HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-1-31, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
•d jr? rz .....— VW !ts 1r I,
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M9.ncN-, a:1's
8hollubricatlon Sael! Hvasehold and Snell Petroleum ro -ra
elenersi Repair Livicet':k Spray Parts anu Aocaaaerirsu
r hone
Brussels, Ord,
Chesterfields and Occasional Chair%
Also Rebuild Mattresses
Pick- : p and Delivered
Strad ththolsterim Co.
43 Branshwick Sweet Stratford, Ont.
8r1QL6iTC at —
D. A. R1A..1'
Furniture arta Funeral Service
Phone 36 or BS
Brussels, Out.
New Dodge Savoy is Introduced
New this year is the Dodge
Savoy, a special deluxe edition
of the popular all-purpose, all -
metal Dodge Suburban, The all-
purpose all -steel Savoy offers
the style, comfort and safety of a
fine passenger car with the dash
and colourful beauty of a station
wagon -- yot it can be instantly
converted into a load carrier
with the capacity of a light com-
mercial vehicle,
Canada's expanding Navy needs more men! The
Navy's job is important to every Canadian—important
f`a you in more ways than one. By doing your duty
to your country you can gain a fine career.
Life at sea is a challenge, and you must be physically
fit and able to live up to Navy standards —but it's a
man's life, and the Navy offers you a life job — a
job full of interest -- a healthy job. You'll see foreign
places, and there are fine chances for advancement.
eezcSt .
deg& raga; avatar wedrowid
If you are between 17 and 29—have Grade 8 education or better—are a
Canadian citizen or other British subject, write to the Recruiting Officer,
Naval Headquarters, Ottawa; or write or see in person
and find out about the opportunities for
you in the Royal Canadian Navy
There are
and especially '
today in: -
The Navy will train YOU
fit, as a specicllist. Get
the Facie (today. , ts.
Wean( eday, January 31.01, 1951
Ladies brown salt, size 18.
Phone 18.
Yorkshire sows, due to farrow in
Jon. and Feb. Itegietration if desired,
Phone 4305 Jas, Knight
Quantity of mixed grain or oats,
picked up and weighed at your farm
apply to the Brussels Post. Phone 31,
Set of sloop sleighs, centre shoe-
Ing, good as new.
Thos, Pierce Phone 36x6,
2 ycin ug Durham Cows, springing,
2 young Guernsey Cows springing.
Dan, McKinnon Phone 24r12.
1 kitchen cabinet and 1 kitcben
range good as new.
Jnek Yuili Phone 58r7
Seconr]-liaud Fligh-chsir, In gond con-
dition, airs. E, Courchesne or
Phote 31 the Brussels Post,
Funks G Hrbrtd Corn,
Your local dealer
Wni, Stratycituk Phone 48r8 Brussels
Chesterfields, chairs, etc„ very
1 ,' nice coverings, Phone WmReld,
I Goderieb 53M or Call at Store,s. 79s-
limntes given, 25 years experience.
See us, Phone ne, Write us.
Rawlei ih business now open in
Huron County. Trade well estabIish-
_ 1 cif]. Excellent opportunity. Full time.
r „ per . r " Vp e ; Cirritn at coca. Raerrigli's Dept,
CODERICH TOWNSHIP NATIVE lies: w- ° v"v u a>u.1' i 18n 3Tontrel.
Th., uinur.l meeting of ) nox
Brt..i'y-ter:an Church. were held in Hearty w,shes for a happy 95th
the church with Rev. MacDonald Birthday were showered en Harry
(t. D int rim -Moderator, as chair- Combs.. of Tlrusr,ls, on Friday by
ratan and Miss A. 3. Forrest, see- mail and by friendly callers. Family
:'ct sts who were here to join in the
rotary. A surplus of funds was re-
,-.i:rtt'd by several of the various happy occasion were 2 sons, John and
,rganizations.. Ira and n daughter -in -Law. Mrs. Ira
The Pard of Managers was re- Combs, all of Deloraine. Man. An
elected for snot -bra- year and con- only la.l.ghter, Miss Vestaand a
i,ts of Jas. Clark. Miss A. J, Forrest, nephew, Menne Jackson, with
M. J. Rneei. Stanley F'.'scher, Alfred whom he lives. also- joined in the
TCnight. 3 ohn Perrie, Emerson 'Mitt ":1el`t' hien. Two othei• sons, Wil-
eltetl. John Rnhnork. and Alex Steins. liana and Orval. also of Deloraine,
A Beard of Trustees composed of were not present,
James Perste..Tohn Perrie. and Jas. Mr. Combs was born in God -
Clark were elected to care for church (rich Township in 1856, 12 years
deeds nr papers, after hie father and mother, imp
The visit of Rev, Alex Nimmo of migrants from Devonshire, Eng
Wingham and Rev, Mr. Sinclair, land, first settled in Stanley Town -
Riegel,. for the purpose of cultivating ship. Ile moved with his parents,
mnttol understanding thrnaghbut in September, 1859, to Blyth. reach -
the presbytery. was much apprec- Ing it by a trail through tele hush,
sated. Ile farmed there until 1889 when
literwewest to ork on the icon•
The Cranbrook 'Women's instituteezteionnt of the wC. P. R. in Mao•
held a "Family Night" in the•Com- itoha. After the completion of the
malty Centre on Friday. Jan. 2f,th,railroad,, he homesteaded in the
when there was a large attendance of . Deloraine district until 1919 when
rhe members and their families, he returned to the Blyth district.,
A potluck Supper was followed by Tie was married ltt' 1885 to
a short program. solo, Graeme Me- Csthertne McKay, a native of
Donnlrl; reading, Mrs. Robert Gam- ! Sutherland, Scotland, She died in
pied; dance (highland fling) Yvonne 1 October, 1929.
