The Brussels Post, 1951-1-31, Page 7Plan To Drain The
it -"� S'
Medi erraneao, e,%,
ght Plaid
DrIg j, s Invade Bedrooms
Wall]an -1 1 1
based oil a plan for unitilis tit(.
Of Evlf,Cyp!
our 'Turn controdiiiig th,-waor vt-i Ill 11- -PLAID. whicli Inoy be found ever; ywbery these cittys
irrotti -It 0INd's litilr�bm ko�.I,Jllan dill ler jocket, Nis A .1
Lorthrolp '111'. plan w, , fir" 'levvioped Ilk 1, . i
o,;rrlliau architect solrg(l b,fole invaded the boudoir Willi o Winit
By Ona Foreenotin 'IS I
ill'! will-, Rod it with (mv ofAliller"
boahis that if Ile deftah�(V 11rigW, bold volori,w)(1. forceful pulivr'lls give a new
Bess; 1\'i kine -�'J Of I lic )o0c to rooms fl)"ll onve belipoloe 1.1 111,111ler R)II41 fewillidit"y' Nrt :yl
w"I'derctl if 010 if.- wouht eliango mhe fit,
was guillf-, I he able standr au_ ('alill lArig Ili, ill PaWpin)" wid blves.�, fi
other %V I. 'r thirty ! cars Of At I lie film's first howhig I lit your thilIghter".4 .I Ivcn-;igvr, site' t A 1: K, t
-gel ,;fill be
Ilenry" "t,1110".roness; and inillati- Njullich rercutly Soft
elfctl project would ervil, a new 11till- t1b6ill pliflo, and Would liappily.repttnl i4v hirkin of ]let -
see EWA 11
"k declary, tlfvr iq gettifig cut, The artilivial lo�k,rillg of life ff-ri,(Wite Icjl,l loll over ber room, RX
111p molI, let 'quiply pl��vvfliC Itkilljoo all-olll
not half a-illillion Ns bf;�
111" "aug", I wyintler Ilctilteraucan
sit crall)C3 gli Ili, aill
Lf I'm goiqe; lo 116 abli. ill I IV oll�;10, q))Os ,I- f vaptl� R R
illy life NW , ill) Itilli", If,! told her w'i'll ninichiflill 4,0vorlel, pellicotij J)illo,%\' shilih fill- hi -r'
land it) he I'LI'lailoVil fl"1111 tilt! Si'a, w.
ruarried Uughter, Aliee, 'ro bring this about Soorget would UZ
'bed. And vcj)�;it ifi('�'pllttern I'll r1wlIed droperiv.s. Tile
build a .11lighty flaill across [Ile
\Vlly, hllw� vull talk, ts?a sok i! hakmoto i
virect Is, as lively as I'Us)ffifll jqflly'l 4
- It] ip
Alive 100461
"Well, Allaulif,,Oeeall, whit-i'l 'weenq ]-it 'I'vi-Imps yom It I )o, I'vel i'mir I)MI,i)(fill could, w;("ll fill
e, 'Iod,600 clflli� cards �f' 7 p
tile Ili r"�pttraiit,; • and public 1, 1; 1 qii InMern, Youl. JIIL�bqlld ill
nu•tjct{itis xilo II Let-%
-c arcti't tilt- first to Ile waited Ile is hid tri have I;iovc,F1h;i'll rililles to Ili(,
if w he wouldn't even I l4e twed wilb 1 (.11611 e. Foly itiOnr4l
,,if. Atilt 1ply 1 e
matically that ouce tile water $tit
bank his Vioney front that last real froin- thp- -Aaantic J� cut- off tile
estate (Icki just because' Ilierli was- All eye-etitching effecljs ZI(-1IjeVC-(l wbell v6li a6ardYOUr
a title ,f hint."
