and the Lion -lace h i rhnvillr starker produced at the tit. I !1,l'. ; Theatre on Seetenther 1. 1913. lite play was not a st1'. , atta ltarkee felt;• ed inn, retia.,tier), Shaw's eoeli'i:'u,, e, 1.. ing The Doctor's Dilemma, .:t the r, la r;a1; of w1'J,i't 1 aediii Ile the atnh.: t. 11y 01.1, tn'ermulitowt, h1, ir.'101 0111): (i,.rt.ihl n 1:1,t first the Secre- tary in the Velar. f •i,cry in the sc.uu,i'4 LLeL -o little impression 011 thin, that when I wrote a hook of reminisce -aces. Thinking It Over (103:1, he remarked: "11.ov little we tu ft.3 lntrr „i the t,:dple we think we Inete is tllu trat 1 by the feet tied I net,•0 knew you had e see eppeared. on the stege until T r.-iel your look ,,c outer day:' Hi: pamphlet, Commonsense About the Vier (1 014 st.hrtt,l me on the road to Shavianr 31,, and by 1916 1 had read all his works, some of theta two or three times. That year I unite to to hips on behalf of Frank Parris, who wee trying to 1,40 :-t i•'9 iam:1n5 Contetrpor- driC's is 01. book on Oscar Wilde. Siete a -Lel ntr to call and see hist. it is annoying not to k1,:., ;ha' 3-.111 look Like." 1 WI1S to •1,e grimy at tete time, hitt did not grow that to state, in the way. arae; toe tee aid (•f subterfuge man- aged to enfoy see -era) long talks with Hitt in Adelphi Terrace. l.hreitle; 'tilt' three years' service 131 Mesoo')otatnia I corresponded with hull.'aOioualiy and became all Outr:;l1l-Vert ).tartan; .o 10110)1 so that -v:11001 I returned home he gave me the advice already referred to: "Neither 1 nor any matt of my getlerati•)n takes the smallest inter- est in you, or can be anything to you lint :1 snare. You must deal .-with the world as you find it, net as I found it, Of all Iiterary bores and failures the most hopeless are the Don Quixotes who make DuI- cineas of their pet authors and rust: about breaking, lances for them 10 - stead of doing honest original work. What do you suppose I should have been if I had spent my life pester- ing people about Ruskin and Car- lyle. Mill and Herbert Spencer, in- stead about Shaw? It is true that I wrote hooks about Wagner and Ibsen; but they were virtually my contemporaries; and what I called attention to teas not their music - dramas and plays, but a modern philosophy of life which they, like myself. were exponents."—From "G.B.S., A Postscript," by Hesketh Pearson. Keep Heat Indoors Window shades help control house heat. Since 30 per cent of the heat loss in an average home is through the windows, retention of heat is direct- ly affected by wise use of cloth ,window shades, says the Armour Research Foundation. Window shades which tit the window as tightly as possible give little opportunity for air to cir- culate and provide dead air space between shade and window. This forms insulation through which heat does not escape. According to figures of the Foundation, pulling cloth window shades down at night and keeping them half drawn in the daytime can reduce heat loss as much as 42 per cent, saving, in turn, as much as ten per cent on fuel bilis. A further saving may he effect- ed, their research reveals, by keep- ing the window shades hilly drawn in rooms telt 111 use.' Merry Menagerie-ByWalc Disney "Be sure and gnaw it on the dotted tine ,, , •, so they'll think the kid swiped 'enol" Mr. Forsythe was visibly disc tressed as he staggered into the clubhouse. "What's the "matter?" asked a member sympathetically, 11I've just killed my wife," said Forsythe, "Good Heavens! ,tow did you do that?" "1 was over Ont the practice tee an; jdp"t• 41) ha coining tip 1)0- '61(1 )0- ' 1(i Rte. T. took a back swing and hit her on the head. She dropped dead." "That's tough," said the