McTaggart: skit, Graeme McDonald I Mr. Combs is an (honorary mem-
and Sim Knight; mouth -organ select- her of the Blyth Orange Lodge No,
ion, Selwyn Baker; piano solo, + 968 which ire joined at the age of
Maxine Smalidon, An interesting I 17 in 1873. He clearly recalls a
movie film was shown by Ross ; visit to Brussels on a 12th of
Knight. included in this were pact- .Toby • in 1869 when there VAS
111 pe of local people teken while bhey i nothinb but breeh north of the
were engaged in activities at bbe Maitland River Mein street
Community Centre, bridge. He is still alert and cheery
Tlnehre was played with first prize ; and reads his newspaper without
donors going to Mrs, Bremner Sr, I the nisi of glasses. Ile missed feev
ant Gordon I{night. Consolation a- 1ia11 -games last simmer, in the
warns were presented to Mrs. Dick ; pari/ close to his home end tip
Whitfield and Bill Craig, The lucky I nears much yonneer than his 96
Mania( prize was won by Stan, Camp.. years,
bell. Daancin.g was enjoyed with I
tnnele supplied by local talent.
?.Ir. and Mrs. Harris Bell and clang- "RAW FURS WANTED" —
ters moved to Acton last week.
i Good prices for mini:, coon, Red-
* * ,t: j Fox, etc. Ship or write to
Mr. and '.airs, Scrimgeour anti
cl to hter of Tiilsonb1Irg visited her
eerie t; Mr. and 1Tra. Wm. Rawson,
k * *
Mr. and Mrs. Georg Bridge were
IA Ternnie last week and attended
the 0. 11. F. E. D. A. banquet,
* * *
Mr and Mrs. W. J. Perrie attenders I
the Ontario Retail Farm Equipment I
Dealers' Association banquet at the
T(ingsway Cleb in Toronto last
* * *
Mr. anti Mrs. Calvin Kreuter and
son and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kreut-
er are now established in their new
home which they they bought from
Mr. A. Synnott, Turnberry St, N.
* * *
Mrs, Walter Forrest is in Clinton
Hne,pital, where she was taken after
breaking her hip. The accident oe-
enrred on Satlyday at her home,
when she fell down the cellar stairs,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thnell moved
to Listowel on. Manday, Mr, Joe
Tllolell aeeompanied them, Mr, and
Mee. Wan, Spell- has bought the
'''hnell home and will shortly take
The nett meeting of the Cranbroolt Melville Church Service
W. T. will he held at the Community The service in Melville Church en
Centre on Tltesilay, Feb. 1801r at 8 Sunday' morning was taken by a
P. 111. Men and women of the Mom- Chinese student frim Knox College,
ninnity are invited to attend. Toronto, be said it was a privilege
. r-..,... and a joy to he here and hoped to
go back again to his own country,
It will pay you to read' the all Ads.
1n the I3uussels Post,
Thing rundown e
gales MN.
Gets P^dew Pep,
S4'ady Nerves
"r {rag very Indo& undo,
troadlt.1 01OO rundown nor -
rode, r took O. Clothed
16 lg, r 1616 080, 61,0,1 toes.