111 plhfa olli"'oom enskirlible;.Gade' sewn,
a r lad rata of about 5 feet; I frielle, 'a heti Will) a ph id pelliewl, a Iml-ii6nizina coverlet Ili I
"Just. 41�n't pay any aticntiou to by Tf poration. led cotton taffeta, should bringig-aiety to
11 Ile(, advised. "You pro solid color, and a pillid hot ler. Leave 'your draperiQs laid set b- I is A tiantic , Dapi A% ould arch any rolont. The staccato p e petticoat} cover -
ably agg6trate him more whola you �oni into ' the -Luccin.: across' lhePhlill 10 10)le Ill Willi Ibis more subtle combinafloil. let, pillow sham, curtains and valance-
argueWilli hill]. Maybe he Isn't Straits Of.; Gibraltar. ;It would 1)e
well?" i 500 yards -thick at its base' off the
"Thcrq',s nothing the matter with -sea-bed: 4nd::taprr gradually to 50
him thavist good hard jolt wouldn't yards at the fill) to withstand tile come fit,- inil rThp Jfactw I,cvnice (If the iarw is nqt o-,, inan-
New Test For Cancer
umt l
core, and I'm going 6, think tip q, tremendous pressure of water. No
,say to INC him dtit Of hi; cumed- ;flood -gatws.would be pr6vided.
I I . T. � Obsolete Ports T Ailtr Dr Jbu J. I;:*tL'r,
ties$," Bess at) ouriced.. THEFARM-1 -ON Shares Ili flie piolit "llnuld h. I i
ra;,� 11�centi',Iv
Bill sfic hada
't yet thodglit 110 The advalitages might be great, leterillinoi h." the amount of each in,.u4- uiothvrs Min'T'lit-to their
the jolt when she and Henry were file, he draining of the Aloolitfor- per i -1
u's cutribullou. .Adjustments I "ung, X-Alat is prol'abli, 2 virus that
driving Pill for groceries that eve- rancan Sort, as it is now, would pro- 11111 -IL be made from time in time
in-tithices canctr, of the breast in
culargimt the son's Investment until life, 'IlLciali,04 -fit cancer
lung. vidt it vast new land area. in an 0 6QUSS-ed -
I a . :, lie readiv., oil etioal base with his
"G t fo have,46nrc 'gas, in thei car over -crowded Elfrope. 1J I rv.4,ardi have Speculated if a similar
11 father. 'rhi,, Ili aL)Ile as the soil viru- Ili- "milk fro,tor" account., for
before %�e van go to town," Ilcur
call malur,, and lie!ps to keep the cau,tr of the brc;1st in women.
y 'it isw - - I - ZW__
a�nounod, a scot -ing tip all
would become at — V
f�il olmict a ::i764
the present Ilediterr"I
his oncO'so-1, arid f(ce. coast, brit the no* land.%Voiifd coni- linfiner-hil, running sinc,whly. Dr. Bittuer �'pvriniented with fit -
I need Some Itione
"�Ieu y hensaie'-for I'liesew1osses, bred mice of kn-,wn ancestry, but
she fiff;ncd him as they drove lost who Richard D. Resler hap- than hec"rV the war. Good Inaliagellielit is Important there is no corrv-ponding material
Soorgel points out that it would pens to be ;T do not know. But are alillo't 1lvpi1,;c to clit lw"au i
along. not be possible to drain qomple�clY 1i to the,,ucv,,s Of the farm, and it on V.Ilich to base trustworthy coil-
"Wellj her", takd_miy wallet and 0 recently a fricud sent me a cupping' your in,nvy k jtlr;ol� 'hould It, ,:,area I-qually by both Illusions tha'. apply to litinian be-
,: I
file ' entire recently basin, TO partners. Ili order for the farm if I ig,;. '.%fast of u- tilt not know who
'get 0110a ten-spot.". , . I I I do this another Chain across " ft r ie of an article by that gentleman
Sileuly she i,-ounfed ihi,'bllllt• N _ - which was so interesting that 'I
0 Dardanelles would be needed, and 'Now file 'llic thrl lAllilo'sS 10 Inalit ol0n.-Y. Crops our great-great�grandparents
It i: at were,
sense il, Henry carrying that much four big riVCTS 1,VIIiCh Cropty Into. am going to quote it almost in to do? I have ifieIntont.-Cl the advafi- must produce high yidds, animals whervas Bittner knew the genealo-