other member. "What club were you 'using?" Some Of The Most Outstanding Dogs in the Prmince iucc of Ontario will be on display during the two international :ill breed dor shows which will he held in conjuiiction with the Canadian National Sportsmen's Show, and for the benefit of the Toronto Humane Society, in the Coliseum. Toronto, on March 14 and 15, 16 and 17, liere. Sheila Watson. popular Ontario model, is grooming Bruno, perky- little dachshund, in preparation for the dog shows. Whether or not Canada should have immediate nation-wide con- scription for military service is a matter than can be left to our statesmen and editorial writers; and we notice that the latter—especially those working for opposition papers —are handing Prime Minister St. Laurent what should be plenty of advice on the subject, without any help from us, even if we were in a position to dish out any. t ,, :k Which we by no means are. We, personally, managed to sit out both - World War One and World War Two pretty much as a sideline ob- server, finishing up without taking a nibble at either the war -contracts or war -hero business, greatly to our subsequent regret—although which of the two we now most regret missing is strictly our own affair. Anyway, as already staled, we are not qualified for handing out coun- sel to those who will decide whether the youth of this generation will have to be coaxed into uniform 1,r just plain ordered to loop into sante. +k However, there is one angle to this conscription problem which we have not seen alluded to as yet, yet which definitely touches on sports. k :4 :k As you will probably recall, in World War One, also in World 'War Two, the United States was considerably slower in taking a hand than was Canada; and we seem to remember several occa- sions, during both those holocausts when there was considerable loud criticism. not to say booing, of various American professional ath- letes for cavorting on Canadian diamonds in baseball uniforms while our own boys, of comparable age and physical condition, were fight- ing in military garb. k * * (If you do not get exactly what we mean, ask any of the baseball boys who played in Toronto during the early stages of the wars what they used to be called by some of the strong -lunged fans, especially those of, the feminine persuasion.) 0 But, right now, the situation is pretty well reversed, South of the Border the losses in the Korean fighting have been hundreds of times greater than ours, Over there they are already calling lads of from eighteen years of age upward for compulsory mili.ary service while, with ns, such a tfning has barely reached the talking stage. t* Of course, the number of Can- adian baseball players who do their stuff in the U.S,A. is negligible. But in the game of hockey it is something else again, SAFE Prntcat your 600118 snd CASH from ME and THIEVES. O'e hove a sloe end One of gate, or Cabinet, for any Purpose. Visit as Or write ter DrlCee. ate„ to Dept. W. J,66J,TAVLDR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 141 TIrsni 8t. E., roMOIRA Established IRO We haven't tit(: exact figure at hand, but in all probability 85 to 90 per cent of all profeesional itockey-ists are Canadian born, and so not subject to the United States draft. And we imagine that if this war scare doesn't blow over 80011, which it shows no sign of doing, before very long some eif those hockey players will be in for some rather rough evenings in points such as Chicago, Boston and New York, to mention just a few. When the baseball season rolls around, American fans will know that their diamond heroes are out there simply because Uncle Whiskers doesn't want them; bolt