Ing and 800001r{aoek WOrO
5000 --•11'0 L. 08800, dial-
ta air i llotgina, o�rt. a
round OOut 4f'I ilio Indiana .111limbs; Ma. l Sava d
1140 Wks booth Ins mora 08 .1tve 'Amino t,1
proton 061,01 , w Igl t.1 1111ihlg 401110 End hes
11MOd, aids 010,llto 411nos1100 a0 food glume h ors
T6p, nnarlelnnoOt: Huta 11,11 on 8000 Im,o% P6n't
on 'Mang too tat. Moo toting ' I Wn sun ,cools
10,80,1 welaht, r{trmhmlmy 0a( a6GOe,t,i n10,1"
n100 only cog. 'fry entree 7m a 111d,te ror 8O{ti
Mutts, 0000 pop, today, EE 011 t ugist0. •
Formosa. to preach the gospel, be
also said that Rev. 1, L, McI{ay went
to Formosa in 1872. The morning
text was TA11c0 10.88. Blessed be the
King and pence in heaven' and spoke
most narneat'y. A well rendered
anthem was sting by the choir. Mise
.Tune Work taking the solo part,
It wild pay Fon to read the all Ads,
in the Brawls Post,
'Where passed away at his home
in Bleevale on Jan. 17, William
Nicholson in his 66111 year, after a
long illness,
The funeral service was con,
ducted on Friday at Ourrie's fun-
eral Thome, Winghaan, by his pastor
Rev. R. Brook of Bllnevale TJnil•
eel Church. Burial was in Wingham
cemetery. The pallbearers were
Ross Thnell, Stewart Nichol, Hoy
ward De Conte, Allan Breckenridge,
George Nicholson,. John Miller,
1 Mr, Nicholson was the elder son
of James and Henry Niohoison, pi-
nnners of this eommntnity, and still
owned the farm taken n.p by fila
Felber in 1364. Tit 1912 he married
Mary A. Breckenridge, who atm
vives together with four children,
Mre. Percy icing (Mae) of Tern -
berry, Mrs. Alfred 'Tapper (Daisy)
nt llowntanville. W. ,Tnhn, of Mor -
Is end Allan at home. A. son.,,
tenet Corporal Joseph, died in ac-
tion in Ttaly In 1944, Also surviv-
ink ere ten grandchildren, one
brother. Joan of 1' n'oberry, ,,and
tln'ne "deters: Mrs, George Rankle,
(Addie) nit Piinrn `MLTs. (lenrgo
Meflord (Mauro) of Walden, Now
Yorir , an1 Alts, Sosdyih De :Cents?
(Florenee) of Toronto,
Mr. end Mrs, Nicholson retired to
the villiogs about a year ago and
bud Tanned to celebrate their 60- 3
'weilriing anniverser n short),',
(.rens.-Tann nos. 264 Spadina Ave.,
Toronto, Ont. 1F
fur yfa�t®
take river,
Yes , , i'ettcly and waiting
for stronger hands to take over
the heavy tasks which the older
folic have carried through the
long years of war. , . - Every-
thing is in good shape. Dart
has seen to that. The Tine heri-
tage created by his own labour
and prudence is protected. loo,
by it SUN LIFE insurance
policy which will, should he
die. take care of the mortgage
and any indebtedness normal
to good farming operations....
Yes, Dad made a good 'lob of
planning for the well-heing
and security of his family in
generations to come.
;? eoresentativ9
Phone 43x Brussels
20 aer -, eed land in Morris Twp.
Bond buildings, hest of water, hydro,
immediate possession. Write or
Phone n5.1=26 Dublin
Earl TIealy. R. R. 1 Dublin, -.
Tiray chicks. prompt shipment
cockerels. pullets, mixed. dayold,
started, Tt's "smart" to hey early —
It's good business too. Ask us Inc
price list," particulars — Wm, Glen
Pray. Ethel.
C.ash — up to $10.00 for Dead or
Disabled Horses; $10.00 for Cows;
Hogs $2.50 per Cwt, — at your farm,
Prompt service, Phone collect
Brussels 72. William Stone Sons,
Limited Ingersoll, Ontario,
Order Lea -Weber Seeds early this
year. We have a fall line at seeds
such as Clover, Timothy and Perm-
anent Pasture. Corn, Oats, Barley
and other spring grains. .All Certi-
fied No. 1 or Registered. We also
have a full line of Garden Seeds and
Dutch •Sets, Need any Rawleigh
Produts, Write or phone
Geo, Wesenburg, Phone 56r0
We will be pleased to pink up dead
or crippled farm animals and pay
highest prevailing prices. For Mt -
mediate service telephone eoldeet —
Brussels 86-r-12 or Elmira 564
Gordon Young (Elmira) Ltd.
House with barn, garage and 2
acres of laud, priced to sell.
House with good been and 1 acre
of land, a real buy.
Large brick house and good barn,
a lovely home
House and small acreage, priced
Time and barn, priced to sell,
S. C. Long, Real Instate Broker,
Bressele, Ont.
The Majestic Women's Institute
are again sponsoring the 048'l& gar-
den Club for 1951. Farm girls
between the ages of 12 and 26 years
are eligible to join, If interested
3lease give Mrs, Sohn Speirs your
name before Feb, 1st,
W. L. Ba kar Er. Sen
Phone 6 Brussels
Keep the Road Clear for Same
Plowing as open can not operate
where gateways, or roadsides are
blocked by milk cans, cars ole., and
The Council will not be responsible
for damage.
By Order of The Council,
Township of Grey.
r --
It will pay you to read the all Ade.
in the Brussels Post.
ttee- NYintee-EI:8tTR;C