HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-1-31, Page 5is IOW ate are and Ile ,ds. THE BRUSSELS POST January blab A.6 GREY The annual congregational meet - lag of Union 'United Church was held In the Sunday School room on Thursday evening, January 18th, with a large attendance. The meeting opened with Hymn 240, followed by scripture and prayer by Rev. it. G. Hazelwood, who acted as chairman. The business began with the reading of lust year's minutes. Mrs. Haroid Keys then gave the auditor's report, Following this the treasurer, Mae McIntosh, presented th,' c'hurc'h report which showed a balance or $300.08, and then Ruth Melilonnld and Marion Shtells favoured with a duet, The W. A, report wan read by Mrs. R. W. Whitfield and also showed n favour- able balance of 0418,08. 'Phis was followed by two solos by Titian Prescott, Airs, Percy Ward gays the W. M. S. report, stating that $55,00 had been forwarded to the Presbyterial Secretary. The Sun. day School report by Jack Cox, also revealed a gond balasce of $228.01, Mrs, .Tack Cox, superintend - 1 001 Of the newly organized Mission I Band, reported that 811,03 had been gent to the Presbyterial Secretary, I'Patsy Rathwell then played a piano solo, Stanley Meehan moved a vote ni thanks to Rev. Hazlewood for his s'ervic'es rendered ihroughout the yrar. During the election of °Miters the . following stewards; Leslie McDonald, Bill Bremner, and Arthur Rack, wire elected to serve along with Selwyn Raker, Elmer Locking, Cordon Sp!' train, Percy Ward, Flstran Sneiron, and Mac Molnta•11. The enllectnra are to be Clarence Ward, Harry Fevans. Everett Robin- -•m, anal Ra1pd1 Meehan, and are to he assi:ited in ushering by Bill Brem- ner, Clair Barlow, and 'Pine Dilworth, Rev, Hazlewood pronounced the hene- tliction. after which lunch was server'. MRS. L. A. WRIGHT Port Dover — Mr's. L, A. Wright, Brant 11111, Port Dover, passed away in Norfolk General Hospital on Sat- urday, following two weeks' illness, in her 03rd year. Daughter of the late Hector Me- Qualtie and Elizabeth Armstrong, site was born at Brussels, Ont., and was married 40 years ago. She had bites a resident or Port Darer for the pact five years, cooling here from Toronto. 11's. Wright was a member of St, Paul's Anglican Church, vice-president of the Wo- man's Auxiliary and a member of St Paul's Club. Bight, s her husband, she is sur- vived by nue 8e0, William A. • Wright or Toronto; two daughters, ' Mrs. R. IT, Roberts (Margaret Eliz- abeth) of Ainherstburg and Mrs.' D. A. Berlif (Helen Gertrude) of Toronto; a grandson, Richard Roberts, Armherstburg; a brother, William McQuarrle of Brussels; and L' a s;st• i, Airs. 11. J. Nubor of Vic - Luria, 13, C. Mrs. Wright rested at the W. 13. Thompson, Funeral IIume until 1 aes44ty, when service was con- ducted In St, Pawl's Church, with Canon D. J. Cornish officiating and interment in Farrington Cemetery, Brantford. MORRIS The second 110e of Morris weekly euchre party was held at tlts home' of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bosnian, with elr;ht tables in play. High points were held by Miss Velma Agar and 1 T snort James; lone bands, tics. ITiu' ey Edgar and Wi11Iam Elston; n mnsolatlon, Mrs. Watson and Don -1 l McMurray. FOP, SALE — 2 set of sleighs, 1 box stave, steel tired wheel barrow or rubber tired, Wesley Searle Phone 18r4. CRANBROOK 1. student, :lir. Bissell., Gpdei'ich, t oneuetc d the 8Prvices in Knox 1 re-,hyterianO Church 00 Sunday, Phe Young \0 'Rico's Auxiliary are holding a iet•luoh supper In the church basement on Friday evening of this week, Feb. 2nd, at 7 o'clock, 1., be followed by a program. Every.. body is welcome, Glenn Hutthrr hoc retuned home g cin 0 ten rip'; 01914 trio to Florida. •,rcntnp:anytna lin \iacraouald of llracsulc. \1'm. Brown assisted Mr,;, I Mr. WM, '(1111(101! is at pr/....,pt ...sr :' ith hi• daughter Mrs. ,Lls, Sepforth. i1 DI it \i, lora l 1' (411)in un! n. iliit" ai 1h srhool here till. to Sirs. .7:a P,t•euuner ho.tng Off 41411y owing' to 11111554. o New No -Draft Venlipanes ... A Cob thot's "Driver Conditioned", cool in summer, worm in winter. O Massive new 114-h.p. Torquemastor, 105.h.p. Loadmaster, 92.h.p, Thriftmasler. 410) '- -• +.mow '_..ate'..... ..v.rru'f_" n .+.air_...-jn•. i-.... _. ,,•_.r..... :,_ a-_� o Added safely from new, improved brakes , . out- _ standing styling, performance, dependability, durabili/yl 11EIN 1951 MODELS NOW ON [DISPLAY You are the winner when you choose Canada's leader ... the new 1951 Chevrolet truck, You get the truck that's engineered to do more work, hold down gas and oil expense, require less maintenance. You getthe truck that's far and away the most -wanted truck, everywhere, and is now improved to serve you even better. And you get all this la a truck that is Canada's leader in value, too. See these wonderful new 1951 Advance -Design Chevrolet trucks now — and get all the facts. Come in and see us today. o Long on mileage, short on upkeep ... and easy to service! 