HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-2-7, Page 564, end• rom '3as• Lber Wo• ited res. Tl,h Loge Lgre- shc Inti?;' 50115, melt. one n en ni eht rain; actel nlf'i iefin, le In r 0,810 THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, k ebruary 7611, 1(+:•i. IMP "TRETHEWEY HERE ... with the news from CFPL NEWS" Every week day at 8.00 a.m, and 1.00 p.m. CFPL's News Editor, John Trethewey, gives an up -to -the -second report of the news . , history in the making . . on 980 — CFPL. FARM FOR SALE — 50 acres, good land in Morris Twp, good buildings, best of water, hydro, Immediate possession, Write or Phone 85-r-20 Dublin E'ar'l Healy, R. R. 1 Dublin. CRANBROOK The annual meeting of the plot owners of Cranbrook Cemetery was held on Jan, 31st„ at 2.30 p. m. In the basement of Cranbrook Church, Those present were Alfred Knight, Blair MoTntosh, Malcolm McLean, Duncan McTaggart. and John J. Rchnoek. Moved by Malcolm McLean, second- ed by Duncan McTaggart, that we eopoint Alfred Knight, ns chairman for this meeting. -- Carried, Moved by Malcolm McLean, second- ed by Blair McIntosh, that we ap- point John Z. Schnock as secretary for this meeting, — Carried, Moved by John J. Schnock, sec. onded by Blair McIntosh, that we adopt the minutes of the last annlual meeting. — Carried. Moved by Malcolm McLean, second. ed by Duncan M'eTaggart, that we adopt the financial report. and the perpetual care report — Carried. Moved by John 3. Schnock, see- , muted by Tilair McIntosh, that we Iappoint Alfred Knight as a delegate to ask the Council of Gorey for a grant of money for the year 1951, — Carried. The See,-Treas. gave a report on the work on for the year 1950,. stating the grass was cut 5 times. Moved byMaleolan .MeLeau, sec- onded by Alfred Knight„ that we appoint Blair Molntoeb, as President ,for 1951, — Carried, Moved by John J. Schnook, see• onded by Duncan McTaggart, that we appoint joins'Meta, R. L. Taylor, Adrian Mcfraggart, Malcolm McLean, James McTaggart, Alfred Knight, Gordon Knight, Kenneth McFarlane, Dunaan McTaggart, John Dart, Alex Steles, Stuart Evans and Gal- vin Cameron as directors for 1951, — Carried. Moved by Blair McIntosh, second- ed by Duncan McTggart, that we appoint John J. Schnock as secretary treasurer for 1051, — Carried. Moved by Malcolm McLean, sec. onded by Blair McIntosh, that we alppoint Alfred Knight and Russel Knight as auditors for 1951.—Carried, Moved by Malcolm McLean, sec ' onded by Duncan McTaggart, that we appoint Martin McDonald and Graeme McDonald, as caretakers at the same prices as last year and ' Clifford Alcock as grave (Digger at I the same price as last year for 1051.1 — Carried. I Moved by Jahn J. Schnook, second- I ed by Duncan McTaggart, that we send a note of sympathy to Mrs. • Neil McNair. — Carried. Moved by John S, Schnock sec- onded by Blair McIntosh, that ws move a vote of thanks 'to the Session of Knox Presbyterian Church Inc the use -of the basement tor this meeting.... Carried, Moved by Malcolm McLean, sec• onded by Duncan McTaggart, that we adjourn this meeting. — Carriea, The service in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning, Feb, 4, was conductel by Mr. W, Frank Gillespie, a Knox Bible School stu• dent, Toronto who also contributed a pleasing violin solo, "When 1 survey the wondrous Oros,' All ladies of the communityy are invited to attend the World Day of Prayer setwice whichwill he held in Knox :Church on Friday of this week at 3 p. m. The Young Women's Auxiliary 11018 a pot-Inek supper in the church basement on Friday evening with a fair attendance despite the ex- tremely cold weather which pre- vailed. A social time consisting •of games, an old-fashioned spelling match and several. amiusing con- tests was conducted by the com- mittee in•charge, A young son was horn to Mr. and nil's. Moss Engel on Friday, Feb. 2 at Dr. Alt'ar's nursing home, Brus- sels.. Mrs. hylle Gordon was able to Leave the hospital and be moved to the home of her slater, Mrs. Jas ale - Callum, St. Thomas, on Saturday, where she will remain until stronger. xMr Archie Smith, 14th, con., 1111 - dement a major operation in Tor- onto General Idospital on Tuesday of last