hockey bugs over there, having no such assurance, are liable—we fear—to become just a trifle critical, and say it with eggs and the like. - Of course, we may be picturing a situation which will never crop up and, for the sake of international amity, we sincerely hope so. Still, it is always best to take what the statesmen call the `loft view" of such situations. Perhaps Frank tielke and Coney Smyth should have a little get-together with the top brass at Ottawa. Maybe they could get the powers -that -be to classify hockey playing as an es- sential occupation. Now, to try and wind up on a slightly more cheerful note, here's a Dizzzy Dean story which, to us, anyway, was new. It seems that one afternoon big Bill Terry was staving a field day batting against the Dizzy one. First he almost knocked Death's legs from under hint with a sizzler through the box. Then he nicked Diz's ear with a rocket liner, Then he knocked Jerome's glove off his ]hand with another screamer. N y, .4. After calling time, Pepper Mar- tin strolled over from third base, to the mound. "Jerome," he said, "1 got a word of advice if you would be so kind as to listen." :s is 5 "What is it, Joitnuy?" inquired Dizzy with the same mock formal- ity. "It's just this," said the deadpan Pepper. "I don't think you're play- ing this 'terry quite deep enough." "Look here, Gladys, this turkey tastes like burned leatlerl" "What strange things you trust have eaten in your titre, 5011111" Sheep -killing Weep G ,. I i, I ,.) ADV" T I 1 -�. *Olt 8 L 11111,•tilton, x hetutluttl weed with red blossum't, is (tilling sheep and poisoning cattle overnight in Western :'rtes, 'I'h,' tell 0'.1111' originally iroin the rennet northeast of the Caspian Sea to Russia, "\ close relative is 12u_.iatr thistle, 1t ons nut until 1045 that the (teadlittess of haloge lull was disetty- trcd. ler that Year, Sheep worth $25,0t0 were driven into the Raft River Valley, Idaho. Twenty-four hour:, later, they were all dead. Ranchers is Nevada, Ctsh, Wy'o- 0ting ,ttul Idaho have Auffered sitni• lar losses. The weed is fatal to .sleep lint not necessarily to cattle. But if e'utlf survive t meal 1,I halo- geton they never h1,, e tat, and they are sterile, Nine ounces of weal are enough to kill a sheep. \Vhat is it iu halo- geton that kills? 0.)xalie acid. 'l'Ite matthre heed contains as much as 20 per rent of it, $hat alarms agricultural author- ities is the rapidity with which halogelon speeads. It simply takes possession ession Of the .oil, Inch red blossom in 11lllcee thousands of seeds, and these are carried by the wind for miles. Whether or not the weed can be controlled and eradicated remains to be seen. 'Ile University of Ida- ho's College of Agriculture is now experimenting on a strip of land fifty- utile: long and thirty miles {ride, kkchi g Seal — L se'Wulff NOTHING SERIOUS A nee: doctor was the only One available when 110r. Kelly's wife was taken ill. Called to the Kelly home, he tec11t upstairs to the sick moral but carte down in a fete minutes to inqu`.re: "Have you got a eOrk- sefew1" He took the instrument and went upstairs for the second time. Several minutes later he was back. "Got a serewdr1v0T?" be asked the anxious Kelly. Instrulnent in hand, he went upstairs again. Almost immediately he was back. "A. chisel and a Mallet, quickly," he demanded. The distraught husband could stand it no longer. "For Heaven's Sate, doctor," he begged, "what's the matter with 1117 wile?" - "Don't know yet,' was the re- ply: "can't get my medicine bag open." Try This Homo Treatment Far Qukk Ease and Comfort . Isere Is a clean powerful penetrating oil that hringo speedy relief from the ltehing tertur0 