moneylon him. She, I its entdrety�'Mr. Reuter writes like
�,4c ped 'her- tile Mediter�atif5an — ;the Ebro, rages of a two-juan farm-. •Sfin6 tile must do well, anti machinery must gie.,z of his -pur�, inbred mice:for a
self in# replaced the wallet., _RhirTe�, ]?a , and . the Nile- would a man w1io-knows what's -what, and money is alrelo.'y inve4ted you must be effici,litly used. Xecords niust -liuiitlre(l generati--il, and more,
11.en�, pulled into the nelg�baqr- have to be 'diverted, ; although what he says. refers spe-. tit) production -per -acre to cut down be accurately kept and the partner- NI"itli the aid of the electr6ii mi�l
bood l(�s-station. No Onto 0111ne Out. If this project ever materialized, cifically to conditions in the United large over -head costs. By addin ship should Ile. in writing. to pre- croseope, minute spherical particles
States middle *c5t, there's plenty 9
extra help to re f,,r additional vent misunderstanding, to support can be seen in x4mlil" of milkob-
orcielithits say 41�- would result . Ili i Of -food fbr thought for 'folks here livestock, such is dairy vows, feed. income tax returns, to make it rallied from nursing mice known to
.,c4iat;gc of cliniata, favourable to in Ontario As well. er cattle, more brood saws, and the coulI,IVt-.qy blisilless-like, and legally carry tile virus or iiiilk factor. Shni-:
Northern Europe and especially to
the British Isles, because the Gulf`:
feeding of all. grain produced on binding to both -parties. ter spherical particles have' also
Stream wottld'b�_ readeVed lufich� 1 Is farinilig a-une-ruffirt job? Carl your form, you will increase the •4: 11 been found in cancer cells or cancer -
one mail- farm alone and •do the .productivity' of your farm, over:a The actual inethod or ilgrecalent cell `extracts. Ott the other ]land,
'lea, best job, cvprit with plenty OE labor period of years'. This is an endless made benvven fatlitir ;tile, soil will milk- obtained fruni female mice
Al present this warining current' saving, devicese cycle of feeding lives -Lock to add that 'are highly resistant, to, fire , ,
which flo9;s irickoss the t"itlantic to I . 1. _.. k I . vary front rase to case. There are ast
British, shores, is cooled by cold .9 lti -fertility to the soil to produce more three hasic ways to form such It cancer shows very few- such lartt-
water which flows deep -,through •I,: believe tide. b-atrining-io, a two feed for more livestock, pariner.,IJilp and I Shall prescut ales or urine at;:all 41'blese To
discoveries s rt view, that
'ion becautio-a two-man them to Aou.-Rerneinber, cacti par, upp. , the vi
the Straitir of GibrMlar into ille roan propolsit
4)tl t.1c � 4, ,,, Ititrin can betrifide more,profitable Let us assume that vve are going nership will dclicild all c;tVital in- factor i4
than q -;pan - me the milk
farm. Two it
rj ih, k* I to.liavc a tvvo�ruxn ftrin. We conte vestment, capital accumulated, la- Milk Tests on Women
p C� to; have siown.- .that, call 24 il-ionilis labor each
despite it,11111 considerablIr Inw- supply to the problem of sectoring this bar involve(], size of enterprise, ail+I Drs. Ludwik Gros, Albert E.
lubrils ill t
year, whife offi- moih "it - tied, -dowry geibfi& man_ I present,. -tho first of tile he Gensler and. NoliletIf S. McCarty
flow of Atlantic water into the Ile- 0 ' the, mluibel
there is at the bottom. 24 hoorg 'it day, W -days *a year. thoice- for every fariner, Itis so - - thoilght it iVould be a good idea to
ditprratican the n lip.