week, Mr, Sylvester Osborne who died very suddenly of a heart attack In Mitchell on Friday was a former resident of Cranbrook, and a brother- in-law of Mr's. Jas. Noble and Mrs. Allen Cameron. Thee Osborne's lived onthe farm now owned by Mr. and Mrs. C. Steffler, west of the village. AN EASY WAY TO LEARN SHAKESPEARE Make a Shakespeare scrapbook I 'Beginning in the American Weekly, noted magazine with this Sunday's (February 11) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, will be the stories behind five more of Shakespeare's greatest play, told in easy -to -under- stand form by. John Erskine, plus magnificent color illustrations by Willy Pogany'. Get Sunday's De- troit Times ! ryPP I r, r G/C%// // ��/4,s7�� • �•,f///4/##//J ' j'//// o / .i ii' OFFERS AP, THE 'THINGS YOU WANT INCLUDING r ° 41. ctkh V T.E a `i IC TRANSMISSION E4, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE -W The Smart New Styleline De Luxe 2 -Door Sedan FEATURES OF TSE NEWEST OF ALL LONGER, LOWER, WIDER BIG - CAR LOOK — Brilliant new styling ... featuring entirely new grille, parking lights, fender moldings and rear -end design . . . imparting that longer, lower, wider big -car ook which sets Chevrolet above and apart from ail other motor cars in its field, EVEN LOVELIER BODIES BY FISHER — With new and even more strikingly beautiful lines, contours and colors ... with extra sturdy .Fisher Unisteel construction .. Curved Windshield and Panoramic Visibility . the smartest, safest, most comfortable edition of 'Chevrolet's Famous Bodies by Risher. MODERN -MODE INTERIORS — With lepholstery and appoint- ments of outstanding quality, in beautiful two-tone color har- monies... with an even more attractive steering wheel embodying a new full -circle horn ring (in De Luxe models) ... and with extra generous head, leg and elbow room for driver and all passengers, C-65111 Riverside NEW (ARS FOR 1951. SAFETY -SIGHT INSTRUMENT PANEL — Safer, more conve- nient, more efficient .. having an overhanging upper crown to eliminate reflections in windshield from ire strument lights, and lower epll;e of panel recessed to provide a safe, convenient location for control knobs . , . with plain, easy -to -read instrunants in two lnt'ge clusters directly in front of driver, MORE POWERFUL JUMBO - DRUM BRAKES (with Dub! -Life rivetless brake linings). Largest brakes in Chevrolet history! Extra -safe, extra -smooth, extra -durable ... with both brake shoes on each wheel self -energizing for forward and reverse operation of car .. . providing n max m m topping•power with up o IMPROVED CENTRE -POINT STEERING (and Centre -Point Design). Making steering even easier at low speeds and while parking ... jest as Chevrolet's famous Unitized Knee -Action Gliding Ride is comfortable beyond comparison in its price range additional reasons why more people buy Chev- rolets than any other car. otors, It's good to have all the things you want in a motor car, and to have them at lower cost than they can possibly be found anywhere else. That's exactly what you'll have when you buy a new 1951 Chevrolet - Canada's largest and ffaest low -price car— now available with a proved, completely automatic transmission, POWERGLIDE'°! You'll own the newest new car for '51 refreshingly new, inside and out ... with that longer, lower, wider "luxury look" that stamps it es the most beautiful car in its field. You'll own the only car that offers you your choice of the finest proved no -shift driving. or standard driving, at lowest cost. And if you choose a POWERGLIDE-equipped Chevrolet with its new 105 h.p. engine, you'll enjoy driving ease you've never dreamed of. There is no clutch pedal! You simply step on the gas to go, step on the brake to stop! And that's all, in normal driving! Amazing smoothness — saves wear on driver aful on car ! And you'll enjoy all Chevrolet's many advantages at extremely low cost through every month and mile of ownership. Come in today -- see and drive Canada's largest and finest low -price car .. and you'll understand why mote people buy .Chevrolets than any other car. *opemual se De Luxe models et extra test. russeiS, ntari:�. CANADAYS LARGEST AND FINEST - LOW-PRUCED CAR t1► MONSTER ICE CARNIVAL In Relgrave Community Centre on TUESDAY, FEB. 13th, at 8.15 P, M. Stratford Skating Club will be present featuring figure skating, novelty act and comedians. PRIZES 1—Best Dressed Valentine Couple—lst Each a 2 Ib. box of Chocolates Donated by McKibbon's Drug and Shcrbondy's Coffee Shop, 2nd Billfolds — Donated by Hanna & Co. 2—Best Dressed Man — 1st, End and 3rd — Socks — Donated by Dunlop Shoe Store, 3—Best Dressed Lady, lst China Ornament—Donated by D. Crompton 2nd — Nylons — Donated by Welwoods. 