and dieeolnfert. O018 '1 015 with flagernalls, that only carves to spread the trouble, rust 1105 equal parte of 7500110'0 Emorald 011 and olive oil. Apply gently with the finger- tips o000a dayand shampoo every fmn•th soothesothe itching antreatment001Mit ht elp promote more rapid healing—looso tleat- 1o5 dandr00? heroines 0. thing 04 t110 peat. Scalp clears up and chair beeline to thlelton. You can obtain ,Emerald 011 11, the original bottle wherever drugn are 0014. '1 ; I f litfr'1'' 11-" :1!1711' • Five-year-old Christopher went to a Christmas party in a brand- new suit. When lie came home, ragged holes had been cut into it with a pair of scissors. His Mo- ther gazed at hint in consternation. "What did you do to your beau- tiful new -suit?" she asked. "We played grocery shops," ex- plained Chris. "I was a piece of cheese," HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult Your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your focal Staco Leather Goods dealer The goods are right, and so are our prices. Wo manufacture in our factories — Harness, Horse Collars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL rREES CO„ LTD 42 Wellington St, E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Was Nearly Crazy With Fiery Itch Until I discovered Dr, D, D. Dennis' nntaeing 1y fast relief—D. D, D. Prescription, World popular, this puce, cooling, liquid medication species peace and oemfort from cruel itching ennead by eczema, pimples, rashes, athlete's toot and other hell troubles, Trial bottle 550 First application chocks oven the most Intense itch or money back, Ask druggist for D, D D. Yresartption (ordinary or extra strength). m. AUC'riON SCHOOL AtteT1UN S3'tle), d, 1t hnnneer, term soon, Free eaialogne. Bets& Annoon +b 1 1F 1,t 1,8 e. - 114111 ALL, 0011 . it 1 O 18 H t3 with a proven breeding Ilnekgetelnd of 05 re 203 eggs There o certified (weeders aro oftlefelly t ren the ernnin m.'linn poultry and tin.t0 pr 1 t o ts111 truly astonish asst. a1. 1,1,3'--1, 0.10.10, breeds from 11-..11 1 glutme. Free gata. ,steers. Omen Pont(9 1'0(.1 ), {11,,'•1. 1011 Ontn Tlo BPnINOlitr.l. liluWaooi 1 t:1l'.1:n are Pro- atablo. .411 popular breeds et 812.71, pallets 114.00. heavy co kat is 04.50. Spa. slain 5n started (thinks, raised And pullets. 85010511111 Fawn, Preston, oar11 004051IO breeding rt.. tun. 1110/.000 fie; chkh0. Light t r- 00 Barred stocks and 51.11.1,1E eV.,tll''lu for price 1101: (war And t..:)'rimy Onn 111 1,); 0111) Approved 1hi.t011ve, lay and' may. 'feel( .11'0 the r 111)0 of tw,mtydutll' seas ul' careful selection aid breeding, They hale he good, b,',-oq'o w0 wast the 0,00 1 17 shut of abates for 0180 own fl .les bit. r1101,1ar and early maturing. Wo 1.0sti 51,1 unll.{nut y Barred Honks. 16 I). Lerbor11.7. 011,‘,X, 151111/ x Ruck Crossbreds, 150.(41 x 1,'stet 1,'n (.Toss - emits. A'rito fa,' tree folder. '011e J.. ford FA,0)50,0' iluerewlitive P1940",'wrr,uy. Limited, 418 Mem tit) 0f W ) t: '..., met. 3111101E01 talo ❑toad .11"reueted Bronze points, prom Oovert n Ot h, t vera,,, out. Lorton clown ben„,oro ht,,, Aslen. Ila,'. row,,Ontnr,0. DOUGLAS CHICKS Buy the tend, 1 uy )) () , (I L :1 S flaunts chicks. ye lay or pore Breeds pay old or started Prim) 1.1st uu rttlueM, natisfe .tloa gburante"el DOUGLAS HATCHERY Stittsville, Ontario 15101410 I.5.01.11.s, fewer eggs, more eon - stutters, high onselosment, high t:aaes. MO meat 101'.','. Ali signs point to a 800080 "go ono poultry market new Sum. mar aid lent,. SOo'I. Teti 0101,1, 11.0.1'. Sired ihl"l,s early. Also Turk"y Pa111te. •C0enleg0e, Ton 5:01.1, )'Mirk 1 arca. iph, r) )) Ha 1.a ifll 1. w0 u•Itet the highest 1: 11r1r0.0 trig tett and NV 4‘8,.r tva bat'c 101 1n alv. 01, 0., 111g1) 'mines won't da yen any good if v0u don't low 0hhaks std yea will get these high .'ag prImm longer if you 111 h, o early 01,rt'b• ed ,.