Consider also how conveniently * an `n0k
a counter curren roilict. I _y or sons, In` �itsc el
el't ir cold, two farui by he itis no sous,
Is s 'soil: n1fight In tht� first plan thoi�son fornislidd tron. -ruicros�ope tet -1
-3 r x9fLter., which„ uot i �nly, cools -the- takiug�,, turns going 'an- vacations, lumba,somedne -Q c discover •i#;it
�I; lo interested. In Illinois, in 1940,
Ile I liked t P, I tell Ii 13illf ��fiailr but'dilerig-its' course be in only his labor and his share of the also contained tilt,, 1,011.5f
bonke again, not once but twioft�• *d-privcntait;reacIiing the crintin- worki4Z together, , car�u'gf�OFT Vit Mt 35% of the farm operators were management.- Annual, settlement -is tale spherical particles, Young,
live8t4ek. in the w titer and slifirIng over 55, wilerel-Iin 020,only: 24%-. made qn: a Ca".1i aild-irrvo;rtbity Wit, ",healtlp�,-wanieri \Nbo had Imnif de -
and tI 11 agnin—a long blast. Bess ell( of Hurn directly. field work in thcP%1@.;1iJr �-aod-jalll I were beyond 41igt:ii ' k"Isa-we t liv�re-d 6f� babies- within a w k
u of . contain her -self softy lojiVr, ge� ifid
cou"" Also, ;if one mail "is llijurcd 'o� is that each year three out of every The second plan is shnilav ex• of the mUk te:,' and �AE`w`ece
.,.ell silo a '77 ill thol; other call takc,.g,ey,.t;ey.4,p.c!r3 live boys are "pushed off the land," cept atillual ijettl�flicllt ill Alade on illfr4ing at jibe time were question�d
airily tivithout ass
luic' 'fuld That is, for every: rive Zbofyrr.., is a cash- ludofjle,. ailld cilllurseulellt as the :occurrence of cancer ill
-ith hill) r 1
I - A' r- iT.i,'Ainii; '0"fi rSMUAges to
'IN I Ilenry, doa t be io' 1111pa-, .3 expente involved in hiring help. Sears Ili 'f at their families. Tell milk samples
d tile age, Olilk two tit poli- basis, w1ilit'chatige in inventory coil.
tient", she said meekly,
a 'tions were vacated. These boys -6idqrzd olilt-in fin4liscttlenivilt. were collefted from women whose
11W 1, for the. -love of Ilikel The council to Tipton England, -
Whet a mail )Yalv lifiblic, jakefuj7to lb , Oil(, farmer lit Tows, staled that inust,fiodiwork elsew1wre. In the sisters, ul,others ,r grandino-thers
, � ill I�X�lid,5)tttjt he had more lilimey-Ifti'llslo iul -1 past half century the excess younk,
t gave file fiorn' -I- '�e_ a The Lhil-41111d best plan for a
Wallis Jack Holden Gar( 11 machiliery than Ili �ruld: A.Jlicck men -.f
. VXv in V ltl:T " - - . I - from arni have been absorbed soil with tmie capital and overhead
anoill fierce blast, 5 - -do4incrinava.te,,ifie running rec- of 30d�Ioiva fainIA'Mriefietri6a tirl� "ty inithist& and profqsions. Tit'
'Ili Ilenry,you know that horn ords of forty-threo-year-old- J%trk ��14-yei�-s from 1932 to 1946, proved- Shift from COAjytjy:oo_t11pJci1f, to,
or -
sticks sometimes. You'll ,have it Holdeki, who, last A.ugt st, wo 0 at the opela lt�, plus his
. . . . . . . 1 1, expect to continue. -tre of �' the
11 );that dhile the acreage in crops, and be e -
"Is. 'the ritimboy,•of livetitook.rin farms;...
sticki if ;1iloo 11110- '-;kar4'cat'T ifaratlid? dt `Blrblm 4. 41� , sIli
"TI It they Can fix it."�-. !6ndP. MUN Jo(c1c lost. liis„.sljol�s during .-sell party is paid
, 1 1,
flia er f, I
has scarcely'changed, montits I wish 'to call your attention to for his CQlltVfl)UIj0oS.. Here are,
free 1)eph tried'
he to left it again. No oil ratlion last of manpower was. Peplacid by the adv.,It.lgcat:wd�-qr,.alification.i it
out. February,11is-fept, Jult-dep by or 00' worth a infichillerY.' With-' of -it fathol-soii part nev.Z it). This is ;fail Co. ssfull in, our earn -
)pt aruAld",� b rn,u, proven &if c
411�' a doubt, hired m011 CIO not one of the besf
erivi ii conth
I ZX& arr.3ifli Nil going rt its
Z. a two-inan farts. iltia
In 'T .t it :F�pt $�00 a, intlnth,,ilo, gay aiot�ing mlike
ausagek nu),Z c
ttill't r
t S_
Thing '.E thEll)"111 Ilk(, .1'*I-- 'ft of the advantages of a�4No-;n Whether yi,�i live- ou` f arm'' or
.� )y it - irin a all,
11 der-, n ,wJjQi Ife fs,) or hip in Saithib, machinery 'if
Out. call see i&d,,g&)d1Nnum are par -1 The b.)� however, must be Inter- Ill: the, l ter -
in q you should -Ile In
usually part of his trabilug. diet, 11 .4 7 X e.q in" 6velo ri-T
movie oil
W around. Cos. ektod and qua le 'djlno.. tslp
BesN watched. Yes, she could see :qe,alsf� thrives on. hipbone steak ivith expevicilce,
training, even tem-
. ..of ctfects it
'A Acen to' North Dakota farmer i� Icr,q rnov,1,n,.,intI, Cliff, interior,] &�Iq �cggt;, A. akot warwor-
6 e Clor Per"111011t, '9004':hftllth, and k!d1?ca- may bai�b 'on 611f food 'Supply wild
u ill'! 1,
a hadn't been turn- finish a marathon of twenty-six tared over it $20 an acre investment door are lie �d, J� bpy handica tcoaadli,�,, coil ditiorl., itll.o I
C( in"roul
ed a yet. She s YSITOwirl 'nolf ttic J&st-16i in tn;lchincry.- 1 -lo Jgpi it .1 ,.20.0 ped n an� w*h'Y_ K t fdt�hi hifrfdc�* try.