3rd — Fisher Beater — Donated by Machan, 4—Oldest Lady on Skates—lst Blanket — Donated by C. W. Hanna. 5—Oldest Man on Skates — 1st — 1 year Sub, to Advance -Times. E—Best impersonation of Comic Character — let Nylon Braces -- Donated by Armltagee. 7—Largest Family on Skates, 1st table lamp, Donated by McGill Radio 8—Best Clown, judged for skating and performance, = lst —. 5 lbs. Marfa°, 1 et, motor rythm, Murray Johnson. 2nd — 2 hags dog chow, donated by Howson & Howson. 9—Person coming farthest distance, Silver Tray, Hamilton Opticai Co 10—Muslcal keg race (open to players on Beigrave Midget Hockey team — 1 Sweater — King's Dept. Store. 2 Heckel Stick — Stainton Hardware. 3 Hockey Socks — Carmichael's Dry Goods. 4 Hockey Stick — Rae Hardware. 11—Musical Chairs (teenage girls) — 1st pillow cases — H. Walsh. 2nd Tablecloth — Walker Stores. 3rd DuBarry Kit — Kerr's Drug. 12—Best Nursery Rhyme Costume — 1st Billfold — Isard's. 2, 3 , 4 and 5 — $1.00 each donated by Stewart, Home Appliances and Huron Motors. (Open to Public School Children Only) 13—Most graceful couple skating—let Each a Billfold—Hanna & Co. 14 -Best National Costume — lst $2.50 groceries — Mundy's. 2nd = 25 lbs. oastry flour — Howson & Howson. 15—Best Figure 8 forward & backward lst flashlight. — R. Anderson 16—Novelty events for farmers -1st Rubber boots—Relgrave Co. Op. 2nd — $3.00 merchandise — Purdon Motors. Skating Club will be on the Inc at 8.15 P. M. Sharp. followed by Judging of different events. No one allowed on unless In costume until after judging. Proceeds to go towards purchase of a sound system. Sponsored by Club 20. Admission — Adults 40c — Children 25c • WALTON The regular meeting tit the 16th group of Duff's United Church,'Wal- ton was held on Thursday afternoon, Feb, 1st, at the home of Mrs. Wil- bur Turnbull. Sewing and knitting for overseas relief was assigned to the members. Mrs. Rae Houston and work of Robert Raikes, who was the founder of the Sunday School movement. Ivan Young, of Port Huron, Mich., visited his father, Robert Young. Willliam Elliott, concession 14th McKillop. who sold his farm, stock and i mplements to 3. Bossnan, a Chatham. is taking up residence in gave an interesting topic on the life , Seaforth. Attention Farmers P i Special Afternoon Lectures on Farm Machinery Will take place on February 12 and 13, 1951 in the Agricultural Office Board Room, Clinton. Feb. 14, 15, 16, 1951 After Lectures in the Community Centre, Cranbrook Programme as follows 1st dad' — Pastures and Cereal Crops 2nd day — Poultry and Poultry Marketing 3rd day — Animal Diseases and Farm Machinery All the above lectures willcommence at 1.30 p. m. sharp Sponsored by the Huron County Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Fred O. Wilson — Assistant R. G. Bennett Agricultural Representative Agricultural Representative for Huron County. for Huron County. i Essenti I Pe w Than Eve yams of r.cof onsequently crops depleted fmay necessary mleral'. etc, mangeeing do not contain adequate nutritive velum. This is ono reason for the need of supplementary feeds to make a pro• perry balanced radon for dairy cows. You can't get milk without feed. The more a tow will eat the more milk yon will get, Bat the feed mune bo properly balanced and contain the neceasery amounts of vitamins end minerals as well as proteins end car. bohydretes. To make more money, keep only troll brad cows and feed them to the limit with Blotch!ord's Dairy Meal which is very palatable, teaming abundant quantities of all the co sial vitaminscecern.minerals and 1. theme! economical feed yon saes buy, t34 NB mal 1oeeo$ sis Por Sale by, Ethel Produce Phone 224.10 w,.