•rocks• Fur eggs and more eggs w0 recommend our 11.0.1'. Sired white Lrg- lhorns, 11,11,1,: Inlnnd Beds. t1,ol 1 marred Reek. 80,0.20 s Pled, Leghorn " hied 1'01' broilers our Ne11' Itarnpsillren. Il clap a 50000x, 110)0,1, s Reek, are hard to beat. Also 'rune; Pm)hs. Older Pintos. free Catalogue. Tao/Idle ('lack Itutcl0'ries 1.1,1. Person. 001. • 111:008 1(119 11 t 1101en dural,) (00 '31. Send 20', ,lepoeit for delivery any time Morel) to July, 100. 0401 G1,. 8211 16. 011; 10, 8.4.60. J. J. 1lambiey- Hateherles, tl'lnnh.ew, 1l 00,tobn, 111'1010011 AND CLI1ANINU HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to V0 for Information. We aro glad to answer vont g1estlone De. Partrnen1 Be Parker's Din) Works Limited. 701 '00050 Rt., Toronto. NA15)1S FOE RA1,0 SARSIA-200 :wren on main highway, 030 acres tillable. mink house, ail tired trot water heat. Two barns, Excellent condi- tion. L. T. Darstead, Wyoming, Ontario. 1011 fi w1,00 etOol'eed !1 1 i1mold.ley 00011a»r101 1 ,aW1 ., 1, '01 mel. 1 l 't+ d ndoreyelcs. Re' +v ! f 1 1 1 nates. 131. 141 1 le , 1.I (,,,,10 e i 11411, ii and .1...110).”11 07lbeard 1100en 0t z i{ 0sa .11,, II ulna t 6..010 N It I tY I L ) ;'y"10 4 10 '01, Eine ,arl 110 (1) I'1, '8.I%0 1 111\ I1-.1111111' 1 -ns 111 1y ),Soil 11) 1-,1I1, P., 1'•• lett 1r ('11,11 s 1' (holm, 81.00 mob oe , co, , 0' : ere 20 for 51.03; .:,r Privet Iledglog 1 hods 1 to 14 t'5,15 111 Veil. 01 1 1 1 1 1"1' nl't`I. Plupt treex. fiWe wit..., 1 1..0.. 1„nn Irani or rimed I .l a I1 F1.04 aen err 3 fn• 0550 0` ( 1 „1 t;uldo trllh 1{1. 1.1 i+ 111 1 I. - • I ilarrir.,y N 1 , , 1 PEED muel)4per Ntonr.1 the .1.4 .t 1)01' tiv'ltl 11 For further information 0rlto 1,r 1 946 Rld-umsm Maur .. .1, seg... Ont LIQUli null 010 Ontario. Well O'0l0:bl l It-)'• 1,1,111; for o. hl iltrr. Hos 0.. 1.3 !0,.10 .411 ,street. Now Toronto. 10 rl:8 yore torn tete r.- Oar t tie„r1,^ ,av ,,, r uve de140, uuar. ua"•e,1. - col' ” t, o h. { A {„1..e. - 11'.1 511N (1!1(1', N 1.1I01 A OOtxd melee:. ill. 11 )0y et monomer business All a ,0,10 nntd at retell daring 00011tH 41013011. No e,nn'eliilell. 0fndern two bedroom hooses on eol0uh- )ees, 1'1110 1.)0 1,111 11 an 1111 '!6,x111) tend 0000 ymt•1>, I4lerythln5 rev 4r to brood chinks In Feb0000r.-. own.• will idem. 6nlst sell 0,1001 t )1,l'o , k(ewl bay at o7•6n0.00 ()LIVER'S r'l11019.1:N ItAXCI , -- _ 10A11.110'S 1,a). ON•1'. -` (1,48.1141/ IH'i'3ttA'r011 R: 1 No. :013 Von Norman Brake Drum battle with separate No. 7912 Van Nor- mnu 'Brake Urnnt Grimier lutd 1 No. 150 Van Norman Ilralro Shoe liuenlabor. Sts i1 idereneee )gluon, 00 eye10 motor eruipmenf Original vnsf 02.700. 4101,0 :10 offer to Palmer Ilona'•., 1i 5e:slnn, On, FOR LESS AT RO13ERT TONES LUMBER To 110Ui'7 timerns. 41,1,1 'terms. Nu,1,1101 down as long as 21 1,9,011, t0 per. 1)nlldln on reeneen. ASPHALT SHINGLES 81.30 P'O square. Therm Imerbrelting shingles aro Lost one etoar loony roofing and siding bargains. We have fur 104)00,14400 delivery: -10 111., 106 IL., 125 lb. -Asphalt Shingles, 10e11- stolu' mid 1)')e]t Siding and 6/5” insulat- ed moue and brick siding. All good use- able factory wounds. Aluminum Roofing & Siding ALL GOOD \Est nom 28" wide, Var- ious lengths, Let us quote on your re- quirements. Let OR have your enquiries for any build- ing. materials. Wo carry complete stocks and can quote you low delivered prices. Robert Jones Lumber Co., Noo,llton, 001. PRECISION PR`R. 011.1134 051108 -- The safest and fastest muffing Sower sow made. Thremands of satisfied netn- ews throughout 00110.10. Eight different models manufaelered, Priced (rem 5540 11p, Complete illfutmaf Mn nn request. Precision Parts 1.' ,,1100, ; u Fire. Avenue. Imcliine, Montreal 101.