19�) vvyl So,
inside find to illhis farm �vork may be better off
,hint( I de a ft. -5 in.
Intent of
I H, 11".y. I
him, holl cese �n4bo: I acres
7 1 1 a total 'q:. Do those of you who farm be:
Sit saw pri), Kill; t: adil 1,0`41illds. Z24,"001 war", Clfg""A lfif�- �Aii" town. Boys not interested ill live that your f
far vr�,, -in is producing at
,__. .1 at
made ter heart skigna:ibleat�.1 11c; waszza, fook 11bw work(�I' at we gd1tfVtrifiattcr�cV'gdOd 4arillilig dr whose wives CIO [lot tile holiglit yf procificri
ent Lit) Ili g 11 anob X- ilikoriiii rult 'Ji,4 166"Ni6li 'IeVents bushic�ss, lit investing innahWPIAWt care for tile counfp, df 'lifd
haute e*
-tile iliac], i if cry" cos IS per farm acre
A sti --upi` Over evV er, to replace lalif
,y disl aj?z f 11 One" 11111 qri?,X.&)ver
cost are i>etter off if anoilier occupation, be .-Cut %1�jy - tiva men? Add more i
rlIdesr V all ifibink ;hint One of thp best ways for boys to liv�eSt�ck incl start the endless cycle
',illy- snty-lp. many ways to the great
After all, she couldn
'The c ought0cribe Illinoip farms, S,flfiANM, IlverzilVd` �-!Let started, and also something for to build fill 3:q-ur Larin. jeep the
K65 ill acre, One'-hal�. fathers
Henry. She learned
the '-_�brogrcss A -ittf` itu!'X lit n'tid Nvilltel. philtilig. it
in l A. to, l ole
3f - Ll .1lar's
vv,� n"),pop"'t'l, 118"
F.F.A. RetIN"I"C'S' A A"
down. It stuck Imasm, tile g lfl�d""IIcIP;nj ��,fth tile.
it wol it, A.�4aKtcfl_at all early ago and en.
q i -s t -harvest,lit, the fhll,—Iqltll ollougli
I edtlirou�gh the years Itly a* is,
The he station floor flew open. TeN, V: rAAROL §IVA ini, e sonars r forl'boih yl el, ie 1.
two gttotsar :",
Fifulldw4 i
vroscolo, fill: lA,. !6
from young fit the ,
moth( rs of Nr :, I,
breast rayocr wa.
caner susceptible. o,"',
off the sbirty tV6, I =:',I
I It ar m:
p!it aiii, d F"
Ilia ;de., 11, I,.r ;"s,r.
Isulatctl if Fl Ilk
w,, -1411,11)] sti"lit"n. 'i
four -afollh s apotare'l free
'I'llerical pat th 1e , but
faill smilti OuNfillil'o-d
. Does flli,, study prove tont
Illi{, millaills file h
prodiii-i !up, vbrun or inilk is tor
I,uell , ennousifilit is justified,,
Dr., 6r+1lo". (,essler ;vtd Afq(,i,I,.7
say �'y ill soporous rill their e ; - -
muu ,loulld evIlvIlljon i Cull I,e
roricirp(I i"lly wh011, tit i0f Mature of
gte! spherical particles discovered
11) Iol 11'an milk is kpow-r.
