HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-2-14, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE LS Wednesday, February 14th, 1951 Big Skating Carnival OR. R. ALDIS ADDRESS , LOCAL LION'S CLUB at Ethel on Wednesday, February 21st 24 Races and Attractions Booth in Rink Proceeds for Ethel Skating Rink Admission 35c and 20c Elijah Pease Elijah Pease an old and respected resident of Morris toynship, passed Peacefully away at his home con. 7, on Friday, Feb, 2nd, following sev- eral years of Poor health, This winter he suffered an attack of "Flu" and a slight stroke from which he never fully recovered. Mr. Pease was born near Ethel, Ont,, on Aug. 22nd, 1872. Second son of the late Robert and Mary Ann Bateman. His wife the former Elizabeth Young, also six sons and one daughter survive him. Robert .and Allan of Morris township, Walter and William at home, Lloyd also of Morris and Mal- colm C. N. R, operator at Listowel, and Irene of Brussels; also three grandchildren. He was of a quiet industrious nature, a Presbyterian in religion and a Liberal in politics. The funeral service was conduct- ed hs' the Rev, Alex Simpson of Teeswater was held from the Walker Funeral Homes, Brussels on Tuesday, Feb. flth, to the T7nion Cemetery, Blyth. The pallbearers were; Wm. Brewer, David. McLean, Sam Appleby, Earl Kelly, Len Kelly end John M. Craig. Flowerhearers were Geo. Somers. Peter "Hollinger. Lloyd Appleby, Earl Kelly .Tr., Sohn Kelly Jr.. and Jerry Phelan. Friends end rr]atiyee were present from Stretford, Blyth and Lansing, Mich. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our very sin - ere thanks to our friends and neigh- bors eighbors for all their acts of kindness, for flowers and in every possible way, also to Dr. Stephens. In our recent sad bereavement. It will never be forgotten. The Pease family. Melville Church Rev. A. J. Simpson, Teeswater, 1 Moderator. 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. m, Morning Worship No Evening Service. The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Morning Worship - 11 o'clock "The Perils of Liberty" , Church &hest - 12 o' reels Evening Praise - .7o'clock ' "Too Busy.'' Do your level, best to worship God either morning or evening every Sabbath Day, Church of England Parish. of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr - Rector. Second Sundiay'in Lent Feb. i&th, 1951 lit. John's Church, Brussels-- 11 russels-11 a. m. Morning Prayer 8nndsy iekOOl $t. David's Church, Henfryn- D. m. Sander School 2,30 p. in, Evening Prayer 8ti Seam's Churoh, Walton - 7.30 p. m. Evening Prayer STOP -- On Thursday, Feb. 22nd, the Scouts, i Guides, Cubs and Brownies are ob- i serving Baden Powell Night in the Brussels Public Library at 8 p. in. The fathers, mother's and friends of these troopers are asked to attend, Also persons interested in group welfare. There is good entertain. ment for all. Please tell your friends i and conte one and all, _ On Sunday evening, Feb. 25th, 1 there will be a Church Service of 1 Girls Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Illi Cubs to the Brussels United Church at 7.8,0 p. in. The public are larged to attend and encourage these yoeng people. 411(filletilltrAin111011100 ST. JOHN'S GUILD AND W. A. A joint meeting of the Women's Guild and W. A. was held in St. John's B. S, room on Tuesday, Feb. 10th. The meeting opened with a Lenten hymen followed by scripture reading and prayers led by the W.A. President, Mrs. Rev. Herr. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary and approved. Pledges and Living Message. money were collected, also a voluntary offering Correspondence front a missionary in Hine;s Creek, Alberta, web read, es our study for the day. The mem- bers prayer was repeated in unison. Guild business included a statement of the very seccessful.Pancake Sup- per which netted 896.65. A donation wee voted toward. the rectory furnace. Monthly dues were paid. Meeting closed with prayer. Lunch Teas served by Mrs. E. Morrow and Mrs. 13. Whitterd, and a social half- hour was spent. NOTICE - A cared party (Bridge and Five 'Hundred) will be held in the Brussels Public Library on Thursday, March 6th et 8,30 'p. m, ender tate auspices of the local association. CROKINOLE SOCIAL Friday, Feb. 16th Commencing at 8.80 Under the auspices of 16th group of Duff's Churcb, Walton In the base- ment of the Church. Admission 25o and 15c REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. * * NOW PLAYING- Thurs. Fri. Sat. Feb. 5.18-17 "THE GREEN BROMISE" with Marguerite Chapman, Walter Brennan A warmlyrewarding entertainment shapes up here for the family aud- ience. A story of a family from the Dustbowi and the problems they face In order to save their farm, * * * Mon. Tues. Wed Feb. 19-20.21 In Technicolor "A TICKET TO TOMAHAWK" with Dan' Dailey and Anne Baxter All aboard for Tomahawk - for the most thrilling ride of your Ilfe - A one.way trip through the Rockies with Romance, Danger and Action every foot of the way, * * * Next, Thurs. Frt. Sat. Feb. 22-23.24 1st Showat 7.15 P. M. "RED RIVER" with John Wayne and Montglmery CiHt This Is the story of the West that. vod have been waiting for, be sure to see it. * * * COMING In Technicolor "PRETTY BABY" With Dennis Moroan Betsy Drake I Dr. It Aidis, Clinton, director of tate Huron County health Unit, was guest speaker at the regular supper Jnretlul or the Brussels Lions Club an Monday night. Lien ituy Coushts introduced Dr. Allis, who explained the ideal of the unit is prevention rather than cure, He mentioned • that the counties of Huron and Brute are among the few rural counties that have replaced (oral boards of health by setting up a county health unit, The cost of this service In Huron is about half a mill on the county rate, he declared, Dr, Allis also told of the work the mutt is doing in ITuror county, Lion president Gordon Ilazlewoorl, presided over the meeting. Roll, nail, minutes and correspondence were disposed of by Lion secretary D. M. MacTavish, Lion Alex Pearson was winner of the draw naming tine year Abrahams Lincoln was born, Two new members Gordon Knight ani George McCutcheon were initiat- ed. Tion W. Todd, formerly a mem- , her of the Strathroy Chip; became affiliated with the Brussels Club. I An encouraging financial report 3 was reviewed by Lion treasurer R. C. McBride. Lion Wm. Martin asked permission `t to enter a Lion Club team in tate hockey tournament being sponsored by the Goderich Chub. Tail twister J, S. Armstrong took j advantage of the Valentine s,rusor, to extract fines in his nsnal genial i manner. Lion Roy Cousins .showed three 1, films on "Health." This was en a•n- pnopriate subject as last week was health week. Lion H. ,Tohuston extended the thanks of the club to the guest speak- er Dr. Ardis. The supper was served by ladies of the 'United Chnreh. The tables were attractively deeo'eted in the St, VAL nftne motif. PLAY THE GUITAR Lessons at Mrs. W. 21. Bell, Brus- sels in Mondays 4 to 10, Starting Feb. 19th. Use our guitars, and try before you buy. Everyone welcome, no age limit. STUDENT TELEGRAPHERS REQUIRED - hr connection with the introdavct- ian of the five day forty hour week, additional Agents and Operators ,are required.' Brussels has been named one of the stations to train two or more students. The Compriny will pay each Apprentice 575.00 per month up to 12 months while learning. Miin- imum, wage for qualified Telegrapher is $215.00 per