— _ ISSUE 7 1951 At.(11t.1Itt 1 1 1 I.111N(AVe.I I";.l 7 Re Ilrtires ., Aotnnemet, 1)11. 111:1.1' 11 1\11.11 504,1,0 0,11 110. ye Ot 1 , 10,1,1 „f eJt Idr,e. I ut details, 000 1(..0)-0 Alexandrafagot, Gait. linen* 1,e 781 w .0,1:1111 11 Try It! ,.very s00101Ot of Rheu- tootle pain); or hiete111* bhenld try IJinon's Remedy, MUNRO's DRUG STORE .135 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid 400*10; 1'1111, ,.11.11 "''010 0. t!.t 1, .,• Ir, , ,. "Its CR1,64.' "PlOP UP" 'fey 1'. 1'. R B. Toxic 1 1111.1115 Odt1u•• 1.1 POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 11 omen - 4' -111 1.r 1 1111 rank,. "4 }, , 1 1,01111 I ill. 1111 t disappoint t1 Ih Y I' I I 1 t ,.0 .1, ,a'. pe, '500)')'). ebeide. .0 111. 'x runt. 1:011 respond `41 d10,g110) 1, )) ,.taldlmul000 lotmelll. n 11 rpt:ie:112 1. ^•"111. PRICE 111.50 Plat It d 410 POST'S REMEDIES Sent 1"01 Free on 15-, ot 21110 5'00 Queen ht t,, Verner of 1 ogan Toronto w1s•e LOVELY :0{IN 'I1 11 Y1i(t tles and 11.0) I 1•t N Ir.1.1.011 71,0) Jfor t rf tablets. Also Med 4 5l0,1 1)111*tt I s, 11.1 11 I1u h OPP0nT0'63'l'1135 FOIL 111" .4 1t06)10N BE A HAIRDRESSER 101:1 0.1x4,0.1'5 L10A01'.'J SCHOOL 10,09) Opport11111ty Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dlpniticd pr0fesslan. gond wuaea Thousands 1T 50 0enerul Marvel graduates .`.r.rrlca'e ❑reales[ 0000111 Illustrated (lulalo1ne Fres Write or Call RABVDL fl»IRDRP001040 00I10000 158 '3)0er Rt 1.0„ '1 Ate Branches s4 Elm; St. n t •:10 3 nidcau wt i.. w0..�. _. PA'T\TS r` V Ol•'hlitt to every Inventor—List or 15- ventlons and toll Intarelatlen sant free, Tho 1)3)00ay Co., Registered Patent Allot. Imre, 273 flank Smut. 0(ta1000. trETI1IIIIISToNIlAUol1 R• '10105005. Pa- tent 110201)000, Established 1000. 900 Roy Street, Toronto 110011101 of Intnrmm ,.Ion nn request. n73LI1hI(lN- 110)0(0hl: {ourkuowleSge of the Bible. Learn 04 000'0 wonderful plan, the solution et perplexing world condition.. Free Correilleiidener. Connie, Scripture Study Circle. 37 Victoria Iloelevned. - Toronto 0 ~• STAMPS 100 E for only 81.0 packeNT t. . Tear I. Canada, British Colonies, Newfoundland. Metropolis Stamp t'ontpnny, ,tor 410, Ad1010'. Toronto. 1ANTED 1011181{E0 EOOR wanted fr,0 Cauadlla ri Approved Pellnrum Free Yhneks. Gond price pall. For full detailsRaw im,oIy 110 12, 129 Pigl,t1Cr,1 ..0,r0 ORDER YOUR SEATS NOW ! r l7,f''the farewell appeeranm of THE INCOMPARABLE 0011 SHARKEY THE SEAL 0 THE COLISEUM, TORONTO MARCH 9th) -17th, 1951 rerbese ctegtctsY, . .., that 'ard� Rf Lt6fF LCil�G 1 Yi Rf�T JOSEPHI /6rB' IEEF NFBfROSiryp •• AiRCHIID 8 COMPANY PATSY HUBBARD SONNY MOORf RUStgg01i S HIS MONFANA KID THF CAMPBFl1S ST 13 Y it '1AN RISK° g NINA OAYNOR ROSS THE THREE FRESHMEN ViNCFNiRNIESIMPSON " H(NC $ lOE k •r0 PRANK IYEFD'S D PERRON OCrS THF STAUBER BROS• d0i, MAIL THIS COUPON NOW CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW Dote_ TheColiseum, Toronto Dear Sirs: Pleose send me Box Seats) Tickets for Me Matinee Performance In the Arena for Res. Seats) Evening .or (Day) (Date) (Alternative Day and Date) Enclosed please find my heque order for $ . in payment for these tickets. Signed_ dress City. Ad PRICES FOR ARENA SHOW -Evenings and Sat. Afternoons - All Seats Reserved. COMBINATION TICKETS -Including• general admission to the Exhibitlorl Bldgs, -Box Seats $2,00; Reserved Seats $1.50; (Children 16 and under - 25c less,) ' - CKI"f;S iNCIi b� AbM S's N y t;1 EAT FREE' FE'1TLlRE' .3171 it' ktiatilbN -EicHIBITS