Deepest Spot
In Any Ocean
miles wilt d al,,ng it are the
greatest sea (epthl; ill the world.
The Einden Deep was discov-
vred by offffic,r., of the GeIrnian
cruiser "Etuden". to 19.29 ;by -means
of s"Imiliogs.
tile') deep-sea somiding
apparatus has been greatly im-
miles under the Ocean east of tile
Phillipine Islands, ist IfFee to 5j'*
proved, and' latest fi(IftsuiPenionts
Indicate that the German figure of
35,400 was all. the generong 8iitle.
Ani,,ricarf scieiltists say tlyv,r4r-_'%
rect depth of the Holden Deep is
Only 33,192 feet as compared with
the 34,300 (nearly 6 ' 1,.� miles) of the
liewly discovered pQiqt whicii hU
Neen named the' Cape 'fobilson
Deep after tile nrune=uf flat survey -
ship thatmade the discovery.
The immensity of this depth can
be, imotgpol from the:fact that the
greatest . bight of the land surface
at the earth is Ilount Everest.
f �11V 1-41 feet)-. " - . " . ;- - . -,:
Thus the highettmiouritain ill
tile I livarld' could 'lie salbiliturged
ivith ease in this vast Ocean. chasm
- The Ficlfi c contains- "kriiamr
depths than any of the761her
oceans. Several Soundings,- Thi,a,
deeps of over 30,000 feet,
abut .inahe Atlantic pqly_ txy, plaqeS.
. at, e 1:11OWn ,to- hie det-pair- la�d-94,
.A00 feet.
if -the. sca hed ev e` yNviiere, were
to Ile graded to one level, the sea
all Over the world would be be-
tjvc,.u, I -O, 4i
U0nd. 13,00 feet deep
This -1 it I i . e a . if - s - that'whille life aver -'age height of the land above sea -
level is less thrift half a mile, the
average depth of the Ocean is near-
ly two-and-il-half ntiles below sea.
level. %
inaske bandli fituck his head out. we rounudd farming 1,10gr
I that supplies a suitable inroil:I5, tit
alt t. a gpod sign of an hit6rLsA boj-
t�vl Q.,
,0-ibad manager, and 1
hirn, I ting to keep her idles
term profits -rise. ',W
Points %
squeal jig ia-lugll-s -,Inc. I!, i good partner. I All hlie�,c if
opt slioplil be consificred
TV% Xy
"Ge that
he foli 'fell•
it w how,
S Nexty Q
11 y V0441"IM ffld"• Oe'�sii- a
0111, Of floors a 1; 1136
ocket." She cooil mist corisr
PA -f c c5h Q3 th, I
Ill his ei A
stickin P visions a FIY�,-By-Xight jojxit�7TN, NsObIg-e ()f; a,,wreckc�(t c, v. (I pi�
gna .pooplo i I A 11 . -
A vy�s Converted itit,o a swick hitir for airmen -Wan �;Idyf�i�ced Air
0% -1 hafild be pg&y -,,e base in leo ea' b-Iside the
9 to4%IrIV N'
rill at If,
stoppil d, bit must be large QUOU I es. Ift i.
co!'ll or
furnish both partners safficienNitij?,J., kitchen,
'Cot to oil, Eddic, we've, lgoli and ew-n tt 'Go7j
scram out of here, the first one
%ficroake slid they came 9d
Lbtttt<,�k001- vliTr9P,'5•
rim to a parked car. By that time
a poli e
Elan alul- I-AlT1 tt d
nett ti
re I
Ho fry Ilitiviliure(l in i suboltiold
voice. But my banIC4,041 I
Afilp.r litIARQ%,
r 10F IT
ANDY B 8120
Bells had taliel
allthe mgni»
except nine dollars, but I think
I pation't0l. 141 lf
!Z) f!
OXQ'd I F'"
W�)t T:41119is
litild, wait your tuvil",
r-iRsr La5iow IN - W60DO
Lbtttt<,�k001- vliTr9P,'5•
Be P S
EW, Popp