n=nnth. Apprentice mn,st be between the age seventeen years six months end thirty years. For• further particulars contact W. C, Herr, Brussels. L14.:r®WEL CAN.PITOL THEATRE Wed., Thurs. Feb. 14-15 Margaret Sullivan, Wendell Corey in "NO SAD SONGS FOR ME" Fri. Sat. Feb. 16-17 Maureen O'Hara, MacDonald Carey in "COMANCHE TERRITORY" Technicolor Sat. Mat. 2,00 - Eve. 7.30 p.m. Ida Lupine, Howard Duff, Stephen McNally in "WOMAN IN HIDING" TUESDAY FOTO-NITS OFFER $150:00 Monday Attendanre Card Night. Wed. Thur. Fri. Feb. 21-22-23 June Haver, Gordon McRae in ''THE DAUGHTER OF ROSIE O'GRADY" Technicolor BRUSSELS COUNCIL February lith, 1001 The se enter meeting of the Mun. leipal Cat ll "1 0l' the Village of Bruseale was held on the above date. All members of Council were present. Prim to the nn Ming the Council tn,4 with representatives of the Canadian National Railways and the Reeve of Morris Township. A pro. posed plan, whet'eby the passenger trains on the Palmerston to Kincard• ins. Branch running through Brus- sel.„ would he taken off the rail, and bdses to handle passengers, mail and express would he substituted, Mr. Rollo of the Audit Branch of the C. N. R. explained that the passenger runs were operating at a lose; and the proposed change to buses would give better service to the public. The The Councils of the two Municipal- itiee were asked to give the plan their serious annsidaration, and a report of their feelings in the matter sent to the Division Superintendent at Stratford. After minutes of the previous meeting were read, they were a- dopted on motion of A. McTaggart, seconded by W. Speir. Accounts as follows were author. ized for payment on motion of R. W. Kennedy, seconded by R. A. Bennett: W. H. Bell, .Taneary salary 8180.00 A. Oekley, Labo% streets, etc. 48.60 F. Duncan, fox bounty 2.00 A. Rutledge, fax bounty 2.00 Pnstmseter, postage & Grey Telephone System, Tolle 1950 Ont. Munir'pel .Aeenc'ation Fees 1951 Office. Amplianrr, Rrnaies 10,00 Cnnnty of Hever, reeprferinc roads 069.80 Elliott Metre. Saltie, Fire Dept, 5.08 TT. A. Workmen, Snowplowing s ire ei c 64.7 , .1. TTic•ci„c. Sensible end ,Sew Rcmnrel 10.50 .7. Brenner, snow removal Prnssels Creamery. relief W. Backe' & Son, relief Brussels Coal Yard, relief W. E. Willis, relief R. A. Bennett, relief S. Lowe, veliief Brussels Coal Vara; feel Town Hall 122.70 G. Davidson, snowplowing 70.00 C. R. Cianmbel.L salary 50.90 Brussels Hydro. Streeet L'chts and Hell 111,40 By -Law No. 2, 1951..was a 'earl third time and sassed on motion of R A. Bennett, seconded' by R. W. Kennedy. 'Phis was a By -Law to authorize Roads and Streets exnend- itna'es for the year 1951, ' The Clerk was instructed to write Mr E. L. Welte, Superintendent et' Stretford Division of C. N. R•ailwavc that the Vidiege of Breeseis hal nn objection to the nnropeeed change to Muses for Passenger. 'Express and Mail sevvirrs, if better service could be .guaranteed and present rail freicht service were enntinued. The meeting adjmtrnel on motion of W, Snell, sernnlel by R W TCenneriv. 2.00 6.0s) 5.nn e.an 5.90 Ron 77.50 24.69 20.3n 28.ee SKATING 'PARTY - Al1 roads lead to the Brussels Arena on Friday, Feb. 16th a.t 3:00. An enjayablc thee is to he had by Moth young and old, The Junior Red Cross of room 8 Brussels Public School are sponsoring a skating party In the Arena, where .a lunch booth will,provide skaters with deiieious nurishments. The small sum of Adults 25c, Children 15c will be charged, Your patronage is ap- preciated so come and support a worthy cause, CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere 0.1P - predation to my friends and the association who sent me cards, let, tern, flowers and treats, while I, was in the hospital at Clinton and eine I came home, It 'all helps to bring cheer. Mrs, Stanley Wheeler. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank those who kindly remietnbered me with cards, lettere and those who called to see me lair• Ing my stay in the 75. & K. Hospital, and since 1' came home, Mao many thanks to those, that remembered me with the many flowers, boxes and ta.stiea. It was greatly appreciated end shall Always he remembered. Mrs. John L. Wheeler. ;2.00 per year - $Z50 U. S. A. ANNUAL WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Many ladies from the town and vi •inity eathereh at. Melville Pres- byterian Church on Friday afternoon so attend the annual World's Day of Prayer, Under the able leadership of Miss G. Stewart, Miss E. Lr, Downing and Mrs. Geo. Davis the programme was followed as outlined, Mrs, E, Somers, Mrs. M. Cardiff, Airs. A. Lane, Mrs. R. Stephens, Airs. D. Hemingway and Mrs. L. Nichol led in prayer. Mrs, it, B. Cousins accompanied by Mrs, 19', Ring favoured with a very appropriate solo. Mrs, H. Spear gave a very inspiring address from the theme," Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear." The United Church The Christian religion is the re- ligioi of The Spirit and not of Rule and Regulation;' so it was declared in Tile 'United Church on Sunday 1ttol'lting. last in 9 sermon on. "Grace or Law," In the evening the glib.' feet was. "Reims., One Cannot Lose." The morninv text was, "Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Chest hath merle urs free." and in the evening. "Lay lip for yourselves treasons where thieves do trot bre'k titans' ii and steal." A duet by Haider LI7- Lena.s, "Go to thy Father in Prayer." was sung by Rests and Jean Jewell at morning worship. Tn the evening the anthem was, "I Take Peens." by .1rkley. NOTICE The East Huron agricultural Sees iety plan to hold a card party and dance in the near fittnre. Watch f' particulars in next week's issue of the /Wessels Post. CORRECTION - 'file 1'uilneI,, ir' the ,torr, oted muton of the last Grey Township Coun,:il Ilr•e1'ng. Mored by Percy Ward, seconded by W. P. Bishop, that. the Connell rc•wriud nu,lian no: to have the road it Cranbrook hard surfaced in 1951. Filed, John McNabb. • LIBRARY NOTES - 'i'hn -.tory hour next Saturday (10 :t :',a 1,. In. will be In charge of Mimi I taut' Dennis. All children trout 4 7a 8 are welcome. lion• new books purehased by tlae tio,rd are: Hansen -Look ,younger, live longer. Milr•hell--Conn. with the wind. Gibbs -Thine enemy. Homemade Baking and Candy Sale Melville Ladies' Aid will sponsor a sale of Homemade Baking and Candy in the the Public Library on Saturday, Feb. 24th, at 3 p. m. An added feature will be Sale of Homemade Aprons. Tea will be served. COMMUNITY CARNIVAL i iyth Community Centre Arena on in the FRIDAY NIGHT, FEB. 16th Commenc_ng at 8 p. m. Featatving the Stratford Skating Club in fi:7ur e skating, comedians and novelty acts.. $200.00 in Prizes - Rlyth expects £ ne,,.;.,1as to furnish the Carnival Queen for which there is a galaxy cf prizes including beaatif ul necklace and etc. F dinner ham Cry -O -Vac Turkey 15 otk"r orrn-o,r. "a 4.i -e.1 eo .2.111' -70414 prizes. Come and bring ve ctr ;l ,'._ fit friends. EaSSNCIE JEt r'i."� IS N O WR CESS CHANGED FRO. x 25 T OR O CYCLES! ARE ALREADY A RESIDENT AND PLANNING ON BUYING 111► ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES AFTER INVEN- TORY HAS BEEN MADE ARE PLANNING ON MOVING N. INTO THIS DISTRICT WITH ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES PLEASE BE SURE TO NOTIFY HYDRO AREA OFFICE F 0 DG AT ONCE! Cardno Bros. Bldg`, A►F0']E BOX 3b9 - - TELEPHONE 571 THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FREQUENCY STANDARDIZATION DIVISION