0 o Chevrolet's low prices and high re- sale value put your money ahead all tho way! Riverside Motors, • ,,..�a. utt•dr.'t.a�:itynR,vs, t„ .... '�'i '/ `` ,1) VV• .1. �i1 w� CT -151A . •c £rum i,u" lc, ^'2" . - l...a to r{' !i'..a.l•. 1 Ln ,: c•t r:aes VALUE russets, Ontario. BES T FOR ANY R UN 5 BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C, C. PHYSICIAN and SUR.GEOPr Williams St, Phone 4. Brateseis, DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSTCLAN and ,SURGEON Tease 4 — Brussels, Cult, ` JOHN E. LO -G ST A.FF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Gasses fitted. Phone ''7.1 vas: fwr4La — Main Street. HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. G. AL f WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Winghaim 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings by appointment. J. A. Monagahan, R. 0. Optometrist, Specializing LISTOWEI,, ONT. 9 p g in Eye Exalmination and Nile Fitting of Glasses Office in Listowel Clinic Building Doers: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday p.m Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to 9t30. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. - Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 05 No extra charge for Use of Ftsanerel Home. 1,. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director btu Embalmer. SELWYN BAKER Agent for -- Hartford Wind Insurance McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Our Rates Are Reasonable For l rerther particulars --- Phone Brt,>:ssels 4 •!!I' „ ALU:° RT CAR IFF A' tat for HOW1CK MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Ovx rated are lower. Phone 21-r-4 Brussels, Oeat. C44arazo T. Davidson INSURANCE ME fL,F7 E Automobile evg Erre Marva a'ia Annickne and Mx? Lnese Aunt iter Great Mel; F.,^s"e fletivuu'+anaeo attl. c. ' / loo 9v ▪ Brs +veLe, OzA. . A. Ram .!'? Co. I51$. —i® A`i1MU A1C V1( I.lanaaiaed Fuxuaral''CrBehar ° un inIuuf r.r:ao.=.,erwx..,... MOM se or SO .— — MUMMA , I Dennis Djsuette Phone 51-r-118 R. R. 4 Bevesele Lixonce:I Auctioneer for Huron County 110 dile too h'',tt —'vane too Small Alava employed an experienced assistant for the )Mg Oza(sa. R. S. Hetherington, K. O. WINGHAM tad BRUSSELS AT '; ;i USSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day — Offac$ open every one 20s .33011.3=11.53,5316. _-.333mo Saccessor be E. O. Nell WALTON The January meeting of the 16th ; Grey group of the W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Anlrew Turnbull, - with Mrs. Rae Houston in charge. The meeting was opened with a ; short verse and prayer followed by the singbeg of Hymn 571, Mrs. James Mollonald read the scripture, a poem was read by Mrs, Rae Houston and Mrs. Doug, Fraser gave the topic followed by the Lord's prayer. Hymn 568 was then sung. The roll call was answered and ire minutes were read and adopted. It was decided to have a copper contest for the year with Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Mrs, Bert Johnston as captains, Baking Sales are to be held at some of the meetings. The first to be at the February meeting, Plans for a erokinole social to be held on the 16th of Febrary in the basement of the church were made.( The meeting then closed and lunch was served by the hostess. 6,000 CHICKS SAVED ST3AFORTH, Jan. 29th — About 6,000 two -weeks -old baby chicks were saved Monday night when fire broke out in a three-storey barn on Farm No. 3, owned by James M. Scott .Seaforth. The farm is a mile west of here. 4 Mr. Scott who was working in thr barn discovered the fire at the bast of a chimney and he called the Seaforth Fire Brigade. Damage to the barn was termer "considerable." FREDERICK F. hokurru Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. O. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R, 0. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harridan, 0xi i t1W t ci ai a t/ 1 1 icyCO re Essential N w Than Ever s Due to years of cultivation and growing ofcrops the soil becomes 141 depleted of many necessary minerals, etc., consequently many piing do t11 pot contain adequate nutritive value ;1 This Is one reason for the need of supplementary feeds to make a pro- perly r perly balanced radon for dairy tows. You can't got milk without toed. The more a cow will oat the more milk yen will get. But Cho feed must be properly balanced and tannin the necessary amouato of vitamins end minerals as well as proteins and care bohydtntes. To Snake more money, keep Yholy well bred cows and feed them to the limit With Blatchford's Dairy TJieni which is very palatable, contains abundant 4015(1110of cif the risen Nal vitaminr, tninarals and 1. tits mot economical feed you au buy. For Sale by, Ethel Produce Phone 22.r-10 tArpy M' atOJereatl* r